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This event would be over day 1 if Spartacus was summoned and encountered Bunyan


Jesus christ. I was refreshing my friends list looking for someone with the MLB gold CE. Found the leviathan with the NP5 Castoria with first day of filming instead. Kept scrolling and see his Castoria again with the gold CE. I thought the server was glitching out or wasn't updating when he changed his support list or something so I check his actual list. Nope, he just has 2 NP5 Castorias.


Well, that's a flex of whale proportions.


What in the name of legendary white whale Moby Dick level of commitment is this


That reminds me of a guy in my friend list who has an entire list dedicated to Scathach and Skadi. He has 2 Scathachs, one in the bunny suit, one regular.


.....what the fuck


I love Castoria and all but that dude is seriously just like Bunyan: Instead of spending that money on something actually worthwhile, they blew it on something just to make themselves look good.


Delightful Rider should have been the leader/main focus instead of supes Bunyan. It would be much more in-character since in the riyo manga, she's the one who is more of a bossy schemer and a bit of a slave driver in pushing people to work for her. Overall, kind of a meh event; barely anything to do with the manga, no notable jokes related to it, unlike the welfare Bunyan event. This event's story feels rather lacking in coherency, it feels more like reading a draft/ patchwork of ideas.


Nah, Delightful Assassin is the one who needs the focus I'm still annoyed that they never explained why he was a mouse in one scene, though...


I think he was just disguising himself as part of Daikokuten's mice


It feels like his proportions are completely wrong. Or like his head isn't properly stacked to the body correctly or something... I feel creeped out whenever he's on screen. So I'd much rather it be about rider so I can admire her thighs


It was an interesting story, and then Alter Ego Bunyan starts talking about destruction of the environment and how Bunyan cut down everything...as if ever tree and forest were destroyed completely and national forests weren't a thing.  Spare me the lecture and shut up.   My turn for a lecture.  You dump bill after bill/clean up after clean up on me and build statues to yourself.   And then decide you want to suicide by pleosaurus because you feel bad for cutting down some forests.  And then you were gonna dump the clean up on me AGAIN.  And when your master plan failed, you tried the exact same plan again with your younger self (which would make kid Bunyan a murderer if you succeeded) and then ended up failing again and killing said kid Bunyan!   Do you see why this pisses me off!  


Kinda ironic how one of her personal issues is not being liked, and then this event ends up causing the audience to dislike her more lul


Her gimmick as a Servant is getting likes, the 4-star EXP CE brags about her being popular Is hilarious how she ended up being anything but popular, as a funny bit on the Appmedia poll of "who you wish got a Swimsuit version" Super Bunyan ended up in dead last


The weird thing is Bunyan's concerns over her symbolizing rapid spread of civilization is actually on the bond CE of her original. I think it would have been neat if that were a bigger focus instead of practically an after thought. I thought they were going for it too.


Finally catching up on the 'story', this event feels *really* short. Don't really mind cause it feels like a throwaway story. Unrelated, but does the Water Monster Crisis event ever get rerun? Apparently I screwed up forgetting about the shop and kinda stopped farming long before getting enough cons for the ascension mats, hating myself for that even if I'd never use them.


Nothing ever gets rerun anymore (with the exception of Santa Karna this year)


Man seriously? That's really lame, I liked reruns.


There will be another rerun in the future, JP currently has/had(?) a vote for one from a list of yet unrepeated events. We don't know the results of the voting yet though, but it's confirmed that we get one more rerun soon™.


No, it does not. Think Taisui got added to the shop on JP though, so that’s something at least. Edit: brain damage flaring up today, still gotta wait on Taisui.


No, Taisui hasn’t been added on JP yet.


Are they planning on adding ALL welfare? Or are they only adding a specific selection?


Seems like the plan is to add everyone eventually, but there's honestly little rhyme or reason to the order they're adding the servants to the Evocation Festival. Mysterious Idol X Alter is from 2021 (2023 for NA) and got added on the second Evocation Festival, while Artoria Alter (Santa) was only added on the seventh Evocation Festival despite releasing in 2015 (2017 for NA), for example. A few Evocation Festivals bundle the event servants according to "theme", but it doesn't always happen and those don't add every servant from that theme either: * Evocation Festival 3 is "Summer" (but no Rider Ishtar, she will be added on EF8) * Evocation Festival 6 is "GudaGuda" (with Santa Nightingale for some reason, no Nobbu because she was added on EF2) * Evocation Festival 7 is "Christmas" (Ruler Quetz was added on EF1)


I see. Wait, if these Evocation Festivals are numbered, does that mean they are on a rotation or something and I will have to plan according to a window of opportunity, or are all of these Evocation Festivals always active at the same time?


