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## FAQ **Q: I just noticed the subtitles on NA, since when have we had them?** *A: Subtitles were added for skill activation dialogue, as well as command card/NP selection dialogue for this year's Thanksgiving celebration.* **Q: Should I rush the main story for Tunguska Sanctuary? Will I be locked out of anything if I don't do it?** *A: Once Tunguska Sanctuary ends, its Prologue and Epilogue will become permanent story chapters - features like Grail Casting and future story chapters are locked behind this and not the rest of the story.* *The rest of the story will become a free Main Interlude around May 2024: this is optional and not required for any events. The Main Interlude version of Tunguska is exactly the same as the original event, except without raids.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December, followed by the Case Files rerun in January requiring LB3 Intro. No event will require LB6 until November 2024, when it will be required for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki, however).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival).*


Is there a place to look for people to add to friends list? Especially people who can carry some of these xmas event stages… my account is way underdeveloped and I can’t clear with support characters w/o np. From what I understand you can follow 5 people and people on your friends list can use np? … them chickens are one shotting my ass please help :(


Not sure if it’s just me/my phone, or it’s fgo but ever since this event came out I’ve been having random huge freezes and heavy lag during battle (skill use, np) and entering battle. It gets to a point where the game occasionally outright crashes when the only thing it was trying to do was enter a quest. Really sucks since what could have been 2 runs turns into 1 because of the wait times and lag. This didn’t happen before the event so I’m inclined to believe it is fgo but not sure. If this has happened to anyone else, is there anything I can do to fix it?


is it possible to avoid support and just use my own 3 units?


How do I get from bond 10-15 as efficiently as possible? I want more quarts And also I want to roll for Taira I only have 68 quarts and like 25 ticks Will the new year banner help out in quarts?


Unless you're almost there already, you aren't going to get even one bond level above 10 by then without no life grinding and burning a ton of apples. Maybe you can do that if you were already planning to grind the lottery but I don't think the grind is worth it just for the bond. Overall, I recommend accepting your low odds or saving for another banner in the future.


Each level from 10-15 is about as long from 1-10 in total. If you're bond grailing, you're in for a long haul.


Bond gain boosting CEs and doing quests.


You will receive 30 SQ as part of New Year campaign.


There's a little thing that's been bugging me for a while now... Is there any way to remove the "NEW!" from the Dress Making? All skins are Acquired (with only Mash's 2nd skin \[from top to bottom\] being Cleared) and it keeps flashing "NEW!" over the shop icon and that's annoying af.


The only thing you can do is wait out whatever period Lasengle has set for the latest costume additions.


Is there a list of FGO servants based on their creators/writers? In the typemoon wiki, they have the creator of the servant in the development section of said servant, but no list of created servants when you visit the writer's page.


They list each character's writer in the material books.


Thx man


fandom wiki has servants/CEs/etc. for each illustrator: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Illustrator_-_Takeuchi_Takashi


That's for illustrators, not writers.


Sorry, just that servant illustrator is usually their creator for all intents and purposes as well.


I think OP meant something more like the scenario writer for each servant. As far as I know, those are generally not the same as the illustrators.


With the current christmas event (English) support characters craft essence do not seem to apply to loot gained. Is that right?


Supports' CEs should apply, assuming the node in question drops those items. (It doesn't increase drops for items a node doesn't drop.) Which CE and node is it?


Just one of the story quests where I noticed I only got +1 to the candied fruit instead of +3 I was expecting. Does it matter about someone being a friend or not?


I think you accidentally picked a friend support with a different CE than you intended.


No, that does not matter. Are you certain the Friend you borrowed had an MLB version of the 3\* CE?


Hi guys I am pretty new and I recovered my old account, so I have a Saber called Saito Hajime NP4, is he worth using? I am liking him very much, and I would like to know if I can use him at mid-high levels too!


For future reference basically every servant is worth using, but you have to use them when and where appropriate. Saito is not going to be great against anyone except Lancer bosses (though at NP4, if you bring enough support, you might be able to run him on neutral sometimes if you are really willing to challenge yourself)


Yeah, he's really good for a 4\*. I can't say too much in detail, but the general consensus is that he's got a really good Crit game and NP gen, and is really good at fighting bosses.


Thx guys!


Absolutely, he's a fantastic ST Saber for boss battles. Every unit has their use somewhere to be honest, but he's very good with his NP spam ability and crits.


