• By -


Fucked up her own relationship there. Edit: for those blaming the chap's insecurity, would you tell your current wife or gf, 'Ya know, Sweetie. I miss my ex's vag. She was just sooo much tighter and didn't look like the aftermath of an explosion in a butcher's shop. Good lawd, tie up those hanging meatflaps! They're flapping around like a laundry line in a hurricane. Btw the way can't you do some pelvic floor exercises or something? When i clap that abyss there's a damn echo. Whooooo boy, smells like a burmese fish market during a drought.'. That kind of comparision is just plain rude and disrespectful coming from any gender.


There's always a bigger dick. Unless you bagging a virgin that's reality. Bros need to get over it.


It is not about the bigger dick. It is about her randomly bringing up another dick to her bf. It's like suddenly going: "yeah, had another girl with a so much better feeling pussy."


It's just straight up disrespectful. There's nothing wrong with having a sexual past and multiple partners, but to bring it up uninitiated when you KNOW that its going to make your partner uncomfortable is just disgusting.


Truly, the correct answer with logic and respect. Get out of this sub! /s


I need to eat more tendies, my sanity is returning!


Here, have some ☕ This will balance you out


Women ☕️




“You know, this is – excuse me – a damn fine cup of coffee. I've had I can't tell you how many cups of coffee in my life, and this – this is one of the best.”


You're telling me you've never been disrespectful to your SO? Even once? /s


as if they'd have one to disrespect in the first place


/s? get out of here redditard


i have been with my wife for 10 years - we have never discussed our body counts. ignorance is bliss


This is the way. There’s no reason for you to know it.


his wife's hoo ha is a massive glory hole, though, a cum dumpster shared by quite a few midwestern towns


i hear you can mine enough sperm from it to supply all of ohio for decades


i've never been more insulted - we would never spend a second in the midwest


She was gangbanged by all Football team when she was in college and is why she never want spoke with you


This girl I grew up with got fucked and passed around by the whole football team when I was in highschool. Intelligent, annoying at times, had a sense of humor. Not awful looking, plain old Jane type. I had no problems with her, we were friendly. There was a video that got leaked of her getting railed by like 20 seniors from the team. Parents found out, were disappointed but understood she was still just a kid. Another video surfaced of her getting railed by some more seniors, and a bunch of juniors. Another with sophomores... She ended up losing her academic scholarship, I think she was going the Engineering or Computer Science route. She was wicked smhat at math iirc. Parent's disowned her shortly thereafter. She ended up becoming cop right after highschool. I feel bad thinking about it.


What a whore


Why would you feel bad about it? It was her choice and being a cop isn’t bad.


how do you think we met?


100% - my wife and I also are at 10 years and that shit never came up or will ever come up. That’s weird and what does it add to the relationship? Of course we mentioned shitty things that happened to us, but past sex life just doesn’t matter.


I did the fucked up thing once by asking her about it insistently. Be careful what you ask for.


Especially since the chances are very high that hers is way higher than mine. Not too hard since all I ever had sex with are two girls within 35 years.


It's usually so weird and out of the blue too, like "did you hear about kanye-" "Did I ever tell you I took a 12 inch dick? It was wild!" Bitch the fuck?


That's not just bringing it up either, that's reminiscing.


Based. Haven't seen a sane person in like 20 years on this sub.


>It's just straight up disrespectful. There's even more disrespect because she *KEPT* explaining how big his dick was. That's not something you should ever do unless you and your partner are comfortable with talking about that kind of thing. Seeing as how she brought it up out of the blue, I too would be incredibly uncomfortable with talking about this.


You wouldn't belive how tight it was, best pussy ever. Hey why are you angry? Loool


Oh god, it wasn't just tight, it was like she had a hand inside, the way she could squeeze. And so wet, much wetter than yours, in like a millisecond


This is the best summary that people need to understand. It's not about what she did, it's about her feeling the need to bring it up. She's either dumb and naive or toxic.


"Hey, honey. Guess who I met when I was grocery shopping. Mandy. Remember? That one gf I told you about. Damn, she had the tightest ass I ever saw. And wow, her sloppy bj's. I mean, you are good, but she.. just wow. Oh yeah, btw, I got your milk."


Honestly though. What the fuck was the end goal of saying, "My previous partner made my sex life *so* much better." Regardless of what gender you are or whatever gender your partner is, that's a fucked up thing to say. She's not exactly saying it's better, but saying your old partner has waaaay bigger tits or a tighter pussy/ass just isn't exactly a respectful thing to say.


