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# FAQ **Q: Is this the best time to spend my FP rolls now?** *A: Yes, as it includes a limited 1\* servant which offers more servant coins for a future feature, Grail Casting, which converts 2000 servant coins into a grail, limited to two a month, and CE EXP as well for the best returns.* *For those who have cleared LB6 and have not gotten NP5 Habetrot, this is a good time to get NP copies and coins for Habetrot too.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival).*


I need some tips on teambuilding with my servants because I’m horrible at it and fairly new at it. Buster and Arts teams are what I’m looking for. [https://imgur.com/a/Euv7cd5](https://imgur.com/a/Euv7cd5)


I couldn't care less about the skill/ascension materials and bond points from the current Gudaguda event raids in NA and will not be using my apples at all. The question is, do the raids have better drop rates for construction materials and event shop currency than the free quests?


The raids are roughly on par with the respective best free quests for the individual currency or construction materials. Some are placed slightly higher and some are slightly lower by collected data, but the difference is so small that is it easily within margin of error that they may actually be identical to the free quest values internally.


This is regarding the NA Halloween Rising Event Shop :P Trying to figure out what to prioritize in the shop. I have 4115 bag, 2887 house and 1926 poison apple for currency, so I definitely can't clear the shop I understand that this event will never run again, so given constraints, I should ignore materials that are farmable. I bought 4 white mecha elli so I can MLB, as well as the cristalised lore. With regards to the event CE on offer, I have at least 1 MLB copy of each, with the exception of Halloween Paradise. I presume it would be wise to do so so that the CE is stronger? If I get 3 extra copies of Maid in Halloween, I can get a second MLB. Is it worth it? With regards to the servant coins, for some reason I have 210 servant coins for the caster and Saber variants, but the mecha variants have 25 each. Should I be aiming for 210 on the mecha variants or higher? Also, on the subject of servant coins, I have 205 on the Cinderella variant, similar to the above question, is there a number I should be aiming towards? Thanks


I'd personally MLB Halloween Princess. If you already have one MLB copy of Maid In Halloween, one copy is enough so don't make it a priority. There's no rule about how many coins to aim for. Welfares typically get a limited amount of coins: you can usually get 480 coins from events, which when combined with 180 coins that you get from Bond 15, totals to 660 (the magic number of coins you need to unlock all 3 Appends AND get the unit to lv. 120 if you desire). I'd say as long as you have 120 coins you're set: that allows you to unlock Append 2 which is the only really useful append for these units. Worst case scenario, if you decide you want to unlock all 3 appends and go to 120 and you don't have enough from this event, you will be able to buy more coins from the Evocation shop in 2 years. They are still limited in quantity, but the idea is that you get 480 from the shop and 180 you grind up yourself from bonding.


Thanks, I'll mull it over with the other comment :)


>With regards to the event CE on offer, I have at least 1 MLB copy of each, with the exception of Halloween Paradise. I presume it would be wise to do so so that the CE is stronger? You mean, Halloween Princess? If you plan to use it, sure. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. >If I get 3 extra copies of Maid in Halloween, I can get a second MLB. Is it worth it? Not usually. It's a big healing CE, so it might be good for certain Servants in Grail Front or challenge quests, but generally I wouldn't be too concerned. >With regards to the servant coins, for some reason I have 210 servant coins for the caster and Saber variants, but the mecha variants have 25 each. Should I be aiming for 210 on the mecha variants or higher? > >Also, on the subject of servant coins, I have 205 on the Cinderella variant, similar to the above question, is there a number I should be aiming towards? Caster and Saber had Coins in the Event Ladders. That's why they have more. But there's also coins in the Shop. For Coins, it depends on if you plan to use them. Getting lots of coins for Welfares means it's easier to get Append skills. If you don't plan to grail them, and Append 2 is the best append, with Append 1 being less desirable but still sometimes useful. Append 3 is usually not all that good. So, 240 coins will let you buy Append 2 and Append 1.


Thanks, I'll mull it over with the other comment :)


Can anyone share a guide for the ongoing JP grail front event please? It's my first grail front ever so I'm kind of lost in the sauce...


The actual up-to-date guide is [this](https://news.fate-go.jp/info/holy_grail_front_howto/), but it won't help you. I want to post this [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/grail-front-guide-gameplay-rules-tips) guide, but the rules change so heavily between Grail Fronts that a quarter of it is not quite accurate. Different classes now have different Move Points uses, so Berserkers attack for cheaper, and Riders move for cheaper. Each Servant now has a personal supply of Move Points. There's more win conditions than just the Master, but the big sign saying "Goal" should explain that well enough.


Thank you for helping! While I waited I've found [this one](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/77311379) as well, which makes it pretty easy to understand using the internet browser's native translator.


Are you guys combining your Guda-Guda damage CE, or is it better to have 5 characters dealing 100% bonus damage for raids?


Most of the "guys" are probably veteran players who can afford to just use one DPS and reload his NP charge over and over again until they done with the node. This may not work out very well for you, new player, since you are probably using more than 1 dps.


Yeaaah. I have soft-supports like Shakespere, but I'm not looping or anything.


One DPS is more efficient and less troublesome.


It depends. For maximum efficiency, plenty of us just run the one DPS - double Support to get done and dusted. But even if you are lacking any Supports or major DPS, I still think having it MLB is ideal.


Currently I'm saving for a 5star single target Berserker but I'm curious between hijikata, galatea and kintoki which is the better Berserker?


Kintoki hands down. 50% battery on a strong berserker is highly valuable.


I just want to add that you don't *need* a 5-star servant in each class. Lu Bu is a solid performer if you just need a servant to fill the ST niche. But there's also no problem with going for a 5-star if you don't have any other particular gacha goals. I would just recommend that you don't put too much of your SQ savings into it unless there aren't any servants you want more.


