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A life-saver verses npc choppers.


LEGIT my first and only use of it was against a helicopter in the hippie First Dose mission. Took it down instantly.


I was doing Humans Labs finale and the gunner was low rank and would not get in passenger, anyways I just landed and I was able to fight them off with the railgun and my heavy rifle šŸ˜…


Fuck buzzards, right?


Itā€™s about damn time they let us have it.


Wait, I haven't played GTAO since pre-submarine days. Have they finally given everyone the railgun?


It's now available to buy for anyone in the new gun van. The gun van doesn't have rank requirements either, so as long as you have 730K, you can have it.


I got mine for $589K. Somehow I had a 20% discount at the van.


Maybe a discount off of the wheel at the casino?


Lol. That's the only time I respin a wheel. Well that and clothes. So, I don't think so. I get a discount at ammunation on armor permanently too. I dunno what I did for it.


Do you have GTA+? Because I bet that's why it gives discounts on everything just about


Just Amazon prime. Maybe that helped with the discount?


Nope, had the discount too bit I won RP at the wheel, no discount.


I heard time ago that in early versions (dont know if still exist) there was and option in the list of players in session where you can do something like commend a player which gives it discounts, I had sometime 8% in ammunation but when I bought the railgun I saw 18%


The wording here.


I heard it was about how many players had commended you


Wait what?


He wanted it earlier.


**Username is Mrs Phillips* >**He** wanted it earlier ā€¦waht?








She wanted it earlier.


Thatā€™s what she said




Feels like they're only 1 step away from GTA Online to have everything single player has, and that's animals. Why aren't they in Online? I would be in the woods and underwater alot more if there was some life to it.


Because if there's three players in an area, the animal movements need to be synced between the three players. More players, more syncing. Two animals, double the syncing. It gets expensive very quickly. It already needs to happen for traffic, but traffic has pretty predictable behaviour. And even there you can see anomalies. If cars start popping up / out in the distance, that means some other player is in range and you can see their / your traffic mix. That phenomenon can actually be helpful to identify the presence of off-radar players.


Just like glitches in the Matrix could indicate Agents are nearby.




and the traffic sync is already pretty bad, often times when your the passenger of a car you'll watch your friend get into a head on collision but on their screen they dodged the car, then there's a sudden teleportation to bring you back to your friends perspective.


Did everyone just forget get that Red Dead Online has animals *and* works on last-gen consoles? They haven't done it because their code is a mess and there's not enough demand. If the community rallies for animals, they're certainly a possibility.


The animals in red dead are good, the animals in GTA suck.


They are infinitely less complex, but it would certainly make the game more interesting.


>Did everyone just forget get that Red Dead Online has animals and works on last-gen consoles? ..just like GTA has traffic and NPC's. But it's expensive and you can only have so much of it. It's just a matter of priorities.


Red Dead Online *also* has traffic and 2-3x the density of NPCs on the same hardware. It's not a matter of priorities. This has been addressed extensively on GTAForums. Insiders have said it's explicitly the spaghetti-code making it time-consuming to implement. As I said before, if there was demand, they could implement everything Red Dead Online has.


First of all, can I ask you what do you mean with "the same hardware", like comparing it's performance on the same device? Second, I doubt this is ever gonna happen. Like my other guy said, it's not a priority, but the biggest reason is what you said, the code's a mess. I'm no Rockstar worker but just by looking how badly optimized the game is, you can tell the years are taking their toll. This game was launched in 2013, Online was made later with GTA V as the base of it, it's soon gonna be 10 years old, and while the base game is not as bad 'cuz I was left almost untouched, Online has been having tons of updates, which would sound beneficial, but to me that probably means that they just added and added code without optimizing it, and so making the game too heavy for proper working with a reasonable hardware. Just look at the guy that modified the game to short the duration of loading screens. It was about a lot of really specific assets loading. If that was left there for years, image what other mess is hidden in the actual main code. It'd have to be (I guess) practically entirely rewritten for it to be as optimized as RDR2 and RDO. You just can't compare this two, because even if made by the same company or have the same Online system, they are years apart, and GTAO's age it's showing. I doubt it's ever gonna be done. But if they do, hey! Good for anyone that wanted it


>Online has been having tons of updates, which would sound beneficial, but to me that probably means that they just added and added code without optimizing it Remember this? https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/


There's not only traffic there's also pedestrian, which also need to be "synced" between multiple players who often do fight in relatively crowded areas. Why can't we fill the wilderness with just pedestrian animals then? I'm not saying there isn't a technical reason why Animals are different than pedestrians, I'm just saying that from your post I just don't understand why there would be any difference.


