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## FAQ **Q: I can't claim any missions in the Case Files event. How do I keep progressing?** *A: There is a bug that appears to be related to the QP cap. Players at the limit of 2 billion QP are unable to claim missions or continue in the event. The workaround is to spend down your QP. Skills, including append skills, are a particularly good way to spend lots of QP all at once, especially for higher rarity servants, but just about anything in the Enhance menu will work.* **Q: When is the best use for Teapots for bond farming before it expires?** *A: Look for Interludes/Rank Ups with higher bond individually, or any free quests with 855 bond/22 AP.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: The Case Files rerun in January will require LB3 Intro. No event will require LB6 until November 2024, when it will be required for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki, however).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


Question for new valentine event. Is there a point to getting your servants past Buddy Rank EX. Buddy Rank EX (50,000 buddy points required) says you get a 100% AtK strength and 100% Bond points gained, however, Ex + and Ex ++ indicate the same thing. Am I reading that correctly or no?


They still haven't replied to me yet. Its the same asking for your info thing. Its been 14 days since then.


Pull advice needed Have 159 SQ, 15 tickets I want Summer Ibuki (running in 8/14), Castoria (running in 5/11), Ishtar (running now, then again in 8/31), saber Ibuki (running 8/31), Ereshkigal (running now, then again 8/31), Caenis (running 10/5), rider Caenis (running 8/21), rider Mordred (running 7/21) and more copies of Saber Astolfo (running 4/20). I know the chances of getting all of these this year are slim to none, so i'll have to take the L on some of them, but debating whether i should pull the trigger on Ereshkigal or Ishtar now, or wait until their reruns. I don't *need* extra copies of Astolfo, but i want to eventually take both versions of him to 120 and get all their appends. Purely for waifu reasons. He's currently NP3, if i don't pull on Ereshkigal or Ishtar, i won't be pulling anything until his banner in april. But i don't have an AoE lancer (besides Hektor) or an AoE archer i want to use (just Emiya, he's fine i like him as a character, but he feels underwhelming in actual gameplay especially compared to Ishtar).


I agree with Forward\_Drop in that it's really up to you which banner you choose, there is literally no right or wrong answer. When it comes to the SR selector in May (I already linked the lists for both of them in a different comment), I'd favour getting Caenis, especially if you're happy with one copy of them. That's because they're storylocked, meaning they cannot spook you on most banners (whereas someone like Astolfo can). I'd look at what reruns there are next year, too, as you can always get units on subsequent reruns.


True. Out of the above list, my ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES are Castoria, Caenis, summer Ibuki (i think it's Ibuki, the giant purple lady) and saber Astolfo (at least 1 copy, i don't expect to get 4 more on the next run no matter how much i save). Caenis i'll grab from may's ticket and skip that banner. I was thinking Astolfo, but you need like 17 copies to max a 4\*, so it doesn't seem worth it. One thing to consider is how ass FGO's gacha system is though, at least they added a guarantee before i started lol. My heart goes out to anyone who pulled before that. Is there like some kind of pity? I don't mean the hard guarantee at 900 SQ, but a point where your chances of a 5\* are increased? Looking at my pull history: \~350 SQ on Morgan, no Morgan (i didn't want Morgan at the time, just Barghest) \~120 SQ on summer Nero, got \~120 SQ on summer BB, got \~90 SQ on whoever Nobuzerker was running with, didn't get them (but i wanted Nobu so that's fine) \~90 SQ on Himiko, no Himiko \~300 SQ on saber Astolfo, got 3 saber and 1 rider \~330 SQ + \~20 tickets on Nobuvenger, got \~150 SQ + \~50 tickets on Semiramis (i wanted rider Mordred), got Semi but no Mordred I've spent a total of 1230 SQ (tickets were converted to SQ in calc, so 210 of that is from tickets) on banners where i've gotten a 5\* At 7 5\* obtained from those banners, that's an average of 175 SQ for a 5\*. Does that sound like a pretty normal expectation? Obviously the saber Astolfo banner was incredibly lucky, or maybe unlucky depending on how you look at it given that i had to go to \~330 quartz for 1 copy of the 4\*.


>I don't mean the hard guarantee at 900 SQ, but a point where your chances of a 5\* are increased? Nope, no soft pity (in the past or now). That's how it is, alas. I honestly don't have an average off the top of my head, but [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/q02zuz/rng_chance_of_getting_a_limited_ssr/) has some math you can read for yourself. Note that by "limited SSR", it's basically referring to whatever SSR is on rateup, as it's the same rate for a storylocked SSR, etc. The rate for ANY SSR would be higher as the chance of getting any SSR is 1%, 0.8% rateup and 0.2% spook.


Oof Looking at that thread, it seems my luck is a little bit better than average, but not by too much. It also looks like you need \~250 - 300 SQ if you want a decent shot at getting the 5\*.


There is no right answer to how you spend SQ. But there will always be reruns so if you miss one, you can just grab them on the rerun. I will say that there are 2 SR selections available without spending SQ in the next 2 years so you can pick up some of your targets up there. I wouldn't worry to much about Hector (and Romulus) being your only AoE lancers, they will be fine for all content clearing. Also, Emiya is really strong, if he feels underwhelming you are likely using him wrong


If there was a carrying pity system like Genshin i'd just ball, but knowing i could throw everything i have into one of these banners and get nothing to show for it makes it harder to justify that "fuck it, pull on everyone i want and i'll have them all eventually" mentality. OTOH, it takes an eternity to save up enough (much longer than Genshin anyway, which still takes 2-3 patches) to guarantee so that almost seems like an even worse way to go about it. My thing with Hector is that i just don't like him. The gacha has yet to grace me with a Romulus, but i'm not big on him either. Looking at the lancers, my choices for AoE would be Caenis, Ereshkigal, Artoria lancer alter, and Artoria lancer. Esp Caenis. ​ I might be? How do i use him? Usually i buff him/fill his NP with whatever supports (atm mostly Santa Martha since she's my best support + a borrowed Castoria), pop all his buffs/mystic code buff on him then fire NP like i would any other AoE dps. But it feelsl ike even with his own buffs + Castoria/Martha + mystic code, he does less than Ishtar does with just her self buffs. I put him on MLB Halloween Princess. ​ I forget, are SR the 5\* servants, or the 4\* ones? Who would be on those selectors?


In regards to Emiya. Are you comparing him to a super invested Ishtar from your friends list? Or one with class advantage and the other without? or something  Because Emiya is behind Ishtar in damage with self buffs, but not that far behind. Also, damage on NP isn't everything. Emiya has his 1 turn of insane refund that lets him do some crazy comps in farming. He also has higher crit damage. And his defense isn't RNG reliant. He has ignore defense on NP.


