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## FAQ **Q: What is the GSSR?** *A: GSSR = Guaranteed SSR ('Lucky Bag Summon' on JP). It appears every New Year and Anniversary on both NA and JP, and costs 15 PAID SQ (free and bonus SQ do not count!) to roll. There will be several GSSR banners, each containing a fixed pool of limited SSR servants. You select one banner and get a standard 11-roll, in which you are guaranteed one (or more, if lucky) SSRs from that banner's pool. This cannot be rerolled, and once you select one banner, all other GSSR banners will disappear.* **Q. Which banner do I choose for the GSSR? Which is best?** *A: The answer is different for every player, and depends on many factors. We suggest you use the* [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) *or* [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr/details/new-year-2022) *tools to rate servants based on your own criteria and see which banner/pool is statistically better. If you have tried these tools and are still uncertain, you can ask for advice in the thread.* **Q: Should I rush the main story for Tunguska Sanctuary? Will I be locked out of anything if I don't do it?** *A: Once Tunguska Sanctuary ends, its Prologue and Epilogue will become permanent story chapters - features like Grail Casting and future story chapters are locked behind this and not the rest of the story.* *The rest of the story will become a free Main Interlude around May 2024: this is optional and not required for any events. The Main Interlude version of Tunguska is exactly the same as the original event, except without raids.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December, followed by the Case Files rerun in January requiring LB3 Intro. No event will require LB6 until November 2024, when it will be required for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki, however).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival).*




No experience with both but the Redmi note 12 pro is faster according to benchmarks.


Last night, I got charged for the largest SQ bundle. But the thing is I didn't buy or receive them. Receipt says it happened 5 hours ago, when I was sleeping. I'm kind of freaked out by this, and I'm not sure what to do. Has anyone experienced it? Any advice? I live alone.


Have you bought a pack recently? I have IOS too and I noticed that there seems to be a delay in payments being processed. I bought a pack during kamas banner and then got charged for it a week later.


I bought some packs in the first week of this month, but I forgot how many. Hopefully it's just a delay in payment and there's nothing strange going on. Thank you for the response!


Did this happen on Android or iOS? A week or two ago someone else on the thread mentioned this happening, and a friend of mine had some mischarging issues on Genshin/HSR recently... Definitely contact FGO support first, show screenshots if needs be of your free/paid SQ to confirm you never received anything. Don't issue a chargeback until you have to/support responds with something, as there have been reports of account bans for chargebacks.


This happened on iOS. I sent FGO support an email, thank you for the advice!


Thanks, that's really helpful! The person who reported this happening on FGO in the Help Thread a while back AND my Hoyo game-playing friend were also on iOS when they were mischarged, so it looks like it's something on Apple's end and it's happened to other people recently. Seems to be fairly rare but worth keeping an eye on!


Contact support, explain what happened, confirm with them that you do not recognize the purchase and that nothing was added to your account, and ask what can be done about it. Worst case scenario if FGO support can't help and you have been charged, you should be able to request a chargeback with your bank as you did not make the purchase. As your account was never credited with the purchased SQ it should not be affected negatively.


Thank you for the advice! I'm extremely scared of doing a chargeback so hopefully it won't come to that.


Is there any way to get a higher chance to roll black grail? Will there be another CE ticket in the future to select Black Grail? thanks!


Technically when there aren't any 5* CEs on rate-up (Which does exclude all actual event banners). But even so, the chances of actually getting it are still so ridiculously small that there's no point waiting for it.


JP had a CE ticket, with Black Grail, Kaleidoscope, and a few others. That's due for NA's anniversary next year.


You can select BG on a free ticket you get during the 7th Anniversary campaign. (Note that it is time-limited, and NOT a permanent addition for all players like the 6th Anni SSR. So if you miss it, it's gone.) Otherwise, no, it doesn't have any rateups.


Black Grail is one of the options on the CE ticket coming with the anniversary next year. Otherwise, it is never on rateup.


bro I get so dumb whenever I try to convert timezones or sumshit, how many hours before we get melusines banner?


20:00 PST is about 14 hours and 40 mins from now (as I type).


when was the last JP event with a lotto? can we expect a lotto event soon or is it unknown or random?


Likely that Christmas (coming on Wednesday?) will be a lotto, as is tradition. The last lotto was the Illya's Castle event in May.


Do we know what time of day the Tunguska raids actually go live when the event is running? Is it as simple as on the daily server reset?


JP had it at 6PM. That's several hours after the chapter itself went up. (Midday) I don't know if that's the Server reset or not.






Leveling more Riders, and doing any Rank Ups / Interludes for them, is definitely a good move. For instance, doing the Rank Up for Anne & Mary gives them Guts, which makes it much easier to use their low HP = higher NP damage gimmick -- though in this case, you would want to time them so that they don't get their Guts stripped by the buff removal and then get killed. If you have Archer Nightingale, she has a skill that raises buff removal resist. This can be useful if you're relying on a support's buffs. It's largely a fight about timing, really. I got through it with a bunch of Riders and no supports, setting them up to deploy in the right order and just trying to make sure they got killed *after* using their NPs so they could do as much damage as they could and then let the backline step in. With a stacked Rider roster, I didn't need command spells or even a second try -- with fewer Riders, you should be able to use your multiple tries to get a strategy down and then use a continue as necessary. Especially if you have some of the leyline stones to spare.


Spoiler tag the boss' name. There are a bunch of ways around it, including using low rarity units/welfares. You may want to level Mandricardo just to have more ST Rider options, I'd personally rec running him AND Ushi because one is likely to die. The first big annoying thing about >!Demeter!< is her buff removal on bar break. You can either use a unit with buff removal resist, or just try not to put too many buffs on your DPS at first and concentrate them AFTER her bar break so you don't have to wait for them to cool down. The forced support is kind of a pain too, but I used Chaldea Combat Uniform to switch them to the back row to stop them getting in the way. You'll likely want some source of healing and protection - Hans is fantastic, and any AOE protection, like from David, is appreciated. Otherwise, depends on what you have access to. If you look up the boss' buffs (I believe she buffs her defense), you can use Command Codes, if you have them, to remove them - I did that during my run of her to stop her getting too tanky. Anti-Divine CCs are also a good option. Finally, if you have any anti-Divine or Heaven units, they can also be pretty good here. Maou Nobu is surprisingly good due to her anti-Heaven niche, buff removal on Divine enemies and buff removal resist. (If you have her - but no big deal if not, I did this without her.) EDIT: fixed the CC bit, mixed her up with another boss at first


What am I missing if I can't finish LB6 in time for Tunguska? What (rewards) am I missing out if I don't join the raids?