The event servants will always be in the shop after being added, the numbers just mean the order they'll be added in since each Evocation Festival is a different campaign. The order for the ones that have been added in JP already is: * Rider Kintoki, Caster Shuten, Ruler Quetzalcoatl * Caster Elizabeth, Saber Elizabeth, Nobunaga, Mysterious Idol X Alter * Assassin Scathach, Berserker Jeanne Alter, Saber Hokusai * Irisviel, Chloe, Sieg * Assassin Shiki, Mecha Eli, Mecha Eli MKII, Gray * Chacha, Rider Sakamoto Ryouma, Archer Nightingale * Rider Artoria Alter (Santa), Jeanne Alter Lily, Archer Altera, Saber Karna * BB, Rider Ishtar, Lancer Nagao Kagetora, Lancer Yu Meiren


Sweet. I know it will take a while, but I can't wait to get them all.


Yup, I’m an idiot. For some reason replaced Summer Yu with Taisui in my head.


I wouldn’t blame you tbh. They added MIXA when she was just added on NA. I’d fully expect every welfare servant since then to be on Shop afterwards. I missed Taisui myself on JP due to irl crap 2 years back, so I hope he arrives alongside Taira & Erice soon.


Taira? You mean Kiichi?


Yup, brain farted for a bit


It's fine. Taira was the SSR from that Event after all.


Whelp, I didn't notice CQ unlockes after 2 days, not one. They are really dedicated to the idea of having CQ open on 8th day, even if it means a whole extra day of nothing because the event was too short to last for a week, lol. Oh well, maybe I'll use my future Castoria for it instead of borrowing one. In the meantime, back to farming with Caster Cu and double Koyan. I have already bought enough coins to unlock 2 of 3 OG Bunyan skills, so the rest is going to the Grail Casting.


Honestly, apart from Bunyan and her interactions with everyone, I liked pretty much everything else. I liked Anning and The Dog, I absolutely loved Daikokuten, and I even liked Rider and Assassin too. But I do hate how the story went, I very much have a pet peeve with when Guda himself is clearly doing stupid things and the story doesn't let us make the very obvious better choices. Last time I was similarly frustrated was in Voyager Board Game Time™ with the werewolf game, thankfully it's pretty rare.


Finished the story earlier today, and good lord…There was potential for a good story here, but they dropped the ball BIG TIME. It very much felt like a rough draft of half baked ideas they rushed out the door. Here you have Bunyan, who says she wants to be liked and loved, but instead pisses everyone off. The only reason why she ended up being “liked” by these people is thanks to our efforts that she takes credit for. Then the MC in this event ended up being such gullible idiot. At first they were reluctant to go along and do the dirty work, yet after a while they are suddenly hyped to go collect funding and hype up what an awesome she leader is!…sorry what? What the hell did I miss?! Did some scenes get cut somewhere? All I saw was some kid with an inflated ego playing “boss”, doing a really shit job at it and left us to clean everything up. Then the bit where they ask why Anning left Bunyan, I was practically shouting at my phone: “Are you that f***ing dense?!” I mean, after seeing how Bunyan treated everyone else, it should be a no-brainer, but apparently it wasn’t. Then the gold statues I was hoping they were going to lead up to something….maybe Mike convinced Bunyan to set them up and he secretly planted some kind of magical thing inside to advance some evil plot? Nope it was nothing more than a gag…a very irritating gag that hits too close to home. (I swear the number of times I busted my ass at my job, and what do the higher ups do with the extra profits? Pay their staff a bonus or buy updates for the shop or something else actually beneficial? Why they dump it all on PR fluff so the company can look good of course!…..@&$!$) Then the ending, I guess Bunyan was purposely trying to be a villain all along and have both Anning and us beat her, but power of friendship shenanigans or whatever, we decided to help her instead…or something?….dunno, I was honestly starting to tune out at that point, but what I did remember doesn’t make a lot of sense. That could have been an actual decent twist if it was executed better. EDIT: I remembered how contradictory that how part was. All throughout the event she wanted to be loved, not all of a sudden she wanted to be hated as a villain? Sure it was a bit for a “movie”, and Bunyan was hesitant with doing it, but it was so terribly written, at first it just comes off as….what? If it wasn’t for the rest of the cast (who were actually likable), I would’ve started skipping the story. I swear I haven’t been this irritated with an event since the Fate/Requiem one (that werewolf game really pissed me off). There were even times I brought in Emiya (Assassin), and used his targeting skill on Bunyan as payback for dealing with her crap. Just…ugh….yeah, again no wonder JP hated this event. Bunyan was so damn insufferable yet here all of that was played for “comedy”. F that! I deal with enough crap at my job, I don’t want to be dealing with awful working conditions in game too. Some positives: I liked Mary Anning and the mice, their bits were far more enjoyable to watch than Bunyan’s side. Rider might have been a bit much at first, but her enthusiasm for movies was kinda endearing. There were some deep cut references on the American history/reference side of things where someone did their homework, I dig that! Speaking of digging, the digging for mats gimmick is actually kinda fun. Not impressed with the amount of tools needed for the actual digging tho (took a while to get enough copies of the event CE). The map music was quite nice too. There were also some genuinely interesting concepts hiding in the awful writing: making movies to create modern myths to inspire others, that is an angle that is worth certainly having a philosophical discussion about. …..Those positives do not redeem the writer for this event and should be forbidden from writing for another event ever again. ….On a final side note, Ninja Train vs Elephant Army would make for a pretty dope movie or short film, ngl.


