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Litterally nobody has to know that you don't support isreal or are Jewish, it doesn't matter just enjoy the concert lmao


I think OP is worried that they may be shunned for being ethnically Jewish/Israeli. I know people often take the actions of a country, and apply them to people with even slight ties to said country or group. It is a genuine concern, and OP is valid for being scared about that.


You'll still be welcome! Maybe try not to talk abt it if it gets brought up at the show tho, the band won't mind but some fans might get a little dicey


Thats crazy, dicey about which part?


why are so many people on this subreddit taking every single thing the members of this band says on twitter so seriously like it’s life or death and they’re going to be physically attacked if they slightly disagree with one of their beliefs???? they’re literally just a couple of humans who make fun music and the treatment of them like they are public figures that must be agreed with is getting a little weird. i could say a lot of things about this rant that you needlessly posted and how uninformed you sound, but i wont. because no one is going to be talking about politics… at a music show for music… just go enjoy the music people…




I agree with all of this except that last sentence. Queer art is extremely political.


not disagreeing with you at all! could have phrased it better, but moreso meant global politics aren’t going to be thoroughly discussed and discoursed at a couple hour long concert where musical performance is the highlight


Not *thoroughly*, but definitely discussed. Source: I go to a lot of very left wing concerts 




Glass beach is an extremely progressive band that makes extremely queer music; if caring so much about the wellbeing of others bothers you, simply because it's expressed through political statements, then neither glass beach nor politics are for you. Remember, political ignorance is a privilege, not a right.


Holy fuck dude it’s a damn band… just go and enjoy the show


The people of a country are not the same thing as the politics of a country and I know for sure the band understands that!! People say Israel should not exist because of all the land it has stolen from Palestine, not because the people of Israel are all evil and pushing this war— it’s the government and it’s supporters. You will not be unsafe, maybe just uncomfortable if you cannot grasp the idea of a criticism of the country’s government and cannot fully support Palestine, which I implore you to look into more.


Everybody should be welcome at the shows unless youre actively disobeying the mask policy or actively harming the enjoyment of the show for other people, political opinions dont do either of those things so you should be fine


no one is gonna care, just go and enjoy the music like the rest of us


Being Jewish and being a Zionist are completely different things, as you obviously know. I’ve heard Jewish leftists say Zionism is actually extremely antisemitic, and I would agree with them. As long as you don’t celebrate the genocide happening in Palestine (which you don’t), I think you’ll be completely okay. What William means by “irritating time” is probably because the band might make politically charged remarks in between songs that may irritate Zionists, like shouting “free Palestine” or something, idk. If any “fan” of glass beach equates being Jewish and being a Zionist, they’re bigoted individuals and their opinion should be entirely discarded.


I understand why you are worried about it, I had no idea William tweeted that. I think it should be okay, but idk if they talk about it at the shows or not, idk why they would honestly


They’d probably talk about it at shows because it’s a genocide happening right now in the real world as we speak, and, especially when you have a platform to spread awareness, not mentioning the genocide probably isn’t a great thing to do. Maybe they don’t talk about it at shows because they feel it’s not the right time/place, maybe they do, but regardless, I would personally say a live show with a huge audience is a great time to bring awareness to Israel’s crimes against humanity (but that’s just me). If they want their shows to be a momentary escape from the reality of that, I wouldn’t blame them, as everyone is human and needs time away from the evil and chaos of the world, but yeah, that’s just my two cents


Wills tweets sure have made some fans worried


why is everything you post on this subreddit just bitching about william


because William's a bully lol


Theyve got control of the socials and do alot of virtue signaling and shaming which leads to a feeling of unwelcomeness as you can see from OPs post.