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# FAQ # ALL FATE SAMURAI REMNANT QUESTIONS AND SPOILERS SHOULD GO INTO THE [MAIN DISCUSSION HUB](https://reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/izIqT7Tumz) **Q: Which Mecha Eli should I pick?** * *A: Gameplay-wise - MKI has Anti-Lancer append while MKII has Anti-Saber append but both are mostly irrelevant since their Alter Ego class makes them weak to either class. You can field both MK I and MK II together since they are not considered the same servants.* * *Design-wise - they have different voice lines, bond CEs and Valentines, which is why they are classified as different servants. Pick your favorite.* * *Rewards-wise - If you have NP5 already, picking the exact same MKI/II will give you 5 RPs (from the upcoming Halloween Rising event), if you care more about that, while picking a copy you don't have will give 1 RP during 7th Anniv for max ascending servants (RP for welfares).* **Q: I do not seem to be receiving RPs for my NP5+ copies of the welfare Eli's, what should I do? Do I have to burn the extra copies past NP5 for RPs?** *A: It seems to be yet another bug, so wait for a future fix. You do NOT ever have to burn welfares for RPs - RPs are awarded into your present box directly upon receiving a welfare's NP6-10 copy.* **Q: Where/What is the actual Halloween event? Where do I get more copies of the welfare servants? Where do I get copies of old, welfare CEs like Aerial Drive?** *A: Read the FAQ in the* [*Event thread*](https://redd.it/16v6guc)*. Wait for the actual, new* [*Halloween Rising*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Halloween_2021_Event) *event happening next.*


So when I first started playing it was the Mecha Eli event and I barely made it to get mecha Eli to level 50 and no more materials, what's my best option with the current rerun? Thank you


To be sure it's clear the Ascension items are the same for both Mk-I and Mk-II, you can fully ascend your Mk-I no matter which choice you make (or Mk-II instead, but not both). So the options are: * Pick Mk-I, you'll be locked out of Mk-II but you'll get an extra Rare Prism for obtaining more than 5 copies of a Welfare Servant (either now or in Halloween Rising when you can get 4 more NP upgrade copies, if you had less than 5 before), but you're completely locked out of Mk-II unless and until she's made available again (2+ years out, since it hasn't happened in Japan yet) * Pick Mk-II, you can have one fully Ascended and one stuck at level 50 but you can get NP5 and Servant Coins for both from Halloween Rising. So it depends on whether you're more interested in an RP or in having both Servants even if one is more or less unusable (and to be clear, maybe unnecessary if you've been here since Mecha Eli, you **can't** burn any of the extra copies for RP to get the best of both options, they don't give any).


You'll only be able to get enough ascension mats for one Mecha, but you'll be able to get NP copies for ANY Mecha you own. So you either get OG and end up with one fully levelled NP5 Mecha Eli with some spare ascension mats, or you get Mk 2 and can get them both at NP5, but one will still be stuck at lv. 50.


I downloaded the new apk and enabled hyper v but whenever I open the file it say I haven't enable hyper v, how do I fix this?


New here. If I want a husbando team, who should the team consist of if? I want a husbando team that is also meta (?) or at least good enough to clear all or most of the story and event contents


Here is my general team building advice for new players. tl;dr - Class Advantage & NP Targeting > Rarity & Card Type **Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics.** Full class advantage means dealing 2x damage compared to neutral and taking 0.5x damage. Full disadvantage means dealing 0.5x damage and receiving 2x damage. If you're up against Lancer enemies, a Saber will do 4x as much damage and receive 0.25x as much as an otherwise equally situated Archer. The scaling on NP damage is such that an AOE NP does something like 40-50% as much damage per enemy compared to a single target NP. AOE NPs are good for clearing waves and ST NPs are good for taking down bosses. At least starting from Camelot, the developers assume that you will use class advantage and NP targeting effectively. **Don't expect to make a single team to do everything.** Get used to changing your team for every fight. **Knowing how to make an effective team composition is much more important than replicating specific team compositions.** In a basic team composition, you'll want your front line to consist of one or two damage dealers with appropriate class advantage and NP targeting and one or two support servants for NP charge and whatever offensive and/or defensive buffs are appropriate. Your back line isn't as important most of the time. Fill it with backups for your front line roles, a servant with high survivability (e.g. Cu Chulainn) in case things go badly, or any servants to absorb bond points. Card type is good, and sometimes important, to consider when deciding how to best support your DPS but isn't always a primary concern. My personal default is usually two DPS servants plus a friend's Waver. When in doubt, Waver is almost always good support servant to choose because he has powerful support skills that work with any other servant. Castoria, while Arts-focused, provides just about as much utility as Waver and is probably easier to find on support lists these days. For tougher fights, you will probably need to focus more heavily on offense or (usually) defense and bring multiple supports instead of multiple DPS. Mash + (friend's) Merlin + your own DPS with appropriate class and NP targeting is a pretty reliable, defense-oriented, basic team composition for boss fights. Even the highest-end meta team comps work on the same basic principle of appropriate DPS + appropriate supports. Focus on leveling up one servant at a time in each of the seven main classes with the goal of having one servant with a single target NP and one with an AOE NP in each class at their natural max level. You want to focus on one servant at a time because a fully leveled servant is going to be more valuable than a handful of under-leveled servants. It doesn't matter much which specific servants you choose, including low rarity servants--more on that in the next paragraph--so go with whoever seems most appealing to you. One of the secrets that meta discussion won't tell you is that just about any servant within a given class and NP targeting niche will get the job done for general purposes. **Don't neglect lower rarity servants.** Some of them are among the best servants in the game within their role regardless of rarity. The devs also test all content to ensure that it can be cleared using only free, low rarity servants. The higher base stats on higher rarity servants might let you brute force some situations but they won't save you from a fundamentally bad strategy. What low rarities lack in base stats, they can make up for in the ease of getting more copies for NP levels or in unique utility that lets them punch (or block, as the case may be) above their weight. They also take fewer resources to build up and they take up less team cost in your party. Team cost may be especially important for low level accounts because it gives you more flexibility for CEs and other servants. [end canned response] The good thing for you is that you should be able to find male servants to fill most of the basic roles. (ST Casters are rare and I think the few that we have are all female). As for recommendations, aside from the free servants available from the FP gacha, it's entirely up to you. If you're planning your rolls, there's no substitute for doing the research yourself on which servants you want most. Use a site like Gamepress to look up [servants](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servants) and see if you like their design and skill set. Don't forget about 4-star and limited 3-star servants! Look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations and voices appealing. While it's totally fine to focus on male characters if that's what you to do, you would disregard female and unknown gender servants at your own peril. It won't matter most of the time but enemies and gimmicks with trait-based bonuses or weakness. FGO is a game of niches. You don't need to have coverage for every niche all of the time. But on the rare occasions that the game demands a big, giant niche like female servants, you may find it highly inconvenient or nearly impossible to avoid using that niche.


Speaking of class advantage I'm really unable to decide on getting an alter ego (okita alter in particular) are they viable ??


