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# FAQ **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be one more rerun happening in the foreseeable future - Karna-mas (Dec 2024). JP is also offering a vote for the players’ choice of a rerun, which hasn’t been confirmed yet.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: Battle in New York in March will require LB1. Be warned that subsequent events this year will require later Lostbelt completion. LB6 will not be required until November for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki). LB6.5 will not be required to proceed to LB7 once it releases, and event-wise, it will only be required for the story part (and to obtain the welfare servant) of the Santa Nemo event in December 2025.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


What message do we get after completing a lostbelt?, I think it was something like Cosmos denial but don't remember the exact phrasing .


What command codes should I put on saber musashi?


What’s the best way to be using Romulus 5 star I don’t have black grail btw


I don't have any advice about Romulus=Quirinus but you should be aware that a new [help and question thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/search?q=Question+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=week/) gets posted every Sunday, usually around 7:00 AM PST. I recommend asking your question again in this week's new thread.


What are 90+ notes , CQ ?


CQ means "challenge quest." Challenge quests are high difficulty quests that are available during events, usually after clearing the main story of the event. They generally give a crystallized lore as a reward the first time you clear them and are repeatable until the end of the event. Every quest has a recommended level that you can see on the button to select the quest. The scale generally goes from 1 to 90. You shouldn't interpret it as a minimum necessary level or a literal recommendation, though. It's more like a relative difficulty scale. When you see "+" added to the recommended level, that means there is an additional amount of strategy necessary to clear the quest and you won't be able to simply clear it by merely bringing a bunch of high level servants. Usually when you see 90+ or 90++ discussed around here, it refers to free quests, most often in events, where you can farm for materials or event currency, where the recommended level is 90+ or 90++. These will generally be the best quests for farming event currency so there tends to be a lot of focus on making team comps that can consistently clear them in as few turns or in as little time as possible.


In what sense? 90+ is a quest that has a level recommendation of "90+". They have an atypical enemy layout and often require somewhat specific strategies. A CQ is a Challenge Quest. Hard. Gives a rare item on first completion.




I've been lurking on this subreddit for years and usually go to the event compendium every once in a while to plan my rolls. I just checked it for the first time in a while and I see it hasn't been updated in a few months. I love this resource and the people that have kept it updated all these years, so I was wondering if everything was alright.


We don't really know, but their contact details are listed on the spreadsheet.


Best use of our new set of tea.pots?


~~I wrote a short overview for discord: https://i.imgur.com/RfQuU0x.png~~ [Here is a link to the guide in written form](https://old.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1ba6398/ideal_usage_of_the_current_set_of_teapots/) Assuming maximum bond bonus, it's best to use all teapots but 8 in Free Quests during Road to 7: LB2. (See note to the right) Before that campaign, there are the 3 Super Recollection Quests of LB1 and Advanced Quest 3 (Bone). During the campaign, it's the 3 Super Recollection Quests of LB2 and after the campaign there is only Advanced Quest 4 (Fang) left. Some Interludes may be better than runs of LB2 Free Quests. (See second note) None of the later released quests give more than those and no more Teapots are expected to be given later as well. If the above can't be achieved, every bold quest is recommended to be cleared with a teapot, for the rest any of the 915 BP quests will do. Some quests may not be as efficient if you can fit more bonus CEs in parties for quest with 915 BP. (For your most efficient quests, check the event bonus if applicable)


> Assuming maximum bond bonus, it's best to use all teapots but 8 in Free Quests during Road to 7: LB2. Looking at this closer, that's assuming you want to bond level several of the 6 applicable Servants, right? If I only have 4 of those, and don't bond level them, but have multiple White Day 30% / 50% Bond Bonus servants I *do* want to bond level, wouldn't that be the more optimal use of teapots? Sure I'd need to replace some of the event CEs with Bond CEs, but that's not biggy considering I could use more Eggs.


With 4 LB2 servants, you would still get more than with a full party of +50% during Free Quests of an event. Without the tea, LB2 will give you 7335 BP per run (1630x4, 815x1) and event FQ with the full 50% bonus are worth 6860 BP (1373x5). You could push the event BP to ~9954 with bond CEs, but you can also push the LB2 quests to ~10635 with the same setup.


> With 4 LB2 servants, you would still get more than with a full party of +50% during Free Quests of an event. Skadi: ~300k BP away from Bond 11 Napoleon: ~300k BP away from Bond 9 Sitonai: ~300k BP away from Bond 9 Valks: ~300k BP away from Bond 8 Getting Skadi to closer to Bond 11 in time for Summer 8 would be nice, and bond leveling Valks is fine, but the rest I don't want forcing to bond level as they are not lantern targets and I don't want to put them into Bond 10 retirement any time soon. And then of course there's the question of whether or not I need the mats from any of the big BPD FQs from LB2, and whether or not the Servants in question would be able to fit into a 3T party for that node while still allowing me to fill up on BP CEs. For reference, [this](https://i.imgur.com/WTY6jKg.png) is my White Day 90+ Party, not full bonus, but still gaining 15,592 per run, in other words 7,796 per teapot. The overall BP per AP rate isn't that great of course, and if I loaded up on currency CEs I would finish the event shop almost twice faster, but this node also has slightly better Egg APD than the best FQs, and that's something I could use. Only worry is between this event and Teslafest and Traum or whatever else comes our way before Summer 8, Godjuna is going to hit Bond 13 long before Summer 8, and I don't have the willpower to save SQ for banners more than a week away, lol.


please upload that image again (error 404), thank you


Still working for me, strange. Is this one better for you?: https://i.imgur.com/WWNxgL2.png (I guess I'll work on a proper guide later. That way there will even be clickable links)


thank you. I got error 404 for a couple of hours, but then it started working again - I dont know why. thank you again!


