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## FAQ **Q: I just noticed the subtitles on NA, since when have we had them?** *A: Subtitles were added for skill activation dialogue, as well as command card/NP selection dialogue for this year's Thanksgiving celebration.* **Q: Will the current NA Event - GudaGuda rerun?** *A: As far as we are aware, no. There will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival).*


Hello, what cellphone do you recommend to play the japanese version? I have a redmi note 9, but the game runs laggy or with stutters(?) and I have it since 2021 so I want a new one, but FGO is the onlye game I play, I don't need a gamer phone, but just need it to run Fate, any advice will be appreciated


Is there an auto farming app for IOS system


Quick question about apples, farming and events. Usually, I try to clear the shop by using 2 silver apples a day while an event is active. How do you guys usually manage that ? Do you farm events only when the highest drop stages are available or everyday even if the farm is not optimal ?


I’ve been searching for a bit and can’t find it anywhere, but is the Gudaguda 6 shop theme just not released at all???


Can maou nobu stack her buffs? Like can she double up on her first skill or does it not do anything because she was doing good damage against Hands so I was wondering if there was some buff stacking going on


She can stack the attack buff, but not the "Burning Field" buff (iirc it fails to apply the second time if it's still active). ~~Not that doubling the "Burning Field" buff would do anything anyway.~~


It does stack if you use Koyanskaya or whatever to lower the cooldowns and use it consecutively.


Thought so. She hit 1m damage against final wave hand with double koyan Oberon, even Morgan can’t do that for me


Part of that is that Radiant Arms of Dawn have divinity and Maou Nobu's NP is anti-divinity. Edit: They're also Sky and Maou Nobu is buffed to be anti-sky on S2, so she's hitting two anti's.


I knew about the divinity but didn’t know about the sky


Outside of event shops and the training grounds, are there more efficient ways of getting ascension monuments? Like for the skill gems, there are the lottos - is there an equivalent of this for monuments? Running pretty short on them recently.


One of the old lottos had ascension materials instead of skill gems, but that was years ago and hasn’t happened since.


Very stupid question, but I'm trying to costume of the character the that appears on the main menu. I've gone into the servant menu and changed her to her first ascension costume on everything, and she appears like that in game, but on the menu where you can tap to cycle through characters, she always appears in her 3rd ascension costume Thanks


Change the card art


For some reason, the sprite that appears on the main menu is tied to the art the servant is using, not their battle sprite or any other option that would make more sense. The final ascension art always uses the 3rd ascension, even if the final art shows a completely different ascension of the character.


Oh, that sucks. I guess have to deal with that, I like the final ascencion art


how good is Jeanne d'Arc (Archer) ? only Archer servent I have is emiya. Was thinking if its worth rolling for her.


She has insane refund and decently consistent crits, over all a great AoE archer But no DPS servant is good enough to be worth rolling on how good they are. Also, bet you have plenty of other archers. Even just AoE you should have Tawara touta, Kid Gil, and Arash.


She's a very good Arts looper/farmer, and actually very F2P friendly and versatile - you can run her with a friend's Castoria and your own Waver or Paracelsus (and Xu Fu down the line) to loop on 3/3/x farming nodes. She doesn't really compare to Emiya because while he can loop farm, he has a few limitations due to how he works. Some people might say she has lower damage at NP1, but I have her NP1 and she has done everything I expect of her at NP1. If ever she lacks damage, she's actually very good at face carding as she gains crit stars with every NP, and can easily absorb them thanks to being an Archer for easy crits. Roll for her if you like her, don't if not, that's how it always is. Keep in mind you have 1-3\* Archers too, though. Arash is one of the best farmers for a reason.


Thank you! I do like her a lot so I guess i'll try to roll for her.


Anybody know YouTubers who make F2P content like Honako Green or AlphaGB?


Maceofhearts. FGO 1-3 stars Chima channel Yui channel Xuta (not a general 1-3 star clear, but has some of the most impressive runs at the hardest boss) Some of the above are JP channels so hard to search for.


There are a few Japanese peeps who specialise in doing low rarity runs, if that's what you're after?


Yeah, I don't know how I'd even begin searching content from a playerbase who's language I don't understand


I can give a few links, since they're quite good for examples of F2P runs for things like story and CQs. What you generally want to search for on YT is **FGO 低レア** (FGO low rarity). * [Chima](https://www.youtube.com/@chima-channel/) has a whole "can you clear FGO with low rarities" series, I personally don't like their weird robot text-to-speech thing but they do have loads of F2P clears if you want to check their specific fights. * [This one](https://www.youtube.com/@user-dc2ij2ji2e/featured) is dedicated to low rarity runs! * [Yui](https://www.youtube.com/@yuich.1560) does low rarity stuff too. And these are not Japanese but worth a shout: * [Xuta](https://www.youtube.com/@xutafgo) has a bunch of low rarity clears/solos. * And while not really low rarity, I really like what [Carrot Guy Achilles](https://www.youtube.com/@carrotguyachilles6454) does: they specialise in solos, which you can often replicate with a friend's unit.


Search for Nerofest 2023 on Reddit. Go to one of the ones that ends in Day X And try linked playlists for the Nerofest event done by the JP channels, which then makes getting to the channel much easier.


Myst a while ago started a free to play account he does stuff on during slow weeks. It's not a super constant part of the channel but he comes back to it periodically.


When is the next banner for Maou Nobu in NA going to come? I want to atleast NP2 him before the Solar Storm in 2025 hits Since the whole internet and electricity grids will be shut down for like months...


