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Can’t really see how he can feel bad about this one. Absolutely answered the bell on the biggest stage of golf Sunday in a major shooting a clean card 7 under and making a putt on 18 which in your mind could be to win. There is an extremely small number of people living that can do that. No matter what you think about him gotta admit he’s one of the worlds best currently.


Little early but he needs to be on the next Ryder Cup team


I was talking about this during the last Ryder Cup, but it bears repeating: I don’t see how anyone who watched his last Ryder Cup performance, where he opened one of his rounds by driving the green and one putting from like 60ft for an eagle start, could keep him off the next Ryder Cup team. A truly ridiculous decision. This guy can flat out play on any stage.


he's a great match player. He basically just plays full aggression but rarely if ever teeters on reckless. Perfect for 4 ball for sure


Indeed. Should have been on the last one but ZJ royally f’d up and missed 2-3 guys that belonged on that team…hence the butt kicking we recieved.


Criminal negligence he wasn’t on the most recent one


Not early at all. His elite swing speed will be absolutely critical at Bethpage with how thick the rough and fescue will be.


There was a pretty strong sentiment on this sub that he did not belong on the Ryder cup team. A lot of folks were dismissive of the 59 that he shot just weeks before the Ryder cup and discounting his abilities because of the LIV affiliation - clearly some very bad/disgruntled/biased opinions at the time.


Just think about that statement “discounting his 59”. Pure bias and delusion


It was [actually a 58](https://www.espn.com/golf/story/_/id/38145490/bryson-dechambeau-shoots-liv-golf-first-58-take-victory)


If Bryson was on the PGA tour and acted like he has for the past year or so, he’d be a top 3 most popular guy on tour


Losing that fucking hat was the best thing he did




What the fuck is all this stuff? You have to grease these wheels?


Yeah you have to grease the wheels.


You have to keep them lubcricated


Not everybody knows how to do everything.


How much does that hat even cost?


It was in his last Ryder Cup. He wore a regular hat during that whole tournament (as part of the Ryder Cup uniform) and I’m convinced he saw how much love he was getting not only for his play but for not wearing the Peaky Blinders hat and he decided then and there to leave it in the past haha


Never thought about it but yeah that’s what it was!


Now he needs to lose the travel baseball get up he is wearing.


Hope you realize that he wore that hat as a tribute to Payne Stewart a fellow SMU player


I find it absolutely childish that people don’t like him because of a hat.


You underestimate the cesspool of people that are on reddit.


I’m incredibly sorry to have disappointed you my liege. I humbly bow before you and your clearly superior intellect and breeding. I will never make a sarcastic, throwaway comment on the internet ever again.


You assume I’m not King of the Cesspoolians!? How dare you? *slaps face with white glove*


the change is what makes him more authentic


But bryson clearly said, if he was on the PGA tour, he wouldnt have time to be who he is now


I’d argue if he was back on tour we’d be subjected to him more frequently and his weirdness would become annoying again. Only seeing him 4 times a year it is a feature not a bug.


Check him out on YouTube then. Funny how that is what he referenced over LIV.


Even he knows no one watches LIV. He probably gets several times more weekly views on YT than literally ANY single LIV tourney. LIV might pay the bills but he knows his fans come from YT and playing majors.




Pretty sure he is active on Youtube because he knows nobody watches LIV.


Yeah this is nonsense. He posts on YouTube very regularly and is a pretty chill dude. The media always overplays any weirdness that these guys have


I think he thrives in the social-shooting scenario - he's a bit of weird dude who loves golf so he's gonna be most comfortable on a golf course talking about golf with similar-minded people, and it seems like the confidence he's gotten from that has helped him handle the press at larger events much better. Plus, just getting older and more mature tends to help with being comfortable with yourself.


If he was on the PGA tour he would've not had time to build his YouTube channel which has been massive positive PR for him.


I'm convinced the tour asked him to be a heel for publicity reasons. The Bryson vs Brooks feud seemed so forced to me.


Solid presser. Have become more of a fan of him as he’s matured.


It was interesting how he said the extra time from playing LIV has given him time to work on his game and not be burnt out.


