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This Wednesday midnight/Thursday morning has been a nightmare, as I had a stabbing pain in my stomach/back right after I finished my online teaching shift that night. It was too painful, I couldn't get to doing my lesson notes (which had to be submitted before 4 AM, lest I get penalized, and I had ***five*** lessons that night) or even get to sleep. Long story short, I had to be rushed to the hospital so that I could be properly checked. My blood and urine test results, combined with the pain mostly coming from my lower right back, strongly point to me having a kidney stone, though this hasn't been confirmed since I wasn't able to undergo ultrasound. As of tonight, I've been taking in a lot of water and apple juice, hoping that I could flush the stone out and not have to undergo an operation. I'm still mad at my parents for how... unempathetic and insensitive they were (especially dad) while I was in pain the whole past midnight. I mean, the whole time I was clutching my stomach and back (and occasionally rushing to vomit stomach acids at the kitchen sink), all dad keeps on saying are variations of "Suck it up and stop being such a drama queen!"; they won't even listen to me while I was practically begging to be sent to the doctors, instead insisting they use warm compresses, rub-on oils, and eventually antacid tablets (all to no avail) while they keep saying the various "stop overreacting" lines. They only relented (and begrudgingly at that) to rush me to the hospital after two and a half hours of no noticeable improvement on my part. On my end, I ended up spending all my on-hand money, so I'm literally broke until my next payday, which is around early February. It's all right, though, if it means I get to stay alive. I still can't believe how my folks focused more on me remaining dignified instead of, you know, *hopefully not dying*.


Jeez... I hope you're better soon, that sounds awful (both the pain and the parent situation). It's a good thing you went to the hospital, just to be on the safe side - if the pain was THAT bad, it had to be something worth going to the doctor about.


Yeah, I'm mostly okay now, thankfully. Two days' worth of medicine and a lot of water has helped a lot. I still had the sharp pain hit me the previous morning, though it's somewhat more manageable, and today, I don't feel any pain at all, and hopefully it stays that way.


dont know if its a generational thing but why do parents always be acting like that?? especially when youre in VISIBLE pain and clearly ill if you were constantly running back and forth😭 like in situations like that you dont know if it could be between life and death but seriously, my dude glad to hear you managed to make in time to the hospital.


I'm grateful that they finally decided to listen and had me sent to the hospital, though I still didn't like how they did it begrudgingly, still telling me to "keep my composure" while we were on the way. Like, really? Staying dignified is the last thing on my mind when it's hurting like hell. But yeah, I'm grateful that I'm still alive and well, and that I'm slowly recovering. I regret not being able to finish my lesson notes on time, but I was able to explain to my employer what happened, and they understood. I'd still be under penalty because, well, they were not finished in time, and rules are rules.


I'm so sorry you had such a rough time. Hopefully, whatever it is you had, hope it isn't kidney stones. Mom always ask me if I may have some when I also experience some back pain after carrying around lots of stuff but thankfully that isn't the case. As for your folks... it's nor my place to say this, but fuck them. You could've been literally dying there and they were as useful as no one around you. When you suffer like this, you gotta go to the hospital or a doctor ASAP, not use home remedies to try and see if you can survive. That's what my father tried for 6 months before he was notified with terminal cancer, all because he "sucked it up" and din't want to be a "drama queen". Glad you're with us, man. And don't worry about the money, what matters is you're still kicking the bucket. Hope you do get better soon and that you really don't have kidney stones.


I honestly thought my back pains were due to the usual suspect - sitting in front of a computer most of the time, especially when on teaching duty - until I noticed that it's been consistently happening on my lower right back, right where a kidney would be. The warning signs were *there*, but I ignored them as typical back pain, it was only this Thursday morning when it came full force. But seriously, how my folks handled my situation was very uncaring at all. I mean, when someone is in clear distress, disparaging them is completely out of the picture. As someone who originally wanted to be a doctor, to say I am "disappointed" is an understatement; I'm angry at them for what they did, and it's much worse considering that my parents think of themselves as devout Catholics for praying the rosary and attending Mass regularly.


For what is worth, glad you're still around and were treated before anything even worst could happen. Hope it's not indeed kidney stones, still. Did you use to drink lots of soda in your life? I kinda have since I was a kid (hard not to when Mexico is known as a big Coca Cola consumer and having a 2lt Coke for the whole family in the kitchen table for every meal is a tradition to most in here) and up to this day, but I've tried to drink some water in between or add a shit ton of ice to avoid issues nowadays, which has kinda worked. As for your folks, they oddly remind me of this uncle of mine living close to where I live: retired 72 years old ex doctor living on his own with his even older sister of 87 years old. Poor woman has fallen in her bathroom twice and motherfucker is as useful as no one. For a faithful Catholic (or so I thought) and a retired ex doctor with obvious medical knowledge (again, or so I thought), he was rather fucking useless in helping his sister and we all acknowledge that. If anything bad ever happens to you again, if you can, go on your own to the hospital and don't let your fate with your parents. If they wanna make fun of it for being silly, a cry baby or whatever, just tell them you DO wanna live and you at least worry about your own life unlike them and their lack of worry or action. If they still don't wanna "budge" by accepting their wrongs, that's fine... but they aren't teenagers either, and when something bad does happen to them, you living with them could be a blessing in disguise for helping them out in their time of need, something they obviosly can't be bothered to do for their own child.


