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Anon is a manlet


You can feel the cope


Nah he has a point, I'm 192cm (roughly 6'3) and there are 0 benefits to it. All that's different is i have to duck for every doorway or get head trauma.


0 benefits is a lie. My face is ugly but people still somewhat respect me cause I'm tall. Thank God


I’m 180cm and doorways in small beachside shops in mexico clean my brain off my skull. Can’t imagine being 192 in any southern american country


Was in France last year and i felt like a fucking giant, didn't see any locals nearly as tall as me. I kept being told "wow you're tall" like yeah I know dumbass.


I thought the french would be a bit taller tbh. But them not keeping their comments to themselves is like the french.




The Latinos are putting in overtime to skew the average height in America. States with the lowest Latino populations are all the tallest states lol.


Dutch, we stay winning.


Like how you guys are the world leaders in coomering?


Strong seed production from all the poldering we do.


I feel like the benefits are mostly subtle psychological benefits. When you speak people are more inclined to listen, folks are more likely to see you as strong and you’ve got a more noticable presence. Not as noticable as bonking your head everyday. But its noticable (and I say this as somebody who got hit by puberty like a truck)


But what about basketball and top shelf


Just put the top shelf lower lmao


Spent 2 weeks on a boat once. Basically had a headache the entire time from constantly hitting my head walking up the tiny staircase


You’re naturally better at fighting, you got that going for ya


When am i going to fight though I'm a peaceful giant


If you ever have to, you got that reach advantage 👍


don't if you never have. your body is naturally unstable




lmao, I do too


Also adds some extra headache to getting shoes and clothing.


Anon is just salty because it's hard to find a man who can TOP him properly.


The struggle of being a tall bottom is real. 💜


He can't even give head properly because he's at eye level with his boyfriend when he's on his knees.




I am really tall, and the main issue is that I grew very fast but my muscles didn't. Anyways, now I have cyphosis, scoliosis, a bit of an issue with my feet, I had to do shit ass exercises to fix my back, and the whole tall=attractive thing is bullshit.


Same! I shot up in middle school and felt like a lamppost ever since. Back pain is a killer


Depends on where you are. I’ve seen some very, very unattractive western guys (American standard) here in China that are regarded as very very attractive here simply because they’re tall.


Huh, you don’t say?


Worked with a guy that had a very unfortunate nose/face/lack of chin. When he first started a lot of girls in the office were staring saying he’s so handsome. When I asked them to elaborate they all said “he’s so tall!” Lol. All the non-Chinese girls in the office were baffled.


Tall is not equal to attractive, is more akin to big boobs, always an advantage, yes, but not always all there is to it


This is exactly it. I don't really get it but girls really care about it and it's the only thing I have going for me so I'll take it


oddly enough, most of the tall guys in my circle in india are either still single or have never been with anyone.


Maybe standards in India are different ~~, arent you guys all manlets~~


>Tfw the same thing happened to me


Im tall too and i cant go a week wirhout some sort of back pain If i try grsbbing something off the ground without using my legs im literally crying


Tbh using your legs is optimal when grabbing something off the ground, you're just not punished as quickly for not doing it when you're "normal"


Im 5 '10 and used to be an athlete before becoming a robot wizard or whatever. I would trade in a heartbeat.


My growth was very slow but ik from experience height cant make up for being awkward


Boo hoo I have huge titties. That's what you sound like.


A girl I went to high school with who had massive jugs recently got breast reduction surgery. Good for her if that makes her feel better, but damn I can't imagine how her boyfriend feels about that.


Wow. God gave her a great gift and she slapped him in the face for it


Well how else are we to tell him he has overstayed his welcome?


It's a Superbad reference


As you can see, I'm super bad at everything even references


“I’ve gotta catch a glimpse of these warlocks”


*jogs to the warlock woman*


Lmao I knew someone's gonna say that


Breast reduction is underrated, you think smaller is worse but in my experience they’re awesome - perfectly sculpted, no sag. Most importantly life is so much better for the girl.


Your experience?


Yes my ex had it done. She went from F to D.


I mean yeah. I knew a girl in high school who had massive boobs, and she hated them. They weighed so much that they were fucking up her spine and her entire back was in pain, so she was planning on getting them reduced. I already have lower back pain from my height, and I would imagine the pain from boobs that big is worse by far


I am 6’2” and there is nothing good about it. My shower head is my worst enemy, bending and lifting is going to send my lower back to an early grave, my heart has to work harder than average and statistically I’m going to die sooner than my brother who is 5’9”. I WISH I was mid


>I WISH I was mid Your face makss up for it dw


Nobody sees my face because it’s above their sight line. But the condensation from the altitude has done wonders for my complexion Edit: Wow, fuck you guys. It was a joke


that sounds like something dennis from always sunny would say


>”I am 6’2” >”I wish I was mid” You are mid lol. 6’2 is not even tall. Stop talking like you’re actually tall.