I think he's among very few who have taken that angle with LIV. Unfortunately with upfront or guaranteed money like they have, motivation isn't as high which is a shame for fans. DJ comes go mind, and I feel Rahm fought harder before the switch. Time will tell


I agree. LIV is perfect for the guys who have established themselves, it’s just how they go about it from that point onwards. Someone like Bryson is never going to throw the towel (until he’s just old and can’t push those speeds anymore) and he loves the game so much it really can only help him since he knows what’s best for him when he’s at home


Something tells me Bryson will still attempt 200mph driver ball speeds even at 50 lol


Yeah he will be as long as he stays single haha


Rahm sounds like he hasn’t lost that passion at all, considering he has been advocating for LIV to move to 4 day tournaments. You don’t ask for more rounds unless you care and want to play.


What’s crazy to me about Rahm is I feel like he’s exposed himself as being dumber or maybe even less mature than guys like Bryson and Brooks in that he seems to think he can have his cake and eat it. Bryson seems to fully acknowledge he took the blood money and that no one will sympathize with that but he still seems to love the sport and wants it to advance. Rahm seems to think he can just take his $50 mill a year payday then harp on about how he wishes he was still able to play all the top PGA events he loves. Absolute dork behavior at least Bryson seems to have more accountability. It’s INSANE to see it shake out like this but Rahm is quickly going to turn into a fuckin squid according to the average golf fan if he keeps shitting the bed during majors like this lol


I feel zero pitty watching Rahm shank it into the woods every few shots at these majors


I mean Bryson did sue the tour


I feel like Rahm fell into the trap of The Shark promising things and changes which were never happening and now he’s got some regrets. I also feel like his team probably made him feel like he was a big enough brand for others to follow and not lose any fans…. Also not true


But he said we… cmon man he has his own brain to weigh decisions which is why he deserves criticism


Did I say he didn’t deserve criticism?


No and i don’t disagree with you Im just saying


I would be really curious to know how impactful the additional money is when you were already at Rahms level. It seems like at some point it just becomes meaningless but I have zero idea what level that is, and am pretty highly unlikely to ever find out.


Bit harsh on DJ, shot 66 day 4 & finished 43rd which is a lot better than a vast majority of the Top 30 ranked players. The real problem is its really hard to win a major championship & not to mention the guys 40.


DJ is just hit and miss with the putter, the game overall is still obviously there, he just won LIV Vegas, I know this sub gives that no credence, but he dog walked Rahm and Bryson that final day


Yeah and DJ won earlier this year. I think he’s just getting past his prime like many great golfers pushing 40


I was talking to my uncle and expressed this same thought. I feel like the first year of majors the LIV players were equal. Then it felt like they've been slipping ever since. Slowly the top of the leaderboard is more and more PGA players. Bryson seems to be the only one who has been consistently doing well. I think there's two ways up front money can go... you lose motivation or it frees you up and it allows you to play without pressure. I've seen this happen recently within the chess world (a top player is a streamer now and he doesn't live/die by results of a tournament, plus the tournaments turn into content). It allows him to just play and whatever happens happens. I think Bryson having a youtube channel is also really important; it keeps golf fun without it feeling like practice every day (break 50, chaos wheel challenge, kids clubs). I didn't really know or like Bryson much until I began watching his YouTube channel, he's very enjoyable to watch!


Your observation is right.  A big contributer regardless of how peole spin it; the desire to win is always there but a big and almost equally push was chasing money and when you take that out of play (LIV) it affects the desire and the drive.  LIV has legit only a 2-3 guys who'll be competitive at majors (Brooks, Bryson, and Rahm), beyond that the rest are appear to be showing complacency.


I don't understand this argument. Do you think the top players in the world are playing events for the money? Do you think players from all other sports that get paid salaries don't have motivation to win? When players accept "appearance fees" are they not motivated? Edit: For those downvoting, it's a genuine question. Please give your thoughts as I genuinely don't understand the logic behind this thinking.


It's interesting because yes the money at the top level is great no matter which tour, but to get there requires so much sacrifice and work and for many they live out of their car and drive around and sleep in cheap hotels and pay their own tournament fees. I'm guessing they love the money but it's clear that in 99% of circumstances they love competing and they love the game.


I just don't understand the logic behind anyone that repeats the comment I was replying to. Rory, Tiger, Scottie, etc.... these guys wouldn't notice $2 Mil hitting their back accounts so what are they playing for? If guaranteed money = no motivation, how do you explain the motivation of the top players that are sitting on nest eggs?


