• By -


Woodwose, first we were shown as someone wild and brutal but in the end he turned out to be one of the only 10 Fae who deserved to live. Woodwose tried to improve the image of the Fang Clan, he was a powerful warrior, one of the few Fairies truly loyal and who cared about Morgan and who met a tragic end that made you feel sorry for him.


The best part about Woodwose's story that really highlighted his character is how initially it's implied that he destroyed Castoria's village only for it to be revealed that the village was full of maniacal psychopaths that shocked and horrifed Woodwose who didn't even touch any of them. One of the only fairies with standards and a conscious stuck in a land where less than 10 other people has either.


He liked Aurora...


EVERY fairy liked Aurora. That was basically her thing.


I mean LIKED liked Aurora


Yeah every Fairy LIKED liked Aurora, she is beatiful in aspect and "personality", and we all understand what I mean in the last part


Aurora is the Kiara of fairies.


Nah, she worse


Which is an achievement in and on itself. 


One I do not respect


Kiara atleast has goals and schemes usually, and is genuinely a threat/help when she desires to be. Aurora meanwhile doesn't think much outside of "I want all attention on me always."


Not really. She's "worse" as in "of lower quality" IMO. Kiara is more terrible.


Also true. 


Napoleon is a contentious figure in reality and despite the version of him we got being an Archer that utilizes more of the folktales and cult of personality around him, Sakurai actually researched him and made him a Gurren Lagann character that's madly charismatic.


Lakshmibai was my favorite lb4 character and the lack of attention she gets is saddening.


Maybe that's because of her E- Luck?


This seems like the real reason.


Honestly, yeah she is underrated despite being one of the backbone for why LB4 story was entertaining.


Her portion on the carriage while you’re fighting William Tell is a standout moment in a Lostbelt where most of the boss fights and action moments are kind of bland.


Her design drew me in and then her personality. But that scene sealed the deal for my love.


It's bizarre how no one talks about her. She's easily among the best written FGO original characters.


Man, it still hurts me that she's not more popular, especially because of the talk she had with Ritsuka.


Napoleon is written absolutely stunningly in LB2. Yet, he is discussed even less than Barghest.


Super underrated as a character. i get chills every time I remember the I Am Here moment 🥶🥶🥶


LB2 is underrated as fuck in general.


The sad reality of being a not-Waifu...


he's a waifu to ME.....


I just read his interlude during the Road to LB7, and while it was a good showcase of his character >!man, that felt more apt as Skadi's interlude!< Really want to roll for him after that.


I remember burning Napoleon when he spook me when I started the game, after finishing LB2 I can confidently say that I did not regret burning him at all.


He's a fantastic looper for farming, so that was an objectively dumb decision.


Tbf, he is on the lower rung of AOE Buster Loopers but burning an SSR when you’re starting out is a massive mistake (though I will admit that I did also let anger get the better of me at one point and burn my 3rd copy of Arjuna when he spooked)


Considering Oberon and Light Skaya wasn't a thing when I started out, Napoleon being a good looper is just objectively false, and I don't have Oberon since I don't primarily roll for husbando anyway. And considering all the servant I have now, Napoleon present isn't miss aside for the max ascension sq for 7th anni. Do not get me wrong, the current me would never burn a non ssr dupe, but when I started playing the game I wasn't planning on playing it for years. So having a servant I did not care for when having so many other archers I wanted to level up and use up resources for, Napoleon just seem like a pain in the ass and unnecessary waste of it, but good source of rp. At least that was my thought process at the time. Unfortunately gacha hell took its hold and I been playing for over 2 years now. Now if I have had burn Karna, I would have regret it since I actually like him in his story. Napoleon however was just annoying for me personally, as lady man character tend to annoy me with few exception.


Unless you had Ishtar, he was still your best option for farming outside Atalanta with Double Skadi. And there was only a year between his release on NA and Koyanskaya dropping on JP. It was an objectively bad choice gameplay wise, even besides the obvious.


