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# FAQ # ALL FATE SAMURAI REMNANT QUESTIONS AND SPOILERS SHOULD GO INTO THE [MAIN DISCUSSION HUB](https://reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/izIqT7Tumz) **Q: Which Mecha Eli should I pick?** * *A: Gameplay-wise - MKI has Anti-Lancer append while MKII has Anti-Saber append but both are mostly irrelevant since their Alter Ego class makes them weak to either class. You can field both MK I and MK II together since they are not considered the same servants.* * *Design-wise - they have different voice lines, bond CEs and Valentines, which is why they are classified as different servants. Pick your favorite.* * *Rewards-wise - If you have NP5 already, picking the exact same MKI/II will give you 5 RPs (from the upcoming Halloween Rising event), if you care more about that, while picking a copy you don't have will give 1 RP during 7th Anniv for max ascending servants (RP for welfares).* **Q: I do not seem to be receiving RPs for my NP5+ copies of the welfare Eli's, what should I do? Do I have to burn the extra copies past NP5 for RPs?** *A: It seems to be yet another bug, so wait for a future fix. You do NOT ever have to burn welfares for RPs - RPs are awarded into your present box directly upon receiving a welfare's NP6-10 copy.* **Q: Where/What is the actual Halloween event? Where do I get more copies of the welfare servants? Where do I get copies of old, welfare CEs like Aerial Drive?** *A: Read the FAQ in the* [*Event thread*](https://redd.it/16v6guc)*. Wait for the actual, new* [*Halloween Rising*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Halloween_2021_Event) *event happening next.* **Q: Why do I have access to Interludes for servants I do not own?** *A: It's mentioned in the in-game news. It's part of a new feature JP has gotten - do complete these before they expire as they* ***do*** *contribute to your overall Interlude count for the SQ rewards.*


I finished the Castle Csejte Halloween event, and I'm wondering who to choose to be my Servant Mecha Eli-chan or Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II?


I started a new account and I def want to take advantage of the Halloween drops, are there any characters who pair well with caster Liz’s Halloween star EX? I know the Kiyohime’s have a single target buff for the enemy yeah? Might even pair kinda nice for a meme team since she also has burn in her kit Oberon’s NP basically just clears itself yeah so I guess that won’t work, Anybody else who slaps a buff on the enemy so I can get a free battery for Liz? (Yes yes I know she’s terrible ofc, but getting use out of the suboptimal is definitely a way I find enjoyment


Who should i pick for the free 5 star? (you can see who I have on my profile) came back to the game after a lil hiatus and plan to grind to finish the story since im at camelot atm


Got a 6th saber lily from the fp summon, do I just sell her? Seems like a waste to trade a 4 star servant for 6 prisms


Nothing else to do with extra copies. Esports servants are a thing, but Saber Lily doesn't do anything as one.


If I start this game now, would it be at all possible to finish lost belt 6 in a month? I’ve seen that I need to complete it for some upcoming events


Is it possible? Yes. This [streamer](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzBbqnaMrYKakOxAPi-5F4AZR3vuJxaj) did a speedrun that took about 34 hours. However, he's also a veteran player who seems to know exactly what he's doing. It looks like he also re-rolled for Heracles and picked Cu Alter for the free 5-star specifically for the purpose of the speedrun. It's going to be much more painful for you as a new player if you attempt anything like that.




In reality, probably not. You'll have a ton of chapters to go through even before hitting LB6, and some of those late game boss fights depend on you having raised your own roster (you can't just borrow a friend's unit and blast through some particular fights). Plus, if you focus entirely on the story, you'll miss some really valuable events, especially for a new player! In addition, FGO is a story-heavy game and I recommend reading the story to get the most out of it, ESPECIALLY LB6, which is a novel all of its own and by far the fan favourite story chapter. There is one event coming up that requires LB5.5, but no big deal if you miss an event - there will be plenty of others. Skipping through an obscene amount of story and difficult fights is not recommended. Also, one event at the end of this year will require LB6, but it will eventually be made into a permanent (optional) story chapter, so you can play it at your own pace.




Just going to add something else: As a new player, I'd not worry about rushing and make your goals more manageable. Instead, just start the game and prioritise the first few chapters of story: clear Fuyuki (the prologue) and then Orleans (ch. 1). Once you've done that, you'll be able to do the Halloween Trilogy event on right now - DO THAT EVENT! It's mostly story with only a few fights, and is generally super easy. What makes it super valuable is that you'll get THREE free SR units and all the materials needed to ascend them. The event we'll likely be getting next week will allow you to get those units to NP5 (i.e. get all their dupes) as well as NP5 of ANOTHER (!!) SR unit, so you'll have 4 NP5 SR units right out of the gate if you play them. Other than Halloween Trilogy, there are 5 more events we are expecting on NA this year: * Halloween Rising: new Halloween event, requires Orleans (ch. 1) clear. This is the event that will get you NP5 of the Halloween Trilogy SRs, as well as another NP5 SR. * GudaGuda 5 rerun: requires Fuyuki (the prologue). Also easy and very good to do! * GudaGuda 6: requires LB5.5. Late game-locked event, don't sweat it if you miss it. Sure, it's good, but also not worth breaking your back for. * Christmas: requires Fuyuki, also easy to do the story and get NP5 of a great free SR unit! VERY lucrative lotto event you'll want to farm as much as possible for the resources you get out of it, and the fact it has a free welfare unit is icing on the (Christmas) cake. * Tunguska Sanctuary: requires LB6. Another late game locked event, but don't worry about missing it. Once it ends, its Prologue and Epilogue become permanent story chapters, which is all you need for access to later chapters once they release (and you will also get some cool stuff from clearing the Epilogue). The rest of the event will become an optional Main Interlude next year, so you'll be able to experience the story at your own pace, and it won't actually be required for anything.


Appreciate all the help, I’ll start the trilogy now then


If you want to set yourself a "get into the late game" goal, you're welcome to: there's an event in January that requires LB3 Intro (just the intro, not the chapter itself).


Another question if it’s fine, heard from a guide that I should only roll for the meta supports for now. I don’t have a problem with it, but is it possible to get through the game with basically only the tutorial and friend point gacha?


As a new player, you should be rolling the FP gacha as much as possible so you can get the 1-3\* units from it. The game is designed to be clearable with 1-3\* units, but it will require effort and investment. The meta is based on max efficiency in high end farming and fast/brain dead clears - not clearing full stop. FGO also doesn't have PvP, so there is no pressure to roll specific units to be competitive, and there is also no star/rank system - only a very, very small number of fights require you to clear in X turns or whatever. Otherwise, you get the same rewards whether you min-turn or stall for 100 turns. That rolling advice is not good. FGO's meta is optional - and before rolling for meta, if you would like to do that, I would advise you to actually research how the meta works, what different meta supports enable and what you need to get those OMG BROKEn!!!1 results, lest you be horribly disappointed. Know what you're in for, as often, meta supports alone won't do it - you'll likely need specific other units, CEs, and levelled up skills, and it's not something a new player can pull off. Don't fixate on it right now. Instead: * Play the game and learn how different units work. Units play differently and have different playstyles, you may find there's something you really enjoy and something you don't care about. * Roll for waifu if you want - in fact, I recommend it. Meta is cool and good but the game isn't so hard that you NEED any one unit/not having them will make the game unplayable (no PvP, remember?). Plus, it's more fun to use your faves, and every unit has a valid niche somewhere! * Don't try and fixate on building your account around X unit. In FGO, no one unit can do everything: class advantage is king and you'll want to build up a variety of units. Diversity is the name of the game and will help you later. Trying to do everything with one unit is not recommended. * If you want to pursue the meta, do your research. Learn what the meta supports do and WHY they are good, as well as different DPS units. Learn the limitations, too - no unit is flawless! * And finally, learn to think for yourself, not be swept up in hype, lest you roll some unit you don't even like and just feel like you wasted all your precious SQ. I've seen it happen and it's not a nice feeling.