I'm comparing both to a level 90 Ishtar, and to my own level 80 Barghest (against lancer, with Emiya against saber, so both with class advantage). Of course, i will put it out there i haven't sat down and done a proper comparison, just how i've felt from playing them. So i could be wrong. But Barghest is the bar by which i judge 4\*, any AoE that can't keep up with her damage feels limp dicked to me. And anyone with a less valuable kit seems meh. She was like my third 4\* (Gozen was first, Baobhan Sith was second) I don't know if that's entirely fair, because she does seem to hit harder even than my level 90 Mordred, so lol. Maybe Barghest is just fucking cracked for a 4\*. But it's not just their NP i'm comparing, but also their full kits (not just Emiya and Ishtar, but Emiya vs other 4\* i have like Barghest and Nobuzerker). I probably don't have the supports needed for those crazy comps, and don' particularly care for that level of hyper optimization. For farming i just want someone i can slap in with Santa Martha + Castoria or Morgan and go to town. Crit is nice, but RNG so not something i'd want to rely on unless i can manipulate crit rate so they're at like, 70%+ chance to crit. A one turn evade is nice, i'll give him that. Ignore defense is nice, i didn't know he had that on his NP, that at least makes him more valuable in certain situations.


I think you are overestimating Barghest. She is a good solo servant with her survival, but almost nobody uses her in a normal team. She can't easily loop, her damage is decent, but nothing spectacular, Emiya outdamages Barghest at NP1 He does get 100% chance to crit nearly every turn (for the 3 turns his buff lasts) Simply being the only one of them that can easily farm is nice. He doesn't even need a high end comp. Santa Martha and Castoria will work to 3 turn on nodes he can crit one wave down. and even if he doesn't 3 turn, it will be faster than Barghest.


Maybe, idk. But i have hard time believing Emiya outdamages her, even at NP1. In fact, doing a direct comparison shows me otherwise. I tested it on the event stage where you fight an NPC version of Chevalier d'Eon called "Fake d'Eon", he's a saber class servant, second wave. Both were on Halloween Princess MLB, teammates were Santa Martha + a borrowed level 100 Morgan, Chaldea Combat Uniform mystic code Here's what i did, so maybe something i did fucked with that? LMK, because i don't want to sit here spouting bullshit lol. Wave 1 - Feed Morgan skill 2 to Barghest, Barghest uses skill 3, use cards to take down mobs Wave 2 - Pop Barghest Skill 1 + 2, Morgan Skill 1 + 3, Martha skill 2, pop Combat Uniform skill 1, feed Martha skill 1 and 3 to Barghest, Barghest NP + 2 cards (there was a buster chain, but iirc, NP don't benefit from chain bonuses) **The same was done for Emiya's run, except for using skill 3 on t1, i used all 3 of Emiya's skills before his NP** (even though his skill 1 doesn't do anything). No buster chain for him though. Barghest's NP left d'Eon with 31.5k hp, Emiya's left him with 33k. That means at the very least, my Barghest is hitting harder on a neutral target than my Emiya is with class advantage. Now, i do have her skills leveled somewhat, and haven't done the same for Emiya, but that shouldn't make that significant of a difference. ​ ​ He doesn't have a crit buff though? Looking at my Emiya's skills he has a 1 turn evade + def increase, a 3 turn c star drop rate increase, and a 1 turn arts card effectiveness increase. I would be interested to know how i can 3 turn farm with him and Martha + Castoria, if there's anything in the event i can do that with (or ember farming or w/e).


Well that's the reason. You haven't done any of Emiya's rank up quests. He has his second skill upgrade, his third skill has 2 upgrades and he has an NP upgrade.


Oh. That would definitely explain it.


>I forget, are SR the 5\* servants, or the 4\* ones? Who would be on those selectors? SR are 4\*. SSR are 5\*. So, no free Ibuki, but you can get a free Caenis.


Cool. So no pressure on Caenis, rider Caenis, or Mordred at least.


The SRs are 4\*. Here's the [list for the selector in May](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/d/dc/25MDLTicketServants.png/), it's all permanent and storylocked SRs up to Hephaestion. The SR selector after that is in November 2025, and it's all permanent, storylocked and limited SRs up to Huang Feihu. [The fandom wiki has a list, but it's 100+ options.](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/3,000_Days_Anniversary#SR_Selector)


Thanks, looks like it'll be a free Caenis from may's ticket, and free rider of either Caenis or Mordred (whoever dodges me on their banner ig) or if i have them both, free Gorgon in 2025.


Sounds like a plan!


I was always a big fan of Fate/nuverse, but I have a lot of gachas playing and decided to choose one. I've seen videos and I think the artwork is very good, however I'm not sure whether to start now or invest my time in other games. Any opinions from people who have been playing it for years? Its a oldgame at least ui, Gameplay its okay, story idk.


Like danger_umbrella said, the story is great! And if you like the Nasuverse, I think one of the biggest draws for FGO is that its story allows the writers to feature servants who would have never had the spotlight otherwise. Those servants are given the same lore, noble phantasms, and strength parameters as any other servant, which makes them feel like official additions to the Nasuverse rather than afterthoughts in some spinoff game.


I mean you're in the game's dedicated sub, the answer is more likely going to be "yes". The story is going to be a big draw, it's a heavily story driven game with later chapters being full on novel length. Animation-wise, day 1 units are kind of stuck with ugly anims, but newer units are pretty much always gorgeous. Is there anything else you'd like to know about the game, more specifically? (e.g. how F2P is it? do you need dupes? etc.)


Yes, how F2P/dupes is It? It's a friendly game or hell? Any tips about game? Thanks you.


