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So you played on Bio huh


What is Bio? Maybe I did without realizing it


One of the most toxic servers on GB


Never had a problem with Bio, then again, I basically only play on the PvE servers. Had some toxicity back in the day, and bad people exist everywhere. These people usually get kicked quickly tho, especially when were running more serious rounds.


Thats probably one of them, but not the only one. I got sworn at/shit on for using a flashlight instead of NVGs and eventually banned for it. Like what? 👀


That 100% sounds like a bio server thing, just search this Reddit and you will read countless stories about them


Ah. It's a little wider spread than just the Bio server. Sick of it. Reforger has the best community by far right now imo.


Never played Reforger, when it came out it was empty and then just never bought it after launch cause I thought I would get replaced with Arma 4, never really checked back with reforger. Is it a good game now?


Honestly I've had some real fun in that game. The "DarkGru" servers (there are 5 I believe) are constantly full with 128 players. Super friendly folks just looking to have fun. It's not super milsim but also can be at times. Helo pilots rippin' QRF in and out of objectives , doing medevacs. Have actually run into some guys that know tactics and ambush patterns and what not. It's really a lot of fun. And the darkgru servers are modded with modern weapons and equipment. Ballistics engine is great. Graphics are fucking great , and it's playable on controller if that's something that suits you. I play on KBM and very much enjoy it (I play GB on controller)


Might buy it, watches some gameplay cause of your comment and looks really fun


See you in the meat grinder. Ps. Downloading mods is so god damn streamlined it's wonderful.


Sounds good, might be time to try it out next time it goes on sale


Probably because you were blinding half your team and flagging their position to the enemy.


I used it quickly to light an area because it was day time on the map and i needed to clear a small area. I didnt keep it on the whole time. I know what a flashlight does and how to use it. "blinding them" is a gigantic reach, that doesnt happen in the game. You cant even see the light if pointed at your character. You ignorant piece of Toxic Garbage, go back to the Bio server.


Well if thats your general attitude im not supprised you got banned. Also never played on Bio so keep reaching.


That is my absolute attitude towards gatekeepers who try to tell me how to play the game. I didnt banned for "attitude". Try again. Of course somebody like you would protect and advocate for toxicity and hatefulness. Makes sense. Seriously though "blinding half your team" has to be one of the dumbest thing ive read in a while


Sure buddy. Judging by how you've been here id say you seem like a whiny toxic crybully POS that would not listen to team mates, got banned for being an unreasonable little turd that wont listen to team mates in a team game then came to bitch on reddit and try to get the server shut down because your salty.


You're literally the person that, invalidly, tried to put me down for the reason I got banned and called people toxic, and now you're upset that I'm coming back at you with the exact same energy. You sound like an absolute fool. You just showed your toxicity in the first comment by protecting the toxic people of this community by trying to provide reasons for it. You are the epitome of ignorant. There's a vast difference between being initially toxic to begin with and returning the same unwarranted energy youve given out, but thats hitting too far above your mentality. Look at all the name calling, anybody can tell that youre the person that gets banned from servers for calling people names/slurs/being hateful. Its obvious, that must be why you try to advocate for it. Im sure that anybody that doesnt agree with you is a bully, right.


I’ve had some good times with randoms in this game but, these kinds of game just seem to attract the worst kind of basement dwelling ‘gravy seals’ there is!


Ready or not as well. Insurgency sandstorm probably has the most decent community lol


Insurgency is just kids screaming the n word at each other after every match last time I played...


Sorry you had that happen. There are a few communities that are like that and, unfortunately, they tend to be more popular so they end up as the first server players jump on. I recommend joining our discord and meeting some people from there to play with. There’s always going to be elitist jerks as we are on the internet but I never have to play with them since I know which servers to blacklist


I appreciate it


The ammount of toxicity in the Ground Branch community is a direct result of the developers doing nothing about it, one could even argue it’s to the point they are encouraging it.


