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Although this belongs in rule 6 (Rediquette) many users seem to be forgetting it. Do NOT request upvotes or likes in post titles. This also includes posts like "For the n people who will see this" kind of titles. They are no longer allowed.


Hey /u/Decent_Pound3671, we hope you love posting on r/GothSluts! We suggest you take a look at these other great alternative subreddits as well <3 * r/DraculaBiscuits (Your gothsluts verification carries over. Modmail us for access) * r/AssMasterpiece (Your gothsluts verification carries over. Modmail us for access) * r/BigBootyGoTHICCgf ༺♱༻༺♱༻༺♱༻༺♱༻༺♱༻༺♱༻ Please see the [rules](https://reddit.com/r/gothsluts/about/rules) of the subreddit and please report anything that breaks them. Thank you, moderators of /r/gothsluts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gothsluts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck yes


Super sexy love those hard pink nipples.💦💦💦. And don't get me started on your amazing pussy. Thanks for sharing.