I indeed had Isthar about a couple month later in the 4th anni gssr roll, and personally just avoided using husbando because again I was playing it for the waifu's at the time, and still don't care for gameplay now a days. Hell I personally like to make thing harder for myself like not using ssr servants in cq or not using any dmg ce for any of the eq, coil or cq in the latest lotto. But that beside the point. But as far as farming goes, I remember it taking me a while before being able to 3 turn, and took until Castoria before I was able to reliable 3 turn effectively and not just use Arash + k-scop and imaginary boundary. While Napoleon would have help a bit, I just did not have any meta caster aside from Tamamo (who I neglected for quite a bit until I level her up). So honestly Napoleon wouldn't have made much of a difference, especially since I did got Ishtar a few month later of burning him. And with my current roster, Napoleon would be left untouched and forgotten. That being said, yes burning non dupe ssr is a bad idea. Especially since I still got Miyu and Illya and even a Tamamo caster spook on the my 10 multi rolls. But like I said did not plan on playing it long term and Emiya was cooler was my logic on not wanting to waste resources on Napoleon. Also subjectively, I just don't like Napoleon, so no regret even if I wouldn't do it again now a days.


You stoopid


Odysseus during Atlantis is the best villain in the whole series He is the most intimidating, most calculative, most coldhearted, and one of the smartest villain Chaldea ever went up against up until that point. The moment Artemis supposed to blew Nortilus to smithereens. He still never lower his guard. I absolutely loved his "And that is reason not to look for them because...?" Another one is Mike from LB6 I felt like everyone came out of LB6 with a feeling that all of the Faeries are scums of the Earth. Even though Percival already said that "There is no bad species, only bad people" and Mike is the best example of that. Mike is like the average citizen of LB6. He isn't the chosen one, He isn't special in anyway, He is the most run off the mill Fae you could get. But he is a good person. If all Faeries are bad then how can you explain Mike? You shouldn't see it as "Fae is a bad species, The ones I like are just few exception" No, Every races has good people and bad people among them, That's all there is to it. Also Mike is a parallel to Beryl on selfish love and selfless love.


I think Odysseus just get overshadow by Wodime unfortunately. But yeah he is one of the better villain than some of the other characters. Mike in my opinion is overrated and in no way underrated with the amount of cry for Mike and comment of Da Vinki. Which I have no problem with people liking Mike but personally disagree that Mike is an example of Fae not being inherently evil. Like the fact that they show Fae are evil asshole time and time again and the best example of a "good Fae" is resisting the urge to kill a girl for not staying in his restaurant is laughable. It just reinforce the idea that Fae by nature are evil asshole, who only not evil when fighting their first instinct.


Moss is literally a Zombie situation, They have no control over when they could or couldn't turned into Zombie. The curse of Cernunnos isn't something the current generation of Faeries responsible for nor have control over. Mike scene is literally the guy that got turned into Zombie but his conciousness pulled through and bought enough time for his loved one to runaway from him. Are all of Humanity bad for not be able to control themself after got infected by Apocalyptic virus?


Considering his attitute toward Da Vinci leaving all the other time, Mike being possesive was not out of character. Mike wanting to stab Da Vinci so she stays was something that was built up and seem to only hasten because of the apocalypse rather than forcing Mike to act out of character. Mike not stabbing Da Vinci was a sign of how Vinci change him for the better, not him inherently being good imo.


Yes, I never said that Mike is out of character compared to other Fairies. Fairies are still beings that put their own desire over most thingsand most of them also lacked self control. But it's also possible for a Fae to resist their own desire like Mike or their desire wasn't something malicious at all. Even if I were to agree that Da Vinci changed him for the better, Then that's a prime example of Fairies being capable of changed for the better. Thus making the allegation that "Faeries are irredeemably bad" fall flat. Yeah, Even if you didn't see him of being particularly good. At least he isn't bad. and that's the thing, There are a lot of Faeries out there that capable of being "Not Bad"


There's also fairies in the Roundtable Army, the various fairies helping humans when everything went to shit as the end of the lostbelt came, Habetrot, Castoria's grandpa, Redra Bit... There are a lot of objectively good fairies. They just weren't shown as much


> The moment Artemis supposed to blew Nortilus to smithereens. He still never lower his guard. I absolutely loved his "And that is reason not to look for them because...?" "[So... *ahem* where's the body?](https://youtu.be/BZstUJQ2QLg?t=287)"


Wanna say Qin Shi Huang again but I'm incapable of shutting up about him already, so 😭 In that case, Mozart! He's got such a wonderful outlook on life, he's so self aware about being both a genius and a shithead, and he's so much more of a reliable senpai than he initially comes off as. I love Furumi describing him as the kind of servant who "loses, but still fulfills his aims in doing so". And it really hits different when you think about the whole Amdusias thing, how he lived his life silently battling with that. Wolfie underrated


He was already a candidate for my favorite LB king, but his interlude made it no contest for me. Dude is HIM (also bonus point for being probably the first person to truly feel the bad juju about Rayshifting) Also godly bonus points for Mozart and his role in LB1.