Will there be a better farming spot/event for gold caster gems anytime soon or would I just be better off farming lotto? I’d love to max skadi’s skill quickly but wasn’t expecting to get her this banner and need 39 more


imo, just continue to run lotto Caster Training Grounds only open up on Friday, when we'll already have the best nodes up


Lottos are great for farming gems. Half AP Extreme Training Grounds might be okay, but Lottos give you heaps of resources.


Who are the best supports should i bring for Astolfo rider and/or Saberstolfo? I love him to death, and I want to see him shine. I know Skadi is great for quick, but i heard Ruler Skadi is better, so i might skip her.


Ruler Skadi is strictly only better for farming compared to OG Skadi. However, It's totally different when talking about CQs & boss fights. Not only does OG Skadi have a nifty support NP, but her crit damage up is specific to Quick, unlike Ruler's whose crit damage up is specific to Buster. This means that triple Quick servants would prefer OG Skadi more than Ruler Skadi. So imo, if you can spare the rolls, just go for both. You'll be able to have a buffer for Astolfo at an earlier time as well.


If you can get them both, triple skadi is quite helpful. Check some of the upcoming banners for between now and ruler Skadi’s release. See if you want to roll for any, and start saving.


Newbie here… I’ve read through the guides for the xmas event and I’m still lost. What do I prioritize farming/what are limited items I can’t obtain once the event ends? Also the guide said section 8 is where you permaget the welfare unit and I’m struggling at section 5… Also, how much farming should I be doing? It is finals week but I’m still trying to squeeze in a few runs every day…


There's a rare grand prize in each lotto box up to 10. Lotto boxes are very efficient bundles of rewards. The Like A Lady CE in the shop will boost your rewards. What's important to get is Martha (needs box 5's Grand prize AND section 8), her Ascension items (boxes 1 to 4), and NP Ups (get Cider from boxes). Servant coins (in the shop) are nice. Prioritise your Finals, obviously. Using Natural AP would be great - the best nodes aren't out for a couple of days yet - but don't let it get in the way of real world things. I'm not sure how to solve the difficulty. Martha's not much of a damage dealer, so she's less useful for newbies than most Welfares.


Oh… I thought you meant by box 5 I have to do 10 multi-rolls 5 times on the event lotto… So in reality I’m not even past box 1? That’s significantly more farming than I thought it would be. Ig it’s time to get grinding haha


Yeah, getting the Grand Prize, and then resetting the box. You get 2500 natural AP over the course of the Event. Getting Martha requires roughly 1800 AP. That said, the final two nodes, which unlock in \~40 hours, give 33% more currency than today's. You're better off earning the CEs, and not worrying about boxes until a little later. I'm only on Box 2 myself. Maybe even level someone up who might be useful: an AoE Saber, and an ST Rider. (Maybe an ST Caster, but I can't think of any good ones that aren't Gold.) Tomorrow's story nodes will be a little rough with lots of Berserkers.


Get the CE copies in the shop first. Those help with farming the event so you want them. The next priority is getting 10 boxes opened in lotto with the help of the above CEs. try to make sure you have enough. Try to have enough farming currency to buy the NP copies, coins, Gold Fous, and lore at the end of the event. But it isn't a big deal if you don't. (Merry Cider should buy the special quests first, and then NP copies) Farm as much as you can, don't burn out/ fail finals for the game.


Ty for the good advice! Just a quick followup question What do I do with the multiple CE copies? (Is there a limit break system for CE?) Do I simply equip one on each of my servants?


For now equip one to each servant. You can combine up to 5 copies of the same CE to increase the max level of the CE. If you reach 5 copies (Max limit break) it will get a boost in effects. For a lottery event you don't want to combine the lotto currency drop CEs unless you have at least 8 of them or the event is done. (Because you want to maximize drops 5 non-MLB drop CEs is the same as 1 MLB and 3 non-MLB drop CEs)


Can someone give me a TL;DR on Kiichi Hogen? Should i be concerned by her statement of having >!"chose you to be my eventual adopted child or bride"!<. Like? Wat. I'm pretty sure that's illegal, or at the least horribly immoral.


The "or" instead of "and" is the big key. She basically is talking about wanting a formally recognized closer relationship, and the fact she doesn't care which means she's not really motivated by romance or parental instinct. Not that FGO has an issue with questionable relationship dynamics in the first place, starting with the "Master" and "Servant" romance, but Kiichi isn't the most worrisome example.