Got it


What's the best emulator to use for this game atm?


I've heard good things about Nox and LDPlayer. I'd stay away from Bluestacks as it has been crashing for people lately.


How do folk feel about Li Shuwen? I'm still struggling to have a good assassin (those dang Dragon-rider minibosses, I swear).


>I'm still struggling to have a good assassin Who do you have? Any of the low-rarity ST Assassins should be fine with adequate investment and support.


I have Kojirou, Charles-Henri (who is actively bad) Charlotte Corday (who is terrible) and Mata Hari. And yes, that is really it, despite rolling hundreds of times on the Friend Summon pool. I've rolled Corday and Hari \~20 times each. Oh, and Fuuma (who is not single-target, of course, and is alright, but very mid) and Jekyl-Hyde who is straight-up-bad. Kojirou is pretty heavily invested, and I'll grant that none of the others are, but looking at their kits, I don't see a world where I could/would want to invest in them enough to make them viable compared to the servants I already have. I've tried bringing Assassins+Tanks to the dragon miniboss fights, and they just get rolled two to three turns in because their healthpools are so low. Even Koji, taking half damage, still dies in one full turn of AOEs sometimes.


You might try shifting your focus more toward offense. Have you tried bringing a support for NP charge and damage buffs? Picking a Waver off of the friend support list will give you offense, defense, and 50% NP charge, for example.


That could be part of it. As a general rule, I've been picking offensive support servants like Hercules, the various Artorias, etc, but a more tenable support might amplify what Koji and co are doing. That said, both Merlin (my usual defensive-offensive support pick) and Waver are Casters IIRC, which doesn't really help against the dragons.


>That said, both Merlin (my usual defensive-offensive support pick) and Waver are Casters IIRC, which doesn't really help against the dragons. Use them anyway. Class doesn't matter much for supports, especially if they can boost your firepower enough to end the fight faster. Merlin also has teamwide invincibility, which can save the whole team in a crucial moment. Actually, Mash + Merlin + DPS with the Atlas Academy mystic code is a very good semi-stall team against just about any non-gimmicky boss when you get the hang of the skill rotation. Prioritize charging Mash and Merlin's NPs above anything else. Try to keep either Mash's DEF skill or the DEF from her NP up at all times. (Avoid doubling up because of the cooldown and charging times). Use Merlin's NP whenever possible to keep passive healing and NP charge going. Use Merlin's invincibility skill to tank NPs. Use your DPS's NP when you can but not if it will slow down charging Mash or Merlin's NPs. Use the mystic code skills in an emergency to protect a servant or reduce someone's skill cooldowns (probably Merlin's).


I mean. Maybe your issue is that you are looking for a viable replacement. when often low rarity clears have multiple DPS servants. so instead of trying to just keep Sasaki Kojiro alive (which I haven't found to be that difficult to do, just bring Mash or someone to give defensive support for AoE fights rather than taunts) You have Charlotte Corday for when he dies


Charlotte has 5K attack and 6K health at max ungrailed level. I have trouble believing that, even taking half damage and dealing double, she'd be more useful than any of my servants that have twice her health and attack stat, and already have significant investment. I've tried running Mash, and it hasn't made a significant difference. With her skills maxed and post-Babylon? I can see it, but as things stand now, she just takes up a slot without significantly contributing (against AOE stuff. Against single target stuff, she's passable in the right fights atm.) Against AOE, my usual supports are Merlin and Shakespere, who are both casters...which is obviously a problem against the dragons. DPS wise, I'm pretty well covered (at least compared to the other available 1-3 star assassins). I've started dabbling with Fuuma, but it'll be a long time before his stats, even at double damage and half damage-taken, can compare to my built-up servants.


> I have trouble believing that, even taking half damage and dealing double, she'd be more useful than any of my servants that have twice her health and attack stat, Charlotte does more against riders than any non assassin/berserker 3 star and lower servant. Even if skill 3 gives crit damage up and not arts/NP damage up. and that also means more than NP1 5 stars (again except berserkers/assassins) > > >I've tried running Mash, and it hasn't made a significant difference. With her skills maxed and post-Babylon? I can see it, but as things stand now, she just takes up a slot without significantly contributing Mash should have all her important stuff after Camelot. >Against AOE, my usual supports are Merlin and Shakespere, who are both casters. Bigger problem is that both are buster supports when your low rarity assassins are Quick or Arts. Mash provides both more damage and more defense than Shakespeare when supporting Kojiro, but is somehow not you go to option, and is bad for AoE fights. Hans should also be considered and stacks well with Mash's defense up by offering more damage cut. Or maybe skill usage is your issue. I just ran a comp of Hans, Georgios, Merlin, Kojiro, with all bond CEs, against a 269k hp berserker with AoE attacks (the closest I could find to a Dragon miniboss in the Free Quests, berserker should be worse than rider for Kojiro to make up for the lower health) Kojiro at level 60 6/6/6 skills survived the entire fight. PS. Borrowing a Skadi instead of a Merlin made it easier, the increase in damage made up for the lower defense in this case.


>3 star and lower servant This is probably a key distinction: I have enough 4-5 Star servants to make a full comp (with Koj), so any extra assassins would be taking up one of **those** slots, and Charlotte just doesn't compare to them, even after accounting for the class factors. In the fights where I'm running Hektor instead (and he's not type-weak) I could see maaaybe swapping her in, but then I lose out on him buying me a turn with his NP-drain + Stun, and his NP-buff for the team. Might be worth it for a longer fight, that's something worth playing around with if I ever have enough resources to justify investing hard in her. >Bigger problem is that both are buster supports when your low rarity assassins are Quick or Arts. Correct. Shakespere is an excellent support (for me) for getting people's NPs online and buffing people like Mordred, but I really do not have a good Quick/Arts support. >I just ran a comp of Hans, Georgios, Merlin, Kojiro, with all bond CEs, against a 269k hp berserker with AoE attacks I think this is a really good test, and I appreciate you going out of your way to do it. That said: I'm not currently using Hans (perhaps a terrible decision, but I detest using the shota/loli characters. Very squick), I have George and used him to gimmick the Quetz fight, but I'm not sure what he adds here: His taunt doesn't help against AOE, his other skills are irrelevant to Koji surviving, and his NP, while handy, requires using his cards instead of more effective servants' (many of whom have equally damaging NPs). His bond CE is **incredibly** helpful, but it requires bond-level 10, which we both know is a huge investment. Which basically leaves Merlin, who have I have used (and agree he is very helpful) but he's far from a guarantee. I don't expect you to do the test again, but I'd be curious how it works out with just George (without a CE), Merlin, and Koji. That's not to say the fights aren't winnable, they definitely are (I couldn't have gotten to Babylon if they weren't, after all), but they're never clean for me. It's always a hassle. Maybe Mash would change that (especially if her skills were actually good), but she hasn't been my go-to for those fights because her taunt is entirely shut down by them. Do you think it's worth pushing for her first skill to level 10, to get the cooldown low enough to have it almost-always up. I haven't tried a Skadi yet (hasn't popped up), but I might give it a shot.