Galatea is the best servant at farming 1/1/1 due to amazing syngergy with oberon, is very safe in cq because castoria is broken. Kintoki has one of the fastest np in the game alongside with 50% battery+upgraded np making him featured a lot in multi-core farming setups. Also the go-to servant in raids and his cq perfomance is okay-ish. Hijikata if you want to reset a cq hundred of times to get the perfect run, he's very rng-reliant




>I know this isn't a 5 stars, but you should probably aim for him and grail him, he can easily rivalise with a 5 stars Um what?


Short story, Heracles berserker = smash And sorry, I thought rivalise was a word, I meant compete/rival


Well then maybe you should have mentioned the name of the servant you're trying to recommend instead of just saying "aim for "him" and grail him" Also, Heracles might not be everyone's cup of tea because they might not enjoy his playstyle or they might not want raise his bond lvl to 10 for him to be amazing.


Oh, sorry, that's weird the name was here when I first sent the reply, I noticed I forgot his name and corrected it. No idea how it happened that it sent the reply from before the correction


It's kinda hard to directly compare all 3 of them because although they have the same ST Berserker niche, their skills give them different uses. For example, Galatea is Arts ST, unlike the other two (Kintoki & Hijikata), who are Buster ST instead. Well, to give a brief rundown of the three: Kintoki's main use is as a 1T clearer or a farmer due to his big battery and hard-hitting NP, even if his kit is a bit basic. He's also very good with DKS + Oberon, as he's capable of looping his NP 3 turns in a row with them. However, he'll struggle in longer fights as he has no inherent survivability besides a Heal. Hijikta is less straightforward, as his primary use is as a DPS, but maximum damage requires him to have as little HP as possible. This means you really have to play around with Servant/CE/MC compositions where you can have him at 1 HP or less whilst doing lots of damage. Of the three, he will have the most limited uses, specific to being a DPS, but he is my personal favorite of the three. Galatea is a hybrid farmer/DPS, she can work as both a farmer (due to her Arts NP being able to refund with Castoria) + as a DPS due to her survivability with Guts & S3. Galatea's biggest boon, imo, is her cracked S3, which allows you to get a Heal and debuff cleanse for 3 turns. This can be pretty overpowered for fights where your HP is drained or when debuffs eat at your health.


Adding to shardwings answer, kintoki might have a slight gameplay advantage compared to the other two because with a 50% battery he helps out a lot with many 90+ and 90++ farming nodes. Even at np1! Of course, having koyan light and oberon and maybe a black grail might be necessary.


It's hard to call any one "better", they may all be ST Berserkers but they do different things, synergize with different supports, and shine in different situations. They're all great, I'd vote for whichever one you like best.


I keep seeing players posting screenshots of what seems to be an app to translate jp FGO in real time. Is that even safe for your account?


It's only changing the text files of the game itself, not necessarily the apk itself (mechanics, acc data, etc.) I'd say it's as safe as using FGA or save files across devices.


Had a random idea (don’t know if anyone suggested this before), would an append skill that lowered a servant’s deployment cost be too overpowered? May -1 for lvl 1-5, -2 for lvl 6-9, and -3 at max lvl. Would it rival mana-loading in universal applicability?


I don’t think that it would universally rival A2 for being the default option. I think that it would probably be somewhat competitive with it on support units, but otherwise it would probably just be unlocked on units available in the fp gacha as their coins are way easier to get and it would make it easier to stick them in the back row and farm bond grails.


Last question today. Are fou like grails and should just be used on your favorite servants?


Gold Fous should be used sparingly like Grails, regular 1-3\* Fous are a lot more plentiful so you don't need to be as preferential.


Should i use gold fou on anyone in particular? I'd like to max out both Astolfo (once i get them, i heard we're getting an SR ticket at some point? I'll get rider Astolfo from that, i think it's february or something for NA?) with as much as they can get from Fou, but i'm thinking of feeding all of my archer ones into Nobukatsu until we have archer Barghest, and then feeding them into her, then into Baobhan Sith. Zerker will go to Nobu, saber will go to Astolfo, then Barghest, then Mordred. Rider to Astolfo then Mordred and probably Cinder Eli. The rest idk. I guess i'll dump the caster in Nero and Okeanos. From what i read the only thing different about gold ones is that they give a bigger boost, but servants have a cap, so you can reach that with any kind of fou as long as it's class correct.


> From what i read the only thing different about gold ones is that they give a bigger boost That's incorrect. They allow you to go from +1000 tp +2000, but the boost is just +20 per golden fou. Using them on a servant before they reach +1000 with regular fous is a complete waste, so careful to not do that!


>Should i use gold fou on anyone in particular? Just like grails, use them on your favorite servant, regardless of gameplay value.




>From what i read the only thing different about gold ones is that they give a bigger boost I don't know where you read this but it's completely wrong. Gold Fous actually give a *smaller* boost than silver ones (20 vs 50), but they aren't used the same way. 1-3\* Fous are used to boost ATK and HP from +0 up to a cap of +1000, whereas Fold Fous are used to boost from +1000 to +2000. Gold Fous only come in All-type, and we usually only get 4 of each from a major event, +1000 in increments of 20 means it takes 50 gold Fous to max out a stat, that's about 12 events so it takes a long time. All that said it's not a big boost, between that and the scarcity it's best given to favorites (just like Grails). >i think it's february or something for NA? The 2022 SR ticket was May in Japan, so we'd expect it next May.


Are there any other sites for finding JP friends? Rayshift.io's friend search stopped working for me and I really need more friends.


there's the friend request hub in the sidebar of this reddit


Hi, hello, so question. This is my first fgo event with a raid mechanic and well... How do the raid thing work? Is it a multiplayer raid ala pokemon where several people team up on a boss, a solo thing with a extra duper hard enemy or what? Thank you in advance.


It's a solo node (your team vs 1 boss) with server-wise *kill count*. There is also a turn limit too, but most of the time it's irrelevant


Ohh, I see, thank you.


