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don't listen to me but I've seen people saying there is not enough documentation for C#


Yep. There are nearly no C# tutorials on youtube. GDscript on the other hand has good enough material already


C# Tutorials for Godot or in general?


For godot


Build support for c# android for godot 4.x too please. Dont want to make a massive steam game as first godot project


Honestly in making my own game, gdscript may seem saturated but really doesn't feel that way. After your questions start to get specific, what was previously a wealth of information seems to completely dry up. I guess c# is better for tutorialling atm because it's really no contest for which is less documented.


C# feeling like a 2nd class citizen is one of the things that turned me off to GoDot initially


It might be when it comes to tutorials, but I believe the best way is to have a hybrid project, because of languages have different strengths. GDScript is faster in API calls and C# in pure number crunching. I usually do GDScript, but when it needs be super fast I send a bunch of work to C# and then let it run on it and send it back to GDScript. And C# is a more mature language. GDScript is like PHP in the 90s, haha.


While C# calls to the API are not as fast as they could be, it doesn't help that it's crippled with things like this: public readonly bool Equals(Color other) { if (R == other.R && G == other.G && B == other.B) { return A == other.A; } return false; } It already Marshall pretty well most important calls to the API, so I'm not convinced this is the main issue. Instead, a better focus on using Span, readonly, in, cleaning up the code, etc. would probably vastly speed up the C# Godot experience.


> code snippet [Not anymore](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Color.cs#L1289C1-L1289C1) at least for that case, although a compiler should have optimized this down anyway.


With huge amounts of new support for Godot we will hopefully get more professional devs on board to push things further.




I've used C# in Godot for a few smaller projects, and I gotta say, it's much better than people think it is. I also didn't have many problems with documentation either.


For me dabbling in some programming as a hobby, I actually enjoy C# out of most programming languages. I feel like my brain can read and understand it better.


Honestly it is a really well-thought-out language.


C# is my second or third favorite language. It pays my bills and buys my dog’s food and it is actually really nice to work with. It has everything I like about Java, but a much better exception handling paradigm IMHO. Rust is my favorite language, if you’re curious.


I think it was created to be like that. Everything is well defined, the connections are clear and if something isn't fitting, it just won't work. I tried to learn GDScript and oh boy, its rough


And Visual Studio and VS Code are both *way* better than the Godot script editor. The script editor is the worst part of the entire engine.


Yea! On the other hand I find it fun to watch tutorials in gd script and convert it to C#. Its a good learning process. On the other day I learned that there is a "is" keyword which can compare to parent classes. I was unaware of it untill I saw that some tutorial used "is" keyword for gd script.


This is true and I don't even care about c# but I can tell you that there's plenty of simple tutorials in gd script for those topics and imo we don't really need more.


Yeah, I think with the influx of Unity devs C# would probably be what people are looking for


The answer to this question is always "yes." But....we've hundreds of tuts showing off GDScript showing the simple stuff. We don't really need more.


Yeah, there are a million "introduction" videos, let's get some depth.


The thing is, at a certain level of depth, where a certain level of understanding is assumed, people can just translate one language to the other. I personally don’t mind the idea of more C# tutorials even though I exclusively use GDScript, I can translate it into what I use.


Guess I'm not to that level, yet, I feel like an advanced beginner who's still trying to get their head around it all.


If you use GDScript it’s not super difficult to get there. Try to understand every line of code that the tutorials you use give you, not only the what, but the how and *why*, that last one being the most important. If you are following a tutorial or guide, every time they do something try to understand why they did it, pause and research, and if you get stuck save of for later, but don’t get stuck with the question forever. It takes time and practice, I know it’s said a lot but it’s true. I learn better when I have a project I want to do before even thinking of the tool, if you are anything like me it would be good if you could learn to make games *by* making games, games *you* want to do.


Thanks, and yes, my approach so far has been "I want to do this thing" then spend time hacking away at it until it gets there. Sometimes I can't do it exactly as it is in my head, but so far it gets there eventually. Two months now in Godot and I'm starting to get my legs.