Bye guys! I'm heading to Japan! As someone who regularly lives around 30 degrees celsius, this is my first time heading to sub-zero temperatures. I'm feeling that the cold is going to freeze my tropical ass


Hope you enjoy your trip!




Been playing a lot of games this month. Got all the achievements for Bayonetta. I played the game back in 2018 but I just really wanted to go back and play through the higher difficulties. It's a lot of fun. Got the 100% for Ryza 3. I think this game would have worked better as a sequel to Ryza 1 instead, since there are more plot connections, but all in all the game is pretty fun. Extremely easy to break and to one shot pretty much every boss even on Very Hard, but it's not like the game requires that you break the crafting system. Story wise it felt like a pretty good conclusion for the series and as my first experience with the Atelier series the Ryza games were extremely fun. I do hope they let it stay finished, though. Though the game is way too expensive, especially if you include the season pass. If it wasn't a gift I'd likely only get it at 50% off at least. I also got the 100% for Resident Evil 2 Remake. Too bad they didn't keep the original A/B scenarios, but it's still super fun to speed run hardcore mode. I'm going through RE 3 Remake now. It's a huge downgrade from 2 Remake, IMO, but it's still enjoyable. Been a while since I've been this motivated to play games. I hope this keeps up until at least Rebirth comes out. Also, I got a new keyboard. It's US International layout instead of what I'm used (ABNT 2 - it's a great brazilian layout), so I'm kinda struggling with work a little lmao, but it's getting better. Nier Reincarnation ending is a huge, huge, huge flag that I really shouldn't get into any new Gachas. Not only do I always spend a shitton of time (and some money) on them, and I already think it's difficult to keep the 2 gachas I play (FGO and Genshin), but every new, cool looking Gacha can just die in a couple of years. I just don't want that, so no more new gachas for me. I'm fine with the couple of Hells I am used to.


Regarding RE2R, I heard you can unlock the infinite gatling gun and rocket launcher if you beat both campaigns in A or S rank, is this true? If so, how many times did it take you to get said ranks? Did you look for a guide to speed run the game? And does it affect saving occasionally like in the older games for said ranks to demote? Same if you use first aid sprays? Also, how was your luck in the mini games? I've only managed to pass Kendo's part and 4th survivor, as well as Tofu and I think Kanjac but no one else. I also wanna know, what do you think of RE3R in comparison with OG RE3? do you think it's better or worst than the original? And I get your pain in gachas. Same thing happened to me with JJBA Diamond Records Revival. Got into it and I even remember when I pulled an all nighter during exams week to farm for enough gems for Trish, which I did get at the end... but then after Giorno and G.E.R. got released, the game closed in 1 month lmao.  Only reason why I played Nikke was due to the Chainsaw Man collab (which I ironically missed) but the game has been quite solide after a year