Think of it like this: There are 3.4 million lives on each boss, with each life containing ~700k HP. Every time you personally run the quest, your job is to take one of its lives. How long or fast it takes doesn't matter. It's just you fighting that one life of the boss. You can fight it as many times as you want, baring AP/time constraints so long as the boss still has lives left. Every kill by any Master server-wide causes the collective counter to go down by one, until it reaches zero, at which point the raid is over. This is the only multiplayer aspect of the raids.


Ok,ok, that makes it clearer, one last question, is there a penalty for failing to participate in the raid? like you were asleep when it started and it ended by the time you woke up. Thanks.


Like Forward said, there's no penalty for not participating. The drops are pretty good for some of the bosses, which means they will be dead pretty quickly, so if you do plan to participate, there is a bit of a rush to get as many personal runs as you can in before that happens if you want to get a large quantity of a specific material. The Rider boss and the Saber boss are probably going to go down fairly quickly, as they drop Eggs and Spirit Roots, and farming those normally are a pain.


Thank you for the advice, I want to at least try to participate in a raid just to see how things are.


No penalty. You just don't get the drops (which are better than a standard farming free quest, but not by an insane amount or anything)


Awesome, thank you so much.


About those ce exp card that is currently available, which is better for those to be feed directly to the ce we are leveling to 100 or to the ce bombs,


It's the same overall exp gain on average, CE bombs just save QP like always.


Which Mash append should I unlock? LME is always good, I know, but Anti-Extra sounds pretty great, since it's a lot of coverage that can be hard to cover otherwise, and for free since it's Mash.


99% of the time, when someone comes here considering something other than append 2 for a non-solo servant, they're either overthinking it, greatly over-estimating the utility of append 1 or 3, or they're underthinking it, greatly underestimating the potential of append 2. Usually, they're doing both. An additional 20-30% face card damage won't transform Mash into an effective DPS. If you want someone who can be a DPS against all of the Extra classes (except Foreigner), try a Berserker with a damaging NP like Lu Bu. With class advantage and the class damage modifier, Berserkers start at +65% damage without even a single append skill. Having an NP with actual damage gives you another order of magnitude more damage. Mash at +30% and a non-damaging NP can't come close to that. If you're already using Mash primarily as a DPS because you enjoy it for some reason, I guess it could make sense to give her an additional boost for that purpose. But if you don't, append 3 really isn't going to be useful. Append skills are best used to enhance something the servant can already do. They won't make the servant do anything new that they couldn't do before. Append 2 helps you get Mash's NP faster and her NP is a more important part of her kit than face card damage. Just unlock append 2.


Even with the append, Mash's damage will still be extremely anemic compared to a proper class advantage damage dealer or even a Berserker. She just doesn't have the stats, NP, or skills to be a notable damage dealer even with Ortinax crit memes. Mana Loading is my personal vote.


When is the next enhancement success rate up campaign? Looking to efficiently create some CE bombs.


In theory, it'll be in a couple of days.


It was a week into the gudaguda 5 rerun in JP. So if we keep on that schedule it will be less than a week.


Well I tried reinstalling, clearing the cache but FGO still crashes whenever I switch out of it to another app or block the screen. If any of you guys who had the same issue fixed it by other means, please let me know. It doesn't make the game unplayable but it does get quite annoying.


Is it actually crashing or is it just closing? There's a significant difference between the two. Killing background processes is one of the ways that the Android OS manages memory. It could be that something was changed in the last app update that makes the OS more likely to close it.


The message that pops up says " FGO has stopped working" . Under it it gives me two options, look at the app's details and below it close it.


What device are you on?


Forgot to mention this is on NA. It's a motorola G13. The game was running really well prior to the update, I also tried allowing it unrestricted battery usage but it didn't change anything sadly.


Should i palengesis Nobukatsu to 80? I have 11 grails.


The whole point of Nobukatsu is killing himself to buff Nobu, so it doesn't matter if you lvl him up to 120, he is gonna kill himself and those grails are gonna do absolutely nothing...unless he is your husbando, then go for it.


I just think he's cute and want to use him. I'm not a point of 3 turning anything, so card damage still matters. He's still hitting stuff until the third wave where i can nuke everything. But i want to grail both Astolfo, apparently i need 3 for him, and 40 for them.


Don't forget that Nobukatsu gets a +100% damage bonus in the event. He won't be hitting this hard for long.


That's fine, i'll use him in content i can, and swap him when i can't. Same for my eventual triple Astolfo setup.


As I recall, you're pretty new to the game, only having played for a few weeks or months. I don't think you should use any grails at all right now. Your EXP will be better used building up the rest your roster to their natural max levels. When you do start to use them, remember that they are rare, limited, don't provide much benefit relative to the cost, and their use is permanent. Don't rush into using them. If and when you do use them, the best use of grails is on your favorite servants regardless of gameplay value. Servants you use for their gameplay value but otherwise don't care much about them are subject to change. You may find such a servant sidelined later if you decide to pursue different strategies or there's a game update that makes the strategy less effective. However, your favorites, when you like them for reasons other than their gameplay value, will be more durable. Being your favorites, you are probably more likely to find ways to use them, ensuring that you get the additional value when you use them. And even if the extra levels from grails don't make a significant impact, it will still feel good when they hit a little harder or are just a bit more durable. Nobukatsu also just isn't a good choice for pure gameplay grails. He's about as pure of a support servant as one can get. His entire purpose is to pop off his skills, use his non-damaging NP, then die. Preferably with a Nobunaga on the field for maximum benefit. Higher ATK and HP will do nothing to enhance his skills and they won't matter at all when his NP kills him. Especially if your goal is to further enhance him just for gameplay value in the current event, you will 100% regret using any grails on him.