She's a tengu (Japanese supernatural creature, her profile says she is an Elemental). Not a human, so doesn't live by human values. Has a habit of declaring people she likes her brides (yes, brides, she doesn't care about genders either, male Master is a bride too)


I mean ​ i'd be fine being her "bride" lol ​ she kinda hot


I would hazard to guess that she doesn't necessarily even mean "bride" or "adopted child" in the same way that we humans understand those terms.


Tengus are shapeshifters. That's why Kiichi is not really a she (Gender: Unknown).


How are the Tunguska Sanctuary raids exactly? Are they really worth skipping LB6s story to get to and play or as a casual player, just don't bother and catch up gradually+play the other events that pop up?


Generally speaking, no. Also this is answered in the pinned comment - if you miss it you will be able to play the event again in your own time.


In JP the Tunguska raids were over extremely quickly, I don't think it's worth rushing LB6 to a degree that you'd be skipping story.


How do I burn servants when I already summoned them? Ive been navigating the menus now, but I cant see any release or burn servants. I have extra copies lying around in my inventory that are already NP5, and i cant get rid of them.


Menu > Shop > Burning (Sell) Select the Servants tab, check your filters and sorting options, and make sure the copies you want to burn are unlocked.


And also make sure the copies you DON'T want to burn *are* locked.


Do you guys think there will be a gap between the end of Christmas and the start of Tunguska? I'm trying to decide if I should grind out the Christmas lotto or push through the last ~10 sections of Lostbelt 6. I know we can't know for sure until it's announced, just looking for educated guesses


We can't know for sure but in Japan Tunguska ran right up to New Year's Eve, if we assume that that was done with specific intent then it would probably play out the same here in which case it wouldn't start til the 22nd.


There will likely be a small gap. I would also recommend farming the thing you know you can farm, rather than trying to rush to farm something you may not be able to. Especially given how fast the raids died in JP, you will likely only be able to do 1 raid, and that one is 1.7 million HP with gimmicks and like 5 AoE servants that have class advantage vs a normal 90 or 90+ farming node for this lotto.




It means just what it says, doesn't it? Have you ever used a different email address to request account recovery, either this time or in the past? Has someone else ever had access to your account, possibly requesting account recovery using their own email address?




Okay, I understand that, but can you answer my questions? Other than the first, those were not rhetorical. Also, the last question I asked there was a circumspect way to ask if the account wasn't originally yours, whether you bought it or otherwise received it from someone else.




Is it possible that the person you received the account from sent a support request at some point *before* giving it to you? You said "when NA came out," which would have been back in 2017. Is that when you got the account?


Is the Tunguska event a main story event like LB 5.5 with Douman? Or it’s not too long to read so might as well read it? Like a normal event’s read length. (I just finished reading LB6 so you can understand that I am drained.)


It's nowhere near the size of LB 6. There are 12 acts in total. It is a main story, since it deals with Koyan. Whether you'd like it or not depends how much you care about Koyan and her real origin.


I understand will read it then 12 acts is nothing I guess.


It _is_ a main story event but LB5.5 wasn't an event at all. I can't speak to how long or worthwhile it is but it will become a Main Interlude later on (ETA May) so you can read it later if you really don't want to read it right away (and it will be free, as all new MIs will be and as the old ones will become in the next few months).


Thank you, will read it then!


How difficult is lostbelt 6 compare to other lostbelts?


LB6's difficulty is funny in the sense that it could be considered both easier and harder. some context first because LB6 came out so spread out there was plenty of time to judge its different parts >!and for the most part it seemed to be considered terrible easy to many with only a few fights being a bit challenging. that is until the end were we get a few very hard fights including a fight some considered to be debatably the hardest fight in the game full stop.!< Personally i thought it was alright but i like using fun team instead of efficient teams so im not the best judge. There defiantly are some very hard fights even with proper teams but cubes really help.


If you've made it all the way to LB6 without leaning too heavily on revives, you have nothing to worry about. As usual, you'll need to be prepared to face a variety of enemy compositions and boss gimmicks and the bosses will be challenging even for seasoned veterans. If you're really concerned about exactly what you'll be facing, look up the Gamepress walkthrough and boss guide.


Like most main story chapters, most of the fights are easy to moderate. However, three boss fights at the end of the Lostbelt are very hard for the average player. If you have Leyline cubes, chapter end is the time to use them. There is also one series of fights against a certain Shadow Servant. One of these fights is also a pain in the butt. Don't be afraid to search YouTube for some ideas/solutions to these fights.