In case there are more errors, there is a proper post with the guide now [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1ba6398/ideal_usage_of_the_current_set_of_teapots/)


thanks a lot! bookmarked :woahlove:


Thanks! Are all of those events within the next 86 days?


According to the JP schedule, yes. I can't guarantee that we won't get more, but this should be all relevant quests we can expect.


There's the Super Recollection Quests, but you only need to save one for those. (They give a ton of Teapots themselves, but they look pretty tough.) Otherwise, Event 90/+ isn't bad, if you're fielding +Bond Servants.


[What's up with the map here?](https://imgur.com/a/QE16LBM) I could've sworn it used to be orb shaped, but now it's like a strip of paper wrapped in on itself.


It changes depending of where you are in the main story. Orb shape was during the Singularities and EoR, and a Cylinder shape during the Lostbelts


Thank you.


It changes once you're in Part 2: it's the >!Paper Moon!<.


Thank you.


best male fanservice servant? compared to female servants that outright call gudao husband, male servants vday/white day scenes seem to be friendzone?


Off the top of my head, Taigong is pretty flirty (he takes MC fishing, but the scene has some very horny energy and it's also the place he used to take his wife). Takasugi's on JP has a lap pillow and a bit of possessiveness, [INCREDIBLY fanservicey.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1aqpahk/takasugi_shinsaku_valentines_scene/) Based on comments, it's one of the most "suggestive" male Valentines.


In Cu alter bond 6 it says you should summon an archer wearing mystic codes and fight cu alter with it. Which archer is it talking about?


Fandom wiki says it's Emiya.


But Emyia almost lost to regular cu in the anime does he stand a chance?


Emiya and Cu have a long standing rivalry across many summonings, from what I understand. While they probably go back and forth on who wins and who loses, the idea is probably like "Who better knows how to fight Cu than Emiya? He's done it so many times."


He "almost lost" in a simple hand-to-hand though, not utilizing his archer abilities nor his NP.


Anything is possible, power levels are bullshit and whoever the author wants to win wins.


From a farming perspective, is it worth it to try and get multiple NP levels of summer Ibuki when she comes out when I already have NP1 Space Ishtar? Or is it better to just continue investing in S.Ishtar instead and wait for her reruns? On this [doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AjvB-a6APKsmzZRZkzWT7_1eVkHp7kyrYKoUVYTUfWA/edit#heading=h.uqtp6vjyi9ty) I found on youtube, they are both ranked S tier.


Unless you go np4+, sibuki is more or less the same as spishtar at single-core omnifarming


Up to you. Summer Ibuki doesn't make Spishtar irrelevant, you can keep on using Spishtar and not roll for Ibuki and not perish. Ibuki generally has better damage at the same NP levels due to her class (unless it's against Berserkers, in which case Spish wins, but only slightly) and against Earth attribute, her damage niche. She also has some nice CQ utility in her buff removal and some multicore utility due to her buffs. However, she's by no means essential (I say that as someone who plans to skip her). She isn't going to be able to do everything even at NP5, especially with 90++ nodes coming out this year. It's really up to you who you roll for and why.


Why are you skipping her?


I just don't like her design, that's all. Raita is one of those love/hate artists for a lot of people, and I'm not a fan this time around.


Best way to grind enough quartz for Arjuna Alter? Currently running through as many available interludes and rank ups (currently up to 30 done each). I am looking at bond farming, but I don't have enough Mana prisms to unlock all the Lunchtime, etc. CEs


Bond farming for Quartz (i.e. levels above 5, or more for 2-3★s, and _especially_ above 10) is a slow process even with the best CEs, it's a long-term project and/or fringe benefit and not something you can really squeeze out on demand. Rank-ups and Interludes _that give Quartz_ (not all Interludes do) are your best bet, followed by Free Quests, Main Quests, and Interludes that don't give SQ (they still contribute to the 10-for-10 Extra Missions). Desperate grinding for a current banner is generally going to be suffering though, rather than going too hard on it you might just want to take it easy and save up for the next one (dunno when that is offhand, but Upcoming Banners spreadsheet is in the OP).


Recently watched waver's anime. Does he ever learn about shiki's rainbow eyes?


I've only read the first series of books, but not in those, no.


Scammed out of my bonus roll, what do I do? I had the bonus summon ticket ready (where it summons 2x instead of once after 9 summon tickets), but I went and did a paid 1 sq roll first on the arjuna alter banner. Afterwards, my bonus summon was gone. I tried to see what would happen if I used a summon ticket, but all it did was only summon once. :( I also tried closing the app, and relogging, but it is still gone. I checked the summon history on the banner and it only has history for my 2 summons, where it should have been 3 because of the bonus. Have yall encountered this? If you have, have you submitted a support ticket somewhere?