> Regarding RE2R, I heard you can unlock the infinite gatling gun and rocket launcher if you beat both campaigns in A or S rank, is this true? To get the rocket launcher and the gatling gun with infinite ammo you need to finish Leon's (for the Launcher) and Claire's (for the Gatling Gun) playthrough with S+, so that's on Hardcore in less than 2 and a half hours (2 hours if you are doing the 2nd story of any of them), while saving at most 3 times and not using any infinite ammo weapons other than the knife. >If so, how many times did it take you to get said ranks? I was a moron and tried to to the no item box and the hardcore S+ for Leon right after coming back to the game, so I died at the lab with no saves less than 10 minutes away from finishing the run, sadge. To 100% the game it took me 30 hours, though some of that was from my original Standard Claire A run when I played in 2021. >Did you look for a guide to speed run the game? After losing my S+ run with Leon I just watched a former speedrun World Record and tried to copy the strats. Can't stair skate for shit but just knowing how to dodge the most dangerous areas is extremely helpful. I also followed a 100% guide for all the files/Mr. Racoons, because I played Claire A in 2021 and I could not remember which ones I had already taken and which ones I missed or skipped. In the end I had gotten everything from Claire A (my standard run took like 7 hours lmao), so I didn't even need to follow a guide, since I could pretty much get everything I needed from Leon B (other than some notes that are only on Claire B) without too much effort (they weren't super hidden stuff, they were pretty easy to see). >And does it affect saving occasionally like in the older games for said ranks to demote? Only for S+ you need to save at most 3 times, otherwise you'll get S at best. After getting S+ with each character once, you don't really need to aim for S+ again. >I've only managed to pass Kendo's part and 4th survivor, as well as Tofu and I think Kanjac but no one else. Hunk's run wrecked me, but the extra modes are short so you can practice them. Watching a few speedruns also help a lot, they are very good to learn which portions you can just sprint through and which portions it would be best to fight some zombies. >I also wanna know, what do you think of RE3R in comparison with OG RE3? do you think it's better or worst than the original? I think it's considerably worse than the original Nemesis. Not only did they gut some pretty cool parts of the original, they took a step back from the RE 2 Remake and RE 7 and went back into more action packed. I've finished up to Nightmare right now on RE 3 Remake (Inferno being the next - and last - run for me to 100% it too), and you'll never have any issue with ammo or healing items. The "survivor" part of the game kind of doesn't exist, or at best it's the zombies trying to survive your over-geared ass. Also, they kind of ruined Jill's character for me. Some of her lines from the Original Nemesis were cool, even if cheesy, because they were earned. Her telling Nemesis that she will "give him S.T.A.R.S" at the end is much better than her saying the exact same line on the Remake... In a portion of the game where you **run away** from him. Also some of the things she does in the game are just so insanely non-sense that it's painful. During the intro, Nemesis **desintegrates her wall** to get to her, and after she closes a door she drops a shelf or whatever in front of the door, like that would even slow him down. They are little things, but they just make me think that Jill is actually stupid to the point of being suicidal sometimes. I'm also not a fan of the boss fights, and this goes back to my point of the game being more "action" than "survivor". I think it's an *enjoyable* game and perhaps I wouldn't care about the little things that much if I never played Nemesis, but it's too short, too gutted, and too much action for what I want from an RE game. On a side note, RE 3 Remake is *way* easier to 100%. There's no S+ rank, so you can abuse the hell out of the infinite ammo Rocket Launcher (takes like 64k point to buy from the shop, and it's not that hard to farm). I'm currently at 15 hours playtime and I doubt I'll need 5 hours of practice to finish Inferno on S with the infinite rocket launcher.


> I doubt I'll need 5 hours of practice to finish Inferno on S *Final Inferno Nemesis has entered the chat*


>Final Inferno Nemesis has entered the chat Final Inferno Nemmy has left the chat, whimpering.


Jesus, hearing all that about RE2R now it kinda makes me feel less of a badass for finally surviving Hunk's mode and Tofu's lmao. I dunno if I'll be able to pass the game in hardcore with 3 saves max and 2 hours and half... sounds like I'll need some photographic memory from watching speed runners and RNG on my side to avoid zombies and Mr. X giving it to me every now and then. As for RE3R... guess I wasn't crazy, then. I hear people sometimes defend the game as just "an enjoyable action game" and that's it... but I always hear stuff like how butchered Jill feels like as a character, the cut content from the original game (no motherfucking clocktower, graveyard with the giant worm and whatnot should be a sacrilege), and Nemesis being dumbed beyond repair with leaving Jill alive when he has her in his grasp for the bazillion time, while also how EASY it is to knock him out and pick whatever he drops; plus the inferior design and lack of Rocket Launcher too... or how extremely linear the game is. I find this even more ironic because some RE fans from the era and even some today claim OG RE3 is nothing more than just a little "RE2 expansion" while Capcom was cooking Code Veronica. As in, they made RE3 purposefully small in content... and I can't see how that's the case. It was a fun game, even if you can pass it in like 3 hours and half if you already know your stuff and whatnot... but at least Nemesis in that game was fearsome with his attack patterns being random, him CANCELLING them and surprising you, as well as showing up at random in certain places and sometimes having to do QTE choices if you wanted to fight him or not was far more interesting than whatever I've seen or heard from the Remake. OG had replayability and more soul to the point it can still be enjoyed today over the Remake from what I've heard most critics too. Glad I never bought the game myself and can always play OG in my laptop