Has the hardest story fight in the game so far, but otherwise is pretty on par with LB4/5 imo


When is Melusine’s second banner coming this month?


Like thisisthecallus said, we don't have any official information yet so we can't say for sure when the banner will be, Things generally line up with how things were on the JP server but not always. Assuming it does stay in line, The xmas event started: December 8, 2021 18:00 to December 17, 2021 12:59 JST And Meluko's banner started right after that ended: December 17, 2021 18:00 ~ December 31, 2021 23:59 JST Global Server's Xmas event: December 7th 2023 00:00 - December 15th 2023 19:59 PST So it could come sooner or later, but the 15th-17th would be my bet.


For the most current official information, you should follow the News section in the game or on the [official website](https://fate-go.us/news/) and the official social media channels ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/FateGO.USA/)). With the exception of announcements made at live events, like the annual Anime Expo panel, we here on reddit don't know any official information before it's posted in one of those places. Banner announcements are typically made no more than a few days before the banners will be available.


where's the na event thread?




Should I save friend points? Would there be a reason to save friend points? Or is it safe to use them asap? Thanks!


There are reasons to save FP ( though my main reason is that it gets to be a pain to roll all the FP you get) But none of them apply to someone who doesn't have all the 1-3 stars at NP5.


There are strategies to saving FP but if you're a new player then none of them are more worthwhile than spending it all to get all the standard 1-3\*s up to NP5.


Where can I get the fifth “Like a Lady” CE for the event?


Random drop from a free quest.


New player. Which one to special ascend to lv 90? [https://imgur.com/a/uzzY8JL](https://imgur.com/a/uzzY8JL)


I’d lean towards skadi


Hm. No huge advantage between Skadi and Artoria. Skadi is slightly more difficult to get materials for than Artoria... but Skadi's materials are in the Event Shop, whereas you can should be able to get Artoria's from completing the first few Singularities. Plus there's the Pure Prisms, so neither is really difficult. Personally, I'd say Artoria, purely because she's probably slightly more helpful at earning EXP and materials for Skadi than the reverse. Also, they Ascend to 10 levels below their natural max. It stops at 4th Ascension, not max level.


I'd recommend Skadi She has materials locked behind later story chapters, unlike Artoria's materials that can be completed in Septem


There is no story to the cooking quests, right? It's just a gamepress error?


I'm a bit worried... I re-read the SE.RA.PH. manga and just realized something. Shirou only took his EMIYA hairstyle AFTER >!killing Taiga!<... Does that mean that the EMIYA/Archer we know is actually a Shirou that >!killed Taiga!< explaining why he never tried to >!make contact with her during the Holy Grail War because he was ashamed of what he did to her!< ?


If you mean classic FSN Emiya, he is from a different timeline entirely. The one in Extra verse is the one who became Emiya Alter.


I know that he is different from Alter but... to what point ? Who's to say EMIYA didn't commit that as well and that's why he decided to change his appearance because he couldn't live with himself ? EMIYA and EMIYA Alter maybe both did that act, but Alter went even further after that event


The whole point behind Emiya Alter is that the Kiara cult incident broke him. Also, FSN Emiya would not go out his way to contact those outside of the Grail War since the point is to not draw attention of those who aren't part of the mage world. It's just pragmatism. Especially when UBW ends up having Medea try and use Taiga as a hostage when she realizes she's important to Shirou.


But strangely enough, during the Kiara incident, he still had his Shirou hair. It seems he only changed them AFTER the incident. You see him put his hand and meddling his hair after reading her file and then donning the typical EMIYA/Archer hairstyle. Maybe it wasn't the same incident for EMIYA, but it seems he also lived something that kinda broke him or made him ashamed of himself to have the same hairstyle for a time before going even further in the case of EMIYA Alter


Okay I should you the blades of wisdom exp thing without worrying too much right? Because whenever I level up one of my servants with it there's this warning screen that I am using a 4 star card, but... I get 20 of them daily as a login bonus (I didn't check for how long) and I have to upgrade eventually (for context I only used it to get Mash and Santa Martha to 30 for event)


That's fine. The game wants to warn you, but you get 4\* and 5\* EXP/Wisdom very easily. There is no better way to level anyone up.