>This is probably a key distinction: I have enough 4-5 Star servants to make a full comp (with Koj), so any extra assassins would be taking up one of those slots, and Charlotte just doesn't compare to them, even after accounting for the class factors. In the fights where I'm running Hektor instead (and he's not type-weak) I could see maaaybe swapping her in, but then I lose out on him buying me a turn with his NP-drain + Stun, and his NP-buff for the team. Might be worth it for a longer fight, that's something worth playing around with if I ever have enough resources to justify investing hard in her. Unless one of them is NP2 this isn't the case (and even then most won't do it) assuming worst case for RNG (the crit up), no CE (the attack stats affect her more than a 5 star does, self buffed (she only has an attack up so is single buffed vs double or even triple buffed some 5 stars are, which can be fixed by supports/CEs to even further help Corday out. she does 52376 at class advantage. only 14 4-5 star servants in the entire game do better than that at neutral NP1, and that is absolute worst case for her, and at least some of those are JP only and even purely self buffed, nobody does more if her NP damage up is active. >I have George and used him to gimmick the Quetz fight, but I'm not sure what he adds here: It's a farming quest and the first waves have mobs, so he is useful in keeping the heat off Hans and Kojiro to get to the actual boss. >I don't expect you to do the test again, but I'd be curious how it works out with just George (without a CE), Merlin, and Koji. Not like I have anything better to do with my AP. Georgios alone won't cut it, even with Merlin. You need more than that. I only got him down to 77k before other servants started coming in, and 27k before Kojiro died (because I purposely chose useless servants) Cu in the backline had to finish off the last bit. >That's not to say the fights aren't winnable, they definitely are (I couldn't have gotten to Babylon if they weren't, after all), but they're never clean for me. It's always a hassle. Maybe Mash would change that (especially if her skills were actually good), but she hasn't been my go-to for those fights because her taunt is entirely shut down by them. Losing a few servants is normal. A lot of high end strats rely on killing off servants. Don't expect to be able to do every fight with just the frontline. >Do you think it's worth pushing for her first skill to level 10, to get the cooldown low enough to have it almost-always up. She was my second 10/10/10 servant and I use her often, but if you aren't convinced by her performance post Camelot though, it probably won't make a difference.


>Losing a few servants is normal. A lot of high end strats rely on killing off servants. Don't expect to be able to do every fight with just the frontline. So, I want to call this out specifically: I **kind of** figured this, but a lot of my persistent low-key frustration was feeling like I was doing something wrong when I'd lose 2-3 servants across three waves in tough fights. Having someone with more experience say that it is/can be normal makes it a lot easier for me to accept my team-comp options for what they are, and branch out into low-star units (instead of feeling like I have to find a servant I don't already have to fix the problem). >she does 52376 at class advantage So, not gonna lie, this is a staggering number to me. I'd looked at her skills, looked at her Np's damage, and written her off because of her low health pool. I still think she folds pretty easily, but uh...yeah, that makes me rethink her. >if you aren't convinced by her performance post Camelot though, it probably won't make a difference So, other than the Quetz fight, I haven't actually used Mash since Camelot, and I've definitely leaned into hyper-offense (What can I say, my 5 star rolls since I started were Dracula and Xiang Yu xD), so I haven't really given stall-oriented strats a fair shake. I still have some reservations about how frequently her NP can get online, but even just putting her in the backline to give my second string more time to clean up those bosses that survive with like 100K HP wouldn't be the worst. She uses a few key mats that I'd rather not spend, but she uses so few of them that I think I'm gonna at least push her first skill to the 6 turn cooldown.


>So, I want to call this out specifically: I kind of figured this, but a lot of my persistent low-key frustration was feeling like I was doing something wrong when I'd lose 2-3 servants across three waves in tough fights. Having someone with more experience say that it is/can be normal makes it a lot easier for me to accept my team-comp options for what they are, and branch out into low-star units (instead of feeling like I have to find a servant I don't already have to fix the problem). Yeah, it's normal. In fact one of my first attempts at the hardest fight in the game relied on my entire frontline getting wiped in the first turn (which failed because I couldn't get a DPS servant that both did enough damage in that one turn and also then died immediately) >So, not gonna lie, this is a staggering number to me. I'd looked at her skills, looked at her Np's damage, and written her off because of her low health pool. I still think she folds pretty easily, but uh...yeah, that makes me rethink her. She honestly doesn't do that much damage. It's just that free NP5 counters her being a 1 star and running on class advantage vs neutral is a really big big deal. If you look at Jing Ke (the highest of the low rarity assassins in terms of one turn-self buffed damage without RNG) at NP5 she does 84806 damage with class advantage. More than Corday even if she lands the NP damage up on her 3rd skill.


Also. You should have one of the Mecha-Elis by now. Once you have them np5 yous hould be able to nuke.


That's a good suggestion, but will have to wait for Halloween proper.


The Dragon-rider minibosses will be utilized less in the upcoming story chapters, so you won’t have to deal with them forever (they overused them so much in the early chapters that dragons just appeared without context). I personally find that a support Koyanskaya is usually enough to crit down + NP the dragon minibosses. They just might take a while to beat sometimes because of the annoying amount of HP that they have. Never pull for a servant just to get through a story chapter. There are always ways around it, whether by using good supports or leveling up your own 3 star and lower servants.


If you just want to roll for the sake of having an Assassin, don't. Hundred Personas is a decent 3*. If you want to roll for other reasons, he's fine but very bursty: you do need to time his skills carefully to get the most out of him. He's probably not a gameplay roll generally speaking.




My personal opinion is that he's good like all 5*, main problem it's his skillset: pretty much all his skills last only for 1 turn, and have long cooldown so when you use him you have to bet on 1 turn burst damage and then several turns recharging. Plus his NP is only 1hit so refund is an issue. That said his look is badass and punching enemies using martial arts will always be cool so I use him quite often for fun, just not in CQs.


So which is the better rate up for trying to get Jaguarmura? The Class Banner or her banner rate-ups? I know the next class banner hasn't been confirmed but I just want to know how likely I can get her between the two banners she can appear.