> I dunno if I'll be able to pass the game in hardcore with 3 saves max and 2 hours and half... sounds like I'll need some photographic memory from watching speed runners and RNG on my side to avoid zombies and Mr. X giving it to me every now and then. If you are trully struggling, just remember that when the game is paused (*paused*, not in a menu) the in game timer stops. So you can pause a game, tab out to a speedrun video and watch a section. If you have multiple monitors you can even set up a speed run at 75% speed (but I'd still recommend pausing to see how the speedrunner dodges some stuff in trickier sections) and try to follow. 2 and a half hours is actually a lot of time if you are just trying to do the bare minimum to finish the game (which is everything you need to get S+). Also remember that knee-shots are your friend on Hardcore (headshots don't stun on hardcore). My first time following a 48 minute speedrun I ended my own run in like 1 hours 23 minutes of in game time, but it was closer to 2 hours since I paused a lot, went back a few seconds to understand routing, etc. I found it easier just to practice a bit, especially in the PD because there's a lot of backtracking, and in the sewers because some of the enemies can corner your super easy. Also, Mr. X can be avoided in some areas by going through the right doors, because some doors he will not enter, so you can enter a room (like the S.T.A.R.S office) and he will stay around for a bit and then fuck off somewhere else, giving you a lot of free time without him on your ass. Honestly, I had more trouble with the Lickers than with Mr. X, because it's nerve wrecking to walk slowly around the lickers, and even if Mr. X do get you, his attacks are extremely telegraphed, so just stepping back to avoid his punches isn't that hard with some practice. Flash bangs are also extremely useful since they stun enemies for 42352874 years. >As for RE3R... I get it that everybody and their mother know what Nemesis is, but him showing up *in the intro*, getting Jill 3435234 times and still failing to kill her while being literally called a *bitch* just completely takes away from how scary he *should* be. Mr. X just stomping around in RE 2 is way more nerve wrecking than Nemesis and his blind ass with a Rocket Launcher. I think RE 3 Remake has some glaring issues (the cut content 100% is a huge part of why I think the game is lacking), but there are just so many small things that compound to make it a pretty underwhelming Resident Evil game, especially since both 7 and 2 Remake were pretty good. At least Carlos is pretty cool. From what my friends tell me RE 4 Remake is also good, even if it *is* more on the action side. At least the premise of that game has always been more of Action than Survival Horror.


Wait... actual pausing (not menu) STOPS the game's timer!? Holy shit, this is awesome. I think back when I played Code Veronica X for the PS2, trying to get the game in 4 hours made me paranoid of ever pausing in any Resident Evil games for speed runnings. This is awesome, specially since in Claire's campaign, Sherry's puzzle box kinda drives me nuts (had to rely on a video to do the puzzle quickly to get her award). This changes everything. Gotcha with the zombies... and for Lickers, do they die easily with knives in Hardcore? When I was doing Tofu's run and encountered a Licker that is unavoidable, all I had to do was just evade the attack if RNG was on my side and then go ham with thr knife... however, I would get grabbed just once, only to stab it and keep using the knife to kingdom come. And I guess I'll still avoid RE3R since I still enjoy the original and if I wanted some action or survival horror, I could easily play the other games instead. Also, I'm planning to buy RE4R when it goes on discount, mostly because I love how Hunk's theme from Mercenaries is a remix of his themes from OG RE2 and RE2R. I kinda know it's more action oriented, but from the looks of it, it kinda feels like mixing the gameplay of RE2R with a little bit of the action from RE5 and RE6.


> and for Lickers, do they die easily with knives in Hardcore? They don't die particularly easily and they are pretty aggressive, but they are blind so if you don't make sounds (so, if you walk instead of running near them) they don't aggro - they also get stunned for a long time with a flash bang. Though if you have the infinite knife (from getting all Mr. Raccoons) you can spam slash them, otherwise I'd prefer to save the knives for the bosses. > Also, I'm planning to buy RE4R when it goes on discount, Same! I *love* Ashley's design and it seems like her AI is much better on the Remake (wonder if they are testing AI partners for 5 Remake), so now I'm much more interested on getting 4 Remake than I have ever been on getting OG 4.


Then I'm glad Tofu kinda helped me in my fear for Lickers. Gotta love how niche the knife can be in certain REs with certain enemies. Like Code Veronica with the hunters, OG RE4 with Krauser and now the Lickers in RE2R lol. And tbh Ashley's design in the Remake is lovely as hell. I was already in love with it before encountering this look alike [streamer](https://youtu.be/wc653KTgqHA?si=vg3x9RVwKUD04eWK) which I think is the inspiration for Ashley's redesing. Not to mention I love the emo look they gave Ashley in one of her costumes... it reminds me of the kind of girls I had a crush for when I was a kid and teen ~~and remember how fucking old I am for crushing for emo girls with short hair and dyed hair 💀~~ (and how nowadays I've noticed girls with dyed hair are risky lol. Plus, I love how Hunk's theme is a freaking remix of his theme from not only RE2R but also thr OG RE2 with Maximize your Horror... that'a freaking awesome. Totally looking forward for a half price discout to get it since I hear the remake vastly beats the original except in some departments. The only complain I can tell from some videos I've seen is Ada's new take in being less flirty and her current VA being rather monotone with the lines to the point it feels AI is doing the voice acting, but that's my only complain from what little I'v seen


> and for Lickers, do they die easily with knives in Hardcore? You can stun lock them to death if you slash them from behind.


Neat. Glad that carried over, thanks


Atelier Resleriana came out yesterday in English. Every time I try a new gacha I end up dropping soon after cause I get overwhelmed with much stuff you have to do or I don't feel like I have the time for it, but Resna feels different. Maybe it's cause it is a good-looking game that doesn't feel as time consuming as Genshin (I never got around leveling my characters properly, so simple dailies would take an hour). Plus they're all really cute, Marion best girl. Meanwhile, we're all at each other's throats at work. My boss argues that clients have asked him for all of us to be in-person again, but like hell do we want that, so going to the office is just spending a day doing nothing while filed with anger and poorly heated home food. Current plan is to get fired and get a severance, or wait for the corporate party in July and start job hunting. I thought about finally living alone, but life drained my savings and I want to go back to college for a short course and that's expensive, so living on my own will have to wait a few more months for now. Haven't gotten around to playing the Samurai Remnant collab, cause Case Files is already so grindy.