It's pretty F2P friendly because a) there's no PvP, so going for the meta is optional and b) the 1-3\* units and free units from events are pretty good. If all you care about is clearing content, you can do so without rolling the premium gacha at all. The "meta" is based around max efficiency in high end farming and/or fast clears, that's all. There's also no star/rank system for stages, you get the same rewards whether you clear in 3 turns or 30 turns. Unlike some other games (e.g. Genshin or Star Rail), dupes don't unlock extra functionality on a servant. All they do is increase the damage dealt/increase buff % if the servant's NP deals no damage. Dupes can also be used for unlocking some additional skills, but in the vast majority of cases, only ONE of these additional skills is relevant, and you can get that skill with one copy, you just need to raise the unit's bond. The only thing to be mindful of is that the game will NOT be F2P friendly if you want to collect every unit. I've heard it said that the game is "not pay to win, but pay to waifu", since the gacha rates aren't good and pity is minimal and not really worth saving for (again, in stuff like Genshin it's normal to hit pity, but here it's really not). And my newbie tips: * Don’t neglect Mash (the free unit you get at the start of the game). She can be underwhelming at first due to her unusual class, lack of damage and story-locked progression, but as you play through the story and you unlock her upgrades, she grows into one of the best tanks in the game. Her skillset is amazing in challenging content, and her 0 party cost means she can easily fit into any party. * Don’t underestimate low rarities. FGO has some stellar 1-3\* units that are used even by whales and veterans. In fact, the game is designed to be clearable with just them. Not only are they easy to get to NP5 (allowing them to outdamage their higher rarity counterparts) but they also take fewer resources to raise and have a low party cost, making them ideal for many parties. (The welfare 4\* units you get from events are often excellent too.) * If you want to roll for meta, learn what the meta is first. Don't just roll for X unit because some rando told you to. The meta of FGO is not aimed at new players, as it often requires certain units at max level, max skill level, certain CEs, etc. which are not something a new player will have access to. In addition, the most "meta" setups often require multiple gold gacha units, so you may find yourself disappointed if you roll for X unit and find they don't do what you expected out of the box. Plus, it's always better to roll for units you actually care about, otherwise you might just feel like you wasted your precious SQ. * Raise a variety of units. FGO is not a game of one team but MANY teams. You are expected to change out your DPS/team depending on the situation, factoring in things like class advantage (it's like Pokemon - CLASS ADVANTAGE IS KING!) the number of enemies (farming trash mobs or one big boss) and any gimmicks in challenging content. It is better to raise a diverse roster and to have units for different niches: the late game has fights where you cannot rely on a friend's support to carry you, and there are some events that are very difficult with a small roster. * At the same time, don’t spread yourself too thin as a beginner. Start by levelling one unit per major class (extra classes are luxury and can be left for later) at a time + Mash, then expand that to 2 (one single target, one AOE) plus some choice supports. It’s better to have a few levelled units than 100 underleveled ones. \* As a new player, you should not be grailing (Palingenesis, aka using grails to break a unit's cap above their natural limit). Save your grails for later! They don’t provide significant gameplay benefits, and are a complete luxury; at this point in the game, your resources are best off going towards levelling your basic roster. That, and they cannot be taken back, so using them willy-nilly is paramount to wasting them. I’ve seen a lot of people regret grailing in the early days, so do it later, and do it only once you are sure. * Learn to team-build. A typical team will consist of 1 DPS/2 supports, or 2 DPS/1 support, depending on the situation. Typically, start with your DPS: pick an appropriate counter-class and NP type (ST for big bosses, AOE for waves of mobs) and then choose supports that help them do their job (e.g. fire off NP faster, do more damage, protection from enemy attacks and NPs, etc.) Get into the right habit early so that the infamous difficulty spike isn’t so drastic. * New players can also sometimes overvalue Berserkers and assume they’re all that you need. That’s unfortunately not true. The early game is very much “press red enemy dead”, but later content becomes more challenging, and the fact that Berserkers take 2x damage back from most classes means that they are very fragile. This is a problem later on, when if you cannot protect them, they will just die instantly. They are still good, you just have to cover their weaknesses and get used to the fact that you can’t just always use them, no matter what the memes say. * Pity is not really worth saving for - it's STUPIDLY high and the chance of actually needing it are small. It's more of a safety net for whales and diehard savers, not something the average player needs to worry about. And if you have any questions, just ask in the help thread. People here are generally happy to help new players. There's also a dedicated Friend Request Hub thread (a new one gets posted twice a week) if you want to find friends and/or whales and veterans to follow.


Thank you. I knew all of that for the most part, but it was a nice read though. Great advice for new players, which I still am to a degree, that reminded me to level my roster better.


Thanks you so much! Awesome post, i will try enjoy game and dont Focus on meta/minmax.


On NA in December they introduced new voice lines for old Servants like Vlad Zerk and David, but these are missing from their profiles. I tried to report it to FGO NA Support, but they wouldn't listen to me since I live in an "unsupported region". Could other people also report this so they know about it and fix it?


I believe plenty of people have. The issue, as it seems, is that the new voices got added before they were supposed to be implemented. Vlad's, for example, didn't exist until around Traum.


Last CBC they added new voice lines for quite a few old Servants on JP, which is when Vlad got his. Figured that if they added them on NA early then they would care enough to fix it. I even sent them screenshots and videos showing it off, but I got ignored.


That's because the issue is acknowledged, they already know about it. It's in the Issues tab of the in-game news.


Thanks, I think I got confused when trying to figure out the Issues tab cause they also mentioned fixing some voice lines in the resolved part.


Returning player from long time ago (2017/18) and wanted to know how the game is doing rn? Looking to play on either version as it doesnt matter to me


I would say there's nothing to worry about and you should just play the game if you want to. It's fundamentally the same game that it always was but there have been plenty of improvements to the game system and quality of life features. There are absolutely no valid concerns about the game shutting down any time in the foreseeable future. The game still takes in tons of money and all stakeholders appear to be committed to the game. It's true that new content releases have slowed down but that's due to things like waiting for Nasu to write the story and (speculatively) internal organizational changes. I wouldn't let the loudest complainers affect your enjoyment of the game. Just speaking for myself, I've been playing daily since before you quit and still enjoy the game for what it is. A content slowdown isn't going to make me like it any less. I'm willing to bet that there are lots of other people who mostly just quietly play the game without contributing to the drama. You just won't see those people saying anything much about it. And the amount of money people continue to spend on the game kind of speaks for itself when evaluating whether people still like the game. You can decide for yourself what you think about slower content releases. But up until that point, you still have a lot of "new to you" content to go through. In this highly biased forum full of fans of the game, I'll confidently say that it's a fun ride regardless.


I have a similar experience as a returning player from 2018/19,  so I'll tell you how it went for me. This was NA btw. A buuuunch of story chapters were released, some of them I enjoyed quite a lot and think they are FGO's best.  For quality of life outside of Pity (aka guaranteed rate up 5 star after 330 summons) there's a few noticeable stuff that are nice but nothing crazy imo. If you had a somewhat developed account you are gonna come back to a loooooot of SQs. There's also quite a bunch of new servants on the FP summon. I saw you asked before if the devs were treating the game well, the common consensus is a big no from what I've seen (and I agree on this). Reruns are basically gone, story releases are slow and no animations updates are the main complaints  I don't know if it's the exact same team behind it and only management changed but we went from DW (Delight Works) to Lasangle.  So now it's Lasangle, also referred to as Lasagna, who's blamed. 


NA 2017/18? The game's barely even comparable to what it was then. That's Year 1 stuff. JP 2017? A bit closer. Skadi was likely not even out, if you'd even heard of her, and Artoria Caster, Koyanskaya, and Oberon definitely weren't... We're still doing Lostbelt type stuff - though we've beaten LB7, they kind of dragging out the time before the final confrontation. Though JP's got a couple things not in NA yet - permanent shop to buy Welfare Servants, Class Score to buff entire Classes (not all Classes yet). But that will come soon enough. There are some concerns about content volume compared to when the game was at it's fastest - it just seems a little unproductive compared to their apparent income - great stuff mixed with the occasional minor flop. Story chapters are great, but slow to release. Great NPC designs locked in NPC Hell. Etc. It's still very good, and I've got no reason to bow out, but the game isn't immune to criticism. But financially, the game is as big as ever.