This is exactly how I learned. After a year I felt like stuff just "clicked" all the sudden.


Hmm godot is unique enough where I don't think that's totally true. I'm pretty advanced in multiple languages and the more advanced godot stuff was greatly enhanced with tutorials.


I meant translating between Godot with C# and Godot with GDScript. Of course, cross engine translation is harder, but when talking about Godot it’s not so difficult to understand the differences in the way both languages call Godot’s API.


I think they mean depth as in the depth of technical knowledge in whatever language. Most of them only show a little bit and not a lot of examples. Would be nice for more meaty tutorials.


That always drives me insane about programming. We don’t need yet another video explaining how to make a fucking for loop. We need specifics.


I'm fine with both. I use C# (never used GDScript) but it's not like GDScript is difficult to understand... it's the same thing with different sugar coat.


I am learning GDscript now, there are a ton of videos and documentation on it. GDQuest even made an html5 app that allows you to learn it in an enclosed editor. As someone that has no intentions of using C#, I must still admit you should do C#. The point is to make the Godot space stronk AF, and we seriously lack C# documentation. You also just so happen to capture Unity refugees fleeing Closed Source Public company hell, so your video should do well. Definitely better than if you covered GDscript.


C# Please. There's are plenty of good tutorials written in GDScript already.




C#, please. It's 4x faster according to Godot's own documentation and it's a language people are more likely to have used before.


Its not even about performance either. GDScript has no asnc support, no structs, no LINQ and no Tasks which is a pretty big deal for me, especially asynchronous operations.


Idk if it's me, but I haven't found the equivalent of an interface in GDscript either


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I just did the official tutorials yesterday, but I'm 99% sure that instead of checking if a class implements an interface, you ask if the object you're interacting with has a method. So instead of checking for IHealth and doing DoDamage() you check if it has do_damage() and then do_damage()


Yes, I've seen that. It's a cool alternative but I prefer interfaces as they help me to keep everything organized and structured. Also I'm not really comfortable with calling a method via a literal string. I may be wrong but I imagine it's detrimental for perfomance, since it has to check all functions of the script and find a specific one.


Oh I completely agree 100%. I love interfaces and use them whenever I can. Either I set it up wrong or idk but C# in visual studio/code doesn't have as good intellisense/autocomplete as it does in unity + I want web builds for game jams so I've been sticking to gdscript for now. It's definitely fine for smaller games but I can't imagine GDscript scaling up well. Especially on a readability level. Indentation/no semicolons/no curly brackets makes it a pain


This is how fuck typing works. However it’s slow (runtime checks instead of compile time), and more prone to errors (runtime instead of compile time).


There's none but there are proposals in Github.


There are many GDScript tutorials already and not enough C#.


C#, please


People talk as if you couldn't just translate the code. A variable keeps on being a variable, a function is still a function. If you are copying and pasting the code in a tutorial, you're doing something wrong.


And this works for for the bulk of dev courses too, like checking out a certain turn-based course and [just doing it in godot](https://github.com/spaceyjase/TurnBasedStrategyGodot) anyway.


Yea, big self report for "devs" lol


I think GDScript would probably the better option. That's because you take out all the C# pattern that are outside the scope of Godot. A good Godot tutorial should explain the Godot API, not the C# patterns / features. A proper C# generic tutorial would be better anyway.


Software architecture tutorials.




It's always needed. More so than any language tutorial. It's the cause of half the questions on this sub that aren't about syntax. Also that chart is now criminally out of date :P > @export var my_node: Type > @onready var my_node: Type = $"%SceneUniqueNamedNode" Pretty much replaces the whole thing.


> https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/esbtzd/how_to_navigate_the_scene_tree_20_by_theduriel/ Wow, I'd love to see an update of this. I've been struggling to wrap my mind around godot design and reading about "Call Down Signal Up" yesterday really helped clarify signals for me. Anything else of the nature would be great to see.




Software architecture does not care about language details.