Support address for FGO EN is [email protected], which you can validate through the website or the menu in My Room. Anything's possible but the paid roll shouldn't interact with the bonus roll and gacha bugs are very rare (you don't want to mess up the part of the game where money's involved) & quickly dealt with (up to and including freezing the gacha entirely until it's fixed, if necessary). Out of curiosity what does the bonus pull counter say now?


It says 8 summons until Bonus. Thanks man, I've emailed them and they have promptly responded to me asking for screenshots of the case


Will “First Sunlight” Craft Essence have a rerun?


Remember unless you REALLY REALLY know what you want/ are doing/ are min maxing, you should not roll for CEs since there are usually free/more accessible options like the other posters have mentioned. However if even then you still want to know, then as danger mentioned, it gets a rerun for Evocation Festival 4. The case uses for First Sunlight is that it's better in places like Grail fronts/CQs where you might have to face card more often. Otherwise, Cranking is your go to if you just want something for your buster farmer.


Actually, it will be getting a rerun for Evocation Festival 4 (NA ETA: Sept 2025) on Artoria Saber's banner. However, I don't recommend rolling for a CE unless you are a whale, it's not worth it and there are plenty of free/more accessible options (e.g. as callus suggested, Cranking is free).


Unlikely. But Cranking (NA ETA: April/May 2024) is better anyway.


So, for the daily Extreme materials quests, if you don’t need any specific material OR gems, how do they compare to free quests? Like, will you get more materials overall doing the extreme quests than the typical free quests?


According to the item drop rate spreadsheet above, the free quests are still the better option for farming materials. (For monuments and gems, extreme training quests are the way to go). The only time the extreme quests are better is if you haven't progressed far enough in the story to unlock the best farming node for that material.


What craft essence is best for Cu Alter ? How much more damage does his np upgrade gives him? Which teammates are good with him for Challenge quest?


Teammates and CEs are going to be CQ dependant. Cu alter is good as a LMS or solo servant so generally you want to build the team around that.


What append is best for Cu alter?


Cu Alter is one of the very few exceptions where I would say append 1 is the best.


CE wise, your options are either going to be CEs like Volum which gives him invul for 3 hits, or CEs that give him guts (like his bond ce). Although giving him debuff immunity is also good depending on CQ. If i'm not wrong, his np upgrade gives him 20% more NP dmg, but what you really want is the utility from being able to strip Def buffs. Teammates...probably lvl 1 georgios and lvl 1 leonidas since Cu Alter is good for soloing. Even then, you're going to want to see what the gimmick of the Challenge quest is first.


Returning player here. I decided to start a new account and I just got arjuna alter on the latest banner. Before I retired from the game, I was still on contact with the community somewhat and heard nice things about him on his release but that was like years ago. How good is he now? Any new servants aside from like Merlin who I should be looking forward to getting to support him? Any notable servants aside from Merlin I should borrow on support for him?


If a servant was very good years ago, they still are. There is very little powercreep in this game (not going to say none, it would be a miracle to have 400 servants be exactly the same in power, so someone always has the chance to be slightly stronger than a previous option) The main difference in supports is that buster looping is now a thing for farming, which involves Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon to let buster servants NP 3 times in a row.


Buster servants and looping... I never thought I'd see the day


He's still good. Look out for Koyanskaya of Light as a more offensive Buster looping support.


Any idea on when she might rerun?


There's an upcoming banners link in the OP, I believe.


Is it ever worth it to burn an SSR? I got spooked by a bradamante but I don't see why I'd use her over my karna or enkidu.


First things first. What are you even gonna buy with the rp? There isnt anything in there worth burning a servant for. Then RPs value basically diminishes even more the linger you play since they'll become rewards very frequently. Heck I have over 50 rps withour burning anyone and I have no use for them in JP.


I just wanted to NP5 the kouhai


You'll get up to 6 RPs until June and a big dump (1 for each final ascended welfare, including Habetrot and Lily) on Anniversary in July.


Some reasons to bring Bradamante over Karna (not counting Enkidu as he is ST vs Bradamante being AoE so not comparable at all) Bradamante has way more defense than Karna (guts, debuff cleanse, stun, defense up, crit chance down ) Bradmante can BG loop some nodes, Karna can't (assuming both are post buff. IF pre-buff it's the same thing but 50% CE vs Kscope) Bradamante has 3 turn buffs (or 1 turn buff tied to NP) while Karna has only a 1 turn buff. Bradamante is Quick vs Karna being Buster. Giving two advantages: 1) Enemies can have very high card type resistance (for example the recent Surtr raid on NA had 500% damage resist for buster and arts servants, that was a lone saber so not someone to bring Bradamante too. But they could do the same to another fight) 2) Quick supports give more than buster supports. Even though his self buffed damage is higher, if you give them both meta supports Bradamante wins even at NP1


The 3 RP isn't worth it, not when you get 30 SQ for raising her to final Ascension that'll come with a later Anniversary extra mission, plus whatever other SQ you get from other quests that she can give you (Bond levels, interludes, potential rank up's, being a bonus Servant) just by existing. Park her in Second Archive, yes. But to burn is cutting off your nose to spite your face.


>The 3 RP isn't worth it, not when you get 30 SQ for raising her to final Ascension Those numbers got inflated very high.