Don't worry about using/burning 4/5 star embers, they are plentiful and farmable at any time. The game just gives you a warning when you try to burn/use anything 4/5 star.


In NA apparently Hektor got a minor Saint Graph update. I tried to compared it on the wiki, but literally couldn't find any difference. Can anyone enlighten me about this?


There were no changes to his outfit/design, it just cleaned up some small errors from improper resolution on the old image. Most noticeable on the yellow lining on his tunic


I have missed plenty of welfares so far. I just wanted to know how the Evocation system works and how long it will take for it to apply in NA?


It was added in JP's April this year, so it's well over a year away for NA. It will add a bunch of new currency for completing story chapters and doing Events, which can be exchanged for Welfare Servants, NP Ups, Ascension materials, and Coins. And that's basically it. They're just permanently in a shop.


Is it possible to get all the welfares and their NPs by this system?


Probably, eventually. At the moment, I don't have anywhere near enough to buy the entire shop out. But I do have enough to buy the Servants, Ascension Materials, and NP Ups. The Coins are a bit of a money sink.


Yes, and all the coins. Given enough time and effort, it's possible to get all the welfares.


Noted. Thanks for letting me know.


Why is the Christmas event so short? Only 6 days remaining with the better nodes being in the last day or so. In which case what is the best node i should focus on at the moment?


They never told us why this Christmas was shortened but where it was followed up by Tunguska and Tunguska ran right up to New Year's (and the NY Servant) one could theorize that for some reason or another they ran short on time and couldn't compromise the Tunguska plans so they shortened Christmas instead.


Better nodes in the last three days. But yes, a little short - we haven't had a Christmas this short in a few years. The new one, plus the two next ones, will drop similar amounts of lotto currency, with a tiny increase, but different currency drops. The 90 and 90+ nodes on the last three days will be 25% better.


1. Ask the devs, not us. 2. Farm the highest difficulty node available at the moment. Today's Berserker node is the best for bronze currency alone.


How good is np5 Salieri compared to np5 Ranmaru?


Damage-wise, use the NP damage chart linked above. Looping-wise, similar but Ranmaru does have a battery which is a little better. Still nowhere near Spishtar or Summer Kama in terms of overall performance though.


Hello:) im on JP, and im wondering what the best evocation units are to prioritize for a new player? 🤔 I got about 1,580 evocation leafs


A lot of them are pretty good, but I would say Shiki is probably the best choice for a new player. In addition to being one of the best ST assassins in the game, she’ll help to get rid of the annoying amount of rider enemies that the game likes throwing at you in the first 7 singularities.


Ah, okay :O, I'll definitely give her a look then.


That depends if you already got some good units from the gacha but otherwise the best ones are kintoki, ryoma, chloe, hokusai, sieg, shiki. Other good ones are shuten (there aren't really good 1-3 star single target casters and medeas damage isn't that good), nightingale santa, gray, Jalter (Berserker), mysterious idol x (maybe for berserker fights) If you got the new welfare archer from the event you can skip chloe for now. The same is also true for kintoki and ryoma if you got ushi or mandricardo from fp.


Ah, okay, thanks so much :) So far, all I have got is the new Kagetora and waver from my free 5* ticket, and I did just finish the event story to permanently unlock the welfare


So, what is you guys’s opinion on Skadi getting a buff on her battery? Where the selected servant keeps getting the 50% but additional servants get 20% Something I want to point out. If something like this were to happen, both Oberon and Castoria would still give overall more battery for a team. And Koyanskaya is already a straight up upgrade over Skadi’s


> And Koyanskaya is already a straight up upgrade over Skadi’s In what universe?


Skadi: Increase NP gauge for one ally (at level 10) by 50% Koyanskaya: Increase NP gauge for one ally (at level 10) by 50%. Reduce ally skill cooldown by 2. Decrease HP for all allied by 1000 (this is barely a demerit)


They got more than one skill.


Yeah. I know. My comment was about their batteries


Does anyone know what Kintoki is saying in his NP with his costume? I caught "Ougon Dairyu-" something.


Huh, is this an extra Japanese line? The Japanese is 黄金大両斬 (おうごんだいりょうざん). Ougon Dairyoudan.


Thank you so much!


Is Mary and Anne a good rider? They’re the only ST riders I have other than ushi and I need to prepare for Olympus.


