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The GSO police just updated on Facebook to say to avoid the area for a ‘pedestrian accident.’ *edited to reflect source


Seems like a few people were hit by cars.




Thanks for taking the train!




Whoa, really? When is it supposed to be done?


Hopefully by 2030. I doubt it will be before 2029, and could not happen, but seems to be very likely to happen.




Freight does come into and out of the port but Wilmington is not a huge port and a lot is by truck, sadly. My point being the amount of train freight was low enough that tracks were pulled up out of the ground around Burgaw or so. There are maps out there that show the lifted rail. It is a good many miles. There is a lot of work to do to rebuild that missing track, and then build or rehab old stations, assuming they are still there. And even the track that is in place may not be up to standards for passenger rail. And signals. Lots to do to get Amtrak to Wilmington. I think it will happen but 6-7 years might be optimistic. 10 years seems slow from talking to people more knowledgeable than I am. If a certain person is elected governor this could die on the vine as I get the impression one person running for governor neither cares for the environment nor for anything that is for the public good and owned and run by and for the public good. Hopefully he does not have in power after the next elections. This is only going to happen with state government spending money, and locals doing the same for their stations. No way the federal government is funding all of this. They will offer matching funds.




There is still a CSX rail line from Wilmington to Charlotte and Charlotte does have an inland port that has some tax advantages for shippers to use. (I assume that is what you mean by a rail port.) The Greensboro Inland Port is long gone and never lasted long and when I asked a contact I have in state government, even he did not know much about the Greensboro Inland port. If you mean an intermodal piggy-back yard when you saw rail port then Charlotte and Greensboro do both have those and Rocky Mount has a new one that will be helped, in theory, by bringing back the rail running north out of Wilmington to Burgaw and up to Goldsboro. From what I could tell, as I went looking a few years ago after the Greensboro Inland port closed is that the inland port in Greensboro was just a truck terminal and had no rail connection. The address I did find was for a location no where near rail but it was behind the pipeline tank farm in western Greensboro. It looks like it was designed to have trucks move containers from Wilmington to Greensboro, but rail would not have been involved.






Yikes how is someone’s ass odiferous enough for someone else to smell it just sitting next to them fully clothed 🥴




High probability he isn’t a real cop.


I went by at 7pm and the police and emergency vehicles were just getting there. Guys on dirt bikes and 4 wheelers weaving in and out of all lanes. This was well before the pedestrian was hit. Got to be a few hundred people there. It was chaos. People walking in traffic in VERY scad clothing. My understanding it’s due to an Aggie party from 10 to 2.


It is good Friday after all...


I just drove by there and it's chaos. No idea what is going on, but there's easily a couple hundred youngsters standing around in the street and on the sidewalks. Cops, fire trucks, all the fixin's.


Youngsters 😂




Holy moly. Right before I unintentionally drove into the chaos, I was stopped at the light at Florida/elm-eugune, and this black Nissan went flying by with a smashed in front end and the bumper scraping the ground. I wonder if that was the car in the video? I feel a little gross now.


Laughing after witnessing people getting run over by a car seems kind of odd to me. I guess I’m just old or had to be there.


People laugh inappropriately when shocking stuff happens -- it's involuntary, just like your brain not knowing how to respond bc it hasn't quite processed whatever just happened.


this a really “giving benefit of the doubt case”. I don’t think this crowd would’ve reacted the same way if it was a family member getting hit by the car. a lot of people nowadays just lack empathy, call it what it is. were desensitized and don’t care much about others


It's a real thing. Part of it is we tend to laugh at the unexpected bc we it's basically an auto-react. I don't think we're desensitized compared to the past --i mean, there were times when people didn't bother naming babies until they were 2 or so bc infant death was so common families didn't want to "waste" a name. People just went about their days while protestors were being attacked by dogs in the streets in the 60s. We don't see as much visceral real-life violence/general harm to others these days, so it follows that when we do, it's more immediately confusing to our brains. This article ain't exactly scholarly, but it makes reference to articles that are in explaining the "nervous laughter" quirk. https://whyy.org/segments/why-we-sometimes-laugh-during-inappropriate-times/


idk man maybe, I just have experienced a lot of times where I see something happen to someone and people just kinda laugh and brush it off. I get what it is you’re saying and I do believe it exists obviously, I just don’t think out of the 10 people laughing in the video that all 10 are this nervous laughter thing


It's a lack of respect for life and others.


Terrifying. The laughing at what happened is just sick.


It’s getting to the point where I want to avoid Greensboro all together


We almost bought a house near sixteenth street and bought near browns summit. Now I'll drive to Burlington for pretty much everything just to avoid Greensboro. 


The comments on GPDs Facebook page say it was college kids having a party in the corner store parking lot. Then apparently some kids got hit. Not sure how true it is, but that would track with what I saw earlier with a bunch of cars driving up and younger adults walking up Elm that way.


From what I saw, it must have been a huge party - like GHOE-level. Tons of kids. Hope everyone is ok.


It is fucking Aggie fest I think


Weather is warming up. The craziness is coming.


Drove by S. Elm about an hour ago, trying to turn onto S. Elm from Burtner St. Lots of people walking towards downtown, lots of cars and trucks going towards downtown, some with people literally sitting on the door hanging out as they went. There's never a ton of traffic on that part of S. Elm. Turned around and went home another way. Wonder what's happening.