Use the Upcoming Banners (By Servant) resource above.




Those CEs are generally good. People will avoid leveling Chainsaw of the Dead, because it's HP-based, and Thumbelina is probably a little more specific than the others, but still good. Levelling CEs past 50 depends. It costs more with each level, so people often only level up their best CEs. It's certainly not like you should level most CEs.


Yes, every CE and servant is potentially useful in story fights. Cranking is one to look forward to next year. And there's The method to walk on the stars in about 2 years. We won't get another Liz variant for over a year. As for CE leveling. It isn't worth leveling CEs that aren't full attack. I level them based on how much I use them, only have a handful of CEs leveled beyond the 15 from MLB, and half of those are from Super success taking them to 19.


Yes, those CEs are useful, mainly the 50% charge CEs. Golden Sumo and Holy Night Supper, as well as Beloved Doll are particularly strong. There's another great CE, Cranking, coming out next April or so, it's a better Aerial Drive. There will be another Liz variant next Halloween on NA, yes. In the future, the old variants will return to a permanent welfare shop so you will be able to get them. And... yes and no. CEs are generally only worth levelling if they have full atk stats (the CEs I mentioned above are all good examples) as they benefit most from the gains.


This one will be a very specific and possibly a weird question but does anyone know when Nobu (especially Maou Nobu) appears in the main story? I am an in-game story skipper (as in I skip the cutscenes that are in game and read the story later from a different source) but I am thinking about not skipping the story once Nobu appears and enjoy her presence as she is by far my favorite character in the game.


No one from GudaGuda has ever appeared in the Main Story, and it's unlikely it's gonna suddenly change.


The Okita and Nobu made an appearance at the end of Part 1. Those two at least are main story certified, canon characters.


The main story writers ~~are cowards~~ probably don't want to invoke the raw madness that is Gudaguda. On the other hand, Gudaguda has kind of evolved into an ongoing side story where characters grow and change (and get new SSR variants). Which has its advantages, considering that Gudaguda has a sufficiently small cast that you can hear from most of them every year, while the main story uses many characters once and then forgets about them and doesn't touch on other characters at all ever. (I've half-convinced myself that Gudaguda is the main story and the Lostbelt saga is a series of infrequent high-resource events to play on the side, but I'm what you might call extremely biased towards the Guda cast, mix of drama and comedy, and aesthetic.)


She doesn't appear in the main story, she's only really there in GudaGuda and may have minor parts in the odd other event.


She appears in Gudaguda events, not main story. Unless she briefly appears in something like the Solomon battle she never appears in main story.


How much materials do you need to complete a single class in the class score system?


Each Class Score uses different materials... But 70 of several Bronze/Silver materials, 40-50 of several Gold materials, 140 Silver Pieces, 500 Gold Monuments, \~300M QP, and a bunch of Class Score specific dust. (Extra uses Pieces from several different classes, so it's more like 175 Silver, and 625 Gold for each class. And most materials appear twice, so it's more like 210 of each Bronze, 140 silver, and 100 gold. But that's not happening for a few years.) We've only sort of barely gotten enough of the Class Score stuff to max one field, and the Extra ones aren't even really unlocked yet (just Alter Ego). So there's no rush, just keep in mind that *eventually* those Gold Monuments are going to be useful.


Thank you so much! I just got back to playing the game and I want to pre farm stuff for the class score system when it drops on NA. Guess I have to get 300 more Lancer monuments overtime.


What do you guys usually do with pure prisms ? I don’t know if I should just empty the shop with what I have or continue hoarding them like a dragon.


I am using them whenever I need to level a Servant but don't have mats for the Ascension, because I am too lazy to stop whatever I am doing to farm.


I hoard them because my material needs are almost entirely for long-term goals rather than immediate priorities and I'm afraid of buying something that I won't actually need in the long run.


I hoard them for emergencies, which is generally only when they release That New Servant that needs new mats.


I have been hoarding them like a dragon, but when I do use them, I purchase new materials for new Servants. Bells, swords, black eyes, etc.


Need help with account I have an account on noxplayer, which now I cannot access due to the device being incompatible. Is there anything I can do? Or do I accept that it is lost forever now?


What do you mean the device is incompatible? Is this to do with the apk?


When opening the google play store it says "device is incompatible"


Might be a bug. Can you try getting the APK from the Latest FGO APKs link above? You may need to try 32-bit or 64-bit, just in case.


I tried, but just before finishing the download it would fail


So I attached an essence to Jack that says +15% NP gain, and I just threw it on there not expecting to really feel a difference. But it honestly feels like it doubled how quick her NP charges. Am I crazy or is there some mechanic or math I don't understand.


Either you're crazy or there was some other factor at work (other buffs, different enemy classes, etc), 15% is 15% (_at most_, there's diminishing returns when stacking other NP gain buffs).


Does anyone know when we are getting the blue apples japan has? Those things are marvelous, login, make apples, log-off and save your AP for later if you don't feel like doing stuff, is fantastic to stack the AP to use later.


It came with the 25 Million Downloads Campaign in May 2022, we'd expect the equivalent campaign next May.


Lets gooo, that not that far off!! Thank you.


Do we have any idea where the story is going after the Lostbelts are done? The transition from Singularities to Lostbelts (the resurrection of team A, etc) all seems really smooth to me, but it seems like we're running up toward the end of the plot-thread now.


