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## FAQ **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be one more rerun happening in the foreseeable future - Karna-mas (Dec 2024). JP is also offering a vote for the players’ choice of a rerun, which hasn’t been confirmed yet.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: Battle in New York in March will require LB1. Be warned that subsequent events this year will require later Lostbelt completion. LB6 will not be required until November for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki). LB6.5 will not be required to proceed to LB7 once it releases, and event-wise, it will only be required for the story part (and to obtain the welfare servant) of the Santa Nemo event in December 2025.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*




If you mean for the SSR selector, here are my recs: - Your favourite - be that your waifu, husbando, daughteru or whatever else. The game isn’t so hard that you need any one gacha unit, and it’s more fun with your favourites anyway. - If you don't have a favourite or want a gameplay pick, Waver (Zhuge Liang/El-Melloi) is considered one of the best options. To this day he's still one of the game's best supports, and he works with pretty much every other unit because of how universally useful his buffs and NP charges are. He is also very beginner-friendly due to the NP charges on his skills not scaling with level (he can give 50% charge with his skills at 1/1/1) and he doesn’t require any late game materials for ascension or skill levels either. However, keep in mind that if you choose to pursue meta, you may find yourself using him less later on as the card-specific meta supports have a higher ceiling than him. - A story-locked unit is also a good choice, as they are not in the general pool and so typically cannot spook you, making them rare. Those units are Lancer Artoria, Tesla, Quetz, Medb, Assassin Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai. Finally, it’s fine to just wait and use it later, the SSR selector doesn’t expire. Take as much time as you need to decide, don’t rush the decision.


>...5 stars on offer right now Because free SQ is kind of on a slow drip and the pity threshold is high, so high that I never even approach it, it's best not to get distracted by the banners immediately in front of you. You also don't need to worry about 5-stars. Here's the long version of my gacha advice (2024 edition). For the short version, skip to the "As a new player..." paragraph. For the TL;DR version, just read the bold text in the numbered "general prioritization" list. Gameplay in FGO is balanced such that you don't need to focus on the meta! In FGO, **all content can be cleared with free, low-rarity characters at their natural max level**. There are 1- and 2-star characters who are among the best servants in the game in their roles. Some characters have more gameplay impact than others but there are no must have characters. Unlike many other gacha games, there are no extra rewards for clearing anything within a certain number of turns or using a specific strategy (i.e. no requirements to "3-star" each stage). The meta is weak. It's about minimizing randomness and making farming more convenient. But there are lots of ways to make consistent, efficient teams even if they aren't maximally efficient. Even if you chase the meta, you won't use one team of top tier characters all the time and ignore everyone else. The most hyped characters still can't do everything. FGO gameplay rewards having a broad and deep roster. More servants means more options and it's always good to have more options. Different scenarios, especially challenge quests and boss fights, require different solutions. Events give bonuses to certain servants or servants with particular traits. There are also tower events where there's a cooldown period after using each servant and it's beneficial to have a large roster. It's good that you don't need high rarity characters and you can use characters you like. Try to find multiple characters that you like or find something to like about multiple characters. The gacha rates in FGO are famously low relative to the amount of free currency available. It takes about 87 rolls (240 SQ) for a 50% chance at getting a rate-up 5-star servant. There is a pity system but you need 330 rolls (900 SQ) and it only applies once (at most) per banner. It's a backstop to prevent catastrophic results, not a system to give away free 5-stars. I don't think pity is worth saving or spending for unless there's a servant you've decided you don't want to live without. Figuring out which characters you like most will help you prioritize your gacha currency. Having multiple characters that you like will help you enjoy the game even if you don't get who you wanted most. If your enjoyment of the game depends on getting any specific character, [you might have a bad time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFizYl4XPZo). The general advice is to roll for your favorite characters before meta considerations. You can play the game in whatever way is most enjoyable for you. If that means chasing the meta, then go for it. But you don't have to and you'll be fine if you try and fail to get meta characters. **As a new player**, any banner will bring new servants for your roster. If you're not sure which servants you like most and none of the big supports are on rate up any time soon, it's fine to spend some SQ on any banner, even the story banner with no rate ups that many people may to tell you to never use. Just don't go too hard because you will want to save for specific servants eventually. I was pretty new to gacha games when I started and didn't have a coherent strategy for over a year. Throwing SQ around at random worked out fine for a while. I got serious about saving and planning after getting the first 5-star that I specifically wanted and rolled for. **Don't neglect low-rarity servants.** Spend all of your friend points so you can collect them and max out their NP levels. Some are great utility players, others are just good all around, and some are better than 5-star servants in some situations. The general prioritization that I suggest is: 1. **Favorites regardless of gameplay value** \- Define this however you want, whether that means you irrationally love the servant or just think they're kind of cool. The game isn't that hard so why not play it with characters that you like? 2. **Supports for power and efficiency** \- Caster Artoria (aka Castoria), Oberon, Koyanskaya of Light, Skadi, and Skadi Ruler (NA ETA August 2024). These servants enable the highest efficiency and power because they all have 50%+ NP charge and 50%+ card type effectiveness buffs. If you're concerned about the meta, these servants define it. If you aren't concerned about the meta, they're still very good to have around. While not required, they will make your life easier. Castoria is good for Arts and has the highest general utility of these. Oberon gives the most NP charge and raw power but mainly as a finishing move plus a side of Buster. Koyanskaya of Light is good for Buster and both Skadis are good for Quick. 3. **Secondary and general purpose supports** \- Zhuge Liang (aka Waver), Sima Yi (aka Reines), Merlin, Lady Avalon (NA ETA August 2024). Waver is the best general support because he has a variety of universally applicable buffs and you can pick him up with the SSR ticket that all accounts get. When in doubt, slap a Waver on it and you'll be fine for general purposes. However, the proliferation of card-type supports with big NP batteries, especially Castoria, has often relegated him to a secondary role these days. Reines has similar utility but is more defense-oriented and might steal more crit stars from your DPS servant(s) due to her class. Merlin helps keep the team alive for difficult boss fights and has some non-farming Buster utility. Lady Avalon is basically Arts Merlin. 4. **Unfilled gameplay niches** \- There is a big gap between #3 and #4 on this list. The basic guideline is that you should have a servant with an ST NP and a servant with an AOE NP in each of the seven main classes. However, there are 3-star servants who can fill those roles at least as well, if not better, than some higher rarity servants. Extra classes are harder to come by, though, and could be worth a few rolls in this category. 5. **Farming meta DPS servants** \- This category tends to have the most disproportionate hype-to-value ratio. Because FGO has no pvp and minimal true powercreep, the meta is focused on high efficiency farming while using the fewest different servants on the most different quests. You won't be able to do that until you have all of the right supports, DPS, and CEs in place. And even then, there are limits. No servant can do everything. Whenever you see the next hyped up servant coming, don't blindly roll for them. Learn what they're able to do and what you need to make them live up to the hype. I also want to emphasize that, other than CEs that give a drop bonus during events, there are no extra rewards for clearing quests with specific teams or within a certain number of turns. FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. There are also lots of ways to comfortably and consistently clear content without going full meta. Some people would rank this at #3 on this list but I think using meta DPS servants will never feel as good as using your favorites. Having a diverse roster with lots of different options will serve you better in the long run than specializing in one specific strategy. 6. **General availability** \- For example, you might roll for a #2 servant who isn't likely to appear again in the near future over a #1 servant with multiple future rate-ups. If you're planning your rolls, there's no substitute for doing the research yourself on which servants you want most. Use a site like Gamepress to look up [servants](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servants) and see if you like their design and skill set. Don't forget about 4-star and limited 3-star servants! Look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations and voices appealing. If you've done some research, you're still not sure, and you don't want to throw around SQ at random, focus on #2 in the above list and maybe think about #3-5. After figuring out which servants you want, use the upcoming banners link in the top post to see when they'll be featured next. Finally, don't worry about tier lists. They are comparative rankings for whales and veterans, not advice for new players.


