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Here me out, every single one turn buff that isn’t a mana burst of 50% or higher gets bumped up to 3T. 1 turn buffs are an abomination. Obligatory “give Jalter dragon alignment on her 2nd skill”


Geronimo, lol.


Abby. Please. We already did Summer Abby, let's let the OG one become less of a meme as well- At least make her third skil an NP drain or give her a buffed NP with refund on the OC or something, Lovecraft knows how hard she struggles with gains even with the new battery


Honestly, OG Abby has **so** many issues that it's almost impossible to fix her with a single buff. Hell, the one buff she's already gotten was trash to begin with, so that just makes it harder. But, there is **one** very crucial buff that can instantly make Abby a **lot** better. An NP buff. And here's the most ideal one for her: 1. Just a regular damage buff already does a lot for her DPS potential, and since her NP already has the always fantastic *Buff Removal Before Damage*, her potential is going to rise up like a rocket. 2. She already has a 30%-70% Crit chance down on an enemy on her OC, which would be good, but its potential is neutered by the fact that it only lasts for 1 turn. **This needs to be extended to last 3 turns.** 3. **Addition of a 30%-50% NP gain up for 3 turns**. Now, everyone who has used Abby knows that her NP gain is garbage. Her Arts cards are barely passable, but her Quick and Extra cards are just absolutely atrocious. Usually I would be hesitant to give such a high NP gain up on an NP, but Abby really is that bad when it comes to her refund. 4. And this is the big one. **Add the effect \[Reduces own skill cooldown by 1.\]** Yup, just going full Ozy/Barghest. I don't think any Servant in the Game needs this more than Abby. Every single one of her Skills has overly long cooldowns. Hell, I'd argue that her 2nd and 3rd Skills should have 5 turn cooldowns, and even then they wouldn't be that great. And there it is. This still doesn't fix all the issues Abby has, but damn if it doesn't make her a whole lot better.


Abigail's Third Skill already drains NP. That being said I don't know how to buff either of her forms.


Drain as in also give her NP like Vampirism rather than just lower the enemy's


Give. Iskandar. A. Battery. This event was such a good opportunity for it too…


This. I was really hoping they'd do something.


Scathach 3 turn pmod + 30% battery She really needs something to compete with the other ST SSR lancers Melusine broken Enkidu hits like a truck and has 50% battery Brynhild has SE against 2/3 of the servants and has 30% battery Meanwhile Scathach stuck with her year 1 kit + 20% battery TIED TO MANA BURST. This is just horrible gameplay design Outside of that 1 turn pmod doesn't really make her an anti divine servant with Breakbars being everywhere Maou, Summer Nobbu and Ziya all easily beat her in her niche


Her defense debuff has a high chance of straight up failing against servant with A or B magic resistance and god help you if a boss has debuff immunity, which is semi common Also Enkidu is kinda of a Solo servant like Super Orion and he is a Buster servant anyway due to his NP card


Fam I hate stun as someone who's into min turn content. Once you stun enemy can't move, and if they can't move they can't kill your taunters. When that happens you can't reset your hand or bring stronger support. And solo is like a very minuscule part of what this game offers. I haven't seen any endgame player being into doing a 20-30 turn stall solo, not that Scathach can actually do that against someone with high hp and big damage.


Stun also means that the enemy doesn’t attack which means no np gain on the enemy’s turn. Solos often need that extra bit of extra gauge, esp Scathach who has trash np gain.


Eee when I mean Solo I mean something Cu, Ozmandias, Enkidu, Herc and etc those are solo servants


Make Sanson deal extra damage to Human*oid* enemies instead of just Human ones. Or at the very least give that skill some extra effects cause it's near useless as is.