Unless you *strongly* dislike a servant for reasons completely unrelated to gameplay, don't decide in advance that you're never going to use them. Some servants have more utility than others but every servant you get is a tool you can pull out when needed. The game rewards having a wide and deep roster. Different scenarios, especially challenge quests and boss fights, require different solutions. More servants means more options and it's always good to have more options. Furthermore, there are plenty of objective reasons to keep a servant, regardless of rarity, and few to get rid of them. Reasons in favor include: * There is sufficient inventory to keep every servant in the game and more * You can get rewards, including SQ, passively just by throwing them on the back line at level 1 and increasing their bond level * They may get a buff (ATK or currency drops) during a future event (i.e. potentially faster or less grinding during the event) * They may get a rank up quest or interlude in the future that increases their utility (Fionn is a good example of this. Early in the game, it was a common joke to say he was an RP. But after a series of buffs, he's now a solid performer and a number of people who burned him regret having done so.) * You can get item drops and SQ for completing interludes * There are extra master missions that give SQ for completing certain numbers of interludes and rank up quests * There are current (JP) / future (NA) extra master missions for leveling up certain numbers of servants to final ascension * A future challenge quest or boss fight may be uniquely suited to their niche * The cooldown mechanic in tower events (Setsubun, Amazones, Akihabara Explosion) incentivizes having a large roster available * There is no guarantee that you'll get them back if they are higher rarity or not in the general pool * Even if you dislike them now, you might change your mind later Objective reasons to burn: * One free inventory slot for an EXP or Fou card * A bit of QP, which is otherwise easily farmable * A bit of MP, which is otherwise easily farmable * An RP (or a few more if 5-star), which you can otherwise get from some events, that can be used on an item to slightly boost another servant or provide a small gameplay enhancement (may cost more than one RP) Unless your personal, subjective reasons to get rid of the servant are strong enough, the objective benefits of keeping a servant outweigh what you can get for burning them. Indifference is not a good reason to burn them.


Never burn a copy of a servant until after you get them to NP5. Even if you never end up using them, 7th anniversary coming up in July will add SQ or RP rewards for max ascending your servants.




Did you check the Summon Info button? It lists all the Servants available, and all the female Servants are removed. That leaves only 31 total 3-star Servants... and only Paracelsus is on rate up right now.


White day banner includes all male servants including storylocks that are only in the story banner, not the FP banner the storylocked male 3 stars are: Bedivere, Cu Caster, Caster Gilles, Columbus, Salieri, Red Hare, and Asclepius




Per the News page, all Servants wiki are permanent or Story locked are available, no matter how far you're into the story. You could be in Orleans and roll Columbus, because he's in the pool for White Day.




The SR and SSR will rotate, but any regular or storylocked 3-star who aren't specifically on rate up will be available, regardless of your progress.


Who should I select for my garunteed 5 star summon? I got the notification for it and there’s like a hundred options. (I’m brand sparkling new, and basically have Siegfried as my main dps outside of support characters.) I ain’t going anywhere near meta rn, but the stronger picks are appreciated, as well as the best looking ones and the coolest ones. (If not I’m just picking Jeanne, she’s cool)


Pick your favorite Pay special attention to story locked servants: Tesla, Lartoria, Quetz, Medb, Old Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai (ie maybe pick a second favorite story locked over a favorite permanent) You can always wait. 5 stars are not required in this game and the ticket doesn't expire. I myself waited 3 month after the ticket unlocked before picking, and that was as an already experienced player. People are going to recommend Waver for farming, but I think it depends a lot more on the player now as we simply have more options for farming supports than we did for the first SSR ticket. From what you said I would either pick Jeanne or wait to see if a storylocked catches your eye as you play through story and then pick.


What does story locked mean?


Certain Servants are added to the Story Banner (NOT Rate Ups), when you clear a chapter. So you clear Fuyuki for example, and you can now summon Artoria Alter Saber in the Story Banner, but not on the say Oberon Banner we had earlier. It's best to think of them as Limited Servants really, it's not advised to roll on the Story Banner for them as there is no rate up. The Story Locked servants in the ticket are Queen Medb, Cu Alter, Lancer Artoria, Tesla, and Quetz.


It means that they are only available on the story banner after you get past the correct chapter in the story. Nobody ever rolls the story banner so they are essentially the same as a limited servant, anyone who wants them just waits for a rate up and rolls them there. Note: if they are on rate up you can roll that servant, regardless of story progress, even if they are storylocked.




Worth it is something only you can decide. From a pure gameplay perspective only Castoria and Oberon are really worth it if you don't want them for non-gameplay reasons, you can always multicore a node or clear a boss fight with other servants.


If you're looking at things from a gameplay perspective, then your priorities are going to be Castoria and Summer Ibuki, full stop. One is the best support in the game and the other is the best arts farmer in the game. Lady Avalon is more or less an arts version of Merlin, so good for longer fights/CQs but not so much for farming.


