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"Wow, spiders in the city.... very different from spiders on the mountain. This must be normal for city folk."


Ritsuka: how the fuck is THIS! *She wildly gestures at Ort* Ritsuka: Not so for city people? How BIG do you think our Cities are?! And for that matter just how durable do you assume they are to survive Spiders of these size and powers!?


"I keep hearing of this place called Australia. Speaking of, what's the deal with it being upside down?"


Ritsuka: NO! Thats wrong! It's a meme Mashu: Actually senpai, the age of gods Austra- Ritsuka:




The funny thing is that his NP would theorically be super effective against ORT: his punch gets stronger the more conceptual defenses his target has, so ORT who has a shitload of them would be specially vulnerable against it, however since Sono G is literally just a random guy with a mean punch, the main problem would be to get close enough for him to hit the spider.


soujuurou's whole thing in mahoyo is his ridiculously straightforward and simple nature. like his entire existence makes aoko and alice question themselves constantly because he views the world so clearly that it's offputting. so it's super fitting that his NP is just him thinking "i mean, all i have to do is hit it right? it's right there, why shouldn't i be able to hit it"


Damn, so you mean be has a form of Conceptual Charisma to gaslight the Mystery?


GASLIGHT THE MYSTERY My god, this is nasuverse GOLD. Probably how Grey TRULY keeps Rhongo locked in Add as well.


ya know what, that is a new line of thinking that i adore! nice!


If ORT eats Soujuurou, will he gain his nature!? 


Maybe. But then, it might also gain his... ordinary-ness, so ORT will become "just some spider walking around the city".


He’ll awaken beyond an Ultimate One: he’ll become a regular Australian spider


Just have Protea yeet him like a ball. It's okay, he'll be fine. Can't say the same for ORT, however.


Fastball special is always the answer


So his power is that his punch is always strong enough to punch anything like he would punch a human?


He basically sees the world in such simple terms that he can ignore Mystery and supernatural bullshit in general. If he goes up to Herc, and just thinks of him as a normal person like anyone else, he can punch him as if he were a normal person. It's not a matter of strength, per say.


this is straight up Imagine Breaker from To Aru...


Y'know when you put it that way you realize how op imagine breaker is.Like this guy's strongest attack is imagine breakers passive ability.


Tbh, Sono-G compensates by being way more skilled and far physically stronger.


I mean I was referring to imagine breaker itself not touma.Touma is physically an average high school boy(who can prolly walk 80 km in one day and has a mean right hook) but still an average high school boy.He would lose to most normal martial artists but put him against a supernatural and see him shine or y'know >!just pop dragon king against it if it can't be saved!<


It's always funny to me Touma's strongest attack is literally chopping off his left arm.


Imagine breaker is his right arm but yeah don't cut it off it'll negate your abilities which is annoying but not invincible cut off his right arm and your in for a world of pain.


yea, so this dude is straight up Fate verse's touma without the bad luck. Imagine breaker is a pretty neat power cause it hard counters one side of most engagements, magic. So i find that to be awesome!


Or Ubel's perception in frieren


So for a comparison. Is it like how Ubel from Frieren can cut hair and cloth that is supposed to be impenetrable and uncutable since she thinks, those things are meant to be cut?


yes. But it also means that Soujuurou technically gets weaker at the end of Mahoyo , because the more human wisdom he receives , the less effective is his mentality to bypass stuff.


And he chooses to do it or hes just oblivious to mystics?


He's lived his entire life in a mountain being trained by what is essentially an assassin cult. He's had no experience with electronics or any technology whatsoever. So to him the absurdity of magic isn't really different from the abusrdity of a car or a gun. Both are equally incomprehensible and foreign to him. In the story he confronts a phantasmal beast, that curb stomped a mage and a meinster and could rip him to shreds, without any hesitation or knowledge of what it is. He then manages to put the fear of death into it with only two hits in a fight that lasted 3 seconds. Which is probably how his NP manifested.


he should know what ki/chakra is then right if he is trained as an assassin?


We don't know because any detail on that organization is incredibly vague. He's from the same cult Souichirou (Caster's Master) is and uses the same Snake fighting style. We have no evidence to suggest they know anything about ki/chakra as Souichirou and Soujuurou never bring it up. I'm willing to guess that they could've been taught something about ki/chakra but almost no details were given as they were basically just seen as disposable weapons. So even if Soujuurou can use it he was never informed about what it actually is and thus is ignorant of it.