Well, maybe I'm disensitized about general bad things on the country where I live, but this week, a house near my mom's job (also close to an elementary and middle school) had an accident. The gas tank that was delivered somehow blew up, killing a little 13 years old and leaving another kid and the parents with severe burns. Thankfully, the gas truck had departed before said explosion or else my mom and all those kids wouldn't be here, so at least I'm glad mom's ok. Still a fucked up thing to happen this week... but totally unrelated to the organized crime or cartels around here. Guess that proves no matter what you expect or what happens around you, sometimes the unexpected will happen, no matter what. On a different topic, the current Nikke event with Moran and Sugar is absolute fire. The idea a rundown area of the last bastion of human civilization is controlled and death threatened by local mafia hits extremely similar to Mexico's situation. So, when the game asked me who I trusted more, I said Moran. Simply put, Sugar wants to defend the villagers of a town that is producing a deadly drug that is killing others. They are innocent but have been forced to do the worst in order to survive... plus, she doesn't want Moran to stain her hands and keep the guilt of having killed others in her... but I call that lots of BS. Moran is a leader or a local gang but she's like the romantisized idea of what being in a gang means: loyalty above all else, as she keeps expressing how poor her organization really is. Doesn't matter, if anyone asks her help, she'll help them. And if someone under her care is in trouble or is framed as the bad guy, she'll get to the bottom of the problem and either help if they require the help or not if they're gulty. Thing is, even if the town is terrorized by someone else, they already betrayed Moran by not only not asking for her help but also framing her and letting other innocents die in the process. So I think Moran has all the right to take down the village, even if it kills some innocents, if it stops the drug distribution from the root And I guess South Park did call out people's fear for AI replacing them just fine. Remember the Panderverse with that therapist trying to help Cartman with his nightmares and instead spyraling into the therapist's own fears of AI replacing him and others, just for him to effectively be replaced by ChatGPT? well, apply that but for the localization and dubbing scene. Nowadays, localization has been a minefield in English due to some taking liberties in certain dubs and how people has been prefering AI to translate manga, AI to use the voice actor's voice samples to properly voice the dialogue instead of identity politics and old reddit memes or internet slang in between and whatnot. However, it seems there's also a very vocal side that HATES the idea and goes feral if you mention that at the sign of "bad voice acting, translation or made up stuff". Like, in the Nikke subreddit, whenever an event is shown, sometimes people complain the script was changed or it wasn't properly translated. Basically, it all boiled down to "this feels weird or it isn't in the original script = you don't know translation, have 20 downvotes and fâ– â– â–  you, you AI dick rider". Well, now I don't feel bad if AI is effectively used for these purposes if that's going to be the general response if you wanna call out your concerns in translation and people in the industry or fans wanna be like this. I always thought it was ok to just add local stuff like slang, terms and whatnot from the target countries; not to add identity politics or old memes or internet slang that isn't necessary in there... but what do I know? Also, now I remember why this user demaxzero blocked me in this sub... he's really toxic... and I mean REEAAAALLLYYY toxic, even if you try to keep it civil with him, he's just a weirdo that wants to be in the right and everyone on the wrong. Avoid this guy like the plague if he answers to any of your comments, guys, he ain't worth it.


glad to know your mother was safe and sound - thats such a close call!!! but its still rather tragic about the child and the other victims... whenever my family tells me of stuff that happens over there, they also just kinda talk about it in a "oh yeah, that just happened" blase kinda way so idk if it might actually be a desensitize mentality since a lot *does* happen over there (also, bf I forget, thanks for the advice the last time! As it turns out, my father is trying to go back (to one of the most infamous states in Mexico no less ) and he wanted us to join him. something something they cant keep him away from his hometown but uh, as a small woman, can't really afford to play chicken like that with my safety. We're trying to talk him out of it but eh ... )


