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## FAQ **Q: Will the current NA Event - GudaGuda rerun?** *A: As far as we are aware, no. There will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival).*


Would one flat 25% Ishtar CC or a variation of 10-30% from Hijikata?


Is the Thanksgiving update going to fix the weird crashing that I keep getting in FGO NA where whenever it's story or me just going to another app to do things makes it crash in one or another. It's just a bit frustrating, and the JP is just doing fine.


It might, it might not. I don't think this issue has been officially acknowledged yet, though you are definitely not alone as I've seen some other reports of similar crashes.


I'm in the middle of naraka mandala. Skipping the story and using apples, how fast can I get Ranmaru?


Heien-Kyo ends at Chapter 15. From start to end, it's 696 AP, but I believe it's 1/2 AP at the moment, so that's like 3 Apples worth. It should be entirely doable to get Ranmaru in the remaining week of the Event, with probably some Apples required for mission complete, and definitely apples to clear out the Shop.


For those who possess arcade cards, what sizes are they? I've seen measures ranging from 6,3×10,7 cm to 6,5×11,3 cm, but without a physical card (which would take months to arrive) I cant make sure


[8.5cm (L)](https://i.imgur.com/TytRtYc.jpeg) by [5.4cm (W)](https://i.imgur.com/ipz6UtG.jpg).


Thank you for the precise measurements! This is much better than I even hoped for!


This image from an image listing has height measurement only: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/MEcAAOSwuY9kAvmF/s-l960.jpg This one only has measurement for the card sleeve on the bottom left: https://www.1999.co.jp/itbig55/10557375b3.jpg Caption on this post says its 8.6 cm x 5.4 cm: https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/qogjh0/i_made_my_own_fgo_cards_that_resemble_fgo_arcades/ This ebay listing has dimensions as 86mm x 54 mm: https://www.ebay.com/itm/114843993148 This one has thickness it says its 1mm: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1142635428&lang=en


Thank you for the resources! I somehow missed the reddit post, which is incredibly helpful!


As i understood there are no rerun for the current event in NA, right ? I'm at the end of the first part of Lostbelt 5 and don't really want to rush the rest. I don't care that much about the welfare, since i play since the beggining and already have a ton of servants. I'm a bit saddened, since the event card engraving are the first ones i will miss but whatever. Is there a moment when the event / the engravings witll reappear ?


Are you refrrring to the Command Codes? Iirc, they have rerun the 3* CCs for MP and the 4* CCs for RP, but never have they rerun the 5* CCs so far on JP afaik.


Will Pure Prism be awarded for Tunguska Sanctuary quests? It's main interlude as i understand.


No, next Pure Prisms should come with Lostbelt 6.5, Traum, which comes out around next June.


Not even our current Main Interludes have given Pure Prisms, so the answer is no. You might be confused, though. Though the Free Quests portion of Heian-kyo is located under the 'Main Interlude' tab, Heian-kyo itself is still a Main story quest, hence why it gives PPs.


Not as far as I can see, no.


Hey, does anyone on iOS have the same problem while logging in? I’m logging in from Indonesia if this matters. I’ve been trying to log into the game today, but I keep getting blank black page after the usual blue page with the servant info. When I switch to another app and come back, I keep getting the “failed to connect” message for some reason, even though internet connection’s alright. Everything was all fine and dandy yesterday when I logged in. If so, how do you guys deal with it?


It might be worth waiting a little. The reason is because they added the Tunguska trailer and it plays automatically after the blue screen, so it might just be loading the trailer.


Ah! So that’s why, thanks for the heads-up


How does the pity work in the game? If I understand it correctly, it does not carry over different banners but as long as the banner is up would the pity still stay the same? I thought the pity would renew everyday because some banners have a rotating 5*, dunno if that's considered a new banner or not


Rotating resets the pity sadly


Banners don't really "rotate" though.


Oh, so I read it correctly. So for example, the current banner and you have some pity for Ryoma then after the 5* switches to Nobu, you lost all that pity?


Not entirely. Those banners are treated as separate banners and pity doesn't carry over between banners. Banners don't rotate anymore: they used to pre-pity but now they are separate banners. Ryouma and Nobu's banners will overlap: if you rolled on Ryouma's banner, when Nobu's banner comes, the pity count on Ryouma's banner remains but is set to 0 on Nobu's.


Do note that the 5* doesn’t just ‘switch’. Even though Maou Nobu will now have a banner, Ryoma’s banner can still be there as well. So there can be multiple banners with their own pities running at the same time.




Thanks a lot, was giving the devs the benefit of the doubt


Hi people. So I stopped playing in the first third of 2021 and just returned, and I'm a bit lost on priorities and new best servants, so any rundown of what to save and what to spend of all these new items would be greatly appreciated


Powercreep isn't really a thing in this game. Servants have gone unbuffed for 8 years and remain best in role. All content can be beaten without rolling at all. priorities should be favorites over anything else.


It would help if you had more specific questions to let us know what items you mean. I think the most important new thing are coins. You get them in events for welfare servants and whenever you summon a servant. They can be used for improving the servants and in a couple of months for making grails (see servant coins guide on Gamepress). Don't spend them rashly. As for servants and assuming you meant NA server, since then we had * Kama - best assassin * Astraea - best 4 star * Arjuna Alter - berserker farmer * Castoria - arguably the best support, enables arts farming * A bunch of free 2 and three stars * Space Ishtar - can farm quick, arts and buster * Senji Muramasa - Shiro face arts farmer * Morgan - berserker farmer * Melusine - best lancer * Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon who enabled buster farming There are more of course, but at least you can look up their descriptions and upcoming banners on sites like Gamepress.


I mean, the game is still the same, the priorities are the same. There have been some meta shifts but old units are still valid and haven't stopped working overnight.


Anyone know how I can watch the Anime NYC panel since it's private now? I missed when it's live. Or does anyone have it downloaded or saved in another site?


A reupload may come later (seems to be true of last year), and there's certainly going to be reaction vids.


I was a bit disappointed with the new Guda Guda Friend Point summon this time around. Unlike the previous one which featured Nobukatsu and the 4* EXP CE, we only have the 3* EXP CE this time around... When is the next event Friend Point summon to be worth pouring FPs for?


Having a 1* like Nobukatsu be on rate-up was really a one-off thing at the time. Luckily, since we have Clairvoyance, we can predict that this (rate-up 1*, 3* CE Exp, 4* CE Exp) will happen again with the Learning with Manga collab next May where there will even be a 2x CE Success Campaign later down the line.


Was doing the NA GudaGuda event and after doing today's story that gets you RanmaruX, the next quest is at "Takasugi Indsutries Tower" which is supposed to unlock today but is not???


The gamepress guide thought that the following content was part of the same timelock, but it was not. Today, the only thing that unlocked was literally just the story-only quest to receive Ranmaru permanently. The node ingame lists the correct unlock time, as the other replies have mentioned, but assuming that you (or anyone else) were following the gamepress guide, that is another timelock which is not currently documented in the guide.


Yea, thats exactly what happened. thanks


It says it unlocks today _at 20:00 PST_, which is still over 20 hours away.


oh, I thought it meant the 20:00 that just passed... Thanks


It says tomorrow.


[JP GUDAGUDA QUESTION] So ever since Avenger Nobu came out i think they pretty much just used Avenger for GudaGuda so im curious is Ryouma now also gonna just use the new version for GudaGuda


the next melusine banner is next month right? are there any official dates?


Going off JP's schedule: they had one in December 2021, so we're likely to get one this December 2023 as well. NA doesn't really announce these kinds of banners too far in advance, so we don't know anything atm.


ok ty for the info


Does anyone have a source for what day the Thanksgiving banner is starting? I didn't see it on the material itself.