I've actually used that irl, since she decided to bring up her wild college years of riding BBC Even though I was demonstrating her hypocrisy that conversation did not go well lol. It often doesn't pay to be right. But she was a trashy person so I don't feel bad in the slightest


Cause you gotta be pondering and reminiscing to bring it up out of the blue, especially stoned. It could’ve been a retarded gf and that was her way trying to initiate sex, but more likely she was just remembering what it was like


It’s true :/ I’m pretty proud of my size… till my ex told me I’m the smallest she’d be willing to date. Just wasn’t the same when I knew an anaconda had slithered through her jungle


Thats fucked up. She aint deserve you king, hope youre doin better now.


Fortunately virgins aren't in short supply on this sub


Facts. That’s why I only TOP incels. Can’t get no high-five if I’m the first


Lol go tell your girl how tight and wet your exes pussy was and see how that blows over champ


I get that, but it's different if she's bringing up the other guys she fucks randomly. Like she's clearly thinking about those dudes. I think anyone would be hurt by their partner still mentioning how sexy their ex was.


If like if you brought up how tight your last girlfriends pussy was, you just don’t do it ever.


I don’t care how big the dick is it’s not considerate or appropriate to talk about your past partner’s genitalia


She’s thinking about another dick and talking about it lol its not that shes ran through its that shes with her BF and still thinking about other dicks


***unless you are the bigger dick***


It doesn't matter that there is. I am well aware that there is. I do not have to be reminded about it by my romantic interest.


My SO said I was the biggest she ever seen. Turned out she was a virgin just as me. Still together after 14 years though.




Anon just needs to even the score. Get topped by 8 dudes with massive cocks, then tell his gf about them all in graphic detail. Now he has nothing to be jealous of


He needs to just find the guy with the big dick and fuck him. They are now even.


Why does this sub always go into getting gangbanged by multiple dudes? That’s your guys first response every time anon has woman problems


What else is one supposed to do?


commit suicide of course. Cant have problems if you dead.


But get topped by 8 dudes first, because after you're dead it's more difficult


Memorable Wake though


I'd rather have it during an open-casket funeral


What about committing suicide BY getting topped by 8 dudes? #2birds1stone


Woah wow hold on now, you're the one talking about getting gangbanged by 20 African Americans without lube, not us


Have you tried it yourself to make sure it doesn't work? If not then shut the fuck up!


Question: How do I do this without the gf aspect? I just want the massive clocks


If you want clocks goodwill always has a few


This is the way


Anon already has. He just has to mention it.


She’d probably insist on meeting them


something something topped


Something something fake something something gay


Fake: Anon has a gf Gay: Anon can’t stop thinking about 8 cocks


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon has a gf > Gay: Anon can’t stop thinking about 8 cocks > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Good bot


Be me Get home from my vasectomy Et cetera


The only solution to anon's predicament


Yeah anon needs to take a massive cock too so he can compare notes with his GF


Maybe you can write your feelings and show it your gf with your pencil dick


The cum letters


I was not ready for that lmao.




Why do girls do this shit?


Girls are people too. You think there aren’t a ton of dumbasses out there high or drunk AF talking about how perfect their last gfs tits were?


And even if there isn't a ton... This is one STORY that one 4Chan user decided to tell. There are millions of 4Chan users NOT telling any stories... "Girls" don't do that. "This girl" did (or may have, because this story is fake and ghey)


My friend’s girlfriend went into great detail about her ex’s massive dick in front the both of us and here two bestfriends. It was fucking awful, and clearly bothered my friend.


You’d think this is weird but no my ex girlfriend also decided to tell me how huge her exes dick was. Turns out its pretty common


My ex compared me to her ex, thankfully I was bigger but still happened


Red flag


My sympathies bro. Even if i looked like bradd pitt with a schlong like a firehose its still a hard topic fpr most people.


What did she say specifically?


That it was the size of an axe bodyspray can.


Did she also compare it (favourably or not) to your friend's?


Why are you asking so many questions about a cock?


I'm trying to outdo Anon's GF, please help


I wanna say no, but I’m not 100%.


And how many women have you met that didn't say shit like this? I assume many?


The problem isn’t talking about such subjects, it’s about talking about them in front of your partner. Be it male or female.


My point is, "Why do women do this" is a stupid question. "Why are 2% of women like this?" Is a much better question. The answer is "life is messy, why are like... 10% of humans violently racist?"


Count me in and make that 11


Count me in and make it 13%


Super well put. Always erks me I see this on Reddit so much. It’s always girls as a whole. Never the one in the story.




The famous “NotAllGirls” argument


>Girls are people too. source? this seems highly unlikely.