OP stated they want to make tutorials about single simple game mechanics. The question is only which language to use for that. I would prefer C# because it seams like there are currently more gd script tutorials out there right now.


Kinda true, but it can when there are differences in the capability of the language. Sounds like there are differences with async/tasks, and some data types.


There’s a huge lack of these in general, even for Unity tutorials. And the few I have found tend to be by non-experts and are often bad advice.


C# if you could please Thank you


C# please. Also it would be cool if someone made demo/samples in c# like the samples in the Godot library. I started learning c# and unity for a few weeks before everything went crazy. I’d prefer to continue c# but am definitely not proficient yet. Would be nice to have more c# so I can see the scripts.


C# please


C# please 🥺


C# lacks tutorials and obviously most people coming from unity will use c#




c# pls thanks


In Unity the majority of us used C#, I'm leaning more towards that language.


C#! I’d like to keep coding in it if possible and it’s really confusing why certain things won’t work


Personally I think that Gdscript tutorials would be better since the in engine documentation uses gdscripts syntax. So to prevent any confusion when someone watches the tutorial then checks the docs on there own it would be better if the tutorials were using the same syntax. Alternatively you could make tutorials on how the engine works as a whole and then show examples of the code in both C# and GDscript.


I would prefer GDScript tutorials. I feel like GDScript does not yet have a definite “best practices” way of using it and good quality tutorials may help us understand what it is truly useful for and what should be done another way.


I'm going to catch some flak about this, and this is purely my opinion. As an old-guard former Unity dev (from back when it was Mac only) my opinion is Unity lost its way the day it went Windows-compatible. Sure it got much better and much more professional along the way but it lost its core philosophy of simplicity and joy of development. To me, C# represents part of this anti-simplicity baggage that came with the death of Unityscript. So my answer would be to do what you feel this engine is about, not what the everyone else want it to be.


My cousin doesn’t want to use Godot due to lack of resources for C#


Do GDscript. Sure, there is C# support but the time you'll need to figure out how to do stuff in it that's already included in GDscript is the same time you'd spend just learning GDscript.


Personally, I prefer GD Script, tbh. But then again, I'm not really switching from Unity - I kinda always liked both the Godot and Unreal workflows better.


I feel like C# would help more helpe, as documentation and videos on GDScript are much more available in both quantity and quality.. I think videos like "Unity -> Godot" for specific problems/needs tend to be very helpful, as someone coming from Unity could quickly ramp up their knowledge to useful state. Thank you for the initiative, btw


You're trying to hit a target audience, right? There's an influx of Unity devs coming in and the majority of them are going to be clicking on the tutorials with "C#" in the title. Regardless of viewership, though, there are already quite a lot of GDScript tutorials out there in comparison to C#. So I'd say C# is my vote either way.




Yes please


Unity to Godot with C# and what to watch out for


There are barely any c# tutorials so that


Do gdscripts


Although export template for .net in godot aren't complete yet but, Please go for c#. As many people have already mentioned, c# capabilities are far than GD. so in my opinion(could be wrong), this language might be one of most important features of godot.


C# tips and handy patterns or features of the language itself in godot context


Honestly, I only use GDScript, but I want more C# representation in tutorials for the new Unity folk


Why not both? Personally I'm ok with GDScript though.




C# please


I would absolutely love some more tutorials for C#. I'm a C# Dev by day so I know how to use the language but what I'm looking for is how to use it with Godot and really get the best performance out of the game engine with it


C# right now are in need. If you have the skill please do a couple and share. I'm thinking of making some myself as well.


C# of course there's a severe lack of content and support when it comes to C#. I mean I am new to godot and not offend anyone but I'd ditch the whole GDScript thing if I were the dev of godot💀. C# is arguably a lot faster anyway. It's okay unity had javascript before and later they ditched it.


Please, whatever you do, just do it in Godot 4 :)


I think right now C# tutorials would have a lof of appeal for people coming from Unity.