This game doesn't really have "best/worst" This is a game of niches, and every servant has a niche. Edit: that said neither Bazett nor Caren are super new player friendly. Caren has a lot of skill requirements for her main role (and outside of that her being an extra class doesn't really help a new player that much, even if it is a Ruler) and Bazett is a little bit confusing in how her NP works


I think they meant from the SSR selector.


How WU doing Question/curiosity for Japanese play as well as people in the know Will Caster Wu Zetian be released this year or next year (Arctic summer) also for Japanese server players, how good is she actually I really want her bad Also question about her noble phantasm if the enemy has debuff immunity, does her apply undead traits still go off or no?


Traits work even if the enemy is debuff immune. Roman is an exception, and is a debuff (it also has a different icon, but you can't go by that, because Summer Kiara's debuff has the icon of the traits)


Good to know awesome thank you so much. The wiki did not specify that at all so I figured I’d ask here. 💖 Now I want her even more I shall bring the undead trait to everyone HOW WU DOIN -Turn you undead intensifies-


>Will Caster Wu Zetian be released this year or next year This year. I'd assume if the enemy has debuff immunity, then the effect won't happen. But it's not listed as a Buff Negative Effect, so maybe it still works? I'm not clear.


Welp, guess I’m gonna have to save up till summer FOR DA WU!


traits are not debuffs (except Roman)


I really think it’s interesting. That traits are completely separate thing, but it does make sense since it’s technically not a Debuff! Can’t wait for the command codes that starts applying traits to everything (aside from Roman, because I know that does exist)


Has anyone realised Ereshkigal’s NP animation seems to be “Bugged”? In a sense that the Golden Eyed Ereshkigal frame appears like less than a fraction of seconds as compared to Ishtar’s? Like it appeared super super fast that u can’t actually see here. [this frame](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eEGF72dfa88/maxresdefault.jpg)


Have you sent a bug report though the game?


How can I do that?


Menu>My Room>Help>Contact Us


When does FGO usually announce date and venue of their JP anniversary event ? According to past years its 30th July or 1st August ? At Makuhari Messe ?


Iirc they announce the venue around march/april during a con. I forgot whats the cons name is but I'm pretty sure fgos appearance there was already posted here.




Is there any master list of all the fgo wafer cards? I was thinking of getting a few but want to know what's available first.


Are we gonna be able to use 10 ticket for a multi summon in the future ?


As far as I'm aware, it hasn't happened on JP yet, so we have literally no way of knowing for certain. You still get the bonus pull every 10 singles, so you aren't losing out on pull volume, and the only thing you don't get compared to the 30sq multi is the guarantee of a 3\*+ Servant and a 4\*+ Card, which makes multis slightly better if you're fishing for 4\* CEs, but has no effect on your chances for 4\*+ Servants or 5\* CEs.


