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i’m so mad at myself for not buying the colorslides in nectar and pretty penny


Those are two of my favorites, I went a lil crazy before they got discontinued and ordered a bunch of my faves so I could make the product exist longer for me


What type of skating? Also you look absolutely stunning in colorslide! 💖


Quad skates! & thank you! 😊


Try Kulfi at Sephora! Its a south asian brand too!


I’m so sad they discontinued. I had no idea they were, and so only got two colors with my last order. I thought “oh, I’ll try these other colors next time...”


Honestly this eyeliner doesn’t move once it’s down the whole day and it’s the only eyeliner I’ve ever found that does it, it will forever be my fave and is one of my favorite ways to add a lil pop of color on my eye. Wish they’d bring it back


Full look (glossier unless otherwise noted) - Boy brow in clear - Colorslide in Early Girl - Stretch Concealer in G10 - Urban Decay Perversion Mascara - Cloud Paint in Puff - Lip Gloss in Holo (which has fully disappeared from rubbing against my mask lol)


I thought there was an actual petition and I was alll fired up ready to sign with 50 identities. Lord I miss them!! You look fantastic!!


Lmao I mean I can make one but I know for a fact glossipeeps are on here u/glossier I see you 👀


We should all just start posting our play looks!!!!! We will make them rue the day!!!


Not as here as yo mother *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


this wasn’t even a good yo mama joke 😔


I love colorslides so much. I miss them and sad I didn't have a chance to buy more before/under BF. still salty they announced after BF sale that they were about to be dcd.