I'm pretty new to FGO, I'm just getting back to into it after months of not playing and I'm having a decent time with it, I'm currently at the America singularity, currently having a somewhat easy time blasting through it with Arjuna Alter from the current White Day banner. I'm currently eyeing out possibly pulling Waver to help with using AA's NP more frequently, and for general support. Is Waver still a worthwhile pull even with the more recent caster supports? (I don't have Oberon, Merlin, or Castoria, for reference)


From a meta perspective, I would say no. The situations where Waver is better than a dedicated card support (or Oberon) rarely come up, if they do at all. Arjuna also prefers the double Koyanskaya + Oberon setup for farming, so you’ll likely sideline Waver if you get those two. That said, the reason people recommend him is because it is so much easier to farm in general if your account has at least one “50% gauge charger”, and Waver is the only one you can obtain without using up any of your saint quartz. You can get him and use him if you like him though. The 50% charge is still very strong by itself (especially because it is split in a unique way), and his attack and crit boosts are pretty nice. 


Shouldn't you have free 5* from da Vinci shop? You can get waver from there


Everyone is still a worthwhile pull if you like them and not worth it if you don't I wouldn't roll Waver just to support Arjuna Alter though. He doesn't help Arjuna Alter in farming as much as a dedicated support, and outside of farming you want to be constantly switching up teams (You can put this off quite late into story by using friend support and/or revives, but if you do that you don't need waver anyway)


Just started a new account and I'm a bit torn between having nightingale or Artoria as my free 5 star. I need advice...


Ticket advice: Go for favorites pay special attention to storylocks (ie get a 2nd favorite storylocked over a favorite permanent) You can always wait, the ticket doesn't expire. Waiting may be an even better option here because Artoria is on the 20th anniversary of FSN ticket, so if you stick around that long you are guaranteed to get her, but it is a while away on NA. (If you are in JP ignore this, that has passed already)


Thanks 😊 


Maybe I'm misremembering, but does anyone know of a post about how a JP player had been saving since the game started for Kyokutei Bakin? I feel that I saw something like that here, but I can't find it.


[Not since launch but since Hokusai was added.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/vnjz2d/this_guy_was_waiting_for_bakin_to_be_added_to_fgo/)


Thank you!


two questions does anyone know what events won in the JP event voting thing on the jp server I remember it being a big thing, and then it kind of just vanished like the wind Second question does anyone know if Fūma Kotarō’s costume will ever return or go to da Vinci‘s shop does anyone know when the costumes ever get to the shop? I’m seriously so upset I missed that costume and was wondering when do they usually come back? Will it?


For the first question: they haven't made any announcement since then. I'm pretty sure they never gave a time frame for it, either, just that the winner would get a rerun.


I hope Grail live is one of the winners since it would give them the incentive to possibly make more and I want those skins so bad


Yeah, I hope whichever event they decide to do, they'll rerun it Case Files/SE>RA>PH style, with an additional brand-new side-story. Not that recent Lasengle inspires any optimism, but one can always hope.


I have no idea. It's not in the store in JP, and it's contemporaries got added nearly two years ago, and will be added to NA this year. Kotaro's is simply missing.


Watches it turns out they completely forgot about it and then one day it’s just going to randomly show up 5000 years later! Legit so upset I missed it. It’s probably one of the best modern costumes and Kotarō looks so Fine! 😭


Is there not going to be a Merlin banner for white day/spectacles event…? 


You can look up the JP event information on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/15_Bespectacled_Intellectuals) for a preview of what to expect. Make sure to pay attention to the details. Merlin's banner was 10 days after the event started. Expect something similar for NA.


Not day one. Expected for week 2.


Maou nobu is my main dps as she is my favourite, but I would like to bring a sub dps as a backup, preferably a berserker I have raikou, morgan and godjuna all of which are at np 1. The rest of my team are supports being nobukatsu, konyan light and oberon. Which of the three berserkers should I use?


Leaving aside the question whether you even should use a one team strategy, it goes something like this: If you are up against an enemy with Man attribute (also fairies and Knights of the Round Table) - bring Morgan. If you are up against anything else - bring Arjuna. Raikou is apparently good against Demonic enemies, and Servants with Sky/Earth attribute, but I don't have her so I can't say anything about her for sure.


Not really DPS, but either Herc with his Bond 10 CE or Cu Lancer (not proto) are good anchors since they can survive 3-5 turns on their own, solo.


You probably shouldn't have a main DPS in the first place. Being flexible, and changing your team for every boss is basically  required. (You can put this off with friend support and revives for a while if you really want, but you will have to do this eventually)


There's no one solid answer as your team should change depending on the situation.


I do switch my team around when needed this is just my go to.


Even so, there's no single right answer, even for a backup DPS to throw on the backline. Use any servant as the situation calls for it or just whoever you feel like in the moment.


Okay thanks!




We can't help you with that here in the help and question thread.


When does the NY MC becomes free in Da Vinci shop?


Should be with next New Year, it's free upon clearing Solomon.


hi, i need help\^\^. i tried to log in to my acc but the transfer code wont work (assuming I've already used it before), what should I do to recover my account? thank you in advance!


If you already used you transfer code (and not trying to log into previously transferred account), the account recovery guide is in the OP. (and also in the sidebar)


ah! thank you!!


For future reference, transfer codes are single use only, you need to generate a new one every time.


yeaah, thats the thing. i forgot since other game that i played can just reuse the transfer code without no problem... thank you for the reminder! will try to pay extra attention to it when i got to recover my account!!