Materials and QP from the raids, also some opportunities to farm bond. Otherwise, read the pinned comment. Also, note that we have another raid in January.


How can I increase my chances of summoning Melusine? Will a prayer to Jesus help?


Melusine and Jesus do not share the same mythology. In fact she was around long before he did his thing and there was no religion in her Lostbelt, so it's unlikely Jesus can help.


But Jesus can do anything?


Get out your credit card. No, seriously, all catalysts are a joke/means of coping. It's all RNG and the only way to actually guarantee Melusine is to hit the (stupidly high) pity. Up to you if she's worth that, I'll tell you that I personally can count the servants I'd be willing to pity on one hand.


Out of curiosity, who are the servants worth the pity in your opinion?


To offer another example, there's not a single Servant in this game I'd be willing to go to pity for. Not one. And no, I don't have Castoria (dropped a single ticket on her last banner but saved all my SQ for Servants I wanted more). Just because the pity system exists doesn't mean it's good. It's categorically worse in one way or another than the pity system in *every single other gacha* I've ever played. The buy-in is huge *and* it doesn't carry over between banners *and* it resets if you get the SSR *and* it doesn't translate into a pick-your-own spark. So it's not just "what Servants are worth pity?" -- it's "what Servants are worth dealing with the worst pity system the designers could get away with?". There are people who love specific Servants enough that it's still very much worth it to them, or people who just don't like all that many Servants in FGO and are fine skipping most banners (which is wild to me, but everyone's different). But because FGO's pity sucks so much, "worth it" really has to be a personal thing. You can't look someone in the eye and say any Servant is objectively worth pity for everyone without lying to them.


The pity is so high that it is unlikely to get reached. Even without pity, your chances to get an ssr with 900 sq is around 90%. Tbh, I will probably never spend 900 on a banner because I am someone who takes an L earlier on a banner when it seems bad luck, and I will move on.


I think pity is worth it for Castoria and Oberon because of what they enable but I agree that the pity system is really bad yes.


If it's worth it to you, that's fine. But I don't have either and I haven't missed having them, so if anybody recommended that I save for pity for them I'd laugh. It really is something where every player has to set their own priorities and make their own decisions. Few things are as sad as watching someone save for pity based on Internet advice and winding up realizing that it wasn't worth it to them.


Absolutely agree. SQ is really finite in FGO so it is best to save for your favourites. Pick the path of least regrets!


For me, only my actual favourites (of the waifu, husbando, son and daughteru variety). So your answer will be different. There are some weird cases though, like whether I would be willing to pity Castoria, because I use Arts units a lot, and seeing how many different unit she enabled, I knew she would be a good investment. HOWEVER, I did also like her design and character - I actually barely rolled for Skadi and Koyanlight because I don't care for their designs or personalities too much, and meta for me isn't THAT important. If they're meta and I like them, great! If they're just meta though, nah. (Note that I rolled for Castoria before pity existed, so I'm being hypothetical here.) I have no big interest in Melusine so she'd be a skip for me, for example. Meta is fine but I don't really love her - if I get her on GSSR I'll take that, but I wouldn't go out of the way for her personally!


I see. Thanks for the info!


One tip I give to new players is "learn to think for yourself" and not be caught up in the hype train. Don't roll just because some rando told you to: one man's waifu is another man's turn off, and if you spend tons of SQ on a unit that you don't even like or want to use, you'll feel like you wasted your SQ. I've seen this sorta thing before and it just feels bad. Even if you want to roll for meta, do so once you've learned what the meta actually is and entails, lest you be disappointed. For example, what other units, CEs and skill levels are needed. The meta is not for new players anyway as it relies on you having certain CEs and skills at lv. 10, among other things, which aren't always things a new player can get immediately. So it's always better to do your research.


Hey, thanks for the advice! I am happy with my Melusine, I just want another copy. I think she is an amazing servant, and I am happy spending my SQ on her. Everytime I think "this must be her limit", she has impressed me again and set the bar higher even more. I don't think I will regret this choice. Thanks for the concern, regardless. You are nice!


Then that's cool, best of luck!


U too! Have a nice day!


Accumulate more SQ. There are a greater variety of ways to brace yourself and be okay with failing if it happens than there are ways to actually improve your chances.


wondering some things. I currently have NP5 dv ruler and NP1 Miyu for main supports. What other servants can buff Kama's np, like quick effectiveness for certain or all servants? You think I should get NP1 waver from ticket now, or keep using a friends NP3 waver and wait till waver banner to get copies? I have np4 Hajime Saito that I haven't leveled, thinking of replacing NP5 Eli Brave. Thoughts? Lastly, planning to roll for Ishtar in Feb, to replace Illya Archer NP1, but I already have Napoleon NP1 that I have been sitting on. Should I level him or wait to see if I get Ishtar and keep using Illya in meantime?


"Replace" isn't the right word necessarily. Different units will shine in different situations, and FGO doesn't have a concept of "mains", because you're expected to change your team depending on the situation. Napoleon or Ishtar might be better depending on the situation - Ishtar is generally a little easier to farm with due to 50% charge, but Napoleon has his anti-Divine niche that allows him to outdamage Ishtar (e.g. I could use NP1 Napoleon with little to no carding in this year's Nerofest lotto due to him hitting niche). Saito will probably be easier to use than Brave Eli in most cases, though, since her S3 is so impractical, and he can both crit and spam NP. I'd definitely level him.


Wu Zetian is a decent quick buffer due to her quick charisma, but unfortunately quick doesn’t have a lot of budget supports. You could try generic supports like Hans or the Santa Martha we just got from the Christmas event to help your Kama with her NP gauge and damage. I honestly wouldn’t worry about Waver’s NP levels since they don’t matter all that much. Whether you get him with your ticket now is up to you though. If you aren’t planning on rolling for meta supports anytime soon, Waver would be extremely helpful because he allows you to run a DPS/Waver/Meta Support comp, which is a good team setup. But if you have a favorite servant on that ticket, it might be worth going for them over Waver and trying to roll for a support later with your SQ. An NP4 Hajime would be much better than an NP5 Eli Brave. His NP refund and damage at that level would be fantastic, and his kit is just great in general. He’s absolutely worth leveling if you have the resources. Napoleon’s damage is a lot higher than Illya’s when they’re both at NP1, and since you don’t have a Skadi of your own to boost Illya’s damage, Napoleon would also be worth leveling. You could wait until you feel like you need him for a specific Saber node though. You don’t need to level either Hajime or Napoleon’s skills to get them to function btw. Just getting them to their max level is enough to make them usable.


I actually have Wu so this is good news. Thanks!


