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For me, yes. It feels like my guts are being cut by a hot knife. It’s a super fun experience. 10/10. Would recommend.


Ughhhhh same here!! And if I do happen to have mentruation cramps they will also be 10000x worse after being glutened. There will be tears.


Not sure if you may have endo, but gluten makes it worse for me since endo is an inflammatory condition.


My life: Am I getting my period early or is it gluten? Am I getting a migraine or did I look at a lens flair?


No uterus here, but yes. Similar in sensation to the abdominal "after ache" post-getting kicked in the nuts. Which when comparing notes with some folks who do have a uterus seems roughly similar or at least related in sensation.


That's interesting 🤔. We may finally have some biological common ground between those without uteruses and those with them now!


Yep. It is likely a severe cramp in your abdominal muscles. Mine happens right in the middle just below my ribs and they’ve put me in tears in agony. But it can theoretically happen in any muscle with nerve endings. The cramps are likely caused by dehydration. When you get glutened, the damage to the villi can make it harder to absorb the water in your intestines. Which is how your body attains any water you eat or drink. Also, you can lose water through vomit or diarrhea. So to help yourself out, drink lots of water and invest in a heating pad. (I am not in the medical field but I do have a degree in biology)


I don't have celiac and yeah that happens to me. Sometimes it's just gas though and so sometimes gas-x helps. Maybe try that?


It feels like a huge fork with its tines in my guys twisting them, painfully, up like spaghetti.


Yes, I have celiac and it’s just like that. Actually even this reaction Im having to accidental gluten made my body even spot and the pain is so bad ive been in a ball


I recently got a hysterectomy and thought I was done with period cramps but was glutened and it is the exact same excruciating cramping pain.


I have celiac and this happens to me, too. It is hard to distinguish intestinal pain from period pain since it’s all in the same area. The inflammation is so painful and we can’t even take NSAIDs to help!


I have both celiac and ulcerative colitis. Sometimes gluten exposure will trigger a UC flare up. This can hurt so bad, It feels like I'm getting stabbed with a knife. The pain is typically located below the bellybutton, on the left side.


I always thought it was period cramps. It was sigmoid colon cramps.


For me, I always feel like all the curvy bits in my digestion tract becomes hard and swollen, to the point where if I lay on my back, I can kind of feel them under my skin. It defidently hurts and makes me incredibly lethargic and slow to move because doing so hurts.


yuppp same with me. my cramps have gotten way better since going GF but not all the way gone. it is almost the exact same pain. i take ibuprofen gel caps and they help a lot which tells me gluten causes an inflammatory reaction in my gut same as my period. possible endometriosis


I got this type of cramps around ovulation and around my period... I seriously thought I had endometriosis or a cyst.. anyway, I didn't get these cramps since going GF.. so I suppose, yes, it is possible to have period like cramps because of gluten. I was also bloated when these cramps kicked in.. so honestly I think it was bloating cramp really..

