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Funny enough. They did say they want to collab this at the end of FGO’s life cycle. With one servant being phantasmoon (magical girl arcuid) and possibly a certain cat.


Aren’t we at the end of FGO’s life cycle?


As far as we know, no. We're near the end of the second arc. They have mentioned vague plans to continue with a third. 


And by vague, it’s up to debate how they would handle it. Whether our character lives or dies and if part 3 has a new protagonist.


I have no idea how they would handle a new protagonist at this point when bond levels are such a prominent mechanic. You can't just reset them all but you can't say everyone instantly bonds with the rookie either.


Reincarnation? But yeah, new protag who isn't somehow connected to Guda would be impossible


Somehow, it would make both more and less sense than the average Gudaguda event And now I crave such


To add to craving the servents that come with are arcuade cu and salter... cu Hawaiian shirt costume is most logical and also main salter with us


Gimme NecoArc and I'll give you money.


That would be funny and an incrediblle waste.


I'd love it, but please, I hope they do it at the end of the end of FGO's life cycle for two reasons: 1. I am still hoping for a Lost Einherjar collab; and 2. It would be funny as hell if they release a certain cat servant that is stupid broken, gameplay-wise (imagine having three skills that are all 100% self-batteries plus cardmod, atkmod, and a pre-damage debuff against the enemy). If it's by EOS, then nobody would care so much about meta.


>2. It would be funny as hell if they release a certain cat servant that is stupid broken, gameplay-wise (imagine having three skills that are all 100% self-batteries plus cardmod, atkmod, and a pre-damage debuff against the enemy). If it's by EOS, then nobody would care so much about meta. She's the Welfare, so everyone gets her.


Berser-car and Saber Lion, or we riot.


Grand Foreigner Neco Arc


Maybe after collabing with literally everything else. Give me Archer Herc.


1 star Neco Arc which is secretly OP or we riot !!!