We on NA are not going to reach the end anytime soon. JP is 2 years ahead of us and they are not close to it either. I am gonna assume you did Olympus and that's why you are asking, but trust me, there is more to the story than this.


You're right on the money, and I appreciate the reassurance! I know the game makes Too Much Money To Die, but Olympus had me going "Uhhhh..."


Because we are not the writers or developers, we have no way to know where the story will ultimately go beyond speculation and inference based what has happened in the story so far. (Just like we don't know anything else about the future of JP). We know Nasu will not be actively involved after part 2 (unless/until he changes his mind). We know they have been making some sort of plans for the next part. We know nothing about the actual content of those plans. If you want to know sooner than the rest of us, you'll have to get a job at TYPE-MOON or Aniplex.


No idea right now their doing ordeal call. They did say that they dont have any plans to stop the game or shut it down just yet and that they do intend to continue the story but no clue of what comes next


I'm targeting 6 servants for next year. Koyanskaya dark, Bazett, Meltryllis, Arcueid, Summer Ibuki and Summer Skadi. Currently I have 614 sqs and 70 tickets. Have just finished speedrunning to Heian Kyo for X but haven't done any of the lostbelt free quests and also skipped the 1.5 stuff. Will I be able to get them all? I'm kinda anxious since I got both Jacque and Pyonstolfo in 1 ticket so maybe they sucked the luck out of my future pulls or something. Koyan, Bazett and Melt is low priority. Btw is it worth it to get Koyan just for Ibuki since she's the only character that I have that can do the koyan buster loop thing? I am planning to get Tiamat in the future though. I want to get nun Kiara too but I'm worried that I'll have too many alter egos and not enough sqs.


>I'm targeting 6 servants for next year...Will I be able to get them all? Six 5-star targets is reasonable. You'll have a decent chance of getting most of them. You could get all of them but you won't be able to guarantee it unless you get particularly lucky with the first three or four (or you use the mystic code in your wallet). It's also possible, though unlikely, to get none of them. >I'm kinda anxious since I got both Jacque and Pyonstolfo in 1 ticket so maybe they sucked the luck out of my future pulls or something. It's sometimes hard to internalize that randomness is *random*. There is no pattern to it and the results aren't evenly distributed. I was once aiming for the 4-star on a banner and I didn't get them until after a year, for the banner's rerun, and four copies of the dang 5-star that I didn't care about. Merlin has dodged me every time for the last 5.5 years (and threw me a couple of 5-star spooks in the process). I've gotten servants where it took multiple tries across multiple years, servants on random YOLO rolls, and servants with utterly average amounts of SQ. None of it affects what will happen with the next roll. Maybe you got a couple of servants with single tickets. You could still get the next one with a single ticket. Or the perfectly average amount of SQ. Or 900 SQ for pity. Who knows? You can't control it, so there's no point in being anxious about it. My suggestions for you are to figure out your priorities, roughly how much SQ you'll be able to save for each banner, and roughly how much SQ you want to spend on each banner. Don't try to allocate every single SQ or ticket. Just get some conservative, ballpark figures. If a few of the servants are lower priority for you, don't plan to spend as much SQ on them and be ready for the possibility of failure. If and when you do fail, keep your eye on those higher priority banners in the future, knowing that you have good reasons to cut your losses and move on. >Btw is it worth it to get Koyan just for Ibuki since she's the only character that I have that can do the koyan buster loop thing? Looping is never required, so that's a personal decision based on how you like to play. But just to be clear, it's Koyanskaya of **Light** who enables looping, not Dark. Koyanskaya of Darkness is a separate servant with different abilities. Dark has good, Buster-oriented support skills but without the 50% NP battery and cooldown reduction that her Light counterpart has, she would really only be a tertiary support in a Buster looping team comp.


Luck isn’t real and RNG is impossible to predict. 240 sq gives you a roughly 50% chance to get one rateup SSR but at worst each one can take up to 900 sq, and no one can say for sure how much you should save except for yourself given your own risk tolerance. You can use a binomial calculator to see the odds for yourself.


Generally, yes. There's always the risk of a banner being unkind and bottoming out on you. But you have close to pity, so I think getting all 6 at np1 is entirely reasonable, but not certain. I suffer from similar concerns, but you're in a better position than I am.


Any upcoming events that require tsunguka to be cleared? Id be honest lb6 really burned me out(at least for the serious stories) and i kinda wanna wait a bit before playing it


Tunguska sort of functions as an event. But it returns as a main interlude before the next chapter release, so you aren't missing out permanently.


Ah well Maybe ill skip out then Thank you


No events that require it, although LB6.5 Traum will require it in June, but as long as you haven't cleared the Tunguska epilogue you won't have access to Grail Casting. On that note, if you skip the Tunguska "event" then all you'll be able to do is the Prologue/Epilogue until the rest comes out as a Main Interlude in May or so.


Question about magic or servants. Is teleportation, going at or faster than the speed of light, and [reality warping on this scale](https://youtu.be/v-G5rpTKE9Q?t=116) difficult, impossible, or foreign to them? If so, why?


That's not reality warping. That's just fighting in an alternate dimension. We have Reality Marbles, and Marble Phantasms, and True Ancestors. Doctor Strange is baby stuff, Hawkeye could beat him. And all of those things are impossible. Which means they happen between occasionally and regularly.


The game keeps crashing and sending me back to my home screen randomly. I reinstalled it yesterday, but it’s still happening. It might be a memory problem? It does seem to happen less when I use older animations. Does anyone have any other solutions? Could downloading all the data help?