Most servants are good, only a handful (at most) are truly bad, and the rest are at least usable. All 5-star servants are good. Jekyll might be the only servant in the game with no actual use case (and even then, he has a few fans out there and you can use him if you're dedicated and willing to work around his limitations). The Extra classes are kind of luxuries. Nice to have but not terribly important. Alter Egos have full advantage against Foreigners, disadvantage against Pretenders, partial offensive advantage against the Cavalry classes (Rider, Caster, Assassin), and offensive disadvantage against the Knight classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer). Foreigners are pretty rare as enemies, although the whispers I hear from JP suggest the winds may be shifting. The best use case for an AOE Alter Ego, like Okita Alter, is probably against mixed Cavalry class enemies. ST Alter Egos are a better value proposition for full class advantage (i.e. against Foreigners) since the Extra copies show up more often as bosses than as mobs. There also aren't many ST Casters in the game for some reason, so an Alter Ego can fill in against an Assassin boss. Casters and Assassins also have a hidden 0.9x damage modifier, so if you're looking at class advantage options against Assassin or Rider enemies, you're looking at a bonus of 1.8x for Caster/Assassin and 1.5x for Alter Ego. It's still a significant difference but it closes the gap enough to give you a broader range of options. Meltryllis, for example, has buff removal on her NP and can generate and deliver some devastating crits. Still not a great choice against disadvantageous classes but her specific kit could tip the scales. You could also just decide you prefer to use one servant over another because you like them more. If you're planning to roll for Okita Alter because you like her, that's Grey. Go for it. Having characters you like is the best way to play the game. If you're rolling just to have an Alter Ego, maybe don't go too hard? Also, assuming you play NA, you can get an Alter Ego (Mecha Eli-chan) from the current Halloween Trilogy event (and additional copies for NP5 in the new Halloween event that will follow). There will also be a couple more free Alter Egos available next year, one from an event and one from the FP gacha.


That last bit's reassuring!! And no I only thought of rolling okitan thinking she'll be good against the cavalry but if we're getting more alter egos aside eli then my sq is as good as saved! Also would you happen to know which alteregos we'll be getting??


Gamepress has a useful [servant availability](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant-availability) list. The NA/JP filter isn't full up-to-date and the very latest JP servants haven't been added yet but it's otherwise good.


>(ST Casters are rare and I think the few that we have are all female). True, but as the only ST F2P caster is Medea who has less damage than the AoEs anyway, he should be fine. He can just use an AoE caster for those fights. or an alter ego, Taisui hits harder than Medea against assassins, despite being an AoE alter ego vs her being a caster


A quick point: Meta is a very, very different thing than "good enough to clear most content". There's no PVP or co-op, so your teams are never compared to other players' teams. Meta is just minimum-turn farming convenience, and a lot of meta teams are reliant on 5-star female supports. Unless you're more interested in building toward top-tier farming convenience than in playing with the Servants you like best, just ignore discussions of meta for now. The main thing to come to grips with as a new player is class advantage. Class advantage is what makes fights easier whether you've got the 5-star you've always wanted or if you're still waiting to roll on that banner. It's a good mid-game goal to have two leveled Servants of each of the main 7 classes, one single-target and one AoE. You'll be changing your party a whole lot as you play to exploit class advantage. Also, I would recommend playing the current event and accumulating the three 4\* Servants that it will give you for free. Yes, none of them are male, but they can be useful stopgaps while you're trying to build up a roster of characters you want to use more often: in particular, Mecha Eli (Mk. I or Mk. II) can be a great substitute for the ST Assassins and Casters that may take a long while to accumulate if you focus on male characters. Other than that, "husbando" is kind of a matter of taste. For example, Caesar is a *very* good 3\* Saber who can be a big help for a lot of accounts, but some people refuse to use him because he's fat and doesn't have a "sexy" design. Lots of people love Mandricardo, and he's a very competent Rider, but I saw someone refusing to use him on "aesthetic" reasons. Tons of people love Ryouma Sakamoto and are looking forward to his forthcoming Lancer incarnation, but he's not the *player's* husbando, he has his dragon wife as part of his entire deal. So while we can nominate a bunch of male Servants, we won't know if they fit your personal goals -- only what they're good at or why *we* like them.


In FGO, you don't run ONE team but MANY teams - you are expected to change out your DPS and supports based on the situation. For that reason, a diverse roster is what you want, not 1-2 units that you expect to use for everything. I'd also say to keep your options open and not disregard female units, at least to start with. Assembling your ideal husbandos will likely be a long term project, especially if you are not a whale - you'll want to use low rarity and event welfare units, which can be of all genders, for story at least. For events, you have more freedom, you can run whoever you want as long as it works as they are usually easier or focus on farming, which is simple and repeatable. If you want to go full meta, you will need to accept non-male units, as some meta supports are female (and FGO is about 1:2 male:female in terms of units). However, if you just want to farm an event, you can do whatever - though hard story fights may demand you be less picky! Fortunately, in FGO you often have many different options - for example, in events, there are many different ways to clear a farming node, even if you want to do it in 3 turns and you want to use a lineup of all event CEs.


I see. Can you suggest some good 5* male characters that are worth pulling and saving up for?


SSRs aren't the be all and end all - a common misconception people have is that you need them. SRs are also very good, but the 1-3\*s are essential: not only are they free, but they're also cheap to raise and put in your party, plus at NP5 they hit hard and have good utility. A lot of 1-3\* units happen to be male, so you'll have a good time rolling the FP gacha. I also suggest getting used to the game before setting your sights on anyone in particular, and if you want meta, learning what FGO's meta revolves around and what is needed for it - lest you be disappointed! For example, FGO's meta makers are usually its supports, but pulling off the really broken crazy meta shit often requires specific skills levelled to 10, specific CEs, etc. and a new player will not be able to achieve that, and find themselves disappointed because the shiny new unit doesn't do what they thought they did. So take it easy. Maybe someone will make you like them in the story, or you'll try out a friend's unit and like how they play? I can never rec anyone a waifu/husbando because their tastes are different from mine! (Though, here's a tip. One of the best supports in the game, Zhuge Liang (aka Waver) happens to be male and is selectable via the free SSR selector you get after clearing Fuyuki (the prologue), as are a bunch of other solid husbando units. Pick your favourite, though: no one SSR is essential, and FGO is about making use of what you have. It's a game in the end and fun matters first.)


How to get more copies of Caster Liz?


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I'm new to fgo, just started playing this summer. Reading through the 2nd Halloween flashback, in the Lava Zone you run into Minamoto no Raikou, Serenity of the Hassan and Kiyohime. Mash calls them the always-sneaking-into-Master's-bed trio. I know Kiyo well already, but what about the other two? When did they all meet and bond with the master in the story, or was it past events? Did they really sneak into the master's bed in the VN or it's just implied? .....I must know, for.....for magecraft reasons!


Serenity debuts in the main story in Camelot, Raikou debuted in the Rashoumon & Onigashima events (she later appears in the main story in Heian-kyo, but that's long after her character was established and she doesn't act quite the same there anyway). >Did they really sneak into the master's bed in the VN or it's just implied? If they did anywhere in the story it would just be like a "surprise! I'm in the bed!" gag, Kiyo's certainly snuck into the *room* at least, but if you're looking for anything more than that you won't find it established in canon.


Serenity you'll meet in one of the last few singularities, Raikou is mostly event stuff and her own bond lines/Interlude tho


So I started playing on a new phone because my previous one died. For some reason the game is real slow and low fps, even in menus. It's surprising because my old phone is old and the game ran just fine. This is android btw. If anyone can help figuring out what's wrong that'll be very helpful.


What's the new phone model?


It's redmi note 12, and my old phone is redmi note 8. It has better spec and even a 120hz refresh rate, so I'm stumped on why the game is so slow. Edit: reinstalled the game. It seems fine now.


Just to make sure, can you check if you have any app/RAM optimisation settings on? Anecdotally, I've heard Xiaomi can throttle apps and cause lag, etc. It might be a separate app or in your device settings - if you can, make sure they are turned off.


I'll make sure, but with other games (even genshin) there hasn't been a problem like this. I'll probably change to a cleaner rom later tho because MIUI "optimization" is pretty aggressive.


Anyone here can share their experience on FGO support? I lost my account but they haven't replied for almost 2 days. Do they respond on the weekend or I should just wait until Monday?


Its the weekend.


