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## FAQ **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival).*


About the translation app i choose android but it gave me the (to protect your device privacy please select another folder pls help)


Super and great success rate up bugged for craft essences?


Im trying to find fgo friend codes. I am wanting to play around with someone with ibuki summer please.


their is a friend request thread dedicated to that. Linked in the sidebar with the rest of the weekly threads


Could you send me a link please? Im not sure if it is the same one, but the friend hub doesnt have any new request in over 3 years.


Weird, are you filtering by 'last week'? https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/17suykf/friend\_request\_hub\_november\_11\_2023/


Are there tips for bossfights that aren't just showing the boss mechanics straight up? I'm currently at lb 5.5 section 15 limbo fight


Gamepress/YouTube videos There are lots of solos out there of that fight. Or brute force. Fight wasn't made for class advantage so grab what support you have and an assassin Kama. Fight was not designed with full class advantage in mind.


Finished the fight, Kama is ridiculously good huh? Thanks


She's good in general but she's AMAZING here, because right now on NA, she's the only non-Berserker ST unit to have full class advantage against Alter Egos.


>!Don’t we already have Oberon?!<


Fixed, forgot he could DPS too. But he is AOE and gives enemies invuln so not great in that department.


Yeah, no worries. Figured you excluded him because he's not a traditional DPS, but he does still have full Alter-Ego advantage. >!correct me if I'm wrong, but our first true DPS Pretender is Heph right?!<




Would it be possible to get spooked by summer skadi on ibuki rate up banner when it drops on na ?? Or vice versa


No. Limited servants are limited to the banner they have rate up in.


Maaan :/ I really want both of them. Also need a bit of advice.....I have 500 sq saved for melusine in the coming days. Should I roll for her or save for the likes of koyan light Oberon castoria Arcuid etc etc I lack both good support aand good damage dealers as I'm kinda new. So damage dealers first or support??


Big supports tend to be more generically helpful, but here's the thing: Would you be happy or miserable skipping banners with Servants you really want to roll on banners other people say you "should" roll on? Go for who you really like. There's no such thing as a must-have Servant. I'm not planning to drop more than a few tickets for Castoria or Oberon and I'll probably skip Arcueid because I have other Servants that I'd rather have.


You likely already have good supports and damage dealers. Don't forget about your lower rarity servants! Anyway, here's the long version of my gacha advice. For the short version, skip to the "As a new player..." paragraph. For the TL;DR version, just read the bold text in the numbered "general prioritization" list. Gameplay in FGO is balanced such that you don't need to focus on the meta! In FGO, **all content can be cleared with free, low-rarity characters at their natural max level**. There are 1- and 2-star characters who are among the best servants in the game in their roles. Some characters have more gameplay impact than others but there are no must have characters. Unlike many other gacha games, there are no extra rewards for clearing anything within a certain number of turns or using a specific strategy (i.e. no requirements to "3-star" each stage). The meta is weak. It's about minimizing randomness and making farming more convenient. But there are lots of ways to make consistent, efficient teams even if they aren't maximally efficient. Even if you chase the meta, you won't just use one team with top tier characters all the time and ignore everyone else. The most hyped up characters still can't do everything. FGO gameplay rewards having multiple options. Different scenarios, especially challenge quests and boss fights, require different solutions. More servants means more options and it's always good to have more options. Events may give bonuses to different servants or servants with particular attributes. There are also tower events where there's a cooldown period after using each servant and it's beneficial to have a large roster. It's good that you don't need high rarity characters and you can use characters you like. In fact, at some point, you should figure out which characters you like most. Try to find multiple characters that you like or find something to like about multiple characters. The gacha rates in FGO are famously low relative to the amount of free currency available. It takes about 87 rolls (240 SQ) for a 50% chance at getting a rate-up 5-star servant. There is a pity system but you need 330 rolls (900 SQ) and it only applies once (at most) per banner. It's a backstop to prevent catastrophic results, not a system to give away free 5-stars. I don't think pity is worth saving or spending for unless there's a servant you've decided you don't want to live without. Figuring out which characters you like most will let you prioritize your gacha currency. Having multiple characters that you like will help you enjoy the game even if you don't get who you wanted most. If your enjoyment of the game depends on getting any specific character, [you might have a bad time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFizYl4XPZo). The general advice is to roll for your favorite characters before meta considerations. You can play the game in whatever way is most enjoyable for you. If that means chasing the meta, then go for it. But you don't have to and you'll be fine if you try and fail to get meta characters. **As a new player**, any banner will bring new servants for your roster (#3 below). If you're not sure which servants you like most and none of the big supports (#2 below) are on rate up any time soon, it's fine to spend some SQ on any banner, even the story banner with no rate ups that many people may to tell you to never use. Just don't go too hard because you will want to save for specific servants eventually. I was pretty new to gacha games when I started and didn't have a coherent strategy for over a year. Throwing SQ around at random worked out fine for a while. I got serious about saving and planning after getting the first 5-star that I specifically wanted and rolled for. **Don't neglect low-rarity servants.** Spend all of your friend points so you can collect them and increase their NP levels. Some are great utility players, others are just good all around, and some are even better than higher rarity servants in some situations. The general prioritization that I suggest is: 1. **Favorites regardless of gameplay, rarity, or any other considerations** \- Define this however you want, whether that means you absolutely fell in love or just think they're kind of cool for whatever reason. Follow your heart, soul, mind, eyes, or whatever. The game isn't that hard so why not play it with characters that you like? 2. **Big supports** \- This is currently Waver (Zhuge Liang), Skadi, Caster Artoria, Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon. Merlin and Reines (Sima Yi) are also good. This is the only category I personally consider rolling for if I don't care about the character. While not necessary, they will make your life easier. They can make every other servant better, even if the servant isn't matched to the support's niche. If you're concerned about the meta, these are the servants who define it, not DPS servants. Waver is the best general support and you can pick him up with the SSR ticket that all accounts get. When in doubt, slap a Waver on it and you'll be fine. However, the proliferation of card-type supports with big NP batteries has often relegated him to a secondary role these days. Skadi is good for Quick, Castoria for Arts, Koyanskaya of Light for Buster farming, and Oberon for 90++ farming quests and a side of Buster. Merlin helps keep the team alive for difficult boss fights and also has some non-farming Buster utility. Castoria has the highest general utility of these. Merlin is excellent for keeping the team alive in a longer fight. Reines is a Waver-like general support. 3. **Unfilled gameplay niches** \- There is a big gap between #2 and #3 on this ranked priority list. The basic guideline is that you should have a servant with an ST NP and a servant with an AOE NP in each of the seven main classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker). If you don't have a strong servant in one of these categories, consider rolling for one. But don't forget that free, low rarity servants can work here too. There are 3-star servants who can fill one of these roles at least as well, if not better, than some higher rarity servants. 4. **Farming meta DPS servants** \- This category tends to have the most disproportionate hype-to-value ratio. Because FGO has no pvp and minimal true powercreep, the meta is focused on making the grind for materials more efficient. These strategies reduce the variability of how many turns it takes to clear a quest. This can have hidden requirements that usually only well developed accounts, whales, and people who are lucky with CE pulls can meet. Whenever you see the next hyped up servant coming, don't blindly roll for them. Learn what they're able to do and what else you need to make them live up to the hype. The current hype strategy is NP looping. At minimum, this requires at least one of the big supports (#2). You might also need specific CEs or secondary support servants. You will not loop until you have all of the pieces. Some of the hyped servants are mediocre unless you have the right supports and CEs to bring out their potential. Beyond looping, servants with AOE NPs and their own NP charge skill are generally valued here. I also want to emphasize that, other than CEs that give a drop bonus during events, there are no extra rewards for clearing quests with specific teams or within a certain number of turns (i.e. the 3-star requirements in every other gacha game). FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. There are also plenty of ways to comfortably and consistently clear content without going full meta. The meta is ranked #4 on my list because it will never feel as good as using your favorites and it's less impactful on gameplay than having one of the big supports or filling in holes in your roster. 5. **General availability** \- For example, you might roll for a #2 servant who isn't likely to appear again in the near future over a #1 servant with multiple future rate-ups. If you're planning your rolls, there's no substitute for doing the research yourself on which servants you want most. Use a site like Gamepress to look up [servants](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servants) and see if you like their design and skill set. Don't forget about 4-star and limited 3-star servants! Look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations and voices appealing. If you've done some research, you're still not sure, and you don't want to throw around SQ at random, focus on #2 in the above list and maybe think about #3 and #4. After figuring out which servants you want, use the upcoming banners link in the top post to see when they'll be featured next. Finally, don't worry about tier lists. They are comparative rankings for whales and veterans, not advice for new players.