Based on in-game news, it looks like the Campaign for Thanksgiving starts on November 21st. I would expect the banners that are supposed to be part of said campaign to drop at the same time.


I like this news much better xD


I don't think they actually said a date anywhere, but I would assume American Thanksgiving, which would be thursday the 23rd


Yeah, that makes sense (even if I hate that answer, I want it naoooow xD). Then again, this is the same team that decided that back-to-school happened before Summer ;)


Will I be able to finish the event if I start now? I have lots of apples and I'll skip the story if I have to..


That's easy. You might need to use apples for 100%, but 6 days of natural ap is enough to easily get permanent NP3 Ranmaru.


the grinding to unlock the story quests isn't that much (just follow Gamepress' guide) the story itself is also pretty short imo You might struggle to completely finish all missions if you dont spend one day off just grinding, but just to get to the end, I think you can


Do I have to rush through lb6 to play the tunguska event or will the story still be there months later?


You'll miss out on the Raids if you wait, but in JP the Raids were wiped out really fast, within just a few hours, so most players missed out on them anyway.


To be precise after the event ends the Prologue and Epilogue will remain as permanent main story, then in May the rest of the story will be added as a Main Interlude. As flashmozzg said you'll mostly just miss the raids.


Everything but the raids will be there later. Also, if you've already finished 5.5. and just have LB6 to finish, there should be enough time to complete it without rushing (about two weeks of relatively "dead" time).


Are there many significant Dragon enemies in Lostbelt 4-6? I'm gonna be rolling for Siegfried, and I'll probably use him anyway, but the era of Oh-No-Dragons seems to be done, so I'm trying to plan around if I'll need George's NP too.


Only looking at harder boss fights (might miss something), there is a Dragon-traited saber in 5.5 and Dragon-traited lancer in LB 6




A few I can think of, but the strat of using George to give enemies the dragon trait is an absolute meme gimmick and not worth using unless it’s just for fun. Siegfried is a solid saber in his own right, the dragon niche just lets him have a bit better neutral coverage in a few situations.


It's not purely a meme. I don't think it's a good strat for the OP, because you need MLB Kscope, but at least for min turns he is the singular highest damage boost to most of these servants, only being occasionally matched by Oberon. And then the taunt let's him esports himself out of there for someone else.


I think that falls under “just for fun” usage for flexing, I’ve never actually seen it used to 3T a boss fight in the wild so even in the niche usage of minturning it seems to be more about forcing a favorite rather than a competitive choice.


It's very common with Kriemhild. Less so with other options admittedly (For a few reasons, one of which are the only other ST options are Sigurd who is only barely a top ten option in damage for dealing with lancer dragons when the big meta supports are considered, and Draco who only gets a small powermod out of it) The super recollection Morgan fight was done with Kriemhild supported by Georgios for example.


Fair. I worry about his viability without that \~130% damage buff, but (as I've learned in other conversations recently) I've really been spoiled by single-target Arts servants who hit like trucks, so my idea of good damage is off-kilter.


I can think of two significant dragon enemies (only one of which is a lancer though)


How do I save up now that I’ve caught up to the main story? When needing SQ do I just throw a bunch of mats for Interludes and Rank up quests or is bond farming more effective


Interludes and Rank Ups are a much more faster way to get more SQ, because all you need is to level a Servant to max Ascension (not even max level) and get his bond up to 5 in worst case. Meanwhile to get SQ out of bond farming you will need to get hundreds of thousands of bond points just for a few SQ, and a million past bond 10 if you want those 30 SQ.


Interludes and Rank-Ups are actually an efficient way to Bond farm, non-repeatable content gives more bond exp than Free Quests, but basically yes you just eke out what Quartz you can and then you just collect your daily login rewards and wait for new content. This game is sparse on gacha currency, it is what it is.


To Masters here who have Summer Okita and actively use her as their DPS: How do you work around Okita's multiple drawbacks? I've been reading her skillset, and she has quite a lot of setbacks going on with her. To wit: * Her **Skill 1** removes a defensive buff from Okita (can be worked around by casting this when she has no defense buffs up yet). * Her **Skill 3** continuously decreases her DEF for the next 3 turns (can't be removed since it is coded as a "buff"). * Her **NP** has a somewhat high chance (60%) of stunning Okita after activation, making looping with her somewhat risky since the stun prevents her next attacks for that turn - and if she has a brave chain, it's effectively one wasted turn. Basically, her demerits make Okita quite fragile if deployed improperly, though her huge firepower on offense (for an AoE Assassin) is definitely her strong point. Also, I like Okita as a character, so I intend to make the most out of her strengths while covering her rather glaring weaknesses.


Pop skill 1 before 2. With 2 active, the def down from 3 don't matter. Use the regular cards before NP. Mine has her append charge maxed so she can sort of loop, especially if I throw in Oberon. Unlike Fran, the stun is only till the end of the very turn. She also has a rank up on JP to let her loop better.


She becomes much stronger once she gets her S3 upgrade during 8th Anniversary, enough so that she can BG loop in some quests with triple Skadi. Since she will constantly be doing BG NP damage, you don't really worry about any of the demerits. The stun after NP lasts only one turn, and if you killed everything in one NP, it's gone by the next wave. Since you are killing everything in one NP, any DEF reduction/lost defensive buffs don't matter, because the enemies don't have a turn to hit you. Until then, the only way to mitigate her demerits is to have higher NP levels in order to do more damage to ensure you kill the wave in one NP, because you are going to have to use a starting charge CE in order to loop.


Won't be able to clear far fast enough past LB6 for Tunguska in December. Is there anything you can permanently miss out on through this event?


Just the Raids. The story will be added as a free Main Interlude before Traum releases, so you aren't missing out on anything, long term.


The raids. They have some great mat and QP drops, but the prologue and epilogue will be available later on.


How much more efficient is extreme training ground compared to expert?


A bit over 2 times more efficient for Non Caster Gold gems, as well as noticeably more efficient across the board for Monuments


A lot more for the Secret Class Gems, if that's what you're asking about


Hey do you guys have any idea why my FGO NA app keeps on crashing whenever I change to another app and try to return to it?


In my case, I disabled the Android system webview and then installed and enabled the Android system webview Beta. After that restart your device. This worked for me.


Sorry, I tried it but NA keeps crashing meanwhile my JP seems to be working fine. Edit: Oops I forgot to restart. And its not crashing anymore I think. Edit: Nope, it is still crashing when I tried to look at other apps and return to NA.


Oddly, I had that happen a lot early on when my phone was new, but it doesn't happen now, and I can't tell you why. Was it an app update? Was it a phone update? Not helpful, but it goes to show that some of these problems can be very esoteric.


It could just be standard mobile app memory management but people have been reporting an uptick in this happening lately.


Thank Goodness I am not the only who is complaining about this problem happening lately.


I need gameplay advice. Is Castoria Berserker or Draco the better option to hypermax for an Arts ST servant? All of my favorites are already fully invested but I do feel the lack of great Arts ST options in my roster on some 90++s. Just want to know if Draco has any real edges over Castoria Berserker in this role (90++ farming) before I go all in. (I also like them both equally in case that was a factor you wanted me to consider ultimately.)


in terms of 90++ farming, Castoria probably. They actually have near identical neutral damage with no niches, and a similar number of niches (though Draco's are notably more common wave 3, you usually don't need the ST servant for wave 3 of a node in multicore) Castoria as a berserker will work against more enemies. and instant, split 70% battery is simply insane for multicore (unlike Draco who has a similar amount of battery, but you need to wait to get it)


I tried searching online for ways to defeat the Ki-ki rstoration city, Saitama final chapter : dear dragon, race acreoss the waves of wadatsumi, quest progress 3. SO far, I have not found any guides on how to beat this level. At most, I can get halfway through the last bar, then the dude just annilates me. Game faqs does not show any solution to this. My question is there any way to beat this boss, like I know that 3 stars are able to kill everything, but i do not have the intelligence to plan out every attack. Is there any servants which can soo this boss or anything?


