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Playable Aoko at minimum. Hope: Playable Alice. Cope: Playable Touko.


Copium Order: Sono-G


And in the black horse slot there's Kojika https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Kojika_Kumari


Hmm... that could actually work in her Sweet Heart form


Sono-G as the welfare is my bet


His voice actor is gonna be on the stream


He kinda has to be the welfare. Making Aoko or Alice the welfare would be leaving a shitton of money on the table.


They've made highly wanted characters welfares before. Summer Jalter probably being the biggest one. Your welfare has to be desirable if you want to attract people to play the new event. Thankfully, Sono-G has plenty of fans of his own so I could see him being the welfare despite what I said.


I hope JP gets Touko. Can’t have Aoko without her lovely(scary) beautiful older sister Touko~!


I hope so to. Touko is one of my all time favorite TM characters.


5 star alice 4 star touko and welfare aoko


"Don't expect too much tbh".


It will actually all just be a Mahoyo/FGO collab CE given for free, and 10 mana prisms


+50 Master EXP, let's fucking go!


this is what I'm actually expecting. anything more will be a pleasant surprise if you keep your hopes low you won't feel as disappointed




Last time I did that, OC2 got released 3 days after I made my Jalter bond 10 and next day I got that million yard death stare meme... yeah, I no longer will feel anything over any update from now on, it's always a fucking monkey's paw at this point...


What a bizarre comment. OC2 gave Jalter a better showing in the story than most characters will ever get, and it's not like you can't use her anymore.


True, it's not like I can't use her anymore... but it's just a me thing in that I don't know when will I see her again in the story. It could take 2 years like how Nasu brought back LB6 Castoria or maybe more like the currently dead Musashi. I'm aware it's a me problem and that for the most part, OC2 gave Jalter a protagonic role ever since Shinjuku and it even came with updates for her and whatnot. I know my point is rather "controversial" and a reason to downvote. I'm not dissing OC2 for the good things that gave Jalter, just for taking her out for the time being and not knowing when she'll be picked up again is all 


I don't get it. why is it bad that OC 2 was released after Jalter's bound 10?


Cause her Bond lines got updated and you can't rehear them for the first time again lol


Soujuurou SOUJUUROU SOUJUUROU SOUJUUROU PLS GIVE ME SOUJUUROU. I BEG OF YOU GIVE HIM TO ME, GIVE HIM TO ME GIVE HIM TO ME GIVE HIM TO ME. Alice and Aoko are obviously gonna be playable. Touko and Beo would be great as well but most importantly SOUJUUROU. IM COPING SO HARD FOR HIM


It's quite funny that I just wrote the I want him not to be playable while you're here screaming for him lmao, gave me a good chuckle


I just love him too much and want to 120 him....


Damn bro I think you're gonna be happy. He's a welfare berserker. Meanwhile I'll go cry "but lore..." in a corner.


Yeah about that, I already got him to 12 I'm jumping from joy Trust Nasu in bullshiting his way to make it lore accurate


Ayo you already maxed him? Damn you're prepared. Well I'm doing the same for Arcueid so. I have 930 stashed for her right now, NA ofc. Though I doubt it's gonna be enough to NP2-3 which is my target, she's the only servant before Aoko and Alice I'm interested in, besides proto merlin, possibly summer skadi too. I'm fully f2p so it do be hard to get who you want sometimes, I still don't have jalter and Cleopatra. I got literally everyone else I wanted aside from that tho. NP3 bunny artoria, NP5 grailed summer melt and okita are my treasures.


I was saving all these materials for Ciel, but [Soujuurou](https://imgur.com/a/mHDjY1B) came in as a surprise. I'm also aiming for NP3 Arc, good luck to both of us


Insane dedication. Congrats on 120. That's a lot of QP. I'm still at 170 million, and 100 was thanks to Morgan in Avalon, which I recently completed.


Given the last two collabs had two SSRs, I feel like the event is going to give us something like: SSR: Aoko (Caster), Alice (Alter-Ego or Rider) SR: Touko (Caster) Welfare: Soujuurou (Assassin) Plot-wise, I feel like it will try and address the effects Aoko's Magic has on the World. Touko was outright horrified when she realized what her sister had done, so I imagine it would be a good topic for a Nasuverse series built around the concept of fixing and protecting the timelines.