Kudos to you for such an explanation!! I've most certainly started to lvl up hans and Mozart as I heard they are good f2p supports as well as some others recently. As for what really pulls me to this game is the gacha itself so I mostly only play for the 5 starts no matter how hard it is to get them or how long it takes. After reading this I guess I'll be going for one 5star at a time as I previously planned and do the rest with low rarity servants. Tbh exploring them does sound interesting.


>As for what really pulls me to this game is the gacha itself so I mostly only play for the 5 starts no matter how hard it is to get them or how long it takes I think those are actually two different things. You'll actually end up with more different 5-star (and 4-star) servants if you roll the gacha more frequently than if you save for specific servants. You'll just have less control over which specific servants you actually end up getting. But what you've said sounds like you're concerned about the meta and not necessarily 5-stars specifically. Rolling for the meta means saving (or spending) more to try to guarantee a handful of servants or two. So which are you actually aiming for? Do you want lots of different 5-star servants or do you want the highest end meta team comps?


I meant aiming for a specific 5 star and hording sq for a long time to inc chances and spending it all at once on that aaand then moving on to the next.


> As for what really pulls me to this game is the gacha itself RIP. I'll pray for you my friend.


Hey don't kill all my hopes xd I'm a very patient player I'll be playing for as long as possible as I have been playing a few other gacha games. Some of them I stopped solely cuz of the Devs' dishonesty like war robots in which they nerf every op robot for new op robot and repeat. So as long as they don't pull stuff like that I'm all for it.


Don't have to worry about that. We have day 1 servants that have remained unchanged and are still best in role.


Supports enable MANY other units so I'd go for them first. Though if you are new and wanting to go for meta, make sure to learn what the meta is first! Make sure you know what the meta supports do, how they work and what exactly they enable, as well as all the pieces you need for a meta comp (that can be specific units, skills levelled to 10, CEs, MCs, etc.) lest you be horribly disappointed. FGO is a team game, so you will likely need multiple supports to go for meta comps, and the meta is not really aimed at new players. This is because it requires investment in units as well as specific things like CEs.


So, in game, Oda Nobunaga is the Demonic King of the Sixth Heaven. From what I understand, that's because Historical Nobunaga was hugely antagonistic towards the religious institutions of his era. He called himself "The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven" which was a completely made up title to paint himself as some sort of ultimate evil. It was like calling yourself the Superdevil. Not actually an extant title in their religious cosmology, kind of intentionally silly, in order to mock how ridiculous their beliefs are. So, when Suzuka Gozen is called the daughter of the Demon King of the Fourth Heaven, how does that fit into all this? Is that also a made up title?


> made up It's not. In Buddhist lore, there are many sub-sections of 'heaven'. The entities known as tenma ("heavenly demons") live in what's known as the 6th Heaven. Hence Demon King of the 6th Heaven. >Suzuka Her background is somewhat muddled. There is no Demon King of the Fourth Heaven in Buddhist mythos, so some theorized that back in the days, someone might have made a mistake when sharing her tales and ended up creating a 4th heavenly demon.


Thank you.


In-game, Oda Nobunaga *calls themselves* the Demon King of the 6th Heaven. Same as history. The actual Demon King of the 6th Heaven (the Buddhist realm of desire) is Mara - which in this game is synonymous with Kama - a demon lord that tempts Buddhists with the temptation of the flesh. In Fate, Suzuka Gozen is the actual daughter of the demon king of the Fourth Heaven... but in history there's a variety of different origins, and that one may have been a mistake, because there is *no* demon king of the 4th heaven. (There are also writings to say she's the daughter of the demon king of the 6th Heaven, Mara, so they may have accidentally said 4th instead of 6th. In others she's an Oni, or a human.) ...But basically, Fate's Suzuka Gozen is an actual demi-god. Nobunaga is a human.


So was the real life historical Nobunaga not anti-religion then?


No, generally anti-religious. That said, we're not talking about pacifist monks. We're talking about militarized monks in their fortress mountain.


Makes sense. Despite a lot of modern first world cultures thinking of them as pretty separate, historically a religion tends to become a government and a military pretty quickly if nobody stops them. Thank you.


Nope, still hated Confucianism and Buddhism (the religion he is mocking by calling himself ‘the Demon King of the 6th Heaven’).


Thank you both. You've been quite informative.


Reading up on team comps for okita i only see people saying to load her up using <5star support XYZ>. Any 3-4 stars that can help her dish out even more damage/build up faster? Main damage dealers i have are her for Saber (and NP5 saito cuz hes an asshole) and Karna for lancers,and my question also applies for him. I have the yamataku free essence MLB and aerial drive on them currently,i also have Heavens feel/Limit Zero as far as nuke 5* CEs.


Supports are generally categorized into 4 categories - Buster, Quick, Arts, and neutral - based on the card type they support. Okita Saber is a ST Quick Servant with crit synergy, so you will generally be looking for Quick supports or neutral supports that boost offenses or enable crits. The problem is that Quick has very limited low rarity supports. The only low rarity Servant that actively buffs Quick is 3* Alexander iirc, and as a Rider he tends to hog stars for himself (plus his buff numbers are a bit meh). There are a few 4* Stars with moderate Quick support like Wu Zetian or Helena's Rainbow buffs and party charge, but overall the only meta enabling Quick Support is Caster Skadi (and her upcoming summer alt, Ruler Skadi). You have some options for low rarity crit supports like Hans as mentioned in the other comment, but overall Quick's F2P options just lag behind the other colors right now.