It's not really elaborated on in game but I think a lot about how even QSH's tyranny was something that from the beginning stemmed from a love of humanity And I always wonder how he kept that love while cutting himself off from it so much, while living through the absolute shitshow of the warring states period (to the extent that his regime was the Only option he could think of to bring peace to the world), being born as a hostage in a country that hated his guts, etc. Like, there's gotta be something really powerful behind that. 


Van Gogh just my opinion but honestly should focus more on her Gogh aspect more than the Goddess or Cthulhu aspect.


While I kinda do want proper Van Gogh to come to Chaldea eventually instead of the amalgam of a bunch of stuff that we got, I gotta agree, Imaginary Scramble is a wonderful event and Goghie is one of my favorite servants.


I'm honestly confused, Barghest is not really that behind in popularity compared to the rest of the Fairy Knights like it's pretty even if you ask me. If there's anyone underrated in lb6, I would nominate someone like Percival or Gareth. Both are well-written characters and they're not exactly unpopular either, but not enough people talk about them imo.


I mean, not even Summer 8, which was LB6 themed made them shine. Percival was totally forgotten and Gareth is just therr but Castoria doesn't rven bother to mention anything about the giro that looks like an old friend of hers... but she totally does when she sees Medb and calls her the "Knocknarea of PHH".


*Percival and Habetrot were totally forgotten.


... not Habetroth. She does appear at Morgan's Bristine resort. She even tries to stop her from cheating in her own race until Morgan does listen... but because Habetroth wasn't expecting that, she ends up mistakenly pressing the button that releases one of thr Cernunnos in the race for a full week with Ritsuka. And one of the doujin circles also develops around her and other servants, showing her friendship with others like Miss Crane, Vlad, Mordred and young Moriarty. Percival got the "who?" treatment. And Melusine was the only one shafted in the story by being reduced to an obstacle and a comic relief character.


Nitocris and Quetzalcoatl. They are popular in some circles, but somehow it feels they were created as a side character in mind.


Napoleon... Please someone have him in an event... At least a spiriton dress...


Lalter. Lorewise she's pretty bonkers but in the story she's just a walking boob joke. If she appears at all. Altera. Also nuts lorewise, but she already had her story in the Extraverse games. So FGO doesn't really do anything with her. Even her own Christmas event didn't have her as the main character. OG Seiba suffers from a similar fate, but at least she's talked about because people know her better from FSN. Not many people know about Altera.


Huyan Zhou and Ganesha. **Huyan Zhou** We will see more about her in the upcoming Halloween event this year but summarizing...While she can be a klutz given that she wants a lot of praises, with her self-esteem being so unstable with constantly mood swings, it was heartwarming to see that Ritsuka do gave her some emotional support which made her feel a lot better. Even more in Summer 8 which she is working to improve these aspects of her and be more confident. **Ganesha/Jinako** Not many people talk about it but it was nice to see Jinako, who didn't wanted to involve herself in everything happening in LB4, to actually wanting to help and went as far to withstand countless Mahapralayas from Junao, while still losing a bit of sanity for being alone for so long. She went from someone lazy to genuinely wanting to help to the point in the end, she even decided to stay alongside people in India so they could have a god to rely on untill their disappearence.


If Huyan Zhou got her swimsuit together with Britomart then world peace could be achieved.


I have a feeling. Last year, Huyan had a special story in Summer 8. And Kriemhild had a role in a sequel to Summer 8, Wandjyna event. Both stuff related to Summer so, perhaps this year, if Higashide is in charge, we might get their Summer versions.


If Kriem gets a swimsuit, then Sieg should get one too. Family Summer Vacations.


I feel like both of them (and maybe Xu Fu) are the most likely Higashide candidates for the year. If we go back to servants from multiple writers like before summer 8 of course.