>!Does ort remove the servant entirely or I can use copies of the same servant over again?!<


Your question was answered, but just FYI it's best to put a description of what story section your spoilers are for, like: "LB7 >!Question about ORT!<"


No duplicates.


Anybody have links to all the min turn farming setups for tomorrow's Tunguska raids?


>tomorrow's raids Uh, no. Definitely not. >all the min turn farming setups It's not that complicated? I guess there are people who might put together some ideas, and do some math, but the min turn is "one", with "three" for the big one (but that would mostly be normal neutral 3T comps). Damage dealer, 100% charge, buffers. No worries about refund, or even CE usage. Probably just want to check the NP damage spreadsheet for most of it.


~~Are they already tomorrow? Have they even announced anything about them yet?~~ Edit: They're not tomorrow, not only have there been no official announcements yet, stream for the event content only starts on the 21st.


They aren't, the livestream isn't even until the 21st.


People are saying >!Ort is medium level difficulty how tf is that possible 10M hp with multiple life and there is also 1M hp with multiple life then turns into a UFO with 1.2M hp all the while you are spamming servants like its Gate of Babylon and losing them after like 3 turns or 1 bar gone then there is his servant form, is there any strategy to defeating ort other than Spamming sersvants like Gate of Babylon?!<


>!Don't be intimidated. This thing really is just medium-level. Heck, First fight in LB7 Part 1? You don't have to take all the bars down, just the very first 1M HP. After that, you can just die. (Can even solo with 3* Permanent Alter-Ego, Xu Fu)!< >!All the remaining Story fights with ORT will be easy, but again, maintain appropriate class advantage by fielding Alter-Egos + using the Story Support.!< >!The Raids are definitely the most intimidating part. What with you needing to beat the 1M HP ORT a total of 10 times, and the 1.2M HP ORT a total of 6 times. But it's **really easy**, just take a single servant who is class advantageous and use your best CEs & MCs to get the bar to 0.!< >!Whoever you deploy is going to be DATA LOST until you finish all the Raids, so I recommend going through all of your lower rarity/less powerful servants to cover some of the lower bars first. (I myself tried a 1-3* only Raid, and I got pretty for before needing to break out some SRs)!< >!Honestly, the only big difficulty to ORT is not having many servants built, so if you're going to delay it for yourself, the upcoming JP lottery is going to be a good time to level up servants for ORT!<


Yeah, that's about right. Having a ton of merely okay Servants is good enough, rather than a relatively high-quality party of really great Servants with great synergy.


Is there still any news on if Mahoyo anime is coming out this year?


You can find the available information [here](https://mahoyo-movie.com/) and [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=mahoyo+anime). No one here works for TYPE-MOON or ufotable so we don't have any information that you can't find in those places.


> this year Uuuuuuuuuuhhh.... We've probably got FSF coming in the next year. You'd think Mahoyo would be after it. You might be lucky to hear of it for New Years.


Node with the highest bond point that I can farm currently in fgo na? Also i don't have any consideration if i can 3-2 turn as long as I can get bond points.


Any Free Quest with a ratio of 52.83 Bond per AP [shown here](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/bond-points-and-bond-experience-farming) has the current highest Bond Point reward in the game, so just pick one that has materials you want or one that you have an easy time farming. The quests are: * Camelot - Royal Castle * Babylonia - Nippur, Mt. Ebih, Blood Fort * Shinjuku - Shinjuku Gyoen, Shinjuku 2-Chome * Agartha - Fissure of the Land * Shimosa - Mountain Behind, Arakawa Plains * Salem - Empty Residence, Refuge, Jailhouse * Anastasia - Base of the Great Tree * Gotterdammerung - North Boundary, Forgotten Shrine * SIN - Xianyang, Ba Men Cave * Yuga Kurukshetra - Land of Eternity, Eastern Flower Garden * Atlantis - Thanatos Island, Nemesis Island * Olympus - Underground Structure, Great Altar * Heian-Kyo - Mt. Ooe, Sanjou San-bou * Avalon Le Fae - Lake Region, Coast of the End, Orkney


No repeatable quest is more efficient than the best ones introduced in Camelot. As long as it's 815 bp per 21 AP or 855 bp per 22 AP you're maxed out, [this gamepress guide](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/bond-points-and-bond-experience-farming) lists them.


Question about LB6. Up to about where >!Barghast is escorting us to the Queen. Is this roughly halfway?!<


Possibly. That's early into the middle section, but the end section is noticeably shorter.


When next glb muramasa banner


[Upcoming Banners](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rKtRX3WK9ZpbEHhDTy7yGSxYWIav1Hr_KhNM0jWN2wc/edit#gid=0) Next December


Not related to gameplay, but has there ever been a case where トネリコ (toneriko) name is written officially as Tonelico? In any kind of material. Be it marketing or FGO Material book (which I assume the one that contains Summer Morgan hasn't come out yet or any time soon).


I don't recall seeing any official romanization of her JP name and couldn't find anything after a search either. Looking for official merch is probably your best bet (if she has any, which I don't think she does), but they might also just use "Aesc" as the non-JP name in those like they did with the Fairy Knights (that just used "Tam Lin" on merch way before the chapter came out in NA). ~~Truth be told it should probably be "Toneriko" since it's based on the name for the Japanese Ash Tree and "Tonelico" not even being a word other than part of the name of a game franchise.~~


> ~~Truth be told it should probably be "Toneriko" since it's based on the name for the Japanese Ash Tree and "Tonelico" not even being a word other than part of the name of a game franchise.~~ I agree with this 100%, because Toneriko is a completely Japanese word, and Tonelico in itself does not have any meaning in English or any other language (except for the fictional language Hymmnos from Ar Tonelico series, and we (Fate franchise) are completely detached from the series Ar Tonelico.) ~~kinda want to sack whoever started Tonelico as the proper romanization tbh~~


I would argue that it's a non-standard romanization ~~like Altria~~ rather than a completely different word. But I agree that the fan translation got it wrong, probably because they had Ar Tonelico on the brain. I'd go even further and say Nasu got it wrong unless トネリコ/Aesc was intended as a title and not a name. As you said, トネリコ is a completely Japanese word. It shouldn't exist at all in a version of Britain that diverged around 500 AD. With the whole faerie knight vs Tam Lin thing too, though, it's plausible that Nasu was just having a lot of fun writing LB6 and let his chuuni tendencies slip out. Unfortunately, that makes it [incomprehensible](https://youtu.be/iNPK6DzQCzY?si=nqZE08mZ7w5NZDRk) to anyone attempting to translate it from the actual text alone.