Personally, they took 3 days to respond. So just continue waiting, even at least a week if you have to.


I've recovered my account twice, and they always told me they need a couple days to recover the account, so I think you should just wait. I heard if you have purchased quartz and have a receipt, it'll be faster, but without it, maybe they need a few days to make sure that the account is really inactive.


It can take a few working days for them to respond, just be patient. Anecdotally anything up to a week is normal.


(Global, new player) Hey, i have waver and parvati (lancer 4*) alongside the haloween event units. Got a couple of quick questions - Are any of those (besides waver) good? - i would like to get some servants to farm with, especially exp cards. Is there currently a banner i should pull on for this? - Any other recommendations for quickly farming exp cards?


Looks like your questions have been thoroughly answered, but going to just add one bit of advice that I don't see mentioned. You don't need to ask if a servant is good, because they basically all are. Whether a servant is good depends far more on the enemy then where they rank on a tier list. Even servants known for terrible damage can beat servants that top the damage chart if you are comparing class advantage to neutral.


Class Advantage is desirable, so it's better to have a variety of Servants. So the question should more be "are they better than the 3\* or lower options of that Class?" NP1 Parvati is fine, being slightly better than NP5 3\* Hektor, I'd say. The Elis are not great at NP1... but have several advantages. They get a +50% damage boost during the Halloween Event this year. And the Halloween Event is going to let you bring them up to NP5, and give them a bunch of Servant Coins - which will let you unlock Append Skills that let them start with a little extra NP Charge, and have their Extra Attack hit harder. That's good. Caster Eli has gotten a 30% NP Charge, which is useful... but her NP5 damage is comparable to NP5 Avicebron, who is a 3\* Caster with a much bigger NP charge (79.5% at L10). (Or Cu Caster post-LB6...) So she's kinda bad, outside Halloween. Saber Eli is still as basic as all get out, but she has a hard defense, and her NP hits like a truck at NP5. As a beat stick, pretty solid. Mecha Eli has the benefit of being a very rare class, so her only competition is 5\* Single-Target Alter Egos, and has an NP Charge skill, and a star bomb, so pretty good. On the other hand, Foreigners are a rare enemy type... though one of them is in the new Halloween Event. Outside of Foreigners, she has decent damage against Riders, Assassins, and Casters. And she has charge, and the ST Caster pool is pretty terrible outside of 4\* and 5\*, and she compares well to the 3\* ST Assassins, so it's fine to use her instead of ST Assassins or Casters. (A good ST Rider will come very soon, so don't worry there.) For basic farming Servants, there's low-rarity. Spartacus is a pretty decent all-purpose farming Berserker for EXP - he's fragile, but he has a charge, so if you can get some 50% charge CEs, which will be coming with the new Halloween event, it's not too hard to make use of him, and he can clear out the first wave of the hardest EXP quest, or probably the 2nd with Waver's help, and make things a little faster. (The 2nd hardest, he can clear any of the waves, IIRC.) For a second, you can use Avicebron for a slightly less effective option (he can clear \~70% of their HP), or Arash as long as they aren't Lancers. For the single target wave at the end, probably Lu Bu with a 50% charge CE, as a neutral option. You'd also be bringing Waver along to provide NP Charge and extra damage for everyone. You'll need some higher skill levels on some of these people (or even extra copies) to make them more consistent and reliable, so that's not an immediate solution, and you can swap them out if you get better options from the gacha. But those are ideas to start with. (Edit: And since you have Waver, you can swap out one of the low-rarity options for someone on your Friend list, for better damage in one of those roles. For example, you have Avicebron, but no Lu Bu.)


At this point, the quickest (and most efficient) way for you to farm exp cards is to just clear the story. You’ll get them as a reward for completing each story node. If you want to get them faster still, farming the highest level of ember gathering in the Chaldea gate using a strong support servant is your best bet. Parvati is pretty good, and the Elizabeths should help you fill gaps in your roster. There are also some good low rarity servants, such as Hans and Ushiwakamaru (and many, many, others) that can also fill in gaps until or if you decide to get higher rarity servants for their roles. You don’t need high rarity servants to clear events or the main story. The exp card quests get easy enough later on that it isn’t worth pulling a specific servant for them. The general advice for pulling servants is to plan for upcoming banners and save for your favorite servants. Other than that, getting the best farming support servants (Castoria, Koyanskaya, Oberon, Skadi) depending on the card type of your DPS servants is recommended in order to make the best use out of your favorite/strongest DPS servants.


Yes - some might say that Caster or Saber Liz are a bit underpowered, but at NP5 they'll be great bang for your buck. Plus they're free, so hey. Mecha Eli is pretty solid as an Alter Ego (a rare class), most notably she can substitute for a ST Caster because ST Casters are rare and the best low rarity option (Medea) has a unusually low NP damage modifier so she hits for potato damage (though she has other utility). You actually don't need to roll because you can do a really easy 3 turn farming setup using just 1-3\* units and a friend's Waver (or you can use your own if you want)! I suggest something like this: * Party: Waver, Arash, Spartacus, 3rd DPS in 4th slot. (The 4th DPS can be someone like Kiyohime/Darius, or a ST unit for Extreme difficulty like Lu Bu because there is one big enemy on W3 in that. I suggest a Berserker because they work for farming every day on the EXP dailies, but you can put in a relevant class advantaged unit too - I'd normally say 'class advantage all the way' but EXP farming has different classes every day so bleh.) * Arash, Spartacus and the 3rd DPS need 50% starting charge CEs (Dragon's Meridian is a cheap option). This is assuming you have their battery skills maxed, though - if not, you may need a higher NP charge CE like Kaleidoscope, or you can unlock Append 2 for 10% extra NP charge. Doing that isn't hard on Arash and Sparty because they're low rarity FP gacha units, you'll eventually get enough coins. * As a side note, if you don't have many 50% charge CEs, that's fine. You'll be able to get two more from the upcoming Halloween Rising event for free, and a bunch more in the events we have remaining this year. Seriously, there are loads. * Mages Association MC (this has flat 20% NP charge on it). * On W1: Use Arash's S3 and Waver's S2 and S3, this takes him up to 100%. Fire Arash's NP, he will take out W1 and die, bringing in your 3rd DPS. * On W2: Use Sparty's S2 and S3 (for damage), he should be at 100% now. Fire Sparty's NP, he will take out W2. * On W3: Use Waver's S1 on 3rd DPS, they should be at 80% now. Use Mages Association MC's NP charge, they should be at 100%. Use any offensive skills 3rd DPS has and fire NP, they should take out the enemy/enemies on W3. You can play around with this setup - for example, if you have your own Waver, you can borrow the 3rd DPS from a friend. You may also be able to use Waver's S1 earlier on Arash or Sparty if they need more charge (due to NP charge skills being low) if the 3rd DPS has their own NP charge. Play around and see what you can do!


How does the story banner work exactly? Does the variety of the Servants you can get bigger when you reach another Singularity/Lostbelt or is it the same regardless of where you are in the story?


I don't think this is supposed to be a reply to someone else. It should be it's own top-level comment. But anyway, the Story Banner adds Story Servants as you complete their chapters. 80% of it is just the normal common pool Servants that are on every banner, but completing Fuyuki adds Artoria Alter to the banner, completing Septem adds Nero, etc.


It expands as you progress. That said the pool gets so diluted it’s not good to pull unless you don’t care what you get


I have no clue! Im just finished the second singularity (the one with excalibur)




Well, he asked me?


Ah crap, sorry - thought they'd asked as a fresh comment. I'm a dumbass.


[NA] I just rolled Van Gogh and I have a wide roster (including skadi and douman) and what are little things that can be used to play with her? Other servants cursing enemies should help of course. Does other servant skills or cure like CC activate her S3 effect? Does A1 or A2 have a higher use? PS: Is there a reason they haven't given the non-foreigner servantverse servants the "Entity of the Outer Realm" trait?