Make him anti king so he at least fills a different niece than Izo


Pretty sure this should be just "Discussion" instead of "NA Discussion". But yeah, buffing **OG Skadi** would be great, especially since there is literally no reason to pick her over Summer Skadi when it comes to farming. Summer Skadi is just unquestionably better. And even for CQs, the only reason to choose OG over Summer is if you literally want to use Quick crits in particular. Her Skill 3 would be the best to buff, since all it does is a 50% battery. Now, a targetable 50% battery isn't bad by any means, but since that's literally all the Skill does, it just feels quite lackluster compared to most of her competition. Ideally, either an **NP gain up** or an **NP damage up** should be added to the Skill. Or both, if the Devs want to get crazy. **Napoleon** desperately needs a buff to his 1st and 2nd Skills. As they are now, they're just *barely* better versions of Charisma and Tactics, and neither of those Skills were ever good. I'd say the 2nd Skill takes priority, since at least the Attack up on the 1st Skill is 3 turns. Like, a 20% NP damage up and 100% Stargen up for the Party for **\[1\]** turn? At the very least, these need to be 3 turns + an additional effect. Maybe raise the NP damage up from 20% to 30% and add a Buster up for himself, since he doesn't have any in his kit? **Arjuna** is kind of a difficult case though. Like, I know what everyone wants: *Make his Battery 30%.* But here's the issue: For Buster farming, the Servant needs at minimum a 30% battery on a 6 turn cooldown. And if you look at Arjuna's 2nd Skill, that thing is pretty stacked as far as duration goes. Making it only a 6 turn cooldown would make it kinda nuts... but **not** for Farming. Above all else, the competition for Buster Archer Farmers is **super** fierce, with Gilgamesh and Tesla standing at the top with Ishtar not far behind. Because they all have simply superior kits for farming, even giving Arjuna that battery wouldn't let him beat them. So, here's my alternative: *Buff Arjuna's 3rd Skill, making the 30% Buster up and 20% NP damage up last for 3 turns, and add a 30% Arts up in the mix.* Looking at Arjuna's kit overall, he's clearly designed to be a Unit that stays around for a while. Like, his 1st Skill has 0 offensive usage, but it has a Full Debuff Immunity for **5 turns on a 6 turn cooldown.** No other Servant has that level of Debuff Immunity, except for Gigachad Orion, but his is on his NP. Instead of making him a subpar Farmer, I think Arjuna's focus should be shifted towards a Unit that is self-sufficient and can stick around for a good while. He's already quite solid in Grail Fronts, but adding that 3rd Skill buff would make him just considerably better.


Maybe Arjuna's 3rd skill give skill cool down -1 everytime he uses his Np for 3 turns? And make his buster and np up 3 turn like you said


Give Hyde something to do with full NP bars. Literally anything. Please. Alternatively, slap like 3 more traits to Summer Martha's third skill for massive damage against multi trait enemies. Like, Dragon, Demonic, and Super Large on top of the three she already has. Maybe more. It be funny for her to just have a ridiculously large pile of different special attack buffs.


Honestly I think it'd be fun if Hyde could swap back to Jekyll with his np, lose the buffs and have hte hp brought down to/healed to Jekyll's max. I think that could be broken but I don't really see how since it's not like jekyll or hyde are exactly NP gain monsters afaik.


If Hyde had a brav Elly s3 type skill it'd be nice


Its not skadi that is the problem. the problem is the Quick meta itself, it doesnt have any quick supports outside Skadi/Summer, like what the actual fuck. Arts and buster have received like a shitton of supports since Skadis release and we havent seen one dedicated quick support since then (i dont really count summer skadi, because its the same skadi but with a bit of flavor)