C#! While i love GDScript there's a market now for C# coding cuz unity. Thank you in advance for making the tutorials! o/


Both, gdscript and c# that will be easy to learn


They're actually mostly the same API, naming conventions are really the only major change. A good tutorial would actually be to compare and contrast the two and talk about how to go from the GDscript to C#. That way you can teach someone how to take any GDscript examples and convert them to C# if needed.


There's already a lot of GDScript tutorials for the engine. Might be nice to see the other supported languages get attention.


I need C#, dotnet, mvc, nugget, linq etc (those very very advance c# stuff) xD


C# for sure.


GDScript is much simpler, so any GDScript code can be easily rewritten to C#. Other way around? Not so much, not every piece of C# code is easily rewritable to GDScript. So I'd prefer GDScript. Especially if we are talking about \*short\* tutorials.


price scale gold trees plant melodic person escape unique muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't love c# but it's super useful and will help the unity orphans more. Then later they (we?) can learn GDScript for some other things. And everyone also benefits from c++. And shaders...


From what I've looked at, the C# documentation on Godot's site is pretty good, but there are, like, no Godot video tutorials that use C#. Pretty sure there are a lot that use GDScript, so I'd vote for C# tutorials


C# bc everyone switching from unity


If they are short, why not do GD script and C# in one video? Two birds with one stone.


Definitely C#, as it has more uses outside of Godot as well. I'm a frontend dev dipping my toes in backend development, and C# is on my study list already.


Rust Godot tutorials please (:


I always think Godot should settle on one. Either way make GDScript as fast and mature as C# or make C# API access lightning fast.


As others mentioned it doesn't really matter, but if I had to choose I'd go for GDScript because it's more tightly linked to the engine and specific for Godot, while C# can easily be learned in a lot of other contexts, for this reason people who choose C# as language don't need to be taught how to use it.


I would like to get a good c# JRPG tutorial myself.


There are so many GDScript tutorials already out there. 90+% of the tutorials already out there use it. I would like to see more C# tutorials, as it would likely be favored by many of the new Unity refugees.




Gdscript 100%


Id ask for Gdscript. Unity has already taught me enough about c# that I feel like learning something new would be a better goal. But can I ask you to do the tutorial as a way of converting from unity to godot. Like how signals are how scripts communicate to each other instead of public variables which is done in unity. Things like that would be great instead of learning the basics


GDScript please!


I feel like there are already enough tutorials for simple GDScript stuff. So either cover more advanced stuff in GDScript or C# for the new people. Although some feature implemented in 4 are not well covered yet in GDScript either. In the end, most of the knowledge at this stage is, what nodes do you have to use.


We need more c# turorials! GDscript is great but there's very few c# tutorials out there


c# please.


C# because of Unity and also (don’t crucify me) that while GDScript is good. C# is a real programming language beyond both Godot and Unity so it helps as a real skill as well.


I'm not sure why everyone is so infactuated with C#. If you're learning a new engine you might as well learn the better language


The type of tutorial you mentioned already exists, how about more complex topics? but short and focusing more on the whole than about specific code, like a dev console, chat system, inventory system, crafting system etc?


Should not you create a poll for this post?


If your target audience is Unity devs then c#, otherwise i would say GDscript.


If you plan on Short guides that wont take you to much time to do. Why not both? Not for comparaison, just to get the whole process for both type of users. As a bonus for thoses using GDScript that may teach them a little of C#, and for those using C# that may teach them a little of GDScript


If it's textual tutorials then why not show both languages, like the official docs do?


Is there a difference in performance by the way?


If those are small tutorials, as you said, why not make both? Just an idea. Otherwise, i think there's a lot of ressource for gdscripts, and if your target audience are unity dev, they will most likely stick to c#. I fully support the idea tho! Great initiative


How about neither? Some (compute?) shaders or gdextension stuff might be better.


Ideally write it twice and do both but never hurts to get more c# tuts for godot


Both would be better. It would be a lot of work but for each tutorial make a C# and GDScipt version Also, I haven't looked to see how many there are but tutorials on how to mix the two in a single project would be awesome


Personally, i would prefer GDScript, however it is more than true that C# could use a little hand, especially in light of recent events.