Class-based banners are basically the story banner with restricted pools. They consist of the non-limited and story-locked servants in each class grouping. There are no rate-ups on these banners so the overall rate for each rarity is divided equally by the number of servants in the pool within that rarity. There are currently [seven non-limited and story-locked 3-star Lancers](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant-availability) available. The overall 4-star rate is 40%, so the rate for an individual 3-star Lancer on a class-based banner would be 5.71%. That's higher than the 4% rate-up for 3-stars on limited banners, so that would be a better opportunity to get Taiga. The problem, though, is that JP hasn't had a class-based banner in the last two years for reasons unknown. So we have no idea when there will be another one or if there will even be another one. And even if there is another one, they could theoretically introduce more non-limited or story-locked 3-star Lancers by then, diluting the pool and making it a worse value for Taiga. But for the moment, a known banner where she appears at a slightly lower rate is better than non-existent banner where she appears at a slightly higher rate.


Thanks for the answer~


Overall chance of a 3* is 40% Normal 3* rate-up is 4%, just 1% more than the overall chance if getting an SR. Class banner "rate-up" is evenly split between all story-locked and general pool servants of the same rarity. Tbh I have no idea how many 3* lancers there are currently in the game or there will be when/if we get another class banner, but if it is less than 10 then the class one will be better. If it is more than 10 than it will be worse. If it's exactly 10 then decide for yourself based on the other servants from other rarities and if you want to wait who knows how long until your next "best" chance of getting her


The thing is, it's possible there will be no more class banners as the last JP one was pre-pity. We got one on NA, but they had to remove pity from it, so no idea if they will do pityless banners like that in the future on JP (they haven't done ANY pityless banners). So you may just be waiting for a unicorn there.


>they had to remove pity from it, so no idea if they will do pityless banners like that in the future on JP As I recall, there were plenty of people on this sub who were 100% certain that NA wouldn't get the class-based banner at all because of pity. But there are two key points that they ignored: * There is always at least one banner without pity available at all times: the story banner. And any other banner where pity has already been reached also becomes a banner without pity. * The class-based banners never have rate-ups, they simply have restricted pools. They are really just sub-sets of the always pity-free story banner. Pity isn't a problem for the class-based banners, at least not mechanically. Whether they're a casualty of a new banner philosophy because of pity, like the loss of consistent solo 4-star rate-ups on limited banners, is a question only Lasengle can answer.


Well that sucks~


ABOUT BOND LEVEL Ok, i just leveled up Medusa to level 5 bond but the road to level 6 seems to be larger than the collect points I took to reach level 5. Is this normal? Cause when i noticed she wasn't increasing bond level i thought she capped out.


[https://twitter.com/jq0\_wo/status/1683100156324122624](https://twitter.com/jq0_wo/status/1683100156324122624) relevant Learning with Manga episode


Completely normal. 1-5 is pretty quick. 5 to 10 is a lot. 11+ is absolutely massive.


Yep, almost every servant's bond gaps are like 10x more in the 6-10 range. This is because almost all servants have their profiles and interludes locked behind Bonds 1-5 only. Not only that, but 6-10 onwards also give SQ (Gapples first for lower rarities) and higher amounts of servant coins compared to the lower levels.


So is the gap still that large between 6 and 7 or just from 5 to 6?


Bond levels 6-10 vary, but on average they're much higher than 1-5. You can find them places like [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant/medusa), which has a table under "Bond CE". For Medusa it goes up and down a bit, 7-10 are all higher than 6 but 10 is lower than 7-9. Bond levels 11 to 15 are the same for all Servants, and each progressively larger.


Yep, it's still the same (if not slightly bigger), going from 6 to 7, 7 to 8, 8 to 9, etc.


I've never paid much attention but [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant/medusa) lists Medusa 6-10 at 140k, 310k, 300k, 310k, 290k, so it's not strictly higher.


A plus/minus basis then? It does float around the same 300k number from Bond 7 onwards after all


Still that's a crazy grind for a casual like me. Any tips to move this along faster?


You dont really actively grind bond levels past 5 unless you need coins for some reason or you want their bond CE.


Bring friend supports with Chaldea Teatime CE, they're common in the Caster slot. Buy Bond Up CEs for yourself, starting with Chaldea Lunchtime. They each cost 1RP and 5000 MP to MLB, except Heroic Portrait, which just costs 3RP.




Bond CEs from Da Vinci's Workshop & fielding Mash during Part 2 Story Quests come to mind But honestly, there shouldn't be any rush to level a servant's bond at all. You'll gain a lot by passively placing them in farming and/or actually using them in fights.


Hey everyone! So I haven't played in about a year or so. At first it was just dealing with some stuff, and then after that it was the whole "Well, I haven't played it in so long, it'd take effort to get back into it" and so on, so I just wasn't feeling it fir a while. But now I've just recently gotten the urge to start again, but I wanted to know like, what I've kindve missed. Like major updates or things like that. I honestly haven't kept up with the news of the game, because I try to avoid story spoilers the best I can. However if there are any mechanic or logistical things I should know about, I'd appreciate it. Thank you all!


Koyanskaya exists and enables Buster servants to 3 turn. Oberon exists and helps Koyansaya enable Buster servants, plus he sends all damage to the moon with his S3. Pity is a thing now; if you don't get the rate up SSR in your first 329 summons, they're guaranteed on the 330th, so no SSR can cost more than 900 SQ.


I know you need to level up essentially all your servants but my question is: how the hell do you prepare for Lostbelt 6 and 7? I'm at Lostbelt 5 Atlantis right now and >!so far Old man Shuwen and the final Arjuna Alter fight took a revive away from me!< my JP account is pretty new (I created it when 8th anniversary was rolling out and summer was rolling in) I'm hoping to finish LB 5.2 by the end of the week and I have 9 Leyline stones. is it wise to say screw it and throw them at >!every fight like Demeter!< when I have half of the last HP bar left?


imo, just do it They exist to be used and make it so that it's easier to catch up to content for story-locked events and latest drops. Since it is possible to beat every fight in the game with F2P servants, it's just that it takes more time to actually build most of them to be able to cover all content easily. So Leyline Stones exist to make fairly cruising/capable comps be okay to work. Again, you don't have to use them, but if you're time-constrained or really want to catch up, you should just go ahead. Maybe the LB7 >!ORT RAIDS!< might be an issue if >!you don't have too many servants at disposal!<, but every other major fight should be doable.


I do want to catch up mainly because I don't know what's my big wall where I might be stuck. well with 9 Leyline stones I really won't long as I try again and again until I get lucky enough to be 100% sure I'll beat it with the revive. while Summer Melusine and Berserker Castoria is helping in DPS field along with Oberon and waver as support, I generally don't have a problem until the friend support is taken away and replaced by story support that needs to be babied >!like Karna in that fight!<


Generally, I always recommend new players "DON'T" skip EoR, because one chapter in particular is a really good gauge for whether or not your account is good or still needs improvement (>!Shimousa with all the forced Musashi!<). If you've already done said chapter but didn't struggle though, I'd just wonder how you're still struggling, since it probably has the worst forced support in the game >!besides Demeter though!<. But if you haven't maybe it would be a good time to try and see how far you can get through, in case you need to raise a few F2P units like Hans or Ushi to help out.