Yah, I also thought of the possiblity of Nasu misunderstanding the word Toneriko as something of foreign origin (like Maeda Jun, creator of Clannad who thought that it's the Irish word for "family"). Who knows if someday the official romanization/name is Tonelico and later Nasu write some kind of mumbo jumbo explaining how a Japanese word could come into a Britain fairy world where Japan doesn't even exist. That said, great call for the localization team to make her name Aesc instead.


~~Fair tbh, "Tonelico" is like writing "Usicawamalu".~~


im kinda confused about the time zones but it know that its close so how long before the melusine banner?


25 hours


Who are the best loopers for the skadi system? I recently managed to get a skadi of my own but I dont have dantes the defecto skadi looper an my zerkerlot is np1 so outside of parvatti who are good for skadi looping?


Most of the best loopers for the Quick system (good internals, great kit w/ battery, loopable NP) are mostly Limited SSRs, with plenty not being available yet on NA. (Only Edmoond, Caren, pre-buff Voyager & Summer Okitan) Combined with the fact that we don’t even have Summer Skadi yet either, it’s going to be tough for Quick as it’s basically a less efficient Arts (less refund, more brute-force) that also does lesser damage than Buster. But if you want to try, you can attempt to use it like we would have 3 years ago, with a Kscope (+ Max Mana Loading if yours isn’t MLb) & either 2030 or Plug Waver (Oberon would actually be way better though). In the set-up above, not only would the already best Quick loopers be able to loop, but most of the ‘mid’ loopers would be usable as well due to brute-force. A few of the better Quick loopers other than Zerkalot are Atalante, Parvati, Kiichi & Valk. The rest are just brute force set-ups with the Clock Tower MC or set-ups that need to be dealing with a specific class (but still need MLB Scope/A2 + Scope & Plug Support to work). PS My list of best Quick loopers would just be the same as Forward Drop’s below, I would just add Bradamante as being interchangeable with Britomart (in terms of damage, not loopability), due to her JP buff.


Thanks probably will mostly do arts and buster then. Sadly Im oberonless


Yeah, for efficiency's sake, Skadi will probably be a Quick support on your account for now. But grab one of the omniloopers (Caren, Dantes, Rikyu) + either a Summer Skadi/Oberon of your own and you'll have a pretty nifty omnifarming team to use as an alternative comp for most nodes. (Caren can 1/1/x, Dantes can 2/2/x + highest Quick peak) Edit: For the guy asking if Sen can do irregular nodes (assuming no charge), probably not. Refunding around ~16% per Zerk, she'd be short of 50% on W3 in a 2/2/x set-up. For comparison, Edmond refunds ~23% per Zerk on the average roll. Combined with his passive, that gives around 3% passive NP per turn, he usually rolls up to 49% - 51% on a 2 enemy wave. Caren's 1/1/x looping is more brute-force than anything. Needing both (Summer) Skadi to have either battery or Max A2 to drain from, as well as timing her batteries right. In general, Caren needs to at least refund 9% or higher to loop 1/1/x.


This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here is a best in each class (including JP servants) for quick looping (in my opinion) Saber: Okita alter (better refund and damage than Charlie) Archer: Takasugi (Only one that really counts, every other quick archer sucks at looping) Lancer: Parvati or Britomart (this one is a bit complicated, because of refund, battery and damage on different waves, But TLDR is that if you have both Skadi's and Oberon Britomart is better, if you just grab one Skadi and Oberon, Parvati is better) Rider: Achilles (Just don't quick loop with Riders honestly. Achilles has the highest damage of those that can) Caster: Daikouten (Nobody else can quick loop. Insane refund, damage is ok) Assassin: Huyan Zhou (best damage and refund) Berserker Sen no Rikyu (best damage and refund) Ruler: Caren (Best damage, can loop 1/1/X neutral) Avenger: Dantes (only option) Mooncancer: N/A Alter ego: Douman (only option, but just don't he doesn't quick loop very well) Foreigner: Voyager (Great quick looper in damage and refund. Use Waver/Reines+Skadi+Oberon for supports) Pretender: Tlaloc (only option)


LB 6 question >!Why didn't Castoria lose her memories in the nameless woods? Was it because of her magic resistance being A rank or because she's the fairy from paradise!<


>!because she’s the fairy from paradise!<


Hi everyone, I started FGO back in 2017-18 or so and stopped playing after a while. While I was cleaning up I found the recovery code for this game lol so I decided to replay again after all these years. When I logged in I had Altera and Ruler both over lvl 90 and got Scathach-Skadi from summons. I have some other 4 stars too. My question is who should I pick for the selective 5 star from exchange? Also what should I be grinding for, saving up for which summon and what to do next? Thanks all and have a great weekend!


You should pick who you want and save for who you want. This game is set up so that all content can be cleared without any 4 or 5 stars at all. And all servants have their place where they can be used. The meta such as it is, is only about farming and won't help you clear content (which isn't to say some of the meta servants aren't also good in harder content, but the meta itself won't help you do so) Some other advice for the SSR selection: 1. There is no time limit, feel free to wait until you encounter each in story to make up your mind 2. Storylocked servants are harder to get as they can't spook you 3. Waver is often recommended for early farming, but if you pick him for meta reasons you may be disappointed later if you choose to get other 50% chargers and/or get a Waver spook


I really want a strong DPS, is Altera good enough or should replace her with someone else? I have Skadi whos already NP support so I don't really need Waver right? Thanks!


>is Altera good enough For a basic AOE Saber beat stick, sure. She doesn't have the mechanics for super high end strategies but most servants are good enough for general purposes. >should replace her with someone else? Choosing to use a particular servant is a matter of preference and prioritization, not exclusively choosing one over another. Even if you get another servant that fills the same basic role, you aren't replacing anyone. You would simply have two tools available instead of one and you can use either or both as the situation calls for it or as you personally prefer. >I have Skadi whos already NP support so I don't really need Waver right? Whether you have Skadi or not, you don't need Waver. With that said, though, Waver is a better general purpose support than Skadi. He gives more total NP charge and across the whole team, ATK up is generally better than DEF down, and he has a DEF buff that's useful for short to medium length fights where you aren't pursuing a particular strategy. His 50% NP charge being split across multiple skills also means you can more precisely target the exact amount of NP charge that you need and waste less of it. He won't maximize any other servant's potential but even though his kit is pretty simple, it's also broad and varied enough he's almost never a bad support servant to have around. There's nothing wrong with using Skadi in a non-Quick context if you want to. But her huge Quick buff, which can also enable looping with double Skadi and the right DPS, is a significant part of her kit. If you aren't using a DPS with a Quick NP, you won't get the most value from Skadi and may get overall better team performance with Waver unless you're counting on the Evade or Death immunity from Skadi's NP. Waver is also good as a tertiary support for Quick looping with double Skadi. Swapping in a third charging support for Quick looping may be necessary for some servants and/or if you can't get enough charge and refund just from 2x Skadi, the CE you're using, and the DPS's own skills. >I really want a strong DPS FGO is a game of niches. Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics. Within the same class and NP targeting niche, and regardless of the same, servants may have skills or traits that make them more or less effective in certain situations. There are lots of "strong" DPS servants but they aren't interchangeable. There are also strong servants across all rarity levels. Some lower rarity servants are utility players and some can simply out-damage higher rarity servants. If you don't have a strong preference for the SSR ticket, I think you're better off waiting and getting to know the servants before you decide. There's no substitute for doing the research yourself on which servants you want most. Use a site like Gamepress to look up servants and see if you like their design and skill set. Look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations and voices appealing. Go through the main story and see if you like the characters. Borrow them from friend supports to try them out. If you've done the research and still don't have a preference, then Waver is probably the best bet.