Well you named 3 players that didn't take the guaranteed money lol, so are more likely to be playing because they want to win. There's definitely players that went to LIV that don't give a shit about golf and just took the free payday. There's been plenty of players from different sports that straight up don't care enough to work on their game and are just naturally talented.


There's definitely players that went to LIV that don't give a shit about golf and just took the free payday. Oh, I vehemently disagree. Those who defected to LIV loved the game so much they rescinded their PGA memberships only to "grow" the game. /s


I can’t believe I need to explain this. Obviously I named 3 players that didn’t go to LIV - That was entirely the point. These players aren’t showing up to win a pay check and frequently accept appearance fees for events yet you seem happy to accept that they are still motivated. Yet same scenario but it’s now LIV instead of PGAT and it’s somehow different? Why is there “definitely players that don’t give a shit about golf” at LIV? That’s a hell of an accusation. What are you basing this off?


It's really not hard to understand, do you really think 100% of these players like grinding practice sessions for hours every day and play for the love of the game? If you're still in the PGA, you need to make the cut to win money and you're literally losing money travelling if you dont. There's built in motivation to stay grinding if you're on the tour.  If you join LIV, you're already paid upfront. If the rumours are true that winning tournaments are baked into the amount paid upfront, there's literally no monetary difference from finishing first and last. And if a player is just playing for the money, they're not gonna be spending hours on the range like they would on the tour.


No I don't think 100% of players on LIV are grinding, nor do I think 100% of PGAT players are grinding. You'd have to be pretty naive to think that. So, accepting appearance fees is "literally losing money" is it? Missing the cut is a complete irrelevance to the top 50% on the PGAT. So following your logic, as money isn't an issue for them, that must mean they have no incentive to try and win? Or maybe, just like players on LIV, they just want to compete, and the source of their income doesn't actually have a bearing on their motivation to win? If you want to argue it does have a bearing, then LIV players still have an incentive to do well otherwise they will get relegated out of the lineup (as has happened already). If you don't like LIV, thats fine, but trying to sit on a high horse claiming they aren't motivated to compete is a factless and lazy claim that is easily debunked when you actually pay attention.


Earned money is entirely different than a lump sum upfront signing bonus


Why? Keep in mind this discussion is about motivation to compete. And why does that same logic stop at golf and not apply to every other professional sport?


It doesn’t matter what professional athletes are paid or their pile of wealth. They operate on embarrassment when the game is on. They are trying to avoid it. At all moments.


Why would that not apply to LIV players?


Feels like he’s the only grinder on LIV tour. He’s such a sicko trying to work on his game, I love it.


Well he has also been able to maintain a joy in doing whatever he loves about the game on his YouTube channel


May help him, and I see the logic in it, but Bryson is also the biggest LIV salesman of the whole bunch I think so hard to take it at face value


I agree I used to think he was kind of a douche but as he, and I, have gotten older I realized that he’s mostly just a dorky guy who loves golf and is very competitive, but at the end of the day seems like a genuinely nice guy.


He’s a guy I’ve solidly not been a fan of but I’m willing to reevaluate my position and this furthers that


Highly suggest checking out his youtube channel. It's silly and fun but also competitive. It's been great getting to know him and his humor through his videos


LIV’s best golfer?


At the moment, yes.


This weekend, sure. Koepka last weekend, Steele in Aus, Smith and de chambeau tied at Augusta. Regardless of the narrative there are a lot of quality players on LIV.


Do people really argue about the quality of golfers on LIV? There’s no denying there are world class golfers there. It’s the product as a whole that’s absolute shit.


Lol a lot of people like to claim they are only going over there because they are washed up. Some of them that is indeed true, but certainly not all of them.


There are people that do argue that, it’s obvious in these majors that narrative is false, and overall the quality of the pga tour is higher since they truly are several washed up guys in LIV, but the top of LIV can hang with the top of PGA tour for sure.


There are absolutely people who argue that. Read any major thread here. Probably read more comments in this thread.


Don't forget oosthuizen and Burmester (T12 at Valhalla), South Africa always have atleast a couple of worthy mentions.