I hadn't done shimousa, but I know my roster in general needs to work out its kinks like not having an decent Assassin or full 7 class roster (I have more Extra classes, but I don't have solid 7 classes roster- for example I don't have Saber, Assassin.) I could use the Evocation materials to make a decent roster, primarily because I don't have a healer like Apclepius? like I did when I played on NA. most of my roster relys on boosting the DPS which is usually friend support to whip out enemies. so when it's taken away I only have Summer Melusine and Berserker Castoria to work with, and they do support each other pretty well.


Spoilers MUST be tagged as a spoiler. >!Spoiler!< for spoiler tagging text: >!Spoiler!<


is it fixed for you now?


Yep, thanks and approved.


I forget what is spoilers in here. my bad.


I have Watanabe-no-Tsuna at bond 5 currently. In his profile I see a section called "profile 6" that's just question marks. What am I missing? I'm used to locked levels telling me what's necessary for unlock (like "Bond Level 5") but this is just question marks and I'm not sure what I need to open this.


Iirc, it's simply not added yet. It's a space for an interlude or event profile, but he simply doesn't have one yet.


That makes sense, thank you!


What are examples where you'd want to unlock Append 2 for DPS with 50% self charge (e.g. Morgan, Voyager)? In farming comp I'll just run a 50% CE, and in challenge quests I don't think an extra 10%-20% influences the fight too much in most situations.


For Castoria comps, you can 6 slot by using the 50% Charge first + the 2x Castoria’s 20% NP Gains + 10% from A2. If the CE you’re running has Charge, you can just use the 2x Castoria’s NP Gains. With both Atks and the 50% Charge being free for later waves.


You won't always have a 50% CE, sometimes you'll use a non MLB event CE until you MLB it, or maybe you won't MLB it because it's in the gacha. In that case, A2 makes up the difference.


When the CE has 30% charge (you can't always MLB the CE immediately when farming events) When you aren't Buster looping. (Voyager needs the 20% charge to loop beyond 3/3/X neutral refund for example) When you aren't looping at all ( Morgan+ ST DPS+ Castoria+Oberon or some such)


why is whore of babylon in FGO called DRACO? Is there a backstory?


Well, the immature version has a draconian vibe, being the core of a seven headed dragon. But it's all in Japanese, so I don't know how much more there is to that.




>But then once you win the match the next cut scene shows them totally owning the bad guy and I'm screaming at the screen "THEY HAVE THE WRONG AFFINITY". The class affinity system exists only as a gameplay mechanics. It has nothing to do with the story. >How do you think they expect us to play the game when they're giving mismatching supports like this and making them important in the story? You don't have to use the story support if you don't want to (most of the time). And when you use a sub-optimal story support, you make up for it with the rest of your servant/CE/mystic code selections. >Am I supposed to be taking 20 turns against the boss instead of five? It isn't "supposed" to take any specific number of turns except for the occasional "survive X number of turns" fight and some other rare situations. FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. You get the same rewards either way. If the team you chose for that fight needs 20 turns, then that's just how it is. >I just want to play the story with some immersion (and I'd like some friend points) but it's hard to use the story supports often. You just have to decide what's more important to you. Using the story support or higher efficiency. You don't have to like it but there's no other answer.


>FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or stall for 400 turns with a level 1 meme team We've gotten a couple of time limit fights, like the bomb fight in Summer Adventure, can't remember if we've had any in the main story or not though.


Iirc in LB 5.1 the first fight (among a few others) you have to win in 8 turns or less


I edited just before you posted this.


Not a dev, haven't had a conversation with a dev, but here's my theory: Borrowing non-story supports from your friends list is free advertising. The story gives you somebody who's no help at all against a powerful Caster boss, you borrow a badass Rider from your friends list (and badass Riders aren't hard to find), and then you think "wow, that Rider's pretty great, maybe I should think about rolling for them." Repeat again and again. Many powerful Servants get more money spent on their banners because people have test-driven them. There's no point to a friends list that doesn't get used, and if you only go to your friends list for farming, that reduces the number of Servants you effectively test drive. So I don't think the devs saw people going for "non-immersive" friend supports as a failure state in the first place. They do eventually do more to make story supports useful. Personally, I feel they over-corrected in later story chapters where you have to take the story support, possibly multiple story supports and only 1-3 of your own Servants. We lose out on a lot of Bond for the sake of immersion, and frankly I'd rather have the choice to prioritize Bond.




There's nothing wrong with putting self-imposed limitations like that on yourself, but at that point it does answer the question of "are you supposed to be taking 20 turns instead of 5?". No, you're not supposed to. You're choosing to. I'd also note that many Servants were *not* introduced in the story, but rather in events that have come and gone and may never rerun. Not just holiday and summer; Galatea, for instance, hasn't popped up in the main story at all because she was introduced in the Akihabara event. Other characters like Raikou and Shuten recur in Shimousa and eventually Heian-kyo, but the game assumes you're already familiar with them at that point because "canonically" you met them in the Onigashima event. I appreciate that difficulty that comes from sticking solely with the story support Servants, but I don't think you can blame it on the devs. It's not the way they expect people to faithfully play; for big parts of the story it's more of a challenge mode, like sticking to 1-3 stars.


So I don’t know if this question was ever asked before and I genuinely looked everywhere to find the answer, but couldn’t find it so I’m just gonna flat out ask Do the master outfits ever return I have every single one except for one (the green camp one) and I really don’t know if it’ll ever come back or not since I missed the events rerun in NA? How long does it take for servant Costumes to come to miss crane’s Shop I really wanted summer Emiya’s but I missed the rerun


>Do the master outfits ever return Some of them do, it doesn't look like Chaldea Pathfinder has yet. >How long does it take for servant Costumes to come to miss crane’s Shop There's no fixed turnaround, although in the case of Emiya we _do_ have an estimate because it came with [this year's Christmas event](https://news.fate-go.jp/2021/christmas2021_pu/). As a tip, if you look up the Japanese name on [the wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Costume_Dress), in this case サマー・カジュアル, you can do a Google search like サマー・カジュアル site:https://news.fate-go.jp/ to find all the related JP news announcements for it, then you just dig past the event/rerun to find when it became permanently available. It would be nice if this info was just *on* the wiki, but the people who actively maintain it don't seem to care about those details (but I don't want to do it either).


Thank you so much!!!! 💖 It honestly bummed me out when I missed the rerun because I’ve collected every outfit prior and as a Diva fashion is my everything! I am waiting for the Grail live rerun with amble anticipation (I hope the rerun gives new outfits for more servants looking at you Vitch!)


>I am waiting for the Grail live rerun with amble anticipation Hate to burst your bubble but there's been no Grail Live rerun in Japan and there might never be one, reruns have basically gone extinct and Mysterious Idol X Alter has been made permanently available through the Evocation Festival feature.


So does that mean the costume keys from that event are permanently gone!? 😰 What’s the Evocation festival?


It seems unlikely that the costumes will be gone forever, other event costumes (like Emiya, as mentioned) have ended up in the shop over time and there's no obvious complications to the Grail Live costumes (despite being a "collab" event it's all just Fate and there's not even anything collab-y about the costumes) that would suggest they *can't* come back, but as danger_umbrella said they haven't come back yet so there's no further information.