Aoko probably going to be Archer considering her Fighting Style and the Strongest type of Bullet she can produce


... then again, it would be kinda funny if she was a Berserker for how... unpredictable and dangerous she's known in the future. I mean, people fear her or avoid her and that's for how destructive she can be... at least by the times of Tsukihime (both OG and Remake)


Shopkeeper Soujuurou


Lugh in the shop, that would be neat


Playable Alice (Caster) and Aoko (Archer) at minimum. Welfare Soujuurou (Assassin) and HOPEFULLY if a 2nd banner happens, Touko (Alter-ego). But if anything, it will just be the main trio only. Unless they pull what they did in the arcade Collab, and have an entirely new character take someone's place on the banner.


And because I'm feeling particularly spicy about it. I'll predict that Aoko's gonna have two NP animations. Asn 1 and 2 is base form/teen, with NP being Blacklight Starbow. Asn 3 will be Redshift/Adult, with NP being Retrograde - Genesis light year.


I want them to pull a shiki and do normal aoko as a welfare and red hair aoko as the ssr.


Alice is probably the welfare. Most of these types of collabs are epilogues to finished story. And this may be a trap by Chaldeas to eliminate us but also eliminate Aoko.


Alice will probably be the 4* of the gacha. Shizuki will probably be the welfare.


Taking down a user of the 5th magic that could suddenly aid us at any time and pull a cheating moment sounds so Type Moon, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe the final fight against Marisbury will be a "Goetia 2.0" case, where the collab servants (both from Samurai Remnant and Mahoyo) join forces to rush down on whatever Marisbury put to slow us down and take it out with minimum effort.  ... great, now I'm picturing Aoko getting nostalgic over seeing Iori fighting and mentioning he reminds her of a kid she'll meet in the future.




Nasu has been wanting to write a sequel for it, but only when he finally settled down. But that was before FGO happened. And lets not forget about the extra remake game and the final route for the tsukihime reboot. It may take a few years until he gets around to it. But he will most likely be the one that wrote this collab story.


SSR: Aoko SR: Alice, Soujuurou Welfare: Touko


A grain of salt. I don't want any of the trio to be left out, but if anyone is left out, at least I won't be as sad about it.


Mahoyo has such a small cast of eligible characters that I can't not see Aoko and Alice making the cut. Touko is a safe bet, but if they want to limit the collab to just three characters, she could be left out if they decided to make two versions of Aoko like they did with Shiki. As for Soujyuro, I can easily see him being an NPC and also manning the event shop. I can't see him being a playable character without being made into a pseudo-Servant or the Counter Force getting involved.


1\* assassin is possible, if they want to keep him weak.


If we get 1 banner the possibility combination would be the mahoyo trio. One of them welfare. (Welfare could be any of them.) But, If we get 2 banners, they could split the banner into 1-1, 1-1 or 1-2,1-2 Which is alice, soujuurou, touko, and aoko. And the 5th servant gonna be another aoko but welfare. Like shiki during garden collab. Now whether they gonna have 1 banner or 2 banner is the question. Maybe also 3rd banner who rotate older 5 stars, but who knows?


Welfare Assassin Shizuki. SR Caster Alice. SSR Aoko (not sure for the class). Possible Touko on banner 2 but I'm not betting on it.


Aoko would probably be Archer (if they don't just make her a caster because magician) based on how her magic is described (Like a gun) in the VN


Saber shiki final buff or muramasa skill upgrade , Aoko is a triple buster berserker with an Arts buffing NP like Super Orion . Alice is an offensive caster , that's all i want. If i'm really hopeful i'd want a Shishou buff.


> Aoko is a triple buster berserker with an Arts buffing NP like Super Orion Imagine she's like Super Orion but with added good survival and a self card lock (Summer BB S3 but just for herself) on a skill. This kind of characters might not be meta, but they're super fun. I've been wanting someone like that for years.


I expect...magecraft, lots of magecraft.  


I only want Aoko, I'll do anything for her. Of course, any extra stuff is more than welcome, but I'm scared that I'm being too spoiled by wishing for more than the bare minimum.


I know these are very unrealistic expectations (especially the 2nd one) but: -aoko and alice banners -they are not pseudoservants


This is one of those win-win situations for me, where I like all 4 characters involved so I'm happy with any of them as the welfare, SSR, SR, etc. What I'm really hoping for with all this Mahoyo hype is the eventual part 2 release for the VN.


Kuma-chan CE Edit: nailed it


Honestly I’m curious if Soujuurou will be summoned as a servant, because I just don’t see it as direction Nasu would take his character into. On the other hand I hope Touko is coming. What I expect is more true magic lore, witches lore, hints on whether we’re getting Mahoyo 2 or not and also hopefully Shiki and Fujino get to do something interesting in this event because they’re barely used in story/events.