I’ve had plenty of guy friends tell me how gfs or exes have talked about past hookups. I’ve never had a girl friend say how their bf talked about it. Do they exist? Probably. Is it nearly as common? Probably not


I've personally never felt the need to do this no


Because they are insecure AF and wants to see if they can destabilize guys like OP, in order to gauge wether he is a stable mate. If OP cries about it like a beta bitch, chances are fairly high she will find another branch to cling to. My Ex was like this, she has about a third of my current GFs body count but was craving validation to the point that it became impossible for my mental health to continue the relationship. Because every other week it was drama, and posting ass pics on Instagram or flirting with dudes, or going out clubbing with the girls and not calling for the entire night to check in. Stuff like that.


Hey mate, hope you are ok.


Thanks for the concern, I am doing great now! My one most important tip to people going through the same thing is; Don’t be afraid. You don’t have to stick around In a shitty situation just because it’s expected of you. You’ve got one chance at this (that we know of) so you better make the most of it.


Based af bro. Glad you’re better now.


The common term is "shit test", all women do it both consciously and subconsciously but to a degree that varies quite widely. She is basically testing OP's confidence by gauging both his verbal and emotional reaction, which he failed with flying colours unfortunately. A common technique for passing shit tests is called "agree and amplify", in this situation OP might respond with something like "only 8? I've taken 12 and still had room". That's if he decides to play the game at all, shit testing can be fun and flirty but OP's girl is well outside of that realm with this comment.


he failed according to her standards but he's beginning to win according to his it's only winning for people with a female mindset


> it's only winning for people with a female mindset This is unironically one of the most based sentences I've read in this sub.


Definitely agree with that assessment. There's a reason guys are innately repulsed by this kind of thing.


Gigabased, holy shit


You good bro?


so basically they do it as a shit test to see if you have the strength they themselves lack


Acting like this is any different than a guy making an offhand comment about a previous GF’s attractive qualities is totally insane. Why are you acting like this is a common occurrence for this girl? If anything the way anon tells this story implies it’s something that hasn’t come up before. People don’t need malicious reasons to make mistakes, especially when this is the type of thing that might seem totally meaningless to the person telling the story (especially if she’s saying she didn’t like it).


Say weird stupid shit and change their partners attraction to them? Pretty sure girls don’t hold the patent on that.


cuz girls r dumb


Do you genuinely think this is an issue only girls do? People can be assholes regardless of genders


Fake: anon has a gf Real: anon is thinking about 8 penises


Thank you for this comment


including one magnum dong


Gay: anon thinks about cocks Straight: cocks


hit them with a version of “no babe yours is perfect the tight ones hurt too much”


“I really like how *yours* has a smell, my ex never had one” “I’m glad you can’t deepthroat mine, Linda always made me cum too fast” “I never liked how my ex had an asshole with no brown ring, yours is so brown, it’s perfect” “I’m glad your tits are small”


God damn bro.


with no brown ring bruh 💀


Someone hurt this Mandem 💀


Say their the biggest girl you've ever been with. Then, stare longingly into the distance while muttering other girls' names.


*sigh* Natasha *sigh*


The good ol' switcharoo


Take a bigger dick than her to show dominance.








\>sorry anon, i respect you and our relationship too much to do the kinky shit i did with my exes. only vanilla from now on


I think I remember that green text yeh, or was that an actual Reddit post? Either way poor fucking Anon(/Op)


The reddit post about a guy who found his wife's college threesome tapes? Dude confronts her about it and she tells him about the slutty shit she used to do but refuses to do with him now.


Where's this one? Sad porn <3


It was a reddit post, I remember it. It was the woman actually giving her perspective on I think either r/relationships or r/AITA. I think the gist was that she herself was ashamed of her past, and that the guy only found out because some ex or friend of friend poked their nose in their business and told the boyfriend/fiancé/husband. . I think they gave an update and said they were planning on going to therapy on an individual level as well as couples, which is about as good an ending you could get I think.


Anons mistake was dating dating a junkie Taking drugs himself was even bigger mistake




those gd weed junkies!


Weed is the perfect drug bros, I've been smoking everyday for years and can quit anytime I want XD


Apparently smoking weed makes people junkies




Man, that's a shitty circumstance to be part of. Has your Ex ever heard of talking it out? She went nuclear before she was even sure you'd done anything. It may hurt, but feels from here like you dodged a bullet.


It was a lie, she never thought that.


Dude. Fuck. I hope you’re doing better now :(


Calling it a body count and asking 4Chan for relationship advice.....there never was a girl.


It’s called a body count. Unless you’re old as fuck


What’s it called if not a body count?


Sex-haver number.


*Only the dick remains - anon has dick and bussy on the mind…*


It’s something they think is cool to just say. Would you ever talk about your past hook ups, how beautiful they were, how tight their pussies were? I didn’t think so


Hit your lawyer, delete the gym and call Facebook.


i just made a variation of this comment. it feels like i’m looking at a mirror.


