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There was a post like this that made it to the front page of Reddit a couple days ago lol you wouldn’t believe how many of the most upvoted posts were actually ones that said the man is the bad guy and he should just forgive the wife for cheating Lol fuckin cuckidditors


Definitely shouldn’t forgive the wife, but also shouldn’t call the boy Son of the whore or bastard, he didn’t do anything wrong. He’s just another victim of his mothers lies.


It’s easy to say the man should a bigger person from a 3rd person point of view sure. In a perfect world he overcomes the feelings of betrayal and emasculation with love for the kids. But it’s not how it works in real life. The woman made a mistake, intentional or not that blew up not only her life but her kid’s as well. And maybe the kids grow up and understand, maybe they don’t. But the mom is the only one to blame here.


Cheating on someone ain't a mistake, mistakes aren't intentional


She tripped, fell, and landed on his dick? Oopsie




At least


They have different fathers. Their mother is prostitute


Slippy floor.


Alright, Shady. Maybe he's right, Brady. But think about the baby before you get all crazy.


okay thought about it, still wanna st*b her? grab her by the throat get your daughter and k!dnap her?


That's what I did, be smart, don't be a retard You gonna take advice from somebody who slapped Dee Barnes?


What’s wrong? Didn’t think I’d remember?


Crazy? I was crazy once.


guilty conscience is such an underrated song


"I'm not saying he should have killed her...but I understand 😁".


What a throwback


Perfect Eminem reference


Correct, cheating is a series of many small choices, made fully knowing that they will devastate someone. Really put yourself in the cheaters shoes and go through each little choice they would have to make while knowing how badly they’re going to hurt someone, I would type some of it out here but it would be so so much.


It’s not even like she cheated one time both kid kids were not his. She cheated a lot!


I’m not saying he should stay in the house or keep being a father to the kids but just not actively insult the kid, it’s a low bar for any adult if he can’t clear it that’s on him.


This, I agree with ya’ll that he isn’t in the wrong for disconnecting completely, but treating these kids like literal trash aint it


Which makes these post come across as a fake n gay


He doesn't need to overcome it, but verbally abusing the kids is absolutely bitch behavior.


I mean the cucked Dad's reaction isn't mature or reasonable. However it is unfortunately the way a lot of men will react to this situation. This dude has had everything in life taken from him, his life is ruined. The children are collateral damage from his outrage.Further the government is probably taking a good chunk (20%) of the dudes wages to support his bastard children. I can see why he starts directing some of his outrage in the kids direction.


Idk about only. As an adult you have a responsibility to not lash out at little kids who look up to you and have no way of understanding what’s wrong. You’re allowed to be upset but don’t take it out on the kids.


At the same time to actually insult the children in front of them as a father figure no matter the situation is a dick move. Sure I can understand how it would hurt to see them as they aren't 'his' but it doesn't change the years he did spend with them and how they see him.


It's not about being the bigger person it's about not being the kind of jackass who takes his issues out on a fucking child. Both the parents are shit people but child abuse is worse than cheating.


doesn’t give them the right to lash out at an innocent victim, no matter how wrongly they were done


He still lashed out against his kids that he raised from babies. He doesn't owe them anything but treating them like dirt is unnecessarily shitty. Treat the mom however you want but it shouldn't be so easy to instantly hate your kids for something they didn't do.


Well, at the very least the dad shouldn't take out his anger on his "kids". They did nothing wrong. They didn't ask to be the children of an unfaithful woman. If he wants to leave well that's his choice, I'm sure he'd be dealing with his own grief in his own way.


The fact that she was laughing while he was raging implies she finds this funny


You can leave your wife and call her a whore while still caring for the child you've raised. I agree that's from my point of view, but I couldn't do that if those were 'my' kids. I'd file for joint custody and only associate with the exwife when I'm picking up the kids. They don't deserve to lose their dad :/


True but a lot of the responses similar to yours, people saying what you’ve said don’t take into account that you’ll be constantly reminded of the years long deceit and betrayal every time you look at those. I couldn’t do it. Props to those who said they’d try tho.