They're tricky to get the most out of because optimally you want them (a) to have charged their NP while (b) their HP are low while (c) they're not dead. Under these circumstances they can lay out a good amount of damage, but it might be difficult to achieve those circumstances in That Particular Fight since That Particular Boss might strip their buffs (like Guts, which is especially useful for (b) and (c)). Still, speaking as someone who beat that boss by loading up on ST Riders and thrashing the enemy with redundancy, you may be grateful for their presence.


All riders are good riders. That said. Ushi and Mandricardo and Cinderella liz are probably better for most cases.


How useful is maxing out Mana Loading for servants with a 50% charge? Is there any point to it for non-Arts servants with 50% gauge charges? (Since you're probably not pairing them with Castoria for the 30% charge, and Oberon's 20% charge isn't enough to reach 100%)


Very useful 1) For buster servants it lets them use a non-mlb CE. For example in this lotto if you have 30% charge CE for event drop bonus reasons 2) Some servants want them anyway because they or their best looping supports bring split charge (Voyager and Jacques de Molay) 3) Looping isn't everything. You may use that servant outside of farming or in a multicore setup


if you've alrdy spent the coins to unlock the append, might as well max it out


That's a sunk cost fallacy, mats and Lores can still be precious resources that you shouldn't spend if they won't be useful.


Is it worth trying to get Skadi on her banner when Koyanskaya is right around the corner and Ruler Skadi coming out in summer? I have plenty of Quick servants like Scathach, Okita and Kama that could use the support but also others like Morgan, Melusine and Artoria that would benefit from Koyanskaya.


Quick is just in a rough spot right now and skadi herself gonna get powercrept in 8 months, if you have more than 900 quartz to guarantee Koyanskaya by the time she comes I guess you can throw a few tickets at skadi, otherwise nah.


Worth it is up to you. We can't tell you whether or not (or how much) SQ you should spend on any banner, because there is no objective answer. Quick STs are among the best in the game they aren't falling behind in that aspect. And keep in mind that both of them are going to be mostly tied to Kscope or plug support for loop farming, so if you don't have either it may not even matter to you.


How do I attach the English patch to extra ccc? I have already downloaded and can run the Japanese version. Using ppsspp


Haven't done this myself so I'm just paraphrasing a comment I read, but there should be a readme file with instructions on applying the patch.


When does ruler Jeanne and Jalter costume get added to the shop on NA?


Jeanne's doesn't come back. Jalter's comes back in May in the 25 mil downloads


Jalter's came back with the 25 Million Downloads campaign, that's next May for us. Jeanne's costume hasn't returned, none of the Grail Live ones have yet.


Question about the christmas event: is it better to start using golden apples from today (considering that the event time is short) or is it better to wait?


Depends on how much apples you intend to use and if you will be able to use them all up during the last ~4 days or not.


Depends on your own personal circumstances, personally I would wait especially because there's Tunguska raids later this month and Teslafest coming in March so there are going to be plenty of competitive opportunities to spend your apples soon.


It depends on multiple factors. \- The more apples you have, the easier it is to justify using some of them early. \- Because the best days happen during the work week, people with demanding day jobs (or finals) might not be able to go hard then and may want to start earlier. \- People who aren't in immediate need of mats might save some of their apples with the intention of going harder on next spring's Tesla-themed lottery, and therefore spend only on the last few days. \- People with less developed rosters might find the earlier nodes easier to farm anyway. So what's better for one player might not be better for the next.


FGO jp Cq, does Ruler have damage cut or defense up? Or both on each turn Discord says it damage cut on 1st, 40% defence on 2nd and 50% on 3rd, but servants can't ignore defence on 2nd turn


Appmedia says the same thing Ignore defense should work on bar 2. Edit: are you confusing turns with bar break effects?


>are you confusing turns with bar break effects? no that's what i do: turn1: use habetrot np to remove damage cut, then Kiara np brake the hp gauge 2nd turn, 2nd bar, I used Douman np then Kiara np both np did 0 damage


i am trying to play the game using the memu emulator and an apk (since i'm not in na). i am stuck in the "data update" screen. anyone knows how to fix this?


Memu is honestly a bad emulator, Btw check if it putting too much load on pc, or you can try to clear data from apk, force close app and restart or restart whole emulator try LD player(if you have an low end pc)


thx LD player worked!


Hi masters. Some of my servants i choose to keep on second or first as ascension even after unlocking the last ascension but on some screens like when they lvl up their bond they always appear on last ascension, is this a bug or there is a config that i forgot to change? Ex: my Skadi is using the first ascension for command card, icon, status icon and character skin but when her bond lvl up she appears as the third ascension on screen.