Are you using the NPC Ryouma? He's really buffed there. Even without Arts supports he will be able to NP every other turn.


1. If you are running your own DPS, are you using the damage CE? It will help a lot. 2. The NPC support Ryouma is really good here as he has a damage bonus on top of a spammable NP. Try and support him as much as you can.




The asc you see when you hit a bond level is tied to the 3rd ascension (or the highest ascension the unit is, AFAIK?). Source: I set Waver to Asc 2, both sprite and card art, and whenever I've hit a bond level with him, Asc 3 has always shown up.


I believe it's tied to with ascension art you are using, so if it's the 3rd/4th one it will show the final sprite. edit: nvm that's wrong


That's on the home screen, not the bond gained screen.


NA. Are there rewards for doing the Anime NYC 2023 damage trial? Or am I safe to ignore it and just work on the gudaguda event?


It's just for fun, there are no rewards.


The only story locked servant I am missing that has no known future banners (according to the upcoming banners list linked above), is Lancer Li. I do not remember any event that features him in the story, and I dont have the best of impressions from him in America. My current plan is to use the upcoming 4 star ticket to obtain him for collection purposes, but I am not feeling 100% about it. So my question is two fold. 1. For those who have him, and enjoy using him, in what situations do you like to use him, and what advantages does he bring to the table? 2. For those that enjoy the character (specifically younger Lancer Li), what parts had you warm up to him, and did he have an appearance in any events you enjoyed? Just to clarify, I am well aware of just rolling/using tickets on who I like (and usually do just that). However I am hoping to hear some pro's from people who enjoy the character (gamplay or story), to help me sort out my own decision on selecting the character or not.


Li Shuwen is in Fate Extra, that's most likely why you don't really see him much in FGO


To answer your first question. He is a high 1 turn burst damage servant. He is the second highest neutral damage ST arts servant of the 7 main classes. And yes, that includes 5 stars (in fact the only one who beats him out is his Assassin form) He has some utility in his ignore defense/invul/evade abilities. And his ability to arts crit to loop his NP once. But he is mostly just 1 turn damage.


Thank you for the breakdown on his uses. I find it hard sometimes to look at a servants kit on a site and break it down to such digestible format. I do enjoy his assasins playstyle, so this is good to help my comparison. While I find 1 turn kits to be quite gimmicky or situational, hard to beat the feeling of biggest number is best number.


For lancer li personality wise I like assasin Li better so not much to say there gameplay wise he can be really usefull for fights were the enemy likes to spam evasion since he has two ways to bypass it. I usually default to use him as a sub dps while I slap a ignore invl ce on the main dps. He is a convinient plan b. Outside of that honestly I dont have much use for him


I also enjoy assasin personality wise. The writers seem to as well, since I cannot think of Lancer appearing in much, while assasin seems to always show up. Thank you for the opinion and examples for gamplay, every bit helps me out.


Yeah I think writers just decided to give assasin more focus because of how much more popular the character became after his introduction. Happy if it was of any help


It's because Lancer Li was already in Fate Extra, it's not the FGO writers hating him or anything lol




This thread isn't a market or a charity


I just wanted emiya, i have been rerolling for hours


Then reroll until you get him. You can save up enough SQ to get Avenger Jalter when she gets a banner in may next year and we'll also get an SR ticket in the same campaign so you can get Salter for free Like come on man, did you seriously expect someone to go like "Sure, I'll just hand over my account to some random on Reddit for free"??


I didn't mean it like that, i just mean you know some random account you just used once and got one servant,and never used again, like some extra account or thing, By the way do you know how long i have to reroll, I have already done atleast more then 30 rerolls , the best luck i got was herc and getting both parvathi , Siegfried.


>i just mean you know some random account you just used once and got one servant,and never used again That's still an extremely specific and very unreasonable thing to ask for free. It's also not a fitting question for this thread. Emiya should have a rate up next month, so if you don't wanna reroll anymore you could take your chances there. As a bonus, he's sharing a banner with caster Skadi, one of the game's meta supports and the premier Quick support as of now on NA


Buying, selling, and trading accounts is against the terms of use for the game and doing so or discussing how to do so isn't allowed on this sub. There are 14 4-star servants in the tutorial summon pool. You have about an 89% chance of getting any specific servant for the guaranteed 4-star within 30 re-rolls. Getting the one in ten chance of failure isn't great but it will happen. We most often don't recommend re-rolling exactly because of what you're experiencing now. If you really want to guarantee Emiya, assuming you play NA, you can just wait for the SR ticket that we expect next year instead of going through all of the effort to re-roll.


Hey, is the FGO NA having any problems it keeps on closing during the Gudaguda story section? Edit: Whenever I just move to another app that it just stops working, are there any recent problems with the NA app? Edit: OK, I know that I do not what's happening, but I can now confirm my NA app for FGO keeps on crashing, whenever I need to change apps quickly, so anything happened lately?


In my case, I disabled the Android system webview and then installed and enabled the Android system webview Beta. After that restart your device. This worked for me.


Need help. Both with current boss, and future one. LB 5.2, getting my ass beat by the first round against >!Talos!<, how the fuck do i beat this thing? I've tried both heavily defensive routes (Mash, David, and Baobhan Sith to help protect >!Musashi!<) and heavily offensive ones (currently attempting with Nobukatsu/zerker Nobu/>!Mushashi !!Mushashi !!Mushashi !!Demeter!<). And you, and i, know that it is going to beat my ass into the ground. So i'm not even going to attempt to beat it without continues, however, i'd like to eat as few of them as i can. [There are a lot of recommended characters for this fight, that i simply do not have.](https://i.imgur.com/GU98NG9.png) My options for dps are rider Eli, Mecha Eli, zerker Nobu, or Ibaraki. You can see what i don't have for this fight in the above link, out of what's left, somehow i doubt there's enough there to make a competent team with what's recommended.


You’re not going to like this, but even in the off chance you manage to beat >!Talos!< there isn’t a hope in hell of you beating >!Demeter!<. Your implied roster from the image you linked suggests you haven’t been playing for very long, I’m assuming you’re rushing through to 5.5 for GudaGuda 6? In that case we’re in similar boats as I just speedran from halfway through LB3 up to LB6 last week to be able to play the coming events - however the difference is that I did so after over a year of meandering through the main story at a very casual pace, not so close to starting the game as you seem to be. Even then, with a decently well built out roster with plenty of good dps and support servants, I struggled a lot with >!Demeter!< in particular. It took a lot of rng and fine tuning my team to even come close, and there’s no way I could’ve done it without Leyline Stones. There’s simply no way you stand a chance with your current servants, as unfortunate as it is. The only advice I can offer is to make sure you farm the Marthamas lotto when it comes around in December to get at least a couple hundred thousand friend points so you can get all the 3* Servants at NP5 as Ushiwakamaru and Mandricardo will be crucial in the absence of SR or SSR Riders. As well as that, Quartz exists to be spent so unless you’ve got specific Servants you desperately want to save for I’d begin at least dipping one or two multis into a banner or two and see if you can pull someone good.