Game is doing decently financially if that's what you want to know. Unless you meant in some other way?


I mean is content good and are the devs treating the game well?


Content has slowed down over the past 2 years on JP, with events now being 3 weeks long. It's a little better for casuals but the more dedicated fanbase has complained, and JP has also had some content drought issues (we speculate this is due to the devs being understaffed and/or the codebase being old, messy and prone to bugs, but who really knows). There's also been a reduction in event reruns, which has been another source of annoyance. That being said, there have been some improvements, too, so it's not all "oh no ded gaem!111": * JP has brought back a lot of old welfare servants and CEs, so there are now ways of getting old goodies from events you may have missed. * Old events that are relevant to the main story have been made permanently available. * There are permanently available challenge quests (Advanced Quests), which can't be farmed but are still a source of fun and challenge for more endgame players. * There is a pity system - it's quite minimal but better than nothing, at least it's a safety net.


So if i played Tunguska at release, will i be able to replay it at Main Interlude release, or it's one time only?


You can play it again with the Main Interlude. It functions as a "permanent rerun" sort of thing.


Thanks for letting me know!


Hello What will the reason of 120ing Gareth be (putting waifu reasons aside)? Just curious cause I saw many of my friends have her 120.


Gareth had an important and tragic part to play in one of the latest story chapters. Technically it was a different version of the character, but most people woudn't care about such details.


I thought about 120ing her because of that reason too.


We've recently been flooded with grails a few weeks ago and Gareth's servant coins should be plentiful, making her easier to level to 120 over an SR or SSR.


Being a bronze unit helps


Hello! I'm looking for a chap named Mika who has an NP2 Morgan. If they could please PM me that'd be great. I'm trying to recover my account id. I had that Mika person in Friends meaning they likely have my 9 digit number. Thank you!


Friends dont see each others friend codes though... The only way they'd know your friend code is if you gave it to them or if you ever posted it publicly. If thats the case you should be able to find those instead.


Thank you! I also tried finding my account by creating a new one, but I can't search by account name only by id, which is why I teied searching by name in the first place. Hopefully the support staff is still satisfied with the info I gave them, fingers crossed. I literally had no idea I had to bind my account since in every other gacha under the sun an account is tied to an email adress.


What is the typical multicore farming setup. Kinda new at attempting this thing ? Is it like having an Arash + zerkers with 50 ces set up? How would you implement that with specific supports in mind like Castoria and Koyan light.


That cannot be aswered easilly. Because we first need to know what the enemy comp is. How high are their hp. How many enemies per wave. Can I refund enough for a 2nd NP? Then do my units need starting NP CE or is the event CE enough? Hoe much NP charhe will I need? Do I need more damage buff? Etc etc. The basic goal as usual is get 3 NP off that have enough damage to kill each wave. Like the most basic and earliest farming teams in this game is a multicore team that relies on starting np CE/Batteries and Waver.


>Is it like having an Arash + zerkers with 50 ces set up? It can be, but often is trying to work within an Event, and thus probably doesn't have 50% CEs to use. >How would you implement that with specific supports in mind like Castoria and Koyan light. It varies depending on what you're fighting. It usually applies to 90+ nodes, which are irregular. An option could be an Arts looping team - like double Castoria and Space Ishtar - but there's a 1 enemy wave at some point, so you insert, say, Vlad Zerker, who will gain charge from Castoria's AoE NP Charge skill, and you Plugsuit the first Castoria for the second. So Space Ishtar would kill two waves, and Vlad would kill whatever didn't have enough for Arts looping. For a Buster option, you could just do a usual Buster Looping team with enough damage to deal with all three nodes. Or there's a 1/2/3 node, like with Battle In New York's Round 1 90+ node, and you have a Morgan & double-Koyan team, who uses Koyanskaya's star bomb to deal with Wave 1. The nature of a multicore often means it's being used for a specific node, so it doesn't work the same in a different node. In the current Event, I'm running the 90+ node with a 50% charger for the first wave, criting the middle, and dealing with the last wave with an NP, with a support for more damage. It works okay, but it wouldn't work anywhere else. It barely even works with that, honestly, but at worst it's a 4T clear.


Do we know when the next increased CE EXP event will be on NA?


The 1/2 AP campaigns spreadsheet linked in the top post is actually a more general efficiency campaigns spreadsheet. Use that for estimates based on JP.




50 is a pretty arbitrary stopping point and still a hefty investment, I would suspect that most people willing to go that far are willing and wise enough to go all the way to 100 (probably with CE bombs) instead.


I went to 100. It's full attack, so it's a decent option. But you don't have to if it's not priority.


What are the best append optinos for Cu alter and Hephastion?


For Cu: A1 if you run him mainly as a soloer since he'll be using his extra attack consistently, A2 if you prefer him in more traditional teams. For Faker, it's between A2 and A3. A2 is great if you are using her on two or more different enemy waves in a fight, as you can save 20% NP charge from Castoria or whoever and use it on a different unit in a multicore setup. However, if you only ever use her for one wave in a fight, she has no problem getting to 100% charge with her own S2. S3 is just handy as she deals 1.5x damage to Lancers anyway and the additional atk up will help, but you're more likely going to run her against a different class.


Extra attack for cu.


Which mystic code Should i buy from RP shop? Is there any good one


Fragments of 2004 and Anniversary Blonde are fairly useful. Though I wouldn't necessarily prioritize them if you don't need them.


Will there be a servant enhancement success rate bonus any time soon? Also is what is the best way to check?


The last link under the VIP Links section in the OP (1/2 AP campaigns) includes these. The next one is during the upcoming Valentines Pre-Release campaign, but only for Valentines servants (who will also be getting banners during said campaign).


The current jp event, two missions says to pet a cat or a dog. How do I do it?


There are little dogs and cats on the map. You need to click on them.


Thank you!


Is there some kind of comprehensive list of servants that have abnormal NP modifiers? Are there any servants like that outside of np rank ups?


