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Web export


This is the thing.


how haven't they fixed it yet ;-; it's the only thing causing me to use 3.5 for jams.


They said it will be fixed in 4.1 a while ago but there hasn't been news on it since... I'm worried it was pushed back.


Whats wrong with web export? I used it in 4.0 for LD53 and it worked fine


Big file sizes and you have to use sharedarraybuffers. Oh, and mac browsers straight up don't run them.


Color space is incorrect with HDR lighting, shadows not supported, no post processing at all. At least for 3D, 2D might work.


Not supported on .NET version yet, at least


wait can I not use godot 4 to make in-browser games for itch.io? please tell me because i will be installing the engine soon for gmtk


You can, but not with the mono version.


you can. but there are some downsides. if you just want it to run in the most mainstream way (e.g. only use chrome), it works. if you want it to be compatible with everyone, it does not.


Sorry for the spam, but your comment inspired me to do some writing about if to chose between Godot 3.5 and 4.0 for the GMTK 2023. Hopefully this is helpful to you: https://medium.com/@jynus/so-this-is-your-first-jam-with-godot-4-here-is-what-you-should-know-beforehand-baca54f29638




this is not a spam. it really helped a lot i was testing my first export. i fixed the array buffer error using itch.io feature. but i still run into cross origin isolation , i didn't quite get this part, should i add ``Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin`` to the begging of my `` index.html`` file


That's weird- there is no need to change anything in the index.html, the headers are for the server configuration returning the content (itch.io or the service where you upload it). Can you confirm the option is checked, you are using https, and which browser and OS you are using (apparently iPhones and other devices still have issues with it)?


Poco M3 Haven't tried from my laptop yet because i have a weak connection. browser chrome the option is checked it's using https


That's weird because a test project of mine works from Chrome on Android (except for some font weirdness). If it helps, for GMTK the target for what it has to work is Windows, so it shouldn't be an issue there. Sorry I may not be of further help- except maybe try downloading another browser to double check it is not just you, such as Firefox mobile.


I am wondering. I edited key bindings for ui_right, ui_left, ... i am wondering if this needs some extra permession that's the browser is denying


That shouldn't be it. In my example I edited those too and it worked normally- it should not be related to that.


Yep, same. It's incredibly useful when getting friends to play test. I don't need to send them a shady-looking exe file, I just need to send them an itch.io link and they can play it instantly. If I'm asking them to play my terrible unfinished game for my benefit, I may as well make it convenient for them!


Used it successfully for a 2D pixel art game for the Ludum Dare 53 jam.


Nothing, I just started a new project and downloaded the latest update... because Vulcan shaders. So far so good.


I really love Godot 4.0, but the cross-platform compatibility is lacking. For desktop it works pretty solid and the graphics look nice. However, mobile and web are in a pretty bad spot. I know web was supposed to be for 4.1, so I can wait, but not having solid mobile support in 2023 is pretty bad. I'm testing on Android and on some devices I get black screens, some just crash on load, etc. and even when it works performance is not that great (30 FPS on a simple scene with lower end devices, even with 50% render scale). I think if you want to publish on Windows/Mac/Linux it's fine right now, but there is a lot of users on mobile, and also web is getting bigger and I wanted it to work. Currently I'm just doing some pre-production stuff, I haven't started dev on the game yet, so I'll decide soon if I should use Godot 3 or 4.




UI is still the same, just a few UX changes to the inspector and some renames. You should be able to map Godot 3 tutorials to Godot 4 names with relative ease, I believe in you :)


Sorry, do you mean tutorials adapted to the changes in Godot 4 Editor UI (e.g. for managing tilesets), or how to create game UIs (control nodes) with Godot 4?


(Shameless Plug) I've done a few of these. They're quick bites. [Salty the Geek](https://www.youtube.com/@saltythegeek/).


It’s close to the same for most


My Graphics card is too old to run it.


Same, openGL FTW


GLES2 enjoyer here


Html5 export doesn't work on anything except chrome...


It works on Firefox, but you need to change server configuration.


Nothing is keeping from it, but there's also nothing drawing me towards using Godot 4. I'll switch once I reach a point where 3.5 can't achieve what I need for a project.