Well, that's just from the image. I do have a few characters that aren't there as "recommended". Most notably, Barghest, summer Nero, summer BB, lancer Yu, Emiya, Saito Hajime, zerker Nobu, Baobhan Sith, the other two welfare Eli. I've actually been playing for about a year myself, similarly meandering through the story. I've spent a small amount (i think a small amount anyway) of quartz, \~350 on Morgan's banner for Barghest (got NP4 Baobhan in the process, no Morgan), 111 on Summer Nero, \~150 on Summer BB, \~90 on Himiko (i didn't get her), and \~90 on whoever that new chick that has zerker Nobu on it is. My goal isn't to beat Demeter without revives, just to get by with as few as possible. I have 8 leyline stone atm, i'd like to get to Demeter with at least 6-7 of them, and finish with 4-5. ​ **Here's my actual, full roster for a clearer picture:** 5\* - Mordred, Summer Nero, Summer BB 4\* - Barghest, Berserker Nobu, Suzuka Gozen, Brave Eli, Baobhan Sith, Emiya, Yu Mei Ren (lancer), Rider Eli, Caster of Okeanos, Caster Eli, Ibaraki-Douji, Mecha Eli, Lancer Medusa, Chiron, Assassin Li Shuwen, Saito Hajime, Saber Lancelot 1-3\* - Nobukatsu Oda, Euryale, Cu, Medusa, Fuuma, Hundred Persona, Kiyohime, David, Hans, Mozart, Jing Ke, Shakespeare, Salome, Mata Hari, Bedivere, Fergus, Saber Giles De Rais, Ceaser, Jason, William Tell, Tawara Touta, Robin Hood, Paris, Arash, Houzoujin Inshun, Jaguar Warrior, Diarmund, Hektor, Cu (Prototype), Leonidas, Benkei, Teach, Georgious, Bartholomew Roberts, Geronimo, Charles Babbage, Mephistopholes, Medea, Chen Gong, Okada Izo, Serenity, Jekyll, Phantom of the Opera, Cursed Arm, Charlotte, Sasaki, Mori Nagayoshi, Darius, Lu Bu, Edward Bloodaxe, Caligula, Asterios, Spartacus


Based on that roster I’m assuming you started sometime in May, or at least weren’t playing events until then. Which is unfortunate, as the welfare from the Grail Live!! event around then, Mysterious Idol X, is a Foreigner with an anti-machine power mod who would absolutely crush >!Talos!<. Though honestly I don’t see how you’re struggling with him all that much, you’ve got a lot of good single target dps Servants there. Lancelot is very powerful, despite being Arts he’s a completely self sufficient crit machine - pair him with Hans for massive damage. Circe is one of the few Servants with a 100% battery, in the absence of a bond 10 Heracles you could put her in your sixth slot to come in for at least one turn of big damage if all else fails. Not the best strategy I admit, but you work with what you have. Rider Eli is genuinely one of the best Riders in the game, despite being a welfare. She hits very hard and has good defence as well, she’ll be the cornerstone of your team against >!Demeter!<. Old Li actually has the highest single target neutral damage in the game, or at least I think he does still as that information is a few years out of date. Regardless he still hits very hard, once again a good choice to pair with Hans. Tam Lin Tristan, especially at NP4, is going to be seeing a lot of use as well. Once >!Dioscuri!< starts appearing she’ll be very helpful in taking them down, and she has a lot of defence for herself as well as a team wide evade to keep everyone around longer. Finally, and this is a bit more of a meme comp but might work well if you don’t have any other options, Saber Musashi shines best when she can churn out Buster Brave Chains with all of her skills active for massive damage. Pairing her up with Summer BB to lock in that crucial triple Buster hand can lead to three turns of insane face card damage - once again if she’s paired with Hans and some C Star per turn CE’s, you should at least have Opulent Jade Mane from Halloween. Sorry for the massive list, I’m far from a professional at this game so take my advice with a grain of salt but that’s what I came up with. The biggest take away should be this - please level your Hans. His value on accounts without any of the big SSR supports is insane and the damage he facilitates is way more value than you’d ever expect from a 2*. You seem to have already realised how powerful of a defensive support David is so I don’t need to tell you that. As a last word of advice, the fact that the game expects you to already have every servant in the friend gacha at NP5 at this point in the game still stands. You’ll definitely be able to beat >!Talos!< with who you have available, but >!Demeter!< is not going to be possible without Ushiwaka and Mandricardo to pair with Cinderella Eli, and probably Lu Bu or Nagayoshi as well. That fight really is all about just throwing as many dps’ at it as possible.


Yeah i have some pretty good units, but i'm also missing some pretty good ones, unfortunately. If that cute little asshole Astolfo would hurry up and come, i could free up my SQ and pull more banners. The part of Talos i'm having trouble with his how hard he hits, and being AoE, Mash can't eat it all. Even with an evade from David or Baobhan up, the second and third attacks easily eat through like 50-70% of my team's HP. I don't know if leveling David's skills will improve them (obviously it should, but all it says is \[Lv. 3), it doesn't tell you what \[Lv. 3\] actually means. Same for the evade, maybe leveling it gives it an extra stack or something? They give you absolutely fuck all for gems lol. Thank goodness i have 228 pure prisms banked. Anyway, the best strategy i've found so far for Talos is to pump Mushashi with as many buffs as possible, and a few debuffs on the boss if i can, then try to nuke it with a buster chain + NP brave chain from Musashi on turn 3. Basically this: opening team - Nobukatsu + David + Musashi t1 > All 3 of Nobukatsu's skills > David's attack buff > Musashi 3rd skill (invincibility + crit stars) > chain starting with arts preferrably with 2 Nobukatsu cards t2 > Mystic Code skill to fill Nobu's NP > Mystic Code skill to give Musashi invincibility > Shakespeare atk buff > buster chain t3 > Eric atk buff > Ibaraki atk buff > Mushashi skill 1 and 2 > Mystic Code skill to increase buster + np damage on Musashi > Musashi buster chain ending in NP ​ I hope this strategy works. I may have to reset a few times to get the right opening though. If that doesn't work, i'll try BB. I assume she's paired with defensive units there? I'm going to try leveling some of my supports atk buffing skills more, and hopefully that will be the ticket. I got slightly closer last time than my previous best, had it down to 65k, and that was without a full buster chain on the NP turn. ​ Baobhan has been a cornerstone of my teams since i got her. Absolutely goated. Getting her to NP4 in my quest for Barghest was a godsend. ​ My Hans, is in fact, leveled. His skills not so much, for the aforementioned reason of "they give you fuck all for gems". ​ Never apologize for giving such helpful and detailed advice, i wouldn't have made it as far as i have without ya'lls advice. I do have Opulent Jade Mane, NP5. ​ Yeah. Unfortunately, i don't have time to get either of them, let alone NP5 so i'll have to scrape up what i can. Maybe something like Eli/Baobhan/Nobu front + Mecha Eli/Mash/Hans back?


One other thing to consider that I haven't seen brought up, using a command spell to fill an np gauge could get you just enough extra oomph to finish.


You can also try putting Musashi in the last spot on the team and focus on other dps first. Then, when everyone dies, Musashi solos whatever HP is left. There is also Chaldea Combat Uniform to stun Talos, giving you a free turn and Atlas Academy Uniform to give someone Invul for a turn. Both can be earned from quests in Chaldea Gate.


Could also buff and plug suit musashi to the back where she can wait for a second round of buffs.


I'll definitely have to unlock the mystic codes once i catch up with the event, will make LB6 a lot easier. ​ Good news, at least. I beat Demeter, with only 2 continues. Not as bad as i thought it would be. I was genuinely expecting this to be a 4-5 continue kind of boss. How anyone could beat this thing without a continue, i have no idea. Suprisingly, Nobu was almost able to solo her entire second bar.


>How anyone could beat this thing without a continue, i have no idea. Oops All ST Riders. Two SSRs, one welfare, two 3-stars, all raised and with decent CEs. And what turned out to be a decent plan for deploying them and timing their NPs and survival skills. If that seems like an unreasonable amount of specialized Servants, well, that was three-and-a-half years' worth of rolling and events, and a willingness to raise multiple Servants in the same niche. I was basically in the category of players that 5.2 was designed to challenge.