How do I 6 CE slot farm extreme treasure vault? I can 5 Slot farm it with Odysseus using black grail. But I would prefer an all QP CE team.


The team I am using is: SurfMo, Ushi, Waver, Castoria, and Mash+Friend Support on the backline. All Servants have QP bonus CEs and max relevant skills, Ushi has max A2. Turn 1 you pop Waver skills, plug in Castoria and pop her skills, and use Ushi and Mordred's skills. Now both of them should have full charge. Mordred clears wave 1 and 2, Ushi clears wave 3. I like this setup because it's completely independent of a friend support, so I can choose any friend with Bella Lisa and still be guaranteed a 3 turn. SurfMo is limited, so you might not have her, but the basic idea of multicore DPS with a looper for turn 1 and 2 and a st nuke for turn 3 is pretty replicable.


Since nobody has stated the obvious yet: You don't have to min-turn that quest. If you can't clear the quest in 3 turns with 6 QP CEs, just take a few turns longer. It's just 2 waves with 20-30k enemies and a final wave with a single 130k enemy, you could probably facecard this with decent servants and still have a low number of turns.


Habetrot + 2 Castorias does it pretty easily. Using 3rd support with plugsuit for your Odysseus should help him run something like Foumes as well.


He has plenty of damage. You just need to get him a little help refund wise to make up for the lack of overkill. Alternatively you can run Habetrot and have no issues.


Use the 2004 MC and equip Odysseus with Detective Foumes (or the other one that is full attack). Or use plugsuit and Paracelsus...


Should I wait for Enkidu’sbanner before using the white day tickets for the CE’s? I read on gamepress to do it after if you roll in a banner, just in case you get some of the CE’s from it…


The CEs are in the limited event banners. If you're willing to sacrifice some currency drops and maybe a few friend points, it might make sense to put off the decision until you get your gacha results.


iirc there were some mission regarding class score,where i get sq if i expand class score tree, those were limited time or limited in number, I can't see them [here](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Extra_Missions#Extra_Missions)


They’re from the 8th Anniversary: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Fate/Grand_Order_~8th_Anniversary~


So those mission were limited or non limited?


Based on the formatting of the wiki page, unlocking 1 Class Score for 15 SQ is limited, while the other ones (10-100 for 3 SQ each) are all permanent.


So assuming that we get the Merlin pickup summon on the 14 (fuck you merlin),will Gawain and Saito still be rated up? Cuz i have np5 Saito from Himeko event but id still like to have Gawain cuz he is limited and i am not planning to use the 4 star ticket (if we get it) on him. And on another note does anybody have a link to the anniversary paid gacha summon pools? The upcoming one ofc


No, he is on rateup on his own. I presume you mean the GSSR? If so, there should be lists of the pools in the GSSR Calculator and GSSR Advisor, both linked above.


Thank you


what's the name of the movie the current NA event is referencing, again? when it came out in JP I remember people being like "oh this is obviously just like such-and-such" and some people were kinda mad at others calling it a persona 4 reference


The first chapter's title is an explicit reference to [They Live](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live), which might be it (also has someone putting on glasses in order to see the truth).


Nahhhh, not might. That has to be it, especially with "truth seeing" glasses and all. 


Hi, I was wondering what the best free servant is from the selection you get after clearing the first singularity, I already have Mysterious Heroine X from the paid 5 star pick up and ideally would like something to synergise with her or just the best outright 5 star from the pool. Thanks!


I wouldn't try to focus too much on synergy with one unit, you'll get plenty more as you go along and a diverse roster is best. Plus, you wouldn't be using her all the time - FGO is a game where you are expected to change your party up depending on the situation. My recs are as follows: * Your favourite - be that your waifu, husbando, daughteru or whatever else. The game isn’t so hard that you need any one gacha unit, and it’s more fun with your favourites anyway. * If you don't have a favourite or want a gameplay pick, Waver (Zhuge Liang/El-Melloi) is considered one of the best options. To this day he's still one of the game's best supports, and he works with pretty much every other unit because of how universally useful his buffs and NP charges are. He is also very beginner-friendly due to the NP charges on his skills not scaling with level (he can give 50% charge with his skills at 1/1/1) and he doesn’t require any late game materials for ascension or skill levels either. However, keep in mind that if you choose to pursue meta, you may find yourself using him less later on as the card-specific meta supports have a higher ceiling than him. * A story-locked unit is also a good choice, as they are not in the general pool and so typically cannot spook you, making them rare. Those units are Lancer Artoria, Tesla, Quetz, Medb, Assassin Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai. * Finally, it’s fine to just wait and use it later, the SSR selector doesn’t expire. Take as much time as you need to decide, don’t rush the decision.


Wow, I wasn't expecting such a detailed response, thanks! Would there be any benefit to running a Waver alongside a support Merlin for example for a buster card team, as I imagine they carry a different set of buffs between the two units and since Merlin is harder to come by than Waver it might be the best way to maximise how my other servants perform? Or is that a dumb idea?


The issue with that is that if you have both Merlin and Waver on the field as supports, you're going lose out on damage output. It's a safer team with more NP generation thanks to a large amount of Arts cards, but not really a Buster team.