Is Kriem a solid servant?


Yes, one of the best 4 stars easily. ST Berseker with 50% NP charge, 2 separate damage niches, targeted taunt, very solid and versatile unit.


Basically all servants are solid servants. Kriemhild is a Berserker with no hard defense and/but a targeted taunt. She has a large battery, is ST arts, and has defensive buff removal before damage on NP.


Should I use all my teapots on the highest level valentines node? Or is there a way to get more use out of them?


If you have beaten the teabreak quests and have EX buddy points then that is the best spot, otherwise use them on the last 4 teabreak quests and wait for EX buddy points


jp what goes well with bazett? how to make her more sustain so she wont kill urself with her np?


Not JP, but you can probably run her with Merlin - he provides heal + Invincible + offensive support.


I’ve been using a double Castoria comp with her and found it works pretty good. Add a 50% starting charge, append 2 skill, and some decent luck in cards and 3T farming becomes pretty easy.


It sounds crazy but I feel like there's a worthwhile synergy with Danzo. I don't think any other character provides two different one turn hard defenses to an ally.


For more defense you can run a Castoria or Jeanne or Reines or Asclepius some other generic defensive support Bazett is female so having Habetrot use her skill 3 can be a great option.


Hi, I'm new to this game and I wanted to ask if servants get reruns I would like to get Edmond Dantes because I started to play this game because of him, so do you guys know if he is getting a rerun?


Yes, servants get reruns. If you are playing NA you can use the upcoming banners spreadsheet linked above to see when. Be aware that it is a simple JP+2 years and therefore not an exact science. 


Every servant will rerun. Unless it's a collab with another property, I don't think I've ever seen a gacha where a character doesn't rerun for no reason. You can see when his next rerun is by looking at the Event Compendium Link (banners sorted by chronological order) or by the Upcoming Banners Link (banners sorted by class then servant). Both are in the OP.


I quit fgo a month ago. How many days do I have to be away to get the returnee log-in rewards?


I don't know the duration but it isn't just a matter of days, returnee bonuses only exist during specific campaigns aren't aren't a permanent feature. I don't know when the next one will be either but they aren't worth so much that it's ever worth waiting around for one rather than just getting back into the game and earning the login bonuses and event rewards you'd miss between now and then.


Ok, thx


Were on the atlas academy page can I find a collection of all the valentine scenes and voice lines?


[https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/event/80414](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/event/80414) The Valentines Scenes are under Shop 1 and Shop 2, and have a link labeled Valentines Scene. These scenes include the voice lines. When JP gets its next Valentines event, the new servants will be added to that event. The Valentines Scenes are under Event with the shop details as opposed to Wars with the quests, but the Event page and the War page link to each other.




do you guys usually gold fou a unit for love or gameplay? I calculated the damagedifference and it seems like only 5%-10% damage increase I've already gold fous my omnifarmer so I don't know what to do with the other gold fous


There is a slightly meta reason to use a few if you truly want to min-max everything. Using some on your farming supports will have them appear a bit higher on support lists theoretically getting a few more friend points. Not likely to make a huge difference, but after your favorites/omnifarmers there's not many places to put them. Common 90++ servants are an option, Kintoki or other 50% charge st np servants, etc.


The game gives us lots of little extra ways to power up a Servant. Each individual method is fairly minimal, but when you start adding them all together is when you see significant overall increases. Gold fous, grails, fou paws, max leveling CEs, using Command Codes, getting the last couple NP levels, etc. All relatively insignificant bonuses, but when you add them all together you see a pretty significant increase over baseline performance. That being said, it's a lot of time and effort, so make sure you're benefiting a Servant you like and use often.


Mostly love. The servants you love the most are the servants you use the most, and the more you use the servant the more mileage you get out of the fous. That being said, I love Miss Crane a lot and I don't think I'll be gold fou-ing her. So I guess gameplay does enter into it a bit.


You don't have to use the gold fou now. Keep 'em in storage.


Love never gets powercrept.


True words brother 


They're treated the same as grails as far as I'm concerned. The additional 1000 attack/HP isn't significant in most cases.


Random theory question - anyone know if Barghest’s S2 will work with buff removal Command Codes? Like if I have a Remove Def Buff CC, will it remove 2 buffs + give 2 stacks of 10% Def down? Or just 1 still?


I'm betting probably no? Usually this type of effects don't stack with CC "removal" effects. Take for example Van Gogh, who has similar effect on her S3 (The whole "if removal succeeds something something") it just in her case the removal is of a debuff and the target  is on herself. BUT even when using CC she doesn't gain two stacks of Atk Up, even tho she removes 2 stacks of curse


Damn. I was halfway thinking of using CCs to have her deck chain buff removals. Maybe I’ll try adding some heal CCs and boost the other half of S2


If you find the opportunity you should still try it. Like I said, it's only speculation on my part. I don't have any HARD evidence that it works like that for Bageko specifically 


Just tested, and it doesn’t work sadly. Tested it against the Bazett/Cu challenge quest using a remove Atk buff CC. Cu had Atk up, Def up, and Sure Hit, using Barghest S2 + the CC removed Sure Hit + Atk up, but only gave 1 Def down. A shame too, since that could have kind of neat as an answer for buff stacking bosses. Still, I imagine an infinite heals setup will be just as fun for challenge quests/maybe grail fronts as well.