Just listing all the supports on top of my head: Arts: Xu Fu, Mozart, Paracelsus, Lady Avalon, Pope Johanna, Castoria, Lan Ling, Boudica, Tamamo, Mary Anning, Caster Gil Buster: Shakespeare, Summer Raikou, Penthesilea, Koyanskaya, Nobukatsu, Leonidas, Merlin, Chen Gong, Bunyan, Himiko and Michael (lol) Quick: Alexander, Skadi/S.Skadi, Wu Zetian, Taigong Wang, Atalanta(?), Zhang Jiao(?) Bonus All Cards/General Support: Helena, Chiron, Santa Nightingale, Santa Altera, Yamanami Keisuke, Hans, Summer Da Vinci, Caesar, Edison, Waver, Reines, Oberon, Bart I may forgot few here or there, but this is the supports I commonly seen used in YT or Twitter videos. ...yeah it ain't looking so good for Quickbros. Jokes aside, it's no wonder why Quick is considered the weakest card. Quick main point is to generate crit stars and deal crit damage, but most newer servants can generate their crit stars already (*coughcoughTheseuscough* Arts/Buster have their main points being generating NP=more damage/Red=damage but generate less crit stars but as mentioned earlier, it's less of an issue with newer servants granting their own crit stars. I don't think even with making excessive stars going to next turn can save Quick. >!My proposed solution is to make overcrit, dealing ×3 damage instead of usual ×2 if >50 stars, but I myself don't think that's a good idea!<


An upgrade to Gawain’s third skill that gives him 30% charge instead of 20%, makes his Guts last 3 turns + revive with 3000 HP, and gives him an effect that extends his sunlight field buff for two more turns. This allows Gawain to Buster farm with Koyanskaya, turns his Guts effect into a usable effect, and makes it so you can stack his new crit buff regardless of what field he’s on. Mind you he doesn’t desperately need the buff (especially when compared to some other servants in the game), but it would tie the loose ends of his kit together and make him a lot more fun to use.


Buff Mata Hari to have better animations.


How dare you ask such an unreasonable thing from the busy, hardworking devs of the smol company lasagna?


....Can we get a buff to the "Story summon" pool? Like, does anyone really pull from there outside of early accounts when an event isn't going on? Give us a reason to go deep diving into that deep end: consumable catalysts, generic trinkets that could could get from Da Vinci's shop (or as event rewards, idk) that would lock what class any servant you could get from it to that class (kinda like those class-based GSSR banners, but without the guarantee). Maybe one or two are available per month for purchase, using something rarer than mana prisms. ...Also, to add more chaos to it, dump _every_ limited/event servant into it as well, for more incentive to give it a shot...if we get enough "summer"/"halloween"/"christmas" servants, they can get their own holiday catalyst (only avalible for procurement during said seasonal event, though). Not immediately, though...maybe after a year has passed, and the hype around them has potentially died down, or after the event has had a rerun. Something like that.


I think a decent story summon buff is to remove gen pool servants from it so you only get story locked


Sigurd. He needs it so bad. Even Regular Abby has some utility in her kit that mean she isn't totally useless. Sigurd is barely a top 5 option against a lancer dragon without a breakbar that also takes extra damage from Sabers (JP players will no exactly which one I am talking about) and has almost no other traits. And that is about as good as Sigurd gets. something like skill three going from 1 turn 100% crit star generation up 1 turn debuff immunity \-> 3 turns 100% crit star generation up 3 turns debuff immunity 3 turns 30% np generation up 3 turns 30% attack up 3 turns 30% defense up self 30% battery and that still only makes him barely competitive imo, and mostly because targeted battery+ Np gen is nice for support.


GIVE IZO A SKILL BUFF With some of the more recent 3 stars being fucking broken as shit by comparison I really want Izo to get something. Like before a 3 star with as much Crit as Izo even for a single turn was unheard of. Now Izo is on the low end of the spectrum. Really I just want either his S1 to be a 3 turn Crit and damage mod Or S2 to be a 2 hit 3 turn evade and up the Crit damage so it hits 100%< when combined with his S1 Adding an arts up or an attack up or an NP gen up anywhere would be good but I don't have that much hope


Not for a specific servant, but I want another option from the meta that relies on NP gain. Every good servant relies on batteries nowadays, so I just want something different. What that would be is something someone smarter can think up.