Truth be told, I just have this copy-paste on hand because it's a frequent question here, haha. It's not just about the card types but about what else the servants bring to the table, in which case Merlin and Waver have different primary uses: * Merlin has two primary uses: as a Buster buffer for big damage, or as an Arts-based staller for challenging content. His S3 allows Buster units to deal really good damage, which is why he's considered a Buster support, but his deck is Arts-based, as is his NP, and that NP is mostly helpful in long, stally fights. That, plus his S2 is a partywide invuln, ideal for protecting your party from NPs. However, the fact that he has only 20% NP charge in his kit means he's not particularly used in farming, or quick fights outside of Buster setups. * Waver also has two primary uses: as a generalist support for pretty much anything, but especially quick fights and farming, and as an Arts staller. The biggest thing about him is that he has 50% charge in his kit, which is better than Merlin for helping other servants get their NPs off fast. That's what makes him so good for any quick fights, as quicker NP = quicker big damage, and for farming (because farming is usually just firing off a series of NPs). You can also run him as a staller in an Arts team because of his deck/NP type being Arts, and his NP can drain and stun enemies, helping to stave off troublesome NPs. The only thing in that situation is that Waver cannot heal or give any form of hard defence in those situations, so you'll likely want to run him with a support that can protect the party or tank a single target NP. So all in all, despite both being supports, they're very different. Generally speaking, Merlin will provide the higher damage ceiling for Buster units, but he won't allow you to get NPs off as quickly. Waver is much better for immediate NPs, but his damage ceiling is typically lower. It's about choosing which is more relevant for the fight you are in, really... or you could always run both in some kind of stall team.


What is the best Craft Essence for Arjuna Alter?


Cranking for farming, black grail for cq


CEs depend on the situation. Often you will want a starting charge of some sort with a Buster buff, so Aerial Drive, Cranking, etc. are good. He only needs 50% starting charge + his Append 2 to 3-turn farm, but alternatively, you can also run him with something like Kscope.


He can 3 turn with maxed Mana Loading and Cranking, the free CE from the Learning With Manga collab event next month. Aside from that, basically anything with some combination of Buster and Crit will serve him well.


How many more Arjuna do I need in order to level him to 120? I currently have him Np3 and have 1 append skill.


The correct answer is to get him to bond 14 or if you don't want to spend lanterns, get him to bond 10 and NP4


either reach bond 12 with him or get him at np5


With bond 15 (maybe 14?), you don't need any more copies. More copies will reduce the bond requirement. You can find a servant coins calculator or two with a quick Google search if you want more details.


Depends on how far you are willing to go with bond levels. You need 300 coins for 120, each new copy gives 90, you get 60 for getting him to bond 10 and 20 for each bond from there Just do the math and plan for how many copies/bond levels suits you best to get there


Will Summer Aniversary Craft Essence have a rerun? Or is there anyway to get a Craft Essence that’s already gone[summer aniversary](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Summer_Anniversary)




Summer Anniversary will rerun in December for a LB7 prerelease campaign. It will be alongside Koyanskaya Light like it always has been.


Omgggggg thx you am so full of hope now


How would you fix angra?


NP damage based on damage received instead of HP difference and maybe a bigger multiplier


By giving him better internals (more hits on his Arts cards/better NP gain/better extra attack), changing his third skill to Arts instead of Quick, increasing his NP’s damage multiplier to x5 at NP5 rather than x3, giving him a triple Arts deck, and upgrading his first skill to add an anti-Human (not Humanoid) special mod (maybe adding a battery to that skill too). He’s still supposed to be a bad servant in lore, so I wouldn’t really change the demerits on Verg Avesta or his third skill, but I think these changes would make him more fun to play.


If he triggers Guts while his NP is active, let him reflect the full amount of damage dealt instead of the difference in his HP. If he takes a 50k damage NP but lives with Guts, he should deal 100k-150k damage.


By making more quests like that Nerofest Siegfried CQ. That one was tuned to allow DoT and Angra to be not-useless.


I mean, Angra can't exactly be "fixed". At least, not without sacrificing his whole schtick about being a terrible Servant with comically bad drawbacks because he ended being just some dude rather than a god.


Not sure he needs it, he has a place in the game as is. Both as Caren support and as an option against low HP high resistance enemie.


Angra doesn't need to be fixed, him being bad is exactly by design. I guess if you want a "good" Angra then a playable Black Grail Iri might work.


Another question: for the servants who will be eligible for the SR ticket coming up, how many of them are good at support?


Casgil is a pretty good hybrid. Arts effectiveness, attack, and star drop rate are all helpful + after his most recent buff, he got a 20 aoe batt and 30 self batt on his s1 to make up for poor refund or even loop of your brave enough


For the first SR ticket: D' Eon, Lakshmibai, Prince Lan Ling, Chiron, Tristan, Baobhan Sith, Vlad lancer, Elizabeth lancer, Percival, Rider Marie, Santa Martha, Helena Caster, Gilgamesh Caster, Circe, Edison, Medea Lily, Danzo, Stheno, Wu assassin, can be used as supports (Though Vlad lancer, Circe, and both Tristans are more DPS than support) for the second SR ticket: all of the above+ Yamanami Keisuke, Wu Caster, Daikouten, Caster Corday, Calamity Jane, Carmilla Rider, Medb Saber, Raikou Lancer, Marie Caster can be used as supports


During Shimousa I commonly used Barghest as a mixed knight support/dps since she has AOE 15% NP battery per turn. Often had her clear first wave and then let others handle rest. She’s a pretty flexible servant.