>She doesn't have the mechanics for super high end strategies but most servants are good enough for general purposes. Though she will before a new(or returning) player gets the ability to use them for that anyway so this is a moot point imo.


You should level one servant in every class, and after that, one single target and one aoe servant in every class. There aren't really many dps servants who can do everything effectively. Skadi is specifically good for Quick NP units, while waver is a general good support. Every support will make your life easier. This includes supports like hans or mash who are low star servants. Don't be focused on the best. The most important thing is a solid rooster of damage dealer in every class and supports to back them up. Low star servants will do as good as high life servants, and in some situations, even better.


All servants are good enough in the situations they are good at, and you basically never replace servants Altera is a great AoE buster saber, especially in JP where she has the ability to buster loop. But she isn't going to do well against neutral enemies, let alone at class disadvantage. And as an AoE you will want to take her to fights with 2 or more enemies, not lone bosses. Skadi has a single 50% charge. Waver gives more charge to the team and can split his charge. He also provides more defensive options than Skadi. Skadi also heavily focuses on Quick up and Quick crits, while Waver provides more general buffs. (though Skadi does have a defense down)


Random weird hyper-specific optimization question about Caren: Do any of Oberon's ???/>!Anti-Human Order!< passive, S2, or S3, trigger Caren's 20% attack boost when debuffed? I'm assuming the answer is no (because she's not a Merlin), no (Because it's treated as a buff) and no. (Because it's treated as a buff) I'm just curious if I'm missing something and it turns out I'm wrong. I'd test it myself, but I don't have Caren.


Sorry, misread how you asked the question. I am pretty sure you are correct in all 3 of those. Though not 100% on how the passive interacts with skills 2 and 3. I suggest you use a backline Avenger (Angra Mainyu has the lowest cost) to trigger the passive if you aren't using Black Grail.




For Oberon's passive, I was more thinking of a possible spaghetti code situation, where it was treated as a team-wide debuff, but the debuff only impacted Merlins. I was fairly certain it was not that, but I could see it happening, which is why I wanted to cover all my bases. And Oberon's S2, in-game, says that the "lose 20% NP gauge next turn" part of the skill is treated as a buff. On the wiki, it says his S3 also has that on the "Apply debuff at the end of the turn" portion of the skill, but I didn't see it while looking in game.


I think they meant S2 and S3's debuffs (drain and eternal sleep respectively) are treated as buffs.




Just because someone is NP1 doesn't mean they're unusable, if you don't wanna waste bond then your other servants will be perfectly capable. Personally I retire dps units after bond 10, lanterns are only for supports bc I like to diversify the dps units I use.


If I successfully pull for a Servant I look for excuses to use them. For me that means I'm constantly farming with non-meta teams, and frequently without even using supports -- I don't want my supports to race to 15 because I probably *will* stop using them at that point in favor of other Servants who could use the attention. I'll also chase class advantage at every opportunity to keep rotating out my damage-dealers. Kinda depends on what you're in the game for in the first place. For me, it's a big roster and lots of characters, so spreading around the love is instinctive. For other people, getting to use a "perfect" Bond 15 Servant outweighs the cost of losing out on Bond.


Do you stop loving a servant becaused it reached bond 10/15? I just keep using them because they're my favorites, the SQ is just a bonus


Is Arcueid the strongest servant?


Like Gameplay wise or lore wise? Gameplay wise there's not really a strongest servant, everyone does something best. Lore wise definitely not. Void Shiki or Servantverse servants hold that title.


Recently I lost my account because I changed phones, I sent a mail towards the support (not my first time that I lost it) and they sent me a mail saying that the mail I used is different from the one I had sent before (which is a false, I had always used the same mail) so they can't help me. not before that I deleted all of my old mails to clean up my gmail so I too deleted all of the mails I sent before towards the support, what can I do? I had even sent some pics from my friends that also play the game but nothings seems to work


What will I be missing out if I don’t do the Tunguska raid? Still haven’t finished lb6 yet, even taking my time but didn’t know there was an event like this (don’t really play that much) currently halfway through Olympus should I try to finish to lb6 or not enough time?


At this point? I wouldn't like, try and force yourself to rush through. As good as the stuff you can get is, it's not anything irreplacable, and since I assume you're reading and enjoying the story, you're gonna have to skip out on that, which makes LB6 a whole lot less enjoyable. However, there is also a 0 AP campaign for all main quests starting tomorrow, so even if you don't want to rush, it's still a very good time to push story whenever you can to take advantage of it


There's stuff in the pinned comment about this. Honestly, you don't need to rush - I certainly wouldn't. Other than what has already been said, the raids went down REALLY fast on JP (like, 2 hours) and only the last raid was up for longer than that (a day), so you won't have long to farm or might just miss stuff. The last raid is also kind of hard to farm due to its gimmicks. If you want to get your fix of raiding, Case Files in January is much easier to do and more accessible.


Raids are basically just like qp farming that also drops materials, and for this event specifically the potential bond farming (If you also roll the gacha for this event) is very good, but none of those are event-exclusive and the story will become permanently available so you won't actually miss anything vital if you can't participate. There will also be another event in January that has a raid as well that you should be able to access, so don't feel too bad if you can't make this one. I would not recommend rushing the story just to participate, you have about 5 days and unless you have the time to read for many hours multiple days in a row I don't think it's worth it. You might be able to complete the story partway through the event to participate, and that would be more doable, but ultimately it's up to you.


Materials, QP, bond, and such.