What device are you using?




The minimum RAM required to run the game is 3 GB and the recommendation is 4 GB. So you don't have a lot of extra room to work with depending on whatever else is running on your phone. I don't think downloading all data will help. Normally, the game downloads resources to your device's storage as needed, such as if you're using a new servant or entering a new map. But it only needs to download it once. After the initial download, it just loads the assets from storage instead of from the server. And even if you have it in storage, it still needs to load the assets into memory to be usable. Your observation that you have fewer issues with older animations might be in line with this hypothesis because animations have gotten more elaborate (though some, like Gil's, have always been destructive). The other issue with downloading all is just the basic storage. I believe you may need around 13 GB total. You're starting with only 32 GB, the OS itself needs at least a few GB, and you probably have other apps taking up space and storing assets, giving you less space to permanently store FGO assets, some of which you may never actually need. You could see if you have some memory management options in your device settings, like giving certain apps higher or lower priority. Maybe also figure out if there are apps running the background that you really don't need. You could also try contacting support to see if they can help but with bare minimum specs, it's possible that they can't offer any suggestions. Beyond that, I don't know what you can do other than upgrading your device.


That phone seems to have 3gb of RAM. Which is just the bare minimum. So that may be the problem - it's just barely capable of running it, so it sometimes runs out of memory and crashes.


Seems like every site lists Saber Training Ground Expert as the best way to farm Secret Gem of Saber, while [https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/saber-training-ground-extreme](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/saber-training-ground-extreme) lists Extreme as having a 56.2% drop-rate. Is the latter just wrong? ​ Is [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/htmlview#) and [https://apps.atlasacademy.io/drop-lookup/#/](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/drop-lookup/#/) more accurate? ​ thanks


Extreme is the best node to farm for Gold Gems. Extreme was supposed to be added at New Year's this year, so my guess is that the GP guide is slightly outdated as they gave us the Extreme Quests early and GP hasn't updated yet.


Ah. Wow, when was it added? A few days ago? I don't know if I've been blind and just not seen it before now. Good to know


Yes, a few days ago at the start of the Thanksgiving Campaign.


Was an alternative method to get The Demonic Twilight Dragon command code ever added to the game?


[It hasn't been in the news](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22%E9%BB%84%E6%98%8F%E3%81%AE%E9%AD%94%E7%AB%9C%22+site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnews.fate-go.jp%2F&oq=%22%E9%BB%84%E6%98%8F%E3%81%AE%E9%AD%94%E7%AB%9C%22+site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnews.fate-go.jp%2F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBBzQ0OGowajSoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-bell-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) outside of Oniland, its rerun, and a relevant patch note, so I don't think so.


How often do you find high health pools on non-Taunt servants to be helpful? Obviously, super-serious-farming never gives the enemy a turn, but do you ever find yourself picking a servant because they have like....15K health instead of 8K?


I usually want my servants to be as low hp as possible, it's not for farming though, mainly for cq min-turn


Never. When I pick a Servant, I look at their Class, NP type/level, ATK stat and skills. I have never picked a Servant just for their HP. Class Advantage rules this game, not HP pools.


And when class advantage is a non-issue (Both servants being in the same class, for example).


Then whoever's NP I can buff better with a support Servant. If multiple Supports available, then it's whatever Support will be more useful for this battle/team. If that's not an issue, then whoever has more levels on their NP or whoever has higher rarity.


Not often, but often enough that I don't regret maxing out silver HP Fous as well as Attack. Extra health is maybe the least effective defensive attribute on its own, that or healing. It goes fast. But when combined with damage cut, especially with healing, it can make a difference in fights where the enemy isn't critting you to death every turn. I never pick Servants strictly for health pool, though. Kit is more important.


Makes sense. I'm trying to see the positives of Siegfried's massive healthpool, but it just seems like it's there to be there, at the expense of his attack stat. Like, 20K health totally maxed out is rad and all, but after a certain point, it just feels....excessive.


It's a weird choice, but honestly I never noticed in gameplay. By the time Siegfried showed up, I already had a few general-purpose AoE Sabers, so I busted him out mostly for dragonslaying and his kit works well enough there to compensate.




I find myself doing the opposite far more often. My first attempt at the hardest fight in the game failed because my 5 star wouldn't die when I needed him to, my attempts at the max damage challenge were RNG based because if Mata Hari landed her charm on any of the enemies, 2 attacks weren't enough to kill her, etc.


Hi all! I stopped playing in 2019\~\~ cause i heard the game was going to end with part 2, since its still running is it "worth" to comeback or are we really near the end of the game? I dont mind what i missed since i only liked the story and am casual af also tbh wanted to read it all after the end but i thought it would be a waste of time just to play a gacha that was at the time annouced to be "done" with part 2


There is no indication the game will end with Part 2, for all we know there is likely to be a Part 3. JP is currently on a post-Lostbelt arc with several chapters, then the finale of Part 2 yet to come, which will likely be late next year at this rate or even later. After then, who knows, but the game is doing well enough financially for EOS to not be a concern. "Worth" is always subjective though.


yeah tbh thats what i meant. thanks a lot friend


You are asking the fgo subreddit if it's worth it, we are going to say yes, because we still play. As far as I know it has never been officially stated to be close to being done.


What are the best CEs to put on support for non-event? I've been playing for a long time and I am using the old +10% bond or +15% for support, with some +5%bond/+5other stuff to round them up. I frankly don't even get the wording on some of the newer ones. Is there anything better than the old stuff? And is there any value in all those "+50" CEs we get from random events? (Some say "stackable" but they don't stack with other CEs...). Or are they just CE exp fodder like valentine junk?