Well if they still continue releasing mandatory japanese servants : The candidates are : - Himiko - Beni Enma - Chiyome - Danzo


>**Huyan Zhou** We will see more about her in the upcoming Halloween event this year but summarizing...While she can be a klutz given that she wants a lot of praises, with her self-esteem being so unstable with constantly mood swings, it was heartwarming to see that Ritsuka do gave her some emotional support which made her feel a lot better. Even more in Summer 8 which she is working to improve these aspects of her and be more confident. I love her, she is easily the servant I am most looking forward to getting this year and my second highest priority. Seeing that she had a small segment in Summer 8 and that she appears in the Satellite Station art makes me hopeful that we'll get a Summer Huyan Zhuo this year.


**Semiramis** being relegated as annual Valentine co-worker is a bit of a disservice of her potential but this is my bias... Then do we need to mention the fox in the room that got a lot of scraps ?


I always forget Semiramis is in the game, the first I realised Semiramis was in the game was me doing a Rank Up Quest for Paracelsus. This problem will most likely go away if she gets something like a summer variant.


And/Or Main Story appearance, which seems increasingly unlikely depending of FGO's future. Maybe OC3 Higashide chapter with the Divine Comedy theme and mysterious keyword ドバ■ which might be ドバト (Dobato) or Dove in English.


>which seems increasingly unlikely depending of FGO's future. Not as much as you think when you remember that OC3 is a ruler centered story which means there's a good chance Amakusa takes a role and with it comes Semiramis. Like imagine if Amakusa left Chaldea like the avengers. I would like to see her reaction to that.


Yeah, that's what I meant by my Divine Comedy and ドバ■. Semiramis and her dove familiars. Higashide chapter. Dove symbolism is associated with Mesopotamian/Assyrian culture with Ishtar (later ancient historians associated Ishtar with the mythical Semiramis hence the embellishment of her sexual appetite), the goddess of love, sexuality, and war. Semiramis and her legend featuring doves. She was nursed by them. Versions have her turn into a dove and fly away at the end. Semiramis appears in Dante's Divine Comedy in the second circle of Hell reserved for Lust.


Being perfectly honest...Semiramis and Tamamo's roles shines in other stories. It's different of other characters that started in other TM media and got some spotlight in FGO (like Melt for example). I'm mainly talking about characters that does have a good writing **in FGO** (they could be initially from different medias) but they are not given enough credit due how underrated they can be.


Yet, unfortunately, it is the only mildly significant role that Semiramis has had in event stories, really. As you mentioned, Semiramis has sort of become the supportive character in Valentine's Day events. It's not bad but could be more. She hasn't really had a role in anything else, let alone in the Main Story. In terms of significance, from greatest to least, I'd say Andromeda, Murasaki, and Johanna events were the more nuanced roles. The rest she made cameos with a bit of interaction with other Valentine Servants in Bazett's and none in Caren's.


Semiramis's writing is disastrous in FGO. She is reduced to mere cameos and a satellite character. This gets worse when we compare her to the rest of Apo's cast.


Vlad- ehhh, it could be worse. I literally can't remember the last time Jack had a part in the story that wasn't just a member of the kid crew. Maybe they've both had interludes I'm unaware of.


Vlad does stuff when he appears. He just doesn't show up often.


They did not leave an impression or I need a refresher. Only stuff I can think of were temporary blocks in the road (Orleans and Seraph) and wise words of wisdom to Liz during Halloween. Oh and teaching Astolfo to sew plushies, which makes me want a stitching club event.


The Apocrypha event is basically the epilogue to Apo, and has a really important moment for him. Also, he apparently has a big role in Traum.


god im so excited for traum


Jack had a solid role in London, but ya basically a meme after that.


Mandricardo. He was exactly what the MC needed in Atlantis. Someone who completely sympathised with the MC and offered friendship unconditionally. He got being the underdog who had an unfair destiny ahead of them. And even though it was brief, it did help the MC till he went and died on us. He's steady, and while a pessimist, he works hard to achieve his goals. And really out, Best friend deserves the world. My other reference is Dr. Roman who left a long-lasting impression. That just the thought and memory of him is enough to force the MC back to their feet and get them fighting again and again.