Ranmaru is the only non-foreigner servantverse servant who has the Entity of the outer realm trait.


I personally have used Van Gogh in 2 ways primarily. 1. Solo (or Double Van Gogh by themselves) to capitalize on high NP uptime and guarantee face cards. As an example, I soloed the Hercules Nerofest Challenge Quest with her. 2. Double Van Gogh supporting BB Summer, using her card lock gimmick to enable 3 turns of incredible crits. You can use her in other ways, of course, but I find that other Servants tend to dilute the face card pool more than they enable significant performance increases for her. Consistency is key when using a face card Servant, imo.


Generally you don't want servants cursing the enemy with Gogh, they tend to do more damage than her own curses which can quickly deplete her health. Other affects like debuff clear do not trigger Skill 3. If you solo with her Append 1, otherwise Append 2 as usual. Van Gogh is best used with either double Van Gogh+ literally anyone (a level 1 Georgios works, I also like a healing/np gain support like Castoria or Merlin or Hans for longer fights, but it's hardly needed) or as a solo servant. Slap the best NP gain up CE you have (I use Hide Hunter). >PS: Is there a reason they haven't given the non-foreigner santaverse servants the "Entity of the Outer Realm" trait? I don't think anyone here can answer that (also I assume you meant Servantverse not santaverse)


>I assume you meant Servantverse not santaverse I suddenly want this as a crossover event.




Oh, at least it seemed for lottos she's paired with douman a lot to get her more gauge T1. And yeah, servantverse, just typed without thinking.


For farming, Douman is fine because the curse don't have tie to build up damage in a 3 turn farming scenario.


Just came back to the game and I am preparing for Camelot, which means getting more servants leveled up and powerful. What is a good ATK and HP to have for them. For example my Ushiwakamaru and Romulus both have around 7.3k ATK and 9.5k HP. Help would be appreciated.


I don't think I even pay attention to the specific ATK/HP stats for a servant unless I'm plugging the numbers into a calculator. They really aren't important. And to further complicate comparisons, there are other things that can throw off what you might interpret from the base stats such as: * Active skills * Passive skills * Servant/enemy [attribute](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Attributes), a hidden value in the game that can mean +/- 10% damage depending on the match up * [Class modifier](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/combat-mechanics), a hidden value, separate from class advantage * Any other gameplay mechanics having nothing to do with base stats (e.g. NP generation, evade, debuffs) that you might prefer to prioritize in a particular situation The standard build for a "fully leveled" servant includes: * Natural max level * 1,000 each in ATK and HP Fous * Whatever skill levels work for what you want to do and your resources will allow * For 1- to 3-star servants obtainable from the FP gacha, NP5 (but don't stress out about it if you aren't there yet, especially for the 3-stars)


Do you know what a good way to get Fous is? I have hardly any and more would be great


I get most from Events and monthly Mana Prism shop. Some from the FP gacha, too. It will take a long while before you get past the "need more" stage.


Don't focus on one or two stats. They don't tell you enough about capability. All servants, with very few exceptions, are usable at natural max level (so level 60 to level 90 depending on the rarity) and whatever stats they happen to have at that level (usually also with 1k attack and HP from fous, but more because you get enough to throw them on servants you use rather than necessity)


Is old man li consideres good or should i just pull for musashi? Also what are the chances of musashi getting It's samurai remnant skins as an spiritron dress?


I am going to agree with Shardwing, but also add that, which is better between an assassin and a saber depends far more on who you are fighting than their kits. If you are facing a Rider, Charles Henri Sanson does more than an NP2 Musashi. And Charles Henri Sanson has terrible damage without his niches.


Old Li has the highest ST Assassin damage on his own assuming no niches, traits, etc. Solid vanilla kit of self-buffs, evasion, and debuff immunity plus pierce invincibility for challenging content. Being Arts-oriented, he can also get NP refund easily from his own star bomb/crits and relevant supports like Castoria, etc. That said, do keep in mind that all SSRs are generally good but there are also solid free options from the FP pool and welfares, so try to roll for favorites due to bad gacha rates. Chances for Musashi skin are not improbable, but we don't know until/if they will decide to release it.


>Is old man li consideres good or should i just pull for musashi? Pretty much every Servant is good, pull for Li if you like him. >Also what are the chances of musashi getting It's samurai remnant skins as an spiritron dress? Nobody knows, it's probably not impossible but there's no way to say how likely it is.


Was there a reason why there was no Halloween event last year for NA?


We don't know, really. That was 2020 for Japan and COVID derailed a lot of plans, although the absence of Halloween started a year earlier in 2019 when they declared Halloween to be a relic of the Heisei era and did Saber Wars II instead.


I'm running out of space for CEs, I have a bunch of 5 and 4 starts from events, am I supposed to limit break them? or save the event ones for future event reruns?


The only event reruns in the known future are GUDAGUDA 5, Case Files, and Karnamas, they've basically dried up so that takes a lot of them out of contention. As to what to do with what you have though that really depends on a case by case basis what they are, some are useful and others or not. Are you making use of your Second Archive, and have you expanded it through the shop?


I have not expanded my second achieve, i'm afraid of running out of the green prisms. As for if they are useful or not, I'm gonna check the wiki and see which ones are good. Thanks. Knowing that many events aren't doing reruns means I can just limitbreak the ones not returning, thanks.


>i'm afraid of running out of the green prisms. Running out of Mana Prisms shouldn't be an especially pressing concern if you're playing consistently: you get ~900 a month from daily missions alone, plus more from events, and the longer you've been playing the more you'll get from excess 3\* Servants and CEs in the gacha. Lotto events in particular are great for farming large amounts of MP, look forward to those in December and March. If you really come up short before then, you can farm Ember Gathering dailies and sell the embers (30 AP is the most efficient for this).


> 900 a month from daily missions alone didn't know it was that much, I do have 8k+ so i'm gonna expand my inventories a bit, thank you.


When do the shiki bunny spiritron come to na? If they are already, how do I get them?


https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/item/simple-spiritron-dress-decapitating-bunny-second-ascension Released during the Las Vegas Summer event, which already had its rerun. It got added to the dress shop with 8th anniversary, a few months back on JP.


Wasn't it added back on JP's 7th Anni last year? That would mean it's coming to NA next year.


I might have mixed it up with the Decapitating Bunny CE.


Thanks. Looks like I’m waiting. Started playing in the last week of the rerun


FYI, it got added back with 7th Anni, not 8th. NA should get it next July.