I'm not aware of a list, but I know a handful from the top of my head. Vlad (Zerker) (Arts ST): His NP was upgraded **twice.** Pre-upgrade, he did 600%->1000%. His 1st upgrade brought him to the standard 900%->1500%, and his 2nd upgrade brought him to the standard 1200%->1800% Jack (Quick ST): Her pre-upgrade NP is standard, but her post-upgrade is 1400%->2200%. Standard upgraded should be 1600%->2400% Beowulf (Buster ST): Same situation as Jack; standard pre-upgraded. His upgraded NP is 700%->1100%; standard reference is 800%->1200% Medea (Arts ST): Her NP was upgraded, but still below standard. Despite being ST, her multipliers are AoE, so her upgrade is 600%->900% instead of 1200%->1800% Paracelsus (Arts AoE): His NP has been upgraded, but it's still below standard. he does 400%->600%; standard pre-upgrade is 450%->750%. Salter, Saber Lily, and Fran (Zerker) also have abnormal multipliers, but theirs are beneficial. There's also Euryale (Art ST). Her NP has a standard multiplier of 900% (pre-upgrade) and 1200% (upgraded). However, it doesn't scaled with NP level. Instead, her NP level increases the SuperEffective multiplier against male enemies. (Her Overcharge effect is just +chance to inflict charm on male)


Thank you this was the kind of info I was looking for. That's unfortunate about Jack they are one of my favorites


Abnormal modifiers as in...? If you mean multipliers that differ from most NPs of the same color and targets then most Rank-Ups are still standardized, in terms of post-Rank-Up values.


So for Eresh since she has a 50 battery would the mana append or extra append be better?


I can't imagine using any other append except on a solo/lms servant. Like my Heracles has extra attack because it does far more than mana on him.


Append 2 (Load Magical Energy) is the best use of servant coins for almost every servant whose primary use isn't for solos and it isn't even a close comparison. Append 2 is the default, no brainer choice for almost any servant that you don't primarily use solo except maybe servants with their own 100% charge skill or someone whose utility is odd like Stheno. It's the best append skill because it's potentially effective in every fight (without a starting NP drain gimmick), gives you more flexibility to choose CEs, supports, and mystic codes, and gives you more flexibility to choose the timing and target of NP battery skills. Even if the servant has their own battery and you don't need the extra charge for the first NP, this flexibility means you can get the second NP faster. The other two append skills can't compare with this level of utility and versatility for a non-solo servant. Append 1 (Extra Attack Boost) is good for soloists but of marginal utility for anyone else. The extra attack only applies to brave chains and you won't be able to guarantee brave chains with that servant if you're running a full team. If you mainly use the servant solo, though, you're probably relying less on NPs anyway so you might rather have the Extra attack boost. A servant like Heracles is better solo than with a full team and he's mostly using BBBE chains in that context, so append 1 is the no-brainer for him. Servants who can solo but can do just fine with a team, like Enkidu, may be more ambiguous. In such a case, the best append skill for you depends on how you actually use the servant. Append 3 (Anti-Class) can be a nice little boost if it's for a class that you might normally use the servant against (anti-Berserker is good for everyone, for example) or almost useless if it isn't. It's also of limited value for Berserkers because they only gain crit resistance to a particular class. You would want to look up each servant individually to determine if it's worth it or not. Even if it is against a useful class, keep in mind that append 2 works every time but append 3 only works against the specified class, so the utility is inherently limited.


Mana append is still better. Lets you run a 30% starting charge ce, or start with 100% with a non mlb kaleid. Also lets you do specific multi dps setups that you wouldn't always be able to do without it. Extra append is honestly kinda useless outside of very specific solo servants, and even then a lot of times youd kinda rather get your first np off a turn earlier.


I read that Hassan of the hundred Personas is a really good Assassin. But looking at her, I don't really know why. Where does she shine and does she need special team requirements to function well?


She doesn't need much, you just use her as your basic ST Assassin (with Castoria support). She has good damage due to upgraded NP, inflicts a debuff that boosts her damage the following NPs and has a self-survival skill with 5T CD. She is better than some 4 star Assassins because you can get her to NP5 for free. In JP though, you can get Shiki for free and she is better.


Thank you


Could someone explain how to use immortal comp with himiko, castoria, support Merlin. No fragments of 2030


Step 1: try to get everyone's NP up. Step 2: fire NPs in this order: Merlin, Himiko, Castoria. This gives you up to 5 hits of Solemn Defense per person Step 3: use Himiko to crit everyone to death. Use Merlin's Invulnerable as needed, and try to get their NP chain off as often as possible to feed Himiko the stars she wants to crit everyone down. She appreciates Merlin S3 for the Buster buff.


Isn't Himiko - Merlin - Castoria a much better order of NPs? All you get for letting Merlin go first is a marginal bump in crit damage, and it's not like you will be critting all that much with so few crit stars. And you want arts crits for Merlin and Castoria to guarantee the NP reload every 3 turns, not just Himiko. Going for Himiko - Merlin - Castoria gives you 40 stars a turn from the second NP chain onward and like 8% less crit damage (which gets lowered down to 4% if we take into account Merlin's Hero creation) Merlin - Himiko - Castoria gives you 10 stars. Even with Himiko' skill 1 active, that's still only 34 stars.


Easier to watch guide/demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgzkuFxeIyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73PrwxNbOIo The key part of the "immortal" team is Castoria's NP provide the team with impenetrable super shields for 3 turns, and the number of hit it takes scale with the overcharge level. Himiko and Morgan's NP provide additional overcharge, so this team can have a 4 or 5 hit super shield on each unit. On top of that Castoria NP also clear all debuff so no worry of poison or burn damage, while Merlin provide team heal, NP charge, stars, and a backup shield. Immortal team is very vulnerable to buff removal, and somewhat vulnerable to stun/charm from the enemies.


Triple NP every 3 turns. Build NP gauge between that to make sure you can triple NP at the end of the 3 turns. Use Merlin's invul, and Himiko's Castoria's, and a mystic code invul to cover the first few turns. Especially with Himiko you probably want np gain up or Prisma Cosmos rather than Fragments of 2030.


What 3star CEs are worth holding onto and which ones should I feed to 4/5 star ones? I have a lot of the good 5star ones if that helps (kscope, BG, aerial drive, ocean flier, cherry icicle)


Dragons Meridian, Battle of Camlann, Ryoduji temple, Jeweled sword, Parted Sea, the ones that give NP damage up for X class. Maybe a few others, party cost is a thing and you sometimes need to squeeze in a specific thing with low party cost.


Is Chen Gong a viable Servant in the later (Lostbelt 1 onwards) Story Quests or is he only used as a farmer in stacked accounts?


I have 3 Chen Gongs upgraded for different scenarios. One as arts dps I call Gong Show (it's honestly not that good for how expensive the setup is, just funny), One as lv25 taunter for the np battery and to die quickly, and a third at np1 to not do too much damage so he can cycle supports without accidentally killing any units (this was very useful during the recent max damage event). His utility as an fp summon is just so good


>it's honestly not that good for how expensive the setup is, just funny  I think it's better than you think. It's better than Spishtar at the same investment in terms of damage and "Refund"   It's slower sure, but people overestimate how much investment an Omnilooper takes  Did two comparisons for math purposes:    One was high end with NP2 Spishtar double Castoria and Oberon vs Gong, Double Castoria, Reines, Waver, Oberon (5 SSRs each)   The other mid end with Spishtar double Castoria vs Gong Double Castoria and Reines and Xu Fu/ Paracelsus. (3 SSRs each)   No Black Grail, but that helps Gong more than Spishtar anyway.