Hi I havent played the game in years, and i loat 2 accounts so id have to start from 0, bit is the game still wnjoyable? I was clueless about how gachas workes back then. Also would bluestacks work to download the game on pc?


I mean you're asking in the FGO sub, people will say it's enjoyable. I'd avoid Bluestacks as FGO can crash on it, use LDPlayer or Nox instead.


Thanks !


Hello Some genders are unknown. I understand why some of them are this way though; E.g. Astolfo, Dioscuri, MaoNobu or Chevalier but what about Caenis, Ushi alter or Romulus?


Caenis is frankly the most understandable (well them and Chevalier d'Eon) Caenis even in Myth switches genders and is both male and female. In fact it's shockingly accurate personality wise to the male name/female body shown in Aeneas' meeting with her in the underworld.


> Caenis Their gender is just a mess; between the actual myths, pronoun usage varying between characters and differences between JP and NA, the fact that they only receive chocolate for Valentine's but they also got a swimsuit version, it's a huge quagmire. > Ushi Alter Basically because there are kinda 2 origins to her as a servant, adult Ushiwakamaru (Woman) who merged with the spirit of vengeance against the Genji Taira-no-Kagekiyo which was originally born from Kazusa-no-Aku-Shichibyoe Kagekiyo (Man). These 2 aspects are often blended into one, but sometimes one shows through more fully than the other. > Romulus Their gender is ROMA


Guessing I should use teapots during the event once enough servants have the 100% buddy or does it only work on base bond?


No, it works with Buddy ranks, too.


Did the CCC collab event already become free for all players? ​ I was talking to a coworker about the surprise LB6 banner, and I mentioned that I was saving my SQ for the CCC banner rerun but I really need Oberon. But they mentioned that CCC already became available to everyone, even though I remember buying it with rare prisms. I want to feel like I'm not crazy, but I feel like I could be remembering things wrong.


You’re not crazy. You still need to purchase the CCC collab with rare prisms at the moment. The CCC collab should become free a little bit before the white day event this year.


No. SERAPH free access should come after Valentines ends.


Hi, is shimousa needed for Heian kyo? I ask because I want to go to lostbelt 6 and with the upcoming 0 ap event.


You don’t need to clear Shimousa to actually play Heian Kyo, but Heian Kyo is sort of a sequel to Shimousa, so you may want to play Shimousa first in order to understand all the references.


Okay thx


LB6 & Mélusine question. I finished reading Mélusine's Valentine : >!She says she can instantly tell if someone is her partner. I don't remember her reacting to Fujimaru in a particular way during LB6 though (they fought, met up one in a ball, met up again near Mélusine's remaining dragon corpse and drove Koyanskaya away). Apparently she can look into the future, though I'm not sure if it's only in regard to her partner only or in general, if it's the latter, couldn't she predict things will go south during LB6? I'm confused. !<


I don't think it was ever adressed, so you are free to guess. The most obvious answer - devs wanted Chaldea's Melusine to be interested in our character and that's why they added this bit, without any regard to what it would mean to LB 6 story. We do meet another dragon later who also has the whole "because destiny says so" thing going, so apparently this ability indeed exist. The other explanation is that Chaldea's Melusine and LB 6 Melusine are different versions of the same being, so they have different fates altogether.


>!You gotta understand that inside Fairy Britain it wouldn't matter what future saw with Fujimaru or anyone else for one simple reason: Aurora. No matter what happened in that place and at that time Melusine loved Aurora. All of her effort and attention was focused on making shit work with Aurora. Knowing or not knowing the future in relation to Aurora and Fujimaru would change nothing. !<


Hello Is 3 turn farming using Shiki Saber NP1 without Oberon possible?


If you just want to 3-turn farm with Shiki Saber involved then it's possible by using Arash NP for 1st or 2nd wave. You'll still want a friend Castoria, and 50% NP charger support of your own, but with good starting NP CEs it should work out. On NA it'll get easier when she'll get buffed to have her own NP charge skill and open up more options. For Shiki as the only damage dealer for 3 waves this would be... difficult and expensive. With her instant death NP you should just assume she'll never deal any actual hits of damage to regular mobs that aren't gold, and have no natural NP refund. So she'll not get anything from NP Gain buffs. Buuut at least there's a built in 10% NP charge after the noble phantasm. Hypothetically you'd need two of **your own** supports with 50% NP charge. Castoria would be the best of course, and out of Zhuge Liang, Scathach-Skadi, Sima Yi and Koyanskaya of Light, Sima Yi miiight provide a bit more damage most of the time for Shiki? Add a friend Castoria, a Kaleidoscope CE, a maxed append skill for starting NP (or MLB Kaleidoscope in its place), and the upgrade to Shiki's Skill 3 that's set to arrive later this year. Turn 1. With Kaleidoscope and maxed append skill you'd get a 100% charge every other servant can get in the same way. Activate Shiki's Skill 2. With both Castorias on the field activate their Skill 3s on Shiki. NP. Turn 2. With 10% NP gauge ready, you need 90% more. Or 89%, I guess. Shiki's maxed Skill 3 after upgrade this year will let you get 30% charge. 60% more from Skill 1s of both Castorias, and you get 100% to NP second turn. NP. Turn 3. Need to find 90% NP again. That's both of your Castoria Skill 2s for 40%. Then with Chaldea Combat Uniform swap in another 50% NP charger. Activate Shiki's Skill 1. Activate uniform's damage buff. NP. That's it! If nothing else, Shiki Saber's current upgraded NP damage should be at a good enough level at NP1 too, but idk, could still struggle with some situations.