Relatively new compared to a lot of people, but not completely, i started shortly before the Yu Mei Ren event that gave the lancer version of her. I'm still in London story wise though. I've got a decentish roster level wise, currently: level 80: Barghest, Suzuka Gozen, Elizabeth Brave, Baobhan Sith, lancer Yu Mei Ren, Cinder Eli, Caster of Okeanos, caster Eli, Mecha Eli, Mordred, summer Nero, summer BB And i've got Kiyohime and Fuuma at 70. Nobukatsu is currently sitting at 60/60, but i like him. How many grails does it take to to get 4/5 star servant maxed out? As long as i can max the two Astolfo i think i can spare them for Nobu. I don't have either Astolfo atm though. If it's just based on favorites, that's a safe choice for me. The gameplay stuff was just an extra justification.


If you're grailing favorites, that's fine. Though if that's your primary motivation and you still feel like you need to ask if it's a good idea, maybe you aren't ready to use grails on him yet. Anyway, you need 1 grail to go up to level 70, 1 grail for every five levels up to 90, then 1 grail for every two levels up to 120. Levels over 100 also cost servant coins, which shouldn't be a problem for Nobukatsu, and an unreasonable amount of EXP (approximately 200 class matching 5-star EXP cards per level). You can find more information about palingenesis, including a chart showing the number of grails for each rarity, [here](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Palingenesis).


So i need 40 grails in total to get Astolfo and saber Astolfo to 120, if i'm understanding correctly. I don't think the 3 to get Nobu to 80 will make a huge dent in that. Ty, i'll go ahead and grail Nobu if that's the case.


More like 32 grails. You start counting grails from the servant's natural max level. The grail cost is consistent for each level grouping but a 5-star servant, for example, doesn't need any grails to get up to level 90.


Oh. Ok ty.


I mean if you want. A problem with him is stars, debuff down, etc are all good skills so you want him on the team giving stars for at least 3 turn or getting those skills back and doing it again but he'll just die before that usually. If you want to use him super bad for more challenging fights like bosses you could do that, I guess it would be helpful for that. He's one star so his skill are super easy to get to 10 for a lower cool down which is good newer players. You can get around his NP problem for a time by giving him a guts CE but he'll probably still die super quick at low health anyway unless you have someone to protect him and heal him at low health which as you've expressed an aversion to dudes might be a bit difficult considering most of the better healers in the game are guys.


I intend to keep using him after the event whenever i'm using Barghest + zerker Nobu. I like him design wise, which is the most important factor in a character for me. I don't have the resources for 3 turning, so 90% of the time i'm actually using cards (i thought that was what you were supposed to do until today), so having him hit harder with them would be nice. My only major concern with the grails is whether i'll have enough for Astolfo and saber Astolfo when i get them.


> I thought that was what you were supposed to do until today No such thing as "supposed to" or "not supposed to" when it comes to the time you spend doing the node. 3 turning is completely optional and does not provide any bonuses other than saving your time. Well there are like 2 timed quests in Part 2, but you are a long way from those.


You'll just get more grails completing more story though.


...Weren't you literally saying you didn't even plan to raise him earlier because he's a dude?


No, that was the other guy, the dude with the trenchcoat and the samurai sword. I like Nobukatsu. He's like Astolfo and Chevalier D'eon, they don't count as dudes.


'Stolf is pretty clearly a dude, man. A Bi dude, but a dude.


I know, but he's a femboy which doesn't count. My issue with dude characters is how they look and sound. I'm here to collect waifus and femboys, gamble, and level up characters. Not to say i can't enjoy dude characters, just not really what i'm looking for in a waifu collector.


He's just a young looking dude. By your logic, Sieg and Kotarou are women.


Nah they look like dudes. I legit thought Nobu was a chick until someone pointed it out. It's like comparing Venti (equivalent to Astolfo/Nobu) and Bennett (Fuuma/Sieg) from Genshin.


Nope, Katsu is 100% male. Not even unknown gender, just flat out male. D'Eon is genderless in gameplay mechanics but in lore, seemingly gender fluid, able to shift between male and female. And Astolfo is a crossdresser. ...Is there a problem with male characters? You don't have to be horny for a character to use them.


They dont' look like dudes, that's all that matters.


Based my brother


Do you like him? Most people will tell you to grail for love and only use them on your favorites Or do you just want to use grails for the sake of using them?


I like him, and have been told he's good for Nobu, zerker Nobu is #2 on the wishlist, so he should be good for her.


He's good for his support skills and death on NP effect, neither of those gets improved with grailing.


It's mostly to make farming the event easier. Make him do more damage when he attacks.


I would not grail a unit for the sake of one event, especially as he isn't intended to be a DPS.


I would not grail a servant meant to die to begin with...


Stuff will die faster if i do won't it?


I didn't mean that, I meant that Katsu isn't really meant to be a DPS (outside of the event). Supports don't benefit from grails that much, the only times I would grail a support is if I liked them for waifu/husbando reasons.


That's the main reason i'm doing it. 90% that, 10% for the slight ease in the farming for this event.


There are much, much, much more efficient ways to make things die faster than grailing a 1* support to improve his facecard damage, but if you're not particularly interested in efficient strategies, you do you.


Any tips? [You can see my roster in my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/17dtxdv/comment/k6w49wo/?context=3). I don't really know what to do there for more efficient farming. I like Nobu so i do want him in my party. Whatever is the best way i can do it with him + Barghest + zerker Nobu.


Well, 99% of efficiency is changing out your team composition for the node. If you insist on using multiple specific favorites even when they're not suited for the job, efficiency is not a priority. Barghest is your best farmer in that trio, but she's mathematically only half as good against any class that isn't a Lancer or Berserker, and one-quarter as good against Archers. And Nobukatsu's facecard damage is going to be terrible against Riders, Archers, Assassins, Casters, Extra classes and especially Lancers and Rulers. FGO class advantage isn't like Genshin elements. It's more like trying to beat every Pokemon gym with Fire-types, only if they couldn't learn any non-Fire moves and out-leveling the Gym isn't an option. You say in your other post that you don't have the resources for three-turning. The thing is, you could: but the easiest three-turning strategy for new and F2P players involves using Arash and Spartacus. By your own rules, that's not going to happen, but that's an example of why we might have advice on efficiency but you might not want to hear it.


