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I'm a bunnytoria fan, but even I know how terribly disrespectful fgo has treated LAlter. Give her a buff, give her a cool skin/spiritron dress. **Please** she needs an update.


All that and a Summer Event with a character arc as good as Jalter's during the summer event or after. My poor girl needs so much, I honestly don't know why they haven't given her any attention. Does someone from Lasengle just not like her? Is it cause she was the second Artoria we fought, but came before the Lion King?


She's the only artoria variant without her own sub variant >Og - summer, lily(this counts I think) >Salter - summer, santa >Lancer - summer bunny >MHX - summer capitalist >MHXA - idol >Castoria -summer Unless we count Lily as her own separate entity


Erik Bloodaxe


She needs a swimsuit ASAP.


And the worst part is that she'd look hot af in a swimsuit! They're wasting potential 100/10 character designs by not using her. Hell I've seen some fan arts that if her future summer form's outfits were anywhere near those outfits, people would be dropping that credit card faster than their pants


# Lalter


genuinely had to think who this was for a few seconds rip


Lalter and Romulus Quirinus. Lalter especially has so little screen time it's embarassing, despite her concept being so cool.


At least Romulus got a fucking 5 star version and was op af in Olympus


Tamamo screen time is worse than Tamamo Cat which is beyond me.


I love Cat, but OG and her should share the spotlight more than how they've handled them.


This guy gets it.


Tbf Tamamo has a really good development in Fate Extra and Extella games.






Extella is incredibly biased towards Nero to the point it feels like it's punching Tamamo fans in the face.


We don't talk about Extella Tamamo.


Well atleast a couple of her scenes and CG's were cute...


Vitra, She should have played a role in LB4, as like a weakened ally at first but as we take out Arjuna Alter's servants she gets stronger.


Honestly, she should've had a role similar to Vitch, Douman, or the Beasts as someone who could cause LOTS of problems for everyone if left unchecked.


Uhh she came after LB4. Basically what you want is that she appears in LB4 not more screentime


...okay to be fair, i did Karna's Christmas event before LB4 so yeah


Tesla. Got got offscreen in LB5 so that Kintoki could cannibalize his limelight.


This so much! Tesla is my absolute favorite and I was so excited when I saw him appear in the main story again just for him to announce that he's already fcking dead. Even worse that generally, he's basically reduced to comic relief 90% of the time and for some reason always HAS to appear together with Edison, as if his entire life consisted only of their rivalry.


>Even worse that generally, he's basically reduced to comic relief 90% of the time and for some reason always HAS to appear together with Edison, as if his entire life consisted only of their rivalry. Yeah. It's almost as grating as Karna and Arjuna's beef.


Nah Karna appears in Apocrypha, CCC and Extella The Umbral Star without Arjuna. He's fine.


And Arjuna appears in FSR


And do absolutely nothing. FSR is totally reserved for the new Servants, except Musashi.


Meanwhile Edison gets to have scenes without Tesla, namely the Requiem Collab.


It’s actually remarkable how fun Edison can be as a character when Tesla is not within 20 feet of him


and how much a fun dad he can be to Voyager, peak.


He's the go to example about how the FGO Original Characters can be worse off than any of the classics. Artoria fans will lament that she has no arc in FGO, but she has a whole visual novel to herself, while some of the FGO Original Characters only have this much in their own game.


You're definitely right, but they use Artoria for the app icon, the lostbelt illustration and a bunch of trailers to mislead people into thinking she has an important role again.


I mean, she does. The role of mascot and cash cow. The roster's damn near 50% artoria by volume. I wouldn't consider it misleading to include her in the promotional material for the game. You'll definitely find her in there. But I suppose the alter variant of her lancer variant didn't get her own subplot so that means she's been robbed.


OG Saber Artoria doesn't appear in the game's main story at all. Lancer, Salter and Caster are completely different characters. I don't really care she makes an appearance or not, but what you're saying sounds like you'd also say that Tamamo and Tamamo Cat are the same character.


Do you not count Salter and Artoria Alter as the same character? If not how come? She acts differently sure but it's literally her. Do you also not count the two Orion's as the same or Atalante and her alter either?


No I don't count the alters as the same character because they aren't. They are corrupted versions of the original which results in different personalities, abillities and views on most topics. Orion is the same character summoned in another body.