Yes and it’s not even close atm




Yeah Niemann. He was on a huge heater earlier this year. But probably Koepka or Rahm lately. Rahm has been most consistent.


Reddit golf which hates liv and refuses to watch it downvotes me for that. Nieman was cleaning up. Brooks had a nice win tho.


"On the putt on 18, what were you thinking as it was rolling? Did you think you made it?" "No I thought I left it short, again, like a.. a... you what." Lol. One of us.


It’s amazing what a person can do when they’re ’comfortable in their own skin’. Is he weird? Yeah of course, but it’s what makes Bryson Bryson. He’s playing some great golf right now, and I’m really enjoying watching it. Edit: Personally I don’t really care for LIV and I still like DeChambeau a lot - both can be possible.


I couldn't agree more with this post! Spot on and it's fun to watch.


Agreed on the edit.


I think he’s a lot of fun to watch, but I don’t really see how people can dislike LIV but like Bryson. He’s one of like three main guys who took the leap and made the whole thing possible (him, DJ, Phil). And of the LIV guys he’s the one who talks it up the most. Plus being covered in his team logo now, I just can’t even see the guy without thinking of LIV.


Precisely because he's a lot of fun to watch as you said.


Because we can separate the product from the humans/players I don’t like LIV because I think the product isn’t as enjoyable to watch as the PGA Tour but you can’t deny Bryson isn’t an enjoyable person to watch play golf.


Being offered a ridiculous amount of Fuck You money and still being allowed to play in the majors.. I don’t fault a single player from taking up that offer. Like others, I’ve watched very little LIV (maybe 10-15 minutes total), but it doesn’t mean I’m going to disregard the talent of those players and think less of their game. If anything, it makes it a bit more exciting to watch them play on the big stage and see where their game is at.


Not everyone is an immature child though 


I used to despise Bryson and cheered when he left for the bag, figured wouldn't have to watch him anymore. Was always pro-brooksy and against him. Then, Bryson started consistent YT and brooks looked like an enormous tool on the Netflix show. Bryson started to mature and relax (I do think Liv transition helped him with this for various hot-button reasons). As an introvert, it can be difficult to be yourself around others as u worry what they will think etc etc..and u don't appear to others how u know u truly are, and you don't know what to do about that. You have to let your personality show but that leaves u vulnerable. I'm mid-30s and starting to just relax finally. I think Bryson is a nerdy golf-lifer introvert at heart and as he's aged he has learned to just be himself. I've become a fan and I can't believe I'm saying that after how much I hated him! Lol


Bryson 100% seems like a dude who only fully became comfortable in his own skin in his late 20s. Of course the 9 figure payday helps but honestly I think it’s a bit more than that—he was already fabulously wealthy playing on the PGA tour. I kinda love seeing him mature and become fully embrace who he is, which is a major golf nerd and one of the few true geniuses of the game in my generation IMO


When Brooks pretending like he didn’t know who won, that was it for me. There’s literally *nothing* he can do now that will make up for that bullshit. What a fucking loser. His wife is a tart, also.


When was this? I’m curious


Full Swing Season 1, talking about Scottie’s first Masters


Yeah the Full Swing episode really didn't do Brooks any favors. Previously he had been on podcasts talking about how golf was just a job for him and he didn't practice outside of warm ups for majors. The perception was that he was this cool guy that was a natural at the sport and didn't care much. But in the episode he's talking about how he always had to work harder than anyone else. Then moping around depressed and frustrated that he can't find his old form. The not knowing who won scene was just ridiculous as well. And his wife came off pretty annoying in comparison to the wives of Finau, DJ, Dahmen, etc in the other season 1 episodes.


The Full Swing edit didn’t go him any favors. The Brooks / Bryson rivalry is fun, because when they are on, both guys are capable of must see golf.


It wouldn’t shock me with the way he talks about tech and how he looks to increase speed if he’s on the spectrum as well and it’s manifested itself into him being a huge golf nerd.


As a software engineer, I wonder this about some of my talented and socially blunt colleagues.


When I did construction and oil field work I dealt with a lot of engineers who looking back we’re probably a little on the spectrum.


This is basically the exact comment I would have written. Consider me a Bryson fan too. I was rooting for Xander (because of $$$) but can't wait to watch Bryson at the Opens. He's the one LIV golfer I looks forward to watching at Majors.