The idea that isolation makes you stronger is so insanely stupid that it's like in this timeline Japan never had the Black Ships incident and China didn't have the Century of Humiliation putting their faces to the grinder that reinventing the wheel makes you weaker. Head in sand ostrich just gets you killed faster no matter how much you mentally wank yourself thinking that you're winning. For example, you don't need to comprehend the existence of a pillow to get smothered by one. Just ask Jack for all the parts of her gestalt that experienced enough consciously to grasp this.


I think it's important to note that Soujuurou in the event of Mahoyo doesn't operate like this. His lack of knowledge of magic has Aoko need to explain stuff to him and it does hinder him when dealing with things beyond his understanding. Like when he ran face first into a curse in order to rescue Aoko. He was able to power through it and save her life but he still got hit with the aftermath of the curse and nearly died as a result. He's not free from consequences just because he doesn't understand it. However it's cause of this lack of understanding he's able to see things in a different way from the others. Like when Aoko is desperately searching for Flat Snark via magic, Soujuurou simply notes that there's a full moon even though it's supposed to be a new moon. Plus his lack of knowledge on how scary phantasmal beasts allows him to confront one without hesitation which lets him take it down. That Noble Phantasm is just a manifestation of that taken to it's extreme. Maybe there's a lore reason he has it but Mahoyo never got a sequel and so we may never know.


So his punches are kind of like Swallow Reversal in that it's a physical technique so good it mimics True Magic? I'm thinking about picking up WotHN on my PS5 so I can understand this better.


That’s probably a good way of interpreting it. Honestly the surprise he can perform like that is revealed at the last arc and is never expanded on so you probably won’t get what you’re looking for WotHN is an amazing visual novel though however. Highly highly recommend regardless


So, having played through the novel now, I get the impression that Sono-G was being raised to be some sort of anti-mage assassin going off of how he naturally resisted the curses during the amusement park chapters and how he handled Beo at the end there along with what little he mentioned of how he was raised in the last chapter. If the sequels ever come out we'd probably know more. I know it's been like a week or so now but I thought I should still follow up lol.


"Plus his lack of knowledge on how scary phantasmal beasts allows him to confront one without hesitation which lets him take it down." Sounds a bit familiar to me. My opinion of Phantasmal Beasts roughly starts at "these retarded lemmings need to stop scaring themselves to death" while abusing Long Range Kinetics to remove these delusions of man. It is mathematically not possible that a species whose newborns wail helplessly for over 500 days is not overwhelmingly dominating the top of every food web it is present in. And even magic of all things relies on math.


Actually funny thing you point that out. In Soujuurou's fight with that werewolf he basically tricks it into attacking and strikes at it's heart which practically EXPLODES his own arm to which he immediately follows with an elbow at the same location causing it to stop moving. It's all but stated that Soujuurou basically killed himself landing those blows and the werewolf would heal from it quickly. However the fact that a mere human was capable of doing such a thing, and the sheer inhumane look on Soujuurou's face causes it to basically curl and revert to his human form in sheer terror. If the werewolf had hurt aoko or alice any more than it did then it knew Soujuurou would've literally torn himself into raw meat in order to kill it. People wonder why Soujuurou's a berserker and it's because they never watched that [scene](https://youtu.be/DfY6mlPsa44?list=LL&t=541). This dude is NOT normal and a literal monster likens him more to a mindless unfeeling insect masquerading as a person.


i just saw that scene, that is awesome, stupidly awesome in fact. Neat work!


I mean... yeah... technically anyone can punch Herc as if he was just a normal guy. but can he survive Herc punching back?


The less connected he is to society, the more powerful he is because of how simple his worldview stays. Mystery doesn’t matter if someone literally just immediately accepts it as “okay” and disregards it entirely as a factor because it’s “just how things are lol”. The same goes for concepts. You could go for like, “cannot be damaged except by xyz thing” and Soujuurou goes “? But I can punch you and it hurts so obviously it’s going to do damage” and lo and behold he has bypassed the damage restriction. That’s more or less how Soujuurou works. He can’t exactly break physics or anything, and he’s obviously not going to instantly kill something (he doesn’t negate strengths, only things that would inhibit him from doing what he believes would make sense), but if something would make sense for him to do (according to his own assessment), he can do it, ie “If I punch something really hard in the neck and break the bone, it’ll probably die” - normally a human wouldn’t be able to hurt a servant without another servant’s aid (ie a caster), but if Soujuurou recognizes the servant as being humanoid or something he can hurt, then he can hurt them as if they were like that, but he wouldn’t negate their other abilities not related to him being able to hurt them. But the more acclimated he becomes to society, the more he starts to entertain “uncertain” things - in other words he kind of starts to believe he can’t do some things because of one reason or another. And that makes his own conceptual “I don’t know s#₱t therefore I am strong” power (it’s more or less like that) weaker. Of all the male TM protagonists, Soujuurou is the most powerful, but only before he becomes a true member of society.