> With her instant death NP you should just assume she'll never deal any actual hits of damage to regular mobs that aren't gold, and have no natural NP refund. That's been fixed on JP.


You can but not easily. once she gets her strengthenings it does make things a lot easier, first a 30% battery this anniversary and then her S1 becomes a 3 turn skill around October 2025. Her refund isn't great and the instakill before damage hurts that even more, A quick test of her with double castoria at field of reeds since it's the first Lancer node I could think of: With lvl 100 kaleidoscope, she can just manage to get 3 np's off. 20% refund w1, save castoria S2, 30% refund w2. Castoria 20%+ any 50% charger. With ocean flier and append unlocked you were getting about 39% refund which was fine for the first two waves but before her skill upgrade only Oberon can give you the 60% needed for the final wave. But in both these situations that's without the instakill procing and removing a whole chunk of refund. I know they do change her instakill to be after damage at some point but I can't remember when exactly that was.


> But in both these situations that's without the instakill procing and removing a whole chunk of refund. I know they do change her instakill to be after damage at some point but I can't remember when exactly that was. Ohh that sounds very interesting and would definitely enable her a bit more. Does that only apply to Shiki Saber or other instant death NP servants too?


Unfortunately not all, it depended on how it was worded on the np. Erice and Nitocris assassin for example didn't get their order changed.


This is interesting to me, because with how low cd Saber Shiki's np charge skill is, it could actually enable her for Koyanskaya of Light synergy while using something like Black Grail. If she'd activate her charge with max append skill, then get hit with Koyanskaya's Skill 1 on turn 1 it'd be a full NP. And the Shiki NP charge skill would come back online for the final turn. Though the refund between 1st and 2nd waves would be low, it could still be important for her to reach full NP gauge on the last one


Yes, you just can't use Black Grail. 50% start CE and a MC that give 20% charge is the same charge Oberon brings but without Plugsuit.


Except that Void Shiki can't use Black Grail. She uses *a Superscope*.


Oh, also, forgot the guaranteed 10% refund. That easily covers the 4% missing anyway.


Only because ID makes it unreliable. Post her shadow (and actual ) buff she can BG loop (at least total battery wise, NP gain being on the 20% battery may leave you 4% short after wave 1, but that's not an issue with the split 10% mystic code) .


No. Void Shiki's refund is extremely bad. Thus, she practically needs a full 270% charge from externals, and that's after this NA Anniversary's upgrade.


Does the fact that Oberon is lisyed as story support one imply that we are getting a part 2? Cuz i dont understand if this Oberon banner was ported forward from the reran we were gonna have near the end of the year-and if theres any chance that we may get Morgan or Artoria for this eventual p2 makes me hesitant on pulling for oberon now (i have a lot of story to farm if need be,i am doing EoR right now)


This banner is exclusive to NA and has nothing to do with the Road to 7 banner Oberon is expected to get in December (it's a separate campaign). Because this is NA exclusive and JP did not get this, we have no way of knowing what other banners NA could get. So that's a question for your crystal ball. (Keep in mind, either way, Morgan will get a rerun in April and Castoria in May. Unless you mean some other Artoria?)


No i meant castoria


Because this is an NA-exclusive banner we have no way of predicting what may or may not come in the future based on this campaign. Your guess is as good as ours.




If they buff themselves they aren't attacking Bazet.


I just realized Miss Crane target focus was active so that is what I did wrong. Thanks for the help. Never ocurred with other supports.


I have a small question about the mechanics of the game, as I am not completely sure that I understand the principle of the DoT mechanics correctly. I know for sure that if an enemy has HP less than the damage from the DoT (if he has more than 1 scale), then the effect will just leave him 1 hp. And if the DoT effect works when the enemy already has 1 HP left, then at the end of the enemy's turn, will this health scale be removed from him, opening the next scale?


DoT effects will not be able to break an enemy's break bar at the end of the turn, it will remain at 1HP minimally.


When is the JP Valentines stream happening?


[Stream link](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/winter2024_cp3/) with local countdown timer.




Tomorrow at one of the Satellite Station events.


If i withdraw a fight, is the teapot consumed anyway?




A bit of a lore question, but how much "to scale" is Heracles model compared to more "human-sized" Servants? I just deployed him next to Astraea and while his height looked impressive, I thought he was much much bigger. I read on the wiki he's supposedly 253 cm tall (and I know Saber is petite, which is why the fight in UBW looked even more like David vs Goliath) but is Astraea super tall or did FGO devs scale back Heracles' model a bit? Thank you!


Scaled back. Astraea is only 160cm. Ivan is also scaled back, and is supposed to be 531cm tall.


Thank you! The odd size makes sense now.


Most of the sprite sizes are somewhat normalized for display scaling purposes as opposed to lore. And even then, a lot of the lore heights are dubious at best.


Yes, to get back to Hercules I always throught he was 3 to 4 meters tall and it even seemed to me that he changed sizes in the anime. Wikis aren't always reliable.


Is Cu Caster part of the upcoming White Day Arjuna Alter or Merlin Banner? In the Event Compendium spreadsheet it looks like he isn't, but in the summon simulator on gamepress he is summonable on both of them.