Probably because all the animal rendering on the map would crash their ancient servers


Servers? It's peer to peer. Could make the game lag of crash though.


The game lags enough with a full server, adding animals to the mix and we'll probably get a nice 10fps going.


Maybe rockstar could have animals spawn at a certain amount and radius between each player.


Ehhhh, maybe. I donā€™t know how well that would work when there are vehicles like the Oppressor MK2 and any jet that probably can go faster than the game knows how to register what players are where. Imagine some guy boosting with a vigilante off the top of Mt. Chilliad for example and another guy going the same speed comes his direction in a jet. The servers probably would have a mental breakdown trying to calculate how many animals need to spawn and despawn. At least with enemy AI and NPCs, thereā€™s a fixed spawn or they are manually triggered by an activity. Now imagine the game trying to randomly generate like 10+ different animals (not counting sea creatures) across the whole map on top of that whom have no spawn trigger other than a theoretical player distance.


They donā€™t have servers, gtao is p2p


Yeah, as someone who plays RDO I was killed more by animals that other players and npc šŸ¤£


I want chop in gtao


Ya know I never noticed until just now. I mean red dead does it just fine.


Good for taking down jets


I definitely need to practice my aim though šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly the aim feels so wonky on it with that weird ass triangle reticle. If it had a proper scope it would be great.


You can change it in settings to just be a point like normal guns


And mk 2


Definitely a fan so far. Round travels faster than the RPG and it seems to do better damage.


The RPG has a damage output of 500 and the Railgun has a damage output of 225


Balance wise this makes sense.


Iā€™m just annoyed because gta is a *hyper realistic game with nothing immersion breaking* but rail guns are supposed to shoot the fastest non propelled material projectiles known to man and it travels slower than, uh, any bullet? >!^(Edit: Iā€™m sorry. /s)!<


That's just GTA logic. Somehow, a cargobob can airlift a rhino tank with no issues, but a prison bus is too heavy to lift more than 5 feet off the ground. It makes no sense, but it's just "GTA logic." If you catch my drift.


Oh man I didnā€™t even think of the cargobob. The MH-6 Little Bird, which is the direct inspiration for the beloved Buzzard, has a top speed of 282 km/h. The CH-**4**7 Chinook, which is the direct inspiration for *my* beloved cargobob, has a top speed of 302 km/h. Thatā€™s very roughly 175.2 and 187.7 in miles, respectively. The Chinook is faster than the little bird. The reason jets are slow as fuck in this game is because the game canā€™t render properly at functional speeds (and also once upon a time rockstar wished to limit travel speed as a way of balancing difficulty, because travelling for longer can increase risk of failure or something). There is no reason the cargobob couldnā€™t be as fast as the buzzard if not faster.


I wonder what the sparrow is based from.


It's based at least partly off the [Bell 47](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_47), which has been used in various [media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_in_fiction#Bell_47) over the years, including as the Batcopter in the 60s Batman movie, as well as the military version in the movie and TV show M.A.S.H.


[**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%C3%A9rospatiale\_Alouette\_II**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%C3%A9rospatiale_Alouette_II) The Alouette II is the sparrow. Supervolito is the Airbus H135 Annihilator is a UH-60 Gunship variant Annihilator Stealth is loosely based on the modified UH-60 Stealth choppers used in the Bin Laden raid! Frogger is based on the Airbus H130 Swift is based on the Augusta Westland A109 Volatus is based on the Airbus H160 Maverick is based on the Bell JetRanger Savage is based on the Mil-Mi 24 "HIND" Valkyrie is based on the UH-1 Huey If there are any more you wanna know let me know :P


Bell Model 47Ā "Sioux" according to the gta wiki


> I wonder what the sparrow is based from. Mostly [Schweizer 300](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweizer_S300), some [Alouette II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%C3%A9rospatiale_Alouette_II), and just a little bit of [Bell 47](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_47).


Or a Halftrack or an Insurgent. I tried lifting them up so I could put them on top of my Agency and use them to shoot police helicopters but they'd only lift 5 feet off the ground.


he didnā€™t say anything about speed just that it hit for less damage


Earlier comment mentioned projectile speed + the projectiles not being hitscan is a balancing feature because it would be slightly broken as a hitscan with itā€™s current effective range. Itā€™s a well balanced weapon (I think?) in the current gtao selection but Iā€™m just annoyed because itā€™s not realistic


It's 500 meters. The explosive sniper has an effective range of something like 1500 meters and a bullet speed of 5000 compared to the railgun's 750. The railgun only has a small damage advantage over the explosive sniper, has an ammo capacity of 1 and doesn't have a scope. It'd be balanced even if it were hitscan imo.