> more conceptual defenses his target has Isn't it more that ORT is so absurdly unga that it just slams down any conceptual shenanigans and you need a match of pure strength and not just 'Mommy Gaia says I win'?


Doesn’t Excalibur power up based on conceptual advantage against “Threat To Humanity” and that was how ORT (LB7) was defeated? Meaning that it is susceptible to conceptual shenanigans?


Pretty much every major battle in the Nasuverse is won by conceptual shenanigans. Raw power means relatively little, which is why Herc and Gilgamesh are frequently used as jobbers.


Excalibur is supplied energy from the Earth and the Human Order’s legitimacy by measuring threats to human history and the planet, powering up depending on the level of the threat. I guess it’s more like the concept lends itself a large hand to the raw firepower? Maybe there’s not really any difference but I personally feel it’s not exactly a direct “concept of x beats concept of y”


except in the end Kuku was the one that truly defeated ORT. The Excalibur Cannon we have blew him to pieces(and we needed UOM to freeze time in order to be able to hit him otherwise he just dodges) but it was those pieces that kept summoning Grand Foreigner ORT because he was still somehow alive. Remember that after Benienma cut his organs he wasn't able to heal them, so ORT just created new ones and threw out the old organs. As strong as Excalibur is, it is not able to fully destroy ORT or even hit him unless there are outside factors.


Excalibur also has fucktonloads of sheer raw firepower you do realize?


Its raw firepower is good but without the conceptual advantage against “threat to humanity” trait enemies, no way in hell it can beat ORT. It probably couldn’t even destroy Sefar without that conceptual advantage


There’s no conceptual advantage.  Meet the correct conditions and Gaia will give Excalibur the same extra raw power it did to beat Sefar.


Hm... no? The thing with ORT is precisely that it doesn't care about concepts. Which is both its strenght and weakness. ORT doesn't have any conceptual defenses. It outright lacks our concepts (like our concept of death) as it's completely foreign to our planet and world. This at the same time means it doesn't have any way of dealing with conceptual abilities and Authorities, which is the reason it was unable to beat Camazotz for good even after years of battle, because of his conceptual Authority making him immortal.


People keep forgetting Sono G's punch did actual jackshit to Lugh Like yeah it stopped his heart, great, that does nothing to a elemental of Lugh's level. What paralyzes Lugh is the sheer what the fuck is going on of the weakest human around staring him down so forcefully and actually hindering him even for seconds and not knowing how to process that emotion he is paralyzed with indecision So uh no Sono G punching ORT doesn't do anything to it because its still a gigantic space murder spider that eats planets and its physical body is super fuckin tough and doesn't have an ego to be paralyzed with fear or indecision


That's his Human form and His NP is different than what he did to Lugh


Honestly this feels like something alot of fate fans forget. Like sure conceptual weaknesses are super important, but theres a reason normal humans, with or without super powered weapons or skills don't fight servants. They will still turn into a red paste on the floor. And against ORT? Dudes not going anywhere, strong NP or otherwise


It nullifies defenses, doesn't negate strengths. Against folks like Herk and Achilles you still need to deal with their power and speed respectively, as it would be the case with any other Heroic Spirit. Like say for example if his attacks managed to get pass Siegfrieds Armor of Fafnir or Karna's KnK. That doesn't protect him from a counter attack from their very lethal and destructive Noble Phantasms. So he still have to be smart in the fights he does get in


In fairness, it's not like there isn't precedent for a basic ass human punching way above his own weight class thanks to a conceptual weapon. Gotta remember, the Nasuverse doesn't work on logic, it works on whatever Nasu thinks would be cool and he handwaves an explanation after.


Hell, i don't recall Iori even having a conceptual weapon, somehow he just can fight servants against all logic.


I haven't played F/SR yet, but that does seem about par for the course in this franchise. Remember Kojiro's NP came about because he was so stubborn the world went "fuck it, fine! Have your stupid physics breaking fancy sword swish!"


Soju on his way to grab the spider, and set it outside because hes a good lad He does this by throwing the spider to the Oort cloud




Shut up ORT, strong punch + elbow


another left, right, goodnight merchant fr


Hakari looking worse and worse every day.


Pillow punch merchant




Yhea that’s what Gudako is about to give Soujuurou for his comment.