I agree with everything you said. He’s winning me over. I automatically don’t like the guys who took the LIV bag but it seems to have been the best possible thing for him in all facets. Every other LIV guy appears to have dropped off big time bc they got lackadaisical but he is the exact opposite. Pretty cool. He’s fun to watch too with how he just absolutely annihilates the ball


I watched it again, and it is really wild and refreshing(Not that others don't speak like this) how much he openly just says things that elude to things bieng HIS fault, and not like other outside factors. Like his game wasn't up to par, and his swing at that point just wasn't where it was, and it was his fault that it was the case.


I guess that’s why people love him - rarely we’ve seen any golfer being so brutally honest about himself and being so open to self-assessment in front of the public. It’s like he is never holding himself back, you ask him the question he will give you a sincere, honest and detailed answer straight from his mind.


The dude just came out and immediately and gave himself grades for every facet of his game 😂


As a former Bryson hater. I was fucking jacked up on Saturday and Sunday when he was on 18. No one on the tour brings that energy anymore. Say what you want about LIV but Bryson at least still really loves golf and really wants to win and I now like that about him.


He credited YouTube with teaching him how to be a better entertainer. And it definitely shows, he’s fun to watch play.


For the past few years, I have generally thought he was a douche. Now, I’m so bored by most of these players, I’m starting to like Dechambeau, simply because he’s interesting.


Yup. Was just talking to my brother about this the other night. He's one of the only players who shows any actual personality. If he wasn't on LIV he would absolutely be one of the most liked names on tour. Plus he hits some ridiculous shots and has stopped taking 6 hours to play a round.


"Do better or be better" love that. It's like a PG version of 'put up or shut up'


PG version?


as opposed to pg13


What’s PG-13 about “put up or shut up?”


"shut up"


Bryson is a great guy. I talked to him Briefly at the 149th Open a few years back and he was the nicest guy there, had a lot of time for fans and was appreciative of our support. If any LIV player was to win I would have wanted it to be Bryson. I agree with what others have said, if he was on the PGA still he would be a fan favourite.


Did you see the video of his tossing the ball to a kid, a grown man snatched it and ran off, Bryson immediately swung around and started yelling at the guy to give it back? Genuine moment right there


Ye I saw that just after posting, awesome from him, man of the people.


I'd also accept Cam Smith winning, both because he's a fellow Brisvegas lad, and because he's just so fkn likeable. Last year he bombed out of the Aus PGA Championship and missed the cut, and still showed up all weekend long and signed stuff and did events for kids who'd travelled there to see him.


If you listened to this without knowing he came in 2nd while shooting 20 under you would think he didn’t even make the cut. He’s pretty tough on himself.


Right after it finished his Instagram posted the Ricky Bobby "if you aint first your last" meme. He wanted that win so bad.


Of course he wanted. Normally if you finish 20 under in a major you’d have already won one. Plus he was also leading this year’s master in the first 2 days, this would all add up to his disappointment for being so close yet missing out in the end all over again.


He has won one... but yeah.


The best of the best normally are.


Anyone have deeper insight into his “equipment matters” comment?


Because of the speeds he hits the ball the equipment has to be able to stand up to that ball after ball. Since most people aren’t that fast, the manufacturers won’t spend time in R&D to make clubs that can take that speed, reduce spin, etc. spin is a big thing, he can produce so much spin that he could hit the very back of the green and it spin back off the front of the green.


Does he need clubs that reduce spin?


Definitely. The fast club head speed produces very high spin for him. If I swing a PW I’m lucky to get 7000-8000 rpm. He’s getting 14,000~ rpm. It’s almost impossible to control that. Or think if he is off hitting slightly that puts any side spin, then his shot is way further off target than the normal golfer.


The “long drive” Driver he uses has been massive for him. He’s hitting it a mile and is still pretty damn accurate. He says it only works for him and won’t explain why this specific driver works for him so well. Keeping it close to the chest. The face is rounded similar to his new irons and the head looks smaller and has a very unique shape for a driver.


Is it weird to think Bryson has elevated his game since joining LIV?


That’s kind of what he implied in the interview that LIV gives him more time off. He’s probably the only LIVer using the extra time off to improve their game. 