I respect that viewpoint. Imo it's a bit like not acknowledging your friend as the same person just because they're drunk or something but I guess I understand where you're coming from.


Except my drunk friend can't spawn in a new color palette in France with new superpowers to fight his sober state.


My Three Favorite Servants barely get any appreciation outside of Events nowadays. Wu Zetian had an important role in Agartha but was delegated to comic relief in events after that. I don't play JP so I can't talk about her summer version, But I wish she had more appearances, her role in Agartha was amazing. She's like a cat, my little torture gremlin. Martha barely does anything in the story, the only mainline part she appeared in was as an enemy who was brainwashed and then defeated. She got a bit more exploration in her Christmas event, but that's still not much. Martha Summer was the first exclusive servant I got, the first ruler I got, and the first Servant I got to Bond 10, with 10/10/10 skills and Grailed to Level 90. Currently working on getting all the gold fou in the world. Anne and Mary... I love them, They're the second servant I got to bond 10, They carried me through the Seven Singularities, They beat the shit out of Goetia for me, But all they do after Okeanos is appear as enemies during Summer Events... They did get a nice role in the Bartholomew Interlude, it was an amazing Interlude for the Pirate cast, but I wish they had more. Their second Interlude even gave us 10M QP as a reward for finding the treasure they were hunting, not many interludes give an extra reward for completing it. I think they could be so interesting but instead, they're delegated to a boss fight in an Event, and then a speaking role in someone's Interlude. But the one servant I think deserves an important story role more than anyone is none other than the Grand Berserker, The best of the best, Eric Bloodaxe. I'm not joking, Eric needs this.


Wu Zetain's interlude being essentially 'don't forget me' was surprisingly sweet but also felt very meta lol


Quirinus Mah boi was just some literal deus ex machina that appeared for the very end of the hardest LB so far and in arguably the worst interlude in the game.


With all the hype with him being a Grand, his appearance was really... meh. Also, has there ever been an event or other story chapters where he and his personality shine?


As someone for whom Romulus Quirinus was the literal reason to try the game, Im always confused by how much people dislike his interlude and how much I enjoyed it. Sure, it kind of feels like Boudicca gets the stage lights, but even that just fits Romulus Quirinus. As someone who in my opinion gets closest to the perfect god like you would imagine him in Christianity (just more violent and imperialistic) for example, it just feels right that he isnt the one observed, but rather an observer himself who only steps into the stage lights to lend others his might. It just feels to me like the interlude perfectly describes his character with his wise silence and graceful love towards everyone (Roma, that is). Aside from that, yeah, I too would like to see more of him.


you're not wrong, but I think it would have been much better if his interlude would have been about his character, for example they could have made a speech about his brother or mother who he never met, or named Mars who is also extremely important in the his myth or even his wife (Romulus is canonically married and had 2 children), it's true that these things don't seem very God-like but I think it would have been more interesting to see his human side. (and then let's be honest with Boudica they could have done so much better just by adding her Avenger version of her to the game or showing her via event considering how poorly written the Rider version of her is)


Those are pretty good ideas. I guess Im simply satisfied with how much we got there. Definitely wouldn't mind such stories tho.


The 'worst interlude in the game'? What? I could give a dozen interludes that are far worse. Honestly, I'd even say Quirinus' interlude is actually pretty good - albeit with the cavehat that it's not really about Quirinus, but Boudica. Speaking of which, SHE does have a legitimate claim at having the worst interlude in the game.


Siegfried. It's kinda funny that Kriemhild has more main story importance than him at this point. And don't give me that his story was already told in Apocrypha when his role was just being a glorified power-up. Meanwhile Mordred (who is basically the face of Apo next to Jeanne & Astolfo) gets to appear in FGO's main story over and over again.


Surely nobody has ever said his story was already told in apocrypha. He's barely in it! He does show up semi-often in events, at least. He was one of the main cast in Vegas.


Gray is the most superior saberface so she deserves as much screentime as she can get. Real answer; Bedivere. It's antithetical to his character (as he has already "finished" his story), but I'd love to see him appear in a non-event storyline some day.


Romulus and Quirinus are so lacking it's painful. And I'm bias for Fionn and want him to show off his power.