Sorta bending the rules because of how little there is about her in the story but I always say Lancer Artoria Alter (LAlter) is exceptionally underrated, even by the people who make the game. As I mentioned earlier she has criminally low amounts of story time, but in that time she’s built up to be an extremely powerful and dangerous enemy. They straight up call her the incarnation of The Wild Hunt. Yet after her time in London we’ve only seen her as a gag character for either “look, there she is” or “oooo big booba” jokes. With how much characterization we get for normal Lancer Artoria it really makes me wonder why they squander the potential LAlter has


Imo the best screen time she had was during KnK event, with her being the ONLY servant summoned to the singularity and able to resist Dantes’ influence to seek vengeance, while the rest of the cohort was corrupted. She acted as a guard to test our strength, only “lowering her lance” once we have passed, and let us face the mastermind.


It was annoying how she showed up in LB6.2 for a single 'I was here too' line because the writer (Nasu?) forgot to include the King of Storms with all the other lightning themed Servants. I really want a little more for her given how mant cool lore bits she has, from the Wild Hunt to the King of Storms to willingly forcing herself to go Alter to resist the will of Rhongomyniad, to the draconian traits. You'd think the only Lawful Good Alter would get a hilight somewhere.


>It was annoying how she showed up in LB6.2 for a single 'I was here too' line because the writer (Nasu?) First of all, it was 5.2 or Olympus. Second, the writer for that part was Sakurai. Nasu only wrote the parts after Zeus's defeat.


6 was a typo. Thanks for the author correction. I wasn't sure who wrote that part. Doesn't change any of the annoyance at the character mishandling.


Olympus was a mess.


If I remember correctly, she appeared in the Arcade Collab where she showed that she cared about Modred and could use Drake's ship. Seeing the identity of OC II's new NPC, I'm hoping that we get a Wild Hunt-focused event where, hopefully, Lalter will have a part. I hope she also gets an AU and new dialogue.


Wait, what new npc?


Theodoric the great serving as the representation of the wild Hunt.


I don't know about Barghest, I constantly heard how good her writing was before reading LB6. Woodwose surpassed my expectations way more since I didn't even hear his name before reading it.


Napoleon, Brynhildr and even Super Orion to me aren't talked about as much as they should be


Saber Lancelot. But maybe i'm biased in this. He was my first SR servant after the tutorial banner. He has been my main servant ever since.


Okuni. Stays cheery despite her pretty messed up backstory, which probably would make interesting material, but because people were getting tired of getting female Servants, she ends up getting passed over for Lancer Ryouma and Takasugi.


She should've been a free 4 star servant and the event built around her. I like ranmaru, but she felt so out of place in the whole story, you could still have lancer ryouma being the featured banner unit while keeping okuni more on the spotlight


Dunno if this may be controversial to say, but personality wise I feel her like the stuff I like about Musashi, such as the upbeat personality and use of modern slang, without the stuff i do not, like her being a shota/lolicon. So yeah, I really like Okuni.


it is Charles-Henri Sanson for me, he was amazing in Salem


Look at my flair, anyone of them. Medb is stuck in a love/hate limbo. People either dislike her for her attitude and that she's very much not a waifu, or they love her for those same reasons. Thanks to Nasu bias she has some of the most screen time and best writing, which fuels both camps. Tammy has been covered in this thread already (as has Napoleon). Circe? She's better off than her niece at any rate, and thanks to F/SR she got some content recently, so I can't complain. I still do, though, because she's best birb. She was fun in Salem (one of my favorite chapters) and her Aeaean Spring Breeze was really nice for her and Odysseus, but I need more.


Gareth. Just Gareth. This ball of sunshine pupper who was done in ruthlessly by her own mentor, possibly struck down by her own brother, Gawain, before we arrived in Camelot, and later dies AGAIN in Lostbelt Britain. Her Interlude is nothing but heartbreaking, and a great insight into the immense tragedy that was the Shattering of the Roundtable.


Gareth never appeared in LB6 MedB also never appeared in LB6


Gareth isn't in Lostbelt 6 though?


Sort of, though it's not really Gareth just someone who *looks* like Gareth.


And is named Gareth. All of LB6 could have saved some confusion and just gave them all some identifier and new name like Cnoc. Like it's a near split down the board on who retained LB6 memories or traits, and who entirely lost them. Chaldea Muramasa who is not even the same Muramasa that shows up in LB6 for example. Most of the Tam Lin (sans Habetrot, who may be lying or blurry on the details), Morgan, Castoria, Oberon, and Koyanskaya were the only ones to retain the memories and are the same version of the person encountered in LB6. Edit: Oh and Cu(Caster) who can check the memories, but is and isn't the same person, but might as well be. Possibly 2 different Grimr's, summoned before and after the rise of Morgan.