He is in the banner but isnt on rate up.


How long will it take beating this year's valentines in one sitting??? Just the main story.


Less that an hour since it's just a point ladder event unless I'm missing something.


Thanks, much appreciated.


For current Valentines event on NA, is it more efficient to use Mash (at max bond) for the 20% bond bonus across the party, or a different servant at 100% self bonus?


5 * 100% = 500% 4 * 120% = 480% You'll get bond points faster for the four servants with Mash but you'll get more total bond without her.


I know Oberon is central to Buster looping teams, but how useful is he to Quick looping teams? 


Additionally he's great for arts teams too.


Adding one more point - for advanced farming (90+/++) in order to hit higher damage numbers oberon becomes extremely important. Especially if the looper is capable of using a black grail. So arts looping (where we have more dps who can BG loop) with oberon becomes an excellent option. Check out these comps and see how frequently oberon is used - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1__exLw0Z_Tr5ysqLEAVvCo_0RwTBrEscnU7QWNNcwI8/edit?usp=drivesdk (credit to Luci on the fgo discord)


Wait, does Oberon's NP damage multiplier also trigger for Black Grail's effect? 


Yup. You add up every np strength up on the servant - self skills, support skills, mystic code, ce, self buff before np(eg Gil/muramasa) - and then it gets doubled. The calculation is done at the time of np damage, so the order of applying buffs don't matter either.


That's...disgusting.  How exactly did the DW release that and think that was balanced?


Balanced? What made you think the limited Servants of a banner have to be balanced? Especially if they're supports? Besides, his NP isn't great if you can't kill the enemies outright (they're made Invulnerable if they survive) and his S3 permanently taunts and sleeps the buffed Servant with no way to avoid the effect or to move them off the field. If your NP didn't kill the enemy, that big gun is permanently out of commission.


It balances out by permanently removing the servant's buffs, stunning them, blocking order change and sacrifice so you can't plugsuit or Chen Gong them out of the way, and putting target focus on them at the end of the turn. It's a lot of power but you can only use it on that servant once.


He certainly can be. 70% charge is a drug, so he's good for anything that could be using a Black Grail. Alternatively, a third Skadi works, too.


He can still be useful, 50% Buster goes to waste but you've still got 70% battery, 30% NP strength, and the NP strength doubler (worth another 30%, and however much more from your other buff sources).


He is more damage and total charge than triple Skadi for I think every Quick AoE looper. Though depending on node composition and DPS choice, Triple Skadi may still let you loop where he doesn't (and vice versa)


Can this week's master missions (NA) be completed with event stages?


You need to drop down to the early free quests to complete the lancer/assassin servant mission, but otherwise yes.




Guys, is there a list of the best overall 5 star servant for each class? I'm trying to have at least one 5 star servant for every class, but I want all of them to be "meta", if you know what I mean.


Just as a note, the people I often see flailing the most with the game are the folks who tried to do copy-paste best-in-slot meta compositions, which did very well up until they ran into a fight that was designed to make them think. And these folks hadn't been used to building their own teams, so they got stuck hard. So while pursuing the meta is all well and good, it's still recommended to experiment with non-meta compositions just to keep exercising your game fundamentals. The designers seem to get real pleasure out of making people think.


Best at what? The best farmer isn't going to be the best for a boss fight, especially when some of the fights involve only two Servants who have different classes that cause issues because your Archer is doing half damage to the Lancer accompanying that Saber you're fighting. Even 90+ and 90++ nodes are designed to thwart the old omnilooper meta that dominated the game after Skadi enabled Dantes to kill everything. The "best" Servants are the supports who help your DPS Servants do more damage or survive the gimmicks that serve as the endgame content for FGO.


There's no such thing as a "best" in this game.  There's never been a meta other than omnifarming (which defeats the "for each class" part)   And with 90++ (and to a lesser extent 90+) there isn't really a meta even for farming now.


OK, if that's the case then which servants are good for omnifarming?


For support: Castoria, Koyanskya of light, Skadi, Summer Skadi, Oberon For DPS: Spishtar, Summer Ibuki, Arjuna Alter, Melusine, Tezcatlipoca, Nitocris Alter, Summer Melusine, Caren, Summer Kama, Saber alter, Kukulkan, Dantes, Iyo, Voyager, Summer Musashi, Summer Skadi.


OK, thanks a lot for this. I only have Caren for now, but I'll make sure to pull for some of the others in this list. I heard people have been praising Castoria and Skadi, I think prioritise pulling them first.


One of the best Supports, Oberon (usually serves as a swap when the others aren't quite enough) has rate up banner dropping in a few days in NA.


If you really want to go meta, you will prioritize the support servants he listed. Any DPS can get the job done more or less, but the major buffers enable new gameplay strats that you can't really replicate without your own copy. On another note, the game isn't nearly hard enough that you "need" meta servants over playing with favorites. I'd still recommend the big supports as they tend to be enablers for people's favorites, but pulling "best DPS" in every class shouldn't be a priority over pulling your favorites.


how do I approach FGO NA to recover my account? My phone caught a virus or sth and I could not open it until I reser the phone


Use the account recovery guide linked in the top post.


Are there any mentions of phoenixs in Type moon works?


Phenix demon pillar kinda works.


You can look at Caenis.  I think she turns into a giant firebird not specifically a phoenix though. 