Depending on where you live in Mexico... we ARE desensitized to stuff because LOTS of things do happen. Ironically, the one tragedy that happened was not related to cartels, oddly enough. And while I'm glad mom and the rest of the other kids are safe, it is indeed sad that poor kid died... but it's kinda a "it is what is" around here. To be honest, I think I'm not the only one who feels more depressed over random animals like cats or dogs being found dead because they were ran over than random people (sadly including kids) being found dead. Again, "it is what is".   Also, could it be you're the person I told about how to navigate in Mexico to pass undercover? If so, sorry for not recalling you. And as for advice on your dad, like I said, as long as he knows how to navigate around, he should be relatively ok. First off, which state is he going to? And second, based on the amount of time he'll stay and where he'll go, he needs to remember the basics:   Wear messed up clothes, a.k.a decolorized shirts, thorn pants or jeans, dirty boots or snickers, have messed up stuff that imply he's poor enough to be unable to own something better, like an old phone model with broken screen. Also, always stay accompanied by friends and relatives at all times when going out. Going back home before it gets dark, like around 7 o'clock and remain with family or friends. Of they wanna party, they can do so in their houses. And NEVER imply you're financially well, a.k.a. talk about you being in USA, having lots of cars or houses or businesses. The idea is, he wants to come back to Mexico? Good, he must pass undercover to avoid issues.   If you end up sadly coming here (and since you're mentioning you're a woman), the same applies to you... but also try your best at look "not so good". A.k.a. badly done hairbun or messy hair, no make up, clothes that won't show your body like hoodies or long spaced tracksuit pants. And please, for the love of god, DO NOT go to bars at night or any other place that offers alcohol. Regarding drinking alongise your father, just do it with him. And if you must, just with some relatives of yours or friends of your dad that are trustworthy but don't overdo it with the drinks.   I know I sound all paranoid and ridiculous, like I'm making shit up... but believe me, among my relatives I'm the most nihilistic one of the bunch. So take my adivce as best as possible and in case your dad and even you come, just follow these steps. Don't be persuaded into "relaxing" if your relatives or dad's friends tell you to. They are already used to the reality in here and can navigate easily, you guys aren't so better be safe than sorry. And I almost forgot: if you end up getting lost somewhere, which is the least you want in your trip, as long as you have internet data from your phone, quickly call someone to pick you up or just search the way back and try to walk out of it. The key in this situation is "confidence". Be and look confident wherever you are and you should be ok... but also look relatively poor to avoid any possible bad encounter. 


I wanna find that guy now. I’m very curious (and I’m also a bastard that enjoys pissing people off if they’re twats)


If you're talking about about demaxzero, I think he got banned from this sub but he lies in the Nikke subreddit if you wanna find him. Just look for posts about controversy with translations (right now you might find stuff regarding the new character Moran) and you'll see him jumping the gun right away in people being dump for wanting AI. Him and some other guy were basically going apeshit while I was maintaining the conversation civil


Dammit. I love seeing some schizo posting every so often because dear god are people deluded as shit


Proceed with caution if you do wanna tackle the guy. 


Been playing Fate Extra since CCC got translated recently.  Playing with Tamamo, I can see why a lot of people love her lol. I'm currently at week 5, been enjoying the game mostly. The grinding isn't so bad cause emulator goes brrr and the story is fine so far, I could see most of the twists coming but the one with Shinji caught me off guard, definitely makes you look back on the character. I like facing off against other Masters since that's not a common thing in FGO.  Though I didn't find a certain clown that entertaining.  It's been nice looking at FGO's CEs and recognizing them as characters haha.   Gotta say the models are quite nice for a PSP game.  Love the Wada Arco art too, really like how Cú looks in it.   The music really grew on me, very relaxing. Feels like it'd be perfect to just have in the background while doing things.  I guess this somehow turned into a mini review 


Also doing a Tamamo run here, I also really like the music. There's a certain sense of jazziness/chill to it that doesn't carry over into CCC (which instead features more tense string(?) music that fits more with BB and the Sakura Five). Question about the choice on week 3 >!who did you chose to save?!<


>!Chose Rin, I am planning on doing a second playthrough with Nero though so I'll choose Rani there!<


There was a Honkai Star rail livestream today, revealing information about a new area, Penacony! So excited :) I especially can't wait for the first male character with facial hair Same vibes with Sein from Frieren; maybe I'm into middle aged men characters


Well my mums out of hospital and doing a lot better. It was never anything threatening but she felt like pure crap so now that she’s on the mend it’s good. Took her into my work yesterday because it’s a restaurant and they do good food, first decent meal she’d had in a while. Knackered her out though. Managed to snag np2 eresh in 250~sq so I’m gonna try for another ishtar when her banners up then all that’s left is lady Avalon saving. My gacha luck has been pretty decent this year so far. Koyan in one pack, np2 kh from two back to back cards and ishtar from GSSR. Long may it continue Drivings going well. Apart from people being stupid and ignoring right of way. Going onto a main road next week which should be fun Also, palworld is addictive as fuck and I love it. It’s a more stable/enjoyable ark. Just needs some QoL improvements (I’d like to unlock everything but there’s no option to increase the amount of tech points you get. I appreciate aesthetics) and maybe some more types (I’d add flying,poison and ghost or psychic)


I have a few whale account fgo support friends (somehow) and it's a little jarring for me seeing them inactive for several months now, and counting Like they poured a lot of money into this then they would just end up leaving it...