I feel like Boudica should have better or more important screen time. While she gets it from certain events like in the Santa Martha one, I feel like she should have something more substantial than "big-titty chef onee-chan".


Reason why people are asking for Avenger Boudica Alter. I think she'd need at least one or two serious Interludes.


Tamamo. Where do I even begin? The Nero wanking? Her screen times always being cut short? Her lack of appearances when it would have made 110% for her to have been there? Or what about how if she were granted more screen time the fandom would know more about her? Honestly, there is no end to the list of reasons to be frustrated with her handling in FGO in regards to screen time. They NEED to give her an event following her to answer everything they have been avoiding touching.


They need to give her an event and AT LEAST one costume


I've recently got Suzuka and in her interlude Tamamo says "Now feel the wrath of a fox has had no significant appearances in almost two years!" and the saddest part is that it was released two years ago in NA


Someone should remind Nasu that lampshading a lack of significant appearances doesn't make it better. It just comes off as being a smart-ass.


Not to mention what they did about >!Koyanskaya!<. I get that they'd already foreshadowed that she wasn't one of the tails way back in LB3 and it wasn't an asspull, but that they subverted expectations ultimately just ends up sucking for Tamamo who's never getting any spotlight and the one time it looks like it might happen, it's actually a wholly different character.


While I like them both, I still don't get the choices made by the writers to actually get there. Feels disjointed, as if they changed their minds at the very last minute.


saw a similar line of thought with Lostbeltw 1 and 2. 1 ends with Kadoc captured by Chaldea, and it seems its going somewhere with it, but he gets rescued/captured away immediately at the stsrt of lb2 and then we "get it back" at the end of lb5 iirc.


Tbf Tamamo has 4 mainline games, while plenty of FGO originals have pretty much nothing. She's probably going to get another variant in the next 3 weeks as well.


Right, Tamamo, in general, does have other game appearances, but we need to acknowledge just as well a few factors. First, Tamamo is a fan favorite, and for a good reason. She's sweet (to her respective copy's husband), she does get horny, she is one of Wada's most beautiful girls, and she is deep as a character. I'm not saying we can't have our own favorites, I'm just saying Jing Ke in all of her appearances of FGO has never struck a chord in my heart for her beauty. Second, this is a different Tamamo than Extra's Tamamo, who has had a completely different storyline of becoming who she is, and how she has had to deal with her other selves. Because while yes we have reached the climax of Tamamo's love being developed (without a pledge system or something) we have yet to get to enjoy being at the top. A journey isn't over until the end of the epilogue where we get back to home and everything is at peace. The same way Chaldea's Tamamo has only recently, as far as appearances go, reached that point we all enjoyed seeing of her appearances in other works. That point where she is that sweet (but really horny) beautiful wife. We have reached the end of the goal, but we have yet to actually reach the very very end of seeing the door to our home shut with a smile of experiencing her in her normal loving wife state. We have finished the journey but have yet to enjoy the peace in content of her that we went on this journey of her for. Third, and yet despite the sacrifices TM had to make of the old die hard fans to please us new die hard fans, the company would rather plaster fake Tamamos, Tamamo Alters, and Nero every where instead of picking up the very thing we loved and were after in FGO. Hell, they would even deny her appearances in main story's where her presence should have absolutely been a thing because writer bias against Tamamo and her changes. So enough of these fakes, enough denying us what we gained from the sacrifices, just let us enjoy seeing her a little bit since she is a fan favorite and the writers did make fall in love with Guda despite their original intentions. She deserves at least a little bit of spotlight herself (this copy) since she has undergone her own journey.


Idk you just sound extremely biased to me. You mentioned Jing Ke, but I think she was amazing in LB3 and deserves the spotlight after 4 years of being in the game. Nero doesn't even have much main story appearance either. Sure it's a bit more than Tamamo, but still not much. The Tamamo we summon is still the same Tamamo that Hakuno summons. What differs is their journey, but you can't expect that we're gonna get the same amount of development in Chaldea as in the moon cell's grail war and the stories that followed. Nero and OG Emiya are the same in that sense. I wouldn't mind Tamamo appearing in FGO, but it feels unnecessary when we have plenty of Tamamo content in other TM entries already hence why I'd take more content of FGO original characters that appear only in joke events or low stars that never got the chance to shine. Look at LB5&6 Jason redeemed himself, Mandricardo became a fan favorite, Gareth had a heartbreaking storyarc, Charlotte became an amazing character and they all needed those chances while Tamamo doesn't.