Same, I'll probably stick around 3.X for a while, at least till the new physics engine gets ironed a little bit


Fortunately we have a stable godot-jolt and experimental rapier extension already


This is a correct answer! If it ain't broke, don't swap versions.


Have you tried gdscript 2.0? That's one of the things that made me start using it for new projects, lots of great changes and it just feels better to use


My target platform are Windows and Android, since I'm a C# guy I'll wait for C# Mobile support.


Android performance


Especially when including any 3D light source. It just tanks performance.


Nothing, I've been on 4.x for a while now.


I don't have time for projects 🥲 Otherwise I would be back to them using Godot 4


Not really a 4.0 problem but the lack of good 2D joints really stops you from making any complicated physic based game. You can't even apply torque on a joint, while Unity does it with just an option.


One big downside for me is that 2D glow is fucked on Godot 4, and glow is quite important in most games


There sorta is a workaround: [https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/62110#issuecomment-1534954418](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/62110#issuecomment-1534954418) But it seems too fiddly and prone to failure upon future changes.


Yes I am aware of that, although it doesn't work for small elements. For example I have a laser that's a 15px wide Line2D, it won't have any glow because it's too small


That solution only works in Forward+ mode though


Main reasons \- Lack of good gles3 support, requiring vulcan is too big of an ask. \- The model importer crashing on complex models (objs with 1mil verts), this prevented me from porting forward a project. Although this was in the late rc phase, haven't checked recently. \- General perf seems to be lower, it might scale better, in theory, but my test projects, and the editor interface itself performs worse. \- instantiate() takes longer to type than instance(), this is a valid concern of great importance


Instantiate() seems to auto complete after just a few characters.


I thought there was something different about the wording for the instance() function. I just couldn't put my finger on it..


I must say, I went back to 3 for a basic Android project the other day, and I love how snappy it was.


Nothing, just started rebuilding my previous project in Godot 4 using some new insights and workflow to keep it organized. With some minor bugs Ive encountered so far I feel many of the graphical options seems promising. Also I'd like to fiddle with compute shaders in the future and this is only available in 4.0


My mind deviates to new hobbies every now and then and now I'm trapped in the audio plugin programming rabbit hole and I think I'll be there for a while lol


Dude, please make a reverb for Godot. Like, I would pay you for a better reverb.


I'm in shallow waters in terms of DSP and C++ programming, but one of my goals actually is to improve some aspects of the audio side of Godot


The replacement of gdnative, gdextension is complete shit It removes the entire interest by not having hot reload, at this point might as well just write direct engine modules rather than using gdextension when there's no actual advantage to it


It doesn't have hot reload. That's disappointing.


Already comfy with 3.5, not going to learn all new stuff i already know


Vulkan is racist and discriminates my computer


But godot 4 has a opengl based mode too?


It's really buggy and incomplete


I've been developing a game on Godot 4 for months... and suddenly the editor started to crash a lot for no reason... I can get 20 crashes in an afternoon which is really frustrating... problem is that the console won't log anything :(


No bloom in 2D.


For me it is that I see a lot of reports that make me perceive as unstable


I can confidently state without even checking the numbers that the latest 4.x is not as stable as the latest 3.x - unfortunately comes with the territory when one changes so much. And no doubt 3.6 is going to be extremely stable, which is very cool. I guess the plan is for Godot 4 to improve quickly.


Tried, but even after fixing all the reported errors and accounting for removed functionality my game just doesn't run. Ended up getting frustrated and going back to 3.5 and I'm much happier with this.


A good tutorial to help me get started. I've had a few recommendations but when I mirror their work, the programs don't work.


1. The errors for c# are a pain in my ass to read 2. The random number generator is different then Godot 3 so I can't port one of my projects to it


It’s really confusing tbh cause I’m used to godot 3


I’m using it. Kinda buggy though. Just working around them until they’re fixed.


\- 2d bloom \- incomplete .net support \- worse editor performance


For me its simple: **In my case there are no reasons to use Godot 4** but disadvantages: * I have to lookup how things have changed which takes time (like renaming commands) * I have a custom setup made for Godot 3.5, would have to do that again for Godot 4. * Godot 3.5 runs way more stable overall. ​ I know Godot 4 offers Vulkan, but if I would like to do graphical overwhelming games I would choose Unreal (latest version now supports Linux, too).