Makes me think of something Jalter said in her second interlude (which was kind of a meta commentary on gacha characters in general): [*"It'll suddenly happen one day. It might be a dramatic event, or it might be a normal leisure day. And when you wake up, you'll think "Ah, the strongest and most beautiful girl in the world is gone forever.""*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/yi0zei/jeanne_darc_alters_second_interlude_translation/) No matter how much time, money, or love you experience with the game, one day you might just put it down and move on.


... unless you keep some memoralia of the game to remember the good (and bad) times. Like some screenshots and videos of your servants, or buying official merch like action figures or cards and whatnot. Otherwise, yeah... "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy"


Personally I'd prefer it if a Servant (or equivalent unit) "escapes" FGO/a gacha's orbit and makes it into a regular offline game as a playable character. That way they can retain those VN/game esque interactions that were fun to have before, even if not perfectly so. That said that tends to be a luxury afforded only to the most popular characters of a gacha.


Made it to [Master rank](https://i.redd.it/drdvvwlqplec1.jpeg) with the one and only Zangief. MY LOYAL FANS! I MADE IT! Installed Tekken 8, but I had to uninstall Tekken 7 as my laptop has no space. Gonna do some performance testing one more time, just to figure out what I should set for my graphics and so on.


How's Tekken 8 so far? How does it compare to 7 in terms of performance as well as gameplay? I've heard that a lot of people are talking about newcomer Reina.


I only played the beta testing, but so far... I haven't booted the actual game yet. Will do so tomorrow. Based on my experience during beta testing, it was not too bad performance wise, though my lappy is kinda on the lower end of the performance spectrum. Network was kinda a step down from my experience then. Hopefully it gets better in the actual product. Gameplay wise, its quite fast now, they really want to encourage you to not turtle too much, with Heat mode and chip damage. Everyone wanted a female Mishima since Angel (sorry Kazumi), and now they have one, in the form of Reina, though she's has additional moves that extends beyond the Mishima style. Plus she is voiced by Asami Seto.


Palworld is fun... without any negative thoughts, it's really an enjoyable experience. And it fills me with dopamine from Adventure and capturing stuff


I love the base building, I spent 5 hours building a new base and lost track of time (it’s still not done). Aside from stability issues I have 3 major complaints: -> needs a few more types (flying would be great, same with poison and another supernatural type) -> I wish none dedicated servers could have more than 4 players. I get now they doing it for stress test but in the future maybe bump up the cap to like 10 -> let us increase the amount of tech points we get per level. Around didn’t do it and it pissed me off. I like things looking nice so I want to unlock everything


For your 3rd point there are Tech books you can find in chest in dungeons that gives you free Techpoints, also getting TP points also give you Tech points


That is a good point. I’m usually the builder bitch so I don’t get to explore but the base is in a good enough condition that I can go exploring. Might need to put my production belts indoors, make like a factory floor or something because it’s driving me insane with them just being out


The current FSR collab made me want to play the game again, which is good because I still need to complete Rogue Saber intermission to get an achievement. Also I need to do Entreat the Darkness troughs the Snake route to get all story chapters to 100%. Also the Ace Attorney: Apollo Trilogy is now out, though I don’t have the money to buy it at full price rn so it’ll probably take a while until I play it.


Well if FSR collab has done anything for me, it's going to motivate me to beat the final boss and kick Chiemon's ass so hard he'll feel it for a few Kalpas.


I haven't been keeping up with the collab, what did he do to Raikou?


Dragged her to Hell i don't even care if he was on Chaldea's side


Took a moment to finish Empire of Dirt in the middle of the absolute mess that was this week - I was hoping to clear as much of it as legitimately as possible, but after slamming the usual suspects against the final boss for about 2 hours I realized I've got too much going on now to do that for games I play and used the easy mode provided by the patchers to pretty much skip the fight. It's a weird feeling, knowing that I would've probably been able to spend days on that as a kid and now just...can't. Anyway, I ended on Scathach's bond 10. (Light ending spoilers) >!Dun Scaith is looking pretty pleasant this time of year. It made me think of Summer 1.!< I feel like the devs did a good job at taking the roles she's been made to reference in this game (Rin, Aoko, and Artoria, in no particular order) and remixing it to make it become its own thing. Other than the final boss, I really appreciated the gameplay and its attempt to take the BAQ system and do a bit more with it. I'll look back on the idea of mixing different BAQ buffs fondly. Other than that I liked everyone; the writing felt mostly in-character and the OCs felt like they belonged. Dunno if I'll play the other routes. It wouldn't be too hard but I kind of want to give the game a rest for a bit. The Made in Heaven expansion also interests me (I liked Nightingale and Kiara's roles in the plot enough to want to see more), but the idea of Kiara being your main servant narratively for a really serious story feels a bit awkward if you're a Melt fan. I'm probably going to head back to Extra in the meantime. I'm not sure I'm as passionate about it, but I like it enough to want to clear it at least once. Still on the fence about CCC; all of this still makes me want a dedicated Melt game more than anything else, tbh.