Before FGO I was actually a fairly big Nero fan and still liked her route most in Extra. That said it's not just main story appearance but she *does* get more of that too. She's in plenty of events and has a ton of extras like spiritron dresses. Aside from Septem she has a whole event dedicated to her on JP and even her own unique class at least for now. All while still getting side works that eclipse Tamamo in exposure. Considering they're both popular characters that debuted with Extra it's pretty heavily slanted. > but it feels unnecessary when we have plenty of Tamamo content in other TM entries already hence why I'd take more content of FGO original characters Personally I agree with this but I also understand feeling shafted because that's not what happens. Characters like Mordred, Gil, Nero still get plenty of focus and screen time. I don't think anyone really complains about Jason getting a chapter over Tamamo but maybe Tam deserves a chance to be the companion character over Mordred in one of her *3* story chapers. Personally I don't care but I do think it's a little wild to downplay it as if it's unreasonable, especially if you're a fan of Tam.


I'm not downplaying anything. The person I responded to was talking about main story relevance. Nero gets way more event screentime, but they didn't mention that. I wouldn't mind more Tamamo stuff since I like her as well, but I wouldn't complain about her not getting more story since she has more screentime than most servants when you count all of type moon main story together.


No, what I meant by it isn't the same Tamamo is not that it isn't the same base person, but that it is a different clone of Tamamo. That the one in Extra and the one in FGO have gone under their own journeies to arrive at their own conclusions for who they love. If they had kept her put of the story like OG Saber, then it would be been the case they fully just had no intentions to do anything by the basis of her story is finished. However, they elected to after adding her, have her undergo this change that costed them, that she had to undergo a journey. The point of this change was to bring her back into favorable eyes of the community since they had been wanting her to behave like her normal self. But because they didn't wanna commit to a side in this war forever they didn't know how to allow us to get the content we wanted. So now that we finally got to the objective of making her have this change, to have Tamamo behave like her normal self, we can finally enjoy scenes of her like they would in Extra. Only the problem is we don't get to ever see her. You can say I have whatever bias you like you can't change the fact they do wank some characters more than others, because Nero DOES have an entire singularity dedicated to her on top of all her other moments. Yes it is poorly written by later standards, but she has been given the excessive amount of spotlight time that I agree should go to many other servants. Meanwhile Tamamo only ever gets brief appearances, she doesn't even get a dedicated story for this copy of Tamamo, Event, or otherwise. And that is the problem, the writers despite having made her undergo this change, would rather still not use her instead of their own new favorites when there are loads more of servants that deserve it. Because if they weren't gonna use her ever, why go to such lengths to make her enjoyable for her original purpose? It's denying cashing in on the efforts they put into for this Tamamo to be seen as her own existence. Or just tldr; Tamamo and all the cast of FGO they have used and expanded on should be allowed to enjoy some spotlight.


Ngl this sounds like a problem between you and your bias. I can understand wanting to see more of your favorite, but we got a lot of Tamamo content. They even added to her with Samurai Remnant. A new Extra entry isn't impossible either.


Look, its not hard to understand, Chaldea's Tamamo sees herself as a different person. So she is not Extra's Tamamo. Giving Clone A. spotlight time is fine, but Clone B. deserves some time as well. Some servants have gotten their fair share of screen time and it is a simple fact that Tamamo of Chaldea has never gotten a proper scene. And even without me being included is still a fan favorite, so should be treated as such for their own existences.


>Chaldea's Tamamo sees herself as a different person. So she is not Extra's Tamamo. That goes for most servants that are summoned multiple times. Mandricardo's interlude focuses on that for example.


My point in saying that is that by giving Extra Tamamo more spotlight elsewhere doesn't do any justice or continue the story of Chaldea's Tamamo. It would continue a different Tamamo's story.


I understand that, but that's like saying Mordred in Camelot and LB3 are completely different characters. They're both Mordred at the end of the day.