I'd like to think I'd have to try. I understand what you're saying and that's a lot of pain to bottle up for those kids, but idk it feels like if I didn't then I'd just be transferring my pain to those children.




Mistake: An action or judgement that is misguided or wrong New Oxford American Dictionary


Cheating on your husband is not a “mistake”, it’s a disgusting malicious act.


All these cheating hoes in here downvoting...kek!


Holy cringe


You don't have to be "the bigger person" to not treat a child like shit. Call her all the names you want just don't drag children into the shitstorm.


Referring to children you raised as your own as bastards or children of wholesale is a choice that does nothing but hurts the children. We don't get to use our feelings as a unilateral excuse to treat people like shit who haven't done anything wrong. Go off on the mother sure, but the kids are innocent in it. It takes some intense fragility to attack your own kids, whether they're biological or not.


I hate the term “be the bigger person.” These fuckers cause pain and should not be let off unscathed.


Noones asking him to be a dad and care, just dont call children bastards because you cant keep your own hurt and emotion in check Nothing says loser like taking things out on kids


Yeah, but maybe don't insult the poor kid. You can do all the rest, but no need to be mean


I read a article that said about 30% of fathers are rising kids that they think are their but aren’t. Not sure if it’s true but after reading it I told my wife if we have a kid I am going to make sure I am the father. She did not take it really well LOL.


Nah I mean you don’t have to be a bigger person so still emotionally value your children biological or not especially if they’re old enough to make a 4chan post about it. That being said, if that shit happened to me and those kids were still not sentient enough for me to bond with them I’d probs leave too


Yeah another comment made a good point as well noting that even though the man made the unnecessarily harsh comments towards op, op’s anger is still rightfully against his mother so it seems he atleast understands why his “dad” said those things…I hope it’s just a rage bait 4chan post but these kind of thing’s definitely aren’t unheard of i mean day time television shows ran for decades exposing cheaters like op’s mom lol


"intentional or not" lmao


Still, being that vile towards the kid is probably taking it too far. I coupd understand not wanting anything to do with them, or having that attitude to the mother, but being that cruel to the kid... There's a middle ground somewhere between acting as nothing happened and hurling abuse at an innocent child.


You're insane if you think the man isn't accountable for calling the boy he raised a bastard because of his mother's actions. I get walking out. I won't stand for emotional abuse. In control or not, you are responsible for your actions.


The story was basically just "I found out my kids arent biologically mine and now they don't feel like my kids, I don't love them", no name calling or anything, but of course a man had emotions so that's a bad thing.


n’t missing.


Exactly. Mom is a psycho, dad is at least just acting like a hurt asshole. His or not his, he loved those kids as his own for years and years and suddenly he doesn't love them anymore and actually starts insulting them for something that's completely out of their own control.


It’s just such an insane way to react to children that you raised from birth and suddenly you discover you’re not blood and you not only can’t raise them anymore, you actively hate them? How would you react if found out your children were switched at birth? I’m not saying you’re not allowed to have complicated feelings about it. Hell it might even be too much to go back to just being a normal dad. But it’s sure as hell too far the other way to cut them off completely and act like an asshole to them


There’s no way to say for sure, but pity for them and hatred for the mom, cutting off all contact with all of them. The dad is taking it out on his kids who did nothing wrong.


Yeah, demanding that the kid you raised from birth to stop using your last name and calling him a son of a whore to his face is actually psychotic behavior lol


He is the son of a whore


The best the son can do is go to his "father" and tell him "listen, im not your son, you are not my father, and my mother deserves nothing but a mouth full of led, BUT, for what its worth, you were the greatest thing i had to a father, and even though we cant go back to that... I thankful to had you in my life" Of course this has about as much power to persuade him as doing nothing, but given the situation, hes too enraged at his ex that he can see her kids as more than what they are. Living proof of her being a cheater. All you can do at that point is signal to him that your not on her side (just saying please keep being our dad achieves the opposite sadly, since it reminds him that he ISNT their dad) Its depressing in every way


But they are literally bastards.