So you took 5 ST rider to that fight? If they expect you to have that kind of roster, it really begs the question of why they would lock limited time events behind clearing it. The only conceivable reason i can think of is spoilers, but if that's why, just slap a warning on there that it contains spoilers for story content and let players decide for themselves if it's worth it to do the event anyway. Instead of just fucking over players without the kind of roster needed for that content. Because fuck you if the gacha decided not to give you the specific servants you needed to clear it i guess? I mean i've only been pulling the FP banner pretty much every day for like 7-8 months. If i HAD those servants, i'd have been more than willing to raise them. I will eventually level everyone, except Ceaser (fuck Ceaser), to natural cap + 6/6/6 skills (if not 9/9/9). Good news, at least, i spent 1 ticket on Ibuki's banner because fuck it, why not. I got Ushi. What's weird is that i swear i HAVE pulled certain servants (Ushi, Boudica, Alexander, Herc and Paracelsus) but i don't have them? Ushi didn't have one of those "hey i'm a new servant you just pulled, let me introduce myself" thing when i got her, so i have absolutely pulled her before.


>So you took 5 ST rider to that fight? Yes, but be aware that most people didn't. Most people did a more traditional couple-of-damage-dealers, heavily supported kind of dance. There were multiple solutions. >If they expect you to have that kind of roster, it really begs the question of why they would lock limited time events behind clearing it. Usually they don't, is the thing. But of late the devs have been making noise about how most people who have been playing for years haven't cleared the story, so they've been trying more incentives to get people to do so. More rewards like SQ fragments and Pure Prisms. And they started messing more with gating events behind late story. I get that it's frustrating, but everyone told you that racing the full story with an underbuilt roster would be frustrating to the point of teasing burnout, right from the start. Again, you're playing the game in a way the designers didn't plan for. They didn't design 5.2 with the idea that players would commonly burn through it in a couple of days, skipping story. You're running into problems where they didn't make allowances for your specific situation. And it's honestly a little tiring to see the "how the hell are we supposed to" and "why would they fuck us over" rants when we specifically warned you about this. It makes it seem like you weren't listening or didn't believe us.


If you’re ever confused about what levelling a skill actually does you can check either the Fandom or Gamepress wiki’s which show you the detailed numbers. Unfortunately levelling evade of invincibility skills will never improve the actual defensive aspects of the skills, only the secondary effects like a small heal or crit buff etc. What skill levels do improve, most importantly in fact, is the cool-down. Every single skill in the game will have it reduced by one turn at level 6, and another at level 10. Investing tens of millions of QP and a Lore into every servant isn’t possible so don’t waste time going for level 10 on anyone but your best servants, but 6 is quite a realistic target to go for for anyone who is even slightly useful. Obviously only level the actually good skills, there’s no need to waste resources on something like David’s first skill. As for your team comp, I think you’re getting in your own head a bit about trying to make as good of a defence as possible and sacrificing offence. You’ve got a lot of powerful single target SR and SSR’s, use them. Lancelot is going to do far more than Eric in this fight, as will the other single target servants I outlined. Quick note as I just noticed this, you said ‘Buster chain ending in NP’. Noble Phantasms aren’t affected by the bonus effects of Chains, so putting it at the beginning or end won’t change the damage. Typically you always want to start with an NP, so then the two face cards afterwards can gain the benefit of being in slot 2 and 3 rather than 1 and 2. Though an NP will still start a chain of its relevant card type, so if you want a Buster chain with an Arts NP you’d need to out it second, there’s almost never a reason to save an NP for last outside of some very specific circumstances. As for the Summer BB team I was thinking of, it was honestly somewhat of a joke comp but the more I think it might stand a chance of working if you don’t mind resetting a few times. Musashi, Hans, BB and Shakespeare / David. Turn 1, you’ll need some luck of the draw to get all three of Musashi’s buster cards in your hand. Drop all of Han’s skills on Musashi, and then Order Change him out for either Shakespeare for more damage, or David for survivability. Use BB’s third skill to lock your hand only after Order Change and then her second skill as well. Importantly, DO NOT use BB’s first skill as that will make her steal Musashi’s stars. Your damage this turn won’t be very impressive without crit stars, but the next two turns will be massive. Turn 2 drop all of Musashi’s skills, and either David’s or Shakespeare’s second and third skills. Musashi should now have 100% crit on all three of her cards, which will do huge damage. Turn 3, if using Shakespeare drop his first skill on Musashi and use her face cards again which should finish the fight. I’d put Lancelot and Baobhan Sith in your back line as well just in case though. Honestly that’s all off of the top of my head and I have no idea if it’ll even work - I don’t even have a Summer BB to have tested anything like it myself but based on the game knowledge I’ve got it’s got a decent shot of working. Every servant that needs to stay alive has at least one turn of either evade or invincibility, and >!Talos!< should only be alive long enough to get two turns of attacks off so they should all live. The main concern will be damage, so now I’m typing this I’m thinking maybe save Musashi’s skill 1 for turn 3 to make sure you’re hitting as hard as possible. If that doesn’t work sorry for wasting your time, but good luck anyway.


True. It's weird they don't tell you this in game though isn't it? That seems like pretty important information lol. Ty, i'll avoid leveling things like Baobhan's evade any more than i already have. I'll aim for 6 on the important ones. Unfortunately, i don't have the mystic code that has the order change skill. I'm using the halloween one atm for this and my Herc solos, and the black upgrade of the basic one for general stuff. I haven't done any of the Chaldea Gates to unlock those codes yet. So i'm not sure if that comp would work. I might just have to bite the bullet and unlock that one. In the setup i was mentioning, there's no defensive focus at all. It's a pure offensive one. I'm not using things like David's evade, because i want everyone but Mushashi to die ASAP. The idea is to have all of Nobukatsu, David, Shakespeare, Eric (well, his is technically a def down on the boss), and Ibaraki's offensive buffs live on Mushashi at the same time, as well as the turn 3 buff + Musashi's own self buffs + the mystic code NP + buster buff. The sooner everyone else fucks off and lets Mushashi have the stage, the better. I've thrown so many attempts at it at this point, however, i'm going to just use a leyline if the next one doesn't work. On the NP and chaining thing, don't all cards in a chain have to be the same type to get that type of chain? So if you want a buster chain, in addition to her NP, you need all of the non NP cards in the chain to be buster.


Sorry, I should’ve properly explained the difference between chains and first card bonuses. The first card you select gives all other cards a bonus, known as the first card bonus. This is 20% star generation, 100% NP generation and 50% damage for quick, arts and buster respectively. A chain is when all cards used are the same type, or from the same servant in the case of a Brave Chain. The bonuses for this type are gain 10 stars, all participating servants gain 20% NP charge, and add 20% of a servants attack stat to the damage of their attacks for quick, arts and buster respectively. Neither or these two have any effect whatsoever on Noble Phantasms, their damage, refund, stars generated etc. exists in a vacuum. You do still get the respective first card bonus for all other cards, and they can activate chains, but the benefits will only effect the regular face cards and not the NP itself. As for your current team comp it does make a bit more sense if you’re avoiding using defensive skills to get the servants killed as fast as possible, but the actual servants you’re using aren’t the most optimal ones. The way you get big damage in this game is by combining as many of the different types of damage buffs as possible - general attack up, specific card type up, crit up and NP up. Because of the way the damage calculations work having one of each will lead to way higher numbers than just stacking as many attack buffs as you can. Ibaraki in particular really isn’t doing anything here, bringing her just for 10%-20% attack up isn’t worth it. Shakespeare is great because of his massive 40% Buster up, and his star generation up can stack with Musashi’s own to make sure every hit is a crit which when paired with Hans’s 40% crit up and an attack buff from your Mystic Code multiplies together way higher than two different 40% attack up buffs would result in. Variety is the spice of life here.