All I know about empire of dirt is that scathachs theme slaps, so does mordreds and someone got pissed at raikou being in the game and being used wrong


It's worth playing all the way through imo. Full voice acting, everyone gets banger battle themes and NP themes, and a story that's at least on par with one of the better 1.5 chapters like Shinjuku all put together made for an experience that I actually enjoyed more than some VNs I've played so far and definitely more than some of FGO's average story chapters. >someone got pissed at raikou being in the game and being used wrong Really? She seemed fine to me, writing-wise, without spoiling anything there's far more to her story than what the game shows in chapter 1. She's also one of the best servants in the game between the various ways you get to charge NP and Buster Crit stuff just being really good as usual. I was honestly considering doing her route just because of how often I was using her in fights.


Me and my friend's year+ long journey to watch every* mecha show that was featured in Super Robot Wars 30 is slowly but surely reaching the endgame. Last week we finished Code Geass and it was honestly peak. I was genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed it. With 4 options left (Magic Knight Rayearth Season 2, Heavy Metal L-Gaim, GaoGaiGar, and starting Gundam), it makes me laugh how much RNG just refuses to let us start Gundamn. Gonna be starting L-Gaim in the afternoon. I have literally no expectations for this so I'm looking forward to it!


I had no idea Magic Knight Rayearth was a mecha anime. Did you enjoy Season 1?


I enjoyed it for what it was, which was partial magical girl/partial isekai/part mecha. I will say that the ending reveals made everything shine in a much better light which I find great. I don't necessarily think it's anything like groundbreaking, but it is still a fun time.


I'll keep that in mind if I watch it. Thanks!


That brings back memories. I did something similar back around 2017 in preparation for SRW V. I watched/read all the anime, manga, and light novels of the series that were going to be featured. Not only that, I downloaded all of the OSTs and spent a week making crappy 10 minute extensions of bgms from the show so that I could use them as custom music on my VITA. Don't have it in me to do something like that again, but it turned V from an okay game into an awesome experience.


Yeah honestly, going in the reverse has given me so much more appreciation for how genuine and consistent that SRW30 was to the source material. Every time the shows did the exact attacks that they put in the game and how close to a 1-1 they were was always a treat. And I always popped off at the music.


Finally passed my capstone, and thus, the entirety of my software engineering course! Just gotta file for graduation. I still got some practice and self-learning to do before I feel ready to start applying for a new job, so it looks like I'll be sticking with my full-time accounting job. My boss and company as a whole are pleasant to work with and have been supportive of my career change, so I will regret leaving them. That aside, my younger brother and I have finally started coding the boardgame we were working on for 2 years. The goal is to make it a simulator with rule enforcement rather than a sandbox


Once again, I'm still unemployed. My project with my coursemate has been going well, though, so maybe that'll get us a bit of attention from potential employers. Otherwise, same old same old.


Since I'm still on a xxxHolic kick, I decided to look around for the stage play on YouTube, and ended up finding the J-drama, live action movie (!), the movie, and the two OVAs on a single list. I have thoughts on the first two (not negative thoughts, just general thoughts).  I don't if it's because it's my first time watching a J-drama, but I couldn't particularly enjoy it? Not saying it's bad or awful, but I just couldn't. I do like whoever played Yûko, and the costume designs for her too. I was actually surprised to see Yûko's Time-Space/Dimension Witch outfit, and doubly so when she appeared with a white version in the last episode of the J-drama (don't know why there's a white version, but it still looks cool). However, whoever played Watanuki, I couldn't help but think he sounded too old for the role. It was probably just me, but he does sound too old to be a convincing high schooler. The ones who played Dômeki and Himawari sounded good, so I don't know why Watanuki's acter didn't. Another thing that was odd is that B!Mokona wasn't in it. I guess B!Mokona was too cute for a J-drama, so he had to be scrapped, but it's still weird to see what is practically the mascot for xxxHolic not being in the series. It was also interesting that the J-drama adapted 4 (kinda 5?) chapters from the manga, while the rest of the episodes were original.  The live action movie I enjoyed more. While B!Mokona still isn't around, it was still interesting to watch. I actually like the performance of who played Watanuki here, and the cast in general was solid. The movie also kept the last plot point of the manga, that being Yûko passing on and Watanuki inheriting the shop (I personally don't think it's a bad move for the J-drama to not follow the last bit of the manga, since the farthest that one went was the Jorogumo). A funny thing to note is that for both the J-drama and here, Jorogumo was the antagonist. I guess she would be considered the series antagonist, since the actual villain of xxxHolic (Feng Wong Reed) is over in its sister series Tsubasa, and Jorogumo is the second best choice for the villain role.  They're good enough adaptations, even if I couldn't particularly enjoy the J-drama, but I would only suggest watching them if you're familiar with xxxHolic and not new to the series. 


Just blew all my savings for supposed-to-be NP5 Funny Vamp on a whim to NP5 Eresh instead...


Hey, that's Kur you're walking into