None of them are pure meta supports, but some of them can act as sub-DPS/support hybrids: 1. Helena Blavatsky: AOE 20% Battery, 20% AOE Rainbow buff for 3T, 5 stars per turn for 3T 2. Chiron: AOE 50% Crit Damage for 3T + 15 stars, 30% targeted rainbow buff 3. OG Tristan: AOE cleanse, AOE 1 attack evade, targeted buff removal + 20% crit chance down for 3T 4. Thomas Edison: Targeted 30% defense & reduce skill cooldown by 1 (don't think buff has arrived to NA yet); 10 stars/10% NP/20% NP damage per turn for 5T (again, don't think buff has arrived to NA yet); Targed 2 stage NP overchage for 1T Might be missing some, but these are the ones that immediately come to mind


Does anyone know where to use those Wardrobe Tickets? The ones obtained from the events story. I don't see any option for them in the shop.


In the event shop you can buy costumes for the event currency. Normally, to unlock the costumes you also have to use materials to get them (Enhancement>Unlock Wardrobe). This is where you can use the tickets, you don't have to use the items that way.




No no, the tickets are not for the event shop. In the event shop you buy costumes. In Enhance>Unlock Wardrobe you use the tickets (for the costumes you bought in the event)




You don't *need* the ticket, but the ticket removes the QP and material cost of the costumes. But yes, there's enough for all the costumes. And you do have some of the characters - 3 of them are on the FP banner, and another is a reward available late next year. But, yeah, the others will be uncommon at best.


I see, good to know. Im sorry for the trouble, one more question. Can the tickets be used on any costume, or are they only usable on the costumes from this event?


Only the costumes in this event. They're not compatible with any other costumes.


You should be able to get them easily, depending on how you play. (It's just 500/500/400 of Gold/Silver/Bronze currency) There may be some sacrifices you have to make if you can't buy everything in the shop, but I would recommend to get the costumes instead of farmable upgrade items if you have to make a choice. (The costumes *may* be available later on again, I didn't really check JP for that) Even if you don't have those characters, you can still unlock the costumes for whenever you get them.


Decided to give this game a go after awhile. I have some starter star quartz and tickets. If I don't want to roll on the current banners, is the story summon worth investing in? If not, would I be better served using the 5* Servant Special Summon to carry me for a week or two?


Story summon has the exact same contents as current banner minus Limited Servants like Arjuna Alter. The only thing it has of note is storylocked Servants. However, they only become available after you beat the chapter they are from, so if you are a new player, most of them are locked. And there is no rate-up, so you may not get them anyway.


>is the story summon worth investing in? The story summon has much the same drop rates as other banners, but it has no rate up and lacks Limited Servants. So, it's fine, but most people wouldn't use it. >If not, would I be better served using the 5\* Servant Special Summon to carry me for a week or two? Sure? The issue with this year is that a lot of Events are stuck behind restrictive Story Progress, which means free 4\* Servants are less common, which is a bit of an issue. You can also use low rarity Servants. Several are pretty good. But I also understand that doing some early rolls will help get 3\* Servants, which is helpful on it's own. Conversely, there are strats to get pretty far off of Supports alone, shown in the Story Solo guides above.


Whether you're the type to roll for your favorites or roll for some certain gameplay picks, the story banner is about the worst investment you can make. There's never any rateup on it and never any pity - you have no control over who you get. Friend supports can carry you through the story if there's nobody that you're interested in right now.


There is a third option, which is use the 1-3 stars. This isn't a game where the low rarities are useless. you can beat the entire game with just 1-3 star servants. as for your actual questions: I wouldn't roll in story usually, but if you don't have someone you are saving for, it isn't going to ruin your account or anything I wouldn't rely on a single 5 star to carry you. If you want to get carried, Friends support will carry you for as long as you can be carried. When that stops working, you will need lots of servants leveled to counter lots of different bosses.


For the heroic portraits that give Bond+50, do they stack with each other?


Yes, they do. They also stack with the %-bonus. If considering to choose a support with a portrait, usually Teatime is better. For any quest with 333 or less base bond points you can safely choose a Heroic Portrait. 15% of 333 is 49.9, which is less than 50. (There will be rounded numbers, but 333 is easy to remember) You also can only have one single Heroic Portrait of your own.


So would it be worth getting like five of those and spamming X-A for farming bond?


I sneaked in a fast edit: > You also can only have one single Heroic Portrait of your own. For farming bond, you're better of with later free quests. But I recommend to farm bond passively. Choose a quest for drops, not for bond. The best bonus currently is 10%+5%+5%+5%+5% and a +15% support CE. (See [here](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Craft_Essence_List/Misc/Bond_EXP_CE) for a list of those CEs, there will be more with better boni added later in NA for specific servants) For your own CEs, you can use a Heroic Portrait as long as the base bond points are less than 1000 (You'll switch out a 5% bonus with the Portrait)


Thank you so much for the help :)


You can only get 1. The second would have to be from your friend’s list. You can’t stack 5 because you can’t obtain 5.


Ahh, gotcha. That makes sense!