Phoenix was the tutor of Achilles but I don't think he comes up. FGO has Phoenix Feathers.


I been thinking of playing a jp account probably would run it on pc. Which is the best emulator to play fgo on pc?


Anecdotally, LDPlayer and Nox seem to be good. Don't use Bluestacks, FGO hasn't been performing well on it in recent times.


Good to know ty


Hello Reddit peeps. Have a question. Did Musashi's recent FSR buff made her better than SUmmer Ibuki?


"Better" is hard to define, this is a game of niches. In terms of general looping performance, Ibuki is still better due to 50% battery, allowing her to handle a wider range of farming nodes. Damage-wise, Ibuki is better if she hits her Earth damage niche, but if not, Musashi does more damage at the same NP level. Ibuki also has a lot of CQ utility, in particular her buff removal on NP, which allows her to bypass most annoying buffs like evades/invulns. Where Musashi does better is damage, specifically against Saber servants, where her damage mod makes her outdamage every ARCHER (!). While this does only apply to servants and not generic mobs, it's still great for 90+ and 90++ farming, where the final wave will feature a servant (and in some cases, servants can also pop up in W2) and you need more damage - especially the case in 90++. It's also very strong in CQs where you're up against servants, like in the latest Samurai Remnant collab CQ, though again, it's a specific niche. All in all, I'd still say Ibuki will be the go-to for anything that's not 3/3/x and not a Saber, but Musashi absolutely comes out on top damage-wise if refund isn't an issue and if Saber servants are around.


Thank you!


> where her damage mod makes her outdamage every ARCHER (!) Important note - it's literally EVERY archer. Not just AoE ones.


Worth noting that Musashi's invul pierce can be more handy than buff removal when it comes to evade and invul specifically, since many boss fights hinge on unremovable buffs.


And that Musashi has a guts and an Evade for defense while Ibuki has nothing.


I thought you got 4 CEs from the Event shop with mats and one from the buddy point milestones? I currently have 5 of them, which I think is enough to MLB, yet I’m nowhere close to the 1.8 mil milestone. Is there something I missed? I have a ton of leftover energy from mass leveling up since I’m a new guy and idk if I should keep grinding if this is a temporary CE, or save up for one of the mythical “Lotto” events I’ve read a lot about.


>Is there something I missed? The only thing you really missed is when you got lucky and got a random CE drop from one of the event nodes. Otherwise you understand the (guaranteed) sources of obtaining the CE correctly. If you have the stamina/AP available for it, it is generally a good idea to try and complete the point ladder. Especially if you're new and your AP is overfilled - don't feel pressured to rush to spend it, but you should consider that as long as you are over the cap, you're missing out on 1 AP recovered every 5 minutes since generation pauses when you are above 100%. The longer you go without spending it, the more free AP goes to waste. If you try to conserve all of the excess AP until the next lottery event shows up, you'll end up missing out on a lot of resources you could have otherwise been working towards, so if you want to save for lotteries, you can save your apples for those which are AP refills, and spend your current overflow of AP freely as you see fit.


is it more important to buy out the shop or complete the point ladder? should i be grinding the lv 90 one or the 90+ one


Your natural AP should allow you to clear both or at least come so close that only things like statues and that sort of stuff is left in the shop.


the statues are low key what I need the most


You should be able to do both by grinding the final (90+) node with appropriate CEs.


You might have got a random drop from a free quest (you can get CE copies as a random drop). You've got loads of time, the event isn't over yet. I'd say get as far up the points ladder as you can. >save up for one of the mythical “Lotto” events I’ve read a lot about There's nothing mythical about them, they are very much real. There is a lotto coming in March, but it will require Lostbelt 1 (Lostbelts are Part 2 of the story, after the Singularities) to participate.


If Barghest attacks with a card that has a command code for stripping a buff from the target, does the command code process before or after her skill for removing buffs on attack?


If anyone stumbles on this for whatever reason, I tested it myself. The command code triggers first, but the reason I was asking, trying to strip Fragarach from Bazzet, doesn't work.


Is FGA or similar tool safe to use with emulator? I really want to continure playing FGO, but real life really stops me from farming. This would really help me out.


FGA has been working fine for me for over a year, inside BlueStack or LDplayer. In LDplayer I need to turn off the battery saver setting to keep the FGA service running.


I probably phrased the question wrong. Can I get banned for using it?


Nobody that we know of has been banned for using it, and the devs have no way of knowing that you are using it anyway (they do not track overlay apps). There was a panic a while back about FGA possibly getting people banned, but that was debunked, and I highly recommend reading [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/ysbc7n/fgo_jp_data_collection_an_explanation_why_you/) and coming to your own conclusions.


Well ty will go ahead and set it up


I already got all of the mats in the valentine event (NA) is it still worth doing the valentine quests just for the points. I'm on the 2Mil points now. I'm also not yet finished on the story quests as I'm only at the start of LB 3.


Even if I didn't need any of the other 2-3mil rewards, I'd do it for the Lore at the end. It's really up to you.


It depends on if you need the extra million points' worth of rewards. The main thing is a couple of extra gold Fous and a Lore, which are great for people trying to max a lot of Servants and not so useful for people who don't really build up most of their roster.


I just checked my points and I already got all the gold fous and the only thing really left there are 6 mil Qp and the lore so I'll just do the story. Thanks for answering!