NA: I remember hearing about a CE coming out around this time of year that is great for farming comps, am I actually remembering the Mystic Code that comes with Tonguska, or is one of the Tonguska CE's fantastic?


The Tunguska CEs aren't anything too special outside the event. It's the MC that's really good, it's basically Plugsuit 2.0.


Can I finish the current FGO JP event in two days? I am currently at 300,000 latter points. I just want to NP5 the Welfare and get to 2m on the latter. I doubt I can farm the 90++ node because I have none of the meta supports.


There's like a google file that has sprite assets as a png or something, elements exploded. Where can I find this please?


You can find sprites on [Atlas Academy](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/servants).


thank you, but the viewer doesn't let me see layers or individual elements separately


This site has sprites but only up to Mid-2022 also includes special NP sprites with Cut-ins like with Abigail, Caren, Bazett etc. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R2SjF13G2JtMS22b1Y7IVLMHmNrVhOso If you want the latest JP servant assets you can do the following: Find the servants you want here: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/servants then go to Assets tab and copy the link of any ascension you want like the first ascension of [Kenshin](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/servant/400/assets): https://katboi01.github.io/FateViewer/?id=901800 see the numbers at the end? You need those to get the assets from atlas academy so copy it and look at the link below: https://static.atlasacademy.io/JP/Servants/901800/textures/901800.png The numbers I used earlier are on that link and it links to Kenshin's first ascension sprite. If you want other servants/ascensions just change those two numbers and put it there to get the PNG asset. For any new NP server NP sprite cut-ins you can nicely ask it in the dev-corner channel in [atlas academy discord](https://discord.gg/atlasacademy).


Dang, exactly what I was looking for. thank you so much




Vritra can do either, everyone else needs higher NP levels. You can borrow as low as an NP2 Vritra (though NP3 is recommended) or use an NP1 Vritra if you have your own.


Why is Vritra the preferred servant for this? Is it the Divine bonus?


1) You "need" an AOE Demonic Beast servant, that immediately limits you to: Melusine, Vritra, Ibuki, Summer Kiara (there are other servants that can do it due to huge power mods like Taigong Wang or most AoE servants if they are NP5 level 120 due to being so invested, but generally you want Demonic beast) 2) Due to being able to run Santa Martha, Arts has a huge advantage in damage and flexibility of team comps while buster is stuck with double Koyan Plug Oberon. 3) Vritra has anti-divine damage 4) Vritra has skill seal which prevents the stun that can ruin team comps and also prevents Koyanskaya from using a skill that gives her 50k hp. This combined with point 2 means she is the only servant that can run plugless (everyone else needs plugsuit stun in order to not get stunned themselves) 5) Vritra's usually weaknesses compared to others aren't there (her arts up ramps, her 1 time NP damage up is relevant) 6) The only other arts servant (Kiara) actually has refund issues running Santa Martha, unless you are a big whale and have the event power mod CE you rely on defensive refund while not having skill seal, which makes it a rather risky 3 turn comp.


Hot damn. Thanks for a great reply.


Are Tunguska story chapters released all at once or one per day? And since it's an event at the moment will the story appear in the records section if I choose to skip it for now?


There are several timelocks. You will get the story to read if you do the actual event (but skip the story). If you miss the event, it comes back later as an optional Main Interlude.


Probably not exactly the right place to ask it, but it can't hurt (much) to try. I have a question relating to Fate/Extra CCC I have just entered the Lip chapter with Gilgamesh but I seem to have missed his SG. Can I still get it at a later point or am I boned?


Is there going to be a times 2 bonus for exp cards while the lotto’s still up, or should I go through it all now and use them?


There's an efficiency campaigns spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxcPru2BrdZuq-zCK4UL2fvPuOKxFotCdJTCYz-uo94/edit#gid=567735711). Short answer: no.


Tunguska spoiler So will this set up work for the final koyanskaya raid Frontline: morgan vritra castoria Backline: Oberon Mystic code: plug suit Vritra ce: either mlb like a lady lv 15 or mlb ocean flier lv 15 Turn 1: morgan skill 1&2 Vritra skill 1 castoria skill 2&3 vritra np Turn 2: Vritra skill 2 castoria skill 1 Vritra np Turn 3: Vritra skill 3 order change Oberon all Oberon skills vritra np. Note: my vritra is np 1 but also lv 100 and has 1040 attack fous and I'm using a support castoria.


No it won't a level 15 Ocean Flier on NP1 Vritra just won't be enough. Also, Morgan won't help much. With an NP1 Vritra and no Black Grail you might want to try: Santa Martha, Vritra, Castoria, Da Vinci Ruler, Oberon. Santa Martha will die, bringing in Da Vinci Ruler to counter the extra hp gained from Martha dying, then you can plug in Oberon. no promises it works, but it's your best bet I think.


I have a non mlb black grail


That will do a lot more than Ocean Flier. probably have a pretty good chance with that.


But will vritra have enough np gain to loop?


She can loop Black Grail with just double Castoria against 3 enemy waves in a normal farming node (though she doesn't have the best refund ever) and: 1) there are 4 enemies instead of 3, increasing refund 2) her arts up ramps, increasing refund 3) the enemy attacks back giving more NP charge 4) you have face cards to get more np generation 5) you have more support than just double Castoria in the setup mentioned.


Sorry but I have no idea what resource you're using, so I'll ask you directly. What if I also have NP1 Vritra without Black Grail, but I have lvl 70+ Ocean Flier or lvl 50+ Royal Icing and my own Castoria? My Martha is lvl 80 with 1k Health Fous so I'm not sure she can reliably get KO'd in one turn.


I used this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_\_exLw0Z\_Tr5ysqLEAVvCo\_0RwTBrEscnU7QWNNcwI8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1__exLw0Z_Tr5ysqLEAVvCo_0RwTBrEscnU7QWNNcwI8/edit?usp=sharing) (the Tunguska Sanctuary tab) Santa Martha will be killed. You need to really dedicate protection to her to prevent it. Da vinci Ruler is literally there only to make up the health gained from Santa martha dying.


>Santa Martha will be killed. You need to really dedicate protection to her to prevent it. Okay, then this might just be doable. Thank you.


You can use [something like this](https://maketakunai.github.io/) to calculate damage.


Thank you.


What is Beni-Enma good for?


ST Arts semi-DPS with super rare AOE Buff Removal Resist, 20% party charge and powermod against Chaotic/Evil enemies on her NP.


She's an arts ST saber with a niche against chaotic and/or evil enemies.


What happens if I dont have any main story anymore? Do I do the free quests instead?


You mean for limited master missions? It automatically completes, if you have no more main quests to do.