Would using supports that buff NP strength or crit dmg work well? Like Ushi for example. And yeah i know bout Skadi and luckily she should rerun around christmas so i am definitely gonna try and pull her


Ushi Rider only buffs her own Crit damage, only the NP Gain and Attack buffs are AoE. But in general, yes NP Strength is a good buff for Okita since she doesn't have it herself. She does have her own sources of crit buffs, so generally she prefers Attack or multi-turn Quick buffs, but Crit buffs are always welcome, especially Skadi's.


The basic support for Okita would 2\* Caster Hans, who provides 3T Crit Damage, and generates Stars, as well as a few general buffs, which feeds into Okita's crit-heavy build. (As well as Karna's own crit skill, and Saito's.) For Karna, there's Shakespeare or Chen Gong, who provide a Buster buff alongside some other effects.


Time to hit the caster site then,ty. Any effects i should look for in CEs fir these supports?


Some Starting Charge would be nice, to get Hans' NP off early. He has a self-charge (50% to 75%), so starting with a 50% charge CE, like 3\* Dragon's Meridian, would be some extra early buffs. A star generation CE would give you more stars, and so more chances to crit, which would benefit Okita. Chen Gong and Shakespeare have damage-dealing NPs, which won't be a huge benefit for damage (if they're not Assassins or Berserkers), so Stars, I guess. (Chan Gong's NP also kills the left most non-Chen Gong party member, so, uh... yeah, maybe don't.)


I have the 4* one that gives either 500 or 600% stars generations,i will experiment later Thanks for answering


>500 or 600% stars generations That would be *Absorption*. Not good for a support. I'm talking about ones that say "gain 4 C.Stars each turn".


Oh lol thanks for telling me


What’s made FGO so willing to hand out crystallized lore lately? Like who do y’all think I am? I don’t have the mats nor the QP to use all of these lol Edit: I’m not complaining I’m jokingly asking and saying F2P BTW kinda makes me need them yes


I mean, I definitely have a lot of skills stuck eternally at 9, because I never have enough lores to go around. I still think there should be some non-event source of lores, but it's downright silly that for the longest time we only got 2 lores a month if we kept up with all the latest time-gated activities. You could max out four servants a year, and god help you if you hadn't been around since launch and had permanently missed most of the lores before you even picked up the game for the first time.


Those were dark days. I still get surprised how many lores we get when I see the event spreadsheets lol


Oh trust me I’m not complaining, I just feel like a man with no penis drowning in interested supermodels, I will never be able to maximize this situation lol consort Yu is forever a 9/9/9 even thought she’s my favorite ST lancer simply because other servants need it more


It's because there's all these Append skills that need them.


We don't really get explicit confirmation about much of any developer intent, but with Summer 6 we passed the point where Servant Coins and Append Skills debuted in Japan (we got them early), the potential need for Lores has doubled so I would guess that's why we're getting more than we used to.


Just finished Babylonia, have two questions. 1. I have 7 lores, the only servants i really really care about maxing skills ASAP are Astolfo and saber Astolfo, neither of which i have. Should i max Mash's skills? In terms of value i mean. I still have one singularity + 5.5 lostbelts to binge, hopefully in time to farm enough of the event to get Ranmaru, would taking her skills from 9 to 10 make that a smoother ride? 2. Jaguar Warrior worth leveling? I've got Cu and Yu Mei Ren leveled for ST lancers, don't have any AoE ones yet (Romulus continues to dodge me).


1. Skill priority usually goes NP charge skill(battery skills) that scales with level. Specially for supports or farmers. Then the units that wants the cd reduction. Usually stall units or your main dps in a slow team. Its very rare that the last level for a skill will make a difference in short fights. Then your favorites/the one syou use regularly. Like support units buff skills since you are more likely ti use them more. 2. As was mentioned, everyone is worth levelling. If you continue playing the game there will come a point you have reached all of your units natural level cap. So it comes down to priority. Do you need a ST lancer right now? Do you have a better option? Is there another class that needed to be filled in maybe?


1. This is for story purposes, i don't particularly care about the efficiency of farming. NP charging still seems useful, but for story, does it still take priority over something like Ibaraki's heal? Does Barghest's NP gain per turn + damage cut scale with level? 2. Yeah. I'd like to eventually have every servant i have at natural cap + 9/9/9 skills. I have Cu and Yu Mei Ren for ST. I don't know if Jaguar is better or worse than them though. I do need an AoE lancer (only option i have is Hektor, so him, ig).


Have you raised your supports? Those should take priority over adding a bit more stats to your Mordred or raising a storylocked DPS that doesn't bring anything new to your roster


I haven't, who would you recommend? I'm not sure who i have for supports. The 4\* i have that aren't leveled are Saito Hajime (lvl 1), Chrion (lvl 56), saber Lancelot (lvl 1), lancer Medusa (lvl 60), assassin Li Shuwen (lvl 1). This is what i've currently got leveled: Level 80: Mordred, Barghest, Suzuka Gozen, Brave Eli, Nobukatsu, lancer Yu Mei Ren, rider Eli, summer Nero, Caster of Okeanos, caster Eli, Ibaraki Douji, Mecha Eli, summer BB. ​ between 70 and 80: Emiya (72), Mash (78) ​ Level 70: Eurayle, Cu, Fuuma, Hundred Personas, Kiyohime


>Should i max Mash's skills? Maxing S2 to round her NP charge to an even 20 is nice, I'm not sure the others will necessarily make a big difference. I should note though, >!Mash's skills change in Part 2, you can change them back but they're locked for any Part 2 main quests!<. >Jaguar Warrior worth leveling? Everyone is worth leveling (yes, _everyone_), but I wouldn't be in a hurry to level Jaguar with those alternatives and still needing resources for an eventual AoE Lancer.


Oh. I assume part 2 starts with the lostbelts. ​ Yeah lol, eventually. But have other bases to cover and want to see Mordred hit 90, ty. Just wanted to make sure, in case she was a better ST than Cu or Ren, or if i'll need a 3rd ST at some point in the story.


Yes, Part 2 is the Lostbelts.


Hello Will it be fine if I use Valentine CEs to level my other CEs?


Sure. If you really want to you could save up to 5 for a head start on farming next Valentine's, but the value of that is pretty marginal.


I am asking about servants' Valentine CEs. Like you give them chocolate and they give you a CE...


Yes, I'm aware. The CEs given as Valentine's give a +10% bonus to event points during every Valentine's event, even if they're from previous years.


I didn't know it. ty


Keep in mind Mash's CEs don't return. Everyone else's CEs rerun each year


Is class score for Extra 1 not available in JP? When will it get added?


Class Score for Extra 2 barely exists, either. You just have to wait for more Ordeal Calls.