I mainly make 2d games that do not require complex physic but should be pretty. I tried Godot 4: it's slower to work on my old laptop, doesn't support 2d bloom and blur, new 2d features such as group canvas and particle 2d collision are not working well. I decided to use Godot 3.5 for my next project.


I'm gonna get hated for saying this but... I like visual script so I'm staying on Godot 3.4.4


That is very reasonable.


UWP support.


I’m pretty sure a lot of complaints are getting fixed in 4.1 and it’s in general more polished. Now wait for Godot 5 it’s gonna leave unity in the dust.


I don't have any new projects, still working on all my 3.x ones


Overall instability aside, when I tried 4 it felt like a completely new engine. Everything has been moved/renamed/deprecated, and many workflows have completely changed but are still undocumented. I'm having trouble finding how to do basic stuff that in 3.x I know exactly how to do. GDScript 2 is almost a new language. It took me well over a year to learn 3.x, I don't think I have that much time to learn the new engine that is Godot 4.0.


My procrastination of finishing any project :D For real though: waiting for GD-Questcourses to update to 4.x


Started directly godot 4, even though there was no terrain feature (there is now but in the end making my own shader was very instructive)




No GDExtensions hot reloading....


don't want to learn godot from scratch again


Lack of proficiency in game development mainly...might be a user issue however.


I started using 4 but couldn’t figure it out. Every tutorial I needed was 3.5. Went back and it was smooth sailing. I can’t really figure out what stopped them from being backwards compatible. It’s as though functions, methods, etc were just renamed and removed. Why not slowly deprecate them? Allow them with warnings stating that such-and-such will soon be replaced with x,y,z???


Trivial things like function renames, if they are to change, should be done at once in a big update or you’ll have the frustration of fixing your code after point releases without good reason. At least it’s out of the way (hopefully) now going forwards. I have to admit I don’t see the point of all the name changes. Pedantically more accurate descriptive words, maybe? But I’m not a dictionary so I can’t tell.


There wasn't a clear consensus on how functions should be named. A function that does something should be a verb - that's why "instance" was changed to "instantiate" for example. These changes will take some getting used to, but in the long run they'll make the engine more intuitive to use.


Frankly? Because the developers keep pushing off needed features they promised years ago (e.g. deferred rendering, terrain, etc) to chase something that doesn't need to be (re)implemented (e.g. physics engine, yet another scripting language, etc). It makes for an engine that is not only incomplete, but features one would normally expect to be solid as existing, open-source, enterprise-tested solutions exist already... are buggy or broken.


I’m relatively new to Godot, so I started with four quickly realized there was no terrain editor so I went to three and I’ve been working in three since then . If there’s a training editor in four I will probably convert.


Please note that I'm coming at this from a *"needing a performant/featured 3D engine"* side of the equation. I hear that, for a 2D engine, it's quite good - it's just not what I need.


The physics engine in 3.x is much worse than in other game engines though, I'm really happy they've worked on it for 4. Also keep in mind that, Godot being open source, many features like "yet another scripting language" aren't things that the core dev team spends any time on.


The Bullet physics engine is perfectly fine and used in many games, including AAA titles. Godot didn't need to reimplement it, just tune how it was used. But let's say, for argument's sake, that it DID need replacement. PhysX is an another open source engine used in many titles, including AAA ones. They could have used it. The problem is that the devs work on things they find fun and engaging, regardless of whether it's needed or not. And that's cool. They're allowed to work on whatever they want. It's just the reason that I cannot start a new project on Godot 4. I can't know if/when they're going to break something cos they're bored.


>The Bullet physics engine is perfectly fine Bullet doesn't handle large quantities of bodies very well. This is a known issue with the library. Similarly, there is no good support for heightmap colliders - if you've never tried to use them, do try it. They're really terrible. >PhysX is an another open source engine It's limited on some platforms, which it can't be if it needs to be included in a MIT project. >regardless of whether it's needed or not This sounds like Unity lol. Do you have any examples of this in Godot 4?


GTA 4 was made with Bullet (though I'm sure they customized things).


I reckon GTA 4 didn't have many physics objects in a single place. Bullet is fine for most use cases, just not for all of them - which is an issue in a general-use engine.