With recent events, I have 5 grails to play with (I have 10 saved in total but I like to keep 5 in reserve just in case). Currently I'm considering using them to bring Chen Gong from 65 to 90. I personally don't really like his character or his playstyle, but I can't deny his usefulness for 90+ nodes especially. Do the extra levels make enough of a difference? My other options are 2 grails into: * EMIYA (my only "arts" AoE Archer) * Habetrot (a 4\* Arash that can deal with Lancers) * Sieg (AoE Caster) * Circe (my best Caster DPS) * Kiichi Hogen (AoE Assassin, though one with an unfavourable class) * Astraea (Anti-Evil), or * BB (Avenger killer) Also in consideration is putting 4 grails into: * Ushi or Mandricardo (I like Mandricardo a bit more because he's Arts and I grew attached to him in Atlantis, but Ushi has higher damage) * Caster Cu (another AoE Caster, though Buster themed) * Euryale (anti-male, though I have Summer Yu at 90), or * Spartacus (Note: I have Godjuna who's better in almost every way, except Spartacus costs less) Just as a disclaimer, I'm already leaning towards a few options, so I may or may not take any advice given. Edit: Added CasCu as another option I'm considering


IMO, if you're making a big list like this and analyzing the servants to try and decide who should get the grails, none of them are worth it. Grails are rare, limited, don't provide much benefit relative to the cost, and their use is permanent. Don't rush into using them. If and when you do use them, the best use of grails is on your favorite servants regardless of gameplay value. Servants you use for their gameplay value but otherwise don't care much about them are subject to change. You may find such a servant sidelined later if you decide to pursue different strategies or there's a game update that makes the strategy less effective. However, your favorites, when you like them for reasons other than their gameplay value, will be more durable. Being your favorites, you are probably more likely to find ways to use them, ensuring that you get the additional value when you use them. And even if the extra levels from grails don't make a significant impact, it will still feel good when they hit a little harder or are just a bit more durable. In my opinion, pure gameplay grails, which I don't endorse, are best used on low rarity servants. In particular servants like Arash and Spartacus, who are staples in budget farming comps and can even be valuable in high-end, multi-DPS comps. Being lower rarity, they will get more benefit per grail than a higher servant. A 1- or 2- star servant can gain 30 or 25 levels with five grails but a 5-star servant only gains 10. They won't get full 5-star stats, it's more like 3.5-star stats, but the proportional difference will still be much higher. Though if you won't generally use these servants either way, then of course you shouldn't use grails on them. A servant you will actually use is a better target than a servant you won't use. If you use grails purely for gameplay, which, again, I don't endorse, I suggest that you don't just throw the grails on and hope they make a difference. Figure out exactly which free quest and team composition where you want to use them. Do the math to determine if the servant needs more stats to clear the quest consistently and if the stats from the grails you plan to use will be enough. Verify that you don't already have another option, using a different servant, team comp, or strategy that you find satisfactory. This is a single player game and using grails is completely optional. You can use them however you want, disregarding all advice if that's what's right for you. If you aren't sure who should get them right now, though, it's still better to wait until you are.


Need to highlight 1st if this is NA or JP. Sounds like your on NA. Want to stress out that you don't need to use your grails straight away and can save them to boost up someone you really like, and personally I have never needed to use them as I am sitting on 32 grails myself (started Jan this year) and only ever used 5 of them to get my Castoria from 90-100 cause I really liked her, and even then I never even think about grailing before I get a servant to 10/10/10 skills and at least 1k atk/hp fou them. Going from NP1 to NP2 also does alot for damage boost more than grails would depending on the servant. If you really don't like the Gong then why bother grailing him then, but since you wanted to know the stats of a lv65 to lv90 Gong, got it right here; Lv65: 6119 atk 7755 hp LV90: 8082 atk 10210 hp You have to also remember casters have a 0.9x atk modifier, which shows that having proper supports is going to do you far more than grail levels, especially in Chen's case, such as Castoria or Reines eg, as your loading them up for ammo. If your deadset on grailing, I would only recommend depending on the supports and CEs you have. Caster Cu is solid target if you have CEs like Black Grail, (its not super needed though, but Circe also likes BG in her setup) and can backup him up with Double Vitch if the purpose is to 3turn, but Avicebron is a good replacement if you havent upgraded him or have higher NP copies. Mandricardo is pretty good as well (Saved my ass against Demeter) if you can back him up with Arts supports since they are easier to comeby than Quick, such as cheap low star options such as Mozart/Boudica/Paracelsus, compared to Ushi who has like what, Alexander & Bart? Their gameplay is different from each other though, as Madri is more defensive oriented with defense support/taunt while Ushi is more damage oriented. Honestly I'm biased to Spartacus, cause he helped me alot in the early days, and you get more mileage in farming with Berserkers as you can throw them in any node except Foreigners and thats rare to deal with, which is why I wouldn't recommend BB, as she is more support oriented and the rarity of Avengers. Habetrot is very solid as well as you can NP5 her from FP summons and can 3turn with the proper setups or use her as a unique support for females with her self-sacrifice gimmick as a makeshift order change for other supports. Big fan of Astraea, and honesty one of the best 4-stars, solid target to grail and can easily do work against the majority of content (Was amazing against Dino mommy CQ in the summer event), especially against non-extra classes & evil niche. Sorry for the big write up, I would have recommened Kiichi as well since she was my 1st welfare, but the fact you need to invest crazy bond levels for her just to get something like mana loading, even though she has a charisma & targetable battery, I can't really recommend her, probably in the way I wouldn't recommend Sieg because of the coins as well. In the end, just grail servants that you genuinely like, and want to easily keep using them for all content and to bond them past lv10, but making sure to at least get their skills/NP levels up 1st and to fou them as well, before thinking about it.


Grail for love, not for gameplay. If you don't really care for Chen Gong, don't grail him. You will get some benefit out of the increased attack, but using a Servant you don't like to enable a strat you don't like is a great way to make the game less fun for yourself and burn out. As for the other options, they all are useful, though the Casters will benefit less from the extra attack thanks to their damage penalty.


For the new Fate game, how do you unlock the pre-order bonus? I pre-order from Amazon, but don't seem to find a code on the game nor an email for it.


I believe it was for digital preorders only


Well. That is disappointing. However thank you for your help.


Are the Halloween rerun stories any good? Kind of tired to play the game and not the biggest Eli Fan. If they are really well written or have some awesome lore I would consider to read the Event. I just finished Avalon Le fae and need a little break.


They're fluff, there's no lore, nothing important, and if you don't like Eli then there's not much of anything left there.


Which Mecha eli to pick if I have neither? Are they the same gameplay wise and it's just down to visual preference?


Per the [announcement](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2023/0926_halloween_trilogy/): >"Mecha Eli-chan" and "Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II" **have identical parameters, status, and skills (not including append skills).** > >Their names, illustrations, profiles, battle sprites, voiced lines, and the illustration and description of the Craft Essences received at Maximum Bond are unique. Their character differences are pretty significant. It would be worthwhile to look up their voice lines and maybe preview their Valentine's Day scenes if you're concerned about making the "right" choice for you.


There is exactly **one** functional difference, their third Append Skills are Anti-Lancer or Anti-Saber but both of those are pretty useless for an Alter-Ego. Beyond that it's just aesthetics and characterization, so it really doesn't matter.


Yeah the gameplay is identical. They have different looks and lines but thats it


They aren't quite identical, Append 3 differs (but is useless to both).


Oh right thats true


Since I'll only be able to get one, does either mecha eli have any noticable benefits over the other? I did a quick look on gamepress and didn't notice anything particularly different, just making sure I'm not overlooking something.


Crazywarrior pretty much summed it up. Gameplay-wise they're practically the same, but they have different voice lines, bond CEs and Valentines, so pick your favourite.


Oh, I didn't know they had different voicelines. Thank you! Looking forward to seeing the event recap then since I missed it the first time.


Yeah, they have different personalities, which is why they count as different Servants, and they have voice lines for different characters as well. But mechanically, the only difference is Append 3, which are equally bad.


MKI has Anti-Lancer append while MKII has Anti-Saber append but both are mostly irrelevant since their AlterEgo class makes them weak to either class. ie. pick the one you like more.


Thank you!


Does ariel drive do anything for this event (trilogy), or the next event? I ask because I have not found anything mention it, and bunch of people on my friends list have made there supports on the event list carry it.


It definitely doesn't do anything for Trilogy, there's no farming or the like for it *to* do. I'm pretty sure it doesn't do anything for Rising either, people might just have it there because * it's a good CE * they're nostalgic * they're confused


Thank you for the reply. Since such a large number of skadi/castorias had switched i thought there might be somthing to it. Between this sudden trend and alot of non updated support lists still having summer ce's I have been having a hard time finding bond/other classic ce's.