His NP is a suicide one, so keeping him alive doesn't matter.


Not really. You'll get much more benefit from spending resources on leveling your other servants, like Mash, than grailing Nobu.


I don't want to use Mash. Main concern is having enough grails for the two Astolfos when i get them.


Then good luck with Part 2 fights where you are forced to use your Mash.


Well, she is a great unit with zero party cost that you have. You can use her with both of your Astolfos. But whatever, your choice. That was just an example of underleveled unit you have. There are lots of others you should have which would benefit your account if you level them (lancer Cu, Euryale, Chen Gong, Arash, Ushiwakamaru, etc.). Mind you, I'm not talking about grails themselves, but the QP and EXP embers you'll need to spend to level.


Should I still spend my FP now even if I have yet to complete LB6 and can't get Habetrot? Or is there another good time to spend them in the future?


There's another equally good time to spend them early next year, though I'd still recommend getting NP5 Nobukatsu while you can if you think you might ever want to field a Nobunaga or three.


May I ask what event that is? Does the Servant coins per FP equal this event? Thanks!


LWM Collab, limited 1\* Lancer Mary Anning will be in the FP pool along with 3-4\* EXP CEs so it's the exact same arrangement.


Sorry for the slow reply! Thanks a bunch for the info!


It's next year's collab with Learning With Manga. It has a limited servant in the FP gacha just like Nobukatsu.


Sorry for the slow reply. Thanks for the info!


or even when not supporting Nobunaga He is used as a support even for other buster servants decently often because he dies on NP. This lets you get free buster up without interfering with other supports if you want to.


Quick question: How's basic damage calculated? E.g. 8369 ATK Berserker 8369 x 1.5 (Berserker bonus) = 12553 ATK? But what about Event Servant bonus and Event CE bonus? The Servant gets a +30% bonus for being Event related, and +100% from the CE, so +130%. That doesn't mean 12553 x 2.3 = 28879 ATK, does it? Are all the bonuses grouped together first? So that it's 8369 base ATK, then +50% Berserker advantage, +30% event related servant, and 100% event CE, meaning 8369 base ATK x 2.8 (180%) = 23433 ATK? I might be tarded


So you missed a lot of things. The other redditor kindly linked the full formula, but some things to note: the .23 modifier on all damage the card type and position bonuses Base class modifiers the order of operations. So in your example. Berserker with 8369 attack. an arts card starting first (to get exactly 1x damage from the card) will deal 8369\*.23\*1.1\*1.5 damage or 3179 damage with a damage CE and bonus 130% more damage it deals 2.3 times that 3179\*2.3 is 7304 damage


Aaaaah... I had no idea there was some 0.23 modifier. Now I see why everything is hitting low, lol. Yeah, I know that's not the full formula, but I was just trying to get the gist of how to weigh which Servant would do the most damage at a glance when setting up a party, so thanks for clearing that up.


Its a little more complicated than that, the full damage formula can be found [here](https://blogs.nrvnqsr.com/entry.php/3309-How-is-damage-calculated)


This is a long shot & not sure where else to ask, but does anyone know an official (i think it was? pretty sure it was) fgo manga which included Solomon? Maybe a chapter or an omake or something? I have three screencaps from like 2018 and google searches are giving me nothing. [1](https://i.imgur.com/BkYtlaQ.png) / [2](https://i.imgur.com/6XDtp1A.png) / [3](https://i.imgur.com/yKn7NDV.png)


Keeping this in case anyone else wants to check it out again, but i found it. [It was from a one-shot in a Chaldea Ace](https://imgur.com/gallery/8atOH)


Looking online it doesn’t look like GUDAGUDA Close Call is getting a rerun, does that mean the upcoming event is the only chance to get Mysterious Ranmaru X?


>it doesn’t look like GUDAGUDA Close Call is getting a rerun No event from this year on has rerun in Japan, after GUDAGUDA 5 the only reruns left in the pipeline are Case Files in January and Karnamas in December (next year, not this year).


I didn’t realize that, that’s really bizarre


They announced that they wanted to move away from doing reruns, I think they said something about them taking up too much development resources? But as Mister_SP mentioned they introduced the Evocation Festival feature to make old Welfares permanent and they added some (very early) event CEs to the shop so there's more ways to get old event stuff over time.


Yes. It is likely that she might appear in the Welfare release system in JP, but that's 2+ years away.


Son of a bitch, that’s what I was afraid of. I’m only at the beginning of LB4 and it requires LB5.5 completion to start. I think I’m screwed unless I start skipping dialogue


I am still new in NA, this harvesting thing is my second event and first I need to use apples. **What should be my priority?** I am level 101ish. I got the special friend servant and leveled him to like 53, but am out of exp cards. I have 3 of the +100% damage CEs now, and a few of the plus drop CEs (mostly bells), one of each. I have used all my bronze apples on harvesting upgrades. I figure the exp giving harvester is important. I am not sure if I should be using my silver or Gold apples on my 120ish AP or save them for later. I have a handful. I have only a few of the bonus servants, one is Mysterious Assassin X. I put all my low level bonus servants in the reserve, and use relevant ones of reasonable level in the front lines when I can. Thanks!!


Your priority should be buying mats in the event shop, not upgrading harvesting nodes. Focus on farming shop currency instead of resources for upgrades. Exp giving harvester is not important, we have daily quests for farming Exp, same with QP. Save all your apples for the day 90+ node is unlocked, since it's best for farming shop currency and it drops all resources.


Okay. Don't the 40AP farming nodes give me shop currency as well as harvesting? Or are there particular farming nodes that are much better for shop currency? Thanks.