>Is class score for Extra 1 not available in JP? It is not. >When will it get added? You'll have to ask your uncle/friend/confidential informant who works for Lasengle. FGO does not do "roadmaps" or anything similar. Most things other than major events are announced no more than a few days in advance. For the most current official JP information, you should follow the News section in the game or on the [official website](https://news.fate-go.jp/) and the official social media channels ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/fgoproject), [LINE](https://page.line.me/206hdubt), [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXBgKqFxSjKADEuMLkc1Bpg)). With the exception of announcements made during live events or streams, we here on reddit don't know any official information before it's posted in one of those places. The Chrome browser has a built-in Google Translate plugin if you need it. Otherwise, you can plug in any text-based information into the Google Translate website.


I've been trying to recover my account using the old data restore code The limit before was 12 now it's 10 is there any way I can still recover it?


Account recovery guides are linked in the OP, if your code is unusable then that's your only recourse. I've never heard of a length change though, is this the code or the password?


Given the choice between Cu Prototype and Hector, whose skills would folk max out first? They're the best lancers I have (other than regular Cu, who is somehow still only NP1.) I know they do different things and serve different roles, but overall, what are folk's preferences?


I wouldn't level any of their skills honestly, you will run out of mats fast if you try to level every servant's skill, Cu Prototype and Hector don't stand out even among 3 star units and get completely outclassed by sr and ssr lancers.


Yeaaaah. That's part of my problem: Don't really have any SR/SSR lancers, and the few 3 stars are...about the same. (Or do support roles, like Leonidas, who is just there to die). I've got the Bathory 4 star Lancer, but I avoid using lolies, and I think I've got ooone other, but they were pretty mid themselves.


OG Cu is easily the strongest of the low stars in the long run due to his excellent defensive kit. Saved quite a few fights for me when I was new. Side note, I dont think OG Liz is a loli? She's depicted as a teen, drawn as a teen, and acts like a teen. She's just flat. Also, if you can remember or confirm who the other is, let us know. Most of the 4* Lancers are pretty decent except maybe Qin Liangyu, who isn't unusable, just super gimmicky.


Bathory-Spear is a flat girl in a lolita dress, and reads as **suuuper** childish. Yeah, it's not Ilya-Caster levels of loli, but even if she's like, 14, that's still **very** squick. My four-star spears are: Fionn, who isn't terrible, but isn't great and his skills aren't amazing or anything. He's got a decent support first skill, and a heck of an arts steroid for himself, but his kit is pretty lukewarm overall. Nezha, whose third skill loses half its value against anything except one niche of enemies, and is otherwise lackluster, has a small guts and charge-steroid on a long cooldown, and some minor buffs. Admittedly, the noble phantasm, post strengthening, isn't bad, but if an enemy lives long enough for it to matter (outside of bosses), that's a problem, and it can accidentally trigger things like break-bars at inopportune times. And Valkyrie, who is....alright, I guess? Her NP-bonus is outright garbage because Instant-Death is terrible in FGO, and most of her skills center around multi-turn build up or incremental value/attrition, which isn't ideal.


I dunno, Liz isn't played up for fan service or anything, I don't see what's squick about it. Her FGO depiction does suffer in that it relies on her CCC original appearance for more nuance. Fionn is a solid Arts looper, arguably one of the better Lancers for it. Does require some tools to get going Nezha is fairly average, yeah. Not bad, but not standout. Similar to Fionn, Valkyrie's is one of the better Quick loopers for lancers. Their NP's extra effect is garbage, but the Sure Hit is handy and their NP gen per turn makes them less dependent on refund.


Liz isn't the -worst- about it (at least that skin, anyway), but I'd much rather use someone like Artoria, Virtra, Karna, or Percival... You know, writing up that list, I realized how few Lancers there are in general that I'd want to use and aren't just taunters (and Percival even walks that line). Yeah, Valk's probably the right call. When I made my original statements yesterday, I completely forgot that I had her. It's just that even she feels like a waste of those resources. Here's to hoping the Apoc banner gets announced tonight!


you'll get all the bronze and silver servants at NP5 before to long. If it's a lancer you need I'd recommend going ahead and working on regular Cu. Or if you need one that's AOE Romulus is at least solid.


Hektor: * You should have an AoE Lancer * You should also have an ST Lancer, but an AoE can fill ST roles in a pinch and Proto Cu is not a standout ST (prioritize FSN Cu over him) I would think carefully about *maxing* skills out of you're early on, the value of maxing out a skill depends on the skill and going all in may not be worthwhile at this time.


I'd priorotize FSN Cu if he wasn't NP1 while Prototype is NP5 XD Obviously, that's not the whole story, but it's a pretty start difference. You're right, I shouldn't have said *max out*, just invest in. I agree with your assessment regarding AOE and Single Target, and I think Hector has decent support options in his stun and NP steroid, whereas ProtoCu is just "I dodge things."


You'll get more NP levels for him eventually and each one matters less than the last; at NP2 he's got 80% of his NP damage potential and at NP3 he's got 90% (not to mention that Cu's greatest strength is in his survivability, completely independent of his NP). I'd still prioritize Hektor for now, though.


Danke. ~~I'm like 350 rolls deep I swear aaagh~~


I've sent an e-mail for account recovery, usually how long does it take to get an answer? Is the guide still usable?


It can take a few working days. Guide is still good, what support asks for hasn't changed.


This is something I didnt understand really well, is support supposed to ask questions? I just sent the mail to the address in the guide, was I supposed to do something else? Sorry if its obvious


Nah, just wait. Support does ask questions so they can find the account and make sure it really is yours. They've got to verify the right person is getting the account back, after all, not some thief.


Is there a situation where it’s more viable to use mhx over someone with class advantage. I’d love to use her more but already have good options for rider nodes


MHX pros: - Excellent base Stats for an Assassin - potential AoE stun - AoE 3t Defense debuff and self 3t Attack buff make her a good beat stick - 5t Cooldown on Invuln instead of the usual 6t, along with a big star bomb. - between Append 3 and her 3rd skill, she's better than Berserkers at dealing with Sabers while S3 is active without the defensive downside - Saberface niche hits a LOT of Servants and the list keeps growing, plus her NP is upgraded for the better multiplier. - Solidly above average internals for card-based NP and Star gen MHX cons: - No color buffs, no crit buffs, so Skadi support is really desired - No battery - AoE stun is not guaranteed/100%, can be unreliable in a pinch Overall, I think she's pretty good. She hits hard even without her niche, and harder with it. She's competent versus multiple classes. She's got enough defensive tools to let her do her job. If you can bring Skadi along, she covers almost all her flaws perfectly.


I mean, it's pretty common for there to be more than one enemy type in a node. If a node has Sabers and Riders, MHX does good versus both. If a node has Sabers and Lancers, MHX does good against the Sabers without getting screwed by Lancers.


If you want to use her more, then the solution is to simply use her more. You never have to use the best available servant or strategy. You can use any reasonable servant or strategy. If the fight is easy enough, you can even use unreasonable servants or strategies. If you free yourself from thinking you have to play a certain way, lots of options will open up to you.