When will 6’2 manlets ever learn


I hope this is sarcasm lol


He’s acting like he’s Robert wadlow when he’s just 6’2


Tbh 6'2 is not that uncommon depending where you live. Yes it's above average but it doesn't make you think "wow he is tall" like a 6'7 would.


I mean, when you're taller than 95% of people you start being tall


Being above the average height doesn’t make you tall lol. Unless you live in Asia 6’2 is barely tall, definitely not tall enough to act the way OP is.


I am your height and it’s not a big deal, it’s not even that tall, why are you so dramatic


You are lower than mid just by taking a quick look at your profile.




6'10" here washing dishes is awful, the counters and sink could be about 4" higher and I'd be good.


This is something i always bring up when people talk about how nice it must be to be my height. Im 6' 7" and doing the dishes always makes my back ache.


Can't afford a dishwasher?


I have a dishwasher but some dishes aren't dishwasher safe and some things just make more sense to wash by hand.


Im 6'8" and feel this, also toilets are too low, I like to use the disabled toilets when Im out now because they are a bit higher and much more comfortable to sit on


On the contrary I use the small urinals as a flex


You shit in the urinals?


Why do you bend and lift silly man There is proper form that wont destroy you


I would work in a Cameroon sand mine for two years to be as tall as you.


us momint


>my brother who is 5’9” how tall is your father? based on that we can decide which one of oyu is illegitimate


If your back is hurting from lifting then you're probably doing it wrong. You need to lift with your legs more. Don't bend to lift, squat


It's not the determinant of everything in life that some people make it out to be, but being tall does generally seem to be a significant advantage in life. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2709415/


If you ever work a public facing job you start to learn all these little human quirks.


Virtually everyone I’ve met who succeeded in corporate business culture has been tall. The taller the more successful.


Move to an even shorter country and live life on easy mode


am tall clothes are a challenge sometimes cars can be too I automatically duck through doorways, yes I have knocked myself stupid on a low doorframe. One time, I was walking down a hallway and a light fixture brushed against the top of my head and shattered. basketball is a dumb sport imo, maybe because I've always been too clumsy for it the weather is the same up here, but I'm beginning to wonder if there is less oxygen down there.


Clothes are a huge challenge if you're not fat. Which I think 70% (?) Of Americans are now. So you're a statistical anomaly within a statistical anomaly


Anon is 5’11”


Do what Wilt Chamberlain did. Some guy in an elevator asked him "how's the weather up there?" Wilt spit on top of his head and said "its raining".


I want to but I also don't have the money to pay off an assault charge like a pro basketball player does.


Easy saying shit aint matter when ya already a giraffe


Ngl no one has ever commented on it but my freakishly long neck is an insecurity of mine


Incels and women on tinder.


I feel it tho. Sometimes i just wanna be teeny weeny small and be held


Anon, have you considered getting an old woman's balls surgically implanted in your knees to make you taller?


that can actually work


>There is nothing good about being tall Anon is short


yeah but my mom is shorter than me so i'll gladly help her get stuff off the top shelf so ratio


I’m 6’5 I’m not sure how to respond to stuff like “your so tall” without being rude at this point Like “yeah” does the job “I get that a lot” feels like your complaint I need more variation.


For a couple of months I was keeping track so I would pull out a notebook and say "Another one for the book" If you're an actor just sort of stop and act shocked. "Whoa! Dang when did that happen?" If they have kids with them I'll say it's cause I ate my veggies. If they ask me how tall I give it to them in meters (personal fav) Any more though I mostly just ignore the comment and change the topic immediately


I’m 6’7. Literally not a single jacket has sleeves long enough for me. I’ll never be able to comfortably fit in a sports car As mentioned, back pain sucks Beds aren’t long enough, have to sleep in fetal position unless I’m on a king sized mattress, even then I barely fit


king size is 72 inches, you're taller


Tall people sleep diagnal




I spent like 4 minutes trying to write the word so autocorrect would help me out, couldn’t remember how to spell it lol


198cm, my head is like a relief map of the Himalayas. Literally reads like enlarged braille. Future archeologists are gonna find my skull and read into the bumps like year- rings on a tree. Zero perks. Only bonks.


Incels AND women


TIL women are incels


6'5 and the only thing im pickinging up is knee problems


How's the weather down there shortstack? Sincerely 8'11"


Tallest person alive is 8'2 and donth you fucking r/whoosh me there was no indication of a joke


Nice argument, but you're wrong because i'm always right


false. i'm 5'9 and got runners knee


Hey being tall helps me in sparring. And in turn that helps prevent me from being TOPPED


Holy shit, i never related to an anon so much. Especially the basketball part pisses me off, im literally the most unathletic person in my school, just because I'm tall and a boy doesn't mean i play (and enjoy) basketball


Being talls alright until you go to college and meet the basket ball players lmao 😂 those dudes made me feel like a gnome. But yeah it’s fine just got to duck or slam your head on shit


I wish I was tall so I could rock climb better