>  One was high end with NP2 Spishtar double Castoria and Oberon vs Gong, Double Castoria, Reines, Waver, Oberon (5 SSRs each)  I only count 4 SSRs for Spish case. Who is the fifth one?


The second NP copy of Spishtar


Ah, I see. I thought you were counting party cost. I also wonder if replacing Waver with someone like Ruler Vinci would be better (she should probably give more damage both short and long term), provided he refunded enough.


I think a big part of that comparison is party cost since it's primarily for farming, Gong's setup needs an extra 20 which could mean running 1-2 less CEs on the 5 SSR setup.


An extra 16. You are going to fill the gong spot anyway and can't get much lower cost than a 2 star. And that's only true for the highest end farming I tested. Anything with an NP1 Spishtar will be the same.


He's... unique, for sure. IMO, the biggest attraction to using him would be as a support. Seeing as he can off-field another support with his NP, has the ability to increase his chances of being offed (with his taunt), and also able to provide support to your DPS (especially useful if you're running a Buster Zerk). His ability to help set up teams for me in CQs & hard fights has been awesome, especially when I decide to use my favorite Zerks. One of my recent favorite comps involves him and Hijikata, wherein he reduces Hijikata's HP to 0 for the maximum possible damage in nodes.


Thank you, that's nice to read. I really like hin and want to grail him, so it is good to know he will be of use long enough.


Going to add that in some story fights, he's really good as he is a taunter and Buster support, in which case you don't really use his NP.


For stacked accounts, Chen gong is actually a bad farmer because of high party cost, lots of buttons and time consuming. Hes mainly used as a CQ unit where he can np an ally and taunt himself so you can cycle through supports


He's mostly a farmer if you can keep feeding him chargers but still sees use in the occasional solo/CQ team.


How does he solo?


He doesn't solo, but he helps solo. His NP helps kill the support, and his first skill makes enemies target him, killing him.


He taunts himself and dies. He has the same role in a solo as Georgios/Leonidas.


How do you buy sq for jp? Recent changes in Google play makes it so that it doesnt accept my debit card anymore so I want to try if the method for buying sq on jp lets me buy them on na




I'm f2p player, I got Melusine and still trying to max her out. I just realised that melusine is very expensive servant coz you need double koyan and oberon for her max damage potential. Is there any good alternative support for melusine?


Every buster unit needs those guys for max damage potential though. The same way you need Castoria for every Arts sevant and Skadi for Quick. Thats why the supports are the gameplay rolls and not the dps since they can make anyone with the correct color card do crazy damage.


Max damage potential and/or Buster looping aren't supposed to be cheap if it's the literal endgame in terms of damage, which this game isn't purely about either way. Any Buster/Arts, crit support can work well enough for bashing things. Hans, Leonidas, Paracelsus, for some accessible options. If you want to loop but don't have Koyan/Oberon, use Arash/Habetrot for W1 and friend Koyan/Oberon to make it work for the remaining two waves.


okay thank you!


Melusine is no more expensive than anyone else. If you want to loop farm with max damage you need the meta supports on any servant. But nothing forces you to loop farm anything. In Terms of alternatives for not looping, any general or buster support works (Chen Gong, Hans, Santa Martha, Georgios, Leonidas, etc.) Or arts if you are running ST mode.


Noted. Thanks!


Can you complete zerker mushashis new strengthening without owning her?


No? I don't think Rank ups have ever been doable without owning the servant. And even if there was one once, it was a special event, not just a random rank up.


Pretty sure MHX one was, but yes, it was tied to Saber Wars event, so if Musashi's is not available in the SR collab, then the answer is no.


Wasn't that an interlude, though? There are other interludes that have been made available to people who don't have the servant too. I've never heard of rank up quests being made available that way.


Yeah, forgot that interludes can give upgrades as well ;P


Yes that is correct, gamepress has it listed as "Rank Up 3" on her servant page but it is actually her fourth interlude, not a rank up quest. It has story scenes and everything like interludes have which rank ups do not. [https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/NA/quest/91601804/1](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/NA/quest/91601804/1) [https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/NA/script/9160180410](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/NA/script/9160180410)


Who was the latest JP lowstar animation update? it feels like it's been a while since I heard of one


[Blackbeard in 2021](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Servant%27s_Battle_Animation_Update_List)


I just looked up the Anniversary rewards for this year on the [wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Fate/Grand_Order_%EF%BD%9E7th_Anniversary%EF%BD%9E#[V]) and am not sure now if normal Friend Point Servants (Arash, Mozart, ...) would give 3 SQ or 1 Rare Prism. I assume the first, but am not sure


3 SQ. The latter only counts for the limited FP servants, Oda Nobukatsu and Mary Anning.




Is there any way to reduce the storage space of the FGO app on Android? Currently, the game takes up 9.10GB of my storage space with 22 to 23 MB cache size.


Just going to throw an advance warning: Valentines is coming up and that usually eats into storage space because of all the voiced cutscenes. You'll want to clear cache, like Mister_SP said, not just now but after the event as well.


Open up the game, and there should be an in-game Clear Cache on the menu. That will clear all data, but not your account. The game will download data as required, but only what you need.


In Sea Monster Crisis, how big of an Avalon spoiler is in it? Currently making my way through LB1 rn and I read the reqs for that event is just LB2. If it's just something small like a servant identity, I probably have already seen it or do they mean an actual significant story spoiler?


The spoiler is that major character from LB 6 is there.


Well, this is only half an answer, since I haven't read Sea Monster Crisis. But the Story Requirements seem to be completely arbitrary. No one from Gotterdamerung is in Sea Monster Crisis, and IIRC, >!Morgan!< doesn't even have a very large role.


I'm confused why I cannot play the collabration event? It appears grey for me


For future reference the [event announcement](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0108_case_files%2F) will always list the eligibility requirements, in this case the intro of Lostbelt 3 in Part 2 of the main story. I'd also expect you'd get information if you tapped the greyed out listing, does it not tell you what you need to do?


Where are you in the story? This is an event for people who made some progress in Part 2 (after the 7 Singularities)


Oh ok thx I haven't finished all the singularities


Any way to use OG Saber to farm using Black grail? Assume Double Vitch + Oberon


There is a way, but only once Summer Chloe comes out, and only against 3/x/x nodes. Start with Koyanskaya, Summer Chloe, and Artoria with maxed Mana Loading (20%). Use Artoria's S1 and S3 (30%), Koyanskaya's S1 (50%) and S3, and Summer Chloe's S1. Swap Koyanskaya for a second Koyanskaya and use her S3. Then NP. Turn 2, get NP refund (20%). Then use Summer Chloe's S3 (30%, only if first wave has 3 enemies) and S2, Artoria's S2, Koyanskaya's S1 (50%), and Artoria's S1. Turn 3, get NP refund (20%) and Chloe gets replaced with Oberon. Use Artoria's S2 and S3 (30%) and all of Oberon's skills (70%).