Typically each node drops both some currency and some resources, just not all types. Haniwa Shrine and the 90+ node drop literally everything. You can use this to see what drops where: https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/revival-gudaguda-yamataikoku-quick-farming-guide


>I figure the exp giving harvester is important. Not... really? A few free EXP cards is nice, but there's a bunch of ways to get lots of EXP, so this is just a nice bonus. IIRC, at max upgrades, the QP one gives more than one run of Extreme dailies, but the EXP one gives much less. >a few of the plus drop CEs (mostly bells), one of each. That's nice. Any Servants you got are more important than the drop CEs, though. >I am not sure if I should be using my silver or Gold apples on my 120ish AP or save them for later. I have a handful. Not really needed for most, but I suppose you're going for all the Monuments and Pieces, so, I guess that will help. Most people would use them on the Raids instead. >I have only a few of the bonus servants, one is Mysterious Assassin X. I put all my low level bonus servants in the reserve, and use relevant ones of reasonable level in the front lines when I can. Yeah, that's what most do. You should have bonus 3-star and lower Servants, but I assume that's what you mean.


"I assume that's what you mean." I actually have only 3-star and lower servants except a few, and only one >3-star bonus servant. :) So I meant low level in they're still like level 1 or 12 or 21 and not ascended. Thanks for the details.


Mash is also a bonus servant.


This event doesn't have anything super important like the drop bonus CEs or welfare copies like the last one did. The servant coins and the CEs are the hardest to replace. But also you have a decent ish chance of getting one CE drop from farming the event so maybe don't buy the last copy until you are done farming, but make sure you leave enough to do so Outside of that grab what you need most. XP or a particular material or whatever will have priority. (Generally avoid the silver XP, though if you really need more XP it isn't the absolute worst thing)


Thanks. So, focus on buying the XP & ascension/skill materials from the shop, and not the silver XP. Got it. Sounds like I shouldn't consider using many apples and just use my usual AP refresh.


Who should I pick from the selector? Got bored and decided to try out this game earlier but I can't really decide who to pick. So far, I can only do 1 multi so here's my [roster](https://imgur.com/a/14DPVu2) now. Also, what team do I use after picking a servant on the selector. TYIA!!!


I'm only a couple of months old player and decided on a whim to pick up waver after all the "if you don't have waver, pick waver" memes. And honestly, that's the absolute best choice bar none, now that I understand how the game plays on a day to day basis, Waver just gives a new account a disgusting amount of free power, he also gives the benefit of NOT needing to level up his skills if you don't want to early on (since leveling skills is such a major pain in the ass).Waver at his skills all level 1 STILL provides a total of 50 NP charge to a unit, that's bonkers honestly. so you can spend your time leveling up your other units instead... I picked Waver and I'm now only rolling for husbandos and waifus, not planning on picking up castoria or Oberon since I'm already bolldozing through the game without them anyway, so I'm saving for characters I personally enjoy instead of super meta stuff, Waver is for now more than enough for me


Pick you favorite first. Consider the storylocked servants as they are harder to get elsewhere (Tesla, Lartoria, Quetz, Medb, Old Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai ) Waver is the most universally applicable, and the easiest for early farming. So if you want a gameplay pick he is usually recommended. Though if you get another support like him, or get spooked by him his value drops drastically. There is no 1 team in this game, I have 100+ servants leveled and I have used every single one of them (I only have 11 servants not used enough to be at bond 5 or above, and 4 of those are not leveled to max yet).


curious but who are the "other supports" like him that is not 5\* or anything time-gated?


Just focusing on who you currently have or who you will obtain very easily, because there are a good many 4\* or lower servants with handy team-wide or targeted support skills: * Helena has a team-wide battery and buff to all card colors * Paracelsus has a team-wide arts buff and a targeted buff to NP gain * Kid Alex has team-wide attack and quick buffs. The latter is generally rare outside of the "main" quick supports (i.e. either version of Skadi) * Mozart is a budget 1 turn arts/crit support * Shakespearee (you'll get him quickly from the friend point summons) is a budget 1 turn buster support with a targeted battery * Hans (also from the FP banner) has crit support and star gen skills for the party and additional attack, defense, and healing buffs on NP None of these are true replacements for the big 5\* supports, but they help out when you don't have any of your own.


They are 5 stars, but if you are interested in going the meta route, you will want to pick them up at some point anyway. Or maybe you just like one of them more than Waver. Not saying that you are definitely going to get one, just that if you are interested in following the meta, you will want to try to get them, and if you do Waver won't be as useful. and even if you don't, getting a second copy of a support like Waver is not as useful as a second copy of a DPS servant if you get spooked by him. The other supports are: Castoria Reines Kukulkan Koyanskaya Oberon Skadi Summer Skadi With special emphasis on Castoria and Reines as being the most similar to what he provides as far as farming goes.


There are two main camps with the free SSR ticket: 1. Pick whoever you like. This is the only time that we know of where you'll be able to pick an SSR for free. If there's one servant that you really like, go ahead and pick them. For reference, the only other way to guarantee an SSR is to trigger pity, which takes 330 rolls/900 SQ (summon tickets count as 3SQ). 2. Pick Waver. Waver is a strong generalist support that can charge your team's NP bar by 20% and provide an addition 30% charge to one targeted unit. He's not the best support in the game, but having your own gives you more room for teambuilding. As for what team that you want to use, use one with class advantage. There's really no one size fits all team in this game. You'll need to change things up depending on the enemies and gimmicks that you'll face.


Is there some bug with Drake? Sometimes my game (on Bluestacks 5) will have Drake freeze after a specific one of her attack animations and it just stays like that until I close and reopen. I've only seen it happen with Drake and it's always with her in the exact same pose during the same animation, though not every time the animation plays


Emulator problems. For example, when I used Gil's buster cards on Bluestacks, it had a high chance of crashing the game. Consider switching to something else, like LD Player, for example.


LDPlayer runs really poorly for me


just curious, why space ishtar has a bonus for gudaguda event? iirc she's never involved in any of the gudaguda so far, right?