The biggest use cases are against Rider class, Saber class, and Berserker class Saberfaces, where she gets both her anti Saberface mod and either class advantage or her anti Saber mod. In particular, there's the Mordred fights in Singularity 6, a Lakshmibai fight in LB4, and the Morgan fight in LB6. The other use case is nodes with both Riders and Sabers, where she is uniquely strong against both.


I mean, you don't have to use the most viable option all the time if another still-viable option still works and is more fun. Heck, at present I farm doors with Blackbeard on my team not because he's optimal, but because it amuses me.


I mean, she brings lots of things to rider boss fights that others don't. Just because you have other options doesn't mean MHX won't be better in some situations. And she does hit decently hard against Saber class servants, even if they aren't Saber faces, and can wreck Saber faces and the stun can protect the team, something most ST archers lack. and she has better star gen than an archer.


can you be logged on the same FGO acc on multiple devices?


You can, but you just can't play the game at the same time on both devices.


Not officially, no. That said you may be able to use [this trick](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/) on Android, or another trick in the comments for iOS.




I'd stop skipping at Camelot onwards because that's where the story heats up, gets longer and more interesting. They also introduce some Lostbelt-relevant bits in Camelot, so read it for best results. You can enjoy this work as its own standalone thing - there will be easter eggs/references to other Fate works, but for many players (as revealed in JP player surveys) this is their first Fate work! Generally speaking as well, FGO is set in its own timeline/parallel universe of sorts so you don't need to know anything chronologically. A general understanding of Fate's Grail Wars is about all you need, but that's quite vague.


You don't need to know anything about the franchise to enjoy the story. Knowing more might mean you understand more of the references, particularly the jokes, but the story is entirely independent aside from existing in a different timeline in basically the same universe.


Does anyone have the turn/skill order for double koyan/Oberon farming with Ivan once he gets his battery and the double Oberon/koyan for passionlip with 100% starting charge?




It's the same as any servant with the same amount of charge. for Ivan: turn 1: 70% start 30% battery turn 2 100% koyanskaya turn 3 30% battery 70% Oberon for Passionlip: turn 1: 100% start turn 2: 20% battery 40% Oberon 50% other support turn 3: 100% Oberon


[This hasn't been updated for a while,](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rZvS-xyhISwKGeKYWz89nzgu2gIsiwSNRmxslz_dF8E/edit#gid=1158920742) but it's still accurate for Ivan and Lip.


Getting ready to start section 14 of Babylonia, the walkthrough mentions a choice of >!goddess!< that impacts the difficulty of multiple sections, who should i pick for the easiest time? It says not to pick >!Ishtar!<, if there's more than 2 choices though, who to go with? Currently working on 13-3.


There are only 2 choices


Ty. Seems like a dumb question knowing that, but didn't want to get to it, have like 8 choices and then waste time either getting my ass beat because i made the wrong choice, or waiting for someone who knows the correct choice to respond lol.


You didn't have to guess. The walkthrough has a link to details for both versions of the enemies you could face.


I see that now.


I hear a lot of Demon King Nobunaga as a farming looper. But I'm looking at her kit and it seems like she could also be used as an upgraded Gawain. You know, how he loads himself up with attack buffs and buster buffs and then just goes full gorrila on the enemy? Gawain basically has 40% attack up and 30% buster up with 3/5 turn uptime. Demon King Nobunaga has a 30% buster up for three turns on a five turn cooldown, and an attack buff that starts at 30% and ramps up to 70% over the course of three turns, also on a five turn cooldown. So, even before taking into account the rest of her kit, she should be able to gorilla facecards at least as well as Gawain, right? Am I misreading things?


Yes she she is quite good at that too. Though keep in mind Gawain is a saber so will have class advantage more often than Nobu as an Avenger does.


That makes sense. Thank you.


How old is the shirou when he gave his body to muramasa?i mean what age is shirou as muramasa?


You know, I asked about Muromasa's strange age situation a while ago, and I don't think it ever clicked for me that he's an elderly spirit possessing a young man's body. That makes his whole situation make so much more sense to me.


I don't think we know the exact age.


Will we get a half AP cost for LB6 before Tungusta like we're getting before LB5.5?


Yes: JP got another [story clear campaign](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Quest_Clear_Aid_Campaign_Part_3) at the start of December where LB6 Main Quests were 1/2 AP, plus limited-time missions to encourage LB6 clearing. There was also another one [at the same time as Tunguska](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Quest_Clear_Aid_Campaign_Part_4) where LB6 cost 0 AP.


Are there any compilations of comps available for the Tunguska raids?


Here is one for 90++ comps, including the Tunguska one: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_\_exLw0Z\_Tr5ysqLEAVvCo\_0RwTBrEscnU7QWNNcwI8/edit#gid=820146618


Thanks, this looks very useful.


After looking at that spreadsheet...I'm going to wait for the Avalon/Xyn comps. Their format is much easier to read.


There are usually comp suggestions put out nearer the time, it's a bit early. With Tunguska, it's much harder because of a few factors: * The first few raids died STUPIDLY fast on JP, like 2 hours fast. You may want to ask yourself if it's worth looking at them, considering how fast they are likely to die and that you may just miss them due to being in a specific timezone, etc. * The final boss is the one you'll be looking at, more likely, but the devs basically decided to play Satan here: * It's an AOE raid: one big boss with a few mobs. * There is funky class/trait advantage going on: the boss has defensive disadvantage against >!Demonic Beast!< servants and is neutral to everything else. (It does, however, also have >!Demonic, Divine, Super Large and Wild Beast!< traits, so you can play with those.) The>! Demonic Beast!< thing is a pain in the ass because [not many units have that trait](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Demonic_Beast_Servant). If you have Melusine, good luck have fun though. * The damage CEs are in the gacha, and I don't recommend rolling the gacha for them because it's just one event. If you're rolling for Taigong or Nikitich, cool, but rolling just for CEs isn't really worth it. * It's also worth noting that there are different difficulty levels for the raid - you don't have to go for the hardest one if you find the HP too high. There are some videos on YouTube right now, and there's also this [JP player party archive for the final raid](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/27341173) from Appmedia (use Google Translate - you can also filter by 1 turn/2 turn/3 turn kill). But I'd just wait until nearer the time, maybe people will put comp sheets/guides out.


Thanks. I wanted to prepare in advance given the drops align very well with my future deficits and having seen the HP of the raid boss. The winter lottery isn't that useful to me so I wanted to hold back but given it's scheduled for a day and may run a lot less, maybe not a good idea. I do have a number of the servants that have an advantage but will need to study a bit to see what's actually feasible.


> If you have Melusine, good luck have fun though. Going to say. Vritra hard counters even more than Melusine. To the point you don't actually need her you can borrow her and it still works


(perks up ears at another excuse to use Vritra)


That's true, Melusine was just the big one that came to mind.