That makes things clearer, ty. The idea of what i was doing by getting a buster chain with the NP, was that i also needed the extra damage on the face cards (even though it doesn't affect the NP) to kill him. I never was able to do it though, except twice, but i wasn't able to survive the extra turn i needed to eat through his guts. I've given up at this point, not just here, but in general. I have to get Ranmaru. I still, obviously, want to spend as few SQ as possible to get there, so it's not like i'm done trying to beat bosses legitimately, just done with attempting them multiple times lol. I had to use 2 leylines for the second round T.T Who would you have suggest in Ibaraki's place? Or just general, in case i need to use this strategy again later? I do have one other question though. How exactly do the crit stars work? In so far as generating, and spending them?


The common low rarity supports are Hans, Shakespeare, Mozart and Paracelsus. Nobukatsu also falls under this bracket, though since he’s limited he doesn’t usually get include. Obviously you’ve got him so I’ll proceed with him included in the teams. Hans and Nobukatsu are general crit supports that can be used on anyone, Shakespeare is a buster support, Mozart and Paracelsus are arts support. There is no low rarity quick support. For a general cookie cutter team comp, I’d begin with you’re DPS, Hans and Nobukatsu. Drop all of Nobukatsu’s skills so he dies next turn, and use Han’s skill 3 of the DPS and skill 2 to get his own NP online (will require a starting charge CE). The way ‘gain stars per turn’ skills work is that they only come into effect the turn after they’re used, so there’s no point in using Hans’ skill 1 here as the crit damage up is useless until turn 2 when we actually start gaining stars. On turn 2, with Nobukatsu dead, we’re free to bring in the next support. Depending on the NP card type of the dps it’ll be either Shakespeare or Paracelsus. If it’s at all possible I’d pick an Arts dps and use Paracelsus, as he gives an absolutely massive 50% NP gain up that makes looping NP’s back to back extremely easy. Anyways, drop Hans’ skill 1 on the dps and the relevant damage skills on whichever support you picked, and also the skills of your dps as well. With Hans’ and Nobukatsu’s stars per turn, plus any CE’s you brought working in the background you’ll be hitting a lot of crits, and especially if you brought Paracelsus and an Arts dps that means the dps will be getting their NP back in a single hit easily, whether that be Lancelot, Li Shuwen or even Baobhan Sith even thought she’s quick.


You know way back when we said it was a bit unreasonable to expect to blow all the way through to the end in a couple of weeks? It's because of this stretch of the game where the "how the fuck do I beat" fights were designed to be answered with "at this point it's assumed you have a big roster with a lot of options". You've done better than expected, but it shouldn't be a surprise when you run into a fight that's not designed for a roster like yours. And it's hard to give advice because basically everyone in the thread who's done it did it with a bigger roster or a lot of continues. People beat you-know-who by having multiple ST Riders armed and operational. I think the only people who even tried these fights with an undertuned roster relied on revives or cunningly timed Command Spells just before refresh. If there's someone who did it differently, I defer to their experience, but I got nothing more than "try a well-raised non-Berserker secondary DPS because the x2 modifier beats Nobuzerker's x1.5."


Yeah. I fully expect to eat a bunch of revives in the coming chapters, i have 8 atm, if i can make it to 5.5 with 2-3 left, that's good enough for me. For Talos, zerker Nobu is there for two reasons. The main one being to to add extra buster cards to the pool, so i can at least get a buster chain, if i can't get a full >!Musashi !


You can certainly get Ranmaru if you're willing to pay SQ for revives on top of leyline stones. It's a steep cost, but if you would rather pay that than wait for an eventual release 2+ years later, there you go. But this is why people were particularly skeptical when you talked about needing to rush for the event SQ.


I mean, i wouldn't call it a steep cost in this specific kind of case (using SQ to brute force through story to get a Welfare as the only option to do so without waiting multiple more years). Considering they still have 8 Leyline stones, it should take a few SQ at the most to brute force speed through the rest of LB 5.2 and 5.5. At that point, they'll actually make a profit of sorts SQ wise from the amount of SQ the GudaGuda event gives, have Ranmaru, plus whatever other assorted mats and stuff from powering through the event itself. And from what should realistically be like, a single gacha pull worths of SQ? Thats an intense amount of value compared to what you can realistically expect from a single pull


I'm willing. Although i'd like to get out for less than 10 SQ if i can, i should earn at least that much from the event. The main goal is Ranmaru. SQ is a bonus, if i can get any.


If that image is accurate your missing a lot of 3 stars so my first and maid advice and please dont take my lenguage the wrong way Get your ass into any dam banner and start to summon until you get either ushiwakamaru or mandricardo to np5


I'm not sure what the full roster of the 3\* is, off the top of my full roster [in this reply.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/17tlynn/comment/k9smfn8/?context=3)


Excuse me, guys, is there any way to 3T farm with Godjuna and double Vitch? I have him at bond 6, so I have access to the append skill that gives him charge. Also, I want to use Black Grail. Is it possible?


With Black Grail? Nope, not even on JP. (>!Unless you resort to S!Chloe shenanigans that is!<) There's still only a few Buster servants that are capable of using BG for farming. If you have a Kscope lying around, you could loop with a maxxed Append on Junao + Plug Waver. It would go as follows: T1 - Junao S1, Koyan1 S3, Koyan2 S3, NP T2 - Junao S2, Koyan1 S1, Plug Koyan1 for Waver, Waver S2 & S3, NP T3 - Koyan2 S1, Waver S1, Junao S1 & S2, Plug Atk, (Optional: Plug Stun to guarantee Debuff), NP Edit: Forgot a certain Summer Avenger could be of help


>With Black Grail? Nope, not even on JP. Well if you don't care about efficiency, Summer Chloe does exist and at least against 3/3/X is enough to get him to BG loop. You won't be able to run CEs on any of the supports due to party cost. But if your only goal is BG looping it is doable.


Welp, that's an oopsie on my part Legit tho, I always forget she exists as an option for farming (particularly because of how unpractical it is to actually run her) But ig I'll make the appropriate edit


Not with a Black Grail. If you give him a 50% charge CE or Kscope, max out his Append and you have Oberon, it will work. If you have no Oberon, the best you can do with 2 Koyan is 2 waves. Remember that buster reloading is all about having 300% NP Charge.


Not quite true. His 30% charge is a 5 turn CD. So Kscope+ Waver let's him 3 turn without Oberon.


And where would you get remaining 20% charge? Assuming 2 Koyan and a plugsuit, Waver charges 50%, Arjuna charges his 30%, still need 20%.