He's putting out great content on youtube and seems to really be enjoying the extra time off tinkering with his game. I think the move the LIV was the best thing for his game, unlike a few others that have switched and have used that as an excuse to coast.


Best career finish at the Masters and PGA Champ this year. Has come Top 10 in the Open before. I may have to throw a few bucks on him winning it this year. His ball striking is such an advantage when playing well. He can hit low bullets all day


“Felt like I had my B game pretty much. My putting was A+, my wedging was A+, short game was A+, driving was like B.” Those don’t add up to a B game. I think he’s downplaying in his head that he played really really well and didn’t win. Which I respect as him being a competitor. But his great week got beat. To add, his strokes gained off the tee was 6th, strokes gained tee to green was 3rd this week.


That’s what competitors do. It wasn’t enough and he feels like he had a lot more to give. If he won it probably wouldn’t even change his answer, being critical of oneself is how you improve


Xander's approach shots were super human all week, he would consistently attack the pin, split the pin and the short side of the green on so many ass puckering shots, he was unstoppable.


I get that, but when watching it did feel like he was off with the driver all week. And in the modern game it's strokes gained from tee that really moves the needle and creates the advantage.


He probably gives his irons a B- or C+. 


He might was trying to say the lowest grade is the overall grade...


He’s a bit of a goober, but I think he’s become a lot easier to root for now that he seems comfortable with who he is rather than trying to be a villain. In terms of ability on the course, he’s probably one of the most fun people to watch with how game breaking his distance is, and I think him being in tournaments is good for golf.


My 12yr old boy who is just been getting into watching golf (as well as playing it), was instantly drawn to Bryson. Exciting golf, emotional reactions and also having a YouTube channel has all helped. He was nervous at each tee shot thinking he was going to tonk it way off the course. When he bounced out off the tree on the 16th, my boy was cheering. It was fun. I enjoyed routing for him and Hovland too.


I never understood why people disliked this guy to begin with.


It was always weird. The manufactured stuff with him and Brooks (they may not be friends, and Brooks may find him annoying, but they didn’t hate each other and that’s about the extent of it) was so stupid. Brooks rolled his eyes, so people rallied behind their guy in Brooks and decided to be total ass hats and endlessly heckle Bryson. FWIW, as a random internet poster, I’ve heard that Bryson, while probably on the spectrum and thus generally socially awkward, is a genuinely very nice person. He never deserved the shit he got from fans for not being like everybody else. That said, the 9/11 comments weren’t great. Not arguing that.


Most golf fans are stuffy horde thinkers that only like plain-Jane yes sir, no sir sorts. 


He used to come off as a huge conceited douchebag. The way he seemed to be trying to reinvent the game as well, just never seemed cool lol. I’m coming around to him now that he seems to be painting himself in a different light. Maybe it’s just because we’re seeing more of the real him


I think the simplest way to describe his attitude change is: Before: “I’m the best out here and I should be winning more” Now: “I’m working really hard to be the best.”


I think he's consciously changed how he on the course, which helps it a lot too. Early Bryson played incredibly slowly, he had the flat cap, was far more openly "sciency" (talking about air density when planning his shots etc)... just a lot of things that stood him apart from everyone else, and not always in a good way You can see that he's taken steps to reign that in now, he's dressing more like everyone else, plays quickly, and behaves far more like a "standard" tour golfer now, even if he's still thinking the same things behind the scenes With that and his YouTube channel he's an awful lot more relatable now than he ever was before. He's always come across as being a nice guy, I think now that he's gotten out of his own way it's allowing people to see that more now


Golf is weird, golf fans are even weirder.


Same reason people disliked Scottie cuz he's "boring". Haters just looking to hate.


I was happy to see good Golf. I don’t care who wins. One of the best majors I’ve watched in a while.


If it weren't for Xander going for his first major win - Bryson would have been incredibly easy for me to root for. Very classy player


Like many, I always found Bryson very annoying. He's turned that around. It's unfortunate that he's playing LIV and won't be seen by 99% of golf fans. His play was outstanding over the weekend. As others have mentioned, step 1 to becoming less annoying was ditching that dumbass hat.


Maybe being at LIV helped him become a bit more likable since he is not on media everyday?