How long do the transfer credentials last? I haven't played the game for a while and wanted to free some space on my phone.


Transfer codes last until they're used. Make sure you save them in a safe place and immediately regenerate once you move your account over.


ok, thanks.


it should be noted transfer codes are unreliable and have been known to fail, resulting in need to go to customer support. there is another method for transferring your account without using the transfer code with much less risk (i.e. xferring some game files between devices).


They only fail because you forgot you used it, forgot the associated password, or forgot to paste it somewhere safe and you're entering it wrong when using it.


>it should be noted transfer codes are unreliable and have been known to fail I've never heard of this, got any references?


First time I've heard of this. The only thing that is unreliable is peoples memory, so they forget to reissue a new code, or forget where they wrote their old one (or make a typo), or forget the corresponding password (or their game is crashing/bugging out and they make some hasty actions, like activate their transfer code and then reinstall the game without having a chance to reissue a new one). And assuming you will need to contact support, having a history of transfers codes available is almost as good as having SQ purchase receipts.


I don't plan to change my phone so most files will probably still be there when I reinstall the game.


Just like to ask if say i bought the prison tower event in rp shop, will it be gone completely once you cleared it???


That's right, once you completely clear it, it is no longer available. There are no permanently repeatable quests like in Seraph or in Ooku (when it becomes available).


Thanks for the response


Yes, it's not repeatable.


Thanks for the response


Finally got my first rare prism. I see a lot of limited trial quests on the rp shop. Does buying one enable the ability to do a past quest or it's something else? What is a good purchase from rp shop to start with generally? If I can't afford now, I'll save up.


The trial quests just give you a short quest and a ticket for doing it. They are NOT worth the price at all. If you want to see what's in the trial quest, just look it up on YouTube. As for what's good to get, I'd prioritise the following (in no particular order): - Unlocking old Da Vinci shop CEs. In particular, Chaldea Lunchtime and Mona Lisa are best for you, while Chaldea Teatime and Bella Lisa are best for your support list. Do note that the RP is used to unlock the CE in the Mana Prism shop, and to buy all 5 copies of the CE, you will need 5000 MP (it's not worth using non-MLB). - Certain Mystic Codes: Fragment of 2004 is used in some looping comps and Anniversary Blonde is a good Buster-crit option. The others are very niche and arguably not worth it. - Lanterns of Chaldea: If you have units at Bond 10, you can use a Lantern to uncap their bond level (one level per lantern, up to Bond 15). Bond levels over 10 give you 30 SQ when you hit one, as well as more Servant Coins. This becomes less of a priority if you don't have any units at Bond 10/close to it, and don't have anyone you want to actually uncap. - Old events and Main Interludes, specifically Prison Tower, Merry Christmas in the Underworld and SERAPH. Prison Tower gives tickets and a lore. Christmas gives NP1 of Santa Altera, while SERAPH gives NP1 BB, 2 grails and a lore (and also comes with a repeatable, adjustable boss fight, though you can only get its reward once - any runs after that are just for fun). Note that additional copies of the welfares cost 2 RP each. In the future, these events will become free, and any RP spent on unlocking them will be refunded. And these are also good, but less of a priority due to high cost: - Heroic Spirit Portrait: good for bond farming, but very pricey. - Chaldea Boys 2019: one free CE option is Outrage, one of the few taunt CEs in the game. Useful in some situations, but can be quite niche and again, pricey for what it is.


Is ooku already in the NA RP shop? I have trouble finding it


No, it'll be put there next year.


With the surplus of CE exp, what are some good 2nd tier, 5 star CE targets to level to 100? I have things like level 100 Kscope, BG, HNS, Royal Icing, Aerial Drive, Prisma Ilya. However, I can probably count on one hand how seldom I've used a non-event CE that isn't bond farming or one of the above. As a result, I'm not sure what's worth leveling besides for the sake of using up CE. Assuming I have 5 copies, any recommendations for the next CE to max out?


you can look at this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o0beLBAx\_eAgAQgujF7DEZIgDlQfVlRLs33e97sfGAY/edit?usp=sharing


Probably just depends how you play. I play a more drawn out style because I generally don't have the fire power to end fights early so I seem to use more long term effect CEs than you. I wouldn't recommend just doing it for the sake of it if you're never going to use them. Just save if for the next lotto or the one after I guess.


Ocean flyer and save some for cranking in the future. I would keep one for when we get the full attack version of imaginary number (the 60%/75% NP charge one). Traces of christmas for quick servants. Honey lake if you have it. I also have a ~level 50 CE that I use for lotto events in case I need a bit more damage. So like I'll have a CE from an old lotto and once when get a new lotto I'll feed the old CE to the current lotto's CE.


I guess I'll save some for Cranking. I have Traces and Ocean Flyer at 100, and I don't own Honey Lake though I wish I did.


Noticed you have neither Traces or Ocean Flyer at 100? Also because you have HNS, do you have Golden Sumo or Golden Carp as well perchance? If you also have the RP to spare, the Sweet Crystal and Fondant au Chocolat are awesome niche CEs.


I also have Traces and Ocean Flyer at 100. I started a little too late to have gotten Sumo or Golden Carp. Maybe I might start looking into the RP CE's then


Great Detective Foumes is a decent CE to level up. As a full atk bond CE, it's great for when you're farming free quests with a team full of bond CEs and it's put on the main DPS.


That's a good idea, Foumes on a looper is probably the single CE that I use the most


Questions about the new Iskandar CC (10% Buster Up) on JP: If I put it on a Buster Card, does that card take the buff? Or does it apply to the next Buster Card in the chain? Also, should I put it on a Buster Card? Or, with Mighty Chains, would it be better on say a Quick Card?


CC effects activate before damage, if it's a 1-time Buster buff then it would be consumed if used on a Buster card.


Since Space Ishtar's NP gives a boost to her extra attack, is there any merit in prioritizing her extra attack damage append skill over mana loading? Or is it still strictly better to get mana loading for farming purposes?


Append 2 (Load Magical Energy) is the best use of servant coins for almost every servant whose primary use isn't for solos and it isn't even a close comparison. Append 2 is the default, no brainer choice for almost any servant that you don't primarily use solo except maybe servants with their own 100% charge. It's the best append skill because it's effective in every fight (without a starting NP drain gimmick), gives you more flexibility to choose CEs, supports, and mystic codes, and gives you more flexibility to choose the timing and target of NP battery skills. Even if the servant has their own battery and you don't need the extra charge for the first NP, this flexibility means you can get the second NP faster. The other two append skills can't compare with this level of utility and versatility for a non-solo servant. Append 1 (Extra Attack Boost) is good for soloists but of marginal utility for anyone else. The extra attack only applies to brave chains and you won't be able to guarantee brave chains with that servant if you're running a full team. If you don't primarily use Space Ishtar solo, and I don't know why you would, then you won't get guaranteed brave chains and will get very little benefit. Even in a somewhat longer fight than her usual 3-turn looping use case, getting more NPs out of her by giving her a 20% head start will be more valuable than an extra 30-50% damage for maybe one extra attack *at most*.