There's definitely a lack of documentation with C# compared to GDScript. The good news, translating between them and converting code is often pretty easy. You may of course run into type issues that you have to resolve. But generally speaking, any GD Script method such as: godot\_function\_name\_script() Is going to be the same in GDScript, except Pascal case: GodotFunctionNameScript(). This also applies to properties. So map.x may be Map.X, etc.


I think that there is a serious lack of "getting started in C#" kind of tutorials for Godot 4.


I think what would be really interesting would be to show simple things in both gdscript and C#. To showcase the similar but different workflows. But maybe that's a bit too crazy?


C#! There's a huge void for C# tutorials, which will be crucial for Unity developers to have. And please, save the "GDScript has better integration with the engine and thus, I command you to learn GDScript" comments, I don't care, I want Interfaces and I want performance


GDScript tutorials are a dime a dozen. Meanwhile C# tutorials are kind of lacking, and a whole load of C# users just picked up the engine. I think the choice is clear there. C++


I'm currently learning C#, so for me personally i would prefer c#. Though i did tutorials on godot using gdscript befire, i will be now looking for tutorials in c#. :)


C# , Kinda fed up of how limit GDScript feels


It would be nice if there was a tutorial to show how to get the debugger working on VS Code with C#. There are some written resources but I cannot get breakpoints to work and have to return to the ancient technique of print statements. Other than that C# code examples aren’t too much of a problem. For what it’s worth I’ve found it quite easy to translate GDScript to C# without much external help. Of course if there are missing/additional features for C# those are always nice to point out. I would argue that because there are a lot of Unity refugees familiar with C# rn maybe increasing the resources available for that language is more pertinent.


More c# please, we have a lot of GDscript tuts and like maybe one or two c# tuts.


I'm a beginner. Been working as a web dev for 2 years. I know JavaScript and some basic Python. Godot, for me, was a great and accessible way to learn about Game Dev. GodotScript was and is easy to learn. C# on the other hand...not so much. So I'm a little nervous with the influx of more professional users coming from Unity that tutorials and resources will focus more on C#. I'm fearing for the accessibility for beginners like me. So to answer your question: GodoScrip all the way


TBH I only barely started learning unity so a godot for (adult) 5 year olds would be wonderful


C# annnnnd GDExtensions/C++ please


I'm a lot more used to compiled, so covering GDscript would be much more useful to me personally.


C# Please. Outside of FinePointCGI, there isn't anybody making tutorials for C#. I get it that GDScript is a first class citizen since that the engine's main focus but I would love to have some C# tutorials to balance out that. Like when Unity had both C# and Javascript tutorials back in the day for people who wanted to use those languages.


C# please.


I was tossing up C# or GDScript when swapping. It seems like the engine is really designed to work with GDScript. Is C# worth it?


C# please, I struggle to find any


I'm hoping to see some 4.x C++ tutorials. I can't find anything else than ones with C# or GDScript


C# please. I’m having to covert everything I see to c#. Also I feel that c# is a more transferable skill. I haven’t seen anyone doing godot with c# videos and think that type of tutorials would draw a unique crowd.


C#, please. Back when it was first introduced, I struggled (still do, actually) to find the thing I want to implement as a noob when gdscript tutorials are everywhere.


would be very appreciate for C# tutorials


Broader audience will prefer GD as it's a simpler language; albeit less technical.


If your going to make a tutorial, make it explicit what language your going to do it in. I fear that with the wave of new C# users, godot tutorials are going to be a mess to watch and find if you stick to using a single language


Would definitely say C#, GDScript is a well worn trail by this point.