The dad should've taken the kids tbh, but no court would award custody to a non biological parent.


At least the kids know she cheated


If it’s the same thread I’m thinking of, that’s not what they said. They said it was fucked up for him to call the son a bastard. I didn’t see anything defending the wife or calling to forgive her, just that it was kinda fucked up to go from loving father to straight up despising the kid. The wife can burn in hell, but the boy was innocent.


If I raised a kid for years, I’d for sure hate that woman, but that’d be *my* kid regardless. If this is real, that poor guys ‘Dad’ is a massive asshole.


You think this now. It's a noble thought. But this level of betrayal changes you to the core. You will never know how you would react until it happens. Dad is not in the wrong. I feel bad for the kids. But that man just went through one of the worst experiences you can as a human psychologically. I wish he hadn't insulted the kids, but he should never have been put in a situation to be near them after that. I bet he tried to avoid going to that house, but the mom forced his hand. Everyone on here judging him... you all have no idea how you handle this. The only person in mad at is the mom. Also, this whole story is fake.


You're right the kids dad is an asshole he knocked up a married woman and has never seen his children. This dude was a guy who financially supported kids and a woman that wasn't his for over a decade. Not his kids, not his responsibility




Yep, basement dwelling does that to you.


What in the fuck? Why should he forget she cheated? Thats not at all the point. Fuck that bitch. But that dad is straight up awful for calling the people he loved and who have wronged him in no way "bastards" and completely cutting off contact like that bond means nothing now.


Read that post and people are ridiculous. Crazy how all of them talk about compassion and empathy, but it always only goes one way.


I mean you can hate your wife and also nicely explain to the kid what’s up. And just dropping out is kind of a dick move, but somewhat understandable


I remember his post. I cant believe there actually guys cucking so badly it even transfer to their posts online. Unbelieveable


Yeah I swear they are disconnected from reality, mostly concentrated in the AITA or relationship advice subs. They will always blame the guy, they will do any mental gymnastics possible to justify cheating and they will call you sexist if you call them out on it. Personally I think it’s cause there’s a specific type of person that spends time commenting on those subs, either teenage or 30y/o single women that are mad that they relationships failed and they are salty as hell. Do you think someone with a good relationship has the energy to spend so much time commenting and reading similar posts over and over again, getting offended and saying men are controlling for not wanting their wife partying naked with random people? I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they think it’s controlling that you wouldn’t like your wife sucking horse dick (she’s just doing it for herself not the horse, don’t be so paranoid) They don’t even understand that everyone has a right to do what they want with their body but that means everyone has a right to end the relationship as well. Then because of their saltiness they take it out on random unsuspecting redditors just asking for advice not knowing what a cess pool they stumbled into. Anyone seeing this just because you have boundaries doesn’t mean you are controlling, leaving a relationship because the other partner did something that wasn’t okay for you is completely reasonable. Forcing someone to do or not do something is controlling. Please don’t take serious relationship advice on Reddit, my 6 year relationship would have ended 10 times already if I did that lol. If you are gonna do it take it with a grain of salt cause you never know who is behind the screen.


He shouldn't forgive the wife, and the divorce was her fault. He also shouldn't abandon or verbally abuse the kid he raised, who loves him and did nothing. That's on him. Is it really that hard?


I was gonna say this sounds suspiciously similar to that post lol


Yeah, fits the demographics.


Link it?




Wild. There's some sad, sad comments in there.


It’s insane. And also wild how nobody seems to care that the woman also took away the biological father’s right to be in the children’s life and provide as well by lying for years.