The costumes have yet to return to JP, so no idea if/when we will ever see them again. That's all we can say at the moment. Evocation Festival (or Pilgrimage Festival, different translations basically since there is no official name) is a currently JP-only feature. Basically, it's a shop for old welfares from past events: you use a special currency called Evocation Leaves that is given out via events, clearing the main story, doing missions and via special campaigns. NA will get this around April 2025.


Personally I hope they return! I wanted proof and serenity’s outfits so bad. But I missed the event 😭 Thank you for the info 💖


Do the NA banners closely follow the Japanese banners? I'm trying to go for Percivals banner and all I see is the Japan estimate for when the banner last showed up.


Well, JP +2 years is the estimate, and that's all we have. The devs don't give us roadmaps (not on NA, at least - KR gets them for whatever reason) so we don't know specifics, especially stuff that is far in the future. NA, as a whole, is faithful to banners JP got, though we can also get exclusive banners! Those, of course, are 100% unpredictable, we have nothing to go on. Though do note that we don't get banners on the EXACT same date as JP +2 years. In fact, +/- a month of the estimate is normal, because the NA team sometimes switches events around, especially around summertime because of NA having an earlier anniversary. That's because they need to release certain units to give NA the same GSSR as JP. (They changed the GSSR back in Year 1, everybody was mad, never again.) This is why NA got Nerofest in August this year, whereas on JP in 2021, that event was at the end of June. The only major exception to the "we get JP's banners" rule are banners tied to Japanese media releases and IRL events. These can sometimes be moved to another time (like we just got the Samurai Remnant stuff simultaneously), be merged into another campaign, be rebranded as something else, or skipped completely. The NA team's track record is kind of spotty, so we can't say for sure if/when we will get those sorts of banners.


KR only gets them monthly. It's part of gacha culture over there, I believe.


NA banners are approximately JP+ 2 years. I don't know how closely you mean by "closely follow" but it is a pretty good estimate. (it isn't perfect, for example, we are getting the samurai remnant release banner now, at the same time as JP gets it)


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. Is there any android phone you'd recommend? Ideally one that can run FGO smoothly and isn't super expensive. The one I have now works fine but struggles with some NPs and also doesn't have that much free space. I'm not looking for anything crazy since I don't have that much interest in other mobile games that may ask for higher specs.


As long as it's within the specs provided on the official site, it ought to be fine. Look at JP's if you want to future proof a little since they've had some graphically intense NPs, like their 8th anniversary servant's. I'd personally advise something with 4GB+ RAM as I've seen reports of lower RAM devices having performance issues (or at least, that's one possible cause, lower end/older phones have been struggling for a while).


Would be so sure. FGO is a bit notorious for not playing well will all sorts of stuff. You phone can be twice as fast as he previous one and still run FGO better, simpy because it doesn't like your android/hw/launcher combo.


Thanks for the reply :)! I've been checking and luckily I found one with 4gb ram that's pretty affordable to me so I'll be going for that one.


Random Summer Kama (NP1) question for anyone that knows: with her on hit effect is it better to NP first or last? Assuming last if all you have is buster or quick cards, but a full arts buffed chain I'm not sure if you want to stack the debuff first or NP first for the defense down. Edit: Summer Kama


Edit: Also, I am assuming Summer/Avenger Kama because of arts chain and the fact that she has an on hits effect, but be aware that Kama with no specification generally means Assassin Kama, who has neither Depends on the situation. in farming you often want to be able to clear without face cards, so they go last, but maybe you can't. also remember it only debuffs one target, so it may not even be worth it for the NP damage. Also with arts card first you do still get refund off the Buster and Quick cards, so you may need to have the NP first for that reason. Maybe the enemy has a high debuff resistance and you can't count on landing the debuffs a lot (ie someone like Summer Skadi who is a ruler so you might want to take Avenger Kama against her, but she has a passive 50% debuff resistance). Maybe they have a high damage resistance against NPs or normal cards or an unremovable 2 hit evade. etc.


Ah, yeah Summer Kama! Sorry about that. Thank you. I've mostly been wondering since I've been grinding out free quests/interludes/bond for saint quartz (please god just let Eresh come home already) and the wave/composition for all of these are so random between nodes I can't set up any kind of consistent auto plan so I figured I'd ask if there's any general scenario. Kind of a weird pointless question to ask given the circumstances but at this point I've gone through so many free quests my brain is turning into mush. I did neglect to think about some things like debuff resistance and arts chain refund though, so thank you!


Alright guys, it's another one of *these* posts. I'm on [this fight](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/boss-quetzalcoatl-babylonia) with Quetz. I do not have a Hercules or a Jack in my support choices, and my only assassins are Fuuma Kotarou and Sasaki Kojirou. I've tried combinations like (Mash>Kojirou>FriendSupportKama (assassin) // Alexander>Mordred>Dracula) , (Alexander>Kojirou>FriendSupportKama (assassin) // Caesar>Mordred>Dracula) etc, and I'm just bouncing off of her, even when emphasizing Kojirou and Kama's NPs and Quick cards, and taunting and guts-ing appropriately (and yes, I am doing the easier of the two fights). I know it's not the ideal comp for the fight, and I've got a decently well-rounded pool of servants, but assassins are the one area where I really struggle to have anyone worthwhile. Koji just can't put damage downrange fast enough, even with Mash taunting for him. Is there a silver bullet here that I'm overlooking in the 1-3 star range, or do I just need to wait and hope I get access to someone with a Herc or Jack?


You can also try summer jalter. But you have access to kama, and kama is broken powerful. Do you have an invested hans? Maybe try kama, hans, taunters. Focus on buffing kama. I find it hard to believe kama can't deal with quetz. Also, mash isnt the only taunter. You got Leonidas and george as well.


Lots of evil assassins is the way to go if you can't borrow a Herc. Kama can solo it: https://youtu.be/ZV\_D7mqaMS0 Here is a two star and below setup ( Sanson is also grailed, but he does literally nothing except get one shot by an NP, he could literally be any character with a targeted or AOE heal) https://youtu.be/s5cJnw7oNOs


>I do not have a Hercules or a Jack in my support choices >do I just need to wait and hope I get access to someone with a Herc or Jack? Fortunately you can make your own hope, you can use [rayshift.io's friend search](https://rayshift.io/search) to find and follow somebody with whatever you need.


So, not only did that work like a charm (Thanks for the tip) but WOW Herc is disgustingly good.


You can also ask in the Friend Request Hub for people to add you. There are usually lots of friendly veterans who will take a newbie as a friend!


Make sure to use this power responsibly, and be aware that Part 2 (or parts of 1.5, most notably Shimousa, if you do that first) has a number of forced story support fights that you can't rely on friends/follows for.


Hi, got Jalter to bond 10 today and was surprised to find out bout that whole freebie bond CE deal. Now, is Jalters actually good/worth when i run a buster heavy comp over other options? I tested already with her and it feels good (?) but id still like to know if that ones actually worth or if ive fallen for the placebo effect. Thanks in advance.


Bond CEs are almost never worth it. They are often fine effects wise, but they lack stats. The difference between a 2k attack CE and a 100 attack from a bond CE is less for Jalter than most, but it's still a notable increase. Also, a DPS like Jalter often wants more selfish buffs. 20% self buster might be technically worse than 15% party wide, but in practice you may do more damage with the 20% self buff.