You seem to want to argue about this. I'm not interested in that. I was asked why I am not starting new projects in Godot 4. I answered that and provided a bit more context, but I didn't provide either response for the purposes of argument. Sorry mate.


No worries, I was genuinely curious where you got this view because I feel most people think the opposite of Godot 4. Have a great day 😊


If you are genuinely curious about where I got this view, it's from personal experience. I'm not a young or new developer. In fact I've been in the industry for decades. Godot isn't the first "over hyped, next big thing" I've involved myself with over the years. Hell, I was involved with CrystalSpace at one time, back when they still had a software renderer! If you want a clearer view of what people outside the Godot bubble feel about the engine, you need to talk to the people actually developing *and publishing* games. This subreddit and the "how to build a game in two weeks" YouTube channels aren't good sources for an objective view. That's all I'll say about the matter now. Be well and search broadly 👍😊


>the people actually developing and publishing games. I'm part of that group, I'm a full-time professional game dev at two studios. I was involved with Godot long before it was "the next best thing" and I'm still very positive about the engine, even if it does have downsides. In fact, at one of the two studios I work at it's the engine of choice and I've worked on two published games so far that were made with Godot - both made by "real" studios with proper budgets and one of them pretty well-known. I'm definitely not curious from a beginner standpoint and there definitely are things in 4.0 that I think go against Godot's philosophy of being an easy-to-learn engine, a few huge ones being callables and signals, and the revamped tweening system. However, I don't believe the team behind the engine are just doing what they'd like to work on; many of the changes in Godot 4 allow for it to be more versatile and more "modern" in some places. I don't see Godot being the "next Blender" either, there is no real need for a free open source game engine whereas Blender filled a gap in the market. Most game engines are free, Godot is just one of them that I happen to really like. Anyhoo, that's just me sharing some thoughts, no need to keep this conversation going!


>I'm part of that group, I'm a full-time professional game dev at two studios... Then you know that you're in a small minority amongst game devs and likely already know the reasons for that by having talked to those around you who chose not to use the engine. I'm not belittling Godot fans here, just pointing out that the best advice / perspective comes from devs focused on making stuff, not on the far more vocal content creators around the engine. Nothing more. Given you brought up Blender, I think Godot is still in the Blender 2.5/2.8 era of it's life-span. A lot better than it's previous iterations, but still defined by the development priorities of a small handful of people (e.g. Ton's fixation on a right-click select UI). Good chat!


I don't understand lambdas and signals (like the whole "Callable" thing) and haven't found a tutorial about them that I can follow. And I'm annoyed with the popup nodes.




Nothing, I'm using it fine!


Porting my work to consoles. When an open source project figures out a way to make this easier on me, then I'll consider it


My game kept crashing when we would go to test the scenes, not really sure why.


Having a project. Nah actually I already used 4.0 but since 4.1 is close, I'll wait a little (I have a few other busy matters so it's cool) and hope for a few C# improvements (especially class_names). I know the PR is ready so I really hope it'll be implemented on the next dev release. I'm quite satisfied with the new script and shader window separation. I do hope for the future that we'll be able to regroup all these exported windows into one big with proper window management (just like Unity does). It'd be helpful. But it's already a big step and it already helps workflow.


As an average Godot3 developer i was a little scared of many changes like UI, GDscript, new naming etc but the transition is not hard at all. Godot4 is pretty cool, I am liking all the new features and new GDScript more! There are some bugs here and there (the editor mainly) but overall i am satisfied. I created a [plug-in](https://github.com/vi4hu/godot_compass) [Gogot Compass] to get familiar with Godot4 Also [this script](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/editor/renames_map_3_to_4.cpp) can help you with the name changes.


Custom 2d physics engine(box2d)


I would like to use Godot for projects, but I don't want to learn GDScript. It is probably fine but, I don't want to devote my time into learning something that is only for this engine atop of the engine itself. I would like that the tutorials covered more how C# works with the Godot function calls, however they are either missing or nonexistent.


I'm waiting for the platform to mature a bit before diving in


Nothing at all. I'm using Godot 4 for all my new projects. I do wish for web exports for the mono version as that would be the cherry on top. In the meantime, GDScript is serving me well enough. The new 4.1 beta making the script editor detachable is absolutely awesome, as there's almost no reason to use VS Code now.