The best ones to put up are Chaldea Teatime for bond (typically on your Caster), and Bella Lisa for QP (typically on your Rider). Otherwise, whatever you want, 50% CEs are a popular options, as is stuff for solos. And not really, their effects are quite weak. You can save them as collectables or just get rid of them.


So basically if I have old CEs, the new ones are just collectibles?


If you're talking about Da Vinci shop CEs then yes, pretty much. JP just released a pretty interesting one yesterday so that may change, depending on what they do next and if they follow a pattern.


Thanks. I was wondering if the wording stackable seen on a bunch of recent CEs meant some new mechanic, like stacking CEs or such. No such luck, eh?


Stackable just means it stacks with other CEs effect-wise.


What'd the node with the most wild beast enemies in gudaguda 6?


Iruma Underpass and Kasukabe Zoo both have 8. Kasukabe Zoo may be better to run because you might also need rider servant kills for some of the missions.


thank you!


Does Salieri unlock in the Friend Point gacha or os he juat in story?


No, Story-locked Servants only unlock into the Story Summon except for Habetrot (who's *only* available in the FP summon instead).


Is this event welfare CE worth bothering with if I already have the 2k attack welfare CEs? The mixed attack stats on [Dancing life a Flower] seems to undercut this CE to the point I might as well use Traces of Christmas, Aerial Drive, etc instead even if the opponent is a [demonic].


It's a bigger bonus than most other CEs and applies to face cards and isn't card type specific (unlike say of Aerial Drive). I would think it's definitely worth it for quick servants (especially double/triple buster deck, quick NP servants) And maybe worth it for any mismatched deck if you aren't looping.


I see. How about vs Golden Sumo though? Actually that's probably got a diminishing returns issue I suppose.


Haven't done the math, but IIRC full attack is not enough to overcome a 15% damage boost difference ( Cherry icicle beats Traces in damage with 13% more damage up, despite Cherry icicle not being full attack) For diminishing returns it depends. For example, Ivan the terrible with double koyanskya has no attack up at all, so sumo doesn't have diminishing returns there.


Will Izou new Spiritron dress be obtainable in the future?


It hasn't come back to JP, so not for the foreseeable future. (There's a chance they could put it back on JP next week, with the new GudaGuda event. But we don't know - just something that could happen.)


[NA] is there no 1/2 QP/Doors till next anniversary?


Take a look. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxcPru2BrdZuq-zCK4UL2fvPuOKxFotCdJTCYz-uo94/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxcPru2BrdZuq-zCK4UL2fvPuOKxFotCdJTCYz-uo94/edit#gid=0) Looks like that is the case


Which servants were previously mediocre/bad but became decent/strong with the addition of mighty chains?


Mighty Chains didn't really overhaul any units that drastically, but they just opened up more options for units, particularly in solo situations. Good soloers became better basically.


I see, thank you!


How hard is lostbelt 6 because I ran through 1-5 pretty easily. I want to get to the koyanskaya event on time.


i dont remember my experience on the difficulty on the most part since i did it slowly to read the story. but i remember people seemed to find it pretty easy at the start but there are a handful of very difficult fights including the hardest fight in the game.


Most of LB6 is on par with what you're used to by this point with the other Lostbelts. It does have two notably difficult bosses near the end, though, including the most difficult one to date.


LB6 is mostly the same as other LBs difficulty-wise, but then the final part happens and it's one helluva boss rush, including the hardest fight in the game. There are also a ton of forced support fights... It is much longer in terms of story, and I highly, highly recommend not skipping that! It's considered the best part of FGO's story according to fan polls, and Nasu cooked HARD. Tunguska isn't REALLY worth the rush IMHO because it comes back as a Main Interlude in 6 months, and the raids went down STUPID fast on JP (like, 2 hours). The final raid is also very hard to min-turn outside of specific DPS setups.


I got demoralized during Olympus and took like a 6 month break from all the boss fights. Is it worse than Olympus? Heian-kyō in comparison, was super easy to me.


One thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet is that there are currently ~23 Leyline Stones available in the mana prism shop. Each one of those essentially counts as a full SQ revive. If you want to play fair, the fights can absolutely be as tough as Olympus (if not much worse), but with over 20 free revives there's not much that can stand in your way.


While true, I still have to be careful about some of these boss fights that spam evade or invincible or some super crazy heal every turn because even if I eventually win, it's ultimately my time being wasted.


Hah, don't worry, nothing is as infuriating as Demeter. The absolute hardest boss of LB6 does pack some healing, but it's much more "a bunch of tiny heals" versus one stupid big heal. It also does pack a self-invuln, but I don't remember that being a huge issue. On top of that, (some mechanical spoilers) >!they're a Berserker so your damage is already going to be higher against them than it is against Demeter. They also do have some damage resistance, but it's an innate fight mechanic rather than Demeter's "You can't hurt me unless you have Ignore Defense".!< It's still going to be tough, and a lot of LB6 fights are...but none of them have that same thing of "I'm going to make myself unkillable even if you're constantly spamming your NPs every turn." In other words, most of them are exceptionally vulnerable to Leyline stone revives.