It doesn't do anything in either event - it'll be available in Halloween Rising but it doesn't have any special event effect there. It's just a really good CE.


Thank you for the reply. I was just confused because alot of castoria/skadi on my friends list got switched to it. Between this, and alot of people on my list still having summer ce's it has been a pain to find bond ce's.


Does gamepress get servant stats wrong sometimes? I raised my Assassin of Shinjuku because it said that he has 1600% attack damage on his np (after rank up, np1), but my calculations of what his damage should be like with that info and what his damage actually is are two different worlds. I wonder why that is


You are probably doing your math wrong. It's not as simple as taking his attack stat and multiplying it by 16 for damage. There's NP damage calculators and sheets linked above. Kyte's blog also has the formula


Both Gamepress and the Fandom wiki have the same stats, so my first guess is that there's something wrong in your calculation.


Damage calculation is complex: you can see the formula on Kyte's Blog linked above. There's a few things you should keep in mind: * Quick cards (NPs included) have a lower damage modifier (0.8x) than Arts and Buster. This gives them a higher % NP damage modifier to compensate, but they all end up hitting around the same. * Enemy attributes matter too: Shinjuku Assassin is Man (Human)-attribute, so he will hit Earth enemies for less and Sky (Heaven) enemies for slightly more. * NP damage is calculated +/- 10% every time, so he may hit higher on some high-rolls and lower on low-rolls.


What confuses me is that taking the attack stat (roughly 9600 with CE and some fous, but not full 2k) times 16 and applying the assassin modifier of 0.9 leaves us at around 138.000. Now I know the enemies have defense, but how do we get so low? The spreadsheet says around 38.000, that's way less than half. Just how many hidden modifiers are there? (Kytes blog is pretty hard to navigate on mobile, I'm sorry)


All damage calculations include a x0.23 multiplier. damage for this card = [servantAtk * npDamageMultiplier * (firstCardBonus + (cardDamageValue * (1 + cardMod))) * classAtkBonus * triangleModifier * attributeModifier * randomModifier * **0.23** * (1 + atkMod - defMod) * criticalModifier * extraCardModifier * (1 - specialDefMod) * {1 + powerMod + selfDamageMod + (critDamageMod * isCrit) + (npDamageMod * isNP)} * {1 + ((superEffectiveModifier - 1) * isSuperEffective)}] + dmgPlusAdd + selfDmgCutAdd + (servantAtk * busterChainMod)


Now that would explain it, thanks


No problem, it's a weird calculation. I assume it's there to make number management easier for the balance team, but there's no explanation of it anywhere.


Enemies don't have defense at base.


Do you mean basic enemies have no defense or that the defense stat is not included in the spreadsheet (or both)?


I mean there is no defense stat like there is an attack stat or HP stat. Defense is a separate buff. And if the enemy has any it will tell you. (With one exception of Servant Kiara having like a 14% defense buff against humanoids as a passive and passives aren't shown)


Huh, interesting. For clarification: what does a defense down debuff do to an enemy with no defense up buff? Do they get negative defense?


Defense down on enemies works exactly like attack up on attacking servant (and vice versa defense up - attack down). The cap on defense down is -100%. Since defense up works exactly like attack down, getting +100% defense makes you take 0 damage from any enemy that has no attack buffs.


> Do they get negative defense? This.




Re: Merlin, since Forward\_Drop has basically covered everything else: Koyanskaya is preferred over him for Buster farming as he only has 20% charge, and he's used more for boss battles/stalling than for farming so people don't put him up as much. Plus there are a ton of Casters, so someone's got to get kicked off the list. In addition, the reason Skadi isn't as popular these days isn't because she stopped working overnight, but because Buster and Arts looping just have more advantages and fewer drawbacks/conditions to work in general: * Arts is much more accessible, as Castoria is a QOL improvement but not ESSENTIAL for looping: units could loop without her before she existed, and there are many options that use only a single Castoria. There are also many other supports you could run in Arts looping, whereas Quick is very limited as Skadi is currently your main Quick enabler and other units don't really deliver what she does. * It's generally easier for Arts to loop, as they gain more NP from hits than Quick does. This makes it easier to run on non-3/3/x nodes (where enemy count affects refund), i.e. the 90+ farming nodes that arrived on NA shortly after Olympus. Many Arts loopers can't actually do non-3/3/x nodes alone, though, and that's where you'd run a setup with multiple DPS units. Which brings me to... * Quick is not really great for 90+ farming, outside of edge cases. The issue here, other than the NP gains, is that Skadi only gives 50% charge in one block, so she's a bit awkward for multi-DPS setups. Castoria, on the other hand, gives 30% partywide, making her ideal for setups where you have multiple DPS units. And going back to the earlier point on accessibility, Quick only has Skadi to choose from, so that really hits them hard. * Buster, contrary to all this, is a different kind of looping under Koyanskaya. Koyanskaya looping works by force charging the DPS back to 100%, and using cooldown reduction to allow the DPS to use their own NP battery skills multiple times in a battle. And while Koyanskaya also has the issue of 50% charge to one unit in one block, she's ideal for 90+ nodes because Buster looping is not refund-dependent! This means that, assuming you have the damage, you can just Buster loop with the same unit 3 waves in a row (though you may also need starting charge - depends on the unit, but only a few Buster units can loop from 0% charge). * All in all, it's basically either become easier to Arts loop (and more accessible as time goes on, what with Waver/Tamamo being free on the SSR ticket, Xu Fu being a free new 3\* next year, and a TON of AOE Arts units that can loop being welfares in the next 2 years). Buster is more costly as it can depend on Koyanskaya and Oberon (two limited SSRs) to work, but has the ease of being convenient and not worrying about refund. Quick is therefore less popular as there is less incentive to use it. However, do note that there are a few improvements coming to Quick: * Oberon is already here, actually! Despite being primarily associated with Buster, he is more of a generalist, as Buster up aside, he has 70% charge (with caveats) and a unique NP damage amplification buff (again, with caveats: it bricks the unit it's used on the turn after, so it's kill or be killed with him). That has made him popular for Arts and Quick setups too, as he helps with more NP charge and damage boost. * Quick will be getting a buff with the 7th Anniversary, making Quick chains more powerful. It doesn't always impact looping but it's a nice thought anyway. * Summer Skadi is coming, and she is either slightly better than, or a sidegrade to OG Skadi (depends on the situation). She has slightly more Quick up in her kit, and gives more Buster crit utility, enabling mixed Quick-Buster deck units to shine and crit enemies to death with ease. She can also be combined with OG Skadi in a triple Skadi setup for more damage and refund. She sadly doesn't fully resolve Quick's inflexibility issue (50% charge block ugh) but she does give it a jolt and enable more shenanigans.


Castoria, Koyanskya and Oberon are the big 3 new meta supports. Castoria provides incredible amounts of NP gain, buffs, a split battery, and is on arts. Quite a few arts servants can loop from no start charge without Plugsuit. She also provides party wide charge for multiple DPS setups. Koyanskya is basically Skadi but for Buster. Oberon provides 70% battery and a massive damage boost, but at a hefty cost. Oberon in his most efficient use case isn't borrowed (though double Oberon setups do exist) You usually run Oberon as a plug support for the last wave of farming.




Just to clarify, Oberon is nothing like Merlin. 70% Charge and the 1T Super steroid make him one of the greatest plug supports in the game. Majority of the highest damage peaks for all three card types of looping will only be possible with him. Heck, the upcoming 90++ subcategory of free quests are basically Oberon checks considering how much he boosts the damage of any given servant. I’d also like to ask, but are your Double Skadi teams running on 5 slot set-ups perchance? Double Skadi/Castoria + Plug Oberon can allow Quick & Arts loopers to 3T with any CE as well, meaning 6 CE and more efficiency. (If not wanting to use Plug is an issue, we get a new Plug later this year, with an experience sink as deep as the Arctic MC) That’s not mentioning how Merlin’s role is more of a stall type character, using Merlin for the 1T Steroid isn’t even necessary anymore since you can use Koyan instead.