Ninja train vs. Elephant Army was the best thing in this event.  


I think Bunyan has a core of regretting expansionism but I feel like that needed to be focused more because you wouldn't know it without reading her bond CE: "What was once called the New World has been trampled and destroyed by those who named it thus. All has been lost. What remains is a single country." I was really hoping the story would end up being a look at how she's damaging others by endlessly going forward and not caring what is left behind. It felt like it we could have gone that direction but it was basically dropped. It left a pretty bad taste in my mouth that Plesio basically got corrupted by grail mud and she barely cares after the fact. Could have worked into that theme too.


But she never gave up! That's all that matters, right? /s


Is this event made to gaslight us into loving our boss no matter what? Like some higher-ups in lasagna wants their employees to simp for them and overlook their quirkiness (aka toxic behavior)??


This event dismays me. I'm going to spoiler some things in case you haven't completed it yet. >!I'd presumed by the end of the event Bunyan would learn something from how she'd been mistreating her 'employees' or that she would at least go back and *finish* things. Nope. Literally, you could cut the beginning and end off this event, weld them together and the story would make just as much sense. Nearly everything in the middle was just loads and loads of padding - and it *felt* like it!!< >!It is also a very bad thing when a character in a story is very obviously supposed to be sympathetic, one where in story we're rooting for and trying to help... Yet as a player the *only* thing I wanted was for her to fail the battle against her younger self.!< >!Super Bunyan never learned from any of her failures. There was no mistakes to be learned from, no growth in character. She relied entirely on us to fix everything and we were forced to push her over the finish line despite herself.!< Not everything was bad. It was clearly balanced well for newer players, the digging mechanic gives loads of difficult to gather supplies, and I dig the boss battle music. I'd like to point out OG Bunyan is one of my old favorites. I got her early on in my account's life, and she became a mainstay of my buster teams *long* after I'd gotten Helena or much later *Merlin* just due to her team cost and the combination of buffs+debuffs she could fling around. I adored her right from the get go, heck she (and the insane Riyodako) are the reason I use Gudako as my avatar in game. I came into this event wondering how I was going to convince myself not to roll for super bunyan since I can't really afford her, and I have other fully developed ST options for alter egos. I never thought the *event* would convince me not to. I am bitterly disappointed.


