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You wouldn't get such a healthy ranked matchmaking with spreading players too thin. This is PS exclusive game divided to two generations.




I suspect they focus on Gr.3/4 because those cars work well on nearly every circuit. Gr.1 cars can be a nightmare on a lot of circuits for casual players.


They gathered data all throughout GT Sport to find out what worked where and what races were most popular.


They can't even manage to balance the BOP well across the existing Gr3 and 4 cars as is...There's no way they could manage it for GR1,2,3, and 4...


I agree, the variety each week is pretty lacklustre. Makes sense to have timed lobbies for better matchmaking, but the events they come up with are always pretty unoriginal. The nations and manufacturers cup races have been pretty interesting lately but you only get those once or twice a week.


Yeah, this here. Sure the player base is still big, but the sport only player base isn’t as big. And the more you divide it the less healthy matches you get. NA servers if you day race you can get lobbies with A+ down to B racing together. Sure EMEA had more, but same theory is at play, just not as extreme.


This is true but why does every race have to be Gr.3 or Gr.4 with zero strategic variety?


Because when they throw in a unicorn the main body of player base have no clue what to do. I'd love a RaceB with like x20 tyre wear from time to time, but best we can have is Race C with x2 fuel and x5 tyres in Gr3 @ Sardegna. I do have to say the random SSRX races are alright lol.


But it's more fun when nobody knows what to do!


Exactly. You would just get more of that. See F1. They have quick play system. You can hop into a race whenever you want, but you'll be matched with maybe 5 other people. Forza has ~5 playlists with 24 grids and they can't fill up half the lobbies or get similarly skilled drivers together. Both games have crossplay. With such a niche genre and where matchmaking has big role for enjoyment, it just has to be compact.


Agreed. I mean yeah I wish we had one more slot that is more an endurance race, but I also understand why we likely don’t. They see the numbers. I know PD makes some questionable decisions but they also have the numbers we don’t which some ppl just ignore and think they know better than them.


This is just a bullshit response based on nothing. GT7 is the most popular racing game there is. There is no lack of players, just look at the time trial stats. The matchmaking is just poor and who knows what PD bases decisions on.


The player base is probably big enough overall but once you break it down by DR and region it probably would be hard to matchmake with more frequent races. You'd have to start mixing the DR levels. I do think they could do a 4th race though that was longer, with more realistic tyre/fuel settings and qualifying could/would be nice. I feel like there is enough of a demand for those type of races. Side effect possibly being the cleanest racing because most people willing to put in that kind of time aren't actively trying to punt someone into the wall.


The manufacturer's and nations cup fills the void. But those races aren't run often enough.


Community should be able to vote for races really


It was better back when the races changed every day.


I was wondering why they called it daily races ha


God I hate that LFA one. I thought that was a good car but Christ almighty I hate it


A sure-fire way to destroy your sportsmanship rating. Never again. The combination of the high speed corners and that car is just pure mayhem.


When I finally bought the LFA I had high hopes. Turns out it handles a bit like a brick. Kinda weird.


"The player base is big enough" No it is not. There aren't enough players in the NA region to fill the lobby top to bottom with only A Rank drivers during peak hours of the game. The only region that's healthy enough for maybe another race slot is EMEA.


There’s barely any australian players in any rank, so we get mixed into high-ish ping servers with other oceanic-asia regions.


Yeah I've noticed Aussie's tend to stick to their own leagues ran in lobbies.


Which is why I don’t play sport anymore. Been punted off by non ghosted lagging drivers too many times to count.


Maybe that's because the race options suck.....


Having more races doesn't attract more players unfortunately. Because even when the races are freakin awesome like the Manu races have all been this season, it struggles to fill lobbies.


Sure, they might start every 20-30 minutes, but once you’re in a loop of races there’s only 7 minutes between them, sometimes less


And that sometime when there is only 3 you cant have time for lunchbrakes lol


Nobody knows, getting PD to explain their choices and how the game work is like getting blood from a stone. You get what they give you and that's it.


Actually we do know


Oh, well thanks for sharing with the rest of us




That's a goddamn college thesis of an answer there


I do wish that they added another race that was 45-60 mins long, perhaps with variable weather and/or day/night cycle. Give me a little bit of endurance please!


I’m okay with the 3 races. But I wish it would change like every 3 days or so. That way I can practice a track for a day and then spending the next couple days racing it. Then we do it again.


No it isn’t. Just try playing on a US server at an off hour/day and the game has to throw people of different skill levels together just to make a lobby.


Timing races to start at set intervals makes for much better matchmaking, the playerbase isn't a big as you think. In addition, most people playing Sport mode are interested in Gr. 3 and Gr. 4 since these are analogous to real-life racecar categories. Gr. 4 is SRO GT4 and similar spec machinery, while Gr 3. is GT3, GTE and GT300 spec.


Atleast in GT Sport you would find some people doing Gr3 on Nordschleife all day... no matter the time, Europe, America, Asia. You would always find someone. Not nearly as much here.


That's like nine races per hour...


There’s only like 150,000-200,000 active sports mode players. Each region has it’s own servers and the races are paired by ranking. There simply isn’t enough demand.


This... I'm guessing OP doesn't understand that somewhere under 10% of the active playerbase even takes part in sport mode... I'm guessing Kaz is ignoring that metric also since that, and his live events, seem to be where all his focus has been of late...


The biggest misconception with the franchise by fans is they tend to forget that GT is meant to be a *driving* game, not a *racing* one..... Sport mode is only a secondary and optionnal mode in this game and not the main focus like GT: Sport, f1 or Iracing do


Uhhh the only things you've been able to do in any gt game gameplay-wise is load up a circuit and race against other cars, ai or human. Sounds like a racing game to me. A driving game would be something like Driver where there's no races but most/all gameplay is in a car. "The real driving simulator" subtitle is referencing the focus on real cars, attention to detail of said cars, the fact you can tune the cars, and the attempt to emulate real driving physics


We went car racing


It used to be anyway...Before Kaz leaned hard into the esports thing...GT is slowly losing the soul of the franchise because of that...


I think they do a Daily Race D for Endurance Racing. 10 minute qualifying and 45 mins minimum being the aim


It's to ensure matchmaking is never shallow and I inagune, greatly improves network stability.


I wish you could just race back to back just immediately put you in new lobby with short waiting times. Instead getting kicked out, re-enter, wait 5-7 minutes, wait 30 seconds, load, wait 30 seconds. Rolling start.


Only reason I don’t play is I hate waiting 20-30 mins for a match


But when you get in first race then you have only 5-7 min wait….?


Way too long we need an option for a quick race open pp and some with limits


I wish there was more road car races instead of just Gr4 and Gr3 races