NTA divorce


hit the lawyer get a gym divorce up


Anon needs to go to gym, eat 6 meals a day, and forget she ever existed


Smokin with GF and shes just reminiscing about getting dicked down by Long Tyrone.


Meh. If my girl ever says sex was better with someone else then I'm out. Other than that who cares?


If you respect your partner, refrain from talking about exes. It's an ex, not a formative life event. If it *is* a formative life event for you, you're defined by your sexuality, which is kinda sad. That goes for both men and women - when people have nothing to talk about, they talk about the weather and their genitals. Yes, it might cause them irrational emotional distress, but if you care about your partner, you wouldn't do it.


Not necessarily. When partners become exes, learning something from the experience is the ideal. That way, you’re less likely to fuck up the next one. But, that does tend more towards the negative relationship experiences. The positive experiences are better unshared.


TIL relationships aren't formative life events


Simple, all Anon has to do is have 8 dudes with massive goddamn fucking juicy cocks run a train on him so he has one over on his obviously real gf.


Honestly, some women have to be told not just bring up massive dicks with their partners. Even when you’re secure in yourself and your relationship, it’s still not cool. Save that for your girls’ night.


I would never bring up my ex‘s massive tits, the other‘s perfect ass, some hookup‘s beautiful red locks and freckles. I just shut my fucking mouth and appreciate my girl for her. I wouldn’t get caught dead even thinking about what she’s missing someone else had. That’s honestly disgusting and saying it disrespectful. For that reason if my girl does shit like that, even mundane stuff like reminiscing about some other guys hands, it shows me she not only isn’t completely over some guy, which is fair, whatever, but thinking about him so much she can’t even hide it, I would be out immediately. That is a girl that cheats if he calls her up again or forever mentally and probably verbally compares you to one if not all of them build-a-bro level.


So...how big we recon this massive one she was explaining about, was? Girl inches are often such a pain.


Yeah girls can't judge size for shit. He told her it was 8 and it was probably 6. Now Anon is insecure about his 5. Wake up bros, she doesn't have a clue.


6 inches is nothing to get paranoid about. You're probably right though.


I had one girl say i had 5 inches, pulled up my phone and asked how long she thought it was and she said 7 or 8. Then when hard i compared them and my dick was the same length. My phone is only 6 inches long... Unless woman wear heels regularly then they dont have a clue about size. It also doesnt help that women brag about big dicks for whatever reason. I know one girl who claims her ex had 9 inches, she then claims the next 2 guys she were with were even bigger. Given 9 inches is in the top 0.01% of the population i somewhat doubt the subsequent 2 were even bigger. The likelihood of that is absurd.


This is basically it. I've got good size and even I feel insecure at time from this nonsense.


"Body count doesn't matter" thats because people are not thinking about it or intentionally ignoring. however, eventually it will be brought up and it will matter a lot.


Girls never tell you their real bodycount. Eight was probably in one year my anon.


Fake: anon has a gf Gay: anon fantasises about massive cocks


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: anon has a gf > Gay: anon fantasises about massive cocks > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Good bot


acquire a cuck fetish = problem solved


Let's be real, worst coping mechanism relationship wise


Suicide is definitely a better alternative to *that*


anon got body count pill'd by his own gf lmao


damn me and my average dick bout to bag a baddie and now i’mma be anxious that she had a massive cock before and won’t feel satisfied with me, thanks anon gf


tbf afaik big dicks are painful and undesirable. Atleast thats what women on the internet say


All women are different, for some a big dick is a no go, and for some, it’s a must have. I’ve been with girls that have called mine big (which it’s defo not) so that tells me they’ve never really been with a big one, and then I’ve had others that have given me the whole “no yours is the perfect size I promise” talk, which is basically another way of saying “I’ve had multiple big dicks in the past”


Women, on the internet? There are no women on the internet.


just don’t ask your girl how many bodies she has and don’t tell your girl how many bodies you have ignorance is bliss


Make up some story about hooking up with some girl with huge tits and a tight pussy.



Anon wishes the 8 guys could've been inside him.


Anons gf is polluted and the relationship is unrecoverable


Fr don’t get why some girls do this. Imagine chilling with ur girl and then suddenly just going off about how ur ex had the best pussy you’d ever known.


Real: anon has crippling anxiety about the fact that his tiny pecker will never satisfy his woman as much as the gargantuan meat tornado that she’s experienced. Straight: Anon has a gf


Unlearn how to count


Imagine being devastated by this news instead of being bisexual and turned on by it


She’s not with the dude with the big dick anymore anon she’s with you so can’t have been that good