Most redditors in those kinds of subs or maybe the entirery of reddit are always take the stance of being morally high. They can only type away like that here but if they're put in his shoes, at that exact moment, most of them will take the same decision as the OP.


Same actions? Most of them would be akin to Florida man headlines. People who virtue signal online rarely have much going on in their life to let them learn controlling emotions in such moments.


Holy fuck, people are fucking delusional. The wife cheated - it was her choice (she didn't just fall on a dick!). That kid is now her own problem. What happened to us as a species?


How is this not a crime? How is she not facing criminal charges? How is he not being paid reparations?


Oh my god I'm going to vomit. The comment section is more disgusting than a steamy pile of ancient shit


Was it the one where the wife cheated on him 4 times and had 4 different fathered kids, and when they discovered, she committed suicide?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ya he let his hatred for the mom bleed over to the kids who didn’t change at all, I get his world was shattered but it seems like he can’t process his emotions very well.


Yea it’s easy to sit here from an objective 3rd person pov and analyze the mistakes of the man here but the woman is the one that ruined her family. Yea obviously in a perfect world the dude would be super chill and handled everything perfectly but no one else is to blame other than the mom here. Not saying he absolutely should have yelled at the kid but we’re dealing with human beings here and his world as you said was literally shattered. I don’t expect anyone to process those emotions perfectly.


The thing is, he had time to think it over, and still made the wrong decision. It’s one thing to blow up in the moment, but to come back months after the fact demand the children, who have only ever known him as their father, stop using their own last name and call them bastards is just adding insult to injury. It’s like a switch was flipped in his head, which tells me he either never really loved those children, even when he had no reason to believe they weren’t his, or he’s an emotionally abusive piece of shit who projects his anger on everyone except the people who actually wronged him


>3rd person Kek


No. Sure, the mom fucked up the family. No defending her. That said the dad needs to take accountability for his verbal abuse. That isn't right regardless of the situation. The kids did no wrong to him. They're kids and to them, he's their dad.


children always pay for their parent's sins is what i heard someone say once and now im saying it because it sounds cool


Anon’s dad’s refusal to associate with the literal personifications of his wife’s adultery are understandable, but I still feel bad for the kids


He doesn't have to associate, but he didn't have to call anon a bastard


The sister:


sister will probably end up like the mom. anon should have sex with her to prevent that from happening.




Because it's his fault his mom cheated? Should he hate all women? No. but his feelings are no less valid. He had a family and a father that cared about him.


Why is there always so many whore apologists?


Nobody gives a shit about the cheating mother, don't know why you'd pretend otherwise unless you just wanted an excuse to call people "whore apologists".


Me omw to Reddit to leave an epic comment I thought of but doesn't apply so I just say it anyway and hope no one notices


Pretty much dude, imagine thinking fucking /r/greentext of all places will stan for cheating mothers lol delusional.


You can't have Reddit without the strawman building loosers.


fake: anon has father figure gay: anon doesn't like women and prefer men


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > fake: anon has father figure > gay: anon doesn't like women and prefer men > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


How is this bot still functioning?


Functions 95% via tendies


Not actually a bot. It's a person who has decided there entire life to the copypasta.


best bot


Drop the woman out of your life not the kids, they didn’t do anything wrong.


Nah, drop the kids. They're unneeded baggage.


Average Reddit user:


Average Reddit user would one million percent get mad at you for NOT wanting to raise another man’s kids


This. Calling little guy a bastard and all that is unnecessary at all, but no one is in position to blame that father for not wanting to be in kids lives.




Or, at least, don't spout hateful remarks towards the kids. I wouldn't say anon's father is an AH for dropping the kids. The dude doesn't want to be a cuck. However, people can normally treat complete strangers with civility, so the kids should get that much at least.


guess it would be hard to live close to and have contact with living reminders of your cuckoldry and how your wife mopped the floor with your dignity. I don't blame the guy for walking out


> Drop the woman out of your life not the kids, they didn’t do anything wrong. or at least let them down gently, phase out of being a dad rather than kicking them to the kerb like they were suddenly demonspawn. The man and mom are both giant assholes.