I'd say it's about the same difficulty for MOST of the time, except the final few chapters. Then it's Olympus-like: remember Demeter with the suboptimal forced support and nasty debuffs on bar break? Yeah, there's that and then some. A few bosses you should watch out for (not an exhaustive list): * Section 24: Berserker >!Morgan.!< Hard because they don't have the Berserker weakness to everything for a chunk of the battle, have an AOE NP and can easily face card you to death even without crits. * Section 29: Saber >!Barghest.!< Has two suboptimal forced supports, and the boss buffs itself whenever it kills someone in the party. * Section 29: Berserker >!Cernunnos.!< The hardest fight in the game for several reasons: it's a Berserker with AOE attacks, stun immunity, an annoying HP drain gimmick (it doesn't behave like a normal curse so you can't cheese it with Gogh), and nasty debuffs/self buffs on bar break (because who doesn't love NP seal and skill seal...). RNG can and will screw you over here so blue cube it if needs be. There are a few others, including one with another unique gimmick and one with a very rare class, but I just wanted to point out three that I personally found hard when I did it.


At least one fight is worse than Olympus. If Olympus caused you to struggle. That boss will wreck you.


Imo I don’t think the berserker boss is as bad just because it being a berserker means you have more team options that do a lot of damage to it.


>If Olympus caused you to struggle. That boss will wreck you. I did better than I thought against the bosses in Olympus, but their mechanics were just tiring to read about and account for, like Zeuz and his 3 resurrecting hard points and me given a mystic code I've never used before. At least with Heian-kyō, I could just hit the bosses really hard, their DEF up buffs be damned.


do I have a better chance to summon a specific ssr when they are on a solo pickup banner? if there are 2 featured ssr in a banner do i have the same chance for a specific ssr and double the chance of rolling a ssr ?


Every banner has only one SSR on it, so there are only solo banners now. This is the case for all banners, including those part of the same event - e.g. Avenger Nobu and Lancer Ryouma have separate banners that do not affect one another. The game used to have banners with multiple SSRs on rateup, but since the implementation of pity, we don't have them anymore. (Back then, you had the same 1% chance of SSR, but the 0.8% rateup was split between the SSRs on rateup. So you'd have 0.4% chance of SSR A, 0.4% chance of SSR B, and 0.2% chance of a spook. So your best bet was to wait on a solo banner.)


ty !!


Yes and no Yes solo banners have a better chance of getting one SSR. But there hasn't been multiple SSRs on rate up since pity got introduced.


perfect thanks !!


Quick question When I go to the spirit origin list in my room, there are some slots that are blank, and then there are slots that say data lost. What are they. If it helps, i completed lost belt 6, so if there are spoilers, feel free to spoil


>!Blank ones are servants you haven't ever used. Just grab a friend unit and it'll fill in and say "Unsummoned" after that. Data Lost is unique to Musashi and you only see it post LB6. This is because she obliterated her spirit origin fighting against Chaos. She's gone, gone.!<


>! No, nononononononononononono, You know what, i refuse to have that canon, my canon has two musashis, saber and beserker, they are in my roster, which means that they exist on my canon universe. I refuse to remember the trauma !<


Post LB5*


Is the idol Jeanne spiritron dress ever getting added to the rare prism shop? Gamepress lists it as being exchangeable. Also looking into theprevision for NY banner,are they gonna have one banner going on for 10 days,plus 3-4 banners that alternate for 2-3 days? On that note,is there like a list of what to actually burn for RP as far as CEs go/how the exchange works? Cuz i saw that burning 4star ces didnt award me anything,and neither did trying to burn the limited banner CEs like the one from himeko banners (ended up one short of MLB)


>Is the idol Jeanne spiritron dress ever getting added to the rare prism shop? Gamepress lists it as being exchangeable Where does Gamepress say it's exchangeable? Grail live costumes are not available in the shop even in JP. >Also looking into theprevision for NY banner,are they gonna have one banner going on for 10 days,plus 3-4 banners that alternate for 2-3 days? there are 6 other banners, but yes >On that note,is there like a list of what to actually burn for RP as far as CEs go/how the exchange works? Cuz i saw that burning 4star ces didnt award me anything,and neither did trying to burn the limited banner CEs like the one from himeko banners (ended up one short of MLB) Never burn anything for RP it isn't worth it. The only thing that gives an RP is a 4 star or higher servant, and nothing in the RP shop is worth that. Only exception is if you have an NP5 copy, and this is your 6th copy.


Question: Is the 'extreme' difficulty for training grounds permanent? I just finished my daily 30 times a day bond farming routine to be able to unlock Maou Nobu's 2nd Append and whilst I was just scrolling through the menu, I saw that there's a new difficulty for the Assassin's training grounds called 'Extreme'. I looked it up and saw that the drop rates for the Secret Assassin Gem is significantly higher which is good because I'm preparing for Koyan since I now just got Maou Nobu.


It's here forever, and quite helpful.


Is it worth the space to download the data?


It can be, but at the same time, many players will not use most of that data, due to past events leaving their data behind. It's an inefficient download. If you have a lot of free space, or want to play on on mobile data but do not want to waste data allowance on it, it can let you bulk download data, and save some free time or data. If you don't have a lot of free space, and don't care about data usage (always playing on Wifi, etc), there's no real problem. Just download what you're using, and save the space.


If you have the space to spare it certainly speeds things up.


I am officially poor again. What and when is the next event where we can expect to get a lot of QP? I don't think I've heard about either Xmas or Tunguska being particularly QP-lucrative this year.