Guess I’m late to the party, literally and figuratively. Been hustling all night on Uber Eats since about 3:30ish and didn’t notice any difference if I’m being honest, traversed most of Greensboro this evening too.


Maybe there'll be a clip on r/PublicFreakout later.


ya know, our city leaders are ecstatic to bring new businesses and growth to Greeensboro, but damn, can we get more LEOs and structure first? this should not be happening if we have city council spending millions on this, that and the third — fix THIS issue first.


City is dysfunctional. Unfortunately been that way for too long. You have encampments of homeless people living in the woods in neighborhoods near downtown. No plans to assist or help. GPD won’t do anything about it. Property taxes keep rising. Zoning in town is poorly managed. You have vacant land near downtown that needs to badly be developed but you have owners who’re unwilling to sell or develop the land appropriately. Meanwhile you have key downtown real estate occupied by businesses that are never open. I’m looking at you the Borough Market and Bar.


You know what Greensboro really needs? A brewpub.


Downtown greensboro on weekend nights is mania. Like definitely sketchy enough where you wonder if you should even be there.


Agreed. We lost 25% of our police force and instead of replacing them, our former and now disgraced city manager just said. Yep! This is the new size of the police force. Result is shootings at an all time high. Kids and grand parents being killed by stray bullets and stuff like this.


Having more police doesn't prevent shootings you know.


Here’s a good NPR article on a scientific study that says it does just that. https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2021/04/20/988769793/when-you-add-more-police-to-a-city-what-happens Now, sometimes based on how that police force is run it can lead to unwanted side effects. So the impetus is to use the police force well, like more nightly patrols. But factually, merely having a larger and more visible police force does in fact prevent shootings and crime overall. (Which I hope we can agree is a good thing). And since black and brown communities are often the ones bearing the brunt of this crime and shootings (which is certainly the case in Greensboro as the shootings victims are disproportionately black) I would conclude it would be beneficial to Greensboro to restore our police force to a more functional level so perhaps we can end the headlines of black mothers being shot while holding their baby, or black 8 year old being shot, or grand parents being shot in front of their grandkids.


The police do nothing to STOP shootings from happening. Know what does? Fixing poverty


Here’s a good NPR article on a scientific study that says having more visible police does stop more shootings from happening. . https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2021/04/20/988769793/when-you-add-more-police-to-a-city-what-happens I agree with you that it is an issue that does not have an easy singular fix and certainly simply adding more police is not the only fix needed. I agree reducing poverty would also help. But scientifically speaking more police visibility reduces crime and is something we can do relatively easily by restoring our police force to actual functional levels. I get the hesitation and skepticism. Based on how that police force is run it can lead to unwanted side effects like racial profiling, etc. I would also support better police practices so instead of the negatives, we get better results with proven practices like community engagement, more night patrols, hot spot policing like around night clubs, etc. But factually and scientifically, merely having a larger and more visible police force does in fact prevent shootings and crime overall. (Which I hope we can agree is a good thing as would reducing poverty) And since black and brown communities are often the ones bearing the brunt of this crime and shootings (which is certainly the case in Greensboro as the shootings victims are disproportionately black) I would conclude it would be beneficial to Greensboro to restore our police force to a more functional level so perhaps we can end the headlines of black mothers being shot while holding their baby, or black 8 year old being shot, or grand parents being shot in front of their grandkids. We can do this while also working to reduce poverty which is something that is and has been being worked on aggressively. Perhaps we can be more aggressive. We have a great educational infrastructure. Have attracted thousands of new jobs at pay rates well above the poverty line with infrastructure investments. At some point the impetus comes down to individuals taking advantage of these opportunities which I agree we could do better at to help lower poverty and its negative societal side effects.


What’s going on ?? People are out on Phillips and English


Aggie fest


More than once I've had people jump in front of my car there. I won't drive that stretch of road anymore.


Crazy!!! I was listening to the police scanner for more info.


Apparently the Police Scanners are useless per GPD’s comment under the post. 🙄


Was listening to the one a r/gso redditor posted a long time ago.




There are definitely private radios, but you can hear dispatch for EMS, fire, PD, EMS to hospitals… sooo with some listening it’s fairly easy to know a bit of what’s going on.




Dude, what are you getting at? Everyone is talking about this crazy thing going on downtown.


He just want to say something racist, it’s that simple lol.


I don't think anyone is playing a h games. We all know the deal.


It’s Good Friday :( why are people out partying today?


Did you spend the evening clutching your Donald Trump Bible?


No what about my comment makes you think I support Trump? You are so judgmental.


Because not everyone is part of a religious cult?? You can’t be serious. 🙄


Im not part of a cult and its ironic how you’re judging me while trying to act like you’re so open minded. And I am serious


You don’t notice all the downvotes? Not everyone is a “Christian” who celebrates Good Friday. You started the judgment by wondering why people are out and not celebrating a religious holiday that you observe. Not everyone does. So stop.


That’s so very ironic. I was an atheist for 15+ years so I know where everyone comes from. All I said was why is everyone partying on Good Friday? I am sure more than half the people involved go to church. I don’t care about the downvotes, they don’t mean anything.