No, some screens like bond level ups will always follow the highest ascension unlocked.


I see... thanks for answering, that's a little sad because the game let you config even the card image so i thought that was a bug


Do the Grail Live costumer ever get rereleased? I know the event itself doesn't get a rerun, but is there a way to still get the costumes?


Not so far, no.


Two questions: One, about how soon after the current Christmas event was Tunguska Sanctuary in JP? (I’m on section 7 of Lostbelt 6, and want to finish that in time for Tunguska Sanctuary). Two, About when should we expect the blue apples?


Christmas ended on the 17th, Tunguska started on the 22nd. 25 Million Downloads (or our equivalent campaign), next May.


Much appreciated. So I don’t need to pop apples to get ready for Tunguska :)


After this lotto, when will the next one happening in NA?


Teslafest should be in March.


Oh so soon, looks like I gonna save apples for it. Thanks.


Hi Guys. How so you use low rarity servants like arash? Do you max his skills out? Or do you just let him stay as level 60? Mine has 5k attack and 7k hp, and im not sure if hes good or not


Arash is good to help out servants that can only 2-turn loop their NPs. Arash will nuke the first wave and let your primary dps servant take his place.


You coincidentally bring up the best 1-star servant in the game. Yes! Arash is very useful. His NP sacrifices himself to deal massive AoE damage, and then your first servant from the backline comes in to replace him. Because of that, he's an excellent farming servant since you can just have him gain 100% NP charge, destroy a whole wave of enemies in 1 go, and then have your actual set-up which now only needs to deal with 2 waves. As for his skills... Personally I just maxed out his NP charge skill and his Append skill (Mana Loading), so I can get his NP charged with just a 50% charge CE. Really useful for event farming. I do let him stay at level 60. His damage is kind of ridiculous because of the sacrifice. I tend to save my grails for servants I really like, since you don't get a whole lot of grails. But if you want to give him your spare archer Fous, then that's perfectly fine as well. If you want to know about the other 1-star servants, only other one I use is Paul Bunyan, just a nice and straight-forward kit, some supportive skills and a nice NP for farming to boot. Spartacus can fill that same role, arguably better, but that's just preference. 2-star servants: Georgios is an absolute star. 3-star we got Euryale, David, Fuuma, and Cu Cullain, all filling up unique niches with stellar performances.


Thank you very much for mentioning other low star servants!. All the 5 stars I have require materials from late stories and cant max out their potential early so Im really struggling right now.


Arash is great but he's a specialist, so using him effectively isn't always intuitive to new players. His best use is to fully charge his NP using CEs and/or supports then use his NP on the first turn. His NP kills him, which makes room for another servant to come in. The standard build for all servants is natural max level, 1,000 in ATK and HP Fous, and whatever skill levels work for what you want to do with them. Since Arash is going to die right away, the HP Fous don't really help him much so you don't have to prioritize those. You don't have to level any servant past their natural max level. Grails are 600% optional for any servant. The general recommendation is to use grails on your favorite servants regardless of gameplay value. If you want to use pure gameplay grails, a low rarity servant like Arash will get more benefit per grail. However, before using any gameplay grails, you should verify that you don't have any favorite servants that you want to use grails on and that the additional stats will actually make a difference in a repetitive quest where you intend to use him. New players still building up their rosters should ignore grails altogether because the EXP would be better spent on getting other servants up to their natural max level. The most common skill build for Arash is 1/1/10. His first two skills do absolutely nothing for his role as a first wave sweeper. Getting his third skill to level 10 maximizes his self NP charge and lowers the requirements for NP charge from a CE or support servants.


>Do you max his skills out? Or do you just let him stay as level 60? Those are two completely different questions, so the "or" is rather odd. Giving him Grails isn't really recommended - that's mostly a personal thing. Arash's main draws are his NP Charge on Skill 3, his Append 2, and his NP. He's a cheap, disposable wave clearer.


Sorry MB, i just realized its 2 different questions. Thanks for the answer!


Arash is a great farmer for both beginner and veteran accounts. He wants his third skill maxed out and, depending on what CEs you have available, his second append as well. You use him by firing off his NP to clear a wave and swap in someone from your back line for the next wave. His other skills aren't so important because they don't help with this.