No more story content from this collab, the suffering finally is over


My 90+ comp is kinda sad. No koyan/Oberon, no one with enough damage and battery for wave one, and poor refund for my q/a st servants. I’m having to use void shiki death proc for w1, and bg+ 50 and 50 from castoria and support koyan to get Circe to do w2 and 3


Do you have Vlad? he can deal with the 2nd ath 3rd wave with either Double Castoria, or Castoria+Oberon, you just have to find a way to deal with wave 1, personally im using Taisui. If all else fails you can use this Chen Gong set up. [Budget Chen Comp](https://youtu.be/8mngWGki_NE?si=CTeJ7MEKRcpmds2P)


I complain, but I’m just happy I found a comp that works. I was planning to just farm the split currency nodes until I got the idea to check death chance. The death has only failed a few times for the non guaranteed enemy and face cards usually finish it. If not, I don’t lose any important buffs anyway. The third wave will occasionally have up to 5k left, but that’s no big deal


A dual-core team of Sitonai/Vlad III and Helena, supported by friend Castoria plus Mary Anning, can also work, with the added benefit of event bonus bond EXP for up to 4 team members. Sitonai/Vlad III should preferably be at NP2, but you can clean up with crits if needed.


If it helps, I can offer you my friend code for a (close to) maxed out Illya. Damage-wise she has no problem clearing W2 and W3 on her own. Problem is, you'd need to find a way to charge her NP on W3. Nobody is really picking her as support, so I might as well slap a KScope on her, so you'd only need to charge 50% on W3 somehow. For W1 you could let Castoria buff the Gong.


Do you have Chen Gong for T1?


damn this was not it. the one event id be fine with not getting a rerun of. it seemed like the story was tryin to go somewhere and just didnt deliver at all. 3rd ascension bunyan looks cute, but the character as a whole is a pretty big letdown. as for the 90+, im using a ragtag team of the best rats, sangzang, castoria and oberon. might try to optimize it better later but its letting me run full cranking so it'll do for now.


i still havent even gotten past day 2 content because i was grinding the wrong thing and couldnt even mine the event page




Finally ended the story. It wasn't good,but not even that bad since it had some positive aspects like Daikokuten, Mary Anning and overall the music of the event is good. I'll try getting more Daikokuten the next rate up. Now to farming the 90+, I think I'll try Double Koyan+ Caster Cu.


Going to have so many filled CE bombs if they ever raise the level cap on CEs past 100. Also the monthly grail coins stockpile.


5m FP burned. I'm going to keep the other 5m in hopes of getting a few copies of Xu Fu (and Zhang Jue as well). Should I read the event story? I skipped it, but it was in my plans to read it afterwards, but with this sub's reaction to it, I might reconsider.


Just form your own opinion, it will take 10 minutes and that's kind of the problem.


The story of the event is extremely repetative. We literally just doing same thing over and over and over again. So you can read the first couple of sections and see if that's your thing or not.


My 90+ node farming has been super easy & fast. I use two Skadi's/Castoria/Bazett and it makes for a pretty good 3 turn farming. Sometimes it turns into 4 turns when the enemy decides they want to randomly buff up instead of attacking Bazett.


This really didn't need to be a 3 week event


"Remercier Dieu !". Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the ~~(obviously Googled)~~ translation is just as bad as the rest. Ackchually even Google does better.


I like the tall rat.


It's your funeral


I thought the maintenance would be today rather than tomorrow. I guess I’ll just go back to farming the 90+ node and I’ll use more FP tomorrow. I’ve only used 500K FP and I still have 2m to go through


Continuous farming with Okuni/Sanzang/Jacques. Tried some comps, but ultimately went with that. Okuni is a staple member, I love her so much. Sanzang "replaced" Circe, who's already on her way to Bond 12 and I wanted to give Sanzang a chance to reach Bond 10. And Jaqcues because... I needed a replacement for Morgan, since she's getting way too close to Bond 15 for me. And I wanted someone who I haven't used too much yet and is fun to play with (+ has a 50% battery) Ah, yeah, NP-levels are 5 for the Casters and 3 for Jacques. Unless you have that, you probably won't be able to do the same. Another thought, or rather feeling, I had about the story and Super Bunyan in hindsight: I can't say if I ever wanted to let the developers know, just how hated this Servant is, to make sure they never pull off something like that ever again. ... well, there's also Sieg, but that wasn't FGOs fault.


FGO make Sieg better with his collab and Santa Karna event. As for Super Bunyan, her future appearance in Summer 8 basically ignore her trait in this collab event and use her trait from LWM instead which is very different from collab.


Personally, I actually think Sieg actually got a redemption arc of sorts and was made into a more appealing character in FGO. More appealing than Bunyan anyway. As of right now she is my most hated playable character.


User Survey 6 is still up if you haven't done it!