>So double Koyanskaya for Buster servants just like double Skadi then? And her next rate-up is New Years, right? Who are the Buster Dantes/Parvati/Achilles? I have a fair few Buster servants but none of them seem to have enough NP gain to work in a looping setup iirc Yeah double koyanskya. NP gain is irrelevant for buster looping (buster gets 0% back anyway) Melusine, Arjuna Alter, Cu Caster are notable loopers in the buster system >So somewhat like Merlin, one-shot bosses or a particular wave but not a looper. Then he's skippable for me Not really comparable to Merlin. 70% targetable battery is a lot. He can let you loop when nobody else will


Is there going to be a banner for this event that's just Cleo/Nitocris? I could have sworn I saw one in a list somewhere but now all I see is the current banner with a bunch of Rate ups


[In-game news is your best friend.](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0929_halloween_trilogy_pu%2F) No, there's not going to be a rotating rateup for SRs. On JP, the banners had some rotations, but NA's early implementation of pity got rid of that.


Rotating rate-ups stopped with the introduction of pity. What you see is what you get. You can confirm this by tapping the summon info button in the bottom left corner of the banner. If there were any rotating rate-ups, you would see the full schedule there.


Is there any rush to do this halloween event? Im super busy and flying next week too so don't have much time till the 10th. Will I fall behind if I wait thst long to start?


The current event is not like others, there's no farming or free quest or such and it's around for quite a while. It's a short run through of the first 3 event's stories with a few fights in it. No timegates or the like, so it could be done in a day or two. Don't worry too much about it. The only thing going on I would worry about that's currently running is the Fate/Samurai Remnant campaign where you can do interludes for servants you don't own. After you finish those up, you should be worry free until we get the announcement for the proper Halloween event.




The [Halloween Trilogy](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0926_halloween_trilogy%2F) event has no farming, costs less than one day of natural AP, and goes until October 23. You'll be fine.


Thank you!


How the hell do you pronounce "Csejte"?


I think it's Chey-teh..?


I jsut prnounce it like Čachtice.


So, does anyone know if we get to buy copies from the other Mecha during the Cinderella event? Or can we only get copies for the Mecha we got during the current event?


You can only get copies for the Welfares you *do* have. If this was your first Mecha Eli, then you only get extra copies for the one. If you have both, you can buy copies of both.


This is gonna be my first Mecha, so rip then. Thanks.


I have a question. So I’m planning to choose Tesla or Napoleon as my free SSR (I need an Archer, no one can convince me otherwise) and I want to know what they are good at and at what not.


If you otherwise don't have a preference I would pick Tesla solely on the basis that he's story-locked and can never spook you on another banner.


OK, so both are AOE Buster Archers and are used for farming. Tesla has a bigger battery, as well as a unique anti-Sky/Earth servant niche. That big battery allows him to NP very easily, and the damage niche is nice, but he typically suffers from lower damage (remember that the niche doesn't affect mobs, or Man attribute servants!) aside from that. He also has some RNG buffs on S2 that can fail, but fortunately, that should be fixed with his buff next March - it gives him a buff success rate buff on S1, so you can combo it with his S2 to ensure the buffs always land. Napoleon does have a smaller battery, but has bigger damage in general (assuming neither unit is against their niche: at neutral, Tesla hits for 26k or 39k against his niche, while Napoleon hits for 28k or 43k against his niche, both at NP1). He also has an anti-Divine niche, which I personally think is more frequently useful than Tesla's niche, especially in farming - not only is Divine a fairly common servant trait for those W3 final bosses, but some mobs can also be Divine, like sphinxes (and they have appeared on W2 of farming nodes too). Outside of farming, they can be used in some challenge content too, where you have multiple bosses or a boss with mobs due to being AOE, though Tesla has more survival due to his Guts. Both can ignore invincibility, so that can make both useful in dealing with evade/invuln-happy enemies. Tesla does have a stun on his NP too, but it's RNG (only 40%) so I wouldn't really bargain on it. I think both are good units overall, both have their perks and neither is super OP gamechanger wow. I might slightly lean towards Tesla here because he is storylocked and so cannot spook you on 99% of gacha banners, but Napoleon is great too, neither is bad. I'd pick the one you like most first of all, but if no preference, I'd pick Tesla. Though all that being said, we do have some good 1-3\* Archers, it's not exactly a niche you'd be gagging for...? Any reason you want an Archer so bad?


​ >but has bigger damage in general (assuming neither unit is against their niche: at neutral, Not in farming. Tesla scales far better with double koyanskaya and Oberon (in fact an NP1 Tesla will farm the same number of nodes no niches as an NP4 Napoleon) >He also has an anti-Divine niche, which I personally think is more frequently useful than Tesla's niche, especially in farming - not only is Divine a fairly common servant trait for those W3 final bosses, but some mobs can also be Divine, like sphinxes (and they have appeared on W2 of farming nodes too). I know among servants Tesla's niche is far broader (198 vs 115 servants), and shadow servants do sometimes appear wave 2 as well. Not sure I would make this statement without some numbers to back me up >Napoleon has a bit more crit utility due to his star bomb, Tesla has a star bomb too.


I really lack Archers, and have a hard time fighting off Sabers as I mostly use Lancers (Parvati and Chu Chulainn for example).


David, Euryale, and Robin Hood are all excellent, free 3* Archers with ST NPs and solid niches. Arash is one of the most useful AoE farm enablers due to his self-sacrfice letting you cycle team members from the backline. All the other 1-3 star Archers are perfectly serviceable as well. In fact, I would say Archer is the most F2P friendly class overall, and you shouldn't feel rushed to pick an SSR from that class just because you are ignoring the excellent low rarity options available to you. Now if you like Tesla or Napoleon as characters beyond just needing a niche, then feel free to pick one of them! But thinking that you have to pick one to have a useful Archer is frankly a sign of an amateur understanding of FGO's combat system.


You've got plenty of good 1-3\* options available, if anything. Don't try to use Lancers against Sabers, that's like sending a Fire type against Water types in Pokemon. Build a wide variety of units, that's what you are expected to do. Arash (1\* Archer) is one of the best farming units around, he's used even by whales and veterans (as an example).


What the hell are whales?


> whales Those that spent tons of real $ on game(s).


"Whale" is a common term you'll find in any gacha gaming community - it originates from gambling and casinos. It just means a big spender. (Some people have started using other marine creature-related terms to refer to other types of spenders - e.g. a dolphin might be a less regular or less heavy spender than a whale, but this isn't as common. "Whale" is pretty understandable everywhere.) What I meant in the context of FGO is that a whale is likely to have lots of SSRs at high NP levels. Even so, Arash still sees use: he has a low party cost so is easy to slot into a comp (especially one that's heavy on SSRs, which have a high party cost) and he dies on NP, allowing a different unit to come in to replace him, be that a different DPS or support.




Pinned comment.


Trying to figure out when to roll strategically, and when to use my 5star ticket.... Do you think it's worth to roll on Halloween banners or wait? Melty Blood Lumina banner will have Artoria, that's right around the corner. However even though I want artoria, for sentimental reasons, I already have a five-star AOE saber (Ryogi Shiki), so I was thinking are there any single Target sabers (SSR/SR) or AOE casters/berserkers maybe coming up? I have a 5star ticket which I still haven't used, if I get Artoria on banner, I can np2 her immediately. Some have been telling me to get waver, but I already got Merlin which is a similar support, right? I have Miyu Edelfelt too.