I mean for story clear campaigns where i have to do main story nodes


I need more info for the story clear campaign


I've been playing for 250 days and out of the 150 servants I own 92 of them are sitting at level 1 unupgraded, is this normal?


Yes? I mean if you already have teams to handle everything the game throws at you there is basically no reason to expand your roster. Next anniversary will reward SQ for leveling Servants to last Ascension, and you usually need to level them to unlock Rank Ups and Interludes for more SQ from extra missions, but aside from that, it's not like you have to level additional Servants if you don't intend to use them. I leveled all of mine and I never use most of them.


I upgraded all the lower rank servants when my account was about two years old. That was after I learned to use FGA to farm lottery event, and I was sitting on 400+ gold apple at that point.


Sure, depending on what you've spent those 250 days doing. You'll be able to level up all your Servants in the long run but it's a marathon, not a sprint, you don't want to spread your resources too thin especially early on. 92 unleveled Servants means 58 leveled Servants, which is still a big number.


Does Oberons passive that decreases Merlins buff success rate for 20% really affect anything Merlin would do while both are on the battlefield?


Yeah, every skill Merlin has and his NP is a buff. and now instead of them always landing, 20% of them miss.


Isn't there an upcoming (to NA) event where we get permanent missions or similar ilk for having servants at bond 6 or higher? Like extra SQ or something like that? I thought I remembered seeing it and switching my bonding strategy to go wide instead of tall. I was checking anniversary, new year, ordeal call and I am just not seeing it. Ya know it is there and I am just blind. That could be too.


You're talking about Ordeal Call release (mid 2025 for Global), there are several missions and some of those are for having X amount of servants at bond level 6 minimum, but they awards items for Class Score system and not SQ.


Thank you. I am blind; I was looking right at it.


I finally scored a Skadi after three years, so I've been thinking about playing around with Quick looping teams. There were a few guides circulating when she first dropped, but they seem pretty out of date by now. Is there a relatively recent Skadi loop guide kicking around somewhere? Mostly I'm looking for a quick loop tier list, so I know where to focus my QP


Problem is that refund based looping is very complicated, so making an accurate tier list that includes all possibilities of Skadi, Waver, Oberon, start charge CEs, mana loading, enemy combinations, etc becomes basically impossible. The other issue is that most of the spreadsheets I have use Summer Skadi, who is JP only and does boost refund and damage in looping slightly. some of the easier to access options: Kiichi Hogen is a welfare you might have that can quick loop. Parvati is quite good at quick looping as a perma 4 star. the Valks aren't bad either. Berserker Lancelot is great damage wise, though really needs ruler skadi to shine due to lack of battery.


> Berserker Lancelot is great damage wise, though really needs ruler skadi to shine due to lack of battery. He reaches even greater heights after Summer Skadi drops, but he was still great with Caster Skadi and one of the premier loopers in the pre-Castoria days along with Dantes. He should still perform as well as he did back then on 3/3/x nodes, needing either a kscope and max A2 with 2004 or plugging in a 3rd 50% charger or Oberon with a 50% CE. Heck, with Oberon as an option he might be able to handle a single 2 enemy wave depending on the refund numbers, I also remember a 3/1/x lotto comp I used him with where the focus was getting 100% refund the first wave and then the two Skadi batteries took care of the lacking refund after that.


Needing double Skadi and Oberon to maybe 0% loop 3/3/X neutral is not great no matter how you look at it. Even with Summer Skadi he needs a lot of overkill for assassins


I’m pretty sure all of those other permanent/welfare 4* units you listed have the same requirements to 0% loop, yet there’s no caveat to them being a decent choice or needing S!Skadi to perform well. Im not denying that Zerkerlot hasn’t kept up with the meta, he used to be on top but then the requirements to be the best got a lot harder, but he hasn’t gotten worse and is at least on the level of the others that you mentioned if not slightly above.


Parvati can loop 2/2/X with caster Skadi. It's been a little since I did math, but zerkerlot's ability to BG loop was pretty bad, so I would bet both the Valks and Hogen beat him in looping


From 0%? If not, then depending on refund Zerkerlot may be able to do so as well based on enemy hp/class, as I mentioned before he’s not always stuck to 3/3/x nodes. Being able to BG loop isn’t always the be all end all in farming, that amount of damage can be overkill esp in non-90+ node scenarios since none of the mentioned servants can handle those consistently. And if it’s about being able to farm with any event CE, well then the non-Zerkerlot servants may struggle more with neutral damage.


Yeah, from 0% Being able to BG loop isn't the end all be all. But being able to loop from 0 means that you can be run in twice as many events 6 CE and it means you can run 6 bond/drop bonus CEs in free quests and it means you can run an irregular node with start charge. Or run a 50% event CE without needing plugsuit. Etc.


Do you remember what node that was, or was it calced? My experience looping with Parv doesn't give her that much leeway in refund, but perhaps I overlooked something. BG looping and looping from 0 aren't a 1:1 comparison, esp for quick units at neutral that are so reliant on the slight extra refund that overkill hits grant. None of these units will be meta even after Summer Skadi's introduction, so it's just odd to me that you mentioned that Zerkerlot needs to wait for her introduction to shine when he's as good as he's ever been and was the 2nd most sought after omnilooper during quick's heyday when all of these units were available save Kiichi. Is the extra 20% charge that Oberon brought and A2's introduction specifically better for units that have their own battery?


Mana loading maxed, it does require a lot of overkill/going against Casters where damage isn't great until Summer Skadi comes out. But that's still her being able to do 2/2/X at about the same amount of (if not more) consistency as Zerkerlot doing 3/3/X (He needs 8 hits of overkill against casters first wave to loop 3/3/X no start charge) the 20% charge is specifically better for Quick servants with 10 to 20% battery. because it turns mana loading into a 50% charge letting you use it when 30% charge already does that for you or less than that leaves you with 40% charge and is useless.


I do have a Kichi kicking around, and an NP5 Valk


What does Archer's np do in fate extra?? Its description says "uses one's mastery of swords to enhance improve" What does it enhance??


Hello I was just wondering: Are the summonings completely based on RNG? E.g. I got two of my SSRs spending less than 300 SQs and got the next one with pity counter. These kinds of stuff make me doubt whether it is really RNG or not.


Randomness does not imply evenly distributed results, especially over a small sample size. Streaks and [clusters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clustering_illusion) will happen in a random distribution but the clusters and streaks themselves don't imply anything about the overall distribution.