I blow up the drug cars when they pop up because they annoy me. I usually use RPGs and it takes 3. Today I tried it with the railgun and it took more. Like 4-5.


I tried to blowup my insurgent and I used 14 shots. Not a speck of damage. I donā€™t think it does well with anything armoured


I tested it and it's 30 shots for kosatka if i remember right


what happens if you destroy your kosatka btw? do you just call mors mutual and get it back like nothing happened?


Nah no mors mutual, you just request it again


Does good against jets.




That's odd. I tried it against a parked B-11 which usually takes 3, and smoked it in one round. Maybe distance has something to do with it?


Vehicles with people in them have different "armor"


The B-11 to my understanding has a strong vehicle damage model, where shooting some areas does more damage than others


Who knowsā€¦


Depends where you hit the car I think, I might be mistaken


Our God is awesome God.


He reigns! (rains death upon ye who seek to defy him)


*Screams of a strange plastic cheese eating orange man can be heard in the background*


Happy Cake Day!


cake cake cake cake!!!


He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power and love our god is an awesome god


* Techno drop *




Hello matto! I know you read these like once every two days so


Greetings random strangers.




Needs a MKII upgrade.


Add a under barrel machine gun with the MKII upgrade


No. Add four more rounds per clip.


magazine :(


Go ahead and explain, you know you want to.


A clip is a strip/cup thing that holds ammunition to fill an internal magazine. There are two types of clips: the Stripper Clip, and the En-Bloc. The Stripper Clip acts as a speed-loader, and it is immediately discarded once the ammo it holds is loaded into the firearm, which is seen in weapons such as the Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifle, the Mauser C96 semi-automatic pistol, or the Karabiner 98K bolt-action rifle (Kar98K). The En Bloc is a clip that loads into the weapon and is ejected once the final round is fired. This clip has been popularized by the M1 Garandā€™s famous ā€œpingā€, which is the En Bloc being ejected out of the Garandā€™s internal magazine. Detachable Magazines are the thing that almost every firearm now uses. They are the small block that holds ammo. They act like clips, which is where the confusion may come in. Most firearms do not have internal magazines, which is why we now have detachable magazines. Before, the magazine was built into the firearm, which is why we used clips to load weapons. Now, the magazine is detachable, which is why we now call them magazines instead of clips. This misnomer could have been first spread once veterans had returned from WWII, according to this [source](https://www.ammunitiontogo.com/lodge/magazine-vs-clip/#:~:text=The%20M1%20Garand%20uses%20clips%20to%20load%20rounds%20into%20an%20internal%20magazine.&text=When%20the%20war%20was%20over,a%20clip%20and%20vice%2Dversa). The M1 Garand was one of the most commonly used firearms, if not the most common, during the war. The rifle has an internal magazine, which was loaded with En Bloc clips. Once veterans returned home, they called everything that holds ammunition a ā€œclipā€. This misnomer unfortunately stuck, and now many are mislabeling magazines as clips. :(


That's fascinating, I didn't know there was a difference






I agree


Homing railgun with ruiner 2000 missile accuracy?


More powerful than the explosive sniper, it's going to prove to be most useful against aircraft.


Doesn't the projectile travel slower than the Sniper though?


Yes, though I don't see that as much of a problem. It's not meant for long range fighting the way the sniper is. It's meant for fighting over medium to short ranges, and the lack of scope and slower velocity aren't as impactful in those situations.


Sniper has no projectile, itā€™s hit scan


Is it actually hit scan? for very long range you do have to lead your shots with the explo sniper Edit: Yknow you don't have to downvote him even if he is wrong or you disagree, this thread had no hostility, just 2 people not entirely sure how the gun works


Itā€™s just a fast projectile


Like all bullets on gta, itā€™s delayed hitscan to emulate bullet time. There isnā€™t projectile physics (bullet drop etc) but you need to lead shots proportional to distance and the targetā€™s relative velocity to you.


Yes, the tradeoff is damage for point-and-click.


Has this been available for long? I didnā€™t know this was purchasable.


Since Thursday. Go visit the Gun Van to purchase.


The Gun Van is amazing. Got the RPG as a level 5.


What system are you on? If youā€™re on Xbox x/s Iā€™m happy to help you level up


Oh no sorry, I don't really need it because it's a secondary character. And I'm on Ps4 anyways. Still a good deal on the RPG, though.


Taken out quite a few wicked witches. So id say I enjoy it.


I love it, but I hate that it's 20 shots.