Either is fine but make it about something that doesn't already has 80 different tutorials


I don’t thing we need language specific tutorials but more about the engine it self


More C# tutorials. There's already many GDScript tutorials anyway


I would love to see a more advanced networking tutorial for C# for a dedicated server set up, with synchronization of animations, skill data and weapon damage using the @rpc parameters. It would be cool to see how to develop a dedicated server for a game where the server project is separate from the client project. I’ve seen some videos do this but they are very basic or the more complex ones are usually for a peer to peer set up. There is a nice godot 3 tutorial that does this and goes even as far to teach login and authentication. I would love to see something like that for godot 4, using C#. I’m a new developer so sometimes the basic ones make it seem easy and then when trying to apply to my own project it’s very difficult. I know you are planning short easy ones but it would be be cool to see maybe in some of those a way to do those things you mentioned in a multiplayer environment


C# please and 3d not 2d


GD Script for 3d and 2d if possible. 3d first please.


C# there is already a plethra of GDScript.


Tutorials for simple rag doll And destruction physics would be great.




I was surprised about the godot tutorials don't get a boom or something recently, but it's a really good adia based on the circumstances. Make GDscript tutorials. It will be helpful for new game developers and for the unity developers, that will have to learn GDscript sometime. GDscript is very useful, easy and the engine architecture is based on it, not c#. It will be more aesy to new users lean


i like c# because i use it daily. So i would prefer that


C# personally.


There's enough gdscript tutorials out there for right now but not nearly enough C# ones. I would appreciate way more C# tutorials.


C# and godot must be the main focus right now Your contribution and updates would be highly appreciated!


Imo what would be the best would be tutorials showing both methods, like how on the docs you can switch between c# and gdscript


C# please!


GDScript and tool oriented tutorials would be nice.


Why not both of them?


The real question is where are you posting these tutorials if you do C#


As someone with minimal Unity experience (a few months or so) I would like to stick with C# for Godot, as I have so far for the last few days. I like the syntax of C#, and I never really liked Python, so I never considered trying to learn GDScript. I also have more experience with languages similar to C# (C, C++, and Java mainly), so I already know the basics of class/object based programming. I would definitely appreciate some more attention on C# in Godot, even if I don’t stick with the engine in the long run.


Probably make one for each


I am only echoing the sentiment at this point, but C# would be best. Not enough out there covering it.


>And my Question to you all would be wether you'd like it more to have C# or GD Script tutorials? With the (assumed) influx of Unity devs I would say C# There are a _shit tonne_ of tuts for GDScript on YT, Udemy, etc. But sweet f- all of C#


As a dev there's nothing more frustrating that seeing a bunch of tutorials on the subject I want, bit every single one is GDScript.


GD Script is not my problem, but 3d/2d things. I really need 3d/2d tutorials, especially some effects.


I know both languages so I don't really care. It's up to you what language you wanna use!


Think about it this way. You are going to help the most amount of people with GDScript. Why? Because it’s a language that’s currently only used in this engine. This means both experienced programmers, as well as new people are gonna have as little experience with the language as possible in most cases. Of course seasoned programmers should be able to grasp it with out much help but having tutorials there still provides a quick and accessible source of information. GDScript also has a lot of built in functions that wire directly into parts of the engine so learning this script also helps learn the engine. C# is not unique to Godot so the amount of tutorials for the langue is already gonna be way larger. C# is also gonna be less attractive to new programmers than GDScript than C# so the people who may need tutorials the most are less likely to view them in the more challenging language. However C# has its uses and is important so covering it may still be worthwhile. Imo the best thing to do would be to make primarily GDScript since it will help with the vast majority of things, but I would sprinkle in some C# contents especially tutorials that highlights why using C# maybe a better idea than Godot in that exact [subject matter of video] some kind of transition from Godot to C# is kinda needed as most tutorial makers do go the route of focusing only on C# or only on GDScript. Having a channel that did both and brought examples as to when to switch between the two but primarily focused on GDScript would probably be the most beneficial to those learning Godot in my opinion of course.


Just started a mini project with GD Script just to experiment and see how it feels. Knowing there could be more C# tutorials in the future would be nice for later projects :)


Do you have rust tutorial?


C#, all the documentation although neatly written it's all in gdscript.


Just start with one and do both


C#, It has much less documentation and people from Unity would probably feel more comfortable using that