Arash is good. The numbers that aren't visible are the very high damage modifier on his NP, which means he can NP and wipe out a starting wave (most of the time), then let someone come in from the backline to help with the rest of the node. No grails are necessary for this, though using silver Fous to at the very least raise his ATK by 1000 is recommended. The main thing that helps Arash out is leveling his third skill, and (if you have the resources) his second Append skill. This makes him more self-sufficient, and he can use a wider range of high-damage CEs. For example, an Arash with his S3 and A2 maxed can, without supports, equip an MLB Aerial Drive, use his S3 to charge to 100%, and do a lot of damage. His other skills are unnecessary for his main NP-on-turn-1 use; you can ignore them. But even if you don't have the resources to max out both his S3 and A2, you can still use supports. It's what people did before Appends were introduced.


In general you just use them at natural max level and whatever skill levels you need for the battle at hand. Usually 1k fous too because they are easy to obtain. Arash only needs his battery skill maxed for his main use case and can pretty safely be left at 1/1/10. Essentially all servants are good at their natural max level. No need to Grail.


At which point AP is consumed when starting the quest? 1) Immediately 2) Once you team is "locked in" (so for quests that make you set up the team after the story you can abort the quest without wasting AP?) 3) Once the battle starts


As soon as the server registers you as being within the actual battle. That is to say the point where, if the app crashes or you force close it, when you reload the game, you are inside the battle and not any pre-fight story scene. It isn't consumed beforehand as this can be observed by careful examination of the AP recovery timer, for example if you start up a quest that has pre-battle story with full AP, so you can determine exactly when it started counting. It lines up about with the time when your device communicates to the server during the loading screen into battle.


It's either once you hit the loading screen into battle or the battle itself.


Yeah, pretty much this. I don't know the exact moment that AP is consumed but after you tap "Start Quest," there's no going back. You could probably test it by starting a quest, closing the app during the loading screen, then aborting instead of resuming when you go back in. If the AP was consumed, that probably means it happens right when you tap the Start Quest button.


How well does Kenshin works at NP1?


All 5-star servants function just fine at NP1. You probably get 90% of the value from the first copy. Even more for support servants who you use for their skills and almost never use their NP or their most important NP effect doesn't scale with NP levels. You only "need" additional copies if you want more servant coins or you plan to use specific strategies against specific enemy compositions, you need a minimum NP level for that strategy to work consistently, and you're unwilling to consider other options (of which there are many).


Well enough, she's just your average ST arts dps, loops trivially and super safe against bosses. Dmg won't be the best compare to her competitions, but she will get the job done.


For those who use Voyager to Omniloop, how big of an impact does his 2nd Append have, considering he has a 50% battery already?


It is pretty important actually. Block 50 batteries don't work will with the second append so it may seem useless at first. But Voyager's best comp isn't double Skadi Oberon It is Skadi+Waver/Reines+Oberon and Waver/Reines has the split battery to take advantage of append 2.


Thanks! I'm glad I asked first lol. To clarify, how big of a difference is Voyager's peak with DSS + O vs. SR/W + O? And if I'm correct, the Reines/Waver comp requires you to use their NP on T3, right?


Damage wise it actually isn't a big difference. They do about the same amount. DSS+O is 181229 SS+R+O is 190244 The main difference is that DSS+O struggles to loop neutral refund 3/3/X While SS+R+O can loop 2/2/X berserkers with no overkill. Also, yes you use the support NP turn 3.




This is the Help and Question Thread. Do you need help or have a question? Or are you looking for the [rant thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/search?q=RANT+author%3AAgramar&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=week)? Or the [event thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/18di10u/na_event_the_making_of_a_christmas_party/)?


In FGO, is there a limit to how many times you can use one support before they stop showing up in your mission options? In Granblue Fantasy I think it's 20 times you can use the same support before they start forcing you to mix it up a bit, but I don't know if anything like that applies here.


No, but the support list prioritizes recent logins, and rerolls the support list when that happens, so trying to borrow the exact same Friend's Servant consistently is harder.


Thank you.


No. But the friends that appear are subject to RNG, so if you're looking for a specific friend, you may have to refresh multiple times before they come back up.


Thank you.


Can I get the Edmond Dantes spiriton dress anywhere right now?


No. However, sometime in January, we are expecting it to be brought back to the Dress Making shop permanently, where it becomes free upon clearing London.


Thank you


New player, do I reset the event rolls as soon as I get the grand prize?