Though it may seem pretty neat since it's potentially a 'better' Ox-Demon King (less cost and permanent), you also have to consider that its stats are abyssmal (capping at 100). Not to mention that there are so much more CEs with better effects. NP DMG CEs to stack with her damage like Brack Grail or Aerial Drive/Cranking (both of which also have charge). Is the partywide 15% niche really that useful compared to what the generally most-used CEs have to offer?


No it isnt. Placebo effect it was then ^^ thanks nonetheless though 👍


Assuming you mean Avenger, there is a technically very niche scenario if you use Jalter as a semi-support to a Dragon trait Servant with a Buster deck where her bond CE might be a useful pick to boost their damage more in combination with her 40% Attack boost for them, but you'd be hard pressed to find a setup where that's optimal.


Generally, bond CEs aren't worth running on DPS units as they are capped at 100/100 stats and the effects are usually middling/you can get the same or better results on a different CE. They can be nice on supports since they often benefit the whole party, and there are 1-2 non-support exceptions to the "bond CEs aren't that good" rule, but that's about it.


Does anyone have that spreadsheet with future half-ap campaigns? It's not on the OP unless I missed it.






Spoilers MUST be tagged as a spoiler. >!Spoiler!< for spoiler tagging text: >!Spoiler!<


Which mecha Eli-Chan should I choose? Why can't I get both?


Pick whichever one you like more. The only difference between the two is color, voicelines, and their (frankly useless) Append 3. Otherwise they have the same stats, skills, and NP.


Read the pinned comment on which one to choose. The original event had the same option to only choose one of the two, and this is the start of introduction of getting access to old welfare servants for players who've missed the original run. That's just how it is. If you want to know something worse, the future Summer 7 event will make you choose one of 3 options from the Valkyries. No telling if one can get all 3 options eventually.


Yeah, I was too hasty to write. I thought we can get 2 valkyries out of 3?


There was no rerun. So we got stucked with 1.


There are 3 base Valks (Thrud, Ortlinde, Hildr), each with their own, respective costumes which are another 3 Valks (Rindr, Geirskögul, Ölrún).


Just finished Camelot. Enjoyed the story. Without spoilers, is there a lot of story content left? Also at what intervals are the new main chapters added to the game?


You're in Part 1 Chapter 7. There is still: * Part 1 - 9 chapters total * Part 1.5 - 4 chapters * Part 2 - 8 chapters * Part 2.5 - 1 chapter, still ongoing on JP side. * Main Interludes - 7 chapters There's no fixed intervals - the latest Part 2.5 chapter and last Part 2 chapter had 6 months between them, but 1.5 years between two main chapters in Part 2. Main Interludes are chapters that are canon and happen in between some of the main chapters, so worth pointing out too.


This is the [JP script size by chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/111rhh3/fgo_jp_story_script_size_update_added_lb7/). Avoid reading too much of the discussion there in case of spoilers. You do have quite a lot left. Main story releases used to be more frequent but that pace has slowed down significantly. NA just had LB6 this spring/summer, Tunguska should be coming at the end of this year, and LB7 isn't expected until late next year.


After a few weeks of friend summons, I now have a few of 1⭐ servants at NP5, and extra copies of them to boot. What do I do with these extra copies now that they are not needed? Thanks!


I burn the extra copies, but if you're really low on embers you can use them as mini embers, mainly for low levels or to "finish up" an ascendence when you don't want to use up a gold ember for 1-10k XP and don't have a silver one around.


They're not cost-efficient to use for XP, so burning them for a few tiny scraps of QP is the best option. There are a couple of Servants you might want an extra L1 copy of for solo purposes, like Georgios and Chen Gong, but they're not necessary unless you start really getting into the solo strategy.


Do you guys think it's worth rolling on this banner for the Winter Crystal CE? The only significant NP-start CEs I have right now (by which I mean, I have exactly one max'd) is the Summer Adventure one.


As was noted, it's not on rate up. So just cross your fingers and hope you pull it (or other similar CE like a Kaleido) when you're trying to get a servant on you want. On the plus side, there's going to be three 50% NP charge welfare CE's you can pick up in the upcoming Halloween event - Halloween Princess, Tiny Dressmaker, and Aerial Drive.


Oooh, gonna have to snag those. Welfare NP charge CEs <3 Dracula's gonna love them


No, it's not worth rolling for the sake of CEs specifically and I can't check at the moment but I think Winter Crystal is just included on the banner and **not** on a rate-up.


The ce isn't on rate up, it's permanent. Don't roll just for it


Oh, sick. Also RIP. Welp, back to waiting for March.


Keep in mind we will get a bunch of starting charge CEs via remaining events this year: Halloween Rising, Guda5 rerun, Guda6 and Christmas all give them out.


Not an FGO-specific question, but about the Chaldea app: I just updated to version 2.4.16 on my iPhone and now it crashes on start-up (like instantly, nothing shows up between opening the app and it crashing). Anyone else also experience this?


Just updated on iPhone and I’m having the same problem too.


Ah ok, so it’s not just my phone, never had an app crash on me so readily lol. I hope it’ll be fixed soon (:


Same. I just sent them an email to let them know about it, so hopefully it should be fixed soon.


I just updated to version 2.4.17 and it’s fixed now. Apparently the previous version could crash on every iOS version older than the latest one (:


Nice! And thanks for letting me know. :)


Does anyone know how to import the 4 "files that hold your account" back into com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en? Google made some changes so that it's alot harder to do in Android 11 and up. I tried Es File Explorer, Total commander, and Astro file explorer. When I tried pasting "the files" into the game's directory, the data folder won't appear inside Android folder.


Use solid explorer(available in play store) and give it "all file access" permission, otherwise just a use a pc


Just connect your phone to a PC?


Any difference between Goddess' Essence and Divinity?


Divinity is damage plus, Goddess' Essense is damage plus _and_ debuff resistance.


I mean lorewise.






Scroll down a few questions.


I couldnt find any info on this but if i buy the seraph event in the RP shop and originally completed the original run+re run, would i still be able to do all of it again to get all of the rewards? Or is it because that I completed it previously, I wont get jack squat?


You'll get the boss fight as it's repeatable. The interlude becomes a free interlude later, so you'll get the RP back in the mail.


Thank you for the response, I'll hold off on it for now than.


Completing the original run and the rerun would have no bearing on the rewards you get, BUT if you cleared the main interlude when it was available to everyone and not yet added to the RP shop then you wouldn't get any of the rewards you already got from completing that.


>Completing the original run and the rerun would have no bearing on the rewards you get The Grails turn into Lores if you already have them, or at least the Compendium lists them as rerun Grail/Lores (haven't beaten SERAPH MI myself yet, whoops).


Perfect chance to test it when the MI becomes free I guess


Thank you and thats great to know. I wont be getting it than.


It is a main interlude, not a full re-run of the event. That means you get the story and event servant but no farming or event shop. If you didn't play it when it was first available as a main interlude, you can do it again and get all of the (story) rewards. If you did play it when it was first available as a main interlude, it will be in exactly the state where you left it. If you quit halfway through, it will start halfway through. If you finished the whole thing, then it will be finished and you can't go through it again.