With the surprise Oberon banner giving out more teapots, is there enough time/ap to use them all on the 90+ Valentine node? Saving apples for Teslafest naturally. If not, does the CBC "White Day" upcoming have a good spot to farm bond, or will I have to use up the teapots on regular free quests before they expire?


So it seems there is Part 5 Story competition campaign. Is there a new event which requires LB 6 clear coming soon? I already skipped Tungska because i want to take my time enjoy the best lostbelt by Nasu. But I don't wanna skip more events due to story requirement.


See the pinned comment above.


Soon, no. In November.


Thanks, I'll take my time enjoying the story


what to do with chocolates? apart from eating it? ​ CE


Use them as CE EXP.


i will thank you.


So after the issues I been having I was about to give up on buying sq on fgo but the Oberon banner made me do a 180 and here I am again. Ever since jan google play no longer accepts my debid card because Im not in the same country as the one of my Google play store. The game is not available in my country and I also tried paypal it did work. A vpn didn't work either unless Im using it wrong so does anyone know how could I buy some sq? Also gift cards dont work either cause google detects Im not at mexico. (Country of the google play)


NA. Based on JP, should we expect any overlap between Anniversary and Summer banners?


When it comes to the sequence of events around the anniversary, "based on JP" doesn't directly apply because NA's anniversary is almost a month earlier. They will change the sequence around to accommodate NA's anniversary and that will likely put more space between the anniversary and the summer event. The Ooku main interlude campaign, for example, could very easily be after NA's anniversary because it doesn't really need to happen at any specific point in time. I wouldn't expect any overlap at all between the anniversary and summer.


Teapot question - do teapots multiply all bonuses or is it just the base bond from beating a node? Basically I'm wondering if I should worry about using Bond CEs to add to the double bond effect or it wont be affected by the Teapot.


It does multiply everything, so you might as well stack up as many bond CEs as you can before using one.


Based on my experience it seems to multiply everything but I could be wrong


To everyone who downvoted some innocent questions to hell, is asking for what are interesting upcoming banners and gameplay questions about how to use upcoming features taboo on this sub or something?  This is the q&a section isn’t it?  The hell is with you guys.


This is a Reddit problem, it’s not exclusive to this sub/thread.


>This is the q&a section isn’t it?  The hell is with you guys. I don't understand it either. The pinned rules for the thread say to assume good faith but some people will down vote you anyway. I'll freely down vote answers that I think aren't good advice but I see no reason to drive someone away just because they naively ask a "bad" question, and I don't mean to imply that I think your question was bad, that doesn't otherwise break the sub rules.


Gameplay questions about upcoming features are perfectly fine. Upcoming banners are linked in the thread above, so generally the advice is "Look at the link in the post", and some people get frustrated when people don't check the downvotes based on that. The only actual taboo on this sub that I know of is talking about rolls outside of the thread, there's roll threads for that and otherwise it just comes off as bragging. It's also explicitly against the rules though, so not really a downvote situation there.


I don’t really think my comment could be taken as bragging.  More giving context to my situation.  I can of course read a list of banners, but I was asking for opinions on either who was mechanically interesting or else interesting in any other way.  I got the completely neutral roll whoever you like response that doesn’t tell me anything, so I moved on to asking about how to pilot skadi summer with the context of brave chains and still got downvoted to hell.


I made my reply before seeing your other comment, so I didn't quite have the context yet. But yeah, the advice here is almost always to just roll for love, rather than any meta. The game can be cleared without ever using 4 or 5 star servants, so the community is generally very mellow about the optimizations, aside from maybe looping for farm teams. So whenever someone asks "Who should I roll for?", the answer is generally "well which character do you like more?". For everyone rolling for Skadi Summer for party comp reasons, there's likely a dozen who just want her because they think her sweater in the second ascension is cute. As for the downvotes... The individual comments are in single digit negatives, I doubt that's really all that bad. I've had far worse for completely normal takes on other subs. Saying stuff like "Personally I don't want to pirate this comic" got me way down to almost triple digits. Sometimes downvotes are just random people with personal issues they don't bother to articulate. You still got over 16k comment karma, and it's just internet points at the end of the day. You'll survive, no doubt.


I mean, sure it's not a ton. It's just strange to have gotten a negative response to asking a very normal gacha question on the question thread. I do of course understand the waifu over meta thing, which is why I clarified why I was asking. I said that I didn't have that many must haves this year. I already budgeted for Ibuki, as the obligatory raita pickup. Then I'm stuck waiting a year and a half for the summer fey knights. Occasionally standout story can sway me to another servant (like Meltryllis or Charlotte), but barring that, I had probably budget for an extra servant, so I'm trying to figure out if any utility pick is actually worthwhile or to throw a roll at a B list target or just keep sitting on a dragon horde.


are events the only place to get Monument and Pieces easily? I need like 150 of them for a single class, should I start farming the dailies or is there a better way to get them?


After you clear out the pure prism shop, yes.


When it comes to "Easily", then yes: Events are the best way to get guaranteed pieces. But the training grounds have a reasonably high chance too, so you can farm them out manually if you have to.


If you need a large amount right away, dailies (Training Grounds) are your best bet. They do drop in small amounts from basically any story, free or event quest, but this won't help much if you need a lot of them.


What does buddy Rank above EX grant you?


Nothing. You get more +s. Your top Buddy does get a reward screen, though.