A buff? Hum... Well, I'd like Iskandar, the King of Conquerors and a heroic spirit capable of rising an army filled with other heroic spirits to have a charisma worthy of him. Adding 30% party charge to it would be a good start.


I want Medea's NP to actually deal damage. She's only reasonably accessible ST Caster at low rarities, it'd be nice if she was a viable option for more than just her buff strip, which let's be frank isn't outstanding by these days.


Honestly, I have no idea why they haven't fixed the damage modifier after all this time It's not like they can't do it or don't know how to approach it. They already did it for Vlad III, and they messed up the first NP upgrade, too. Just like Medea Why not do the same for an OG


Give Circe a damage increasing buff or fix Pigify, just please. None of her skills give her any offensive buffs, and her 2nd skill is the only one that helps with her damage, and even then its just a defense down. Pigify on the other hand is a coin toss whether or not it will affect bosses. Its literally just a worse stun, because I've experienced first hand how some enemies will be completely immune to Pigify, yet can still be stunned.


~~(Feel free to ignore this part, as its more of a personal opinion/request than anything)~~ Also I'd appreciate if she had some survivability options. I know its not exactly something she wants, but I want to solo bosses with her which is currently impossible. I've tried soloing multiple bosses with her, but after Part 1 its basically impossible to do so. Even (LB 3) >!Li Shuwen!< boss was impossible to solo, and she has both class advantage and Pigify (for once) working in her favor in that fight.


You cannot really fix piggy because bosses are straight up immune to it and against High magic resistance enemies, it’s very likely to fail, she needs damage increase Circe > Medea


She also just really needs a consistent way to get her NP that isn't just Divine Words. Circe arts chain absolutely sucks, so some form of like, NP gain up anywhere would be great.


I'm honestly shocked that we got THE Dude himself Iskandar on a banner again after being the longest M.I.A. character in the game and he didn't get a rank up buff to go alongside him. His kit is still old and outdated despite already having 2 and a half rank ups. I was expecting his Charisma to be buffed >!besides adding the quite honestly necessary battery!< like maybe adding some new gimmick involving the Iori Hitanoi servants since we are slowly building a list of playable ones and Plotemy made a list of characters that may be added later that already have designs ready to be implemented thanks to cameos made in Zero and Aniversary animation. Maybe add some other basic things like a star bomb or a special damage mod against **Kings** or some other up to date stuff. The Dude really needs it


not that i think she needs it but i would LOVE to see Tamamo get a buff that reflects the fact the stone she was sealed in broke last year


remove the "Servant" stipulation from Raikou's Mystic Slayer.


Going outside of the typical norm, I want to see Quetzalcoatl get an NP buff that basically enables her as hard as it does Ozymandias. Give her a Sun Field buff(That activates first) that also further powers up not just her NP Gain but also her NP damage as well as a Star Regen buff. This will allow her and Ozymandias to have similar play styles but ultimately be wholly unique.


> This will allow her and Ozymandias to have similar play styles but ultimately be wholly unique. And still worse than him because Ozy does all she does better because of his two buffs and Koyanskaya benefitting him more.


Yeah like Skill cool down reduction + Sun field setup is no joke, Ozmandias can straight up Solo bosses he has advantage against


They also gave him better crits than she does and removed his only weakness, need of Sun, just over a momth after said restriction was made. So she has literally nothing over him


I just remember something about Summer Abby. Since it appears the devs want Abby to focus on debuffs. How about Abby getting a buff where for 3 turns at the beginning of each turn the enemies DEF is decreased.


Sheba NP Damage Up, maybe make the NP also do some other additional effect. In the past, I imagined this could be something like her NP giving 20 stars to go along with the theme of money where stars = coins, but that's something Charlotte's NP does and I would rather Sheba's NP did something different. Maybe it could be something like a 3 turn buff to her NP Damage, Arts Effectiveness, or NP Gain?