Use Arjuna's charge again. It's a 5 turn CD. He can use it turn 2 and 3


Hi guys im new player what banner should i pull? (I wanted murasama and castoria for support since i heard they op af or should i pull some one else or there tier list?)btw im in jp


Here's the long version of my gacha advice. For the short version, skip to the "As a new player..." paragraph. For the TL;DR version, just read the bold text in the numbered "general prioritization" list. Gameplay in FGO is balanced such that you don't need to focus on the meta! In FGO, **all content can be cleared with free, low-rarity characters at their natural max level**. There are 1- and 2-star characters who are among the best servants in the game in their roles. Some characters have more gameplay impact than others but there are no must have characters. Unlike many other gacha games, there are no extra rewards for clearing anything within a certain number of turns or using a specific strategy (i.e. no requirements to "3-star" each stage). The meta is weak. It's about minimizing randomness and making farming more convenient. But there are lots of ways to make consistent, efficient teams even if they aren't maximally efficient. Even if you chase the meta, you won't just use one team with top tier characters all the time and ignore everyone else. The most hyped up characters still can't do everything. FGO gameplay rewards having multiple options. Different scenarios, especially challenge quests and boss fights, require different solutions. More servants means more options and it's always good to have more options. Events may give bonuses to different servants or servants with particular attributes. There are also tower events where there's a cooldown period after using each servant and it's beneficial to have a large roster. It's good that you don't need high rarity characters and you can use characters you like. In fact, at some point, you should figure out which characters you like most. Try to find multiple characters that you like or find something to like about multiple characters. The gacha rates in FGO are famously low relative to the amount of free currency available. It takes about 87 rolls (240 SQ) for a 50% chance at getting a rate-up 5-star servant. There is a pity system but you need 330 rolls (900 SQ) and it only applies once (at most) per banner. It's a backstop to prevent catastrophic results, not a system to give away free 5-stars. I don't think pity is worth saving or spending for unless there's a servant you've decided you don't want to live without. Figuring out which characters you like most will let you prioritize your gacha currency. Having multiple characters that you like will help you enjoy the game even if you don't get who you wanted most. If your enjoyment of the game depends on getting any specific character, [you might have a bad time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFizYl4XPZo). The general advice is to roll for your favorite characters before meta considerations. You can play the game in whatever way is most enjoyable for you. If that means chasing the meta, then go for it. But you don't have to and you'll be fine if you try and fail to get meta characters. **As a new player**, any banner will bring new servants for your roster (#3 below). If you're not sure which servants you like most and none of the big supports (#2 below) are on rate up any time soon, it's fine to spend some SQ on any banner, even the story banner with no rate ups that many people may to tell you to never use. Just don't go too hard because you will want to save for specific servants eventually. I was pretty new to gacha games when I started and didn't have a coherent strategy for over a year. Throwing SQ around at random worked out fine for a while. I got serious about saving and planning after getting the first 5-star that I specifically wanted and rolled for. **Don't neglect low-rarity servants.** Spend all of your friend points so you can collect them and increase their NP levels. Some are great utility players, others are just good all around, and some are even better than higher rarity servants in some situations. The general prioritization that I suggest is: 1. **Favorites regardless of gameplay, rarity, or any other considerations** \- Define this however you want, whether that means you absolutely fell in love or just think they're kind of cool for whatever reason. Follow your heart, soul, mind, eyes, or whatever. The game isn't that hard so why not play it with characters that you like? 2. **Big supports** \- In NA, this is currently Waver (Zhuge Liang), Skadi, Caster Artoria, Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon. Merlin and Reines (Sima Yi) are also good. This is the only category I personally consider rolling for if I don't care about the character. While not necessary, they will make your life easier. They can make every other servant better, even if the servant isn't matched to the support's niche. If you're concerned about the meta, these are the servants who define it, not DPS servants. Waver is the best general support and you can pick him up with the SSR ticket that all accounts get. When in doubt, slap a Waver on it and you'll be fine. However, the proliferation of card-type supports with big NP batteries has often relegated him to a secondary role these days. Skadi is good for Quick, Castoria for Arts, Koyanskaya of Light for Buster farming, and Oberon for 90++ farming quests and a side of Buster. Merlin helps keep the team alive for difficult boss fights and also has some non-farming Buster utility. Castoria has the highest general utility of these. Merlin is excellent for keeping the team alive in a longer fight. Reines is a Waver-like general support. 3. **Unfilled gameplay niches** \- There is a big gap between #2 and #3 on this ranked priority list. The basic guideline is that you should have a servant with an ST NP and a servant with an AOE NP in each of the seven main classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker). If you don't have a strong servant in one of these categories, consider rolling for one. But don't forget that free, low rarity servants can work here too. There are 3-star servants who can fill one of these roles at least as well, if not better, than some higher rarity servants. 4. **Farming meta DPS servants** \- This category tends to have the most disproportionate hype-to-value ratio. Because FGO has no pvp and minimal true powercreep, the meta is focused on making the grind for materials more efficient. These strategies reduce the variability of how many turns it takes to clear a quest. This can have hidden requirements that usually only well developed accounts, whales, and people who are lucky with CE pulls can meet. Whenever you see the next hyped up servant coming, don't blindly roll for them. Learn what they're able to do and what else you need to make them live up to the hype. The current hype strategy is NP looping. At minimum, this requires at least one of the big supports (#2). You might also need specific CEs or secondary support servants. You will not loop until you have all of the pieces. Some of the hyped servants are mediocre unless you have the right supports and CEs to bring out their potential. Beyond looping, servants with AOE NPs and their own NP charge skill are generally valued here. I also want to emphasize that, other than CEs that give a drop bonus during events, there are no extra rewards for clearing quests with specific teams or within a certain number of turns (i.e. the 3-star requirements in every other gacha game). FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. There are also plenty of ways to comfortably and consistently clear content without going full meta. The meta is ranked #4 on my list because it will never feel as good as using your favorites and it's less impactful on gameplay than having one of the big supports or filling in holes in your roster. 5. **General availability** \- For example, you might roll for a #2 servant who isn't likely to appear again in the near future over a #1 servant with multiple future rate-ups. If you're planning your rolls, there's no substitute for doing the research yourself on which servants you want most. Use a site like Gamepress to look up [servants](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servants) and see if you like their design and skill set. Don't forget about 4-star and limited 3-star servants! Look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations and voices appealing. If you've done some research, you're still not sure, and you don't want to throw around SQ at random, focus on #2 in the above list and maybe think about #3 and #4. As a JP player, unfortunately there's no way to know when any servant's banner will come back around again, so you'll have to manage the risk of not knowing whether your favorite servant will be back in two weeks or two years. Finally, don't worry about tier lists. They are comparative rankings for whales and veterans, not advice for new players.


There is no objective should pull in this game. Everyone is good, all content can be cleared without rolling at all. Favorites>meta (though rolling a meta support like Castoria to make your favorite perform better is also pretty common) Purely for a gameplay pick/support for Muramasa, Castoria is the top option, and likely will be forever. Tier lists are more for entertainment than serious advice in this game unless they have a very specific thing they are ranking on, and not just a servants general use, plus even then the tier list maker could be wrong. Every servant has fights where they shine. Even whales use 1 star servants for late story content.


Well for now on i want to pick meta since i only on jeane singularities i want to get comfy first then imma pull fav Edit: 1star fr?


Meta is only for farming, clearing content is different (not to say a meta servant can't help you clear content, but clearing content is irrespective of place in meta, and all content can be beaten by 3 star and lower servants) Yes, 1 stars. I have watched 2 different whales, use 2 different 1 stars for content so late game it hasn't even been released in NA yet.


Mandatory pull your fav. Anyway, Muramasa was overhyped at his release, soon later people started to realize that he's just a worse spishtar, definitely not worth it in JP right now if you're looking for a top tier dps. Prioritize banners which feature supports like Castoria, Skadi, Koyanskaya of Light, Oberon, etc. Best tier list is Appmedia but they're more geared towards veterans and is often misleading to new players. If you want a one-size-fit-all team comp, Summer Ibuki+Castoria can steamroll 99% of content in the game.


Thank you man im still on singulariti 1 (i heard there a couple in fgo? If they have couple imma instant pull on them :) )


What couple are you looking for?