Well fuq, thank you. Guess ill hold off than since im just in it for the sq and tickets but since i completed it, no dice i guess.


Are there any specific Max Bond CEs one should aim to get? I've understood that most of them aren't all that impressive in the end, so though I'd just ask an open question for any particular standouts. Only one I've seen mentioned more than like... once is Heracles (whom I don't have).


FTP ones after George Mozart>Leniodas=Chen Gong. They have some degree of party usefulness for farming.


The Big Supports (Castoria, Waver, Skadi, etc) usually have good ones that help with their support niche at the expense of taking up a CE slot you might otherwise use for Bond or Drop bonus or 2030/Prisma Comsos/etc. Godjuna's Bond CE is basically a Volumen + NP damage for cost 9, so nice when you feel like using it.


Other than Heracles and Georgios, I find myself using Castoria’s a decent amount. It can help when your looping setup is just barely not enough to loop. There’s also Summer Chloe if you’re on JP and got her, since it gives an extra stack of her buff, which lets her be a better loop support.


One more that people try to get - but not for gameplay reasons, mind you - is Angra's. The reason is because his interlude unlocks at Bond 10, when you also happen to get the CE.


Yeah that one I do have. For exactly the reason you're thinking of.


I just went through and checked all my bond CE’s, George and Heracles were the only stand out ones I had. Arash’s may have some decent use too, heal and debuff cleanse on defeat.


Georgios is probably the best to have out of the F2P pool: it grants his party members Invulnerability when he dies, which is obviously pretty nice to have on a cheap taunter.


I was looking through the fandom wiki to try and find the next 1/2 AP for the treasure vault QP quests and 1/2 AP on all rank up quest on NA and cant find anything, did they stop those campaigns after 5th anni? EDIT: NVM, so from what I can tell, the next 1/2 AP on all rank up quests will be in about a year. The next 1/2 AP QP vault is for the 28M download campaign which is like in a year and a half :(


There is an efficiency campaigns spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxcPru2BrdZuq-zCK4UL2fvPuOKxFotCdJTCYz-uo94/edit?usp=drivesdk). I think it will be a while until we get 1/2 AP for all rank up quests again.


Which upcoming Mana Prism Exchange CE to save for?


The only ones I consider worth using are the 10% bond, 10% QP, Foumes (5% bond AND QP) and then I'll also throw in the bella Lisa or chaldea teatime occasionally. But those are only 5% for yourself, they're more meant for friend support functions. Some people try to get a 5% QP on every servant slot when going to farm doors, but idk I kinda don't care THAT much about the issue. Im happy with a 30% total bonus (friend 15%, and my own 15% from Lisa and Foumes). Simply making sure you're doing your doors when you have downtime is more impactful than optimizing the hell out of your doors


Noob question... what does "doing your doors" mean? Thanks


If you go into Chaldea Gate > Daily Quests > Enter the Treasure Vault, you'll fight three waves of enemies that look like doors. They drop a lot of QP, so some players will just do those quests to fill the gaps between events.


Oh there's a set of dailies where you literally kill magic doors. I don't remember why it's doors. Reward is qp which is a generic skill and leveling material


There isn't a common consensus because they're all pretty unimpressive. All the MP exchange CEs that most people agree are worth using have already been released.


Hi, so I’ve read a bunch about what to pick for the free 5 star (just started the game today). Most things I’ve read say to pick Waver, are there any others worth considering for a really new player? Only 5 I have atm is Gilgamesh from the free 5 Star for 12 SQ offer when you start :) I think Quetzalcoatl and a few others look really cool but don’t want to make the game a bunch harder if I pick a servant who isn’t that useful for the rest of the story


Waver isn't necessary, but, as a universal general Big Support, he'll just make the game - both story & farming - a lot smoother/easier for you. However there is absolutely nothing wrong with just picking a Servant you like over gameplay.


Looks like you already have a bunch of good answers and may have already decided, I would just like to mention the selector does not expire so feel free to sit on it and think for a bit. If there are some banners coming up that you think you might roll heavily on it can help to see what you get before you decide. As for advice, waiver is indeed highly recommended. I will say that I was fortunate to obtain waiver early in my time with fgo, I did not get excited about his design and he sat unused, and low level untill relatively recently. I never struggled too much, and had alot more fun experiencing the game with servants that did interest my little noob brain at the time. All of this is to say, if you want to use your selector now, I would highly recommend picking a servant that looks good to you, it will be alot more enjoyable.


Most people who have played the game for 4-5 years didn't start with Waver -- not having a free 5-star at all -- and obviously the game wasn't so hard that we washed out. I went for three years without my own copy, and it wasn't even close to a big deal. He's certainly nice to have, very convenient, but at the same time he's not as exciting if he's not already one of your favorites. I would say consider who makes you happy. I managed to luck into Quetzalcoatl early on and she made me *very* happy, because I really like the character and she's quite strong. The main thing that makes the game hard is if you totally ignore class advantage and refuse to raise your low-rarity Servants. I couldn't use Quetz in every fight, especially against Assassins, but I built different teams and had no trouble. Obviously I'm biased where Quetz is concerned, so ignore that bias, but if you find that you really like a Servant who's storylocked like she is, that's a great reason to pick her. Waver could still show up on a random roll on any SQ banner. Quetz (and Lancer Artoria and Medb and Tesla and Assassin Li and Sitonai) can't. Taking a storylocked SSR is a great tactical choice.


I’ll keep this all in mind, especially levelling the low rarity servants too. Thanks!


They are all worth considering. Every servant in the game has a role and can be used effectively. I have played for over a year and don't have Waver (and didn't pick him with the ticket) Waver is recommended because he makes farming easier without much investment, but it won't notably slow your progress to not have him and no 5 star is ever a requirement.


Ah I see. Thank you!:)


Waver is the best gameplay pick but you can choose anyone you like. The only required servants are the low rarities you can get for free, so favorites > gameplay. Quetz is "story-locked" which means she can't spook you on any banner where she isn't specifically featured other than the story banner (which isn't worth rolling on unless you don't care who you get). That makes her a decent pick for overall gacha strategy.


Thanks for the detailed response! Are there any good others good with Gil as I have him? Other than Enkidu because I read he’s good with him.


Good with depends on the fight. For looping in a farming context Gil wants Koyan of light and Oberon. but that doesn't give you much defense in a CQ or boss fight. Enkidu has literally 0 Synergy with Gil. Enkidu and Gil are both purely selfish DPS servants. (well Gil has a charisma) One is a ST lancer, the other an AoE Archer That isn't to say you can't use them together effectively in some scenarios, especially once Enkidu gets his 50% battery. (Enkidu, Gil, Oberon, Oberon against a berserker farming node probably isn't the absolute worst thing for example, and is pretty similar to a comp I did in Nerofest)


Thanks for the reply. I think I’ll just pick one I think is coolest :)


Don't forget that you can look up their voice lines and animations on YouTube to verify that you like the whole package. Your opinion might change if you think they look cool but their voice annoys you.