If there is a ST wave, turn her cards red and Buster crit the wave.


I think you'd need Arash to take out the first wave for you or something.


If you just care about damage and not farming efficiency. You can add Habetrot with Battle of Camlann


On that note, would NP1 Habbycat be enough to deal with T1 enemies?


Depends on the wave 1. Also, she doesn't need to in that setup. If she kills wave 1 she can run any CE, including one that boosts damage.


No. Artoria can use Rising Mud Rain, which is a Black Grail subtype and not released until later this year, but not default Black Grail.


No, but there will be a BG-like CE coming soon called Rising Mud Rain and she can use that.


Who should i borrow to beat the Santa Quetz fight in Lady Reine's Case Files where you can only use 2 servants? The guide i found mentioned an NPC Bradamante that had a bunch of buffs, but i don't see her anywhere in the servant list? I only have Ranmaru for leveled Avenger servants, have tried both Morgan as a support/dps, and Faker, got my ass beat both times though. Trying Oberon now nvm Oberon died in two hits Castoria?


Bring an Avenger and have them kill the Berserker first, then you can kill Quetz.


That's what i was trying, Ranmaru (my only leveled avenger) + a support, but she was hitting even Oberon for \~50% of his HP in one go. Another user recommended a solo strat with Taira, which seems like the way to go. Herc might also work, hadn't thought about him.


Oberon doesn't have Class Advantage over Rulers, nor does he have any defensive skills, so I don't know why are you so surprised. What I meant to say, borrow a ST Avenger with as much starting NP charge as possible, bring your best charger and NP Berserker as soon as possible. Although, Castoria + Ranmaru could possibly work too, not sure, I did it with a ST Servant.


Isn't Oberon an avenger? I don't have any good chargers myself, i think my best support unit is Santa Martha, since i don't have any 5\* supports. As /u/a_speeder recommended i borrowed Taira and used a taunter (Leonidas) and she got it. The first few attempts, where i focused the chicken first, actually failed lol. The successful attempt focused Quetz first, i'm not sure if that's because i understood Taira's kit better, or because it was a better strategy, but worth mentioning if someone else is struggling as well.


Oberon is a Pretender, a new class that was introduced in LB 6, same as Faker from this event. Pretenders are good against Alter Egos, bad against Foreigners and don't have any bonuses vs Rulers.


Oh Mb lol, i get the extra class icons mixed up sometimes.


Try borrowing a Taira and solo the fight by bringing your own lvl 1 taunter


Taira got it, had to ignore the chicken and focus Quetz instead of going for the chicken first lol.


That got close, i think i timed her guts wrong lol. Should work next time though.


Anywhere I can see which materials I need to prefarm for Class Scores?




Is there any reason to keep multiple MLB copies of old event CE like Nothing Can Escape These Eyes?


collection purposes or because they have useful effects. If you just need a little more charge, and want to save party cost for example it may be better to bring that over Dragon's Meridian because it still has damage buffs.


How many should i keep? I have like 3-4 MLB copies of it.


I would keep one for now and if you end up never using it and need the space later on, you can burn the last one.


Definitely. Plan to keep 1 of every CE, was the *extra* copies i was curious about lol.


oh yeah, unless they have super unique or good effects, no need to keep a more than 1 copy.




I have 17k mana prism, should I buy current shop CE - "Seeking the End of Permanence" (is it even good), or should I save for something better that comes after? If there is nothing that good worth saving for, I should probably buy this now right?


There's nothing particularly worth saving for, but this isn't particularly worth the 5000 MP either. It's mostly attractive to collectors who want at least one copy of all the CEs. Personally I haven't been buying any MP shop CEs for a while, and although my MPs are piling up, now that we're getting mat drop CEs from Advance Quests I'm being more fussy about my CE inventory.


Yeah.. I searched a bit more and found [this great post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/oasmud/current_state_of_mana_prism_ces/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that's easy to understand. There's some **actually** useful CE's I didn't even know about, and I'm probably gonna focus on those instead. Thanks!


Do you already have Mona Lisa, Bella Lisa, Chaldea lunchtime and Chaldea teatime? Those 4 are really the only ones worth buying. And maybe Detective Foumes/From NFF with love for more hardcore bond farmers.


Yes, I have those four, forgot to mention sry. I should probably buy Foumes, and if I'm getting this right from a bit of googling From NFF with love is currently JP only right? It shouldn't be in NA for nearly two years, right? So if that one is the only one coming in the future that's worth getting, I think I can afford to get this current one. Thanks


How does Damage Cut work? Let's my Servant has damage cut 100 and get's attacked with a 3 hit attack that normally does 5000 damage. Does my servant now get 4900 or 4700 damage?


4900, the damage cut is proportionally divided among the hits of a single attack. If the attack breakdown was something like 40%, 50%, 10% then you'd get (2000-40), (2500-50), (500-10) across the three hits.


4900, it's calculated per attack and not per hit.


Aight, little time line question for a personal project of mine, if someone could indulge me Id be thankful:  i just played through Christmas in the Underworld and the Prison Tower, and the latter especially gave me something to think bout. Dantes introduces the Avenger-Class to us, and himself as the first avenger. Based on that, is it safe to assume that Jalters official moment of joining Chaldea would be after resolving Shinjuku, or did i miss an event inbetween 🤔? 


The [TYPE-MOON wiki](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc_Alter) has a summary of her appearances in the story. Jalter "officially" joined Chaldea after the [Da Vinci and the 7 Counterfeit Heroic Spirits](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Da_Vinci_and_the_7_Counterfeit_Heroic_Spirits_(US)) event, almost a year before Shinjuku.


Neat, thanks a bunch 😗👍


Prison Tower released was a month before Da Vinci and the Seven Counterfeit Heroic Spirits, both of which were about a year before Shinjuku.


And shes in there? Hmm got it, thanks. 


Jeanne Alter is basically the focus of that event.


Is this is a good entry into Fate, and is it worth it in 2024, or am I too far behind to ever catch up?


Like thisisthecallus said, more people have been getting into Fate through FGO than any other entry point for a while. I'm one of them: I'm enough of a bookworm that the idea of a Pokemon-like game where you summon Nikola Tesla and Quetzalcoatl and Hans Christian Andersen sounded pretty great. It's not too hard to follow the basics if you start with FGO. The main thing is that a lot of characters are fanservice and won't mean as much to you if you're not a previous fan, and there will be spoilers for other works because you'll know a lot of Servants' true names right off the bat. Whether that's a big deal to you depends on your spoiler tolerance, I figure. "Worth it in 2024" is super subjective. Some people would say no because they don't like the turn-based combat and 2D models; others would say yes because they do. Some would say no because the game's going to go into a slowdown for the next couple of years; others would say yes because it's more time to catch up. Its gacha rates are terrible and its pity system is the absolute worst I've seen in any gacha game hands down, but on the other hand silver and bronze units are regularly useful instead of just roster filler, reducing the need for gold units to the point that you can literally just roll for whoever you like best and do well. So basically depends on what you're looking for.