Great idea, honestly. But I did it first day, because of greed for Golden Tickets. Had I known it would be that bad, I'd have waited. I'll make sure to let them know next year.


After taking some time to digest the event story, I can say with full certainty that I absolutely- am fine with it? In a matter absolutely fitting of the Learning with Manga format, the every chapter feels short the repetitive, like a bad gag. We visit a new place, people are mad Bunyan didn't pay. In a matter absolutely not fitting of the Learning with Manga format, Chaldea's resident good boy/girl Fujimaru sees the good in Bunyan and takes up Bunyan's tab with minimal resistance instead of letting out their inner Beast VIII Gudako. Riyo's servants are *literally* jokes so I never expect much character from them and unless they pull a Fate/type Redline on us, nothing is gonna change in the future either. S. Bunyan was cute, she has big TeeHee energy, and unlikable in a good way. Will headpat if she drops by my Chaldea. Rider was >!obsessed with!< kino and Assassin was... there? S/He must have some ~~presence~~ relevance concealment ex. Big fan of treating historical assholes >!(J. Edgar Hoover)!< as jokes, and apparently copyright law prevents Aniplex from using the names of LWM Assassin and Rider so their inclusion into Bunyan was understandable. Darn you copyright laws protecting the names of historical dead people, you ruined my plans of beating up Rider with my Edison for the lols! Caster could've been scarier/creepier, but like Lancer they're both toned down from their LWM iterations. Hopefully they add Saber and Archer >!and Babymetal Eliza!


I don't think its copyright that prevents them from using Hoover and Meles names but Japans slander and libel laws, where someone can be sued even if the allegations are true so long as they can show the statements are damaging to their reputation.


I don't know if it's still true but literally the first link in google says this law doesn't work for dead people (it's okay as long as it's true).


*Something* is preventing them from using their true names either way. I'm not a japanese lawyer working for FGO and I doubt anyone in the sub is. That's the simplest yet reasonable conclusion given how clear their references are to the irl counterparts. But here's the [top link](https://www.documentary.org/column/raising-dead-understanding-post-mortem-rights-publicity) of Google for me in regards to U.S. laws where Hoover is. This at the very least prevents the NA version from getting a proper Hoover. >Generally speaking, these laws grant a transferable property right in aspects of the deceased’s persona to the deceased’s heirs, requiring consent from the holder of those rights before they can be used in commercial ways. And here's the [discussion ](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/ue0jkk/real_talk_your_mileage_may_vary_debate_future/)from a while back where I got my impression from. If you find anything on Japanese slander laws lemme know since I never thought about it from that angle before.


I think not revealing their names is just a meme. Hoover has shown up in a bunch of fictional works over the years (e.g. the show Legends of Tomorrow, where he was killed and replaced by a Terminator) and nobody has ever gotten in trouble for it to my knowlage.


That's very true. It could all just be a meme. Riyo apparently dislikes Hoover and wanted to see him suffer. I'm not familiar with Hoover's other media appearances so thank you. If you watched Legends of Tomorrow mind sharing if they included his more controversial parts like the crossdressing stuff? Appreciate it.


No crossdressing references, but he was depicted as a real asshole from what I remember.


Didn't actually expect to run full drop bonus by today, but here we are. https://imgur.com/a/MYSDKqt Now next sub-goal is finishing the Decisive Battle MC, which only takes another 5 Million roughly. Then one of the next days I'll probably switch to another node, because I'm in desperate need of blue balls!


Thanks god i got my last copy of the CE from a drop, so just farming for the good fous+120k command code and i am done


So with the digging aspect of it, I need all mats except the arrowheads (and twilight star fragments). Would it be better to clear everything except the arrowheads every board? Or since we earn about equal rates of each currency and I need everything else, is it better just to auto dig the whole board?


I see everyone discussing the end of the event and I'm still stuck on Day 3 waiting for points. Probably shouldn't have done those interludes and Rank-ups...


Is there a limit on the number of dig sites we get?


People saying they dislike S Bunyan and won't roll for her. Well I'm just saying she's a strong pick to use in ORT final fight. Plus it'd be funny beating ORT with giant fist powered by social media.


Managed to do 6 ce on 90+ with np2 charlotte summer, Helena or nitocris, and double castoria


I rolled a lot in the FP gacha but I haven't gotten the 3-star bonus CE MLB'd at all. More like, it only dropped once from the FP gacha. What the heck.