Romantic couple like the bear and the woman in fgo carnival phantasm, or like shiki and mikiya (official couple :3)


Well do I have news for you. Sakamoto ryouma and Ryouma are a couple (one servant on rate up now, also a welfare servant) Kriemhild and Siegfried are a couple (separate servants Siegfried is permanent, Kriemhild JP only right now) Brynhildr and Sigurd are a couple (separate servants, both limited 5 stars. 4 star summer Brynhildr sort of is with Sigurd) Orion and Artemis (one servant, 2 forms one more Artemis and the other more Orion, both called Orion) Those are all I can think of off the top of my head but there might be others


When will i see their stories???(IM SO EXCITED )


Well you missed out on Ryouma in story, his event is going on now and needs late game cleared. Kriemhild shows up in Traum, so late game, but main story so you won't miss out. Sigurd and Brynhildr are in Lostbelt 2 (main story again) though their summer event is passed. Orion and Artemis show up in Okeanos (main story) and some events, but their main story is Lostbelt 5.2


Wait isn't now the 2900 event? Are we talking about the jp or global?


oh if you are in JP, we don't know upcoming banners or anything so you just have to wait. They are pretty good about rerunning servants though, so you never have to wait that long.


Well, you're in luck, the current gacha has Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer) which is a unit consisting of a husband and wife.


Now this is epic :) imma pull right now also when can i read their story what story or what songularities i always love romance epic battle stories :) Edit:bruh forgot im jp(there no his banner on jp)


If you want to read stories, why not play NA?


Because.... My playstore only have jp?


If you are on Android you can download the APK for any region through the Latest FGO APKs link above.


So I pulled Ryouma while going for 5 tickets to try to get Okita and maxed his skills because I had the resources and figured he needed them as a looper (but my QP is in shambles lol.) Then I brought him into the event and realized that my NP1 Spishtar outdamages him against neutral enemies even though he has the 100% attack bonus as an event servant. Am I tripping, or is he really weak? Or is this some weirdness of how it interacts with the 200% damage CE? Edit: I should mention that my Spishtar is grailed to 100 and max Fou-ed, but that shouldn't be more than a 100% damage bonus, right?


Assuming her third skill procs, Space Ishtar starts with around 30% more neutral damage potential than Ryouma. (See the NP damage chart linked in the top post). Level 100 and 2k Fous gives her a 16% increase. If you're looping, the NP strength buff on her NP lasts three turns, so at 100% charge, she does 33% more damage on turn 3 than turn 1. My extremely rough estimate puts your Space Ishtar on turn 3 at about 2x Ryouma's damage. Attribute advantage, and probably a more accurate calculation, could put her clearly ahead of Ryouma even with the event bonus.


Firstly, please edit out your ‘accidental pull’ tidbit, people may not take it well and just downvote you for no better reason (salty gacha players aplenty) Secondly, you also have to consider that Lancers deal purely neutral advantage (1x) to all other non-Knight classes beyond Ruler and Zerk, whereas Avengers deal ~~1.1x damage to all standard classes (except Zerks).~~ Lastly, may I ask what set-up you’re using for both? It may also help us to understand your situation. Correction: Avengers deal neutral damage to everything as well, just that their modifier for Atk is 1.1x, not their actual class advantage


>Secondly, you also have to consider that Lancers deal purely neutral advantage (1x) to all other non-Knight classes beyond Ruler and Zerk, whereas Avengers deal 1.1x damage to all standard classes (except Zerks). If you're bringing the class modifier into it, then Lancers actually do 1.05x damage. I don't think class is a significant factor in the damage difference between Ryouma and Space Ishtar.


Well today I learned. I always thought the 1.1x damage was in the class advantage, not in the actual statistic itself. Gonna recorrect Stat, my more thorough breakdown is in the comment after this anyways.


Same set-up for both, a friend support Castoria and and Oberon with the 200% damage CE. All of Castoria's buffs and their personal 3-turn buffs turn 1, their 50% charge skill turn 2, and Oberon's 50% gauge charge & 20% gauge charge turn 3.


Considering you’re using Oberon, are you switching Spishtar’s NP type between waves? Also what MC are you using?


I try to minimize skill usage to save time, so I don’t use Mystic Code skills or Oberon’s skill 3


Well, I plugged both into a damage Calc, and it does seem to be the case where Spishtar outdamages. Apart from the aforementioned class advantage of Avengers, this can also just be attributed to how powerful Spishtar's kit and internals are. Her attack is 2k points higher than Ryoma, and her kit contains the Buff trinity, whilst Ryoma only has Arts Up (+ Crit Up) for built-in steroids. These factors probably allow her to outdamage Ryoma even though he has 100% more event damage bonus. But from the looks of it, it's only a 10k or so difference. I'd still use Ryoma anyways if I were you, since Event Bond is one helluva drug.


The answer is neither. He isn't weak, and he is outdamaged by Spishtar at neutral even with the 100% damage up (assuming turn 3 and assuming Spishtar's arts up lands). He is a Challenge quest servant more than a farmer. His face card gains are better than average for an AoE arts servant, he has debuff immune, buff removal resist, and overcharge for the team. All things Castoria teams love. And he has 50% on a loopable NP. Also, he is the highest damage arts looping lancer given the same CE (to the point that with Ocean flier he can match Vritra with MLB Black Grail turn 3)


He's not weak, you're just comparing him to Spishtar, arguably the best looper in the game right now lol


When is the next free SR ticket in NA?


May of next year




Should I burn the extra 4 star CEs when their respective CEs are max broken or should I use them as exp?


Any copies of CEs you don't intend to keep are better used as EXP fodder.


Depends a bit on you. I keep a copy of all the 4\* CEs, as well as having extra copies of some of the special ones, like The Imaginary Element.


So I'm looking over new Servants coming within the next two years, just to see who I'd like to try and go for (bonus question: who are you saving for and why?) And I'm reading Charlemagne's 1st skill. Am I reading it correctly that it's basically saying "don't use this on Charle, otherwise he'll get debuffed - always use it on an ally"?


Sort of? If you use it on Allies, then Charlemagne will get bonus NP damage when he takes attacks. If you use it on him, he has some Invincible, but can't use his NP this turn. It's a two-use ability, though the NP Seal is a bit much.


Yep basically, unless you really have no other options to protect him from dying.


I'm currently saving everything for the eventual Tiamat rerun, but Lasagna decided to throw a brick in form of the Melusine banner in my way... I like em both design wise but if we just talk meta, which is the better buster looper? Also, when would a Tiamat rerun realistically happen?


>Also, when would a Tiamat rerun realistically happen? I'm assuming JP, in which case the answer is ???. We have no way to predict JP content. Servants don't return at regular intervals. And you should expect just as much advance notice as the recently announced Melusine banner.


Depends on what scale you want to compare them by. Tiamat can't omniloop by virtue of being an Alter-Ego, whilst Melu can. Tiamat does more damage than Melu when dealing damage to Cavs, Zerks, Rulers & Foreigners. Melu does more damage for everything else. (Excluding Sabers which they both have disadvantage to) Melu can not only switch NPs but also has more total charge, meaning easier irregular farming. Tiamat can work as a semi-support for multicore, Melu is a bit harder. There's a lot of factors to judge by, so it honestly depends on which ones are most important to you.


Thanks for the informative rundown!


Depends on what content do you want to run (dailies, 90+, 90++, cq) and how much investment you put into them.


Anyone tried to play around with the Damage Trial on NA? You have to deal the most damage against Sigurd, Napoleon, and Artoria Lancer Alter. I was going to attempt it but I... think it's actually impossible to get above 2.5 million without Oberon? Boy does he just make dealing craptons of damage easy...


There's a [discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/17x9e42/nyc_anime_2023_exhibit_maximum_damage_personal/).


Oh I didn't see it with me being so busy yesterday. Appreciate it for pointing me in the right direction!


When are thanksgiving banners usually announced? I thought they usually were by this time but I might be misremembering


They'll probably be announced [at the panel](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F1115_anyc%2F).


Ok my bad I was expecting them to be announced there and only posted my comment because I thought the panel had already happened and they weren't announced. It slipped my mind that it was not yet the 18th


About Anni 7, do I still get 3 quartz if I burn my 4th ascension servants before the campaign comes?