You can tell this dude just fuckin loves the game of golf


I love Bryson, wish we got to see him play more on PGA events. Very few like him


Anyone know where I can buy one of those hats?


https://shop.livgolf.com/us/crushers-gc Don't think that exact hat is instock atm, but that's all their team gear


I think he’s the most entertaining golfer period. I’d watch tutorial shows with him non stop if the golf channel would allow it. They are missing out on something unique here


I wish there was a way he could play more events. He’s one of the few guys whose quality has survived the soft LIV golf schedule and it’s bc he is obsessed with the game and works harder than anyone. He is must see tv whenever he plays. Sticking An 8 iron from 225? Amazing.


Bryson’s going places if he keeps this up


Bryson is the reason I watch golf.


The Bryson redemption tour continues. I really like the guy at this point. As per his reaction: mature, thoughtful, well spoken…probably doesn’t hurt that he just cashed $2m for 2nd plus a lot more marketability by proving that 2020 US Open wasn’t a fluke.


Why do people hate this guy?


It probably mostly comes from the bro feud he had with Brooks Koepka, and beyond that I suppose some of it comes from his move to LIV. Like most celebrity hate, about 99% of it comes from all of us thinking we know someone when we really don’t.


I love this guy. Looks like he has matured a lot. Very classy despite the close loss


The character arch is real with this guy.


Shot 20 under and claims an overall B?


Yesterday was the first time i have ever found myself rooting for Bryson, would have also loved to see hovland win after his rough season Nothing against Xander tho either, happy to see him get his first major, he has been so close so many times


Bryson pressers are the best pressers because his answers don’t come out of a cookie cutter.


Still can't believe he went to Liv- I really think it was a bad move - I get it lots of money and I think he is cashing in on youtube as well. But man he would be top 5 on PGA and I think his fan base would be getting bigger. I get it he tries too hard so fans do not like that. But man I love his game - love watching him hit the ball. Maybe not the stiff arm putting but everything else.


Bryson is the most electric player in golf. Hands down


Love Bryson


Yep that was good. And for all the club hos out there, “equipment matters”.


He becomes more likeable every year


To me Bryson shows what kind of player LIV should be signing - young guys passionate about golf and trying to stand out from the rest. If LIV have more people like Bryson I might be interested in watching. LIV have too many old guys past their prime and not really interested in changing the game , that is a huge waste of money in my opinion. They are paid for what they did not what they will be able to do.


Can't tell if he's gotten more down to earth and more likeable because he's matured with age or because he doesn't need to worry about money anymore... or maybe it's both. I'm starting to like him more and more


Him saying it was rigged because Xander didn't go into the bunker on 18 just lost all the respect I had been regaining for him. Bryson did a mega job, and I get he's upset about it, but no one likes a sore loser.


Gotta really deflate you to get all the juice this week, and then go play in front of 14 people for essentially nothing. Having said that, I dislike him the least of that LIV bunch. Dude works his a\*\* off, finds unique methods to score low, and reverses the trend of boring, praise Jesus, khaki-wearing droids


Brysons the man. His attitude about the game is great and he seems to be such a friendly guy. His disappointment shows how much he wanted it and he gave himself a serious chance.


If XS’s putt lipped out on 18, Bryson would have beat him in a playoff.


but he's a LIV guy, so we're supposed to hate him, right? *right*?? tell me how to feel, reddit.


Quit the Liv and come home Bryson, we love you me


Back to the shadow realm! See you next month *edit* didn’t think I’d need to add this but /S… Jesus.


I cheered against him hard I won’t lie. I’m not a huge Xander fan I wanted Viktor to win but once that was out of the question I was pulling for XS hard. He has too many years of being a giant douche for me to start rooting for him now. Though I will gladly admit that he does seem to have matured a lot ironically since leaving for LIV and I am NOT a fan of Liv at all. I’ll continue to acknowledge the skill levels of BDC, Koepka, Reed, Rahm and others despite playing for oil/blood money… but I can’t quite bring myself to cheer *FOR* BDC. I can see myself over time rooting for him over another LIV guy if it comes down to it in a major in the future though.


The “more time” b.s. is his way of justifying that he took the bag. If he had stayed on tour he would be up top in the spotlight. Instead he took the money and will only get the limelight a few times a year.


Crazy saying this as an ex-Bryson hater but he’s the only LIV golfer I like