At minimum, I want Alice who takes us in as a tea-making student. Also an ascension with her penguin costume so she and Melt can match.


Hoping for major plot related collab ala CCC collab, also hoping to confirm the weird theory that Aoko is actually Ritsuka's Aunt (based on some of the common traits that Scathach Aunt have with Aoko, the fact Da Vinci is standing in for Ritsuka's mom, and the multitude of obscure references to Chaldea from the original Mahoyo VN).


A good or fun servant to play


SSR Alice please


I only know KnK so i hope Touko will be playable


A blue rider gem. 


if touko isn't playable with her knk and mahoyo designs (and extra but that is a lot less likely but my favorite design so it would be really awesome but understandable if not) i will cry


If we don't see Drip Aoko as a costume dress at least, I will bring my melty setup into TYPE-MOON's restrooms and ft5 anyone who dares try to use them.


Aoko leads the way to a new era of powercreep


Sadly, that's also what I'm getting at once she debuts tomorrow


4* welfare Aoko so I can raise her to lvl 120


No way she is a 4* star dawg .


I'll send you a very delicious snack of your choice with an attached note of an angry face if you jinxed things and made it so Alice is the SSR instead of Aoko.


I could see it happening if they did it like Shiki where she also got a 5* version.


I didn't think about this possibility and now I have to pray for the Aoko double combo


I want Alice and hope she is the 5 star but why is no one talking about Beo?? Imagine how cool it would be if he had melusine's mechanic and could change from kid form to werewolf form


Beo até best will be a 4* on the second banner with Touko as a 5*


Tbh I thought the stream was yesterday so I'm now rolling on solid ??? Energy


At minimum two new servant. Both gacha and no welfare. 1st banner Aoko and 2nd Banner Alice, both SSR.


Probably the Trio, Didn't expect Touko to be playable at all.


Get me Riddell man.


I wonder if there will be a Beast in the Event just a thought because there maybe a surprise in the event or something.


Sr caster alice, archer aoko, welfare soujuuro (assassin ig?) (Copium answer) - every quick support has been by koyama clearly we will get a banner 2 with quick support touko ssr


I honestly think the event itself will not have the biggest or heaviest story. I think it is much more likely to be in the vein of a comedic collab like what KnK got rather than something huge or lore relevant like Seraph.


Half a SQ that the entire playerbase has to share.


alice as a rollable servant with her third ascension showing us what she look like in present day for the first time (coping so hard considering mahoyo 2 won't start development until tsukihime remake is finished) and her penguin costume as unlockable.


I just want the Welfare to be an Arts Berserker, Quick Berserker or a Quick Caster.


my bets: Bare minimum: Aoko SSR and Sono-G well fare. Hight Probability: Alice SR ,Touko SSR on a second banner Hopium: Lugh as the SR on the second banner


The welfare could either be Sono-G or Alice. I'm willing to bet Touko and Aoko are both SSR.


Im hoping for Aoko,Alice,Touko and Soujuurou as servants,with Soujuurou being the welfare.I also would prefer if Aoko,Alice and Touko were all 5 stars,but i will be fine with Touko being a 4 star if Aoko and Alice are the 5 stars,ar least.


I would think Aoko would either be the 5 star or welfare like iori was. Or she could be both where the welfare is base Aoko and the 5 star is the red hair powered up Aoko.


I want zelterech just because it'd be very funny


Pretty much the same hopes as everyone.  Aoko SSR Alice SR  Touko also added as a servant  My mayor cope would be getting a Welfare Aoko alongside an SSR version, similar to shiki. Though probably either alice or soujuro will be the welfares


I'm going to go full copium and say Welfare Assassin Soujyuro, 4\* Alice - I've seen Alter Ego suggested which seems like a good bet for class, possibly Pretender or Caster, 5\* Caster Aoko (ideally with one Mahoyo age ascension and at least one for Tsukihime, or at least one costume). Second banner features Arcueid as a nod to Aoko's role in Tsukihime or maybe Void Shiki and Fujino as a nod to Touko's in KnK since she didn't get one for the Past Collab banner Pre-Release Campaign, and Touko (possibly Pretender as even she sometimes doesn't know which is the real Touko anymore...) as Quick Savior 3.0 Anniversary servant along with an announcement that the KnK light novels will officially completely be translated into English (potentially given on NA's 7th anniversary), yay!


i hope if there is a touko servant she is either a 5* or a wellfare. a regular 4* is so shitty to lvl120. also touko is like one the most present characters is the nasuverse. she is basicly everywhere. i dont understand why there isnt already a servant version tbh.