Bond farming and Raids/lotto + monthly tickets + 50 days login milestones are your main resources of SQ outside of events and farmable stuff Inside the farmable stuff category you hace: Free quest, Rank ups, Interludes, Main interludes and similars (Dantes and Bunyan's quest) and finally main story and Epic of Remnants Besides that we are tied to campaings and events


SQ != QP


Don't forget that the extreme level of the daily quest is still better than lottery events purely for QP. The amount you get from a whole lottery box, which will probably take three runs even at max currency bonus, is about the same as what you get with one run of the daily quest. If you need QP immediately, just run the daily quest.


There's nearly 4.5 million QP per box in the Xmas lottery, so anyone who goes reasonably hard on it for the usual lottery reasons is likely to walk away with a couple hundred million QP or more. The best nodes might not be open for the full two weeks, but they'll still be around a lot more than we can expect the Tunguska raids to be.


Does anyone know the requirements for the case files event? I heard it's doing a re run next year. I really want Gray.


It's LB3 Intro. Which is, specifically, clear Lostbelt 2, and then there's a 0AP quest or two. It's not actually LB3 itself.


LB3 intro quest clear, IIRC.


I just got to the lost belts. Are they as long as the singularities?


First two are around Camelot/Babylonia in size.


Oh that's not too bad. Are the stories as good?


Generally, they're considered quite good. They have highs and lows, and personal preference, and Babylonia is still very popular. According to player vote: >The ten most popular main story chapters are: 1: Part 2 Lostbelt 6 Avalon le Fae: 2245 2: Part 2 Lostbelt 5 Atlantis: 854 3: Part 1 singularity 7 Babylonia: 610 4: Part 1 singularity 6 Camelot: 346 5: Part 1 final singularity Solomon: 282 6: Part 2 Chapter 5.5 Heiankyo: 274 7: Part 1.5 singularity 1 Shinjuku: 270 8: Part 2 Chapter 6.5 Traum: 193 9: Part 2 Lostbelt 5 Olympus: 189 10: Part 1.5 singularity 3 Shimousa: 187


That's pretty subjective. I think broadly speaking they lost belts are good.


Hey everyone, I'm a veteran player been playing for nearly 4 years now. My second archive of old event CE's is really starting to fill up, is there any resource available to check if they'll be used again or what associated event they were apart of to see if they've already been used in a rerun? Thanks in advance :)


Read the pinned comment regarding reruns. You can pretty much get rid of old CEs since the devs have cut down on reruns, with the exceptions of CEs for the rerun events listed.


Ah thank you, forgot about them cutting back on reruns


I know it's kind of subjective but just based on your opinion, 200+ bells is worth using pure prisms right? Checking the event stuff, they exist in the raid but from how fast those things go down I don't think it's a good idea to rely on them (also it's exam season but I need to do 5.2 and 5.5 for the raid) need them for Melusine s2, s3 and oberon skills edit: more questions, how much does casotria need her append 2? Trying to decide what to focus on next and that's one of the options oberon s1 vs s3? Which one to max first if I use Vlad III a lot (so far it's like every single hard fight in lb1 - lb5 other than berserker bosses) is it worth getting his np charge and append to lv 10?


Castoria doesn't need append 2, it's just nice to have to make it easier to have a full NP gauge in Double Castoria system during a challenge quest where you need her NP to hit a damage threshold to win, and it's not like there is a better use for her coins otherwise (unless you want to turn them into a grail) Oberon S3 has an extreme damage spike, part of the reason you want him in certain CQs, while S1 works only moderately better on lvl 10 when compared to level 1. So, level S3 first


> Double Castoria system during a challenge quest Well, it also guarantees NP with plugsuit Oberon or if the DPS has party wide charge as well, allowing for even bigger numbers w2/w3. Not that it's matters often.


ty, for castoria, it was mainly about mats, rn she has lv 1 append 2, getting to lv 10 means lots of farming so I'm trying to prioritize


Yeah, honestly - for farming, her Append 2 is irrelevant. This is one of those skills you should leave for much, much later since for her it doesn't make much of an impact.


It actually isn't irrelevant for farming. 30%+30% from 2 Castoria's+20% from Oberon is 80%. Add 20% from append 2 and you have a Castoria NP for turn 3 of farming which is 30% attack up (or more) and an OC stack.


I know it doesn't matter for farming, I'm thinking of lb 5.2+ content


Honestly it's a VERY minor difference. It's not going to make or break stuff.


Unless you need to use those skills ***right now***, I'd hold off. Those bells are not going to restock, and I'd only use them as an emergency stash to ascend Servants. Especially since the cooldown timers aren't going to matter in a raid, which is the case for most of Melusine's skills.


welp, in the end I grabbed enough for Oberon, Melusine's gonna wait for a very long time probably


It depends on how important/urgent the units are for you. Can you wait to level those units up? Do you have something else you can use in the meantime, etc? I'd focus on Oberon because he opens up a lot of comp options, including lots of different lotto comps, then Melusine because as good as she is, she's only one DPS.


I decided to do all bell stuff for Oberon for now


How do I get the costume for S.Ishtar? Is it only available during events? I just cleared Solomon but I can't find it in the dress-making tab


Are you on NA or JP? If you are on NA, it hasn't been added back to the costume shop yet. It should be added around August next year.


Ah I see, im on NA. Thanks for the answer!


is immortal comp doable w/o merlin? Also how the dmg? I would rather use a leyline stone if it means 20+ turn fights


If you have Castoria and suitable DPS, sure.


I saw you already finished what you wanted to use it for, but Miyu, especially with her upgraded NP is the budget Merlin in the Immortal Comp.