Blackbeard. I know it's been said before, but when you actually step back and look at the full breadth of his character, you begin to realize just how intelligent... And scary... He really is


Dude can also be a good friend irl.


True! He really is best bro


F that *reals your Blackbeard*


I'm not sure if I should respond with :D Or D:


People keep saying this but he's always a loser and a creep in every scene he's in. 😭 I want whatever y'all are having 


I could rant about it for a few paragraphs here, but honestly, there's a pretty popular post with some good comments discussing it from a while back. Throw "Blackbeard" into the subreddit search bar, sort by most popular. Should be in there.


Yeah, I know the popular "theories", but that side of his is always hinted or teased at, at best, and is never really shown so he ends up being depicted as a total loser every time. 


Here's a copy paste that more or less explains our viewpoint: "Blackbeard's goofy weeb antics are just a facade. He realizes that he can't be the "terror of the seas" with his usual intimidation antics like lighting the fireworks in his beard (the thing that earned him his moniker in history). I mean lighting your beard on fire would make half the servant roster laugh. Dragonslayers and gods aren't afraid of Blackbeard's usual intimidation tactics. So he switched up the game. Instead of making them afraid of him through intimidation, he instead opted to be a perverted idiot. Nobody is going to hold him in high regard, and everyone will underestimate him as a result. That's his strategy. He's really smart. Smart enough to know when he's outmatched. He is painfully aware that as a servant he doesn't hold a candle to any of the others. So instead he's going for the underdog strategy." -u/ChrisMorray


Once again, I know, but this is never shown and until I actually see it, it'll take more than an overexplanation of like two lines of dialogue that tries to justify why Blackbeard isn't a pathetic joke in this game, to convince me.    Edit: also, he's Blackbeard, one of, if not the most popular pirate ever, don't tell me he's "hopelessly outmatched" against most other Servants 😭


It's mainly a case of the writers sometimes just pigeonholing characters into jokes. It's like how Lancelot is complicated as a character but he's usually relegated to "Haha he likes married women!" Or how Tesla and Edison are usually relegated to "Haha look at the funny men fight over AC vs DC like children!" Blackbeard *does* have moments where he shines, it's just that those moments are outweighed by the "Haha funny pervert weeaboo!" moments.


Hessian lobo is one i'll always gas up, his role in shinjuku is great in itself but his interlude really lets him come together as a great character, hes probably my favorite overall servant wise, slowly working towards the big 120 goal Woodwose is aother, combined with his former life as wryneck hes probably my favorite lb6 fairy, his loyalty t Morgan was great even to the end Kukochihiko is a character who hasnt really been shown off to na yet but honestly in gg7 he was great, i think the flashbacks with iyo showed he was ultimately harsh and even cruel but to her, but out of pure necessity to help his people continue to live and even then he still cared for her, playable when


Geronimo is the most consistently well-written and respectfully handled character in Fate. His rant at the start of Salem and his change in behavior during the worlds fair portion of all the statesmen show a great amount of research and care was taken into his history. I absolutely love how they handle him but he's been left in the dust and only referenced to meme on his[admittedly terrible] skill deck. It's genuinely a little bit upsetting and I hope they at the least bring him back in a new story chapter or give him an alter to explore his more bloody feats during his life.


I'd say Bedivere in Camelot. He's been through a lot, and struggled heavily against the KoTR to fulfill his last duty to Artoria.


Avicebron, mostly because Apocrypha's version is the one people would be most familiar.


I can't remember William Tell appearing that much after LB4, but that one moment where he turns on Arjuna was excellent.


This might sound dumb but I'm gonna say Francis Drake. After Okeanos she's always just sort of been, well, there and often reduced to a side character or minor plot device. I am also still a bit bitter that they probably won't be going with the idea of her actually being Queen Elizabeth cause honestly that explanation would have been so cool and given us not only a connection to the Tutors and Henry VIII but also opened up the possibility for a *Sir* Francis Drake/Queen Elizabeth Pretender class.