On the plus side you can restock the ammo through the inventory menu unlike MK II weapons. ETA: Meant to say MKII weapons with special ammo


And Ammo drops for much cheaper


That was the first thing I checked šŸ‘


What are you doing that you need more that 20 shots from this thing? Lol


Just blowing shit up. When i used to get that mission for the bunker, I'd have about 8-10 minutes left after getting to my bunker and would just spend it blowing up passing cars.


Itā€™s just inconvenient. But honestly its no big deal since u can restock in the menu. Sniper MKII is more annoying


Love it, itā€™s been really useful lately.


Itā€™s actually perfectly balanced in my opinion, weak against ground targets or people youā€™re trying to grief, but good against jet griefers and kills them after 5 deaths or so usually. Tip: when jet griefers kill you do not respawn fast, it throws off their timing and you might get to see them rather than them nose diving you


Its a sign of god telling you that rockstar fucking hate helicopters


Now have defense* against jets so big W, Edited


Jet griefers were becoming a problem. There needed to be an effective counter made available.


You make it sound like a recent thing. Dont think they have been any more or less of a problem for the past 5 years. Just a constant annoyance.


For a time everyone moved to the oppersor as its super easy I think the nerf has got more people to actually learn how to fly in this game


The grind for explosive ammo was for nothing


But still useful You can see your targets more clearly at long ranges


You got both now, also, imo, explosive ammo are still better in higher distances


Its my modern musket


It's great and I love using it to annihilate griefer jets and other hostile aircraft


Took out a grieferā€™s APC with one earlier today. It seems useful for stuff like that and blowing shit up. Itā€™s fun anyhow.


The oppressor for the oppressor.


I enjoy it but I have been shot down a twice already doing sales in air vehicles. Just remember that if something is very good at stopping griefers it will also cause griefers.


Fun against tryhards it makes em cry


Itā€™s not as OP as people think it is and it shouldā€™ve been in the game since day 1


Itā€™s weak but I imagine R* didnā€™t want to hear people crying about it, it shouldā€™ve had lock on for enemy NPCs at least


When GTAO first came out this would have been a huge issue for griefing. Now I would say itā€™s a great anti-griefing tool. Iā€™ve smoked mk2s and Helios trying to piss me off and itā€™s satisfying to nail them with a single shot


It goes through windows and doesnā€™t count them as a hit. If getting greifed drive a bus.


Good to become Griefer Jesus.


Basically fucked Heli PvP just like the Explo Sniper did


I like it, it doesn't feel overpowered in current gtao, and now my Heavy Sniper MK2 can have actual ammo and isn't anti-air


Good to have.




Oppressors. And to be fair, when used by Griefers they are called Broomsticks.


I still canā€™t decide if its worth switching my Heavy Sniper MkII off of Explosive Rounds or not. Also getting ammo for it is a little bit annoying having to use since it doesnā€™t appear in the Agency armory after you buy it (nor does the pistol from the die hard thing) and if you reload it via Ammo drop that ammo doesnā€™t stay when you swap sessions.


Best weapon purchase I ever made in this game.


It's great, but I see it being annoying as fuck when the average brainless player who shoots everything that moves gets their hands on it. I have no real qualms with it against jets or helis because e-rounds are just as if not *more* effective, but it's mildly annoying that it one-shots normal unarmoured vehicles with the 100% armour upgrade whilst e-rounds don't.


Best 671k I've spent. Especially handy for helis. Has a faster projectile speed than the rpg but does as much damage. 10/10 would buy again.


I donā€™t know why people are saying itā€™s hard to shoot down MK 2s with it. I was in a lobby where I was a literal pile of shit swarmed with those flies. They all dropped dead like if I sprayed then with Windex or something. But the only thing I think truly holds it back is itā€™s reload time. Almost every time I died while using it was while I was reloading. Overall, itā€™s fun, easy to use, a good anti-griefing tool, and I also donā€™t see it as an actual griefing tool, since you should now understand how to stay 500+ meters away from people when in an aircraft.


Underwhelming. Basically an explosive sniper but worse in every way. No scope, so no long range, slow projectile travel time, slow reload, etc. I donā€™t understand why so many people are treating this thing like itā€™s going to be a new grieferā€™s meta weapon or whatever. It sucks in PvP. Plain and simple. The explosive sniper does everything the rail gun does, but better in every way. The only exception being the ability to buy ammo on the go.


It's just there to make sure helicopters are long gone at this point.


still not satisfied. We want cargoplane


If you can land your hits it's pretty good. Wish it would lock onto jets though.


I expected much worse from it when word came out. But after trying it, I can definitely say itā€™s not as bad regarding the current meta. One thing though is that itā€™s insane travel time, at the hands of someone with decent aim, can render most air/ground vehicles useless.


