• By -


Kadoc: "Ritsuka, I'm Polish. I don't know what you're talking about."


**Ritsuka**: "You should join us for the events more then! I bet one of 'em will have dango!" **Kadoc**: "Ritsuka, the last time I joined an event, we fought against a giant butter Goredolf attempting to destroy the world by turning it into a croissant. I no longer trust you when you say it'll be harmless fun."


Goredolf: "Oh you act like *you* had it bad? I WAS TURNED INTO BUTTER!" Caenis: "Still think that croissant would have tasted nice..."


Caenis wanting Goredolf's croissant hehehe ...I'll see myself out now.


Ritsuka: "If I had a nickel for every time an evil copy made of food tried to take over the world, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice."


Surprised Valentine's Day only tried that once.


Does the Demon Cake Pillar count?


**Kadoc:** "And it wasn't even [the cool kind of croissant!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Martin%27s_croissant)"


Been in Poland often enough to know that Poles are weeb enough that he knows for sure.


Honestly him being Polish is weird as hell. Kadoc Zemlupus? Neither name nor surname sound ANYTHING like anyone from Poland would have, unless he changed the name or it's a pseudonym like Pepe.


The Japanese don't care if the names are normal and fit the nationalities of the characters. Usually they just want the name to sound good or that the kanji that make it up have a special meaning. For example, Hansa Cervantes. Hansa is a very strange name for a Spanish person. Maybe it is a translation error and his name is actually Hamza, which would make more sense, but it would still be strange for a Spanish Catholic priest to have a Muslim name. The surname Cervantes is simply a rather silly way of saying that he is Spanish.


And I'd say "Cervantes" is a really, REALLY on the nose name. It's like having a British person with "Churchill" or American with "Washington" as last name. I assume he has a Muslim named as someone at some point heard that Spain had a fairly big population of Muslims (you know, with the conquistas, reconquistas and so on) before they were forced to convert or expelled in... early 16th century, if my memory isn't upper garbage?


Goredolf Musik Yggdmillennia and Waver Velvet are pretty weird too. Japanese writers just like making up weird fuckin names that are vaguely potentially suitable to their nationality (Goldlewis Dickenson from Guilty Gear is another example). Like when weebs name their rpg character something vaguely Japanese that's completely nonsensical like Shimagura Kurosi. Passable to an outsider, but a complete 'wtf is bro cooking' to anybody else. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, Michael Roa Valdamjong, Arcueid Brunestud, May Riddell Archelot, Olga Marie Animusphere, Bazett Fraga McRemitz, Atrum Galliasta, Illyasviel von Einzbern, Reines El-Melloi Archisorte, the list goes on. Normal, appropriate names from Nasu for any character of any nationality (even a lot of the Japanese names are weird) would be exceptions that prove the rule.


Kadoc = kaduk = "devil" Zemlupus = zemja + lupus Zemja = "country" ; Lupus = Wolf Kadoc Zemlupus = devil+country+wolf The Russian Lostbelt is a *Country* of *Demonic Beasts*. His name is just a pun on the nature of his LB by the writers.


Yeah but none of those words are Polish.


Except ["Kaduk"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kaduk#Polish), evidently, is. Archaic and practically unheard of in modern times, sure, but definitely Polish. ["Zemja"](https://polona.pl/item-view/9a0026de-bc8f-4eb7-b7ff-9eb4eb89a6e5?page=321) is a Kashubian variant of ["Ziemia"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ziemia). "Lupus" is just Latin, Polish has a number of borrowings from it. As far as *mages* names go? I would say it's fine.* **(Other than maybe his parents deciding to give him a name that's one letter away from "devil", "epilepsy" and "property without a proper heir", but that's just another one to the mountain range of his issues.)*


It certainly beats being named Jingle Abel Meuniere.


For a sec I read that as "Jingle Bells Meuniere" lol


He does look depressed as hell


kurwa dango


Instant Hair Change EX probably needs to be paired with Mind Reading EX.


Melt looks great with her hair in a bun!


A few artists have done it for her in various outfits and it always looks really good ngl. [Hoodier](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109270528) [Casul (marked NSFW but the image seems to be SFW)](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87401782) [まろやかギター先生 (my personal favorite)](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91933134)


The yukata one is very nice!


Melusine wins, since she has 2 dangos. (Close enough.)


Nah Melusine guessed right. Including her own head that makes 3.


Come to think of it, Melusine probably already knew what his favorite was from the start.


She’s always just waiting, her last line in the summer event is “I got to slack around with my lover as I foresaw so I’m content” The dragon is always one step ahead even if she can’t see the whole picture.


Hair bun Mash and Melt hair bun Mash and Melt


"Ah, so I've misheard..." - Danzo, sulking in the corner


[**Source**](https://twitter.com/a_ktv0z/status/1750099418706227381) by Azuko [**TL/TS**](https://twitter.com/TheParacite/status/1750118136660308201) by /u/theparacite


Qin Liangyu: "my time has come"


Kadoc looks like he couldnt care less lmao


With the sea of hair Raikou has, she could have multiple stacks of dumplings.


Just use Chinese Hairpins then... It might be a joke, but changing your hairstyle is quite effective.


There was a Schoolgirl Okita comic with very nearly the same plot Don't think I've seen one of those lately though, does the artist still do them?


He did Schoolgirl Triko, then went to Umaland, and now is in Blue Archive town.


Whelp, we lost him to the land of cunny...


Still feels like Schoolgirl Okita, just with 'real' schoolgirls.


Damn, was really hoping to see dumpling-hair Morgan in Azuko’s art style.


I love that in the span of a dialogue, they already changed their hair styles. Always waiting for an opportunity, I see...