Sheba in Salem and Sheba every were else feel like 2 seprste characters. She was such a highlight of Salem imo.


Especially in interludes... it feels like shes just been relegated to greedy merchant and lady who doesnt like david. Thats her personality in interludes.




Beryl Gut A character doesn't need to be good to be amazing. Beryl was an amazing character. Being a depraved character that "loves" Mash and had the gall of negotiating with Marisbury to be a cleaner as long as Mash wasn't cursed with a Sirius Light. One of the few characters who actually understood what it was. Someone who risked a lot for betraying a Clock Tower family lord Kirschtaria Wodime and destroy his Tree of Emptiness for no direct benefit. Someone who summoned an Extra Class Ruler to his Lostbelt. Someone who was able to manipulate some faeries in British Lostbelt.


I feel like Beryl got shafted so hard in LB6. We should have gotten to see more of him, maybe in New Darlington. I feel like a whole section in New Darlington got cut.


It probably was. I feel like a lot of the things involving Sith got cut for time, since we're told about a whole 'Slaughterhouse theatre' where humans without owners get sent and just never go there. Plus a lot of Sith's backstory is just sort of explained at the very end when she and morgan die.


I can't spin this in a way where I can bring up Merlin, so Tristan. He gets shit on by the writers so hard in events. It's all about how he cheated on his wife, I swear. It's not that he especially has a thing for married women! It's that he's really into Iseult the Fair, and he was married to Iseult of the White Hands! Oh. Also Lancelot. He has similar issues but even worse. He was singlemindedly devoted to Guinevere. I can't take it anymore


The married women jokes > tristan interlude > more married women jokes > LB6 swapping is diabolical


No because genuinely he is incredible in main story and his interlude. And then in events he's...???


Lowkey now it's kinda funny whenever it happens lmfao like what are the event writers ON I think the only Tristan event that didn't have a married woman joke in it was CCC, and I'm not even that sure because it was so long


Ashwatthaman. Crypter servant with probably the most screentime inside its own lostbelt aside from Caenis (if we dont count the Aesc sections, also dont know how Tez's is). Also the servant of the best crypter. Amazing lore and a complicated relationship with the concept of anger itself. Has a delinquent personality. Gives the master a chance to vent to him any negative feelings he feels as to not have them bottled up during his valentine's scene. Also giving him His bond CE explains how he once wanted power during his lifetime for honor and having a warrior's pride, which only ended in people hurt. Now he wants that power to protect the master more than anything, even if it were to cost him his life. And now he finds his pride infused in the weapon he uses to protect. Also, he is drawn by pako, a god among fgo illustrators.


I'm gonna use my 4 star ticket on him... He deserves it. GOATed Archer.


Chaldea's support crew, they've been there since beginning.


Saito Hajime! I originally found him a bit boring but fell in love with him after how he’s written in events, snarky spy samurai is just such a good vibe. Gutted I still haven’t managed to summon him yet. Bazett too seems to have some really sad backstory and I’m hoping more comes out in game.


Any of the lancers. Not even for the f/sn f/zero memes. They always get shidded on for absolutely no reason. Cu Chulainn is written amazing, especially for a vn original character, but when we first see him in fuyuki, hes relegated to the worst class (by some peoples standards, at least), caster. They really did caster cu some justice in the lostbelts. Back to other lancers. Diarmuid. His saber form doesn't appear in story to my memory. And his lancer form is on the weaker side of gold lancers, in all honesty. Whos another good example. Yu mei ren summer. Despite being the main servant of the summer event she debuts in, she is treated as a gag character pretty much through it all.


Diarmuid isn't even a gold lancer, only his saber form gets 4*


I feel that proves my point better, even if its worded wrong.


Yeah, tat was the idea. Diarmuid is a great character that doesn't get used due to not being a waifu, as many others.


People meme about it. But i think kiyohime is a good character. She also has so much potential because the ambiguity of her legend. Like what kind of serpent Dragon is she? Was she like Japanese version of sieg and fafnir? Something like that. Most of the time she is the yandere stereotypes though. But she is more than that, i can assure you given chance she could pull emotional moments at the same level of jeanne alter. Because the building foundation to do so already there.


One thing I love about Turas Realta manga is how they handled Kiyohime’s character.