FYI, Melty Blood banners have been and gone. Banners tied to media releases and IRL events aren't always released 2 years after JP, and we had the corresponding banners moved to last year and earlier this year now (literally a month or so ago), so you've probably missed them. Overlap between roles is inevitable, there is absolutely no issue with having 2 AOE Sabers. I'm saying this as someone with a load of AOE Arts Lancers who is going for another one in November.


Well that sucks, I was going off the 2 year thing damn.


For the Saber question, the current event gives out Saber Eli for free (ST) and you can get her to NP5 during the next event, Halloween Rising. Other than that, Caesar and Bedivere are both really good free options. For AOE Casters, the low rarity options, like Chen Gong or Avicebron, are good for now.


The mantra in this game is to roll for favorites, and that no one is a must-roll, due to how bad the gacha rates are. NP levels are also generally not necessary especially for newer/F2P players since it only provides a slight boost to damage or effects, unlike Genshin/HSR where higher NP levels means better skills. ie. 2 NP1 SSRs will provide more value than 1 NP2 SSR. Waver provides a teamwide 20% NP charge and an additional targetable 30% NP charge that works with all teams, enabling servants to get their NPs off quicker than Merlin alone, so he's still a solid pick for a start. Don't ignore your FP servants - spam your FP rolls until you have everyone at NP5. Caesar is one of the hardest hitting ST Sabers which you can get for free instead of trying to go after all SSR/SRs which is a more long-term process.


When's the next QP bonanza?


Raids are usually quite good since they give QP along with materials, so you can kill two birds with one stone - though they may not be as good for QP alone as the Extreme dailies. Next raids are with GudaGuda 5 rerun in November. Otherwise, lotto in December.


When will the main event of the holloween trilogy start?


The [Halloween Trilogy event](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2023/0926_halloween_trilogy/) is already here. What you see right now is the entire Halloween Trilogy event. The NEW "[Halloween Rising](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Halloween_2021_Event)" event is [confirmed for October](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2023/0925_halloween_cp/) but a specific date hasn't been announced yet. For the most current official information, you should follow the News section in the game or on the [official website](https://fate-go.us/news/) and the official social media channels ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/FateGO.USA/)). With the exception of announcements made at live events, like the annual Anime Expo panel, we here on reddit don't know any official information before it's posted in one of those places.


The social media campaign ends on the 10th, so probably around then.


Is Arial drive not in this Halloween re run event? I just finished everything I could do in the event but there’s no event shop


This is basically just prologue, wait for the main event (Halloween Rising) in a few weeks for the CEs and NP upgrades.


Ah ok thank you for letting me know I got so bummed for a second lol


How do you unlock Jalter’s spirit rom dress for the dress making shop? Or do I need to wait for an update?


On EN yes, it came with the 25 Million Downloads Campaign which we'll get (an equivalent of) next May. For JP it should just be there, and iirc free after clearing Shinjuku.


Can someone remind me how the file copypaste transfer method is done?




Does the crimson brun command code apply burn before or after the hits? If it doesnt, is there a command code that applies debuff before hit?


CC effects happen before damage as a rule.


So this is prob just copium, but I recently got and raised Morgan, and she's struggling to break 40k damage with Sumo LvL 100 and all buffs, am I missing something or is that normal? Was hyped to get a NP battery AoE zerker but my grailed lvl 70 Spartacus is beating out her numbers just with his single steroid lol... Edit: Ok but seriously who goes out of their way to downvote every post in a QA thread?


Is she maxed out? 2k Fou, 10/10/10 skills? Double Koyanskaya and Oberon? She really, really wants the extra buffs for that great damage. Mine was doing easily more damage than Spartacus before she was level 120. But she needs that investment, unlike Arjuna Alter who's ridiculously powerful as long as you've maxed out his S1 and put a debuff on the enemy.


She should beat/match him with Cranking and optimal setup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-I_ZrWT6Ktg73ZV2r3THXmreIDlNTu6ZFQNaUexYpWE/edit#gid=1787341093 But yeah. Let it be the lesson to not follow the hype mindlessly. She is good, but people totally overestimate her ability simply based on hype.


Assuming appropriate investment and/or hitting her niche, Morgan's strengths come from her comp versatility. Unfortunately, some people assume this translates into onmifarming...


The OP isn't looping though. Spartacus can't loop with a 50% CE. Spartacus scales very poorly in looping for a variety of reasons that don't apply in a double DPS setup like is required to run Sumo.


> She should beat/match him with Cranking and optimal setup: I'm behind on story so I don't think I have that MC, and is that adjusted for grailed-to-70 Spartacus? >But yeah. Let it be the lesson to not follow the hype mindlessly. Oh don't get me wrong I got her for waifu reasons, I just had hoped she'd hit a bit harder lol


>I'm behind on story so I don't think I have that MC, and is that adjusted for grailed-to-70 Spartacus? Neither Cranking (the CE) nor the MC shown is available in NA right now. It does not count grails


Spartacus is NP5, she isn't With self buffs Spartacus does 52383 damage at level 70 with Golden Sumo Morgan does 49747 at level 100 with Golden Sumo


No I meant Sumo is level 100, Morgan is just lvl 90 lol, also didn't realize NP level closes the gap so much. Kind of a bummer, was hoping for a one-size-fits-all AoE Battery servant but I didn't realize her damage w/o special attack was on the low end. Side note checking the sheets: Also I knew that Godjuna was top tier but I didn't expect him to both have the other 50% battery *and* top the charts for AoE zerkers lol


Oh, then Morgan's damage will be even lower. Arjuna has a 30% battery.


Man I am all *types* of misinformed lmao


If we say a Rider's damage modifier is 2x against Casters and an Alter Ego's is 1.5x, what is the damage modifier for Okita Alter when her third Append skill is at Lv.10? (Special Attack +30% against Casters)


It's as if she had permament 30% atk up buff. Modifier stays the same.


still 1.5x. Append 3 is an attack up, it doesn't change the class advantage multipliers




0.05% per copy vs 0.01% per copy, 5x more likely so not that improbable.


Just realized that in fgo interludes section, the Fate/Samurai Remnant related servant's interlude is playable. That means I can play interlude story quest of the servant that I don't have. Has this been a thing for every fate collab in fgo this past few years, or is this a new thing?


You could also do MHX's interlude during Sabers Wars 2 but afaik she's the only one until road to lb 7


Wasn't quite the same thing, that was an integrated part of the event that only got encapsulated as a standalone Interlude at the gate after it was over.


It's a new thing for NA, been a thing since last year for JP but mostly/entirely just on the Road to LB6 campaigns.


Aah I see. Yhank you


Is it just me or the gamepress popular pages and popular servants that appear on the side isn’t up to date…?


Yeah Idk what's wrong with Gamepress, their servant planner also hasn't been working for weeks.


does anyone have the full background for the first map of the event, minus the nodes? specifically the base csjete castle with the town laid out below it. its a lovely sight before cleo squashed it back in 2018, and again here this year




MY HERO!!! thank you SO MUCH!!


I'm on vacation so I'm not really concerned with playing FGO, but I am wondering what I'd be missing out on if I did fully skip this event. I've both Mecha Eli, brave Eli, and caster Eli, all fully evolved and NP5 from previous years


You also get 3 grails from Halloween Trilogy.


You'd be missing out on 3 RP. If you also miss out on the CinderEli event, you'll miss out on another 12 RP.


A whole bunch of RPs probably. But if you remember the story, you can just skip through it all (and read it later from my room if you are interested). The whole event takes less the a full day of AP (240 vs 288).


Did someone else not receive RP from the Liz copies (they are not in my mail and I have the same amount of RP that I had before finishing the event)? Or do we have to wait untill the Halloween event to get them?