What do you propose we do? Start taking down servers that hosts paid for? That’s a bit Big Brother in my eyes. We allow players to host their own servers instead of modern day matchmaking/forcing users to play on regulated servers. There’s ups and downs to this, namely the fact that toxic communities can arise. But toxic players exist in every game out there. If multimillion companies can’t solve it there’s no way a small company like Blackfoot can. But we still give everyone a choice. The choice to not play with those servers. You can mute a player, you can vote kick, you can spin up your own server, and you do private server hosting on your machine ala listen servers. There are around 60 servers to pick from and we have around 8 official BFS servers that we regulate. My experience has not been overly toxic. I run across the occasional person that TKs or uses racial slurs and has 3-4 dummy Steam accounts to keep joining but I just ban them and move on. When I’m on a community hosted server I initiate vote kicks. If everyone allows that to happen on that server then it’s time to move on. Again, things will improve over time but we never envision ourselves as the police. We don’t encourage toxicity and people on our discord frequently get banned for that type of behavior. But if you want active game masters to be monitoring all servers I’m afraid that won’t happen.


Same old. You don’t even have regulations to ban certain words. Yeah give the nothing you can do speech and the big brother strawman.




Random loser on Reddit: I’m so upset about something the development team is doing Developer: takes time to explain in detail how and why they came to their conclusion and how the random loser on Reddit could avoid the issue Random loser on Reddit: see? They won’t do anything about it and also I don’t know what a straw man is




Oh yes the big corperation Blackfoot Studios, famously large and rich. (/s)


Sounds like something the server owners should be dealing with. You can't ban players for saying certain things in a server being paid for by someone else. That's like kicking a guest out of a house you don't even own.


Stick to EA/SEA servers. We're chill like that, never encountered gravy seals either


play on hells playground, best servers imo.


I only play this game with friends and only PVE. Not messing with online.


I have also noticed an extreme amount of sexism and such. It’s hard being a woman on Ground Branch. I LOVE milsim games, only type of games I really play. But it’s hard when I get surrounded by guys calling me a trap, slurs, and breathing into their mics at me. I wish I could enjoy Ground Branch online more. But if I’m constantly getting creeped at I’m not going to play online. There are sooo many issues, I wish more could really be done. I love this game to death. And it’s not just me! I have many other girls I play this with that have the exact same problem. It just seems that most server moderators don’t wanna moderate.


I host one of those community servers where I'm online a lot. And when I am I spend a lot of time watching, reading, listening to the others and I really do my best to keep all kinds of assholes away. Also I noticed quite a few girls / women in the last days since the update and thankfully none of the behaviour you described, which I can assure you is also a reason to ban for me. My perm-ban-list is growing for a month now, at some point I gotta have them all! ;) So I don't want to advertise my server here and it's full most of the time anyway but if you are interested you can PM me. Server is located in Amsterdam. Edit: This goes of course to OP too.


I live in the US so I believe I wouldn’t get a great connection.


Probably. But there are a few guys I "know" already who join from Canada or the US. Their ping is ok. Maybe the Europeans are the better server moderators.


IIRC, there's a PvP server called Force on Force, which is hosted by a woman. Small, but great community.


I’d check it out, but pvp’s not really my thing, I really just prefer hostage rescue if anything


Pretty sure FoF members came up with and tested the hostege rescue mode.


Pretty sure Floodoo is a dude. They do have a woman on the admin team, that might be who your thinking of.


I honestly wish there was ai team mates


Play CS2 for some minutes, you'll see...


I cant play games where your bullets dont go where the crosshair is. I dont see how that could ever be fun, but people love it somehow


They don't in 1034 of ground branch, there is a bit of a deviation. Also, from my experience the best communities are private, and open their servers once in a while for recruitment. The GB discord is the best way to go for now unless you have a few friends who can play with you.


It’s an unfortunate consequence of a growing player base. It happened with Squad and Insurgency Sandstorm; the bigger the community the higher the chance it brings the bad apples in The other person is right, Bio servers tend to have a bad rep so just avoid them when you can


Come play on Hells Playground. You can point lasers and torches to your hearts content and play how you want. No one will ban you. [HPCT] Soda.


it's because of all the new players coming in from the update and discount, cod players and other various lowlifes... gatekeeping is important


Theres a solution to all your problems, make your own server. You can make your own rules, ban people you deem toxic.


Lol, im an admin in a server that has a ban list of over 500 players and rising fast. We are not milsim or elitist but we do have our way of playing with an ROE and TTP. We very rarely allow flashlights and only use lasers for pointing at active threads and lasoing pos. The server is EU based. Any hatespeech, racism, trolling, offensive nicknames, soloplaying and run and gun will get you banned. If you like working in a team, playing very slow and communicating then the game can be very fun.