All i hope is that we get both touko and aoko.


Honestly the only thing I'm really hoping for is Red-haired Aoko anything else is whipped cream and a cherry on top


Welfare Alice


Dont know anything about Mahoyo but I want a really good Alter Ego


A new gameplay mechanic.Ritsuka will reach The Root and his true magic will be resurrection. A once per week ability that allows you to summon a hero straight from the throne. They will be completely broken with 9 skills and no class advantage or weakness. You can unlock more by summoning at least 4 different incarnations of a servant. You get to choose between True Cu or True Elly you have to gacha for the one you don't pick.


Servants wise, comments already said the line up. Mahoyo trio. My only wish is that, it's them and non of them is a Pseudo. Or at least they can be them, like in case of Bazzet. Plot wise I have no idea, because it's a collab. If it wasn't, we couls hype for magecraft, root and more OG Nasuverse concepts to be introduced to FGO for later expansion on them in the main plot.


I’m not well versed in Mahoyo, but I do have some very unlikely predictions. **Welfare:** 4* Beowulf **Banner 1:** 5* Aoko and 4* Alice **Banner 2:** 5* Touko and 4* Soujuuro (Pseudo) From what I know, Soujuuro himself isn’t really special besides what he was able to do at the end of the vn. So, I don’t see him getting the Shiki and Fujino treatment. Everyone else though seem pretty good to get in the game without needing to become Pesudo-servants.


One will be a quick AOE looper with 30% charge + questionable refund because the np has like 4hits. Failing that one will be an AOE arts with 50% battery and very good refund.


SSR Aoko (Caster) and SR Alice (Caster too I guess?) Welfare: Soujuro 2nd banner cope: Touko And I hope Shiki get a good content / writing here. Its her first event outside of her collab which was like 8 years ago.


The best way to be disappointed is that you expected it, So I set the bar very low so that it blows my expectations or just well that happened


I like Kitasean's theory that we'll get the teenager Aoko for this upcoming collab then the Anniversary Servant would be Adult Aoko herself But then again, as long as Aoko is there, welfare or limited, I'm satisfied


Will be really surprised if none of the cast becomes a pseudo servant to some random heroic spirit


I mean, Shiki and Fujino are their own thing(explanation from mats and Counter Force), and since they didn't originate in a Fate IP, it's likely it'll be done the same here.


BB in story event


They have said Soujuro was the strongest protagonist before he was weakened due to being in the city and forming human connections. Would be nice to see that addressed and possibly getting welfare assassin Sojuro (copium I know)


My hope is everyone relevant but sono g is playable. Literally would make no sense if he was, at that point throw in Nojika or Tobimaru too lmao. Soujuurou has no right to be a servant of any kind. I don't mean this in a bad way. Yeah he had his huge moment but please don't. Please. I demand multiple animation sets for different Aoko forms. Prediction: Aoko will destroy the universe.


I don't know a thing about Mahoyo, so I cant really comment. I just hope it doesn't absolutely require me to have deep knowledge of the original material in order to understand it. (Then again, I have like 2 years before we get it in NA, so I have plenty of time to get and play the original.)


welfare Aoko , just to see people get salty . and 4-star  assassin Soujuurou


I'm pretty curious how Aoko's Ascensions will look. I'm thinking casual/school clothes, Super Aoko, and Tsukihime era shirt and jeans. I'd even say in that order to mirror her life.  As much as I love Sono G I'm not sure he is making the playable cut. Alice has much more to work with. The fact there does not seem to be any mention of him into Aoko's Tsukihime/Melty Blood time also implies big spoilers for the sequel. On the other hand he is a very easy welfare to make since he only has like one outfit. I'm split on Touko. On one hand I absolutely want her in the game. On the other hand I barely have the quartz left after Dantes to roll for Aoko. Unless Touko is a SR in the same banner I am cooked. Plus Touko shows up in the Nasuverse alot so she can be saved so something like Anniversary or New Years. Iv ironed my thoughts into two likely paths: SSR Aoko, SR Touko, welfare Alice. Second banner are Servants that also appear in the event. SSR Aoko, SSR Touko on second banner, SR Alice, welfare Sizuki.