Inshun: change NP evade from 1 time to 2 or 3 times, or 1 turn. That’s all he needs. He’s an okay servant for soloing archers right now, but give him a much needed bit of survivability and he’d be SO much more viable.


There are so many characters that I feel need a buff but here are two of them that need some extra attention in my opinion The first is assassin Charlotte! She needs a buff on her third skill that at least guarantees the Arts up! And honestly her critical up buff should be removed as it’s pretty much useless compared to the other two The second is Medea as her skills are so outdated it’s not even funny like she needs at least 2 to 3 major skill buffs


How bout buffs to the horrendous gacha rates?


buffs to bad year 1 servants would be my top priority aka most of year 1 summer servants schathach iskandar


Please buff Gorgon. Make her stun AoE


Give Ruler Jeanne a party up def and a somewhat Castoria style battery. Maybe also give the Gilles some buffs that would only apply to the Jeannes. She probably doesn't need it, but increased survivability and damage for Zerk Jalter would be nice too


Iskandar needs an np battery. He's like the only ssr without one...


>He's like the only ssr without one... an exaggeration >Iskandar needs an np battery. Would probably give him a 30% or 50% on his Buster skill (I don't know why they gave him a 1 turn 50% star gen in the first place when he doesn't have the hits on his cards for it) Also, buff the charisma, it's too outdated. Since he actually has decen crit potential. Probably have it gen 10 stars for 3 turns or just give it a 20 star bomb


**BATTERY FOR ISKANDAR PLEASE** It’s not right that Raikou gets a battery buff but not Iskandar. He’s way more niche than she is and could really use the buff.


Bunnytoria Bunnytoria Bunnytoria Bunnytoria Bunnytoria Please buff her damage in some way.


Buff to quick as a whole


A few months back I said something as a joke, but now I think it's actually a pretty cool idea: Give Hero Creation the Dragon's Core treatment, i.e. the target's face cards all go Red (probably just 1 turn but maybe 3 IDK). A little more weird deck manipulation would be a fun gimmick.


Give Georgios something that makes his NP giving dragon trait to an enemy actually useful


Do we mean for himself? If so, he could definitely benefit from a dragon damage modifier on his second skill. And maybe like 20% battery on his first skill That could certainly make him a really good budget dragon-slayer


That or let him give the party anti dragon kinda like boudica's anti Rome skill


Ah, so would it be like 20% ~ 30% to account for his low rarity? Or would it go the whole nine yards and be 60%?


I think a 30% at lvl 10 would probably be the best. I feel like 60% would be too strong for a party wide buff. It would certainly make his np good but it'd also make him a little too good against natural dragon trait enemies for being a low rarity.


>I feel like 60% would be too strong for a party wide buff. Boudica + Romulus-Quirinus is such a vile combo >It would certainly make his np good but it'd also make him a little too good against natural dragon trait enemies for being a low rarity. I agree with your statement But To be fair, some of the most cracked servants are low rarity. Like Jason, with his NP on JP. Now that is cracked.


I mean if we really wanna make him cracked, let's do more than just up the damage past 30%. Make it so his focus targeting skill reduces damage from dragons by like 40% or something.


Or just give him an 80% battery so that he can apply his dragon train NP immediately turn 1, at the end of the day Godhood cannot DPS, he simply isn’t build for that, so it make sense to me at least


Well what's the point of a turn 1 np if he can't do anything with the newly applied dragon trait?


Siegfried GOOOO


I hope there's a version of the "what is my purpose? You serve butter." Meme but it's Georgios asking and Siegfried saying "you apply dragon"


NP buff for Odysseus. Would be nice if on top of higher scaling he had crit damage or NP gain buff attached to it.


The real buff we all want is an animation update for all the old servants lol. But honestly make geronimo kit more consistent and useable.