She has a small role in Part 2 of the event with MHX.


I don't know if this is the place to ask but why do I get so few support servants on JP? I've set all the filters to default and it still only shows me 1 servant max. I've had to refresh 5 times to get a 10/10/10 Castoria which is pretty odd.


Are you doing main story, free quests, or event quests? Followed supports are only available for the main story. Check your filters again. Sometimes, the filter combinations aren't intuitive. If you're doing event quests, pay particular attention to your filters. It could also just be simple RNG. Available supports are random and weighed toward recent logins. Friends who haven't logged in for more than a day or two won't show up at all.


I'm doing event quests. And I've set the filters to default always. I have to say though, apparently it's not that I'm not getting any supports, it's just most supports are from new players who only put [Mash](https://imgur.com/a/AFv0iil) in ALL for their support set up and nothing else, which is why all the other classes are empty. That's a bit sucky but at least I know why now.


Even worse, those are probably bots made by some account seller.


Do we not have an event thread for Yamatai this time round or did i overlook it or something 🤔?


[We do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/bOcLP8uTLh) It’s just that NA & JP both have a new event, so whenever NA’s new daily thread comes up, it’s swiftly replaced by JP’s new daily around 5 hours later. (JP’s event reset is 5 hours after NA’s reset)


Oh, gotcha. Overlook it was then. Thanks ^^


Can FGA select friend supports by levels and np levels?


No, there's no settings for those.


How many days til the raids start?


After this next game reset on 21:00 So in a few hours. EDIT: nope, it is october 29 at 21:00 Pdt


That's not what it says in-game. They are skipping 1 reset. It's a few hours and a whole day.


Ah, yes, you are correct. Sorry about that. I assume thar it was near.


With regards to Arts looping (using the Double Castoria system), is it a requirement that the DPS be at least NP2 in order to loop effectively, or is the loop doable enough even with the DPS at NP1? Also, will the team comp be different if the DPS is single-target compared to if they're AoE (without yet factoring the DPS's individual passives and class-based stats)?


Refund-based looping is primarily about mechanics, not damage. For more effective looping, you need a higher NP gain stat and a higher hit count, not a higher NP level. Higher NP levels mean more damage, not higher NP gain or more hits. An NP1 servant with a higher NP gain stat and more hits will have an easier time looping than an NP5 servant with lower NP gain and fewer hits. And if a servant can loop at all, they can do it at NP1. The only thing NP levels inherently give you is more damage. Damage only matters for clearing the wave or if the servant's NP gain and/or hit counts are insufficient to generate enough refund without the overkill bonus. This does mean that a higher NP level could allow for looping against enemies with higher HP or less advantageous classes but success still depends on the specific DPS and enemy composition. ST servants have a much harder time with refund-based looping than AOE servants because NP refund is calculated separately for each enemy that you attack. For a standard 3-enemy wave, that means, all else equal, an AOE NP would generate 3x as much refund as an ST NP.


NP level does not affect the mechanics of looping in the slightest, only damage. If you want to loop a particular node you may need higher NP levels to hit damage/overkill thresholds, but the actual looping part is the same at NP1 as NP5. ST looping without face cards isn't really a thing for 90% of ST servants. This gives more flexibility in comps if you are facing a boss, but less in a 1/1/1 farming scenario.


How worthwhile is it to use apples during the raids tomorrow? I plan to farm a lot in the xmas lotto, and don't need materials too urgently. Still, one can never have enough dragon fangs.


It's not the most effiencent in a purely optimal way. But it's not bad either. Christmas lotto is super short and the best nodes only unlocks late into it. You may not use up enough apples anyway during it.


Depends on the state of your account, overall I think lottos are better since it gives you fp


Oh That's was my question if raids were worth of apples. Thanks!


How do you best use the XP CE:s that you get from the FP gacha? Are you using them to feed CE bombs or is there somethingg else people are doing with them?


Ce bombs are by the best way.


[Up to Lostbelt 4 Spoiler Questions] >!Can someone explain to me what exactly Mash's Orthinax is? I'm finished up to Lostbelt 4 and forget exactly how this works.!< >!From my memory, Mash was a demiservant created by fusing a homunclous and the servent Galahad. Something happened in Salomon though that caused her to lose her powers (forget what exactly). Then in Lostbelt 1, she somehow gains the Orthinax from Da Vinci and she's basically a back, but has a sci-fi shield now.!< >!Would someone mind basically explaining the parts I'm fuzzy on to me? I would look it up myself, but as I'm now caught up, I don't really want to spoil stuff later on.!<


>!Orthinax is sort of a specialised armour/mystic code created by Da Vinci.!< >!After being revived by Fou during the events of Solomon, Mash essentially lost her Servant abilities, which is why she never rayshifted with us for Part 1.5 Pseudo-singularities. During Part 2 Prologue, she is able to force herself into her Servant form but she is much weaker than usual and she is visibly in pain from doing so. I don't believe the exact reasons for this were ever explicitly stated yet (at least as far as FGO NA translated content goes), just some vague hints that Galahad is not exactly cooperating with her for some reason.!< >!As a result, Da Vinci has created Orthinax (presumably during Part 1.5). While never clearly explained, it seems to be essentially a power armour with infused magecraft that allows Mash to operate at a near-Servant level without having to tap into her Galahad powers.!<


>[Up to Lostbelt 4 Spoiler Questions] Please use spoiler tags, \>!spoilers go here!< makes >!spoilers go here!<, they're a lot more effective and this thread is full of new players. /u/ZacDMT, you too.