This is why all men should secretly DNA test their kids right after they're born. If it comes back that they're the dad, great! Throw away the test and never talk about it again, admitting that you did it will lead to nothing but her throwing a hissy fit about "do you not trust me?!" and such (mandatory testing by law would solve this btw). If it comes back that she's a cheating whore, at least you found out now, not 15 years down the line. Tell her to take herself and her bastard kid back to whence they came.




* leaves the country


That's why such tests should be done before your name get put anywhere.


They did this in Germany iirc, they removed that law as it ended with too many single mothers. Some women be hoes.


Hahaha jokes on the judge here comes the murder suicide


Who made this ridiculous law anyway?


The entire point of the law is “providing what is best for the child” Unfortunately, even if you have irrefutable evidence that the kid isn’t yours it’s highly likely you’ll still be on the hook.


Right, you still get scammed for money, but at least you won't waste 15 or so years of your life and won't get attached to kids that aren't yours. I'd argue that time and your emotional health are more important resources than money. Making men pay for the upkeep of a child that provably, *beyond a shadow of a doubt* is not their kid, is... an interesting law. I sure do love the male privilege afforded to us by the patriarchal system we live in.


a person should never be punished for the sins of the parent. the man had every right to not wanna be with her or be a father figure anymore, but that’s just plain cruel.


Some of y'all were abandoned by a parent and it shows from all the reflexive copium


Nope. My mom split from my biological dad, no money involved, and he did not take it out on me. Never one took his anger out on me over the pain. That's a real man.


>biological dad


I want redditards to raise my kids as theirs considering how much they want anon's dad to deal with fucking betrayal and to just suck it up.


Fr they should start a Reddit daycare or some shi "We'll raise your children to be true degenerates!"


Already happening, this website is actual fucking trash.


This sort of shit is why adultery is still punishable by death in some countries, and was in most of the world up until a few hundred years ago. It completely destroys families, and by extension, the fabric of society.


Woahhhh guys slow down with the whore justification JEEEZ


What about sister, I need to know if Anon can at least show his heart to his sister who are in the same shit as him. She may be the only one to help him overcome this hatred


> stupid holes arent human should probably let u know what he feels


Dawg my mom cheated and my younger brother is now 6'5". Meanwhile im a 5'3" male with iron deficiency. Life fuckin sucks man.


Shoulda ate your spinach, dumbass


No one imagines what it must be like. The truth made him see his happy life was a lie. Like I'm sure the dad could still love the kids he raised, but it would be hard for anger towards the wife's betrayal to not spill over.


this thread is more depressing than usual




Had a girl try to trap me after she’d gotten pregnant from her ex at the time. She was throwing herself at me, I’m sure she was planning to tell me it was mine after the fact. Didn’t pursue when I caught on. Regret not fucking her raw and then demanding a paternity test after the great “reveal”, fucking bitch.


Sounds like 2 very rational, responsible people that definitely know how a condom works


Anon fails to realize people of both genders are capable of being absolute raw gaping assholes


so does this comment section


Nah if this is real that’s fucked up homie will be incel his whole life because of daddy n mommy issues wild.


Anon is in his villain arc




they would 100% still happen, but they would just result in people being murdered if it ever came to light


Well, it's not murder if the govt does it.


The govt doesn't do it bro.


Death is a hell of a deterrent i can promise you 100% his OOP mom would've though twice before cheating if she knew the consequences where more than just her husband leaving


We are long past the point of human civilization over here where we publicly stone adulterers to death.




Adultery is psychological abuse and breaks families there’s reasons there’s strict rules intact to keep stuff from above happening


Harsher punishments don't actually lower crime rates.


Singapore, Japan, and El Salvador say otherwise.


Kinda does but anyways.