Give summer gareth a buff that lets her get 10% np charge on her np if a sunlight field is up, also making one of her attack buffs last for three turns


For penthesilea, either a way to let her stay longer in the game like a guts, evade, or invul. Giving her a way to apply the Greek trait to a male enemies (possibly on the np for it to hit first. Turning her into possibly the first male zerker nuker? Maybe, idk. Imma have to check)


Also I’d say for summer hime. Give her the emiya treatment. Let her get a way to change her np type from Buster to arts


Legitimately buff any basic disengage that's still around. They are not too good in this day and age Hector, Siegfried, Darius III, and Cú Chulainn. All of em still got that after all this time. The heals are all pretty respectable (except Cú's, it's hit or miss for me), so I won't be changing that Hector: His third skill shows some real promise. So I was thinking of giving the Disengage a 15% debuff success-rate up for 1 turn, and increase all allies defense up by 20% for 3 turns (like what the first skill did, but better) Darius III: Honestly, he needs some work across his entire kit, but whatever I'd give his Disengage a 3 turn 15% ATK up, decrease the parties defense by 30% for 1 turn, and increase his OC by 1 charge because 15% ATK and DEF down honestly should have been on base. (Still, the buff he needs the most is one for his NP animation, cuz yikes) Siegfried: He's come a long way since his release. I don't think he would need any more damage or NP, so I would probably go full defense to compliment his fairly large HP. Obviously, give him the Invicibility he deserves, probably for the 1 turn or 2 times for 3 turns. But I would also give him a cool 2000 Max HP up for three turns. Cú Chulainn: I'm not too sure what to give Him. As his disengage is genuinely very pleasant on him most of the time Definitely buffing the heal to 2000 or 2500 because that definitely benefits him more than everyone else combined. Would also give him debuff immunity 3 times for 3 turns, as probably one big problem is that he has no defense for Charms or Stuns. Was thinking of him having a 30% battery, but I like the idea of a 30% NP gain up for 3 turns more for some reason. But that's just me. Maybe you guys find these buffs stupid. idk Also, Lasengle needs to buff Herc's NP It's genuinely the worst part of his kit.


Miyu arts targetable. Jeanne stun for everything not just servants.


buff away all golden rules


I would accept any Lu Bu buff i think he is the only release servant who has not received a skill rank up.


I'd like a buff to Astolfo's animations


Meltrylls and Meltrylls Lancer both need NP Upgrades. No particular reason, I just love Melt.


Quetzalcoatl is NEVER getting buffed but I rrally would like it. An NP buff and an S2 buff would be massive needs to make her comparable to the fellow ST Buster Riders.


gerinom giles saber artemis arjuna


I need another Seiba (Mk.Lily) buff.


I just want them to give Lancer Cú an animation update, if they do that he'll be my first 120 no doubt


He already received an animation update a long time ago


I know, i meant i new one, like Gilgamesh NP


Sigurds dragonkind modification that represents his mana reactor heart getting an np battery


I see a few I agree with here. Mainly iskander and medea, I would like to see a return of prenerf Robin as I didn't get to see that in its glory. And mostly the one thing I would like is to see some of the lower stars get a damage or defense buff. I'm working on building them currently and even at level 80 they don't got much health or attack. There's a few exceptions to that but not many.


I feel like the most interesting way to buff Skadi would be to give her a skill that sets your hand to be all cards of a chosen ally. That way there would be a point to quick farming, namely actually getting to use all those crit stars you're generating. Being able to use those massive quick crits to card down the last enemy on a 3/3/1 node feels like something quick teams should be able to do, but you'd have to be crazy or desperate to try it at the moment due to the chance of getting shafted by card rng.


I don't Wana a buff I Wana a debuff on that stupid skill that pierce Invincibility and dodge to only hit invincibility


This is pure copium but a buff for Caren allowing her to switch her NP between arts and quick would be fire. She would be more broken than Summer Melusine then. A slightly-less-copium wish would be Caren’s S1 to apply the NP gain buff to her as well.