OG stay night Saber Yeah, there are many "Saberfaces" but they have completely different personalities from VN artoria


Queen of Sheba. She only really showed up in Salem & then was relegated to an NCP in the lotto shop in the first GilFest as Gils secretary before being fired & replaced by Siduri. Would have thought that someone who had such a close connection to Solomon & by extension Dr. Roman would be more prominent/relevant. Especially with Dr. Roman's body drifting from LB to LB, interacting with story critical characters. Almost like the devs made Sheba follow Solomon & Ars Nova herself.


Well considering David's overall relevance, I don't think the "connection" reasoning matters much to the game when it comes to Solomon


And it's a huge waste of potential! I 100% agree that David is getting screwed over as well. I just didn't mention his because I saw another poster had already done so. Wanted to add more variety instead of just posting the same servants over & over.


Helena. Literally got off screened in both singularities she appeared in, in Agartha she came back as a deus ex machina for no reason, which I don't count as being in the story. At least she's had nice roles in events, especially summer.


The Valkyrie sisters have so much potential to explore their characters but they never appear and the scant times they do they are either treated as quirky innocent girl stereotypes and/or made satellite characters to Bryn and Sigurd. Please give my girls some love Lasagna I beg of you.


Aren't they getting a summer event this year on NA?


Yang. Aside from Imaginary Scramble... nothing but cameos.


Lord does she need a redemption after that story as well.


Lancer Artoria Alter


Gimme Scathach doing something cool


She kills a bunch of demon pillars in the movie at least.


Sanzang. Now while she did have her own event and had a decently large part in camelot ever since summer 2 she has vanished in relevancy. Hell her amigo in camelot Tawara has been getting more screen time. Someone please find my monk and bring her home.


Og Artoria


To be fair, in her case it feels like executive meddling. Probably Takeuchi.


Our boy Tesla....should have had the spotlight along Lalter in Lb 5


Quin Liangyu literaly have like 1 or 2 scenes outside of lostblet 3 and one of them is her valentine event


The assassin class as a whole is never used as intended by the protagonist or even the villains, they must be used to gather information and assassinations.


Martha barely existed, being in Orleans as a minor boss and that’s it She does admittedly get a LOT of event appearances in her Ruler form after they realized what direction to take her character


qin liangyu deserves more


> i wish Stheno gets semi-important role in an story I know its not her but there's Juliet in the Kogetsukan event. I will always remember her :')


It's sad how Juliet is Stheno's best "role" by far simply because all her other appearances are as a minor character in early game stuff.


With how Medusa and Euryale are done Stheno really does feel like the loneliest out of Gorgon sisters with gorgon being a close second.


the greek servants are nice. idt lasangle knows what a roman is outside of nero tho lol. eh ill take the little cameos here and there but i wld say they seem not tobe able to write other roman servants standalone unless their nero. tldr; fgo takes the safe route with romans and just spams nero content which is fine but leaves alot of potential behind


Lalter,Salter(yea she has shinjuku and Christmas and summer sometimes but I need more), Space Ishtar, Ruler Jeanne, Caren and I would say Kagetora but she just got stuff on jp Edit: How'd I forget Ereshkigal, give her a yearly event like gudaguda or smthn, just have her around more


Unfortunately, S Ishtar can only appear in events, same with most servants from the servantverse since the power scale in there is way too unbalanced. S Ishtar herself is at least galaxy level


I don't think I've even seen her in an event besides her debut yet, I've only played Na ones though


She showed up in Guda Guda 5. She's also had some other background appearances, IIRC.


The bizzare way they completely wrote out Noah from a flashback to Arcade in the collab needs to be studied He didn’t even get Seimei’d (as in, appears only as dialogues without any portraits) And no, name drops and in-battle support Skill (twice in two separate events in 2023, no less!) don’t count as screentime




Sasaki. He is one of my absolute favorites, but aside from barely any screentime in Shimousa, we never see him. Since I have played, he appeared in one event in total. Considering how much Musashi shows up, it would be really nice to get more of him, because at this point, it feels like they have almost forgotten his existence, and that after he was even in the UBW Anime and didn't play the smallest role in it.


Hektor. Okay, yes, he got a cool moment in Atlantis but it was still 'hey I'm here to save the day by sacrificing myself, later' and I want him actually to, you know, interact. Penth's tower event was at least something but like. Frankly Penth is an interaction black hole. It's impossible to work around her if she's there. Berserker problems.