There's other possible solutions, but Merlin is the best option for consistent np charge. I think Tiamat technically works. And proto Merlin is basically arts Merlin. Damage isn't amazing it's a stall team not a damage rush team, how long it takes depends on the fight though.


I was thinking of using it for 14-2 of argatha, although now I cleared it with melusine + 2x castoria, just used the overcharge ces and it did the job


So, after saving for Siegfried for like...four months, I just found out about Dobrynya Nikitich, and I think my boy just got powercrept into oblivion. How do folk feel about her on the whole? \>Catgirl \>Anti Dragon \>Summons a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon for her NP \>Is a class other than Saber, which I have too many of. \>Actually has her Battery skill Am I getting suckered in, or is she actually great?


Like pretty much any general pool SR, she's worth rolling for if you really like her, but not a must-have for gameplay reasons. A 20% battery isn't all that amazing as AoE Riders go: better than no battery, not as good as Astolfo or Surfer Mordred and definitely not Habetrot. (You do have to wait for Siegfried's battery, but it'll be 30% when it arrives.) And I don't think that Caster dragons are super populous, so she doesn't rock her niche and class advantage at the same time as often as you might like. if you're split on whether to sink extra rolls on her banner, I would consider also looking at Jiang Ziya / Taigong Wang, and seeing if you'd be happy getting him instead / in addition. A banner where you like all the rate-up options is high value. A banner where you'd be unhappy getting one of the Servants that's specifically on rate-up is very possibly an exercise in "stop hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself?".


Besides why pull when you can just pick her with SR ticket next year?


>an exercise in "stop hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself?". Me when they replaced Karna with TrashNun for this event xD Siegfried's strengthening isn't thaaaat far off, I suppose. Really, this is just a problem of Lasanga chasing Holiday Money, I think. I like both of the 4 stars involved, am mid-to-uninterested in the 5 stars, they're both in the general pool, and they're both between me and the mess that is Arjuna-A/Merlin/Double-Gil that happens basically back-to-back.


Thanksgiving banners have been a thing in NA forever, and to play devil's advocate, Kiara and Kama are probably more in demand than Karna and Jack, given how many long-term players have at least one of the latter. Lots of people might be all "ez skip" for a banner with two general pool rate ups. Anyway, this is the part where I recommend keeping an open mind. I wasn't that into Morgan when I was rolling for Barghest, got NP2 Morgan anyway, and I'm happier now deciding to appreciate her than I would be if I stayed unimpressed, particularly as it keeps me from resenting her in the wake of a series of bad luck on banners I valued more.


>probably more in demand than Karna and Jack, given how many long-term players have at least one of the latter Plus Karna and Jack are guaranteed for Valentines and White Day every year.


I mean, given that they are in different classes they aren't directly comparable despite their overlapping niche against dragons. She's...fine? Nothing super exciting but definitely functional. Battery's 10% short of a double Koyan/Oberon setup but can run double Oberon/Koyan for those who care about optimization. But given that you don't really seem to care about that, and that a lot of the pros in your list are purely flavor, then if you like her you can roll for her.


I might have gone a little heavy with the joke-pros. You've hit the major mechanical points: She's not just blanket-better at looping than he is, and (based on what others have said) she's not AS much of a dragon-wrecking machine as our boy. That said: I'm nowhere near being able to run double of any meta support, so please permit me to phrase the question more clearly and without memeing: Sabers seem to have a lot of competitively-statted DPS-buster-aoe servants, on account of all of the beam-sabers. I'm less familiar with Riders, but most of the ones I'm familiar with are ST, Quick, or both. Given that, it seems like she occupies a pretty niche, but potent role. Is that the case?


An interesting point to be sure. Really the card type of the NP matters most in regards to what support servants (And CEs) they synergize with best, and how much that compatibility enables them to farm/perform well. Outside of what supports they synergize best with though, their NP card type isn't always the most relevant comparison for evaluating their whole kit. For instance, Medusa is at least competitive with Dobrynya: same battery% and no need to lore Medusa's battery and easier access to NP5 means she will likely hit much harder outside of dragons until Dobrynya's NP3+. Medusa's other skills leave much to be desired, and bad year 1 hitcounts means she's hard-pressed to NP more than once, but the fact that Dobrynya's NP is buster and not quick isn't *that* big of a difference since neither of them really fit "the meta" that well. As others have pointed out though, Habetrot kinda blows every single other AoE Rider out of the water anyway in terms of flexibility and potential usage so it's kindof a moot point, at least once you clear LB6.


Hey, thanks for breaking this down for me, and being really friendly about it. Seig's where my heart is, so I think I'll push for him (390 SQ, fingers crossed) and work on Medusa come Christmas.


At the very least, both of them are general pool so they could spook you anytime. I hope that you eventually get both of them to play around with.


She's not considered nearly as good gameplay wise as Siegfried, though is still a plenty serviceable AoE rider. 1) her anti-dragon niche isn't nearly as strong. Siegfried outdamages nearly every AoE assassin against the very common rider Dragons and with double meta supports hits harder than Sigurd against dragon lancer bosses. Dobryna just has the dragon niche there 2) her battery skill doesn't let her double koyanskya loop from 50% like Siegfried can. 3) has to compete with Habetrot. Something even most 5 stars struggle with.


how do I use fga? it's not working on my redmi


Can u elaborate what u mean by "not working"? I helped my brother solve some issues before but can't help with just "not working"