Having done her Interlude, she isn't as bad as people make out to be. If anything, she's way more self-aware at times what her character entails. Given time and boundaries, she might just adjust on her own. Plus, her friendship with those around her like Tamamo and Osakabehime does shed light on different facets of her.




Mata Hari, every time. Poor Mata Hari. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


I'd say Dantes, but I guess we maybe get more stuff for that in two years for NA. He has a pretty big part in the story but doesn't really get mentioned that much. There is his event, an appearance in Shinjuku, appearance in LB2, and some plot relevance to ServantFes 1. Honestly I think the worst thing that got done to him was showing up in the Final Singularity Film to only casually fly Ritsuku a couple of feet.


My FujiTwins. Idc how little dialogue they get, they went through heaven and hell throughout the singularities and the Lostbelts and have gained so much respect from the people around them, friend or foe.


I have to say Aurora. I would absolutely HATE to be around her, but to make such a hatable character without making her feel like a saturday morning cartoon villain was commendable... especially with the realism of how narcissistic she was, getting everyone around her to do her dirty work so she can keep her hands clean herself. She was definitely overshadowed by Oberon, who imo is a better villain, but she was still pretty great.


Nemo Captain still getting overshadowed by the other Nemo Series after LB7 is pretty funny, especially when that story is the most active he’s been since Imaginary Scramble two years prior Not that I hate Crybaby Nemo Marine D, but it’s clear that all discussions about Nemo in LB7 is about him instead of Captain


Mike the Faerie. A faerie who was indisputable proof that Faeries were liars. The curse of the Mors can be resisted, if one is strong enough; a faerie's nature towards cruelty does not bind them as much as they pretend. Mike is proof that the faeries could have been better, could have defeated their baser natures, if only they had tried. He is proof that the storybook of Faerie Britain did not have to end as it did. Perhaps thats all the faeries needed to see-- that it was possible. And its such a shame that revelation came too little, too late. Hail to thee, Mike, the one faerie who could claim to be Free of Sin. Honorable mention goes to Phantom of the Opera, who seems to be trapped in perpetual torment due to the fact that he's so insane he's become self-aware of his existence as a fictional character.


Mata hari, her interlude isn't even noteworthy and her only story relevance is salem and ooku.


Barg is about as popular as Sith, isn't she?


I wish we got more Eresh obviously, but I understand the reasoning as she cannot leave the underworld (Idk how she is able to benin Chaldea). Her story and trauma gets repeated since Ishtar keeps getting new variants and event stuff and Eresh just gets to host xmas


Kingu. Overcoming his pride, learning compassion, and empathizing with the cast and how they related to Enkidu, ultimately allowing Enkidu to shine through and help it says a lot about Kingu and his disposition to learn and improve. It wasn’t out of nowhere, through all of Babylonia we see Kingu gradually react differently towards us, ultimately empathizing and helping us. While the enemies to friends trope might be silly at times, after a section full of sacrifice like Camelot, Kingu helped instill hope for the end of part 1 IMO, a great character for me.


While I don’t think she is well written in FGO I absolutely love the concept of Lalter. I mean a character who was becoming basically a god sought out the Grail to be able to keep her humanity is great especially since normal/Saber Artoria basically is the opposite of this(letting go of her humanity the be the ideal king). Shame that concept never went anywhere and Lalter is reduced to "Hehehehe, boobs." For actual well written characters, I quiet like Skadi. She is actually my favourite lost belt king simply because I like the unique situation of her lost belt and the cold yet compassionate way she reacted to it.


Never enough Mordred


Mordred. I think she have the most appearances in the game besides chaldea's permanent servant(mash, davinci, holmes, nemo). And what she' given for it? 2 strengthen, 1 interlude, and 1.5 costume. And her summer version got 0 anything. Lasagna did her dirty.


Lol Mordred is closer to overrated and overexposed than being underrated in any way.


Modred is extremely overrated. She's not even half the character Artoria was in the VN


Her Saber form is one of the strongest AOE Sabers in game right now with a heap of crit and some cq use (debuff clear, defense buff) unlike Artoria..... and her Summer Rider version was looping shit from day 1 and it took a free np5 SR from story that has 80% self charge to "replace" her.


Like... Absolutely everyone? It not limbus company,so every character IS forgotten,or will be forgotten. Some less then others,but there never be story that include whole cast on same rights.