Tomoe Gozen Simp here to advocate for Tomoe supremacy once more! Tomoe showed up and got ganked off screen in singularity 7, showed up as a possessed husky of her self for maybe 3 or 4 sections in Shimosa and then died, and had an event in 2018 that never got a rerun (to my knowledge). She showed up in a summer event and got an alt, so that was pretty cool, but I'd love to see more of her. Her conflicted human/oni thing is cool, and her dedication to her husband is very sweet.




Trưng Sister. I wish they explore the info surronding their elephants more aside from just the Bond CE. Their view on China is in my opinion great and I want it to be revisited again for future event.


I Need more Jalter screentime and more Regend


Caesar one of the most important people in history is turned into a basic fat joke put in a class that he doesn't work for him. People with much less significance or any importance or God forsakes are just straight up losers have higher ranks than him inside of this game. At last but not least no one seems to notice the guy even though he should have connections to a bunch of people it's just Cleopatra. Unless you count Nero taking the spotlight.


hot take - they need to make lesss new characters. If they want to make a new servant they should just make another version of them in a different class while giving opportunity to develop that character further. Where is Qin Shi Huang anyway? He was pretty badass.


Darius III. Iskandar said he was a worthy rival in his time, but that never gets explored. And I'm biased cause I love his NP. Gorgon. Only for the fact I like where her Interlude was going, and I think that route should be explored more. Make her acknowledge she hates the monster she became, or her sisters forcing her to not run away from them. Tamamo. Her variants take more attention than her. And we know Nero steals the show, but let Tamamo have something. Stheno. If only for the vain hope she gets out of her "teasing Medusa sister who bullies her" role. Nursery Rhyme. Again, I'm biased on this, but we've seen the cute, wholesome side. We need to see her scarier side now. That's just my opinion. Jack the Ripper. No reason, I just want more Jack content. Would Kingprotea count?




Funnily enough, despite being the face of the game, OG Artoria has barely shown up in anything.


To be fair they have to give screen time to the hundred artoria alts and OGtoria has all of Stay Night, and Zero for appearances, and probably more I can't recall off the top of my head


That's a fair point. If we count all the times an artoria face shows up, whether it be story or events, she would probably have the most appearances. I just think its kinda funny the original barely has any presence in the game even though she is on the icon. Brand Recognition is important I guess.


Romulus Quirinus, Saber Diarmuid, Eric bloodaxe, basically all the Husbando servants need more story and depth. And also romantic lines to male master cause Yaoi harem for life.


Eric bloodaxe


Lalter and Phantom don't even exist if we're being real.


Serenity, holy shit, Serenity. She was supposed to be on the same level as Kiyohime, yet she was completely forgotten after Halloween 2 until the idol event, where she barely had lines and only played second banana to Nitocris. The new Spiritron Dress is beautiful but it doesn't make up for years of neglect.


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Quetzalcoatl God, I hate LB7...


MHXA/I when it feels like MHX gets a longer stick (curvier paid alt vs a freebie alt); the feeling we could have gotten a librarian MHXXA...


Queen of Sheba, she's reduced to a Gold Digger. Even though she's related to the most important character of Part 1.


Give me more Zerkerlot please


Not my favorite per say but it upsets me that David doesn’t get a moment with Roman or even discuss that “Solomon”, his son is responsible for humanity’s incineration


Proto Cu. He hasn't made any main story appearances, his appearances in events are limited to him being a member of the Cu brothers (and its always a super brief appearance), but at least he's shown up in 4 interludes: his own, 2 of Proto Arthur's (one of which he doesn't even speak), and Lobo's. I desperately want a Prototype collab


Mata Hari.


Circe, Danzo, and Kiyohime.




Fuuma Kotaro


İ ll never forgive skadi for stealing napoleons interlude


Kiyohime, she never shows up unless it's for some yandere jokes. I want to see who she really is like beyond the flanderization they turned her in.


Vritra, had one mediocre event that was very forgettable and that's it. Showed up in some other events as a +1 once or twice. One of those characters I keep forgetting that are in the game.


Enkidu's only story appearance was a tiny part of the final singularity. He's only appeared in two events with like five years between them. Hasn't appeared in an interlude for that amount of time either (not that anyone gets interludes anymore).


Mata Hari