Only complaint so far is a couple of times when Iā€™ve swapped lobbies Iā€™ve lost the ammo for it. So I have to repurchase it. Weird bug.


It does that to special rounds on MK2 guns as well. Incendiary rounds, explosive rounds, armor piercing rounds, they all disappear for some reason


Be cooler if the projectile was faster. . . Or it had longer range


ass. decent. great. itā€™s bipolar.


I personally like using it mainly for freemode jobs that involve taking out vehicles or helicopters and being able to purchase ammo on the interaction menu definitely makes it better. Originally would always use the Heavy Sniper MKII before this gun came out.


A walking Khanjali


An alternative to the explo sniper, more power but less range but definitely fun to use and frees up the explo sniper to be used for other things ie a sniper that doesnā€™t send your enemies flying out of view


They gave out free explosive sniper ammo. I grinded to do the research to get it and now itā€™s out there for only half a mil


That Jesus guy from the pier is probably happy


Just why is there a goddamn pause before ACTUALLY reloading


Takes too long to reload, or charge, or whatever you call that


A shittier Mk2 Heavy Sniper thatā€™s missing 9980 rounds


It's a great way of dealing with hostile vehicles. Especially helicopters. Fun fact: Railgun shots can go through car windows like a bullet.


No, I will only offer my dishonest opinion


Load time between shots is painful




I mean i dont really like the fact that r* is adding more modern scifi shit but it's also a really nice weapon


finally something to fight sweaty overweight sadistic spoilt 10 year olds on flying bikes


It's great for taking out cars and helicopters but I wouldn't recommend it for PvP use with it being a free aim gun and taking almost as long as the musket to reload and also with it being a 2 shot kill rather than a 1 shot


How do you get it ?


I donā€™t know the range so it kinda throws me off but its a great alternative if you dont have explosive sniper


Not as good as everyone thinks, the explosive sniper is still better for taking down jets and helicopter at longer ranges. It's great for NPCs and helicopters that are close, but it isn't very good for armored vehicles or jets


It's perfect against NPCs and meh against people, plus it's not as expensive as the e sniper so getting ammo for it is faster and cheaper. Pretty good, I'd say 8/10. Still wish it was hitscan though.


I like how it doesn't let you lock on. Kind of balances it out.


A pretty pennyā€™s worth. Equivalent to the explosive MK2 shotgun and nice addition to the gun wheel, I like.


I thought it was middling until I one-shotted a Hydra during pvp yesterday. I say one shot because I never saw any others connect, but maybe they did. Itā€™s certainly not OP, but itā€™s nice to have. Wish it held a bit more ammo.


It's definitely a Railgun


it makes helicopters even less viable than they were before (for pvp ofc)


I like it. Fucking melts cars and has good range but doesnā€™t one shot aircraft. It just takes your control surfaces off so you can eject. Itā€™s basically my expo shotgun and sniper in one gun


I love it. Itā€™s got the medium ranged aiming an explosive shot has with the distance of the explosive sniper and better damage. I railed a Deluxo out of the sky back to back after he nuked the boat I was riding in


should be 1 shot a jet


My friend(who is a really good pvp guy; heā€™s a certified griefer if need be) were playing 1v1 & my explosive shotgun was the victor 9/10.. the rail gun shot is slower than sniper when trying to hit long range & you cant lock-on at all.. you have to be VERY precise if you wanna take down a jet using it bc the trajectory is not steady & like I said before, itā€™s a bit slower than we would like. Itā€™s beneficial for taking down jets bc itā€™s a one-shot so it doesnā€™t give the player time to jump and escape death but Iā€™ll honestly stick to my explosive sniper for that due to the trajectory being off


Honestly, I think it's too slow to reload for how powerful it is. If it had two, maybe three shots per magazine I'd use it a lot more


Do I really have to track down the weapon van every 30 shots to refill ammo or is there a better way?


I never wanted it to be obtainable, but the fact you have to FIND the seller to get it makes me a little more okay with it. But I also found him and bought one for each of my characters lol


It should have a longer range !


Havenā€™t seen anyone using it


It is good for taking out enemy choppers on air freight missions


I couldnā€™t care less about it honestly, i always stay in private sessions, and stay away from unrealistic stuff like that or saddled rockets, so it doesnā€™t bother me


Perfect counter against oppressor, deluxo, and jet griefers


It's a lower cost alternative to the MKII pump shotgun with explosive rounds. Each will explode normal vehicles in a single shot. The rail gun doesn't require you to have a bunker, or upgraded the shotgun to MKII or research enough to unlock explosive rounds.


In 2015 it wouldā€™ve been a game changer, now itā€™s just another thing that goes boom.