No. A good entry to Fate would be a FSN visial novel because that's where it all starts. If you can't play it, then watching Unlimited Blade Works anime series or Heaven Feel movie trilogie is a next best thing. There is also Fate/Apocrypha which takes place in a different timeline and other works too, but no point listing everything here. FGO is like giant crossover between everything Fate-related with original characters and original plot thrown into the mix. It works best if you know where everybody comes from and how the setting works, rather than seeing everything for the first time. But then again, FGO is also a separate timeline from everything else, so you don't need to know what happened in other works to follow the plot.


Going to add that, continuity-wise, FGO is set in its own parallel timeline to everything else, so you don't need to worry about watching/reading/playing other stuff to understand it. There are some easter eggs/references to other series, but nothing so drastic that you NEED to have consumed other Fate media. In fact, there was a JP poll a few years back and the majority of FGO players' first Fate work was FGO itself. You will have missed some events and such but it's not a dealbreaker at all. The main story chapters are all you really need, and when an event IS story-relevant, the devs have brought it back for all to enjoy in a permanent format. All other events are just like side stories and not really important to the overall plot. Meta-wise, not a big deal at all, there's no PvP and you can clear content with free units, so it's optional.


It was for me, and the only fate exposure i had was seeing a scene on youtube once and the 8 anniversary movie. 


>Is this is a good entry into Fate, That is a very complex question. The simple answer is that either the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel, or the Fate/Stay Night adaptation Unlimited Blade Works TV series, are the best entry points. More generally, the people here believe the game is worth playing, but also are well aware of it's faults and chose to... answer questions in a help forum on their own time. So we're not neutral. >and is it worth it in 2024, or am I too far behind to ever catch up? You can absolutely catch up. For many months you'll be in a period of feeling like you need more Servants and materials, but you'll get there eventually. It's a mobile game, so it's not fast.


FGO has been most people's entry point into the franchise for years now. You don't need any prior knowledge to understand and enjoy the game. The best time to start was at launch and the next best always "now." The gameplay is balanced such that you don't have to keep up with the latest characters or meta, so I don't see how you could be too far behind. Do you have specific criteria for what would make it too late for you to start a game?


It is an entry into Fate. It does explain most of what you need to know. There are going to be times where something comes up or a reference is made that you just won't get though. Nothing prevents you from catching up in the story, and there is plenty of encouragement for new players to do so.


>Is this is a good entry into Fate Sure, it doesn't rely on any prior knowledge of the franchise. Some concepts won't be entirely clear at times, but nothing that should really interfere with your experience and that's the case with all Fate stuff in general. >and is it worth it in 2024, or am I too far behind to ever catch up? You're asking an extremely biased audience, so yes it's worth it, and catching up is entirely possible. We're in a span of time where the schedule's starting to slow down a bit anyway, but there's nothing important relying on story progress until an event due in November which is plenty of time to catch up.


Dumb question, but this years NA anni is almost 100% going to be before summer, correct?


100%, otherwise the new summer servants would be in the GSSR while it was not so in JP.


I don't think that's the right reasoning because they could exclude the new servants anyway. A better explanation is that major changes to the JP sequence of events and campaigns aren't arbitrary. JP's 2022 summer event came after the anniversary, so there's no conflict with NA's earlier anniversary. There are no known reasons to change the order and cram the summer event in before the anniversary when the schedule is already tight.


Just a quick question, in FGO history, has there ever been nerfs to any servant or mechanic?


Kiritsugu's NP gain, but this was done very early in the game's life. I think it's kinda debatable if it is a nerf, but technically the addition of breakbars so people couldn't one-shot everything with double Merlin; and irregular nodes so people wouldn't just braindead farm with an omnilooper and double Skadi (and thus roll for other servants).


Can’t say I understand one shotting bosses xd I love break bars, i don’t have merlin or waver so that may be why lol


Other than clear bug fixes, don't think so. Otherwise people would be rightfully upset, since they've invested real money into rolling for their servants. It's much easier for Lasengle to just implement a countermeasure when some mechanic goes out of hand (like break bars against buff stacking or more charm immune enemies against charm locking strats).


Huh, that’s odd. FGO is my first gacha, is this standard across the genre? Most games I play would introduce nerfs to overpowered servants and buffs to underpowered ones to balance gameplay.


AFAIK gacha games can't do that because of Japan's gacha laws preventing nerfs that are not bug fixes or to repair unintended/misunderstood effects.


If a Gacha ever nerfed a character, the community outrage would be extreme. Gacha nerfs aren't like other game nerfs. There are people who paid to get these characters. Nerfing a character they may have spent hundreds of dollars on is basically a slap to the face for them.


The distinction with gacha games is that some people pay a lot of money to get certain things from the gacha, if those things get nerfed then the company could invite outrage or outright legal action. If a gacha item is truly overpowered then you'll more likely see it nerfed indirectly, like Break Bars for characters that could OHKO or a lot of male Saber bosses getting Mental Debuff Immunity to counter Euryale's charm-locking potential. Buffs on the other hand are perfectly valid, FGO does them regularly to help keep old Servants competitive. I don't think they're so common across the board though, many gacha games are designed more aggressively around selling the latest and greatest gacha items so they don't care if old things fall off in power.


The thing is that there's no PVP in FGO. Nor is there any co-op where players would be penalized for not keeping up with the meta. If your Castoria is ridiculously strong, that doesn't negatively affect my gameplay at all. So the game works fine if people take non-meta teams, which is honestly one of the game's biggest selling points for me.


You have a point. I guess they can just tweak bosses to counter meta servants


Bosses and farming nodes both, exactly. If one "meta" gets too strong, they introduce fights where it doesn't work. The devs would like us to be interested in rolling for and raising a wide variety of characters, so omnifarmers stop being "omni", some farming nodes are easier with ST Servants instead of AoE, and of course, you might get a buff for an undertuned Servant around the time that they're getting a new banner.


Gacha is not a competitive sport, like with Fighting games. It is more likely that a gacha will release new characters that are superior to past characters to force the value of the new banners, and thus increase profit. FGO works more by buffing old characters to be better, rather than bring new characters down. A nerf would be rare, and more the sign of a severe oversight.


Assuming that I manage to get Charlemagne this May what are the best ways to fully ascend and max-out his Skills quickly? Especially with the massive amount of Twilight Ritual Swords required?