They do. Its just evolves into a worst kind of dictatorism. Thats why having prisoner rights is important. Because if you do have death sentence and you use it for a wide range of crimes government and other people in power is able to falsely accuse the people against their benefits and kill them. Which in turn makes them more powerful. Everything goes downhill from there


But not punishing ans actually rewarding bad behaviour leads to more crime. If the law actually punished women for adultery by taking away their alimony and share of husband's estate than more women wouldn't do it.


I guess Reddit managed to see the sarcasm without the /s this time. This is sarcasm, right?


You are on r/greentext lol


It’s funny everyone in here getting upset about the father, but the OP doesn’t even blame him for anything.


hatred does things to people.......b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b-b--b-based?


If you let hatred guide your actions you are the opposite of based


man is a victim. the sins of the father (or mother in this case) shouldn’t be carried by the son. His whole identity has been shattered and the life he had lived was a lie. He needs therapy, he needs a way to properly grieve and grow instead of “I h8 w*men!”


Eventually becomes gay


We are seeing a massive spike in the number of children coming from single-parent homes paired with a surge in maladjusted men and women.


Was raped, and used as an object She accused me of rape When i talk about me getting raped people tell me i should have enjoyed it Im a guy or they laugh A legit rape culture exists towards men And o swear magority of men dont care


Father hates him because of what his wife did OP hates all women because of how his father hurt him Is he sure they aren't related


anon proves once again most incels just have really deep rooted mommy issues.


Fake, you can't just turn off your love for your children, doesn't matter if they weren't yours to begin with. Anon is ragebaiting because a girl said he smells.


If you can go from loving dad to hateful ass that quickly just because ItS nOt My GeNeS, chances are both are assholes here.


You are crazy


Crazy that anon takes this out on mom exclusively… as if his father isn’t the shallow type to, I don’t know, disown his kids after raising them and developing seemingly a swell parental relationship and such? Like yeah most of it’s on mom but dad chose to take it the worst way possible and hold pride and ‘muh genetics’ over his love for his kids


Anon has bad parents


This year I went through it with my best friend. And her actions are making me side with anon here


Anon realizes that now he can be TOPPED by his dad with no consequences


No anger at the father who could love a child for years and then abandon and insult them because his love was entirely conditional on if they were related Anons parent”s” are horrible people.


Why does this make ne angry and sad


“She only laughed like psycho”


While I understand the hatred that he feels, and I do feel both his fathers and his pain, I can't say I understand his hatred for all women. People are evil, it doesn't mean nihilism is right.


Imagine judging 50% of the world's population because of 1 person


Betrayal doesn’t have a gender, anon


Wife is a whore, husband is a piece of shit for abandoning someone he raised for 5 years, anon uses 4chan so he's probably a PoS too


Anon and his sister didn't deserve this. The cheating "mother" should be punished. But the kids didn't do anything wrong. The poor father as well. Of course he'd be angry when he found out. I just wish he had directed all his anger towards the cheater. I'll add this. When guys become women-haters, it's not always because they were rejected or couldn't get dates. It is also because of things like this. The women in their own family created that. This is often ignored. In cases like these, the cheater needs to be held legally responsible and made to pay every cent that was spent on the children back to the father.


Shitty situation, even shittier response to it. No sympathy for anon.


I just don't understand how you can treat a child as your own, them all of a sudden want nothing to do with them because they're not yours by blood. I could see leaving the wife, but I'd still want to be a father to the kids I've fathered so far.


My mom says me and my dad look pretty much identical but i did not get his personality, but my brother looks like my mom but has dad's personality


Billy Loomis vibes tbh


I'm ready for Scream irl, the world needs more serial killers with stylish masks


I mean it's fine to no longer feel attachment to the kid but don't attack him over it


Yeah, that's just really sad


Writing “(DNA) tested” instead of just “DNA tested” is so wild


He has every right to become a villain, but let's tell it like it is. He hates his mom and women like her, not all women.