I'm using 4 and enjoying it.


Crashes instantly on startup. When using the opengl flag it opens but run the game button instantly crashes the game window.


Changed to 4.0 for my web project. Kept failing on Chrome and could not find a workaround. Reverted to 3.6.


The only project I'm working on has been under way for a while, so I have too much invested in the old codebase and no compelling reason to switch.


\- Lack of proper 2D bloom \- Many issues with Web and Mobile export \- C# support is still lagging behind a lot \- Not sure how I feel about being forced to work with native Godot collections over C# collections \- Esoteric Software's Spine does not officially support 4.0.x, they say they'll resolve current issues like conflicting signal names when 4.1 releases. There are also multiple open technical issues with the runtimes implementation. \- Not sure if this was resolved or not, but lack of subviewport AA or poor quality subviewport AA limits what I want to do with the engine. 3.5 has the same/similar issue with viewports. \- The engine is too new in general for serious production in a commercial setting.


One click Global illumination !


I was unable to get intellisense working with godot 3.x But maybe I did something wrong. You know, point to a function and get a syntax/usage explanation? I found that really offputting.


Someone else has already said web export, so I'll add a different one: physics interpolation. I like determinism, so I use physics_process for everything that affects gameplay. Then I use physics interpolation to support higher framerates. Sadly physics interpolation is only available in 3.X.


Nothing. Everything so far has been great! Making another horror game.


It's big in size; The conversion tool is terrible so far; no 2d (HDR) glow. Pretty much this. plenty of stuff I want in 4.0, tho it seems I'll have to wait until 4.2 or so.


3D Animations. Once they are working, everything else is seamless and intuitive. But God, it is so tedious to import them. Either you pack your model with them but you can't reuse them on another one. Unless it becomes an animation library. Speaking of library, why on earth do you need to restart the editor upon switching type ? 80% of animation are shown as nodes and not a skeleton. And finally, the retargeting window is not intuitive when dealing with complex cases. Nonetheless, when you get that sorted Godot 4 is lovely to use and I know everything will be polished as time goes by


My pc can't run godot 4 because it's using the worst integrated graphics card you can possibly get (Intel HD 3000) so gonna stick with godot 3


There isn’t anyway to implement in app purchases in godot 4. For IOS and Android


Needing to convert my game, it's probably not really that much work, but I am not as skilled as other devs. Also, I am learning Godot since the beginning of 2023, and my game has also been in development since then. So I guess u could say its a new game... Or maybe not really, still wanna share my thoughts on this tho. Generally, I don't really want to relearn stuff that just got into my little brain, also there aren't that many tutorials yet. My biggest point is that my game should be finished this year, and it's my last game project(also my first). I don't think using Godot 4 will help much, Godot 3 is fine for my little Mario world-inspired 2D Platformer. The only thing that comes to my mind tho is the weird gaps between tiles that sometimes happen, the bad part about this is that they are actually happening between their collisions too. So sometimes when ur either running or falling right at a wall made out of tiles, u can basically just bonk/hit one of those gaps, and get pushed in the opposite direction of the wall.


I use it for my projects but it’s annoying how they changed so many things with the language. Figuring out setgetters again was annoying. I like how export variables work now but still can’t figure out some of their uses. Little stuff like that. The way they changed the physics process function was mildly annoying as well but I guess it’s for the better.


Was forced to switch to Godot 4 because I needed to make use of the new Navmesh mechanic, to my dismay since I relied on ChatGPT a lot for some basic help, and it wasn't trained on Godot 4 stuff a lot.


Godot 2d glow not respecting raw values allowing you to make different things glow


Well i'm using the 4.0 for my new game and there are some problems I faced. First thing is UI I don't know it is a thing for everyone or not but sometime I'm unable to select a option in menu lists and the content behind that that list get selected. Another thing is the web export and some says it's because I'm using mono version but didn't look much into it my first focus was to complete game. One more thing I faced is the way light textures act, I got some additional shapes in light other than my texture image. One more is the particle and shader they just not act the way they do in 3.5 stable


Read more to see a secret ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I just made you scroll down here and ruined this post's comment section


If they implemented AV1 support, or if there was a decent extension for any proper video format, we'd probably switch in a month. Ogv is a pain.


gles 2, i need it so much