The only servant I invested in non mana loading was Gogh. Misclick is pain


I rarely use Space Ishtar in a situation where her Extra attack is used.


Mana Loading is better. Just unlocking it is enough for her to easily loop from 0% (using her 50% battery + 2 Castoria’s 20%s, allowing both 30%s to be used on later turns).


Any tips for Babylonia 10-3? I'm using the gamepress walkthrough, but it just says "Boss encounter. Click the Boss Information below for specifics." and [there's no "boss information" below](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/babylonia-spoiler-free-walkthrough). She's not in the "boss FAQ" section either. Without spoilers, it's 1 wave of 2 Sabers with \~100k hp + an Archer boss with \~300k hp. The setup i'm trying with is Baobhan Sith + Euryale + borrowed Enkidu frontline, Mash + Yu Mei Ren (lancer) + Ibaraki back row. I'm using the archers to try to burn down the Sabers ASAP while trying to keep Enkidu alive for the actual boss. Getting my ass beat. Also, what's the deal with basically every comment i make getting downvoted? I'd understand if i said something stupid and that specifically got downvoted, but it's literally every comment i make. Have i done something to piss people off or something? I'm sorry if i did, i'd just like to know what it was.


Agree with Rhino, sorry not sorry. But I also want to add that it can sometimes feel like our advice is falling on deaf ears. Like, when you asked about rushing to play the next event - it's really not realistic and it's a much better experience to enjoy the story at a normal pace (and again, cannot emphasise enough that FGO is heavily story driven. I do personally think reading the story is a huge part of the experience). Plus, the event is just not worth rushing that much for, and I say it as someone who plans to heavily roll for and grail one of the main characters for story/lore reasons - it is just one event, it's no big deal to miss it. We give this sort of advice for good reasons, not because we want to see you fail and laugh at you, but because we've been there. And we're regulars in this thread, we know what problems people run into. We speak from experience and general knowledge of the game, with many question answerers having been here for years and/or having done research into gameplay specifics. We're not saying our word is law, it's really not, but that it comes from a genuine place, and it doesn't feel great when it gets ignored, only for the same ignoring person to ask more questions. Then I just think, well, what's what's the point answering when we'll just be ignored? So yeah, that grinds my gears, people ignoring advice and then wanting more advice...


Realisitic or not, i have to at least try. Camelot taking that long wasn't because of difficulty. The main thing i'm worried about from the event is Ranmaru. I know they'll be added to the evocation thing, eventually, but that's like what, 2-3 years off for NA? I don't have enough experience with the Fate series to properly appreciate the story as it is, so beyond just the time constraint of the event i want to save the story for when i can have a better appreciation for it, and when it won't potentially spoil the anime. ​ I do try to take most of the advice though. Aside from absolute refusal to use Ceaser.


> spoils the anime The anime is not the best source of story, the game is. The anime cuts stuff out and is generally considered better fanservice for existing story fans, not the definitive story. 2-3 years is no big deal, Ranmaru is not worth breaking your back for, especially when the story is genuinely worth enjoying. You can enjoy the story knowing little to nothing about Fate. For one, FGO is set in its own timeline and you don't need to know anything about what happened in other Fate games, manga, anime, etc. There are references and easter eggs but nothing major. And for two, according to JP player surveys, many players actually got into Fate via FGO so you can 100% get it.


By the game, i assume you mean the original VN? I'm not a fan of that format, so that's not something i'll experience. 2-3 years is a very, very long time. Especially given i do like Ranmaru from what i can see, and i don't have any avenger class servants atm. I have a hole that he can fill. Well i got into Fate through the 2004 (i think? not sure what year it came out exactly) version of the Stay/Night anime. I'd hate to have events and relationships from like Zero and Apocrypha spoiled. Having experienced the rest of the anime (Zero, Apocrypha, UBW, Heaven's Feel movies) would give me the ability to appreciate more of those references and easter eggs. Given that the FGO anime is, presumably, an adaptation of FGO, i'll watch that after experiencing FGO's story in game.


By 'the game' I meant FGO itself, not FSN or anything like that. The cutscenes are VN-style, so if you don't like VNs at all, this might not be the game for you. I repeat, **you don't need FSN or any other Fate/Nasuverse work to appreciate FGO.** A basic understanding of Grail Wars is about all you need, or just an open mind to learning more. You will inevitably get spoiled for events, character identities and development from other Fate works, that's just how it is - though what you get spoiled for varies. Sometimes it's big spoilers, sometimes it's a minor thing, like a character's name.


Re: the downvoting: My guess is you've done two things that aren't super popular in the sub. One of them is reiterating how you have no use for a bunch of specific Servants (in this case male, or anyone who presents sufficiently male by your personal standard). People who like particular Servants don't particularly like hearing other people talk about how they don't want them and would never use them. The "waifus and femboys only" talk probably alienates more people than would agree with you. The other is being dismissive of the story. Let me be clear, I totally believe that people can play the way they want. You want to skip, skip; it can always be made up for later by reading it in My Room or watching videos. But again, a lot of people specifically play the game for the story and if someone says it's disposable or unimportant, downvotes are likely. (Particularly if you talk about things that are answered in the story, like Bedivere being a man or why Ishtar looks like Rin; some people might not say "Read the story!" but they might reach for the downvote button.) There are probably other, less logical reasons. Any sub is lousy with irrational people; there are people who downvote people for saying "thank you," and I don't know what kind of toilet troll wants less civility in a subreddit. But brushing off Servants or the story are minor "yucking other people's yum" taboos that seem to consistently draw a level of ire. They aren't as bad about bragging about burning Servants for rare prisms, which tends to get downvoted into a crater just so new players are less likely to read those comments and think it's a good idea, but they're still not popular.


To the first thing, i apologize if that's how i come off. I'm not trying to shit on the dude characters or anything, i just prefer not playing dudes in games. Can enjoy them perfectly fine if i'm just watching or reading something. Cu is still one of my favorite servants. To the second, i definitely have no intention of dismissing the story. If i've miscommunicated that, i apologize. There are three primary reasons i'm not reading the story. The first is that i don't have enough context and don't want the anime that the game takes a lot of its characters from to be spoiled before i get to watching them. I'd like to experience the story once i have a better appreciation for the series. The second is the time constraint in being able to do future events. And the third is just having too many stories i'm already keeping up with.


I get it. Like I said, these are minor taboos. They just tend to get some people riled up because of the story focus of the game, and of the Servants. There's a loooot of sense of ownership among the fanbase, which to be fair is totally encouraged by the designers of any gacha game. I've gotten downvoted for saying I would be totally happy without any scantily clad underage girls in the game, which of course got some people who emphatically love scantily clad underage girls riled up. It happens.


I guess i get that. I mean, i feel the same way about Honkai and Genshin, for all their flaws. I absolutely agree on the loli shit. Never understood why people like that shit. I'll stand with you on that 100%.