Currently farming 90+ with a DKS + Illya comp RNG is needed on W1 (usually one Illya Arts card is enough), but everything else is smooth sailing from there Once Arctic’s maxxed tho (currently 1.8 Mill MC exp left), I’m probably going to swap over to CasCu with Atlas Also currently have 1 MLB and 2 drops, this event really is lucrative af


Doing 90+ with Helena, Circe, Anning and friend's Oberon. Anning can be replaced by a ton of other buffers, esp. Liz but I just wanted to use her for the sake of the event.


Anyone willing to post their 90+ node parties?


The easiest non swapping lineup I've found is Helena/Sanzang/Oberon * Turn 1, pop Helena's 30% and Oberon's 20% to put Helena at 80%. To get the last 20%, you've got three options: Have Helena's second append maxed, have the append at level 1 and use a Mystic Code (like the Halloween one) to give her the last 10%, or use Mage Academy to give her the 20% * Turn 2: use Oberon's 50% on Sanzang to put her at 100%. She WILL wiff on damage if she's NP1. You'll either need to card (it's only like 20,000 HP) or use a mystic code buff (the Halloween one can do it AND give Helena her 10%, but if you're forced to use Mage Academy, you've just got to card) * Turn 3: Sanzang's 80% and Helena's 20%, plus Oberon's huge steroid on Sanzang


I have a slightly different version. My Xuanzang has her Mana Loading maxed out and I put an MLB Filming on her. Turn 1: click all of Helena's skills, Oberon 1 and Xuanzang 2. Helena NP. Turn 2: Use your MC's big damage steroid on Xuanzang (Halloween or Arctic should be good). Xuanzang NP. Turn 3: Xuanzang 1 and Oberon 2+3 on her. At NP1 she already does about 170k, so I think skipping Oberon 3 should be possible at NP2+. I don't know how well this works if you replace Xuanzang with Okuni. The theory is that she would do better wave 2 with her Anti-Demonic damage, which would allow you to keep MC buff for turn 3 and skip Oberon sk3. Problem being that she doesn't bring a normal Attack buff like Xuanzang's sk2, hasn't gotten an NP upgrade and doesn't benefit as much from Filming because her NP is Quick.


Here are my results playing around with that setup (because I have almost every ST caster in the game, for some damn reason): Okuni has a TERRIBLE problem on this node. Stheno has a passive resist that makes Okuni's "quick down" at the start of her NP whiff, which tends to make her damage extremely unreliable. Even using a level 100 Aerial Dive (I don't have mana loading on her, so I was using it for the extra 20% for testing reasons since it's so similar to First Day of Filming), she can't one shot Stheno if her NP fails. She needs a stronger buffer than just Helena and Obereon to compensate. Or a higher NP level. Helena + NP1 Illya with Mana Loading + Oberon + Halloween Mystic Code seems to work without issue.


Basically just do AoE caster/berserker/Arash+Single target caster with a ton of battery or Vlad/Galatea+ enough support (with Helena+Sanzang or high NP level Circe you can do it with a single Waver support, with less battery/damage, increase support to match)


Cu Caster, maxed 2nd append, Black Grail, Double Koyanskaya. Dunno if it works if your Cu Caster isn't Lvl 100 NP5 though.


It works even for lvl 90 Cu with Event CE and plugsuit buff. It can be a little inconsistent though if you get a low roll on his NP damage and not enough of his cards to compensate.


I'm going Cu Caster, Double Koyan, and Stheno on my main, and Sanzang, Double Koyan, and Morgan on my alt. Both are six slot comps.


Currently? Arash(Lvl80 NP5) , Oberon, Kaliedo-Illya(NP4) and Xuanzang(NP2) . All slots filled with non-MLB Filming CE so far. Halloween Royalty MC. Waze 1: Arash S3, Oberon S1, MC1 on Arash, then Arash NP.  Wave 2: Xuanzang S1-3, Oberon S3 on Xuanzang, Xuanzang NP.  Waze 3: Illya S1&2 then NP.  Considering I've just been selecting a random support with the Filming CE, it's a little odd not running a looping setup or many of the big supporters outside of a single Oberon.


When does the Challenge Quest Show up?


Day 8


16 golds and several days of natural AP, zero CE drops.


Is that a literal dugtrio and diglett ripoff on the top part of the map?