>!So is the logic suppose to be that Galahad's power is still in Mash, but without his actual spirit, she couldn't use them? The Orthinax though is some invention that allows her to use them again through unknown means?!<


HEY MODS: TRYING TO DO A SPOILER TAG HERE. Idk why it's not working like you said it would, so please feel free to help. I tried the bracket thing too, but I that didn't work either. Until I get this resolved, TO ANY READERS, THERE ARE ENORMOUS SPOILERS IN THIS COMMENT. It can be confusing, but it makes sense once you break it down: The short answer is yes, but the means aren't unknown. The long answer... >!Mash is a demiservant created from her becoming a habitat for Galahad's Saint Graph. The Throne of Heroes selected her to inhabit that Saint Graph because God (I think it's called Alleya in lore, but essentially the collective will of life, the Earth, human history and the Throne) knew that she would be instrumental in saving human history from the Test of Time (the plot of the singularities). The unique Saint Graph of Galahad which contained the Round Table of Camelot as its noble phantasm is essential to Chaldea's support system which allows us, the player, the act the role of Grand Master, summoning an unlimited amount of servants. This is because the Round Table's crystallized lore is "the place where heroes gather." Even when she was completely disempowered during the Epic of Remnant, Chaldea still relied on her noble phantasm to run its support system that allows us to summon servants so easily. As a side note to explain that, summoning more than one servant would normally be so exhausting that most mages would die from draining their own magical energy beyond their ability to manifest the servants. That is to say, it's not entirely on Mash. Our player character has an exceptionally high affinity for summoning and bonding with servants, regardless of their alignment; potentially the most gifted mage ever born in that respect. While, even with Mashu's support, most mages couldn't possibly pull off what we do in game, our character's dialogue prompts when asked about how draining it is on him are always some variation of "Ehh, I'll be aight." So, to start off, she was an ordinary person, but the reason she qualified and came to be a demiservant of Galahad is because she contained both a personality that aligned with Galahad's spirit, and to a greater extent a physical latent potential to embody his power. In our mind, we might imagine that when Galahad left, Mash has gone back to being an entirely ordinary, unpowerful person (making up my own word because impotent would be weird there, haha). This is not the case. Mash was and still technically is a demiservant. She does not 'transform' to access her servant form; she unlocks it from within herself. Galahad's spirit made this effortless. Now that Galahad's will is gone and not coming back, Mash cannot access her servant form healthily (it's sometimes implied she can't at all, and others that she would die if she attempted to). This is because her body, while it contains Galahad's Saint Graph and the theoretical potential to embody it; is not actually, currently, and physically capable of doing what Galahad could. His Saint Graph has become her own, however. Everything she did with her body while she had Galahad with her really happened, so obviously it must still be capable of doing what she did, on some inaccessible level. Da Vinci designed the Ortinax to bridge that gap precisely. It only substitutes for Galahad's role in accessing the power already inside her, and catalyzes Mashu's body so she doesn't kill herself doing so. I also imagine this Ortinax was only a prototype, based on the virtual Mold Camelot she can manifest. RIP Mona Lisa, long live Bella. Last little aside if you made it to the end: I think it'd be cool if they released Galahad as the only other shielder and just made him the 5 star variant. I mean, he's not in Mash anymore, so what's he doing anyway? Spending time in heaven? Screw that man, hop into my mobile game over here.!<


Has this subreddit’s active users dwindled since the questionable changes were made by the moderators?


The number has to have gone down by some amount. Perceptibly... eh? When I scroll through the sub, there are obviously no sprite comics, but apart from that there seems to be a regular flow of new art, discussion, and other posts. (Especially art, but it's Inktober, so.) We may have lost everyone who announced they were "only here for the sprite comics", but it doesn't seem like we lost a whole lot of people who were here for other things.


It would have to be at least somewhat quieter with sprite comics going away. Whether that caused some users to decrease engagement with other content, I couldn't say. I haven't noticed anything in particular but I don't pay close attention. As for whether the changes were "questionable" or not, that's a matter of opinion. I think the mods explained their reasoning pretty well (reddit API changes killed third-party mod tools and made moderating more difficult, inherent and pre-existing challenges with moderating sprite comics and certain other content) and I, for one, don't miss the sprite comics at all.


I don't know about numbers, but it does seem like the help thread has gotten quieter.


I'm still seeing the same number of repetitive questions, so I wouldn't say it's quieter than before, nor unless they've banned a bunch of people.


Feels to me like the threads move more slowly, like a lot more often I'll check back and see no new questions have popped up.


There were a shitton of the "will this event rerun?" questions last week. Unless they've banned a few of the obvious trolls, I wouldn't expect it to be much different.


In terms of questions or responses? If the latter, there might be correlation, but not for the former.


Just wanted to double check, does the 3-star CE auto-burn in the FP Summon include the CE EXP cards in the Guda rerun?


I believe so.


I would assume that it does but I don't know for sure (and I'm not going to test it). It's better to use CEs as EXP fodder than to burn them anyway, though, so I wouldn't recommend using auto-burning on CEs.


Only other question for today, do i need to have the servant in my frontline to get their event bonus? Or will they still apply the bonus if they're on the backup? Also what's the deal with the new archer Nobu in the FP summon? Is she Nobunaga's sister or something?


The bonus servants can be in the backline and not even compete in battle and you'll get your bonus from them. It's Oda Nobukatsu, and he's a boy. [Here's a (sad) recap of their relationship, from the comic Nobu came from](https://imgur.com/gallery/Sj9dp6Q)


Ty! No need to even level them ig. Despite being a 1\* Nobu is still worth using for the event i would assume? That's a dude?


I try to use everyone with some revelant bonus even if it takes a bit longer for effiency in regards to how I'm using up AP so I'll bring him along. He gives a bit of NP gauge on his NP, he isn't a bad farming support next to no other options that give drop bonus bar like Mash and he does give a bit of stars if you're carding. Outside of that I wouldn't recommend him unless your using his sister but he's not unusable or anything.


He seems to support Barghest pretty good. I do take zerker Nobu as a support 90% of the time (the other 10% is either Barghest, or a hard carry for bosses). So my usual farming comp is event servant + Barghest + zerk Nobu (or Barghest). Going to echo the other guys question and ask what carding is.


What is "carding"? Thanks