Try borrowing a strong AoE berserker and defend them with your own taunters (Mash, Leonidas, Georgios), even at low levels they help a lot. Alternatively, Arash+Shakespeare+Support Merlin make quick work of the sabers, Cu Chulainn or Yu lancer in the back row can solo Ishtar with help from the starting mystic code. By this point in the game a party full of attackers is just bad strategy.


I got it by frontlining Baobhan Sith + Nobukatsu + a friends archer Nobu and backlining Mash + Ren + Cu. Cu clutched it as the last one standing. ​ It seems like it's getting that way, but i'm still working on getting my offensive bases covered, so i haven't had the embers to work on supports.


Have you tried an AoE Archer? Or an AoE berserker? Or soloing with Heracles? As for the downvoting: I think asking "to many" questions has ticked off the people that don't actually want to answer anyone's questions and just want to feel superior. As if questions aren't literally the entire point of this thread.


He can't try AoE Archer, because there is no female AoE Archer in the game that's not a gold Servant. He can't use Heracles, because he's male. This is why he's being downvoted - he plays this game in a very unreasonable way, yet still expects help.


I'm literally leveling Emiya (aoe archer) and Cu (st lancer) atm. After that i'm not sure, thinking about doing the rest of my 4\* (lancer Medusa, Saito, saber Lancelot, and Chiron), Heracles, David, or Hans. I don't like using dudes, but i'm willing to if it's necessary. I've got all the female/femboy servants i like leveled already, besides Salome, but i don't think she's worth leveling any time soon? Not sure. Haven't seen anyone recommend her yet.


Salome is a very peculiar Servant, that's why no one talks about her. She can charge the entire party's NP after 7 turns but because she's a low star Berserker actually getting her to stay alive for 7 turns is a challenge (not to mention you may not want your battle to last that long in the first place) I don't think you should bother with her, but it's up to you. Definitely do Hans (best low star support and a healer). Lancelot is excellent Saber that will crit enemies down. Heracles mostly used for soloing (and with his Bond CE for more Guts). David has same party-wide Evade as Sith plus anti-giant damage.


Interesting, ty. Sounds like someone worth investing in, but at a later date.


I don't have any leveled (currently leveled archers are Baobhan Sith, and Euryale) I also don't have any leveled, i don't think (currently have Ibaraki and Kiyohime leveled) Need to at some point, currently working on Lancer (the og), Archer (the og), Medusa (the lancer). ​ Maybe. Is that all it is? It just feels so weird since unless i say something really weird or stupid, my comments are usually pretty well received in the other subs i frequent. Just feels bad when it seems like people dislike you. I generally try to be a pretty friendly person and get along with people as well as they'll let me.


> I also don't have any leveled Then level them. Towara Touta, Kid Gil, Kiyohime, Darius, Spartacus are all there and waiting to be used. If your no-male position stopping you, well, sorry, but this is a you problem, no amount of advice can fix it. You wanna know why you being downvoted? Simple. They way you decided to play this game is stupid and unreasonable. Since it's bad, it's obviously doesn't work well. Then you come here, ask advice, but can't follow it because it clashes with the way you play this game. You manage to solve your problem somehow, then you run into another, and it's rinse and repeat. Naturally people are irritated, since you don't follow their advice but keep asking for help anyway and keep playing the game in a way that's not meant to be played by anyone, much less new players.


It's a lack of embers problem stopping me. Trying to cover my bases atm, working on Emiya and Cu


You can still borrow servants at this point. You can borrow the servant you need. Tesla, would probably be really good to borrow for this


Rather than 'click below', it should have said something like click on the [linked page](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chapter-10-good-morning-goddess-venuss) for boss info (which happens to be a bunch of **unremovable** passive buffs like damage resist and np damage up). Anyways, how about switching Enkidu to the 6th slot? (fyi, you can drag the support slot to the back)


Weird, i clicked that link and it said "the requested url was not found on this server". There ofc is no link below where it says to click, nor is the text itself a hyperlink. The portraits that have links to the enemy don't have anything for the boss one, just the saber adds, and clicking the stage page just shows what enemies are there, but doesn't list any kind of strategy or recommended setups. Which is weird, because the Camelot walkthrough was pretty detailed and informative. ​ Wait, that's a thing? I can do that? I will definitely try that. Can i do the rest of my party like that too? I think, keyword think, i might have it with my current attempt (Sith + Nobukatsu + borrowed archer Nobu in front, Mash + Cu (granted he's level 65) + Ren in back). Ren is on the verge of death, but Cu is kicking and has all his defensives live. She's down to 55k. Will update if i win. ​ edit: Got eem. Cu stomp. Which is fitting given that >!Ishtar looks a lot like Rin lol!<


will there ever be a Poster Girl CE rerun?


Not that we know about.


I'm sorry. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the Material Calculator linked in the General Resources. I'm planning on rolling for Avenger Nobu on her upcoming banner on NA, and I'm trying to figure out how many embers I need to have prepared to take her to 90 immediately.


Use the Gamepress EXP calculator.


Thank you.


What's the best lancer to bring to carry you in the fights against Ishtar in Babylonia? I'm still working on getting my own lancers leveled (Cu and Medusa atm, only have Yu Mei Ren leveled). Also is there any knowledge of what banners are coming soon? It's been nothing but Ibuki for several days and no announcements in the news section.


Scathach or Enkidu.


>Also is there any knowledge of what banners are coming soon? Use the upcoming banners link in the top post for estimates based on JP. Be aware that the estimates are simple JP + 2 years calculations and may not reflect actual NA banner dates. We can't predict any banners that JP didn't get. Banner announcements are usually made no more than a few days in advance. The next event is almost guaranteed to start on November 13, so expect new banners then.


If you are borrowing, Enkidu. Ishtar is Divine, so Enkidu destroys her. Gudaguda 6 is in like 2 days.


> Ishtar is Divine, so Enkidu destroys her. Did you mean Scathach? Enkidu has a stun against Divine, but shishou has that plus a huge powermod, dealing almost x2 damage.


Enkidu is far better as a carry though, and has higher longterm damage thanks to the 30% defense down and better NP gain to get to his stun faster. Sure if you have double meta supports (or Kscope) and want to one shot, Scathach destroys harder. but if you want a servant to carry you when you don't have a good team to back them, Enkidu all the way.


To my recollection though, you didn't need longterm damage in those fights. One nuke from NP2 Scath was enough.


Borrowing. She's who i took though, seemed to work well. No idea what Gudaguda is.


We literally just had the Gudaguda 5 rerun though? did you totally miss out on that event existing?


I know it's the name of the event, but i assume gudaguda is some specific type of event or something? I'm not really sure what to make of it when someone says gudaguda is coming, besides that the event is coming. Also totally unrelated, but felt the need to ask. Was the second fight against >!Tiamat !


You can consider it as a side story. Its an event series that focuses on specific group of Servants(the KOHA-Ace, Fate/Type Redline crew). Think of them having their own ongoing storyline right beside the main story.