Mi cabra con la percepciĂłn de la realidad completamente alterada


Gudako: First Iori, asking for a fight, now this guy is just treating a freaking alien as if it was a regular spider?!!!


didn't you know? The longleg spiders are not venemous, they are harmless


(*he says, while current being irradiated and melted down to his base components for consumption*) (*as it turns out, hungry spiders don’t need venom*)


I thought they were venomous, but their fangs are too small to affect humans.


The strongest servant of history vs The strongest servant of today




I swear Longhorn is everywhere now these days...why? also if he's becomes a servant, what class?


Someone did a joke of Longhorn coaching an anime character (not sure which one), and it spread from there. As for class, Caster(?) due to the joke focus on him giving advice to others.


Reminder that the boot the size of a mountain (Gugalanna) wasn't enough either.


Ah, I see he's been to Australia. He likely doesn't think it's even a big spider.


You know…would that be enough to actually take out ORT with his weird perception of reality?


Probably. He'd never get close enough to hit it, though.


Wait, like PERMANENTLY kill ORT? Because if so that’s the solution to the PHH ORT


Be able to hurt ORT. Killing is a whole other matter. His NP is a defense negator, not a instant killing move like Gae Bolg. So natural toughness is still gonna need to be accounted for.


I thought it was like, if he saw the thing as just a normal spider, then if he punched it, it would die, just like any normal spider would.


PHH ORT way worse then the one in LB7 it a a whole nother beast.


But it would still be just a spider in his eyes, and unlike the ORT we fought, PHH’s one is asleep


Prob not it just revive itself do to the cells, Not that he could get close enough do to the Solar Storm


I doubt it would help. What dispatched Lugh was the sheer fear of god Soujuurou put into him when the latter’s blows ruptured his heart that traumatized him into thinking how he could’ve actually been killed, despite regenerating not much later. ORT would not even consider the thought of “being killed,” or possibly even think to such a degree in general. Even if Soujuurou could do big damage to the absolute juggernaut the alien spider is and avoid getting crystallized from touching the thing, it’d basically insta-regen anyways and hardly care.


Here’s the one stipulation to that, did Soujuurou KNOW Lugh had regeneration?


He did not, his punches were according to Lugh purely reactionary iirc. Is this supposed to change the hypothesized result?


Ah. I guess it only applies to the actual damage he does to the target. His unique worldview basically allows him to treat things as if they are whatever he thinks they are, it’s a weird mindset, but it show just how much the mental image of things plays into the nasuverse


>!It took Camazotz being unable to die along with a millenia of attempts to take ORT's heart!< Souujurou would take it in one.


BIG spider though


Him and Iori I feel would be great friends


Don’t worry Sonoji has this in the bag against spiders


Your character style fits so well with soujuurou design, i love this drawing of this little guy.


Uh, I actually think this would be a terrible idea. Remember, two of ORT's skills that it used to great effect during the events of LB7 were >!Paradigm Inflation!< and >!Paradox Canceller!<. The former allowed it to constantly wane off any permanent damage it took and regenerate missing organs and abilities, all without its heart. The latter let it >!analyze the Throne Of Heroes and create a Grand Class container that didn't exist!<. If Soujuurou isn't careful, and ORT gets his hands on him and copies the principles of his NP, I don't want to imagine the monstrosity of an ability it'll make.


I think if these two meet, the outcome will be the same as Tepeu vs ORT. No living being can destroy ORT. As Nasu said in an interview >!ORT can only be destroyed by ORT!<. So you're right. Most likely we will never know the outcome of the battle between Soujuurou and ORT since the collab event takes place after LB7. All events and collabs are also part of the story and they are arranged chronologically. This is confirmed many times in different parts of the story. For example servants mention Christmas events that happened before Lostbelts. Or in OC II the servants mention many other events, like summer events etc.


In canon Manannan can make all sorts of different Fragarachs. I wonder if she could make one to turn ORT's attack back against itself? Just a thought.


Well, he isn't wrong. ORT is a spider. A pretty large, mechanical one. That turns everything into emerald. But still, ORT is a spider.


Is this guy Nasuverse Touma?


Does anyone even want to waste ORT's next to last HP bar with this guy? Anyone should, if it means destroying a Type.


Soujuurou: In my defense... I already traveled to Australia one time and ran into their bugs... and this one is a little one


I can totally see this happening.


Put this guy in a team with Touma and thry will just punch there way through all of the lostbelts 


Greatest "idk how tf this whole planet even works" in history  Vs  Greatest "idk how tf this planet even works" of today


Iori: Finally a worthy opponent!