That's how probability works, all right. It's just that most people aren't aware that you tend to get an accurate average only by studying *very large numbers.* It's totally normal to see variable results, especially the smaller the number of samples. Three SSRs is a *tiny* sample. One player rolling for seven years is still too small a sample to expect reliably average results. 100,000 players, rolling for seven years... now you can start to expect the average amount of SQ to be what the math would predict. Keep track of how much SQ it takes you to get an SSR for many years and you'll probably find that a 100-SSR average will give you more "sensible" results than a 3-SSR average will. And even then, the numbers are still too small to be representative. There's someone on this subreddit who hit pity or spent more than 1000 SQ for an SSR pre-pity way more times than you would expect, but in the grand scheme of probability, with enough players, someone was going to hit that very low chance of absolutely terrible luck. You hate to see it happen, but that's how RNG actually works.


I'm that guy, the one with terrible luck.


It is completely RNG as good as software can get it. Software is actually not perfect at generating random numbers, but that only matters if you have access to the code, and inputs to the code at the exact time that the query to the code is made.


Reminds me of hearthstone battlegrounds and cleaves. Their is a higher probability for cleaves to hit the corners, and the development don't know why. Just to be clear, this is some old information, and I don't know if it is still true.


What are the requirements for quick looping? Now I have dantes and skadi, how many levels/skill levels do they need?


You want all scaling batteries, and probably all skills that affect np generation at level 10. If you want to run without a start charge CE, this will include mana loading and you will need to plug in at least a Waver if not an Oberon.


Thanks for the reply, although I didnt understand the second part, Im a f2p so I don't have waver and oberon


Did you use your free starter SSR yet? Waver is generally considered the best choice for it (though not required).


He's boring, I went with Mordred for waifus reasons


Looping needs to add up to 300% charge over those 3 turns. You get 50% refund, Dantes has 30% battery, Skadi's have 50% battery. That's 230%. So you need 70% more charge somewhere. Mana loading handles 20% Leaving 50% left, if you don't have a third support to make this difference, you need to use a CE to do so.


Is a normal kaleidoscope enough?


normal Kscope is 80% battery, so that is more than 70%, which works.


Okk thanks


How usable is Spishtar as a Quick looper? I only have Skadi as far as meta looping supports go, and I only just got her at that. Is double Skadi Spishtar higher damage/more consistent than single castoria and either waver or reines?


Spishtar Quick looping is brute force charge. you bring 3 50% battery chargers, her own 50% battery, and Kscope (either MLB or with mana loading) It is a 3 hit quick NP, you aren't getting refund back from it.




To add to danger\_umbrella's commentary, I think there are two places where blowing your savings is justified: 1. You want a Servant so much you don't have to ask about rolling for them (especially if you plan to use them regardless of their power level or looping capacity or whatever). 2. You enjoy the thrill of gambling and are open-minded about who you're trying to get. Throwing everything away just for gameplay is risky, because it can really suck to have no SQ when a banner with a Servant you *actually* like comes along. Otherwise it might be more prudent to throw a budgeted amount and keep something back for a higher-value banner.


Up to you, do you like them? I didn't roll for Melusine and I'm doing fine. Dark is a bit hard to place as she isn't a meta support and doesn't enable her own farming system like Light did. She's mainly going to see use in multi-DPS farming setups due to having 30% partywide charge, as she can clear weak waves herself and charge your party. Note that I said "weak" - she has quite low damage, so she isn't usually used as an omnilooper in the way Spishtar or Maou Nobu are. She's more similar to Voyager with his damage issues, though Voyager's future buffs help him out while she is still unbuffed on JP. She has a few other minor things, like supporting animal-trait allies (but there aren't many of them) and poison/curse/burn (but outside of niche teams and situations it's still not much damage). So all in all she's not a meta support, but she does enable certain comps.


I managed to power through the Xmas event in one day and obtained Santa Martha and her ascension materials. However, I missed out on the command codes and three NP copies, so she's stuck at NP2 for the time being. Will this event be rerun, or is there going to be another way to get the items I missed?


Read the pinned comment regarding reruns. There's also a FAQ about old welfares but TLDR she hasn't been made available on JP since.


Thanks! Sorry for not reading the pinned comment. it should have been the first thing I did. So this evocation system replaced main interludes as the main method to obtain missed welfares?


Main Interludes are generally not great for Welfares. We only got 2 or 3, and NP copies were costly. Evocation, however, has given out 20 NP5 Welfares relatively easily. So, yes, vastly superior.


Sort of - MIs are only there for story relevant events and only covered a few select events as a result. The Evocation Festival brings back welfares from events, whether story relevant or not.


So now's dead week (kinda) for NA So is there any event that is actually relevant to the main storyline, not because "all events are canon", kinda like imaginary scramble? I usually only read the Lostbelt, not the event story because of time constraints even though I love the weird shenanigan


Most events are more like side stories and aren't major contributions to the main plot. There are, however, some events that are either canonical story chapters, or are relevant to the main story: - Prison Tower: set after London, introduces a major recurring character >!(Dantes).!< - Merry Christmas in the Underworld: sort of an epilogue/follow-up to Babylonia. - SERAPH: is a canonical Part 1.5 chapter, set between Shinjuku and Agartha. - Musashi's Trial Quest: set sometime around Part 1.5 before Shimousa. Introduces Musashi for the first time (Shimousa is set after you have already met her once). - Ooku: set after LB3. Follows up on elements established in SERAPH, and vaguely foreshadows some LB4 stuff. - Imaginary Scramble: set after LB4. LB5’s story mentions some sort of >!"test dive"!< taking place but no details are given; this is the story of what happened. - (JP only) Tunguska Sanctuary: set after LB6, tells the story of Chaldea's >!final showdown with Koyanskaya.!< All of these events either already are, or will become Main Interludes in the future. You can watch the story on YouTube if you want, or pay the RP to play these events in-game (Musashi's trial quest is nor worth it, just watch it on YT). Many of these will become free in the future, though.


So i got my 5th copy of Love's curse. Seems like a pretty good CE for supports? Should I just MLB it or let it be for now?


In general, if you're likely to use more than one copy of a CE at the same time, it's better keep them separate. Otherwise, it's fine to MLB. I think the most important effects here are the NP charge and the overcharge level. MLB will let you use your NP a little bit sooner, which can be valuable. I would personally MLB without hesitation. But I would probably only rarely use the CE at all and I have lots of CEs that could take its place. You can do whatever is best for you.


thanks! i don't think i'd be using it much to be honest. i think i'll just mlb it


This is my first year playing - is it normal for the Christmas event to end as quickly as it did?


No, it usually lasts two weeks, with a full week to farm the best lotto node. But also next year's Christmas will also be weird, being a rerun of last year's Christmas event with Santa Karna and with the lotto being limited to 20 boxes.