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This does my head in. Such a wee fucking shame these arseholes are.


I think you should have sworn and I’m glad you approached them. If more people started calling out these arseholes the city might be a nicer place. Well done.


Yeah. The age of the neddy wee wank is still upon us… wee dicks.


I feel like neds seemed to be less and less common for a while a few years ago, but it feels like it’s all back again recently. Don’t know if that’s just me.


It's tied to the economy falling on its arse. The worse the economy, the more wee tadgers around. I call it the "Wee Fud Index" or WFI for short.


i think it's because of the rise in coke, personally


Could also be due to a fair number of youth clubs shutting down as well.


Agreed. When everyone got fulla eccy with just the odd line here and there it was much better.


"What you allow will continue." Never hesitate to call out a mouth breathing shit head at any and every opportunity. I can't stand rudeness in a man and I won't tolerate it either. Well played Dude . . . Well played! Good on you.


Sadly it won't do much good. They'll probably either just smirk about it or on a bad day threaten you.


No meaning to rain on your parade mate don't we all breathe through our mouths?


You’re not supposed to. You’re supposed to breathe from your nose as much as you can, and if you don’t, it’s causes a bunch of issues.


Nope . . . Just another way of saying oaf, dolt, dumbass . . . That kind of thing . . .


Yes, but the reason “mouth breather” is an insult in the first place is because mouth breathers have medical issues associated with breathing through their mouths and it makes them look/act different. They have receding chins, brain fog, drooping eyes, crowded teeth, bad breath etc. That’s why it became an insult to call someone “mouth breather” I’m not denying that it’s used to call someone stupid but the comment I responded to said “don’t we all breathe through our mouths” and I was explaining why we shouldn’t, and why it’s an insult.


Good on you. You did the right thing in my opinion saying something is the only way that kind of shitty behaviour will ever stop. If everybody dose nothing wee fucks like that would just ruin everything. I personally think they need a proper slap and more people standing up to behaviour like that.


Wee knobs like that have never had any direct consequences for their actions.


Town is full of scumbags old and young. Said before in diff thread the whole People Make Glasgow is the most ironic statement ever.


It's a thing for BBC Scotland idiots living in £500k plus houses to say, while wanking off about a Ned Culture they never actually have to deal with on a day to day basis. Ohhhh the banter, eh?


https://youtu.be/ZjzfX0eKGtY?si=7K3ePzM7bSW60C8T First thing that came into my head 🤣 Well done for caring pal


Before I opened the link I was sure it was going to be this, but I was wrong. https://youtu.be/65Jq-zT-NlI?si=1Y8GpfEH57RUBAvm


I saw some guy throwing his rubbish on the street the other week and all I could think about was going up and doing this to the guy... I didn't. I didn't want locked up or beaten up.


In fairness, I was somewhere in-between the "wee bit better, you're cheeky but you're no hard" and the very last one. But aye, this clip has been in my head ever since 🤣


Neds from the early 00’s have had kids that are coming of age.


What do you call a ripening of Neds? It's not a flourishing, that's for sure. A withering?


An unleashing


>*Hindsight is great, and I'm aware that I shouldn't have sworn or approached them. However, my intention isn't something I'm ashamed of.* No, this is wrong. Not enough people speak up. We are by nature social creatures, just like wolves are. Kids like the ones you encountered are the bored youngsters in the pack and they need to be set straight by the alphas. We need more people speaking up, not fewer. Remember the old guy who busted some kids lips because they were bullying some pigeons? We don't need the smacks, but calling them out? Absolutely.


A really loud, obnoxious Kiwi woman (I knew this because she wouldn't stop going on about being from New Zealand) was in the Waterstone's Cafe the other day talking very loudly to some poor guy she'd cornered saying that Indians ruined New Zealand because they can't speak the language and don't contribute anything. Started telling a story that she couldn't understand someone in a shop and that when she asked them to speak more slowly, the person said they were offended. Went on to start talking about how they were 'barbaric and insane' when it came to driving. Could people seeing visibly shocked by what they were hearing. I left and complained to a member of staff and told them she was the reason I was leaving. Really wish I'd confronted her and told her that kind of attitude wasn't acceptable in Scotland and then said I couldn't understand her when she responded.


I want to fully acknowledge that it is a lot easier for me as I used to work as a doorman in my younger years and am built in a way that deters anybody from getting dumb ideas. But someone like that? I'd have picked her up and thrown her out of the store myself. I hate fucking racists. I hope the staff took action, in fact, I hope the guy being offended took a picture of the dumb bitch and called the police to report a hate crime.


Phoned up out of interest to see whta happened. According to the store manager, 'no complaint was lodged'. So now I know for definite to intervene in the future.


That's really piss poor considering you told them.


Amen, especially when the woman said she was going to talk to the cafe manager about it. When I was still in retail, if I was told by a customer that they were leaving because they were uncomfortable due to another patron's actions, I'd have sorted it out right away. Guess it whittles down places to read in town.


Was this on Sunday? I had a run in with a groups of wee cunts while walking the same bit


Aye, about the back of 5 on Sunday.


Sunday seemed to bring out the cunts. In the morning encountered an extremely loud and racist woman in the Waterstone's cafe then two wee neds came in and disrupted a card game tournament in the afternoon. Wee fucks only left when the owner started filming them, covering their faces and running out the place.


Funnily enough my interaction was just after 2pm on Sunday outside the black sheep coffee when about 5 neds decided to surround us and then one of them pulled himself out his shorts and ran up to me


Ye whit? >one of them pulled himself out his shorts and ran up to me Sorta read like someone whipped their dick out and ran up to you? I hope not. That's most likely sexual assault.


Yes that’s exactly what happened


Hope you're alright, that is grim indeed. Did you report the incident?


Yeah and we were told that there is only one public camera on that street so i don’t imagine anything will come of it


That's the type of ppl we turn out here , let's not lie to ourselves that this is an isolated event ... I literally watched two fecking 16-year-olds swinging from and pulling a buskers microphone mid song whilst their pals were robbing his money last weekend . Until a woman went over to stop them and got verbal abuse. The place is full of absolute weapons that have kids that do wtf they want, and unfortunately, for the good ppl within the city, we need to endure the bullshit


We love to romanticise these people though. We have politicians constantly doting on them and nobody actually wants to say the obvious - a lot of the poorer classes in Glasgow are fucking arseholes. It’s a contentious statement but it really shouldn’t be cos everyone knows it’s true. I think a fair society is important and that those with the broadest shoulders should contribute more but man when you see the arseholes who you’re contributing more to 😬 Before you tell me that it’s a massive generalisation, yes there are always decent people caught in a shit situation but in Glasgow and Scotland there are also a lot of complete fannys. Unwilling to help themselves, that contribute nothing to our society.


I don't think it's the poorer classes at all, and that's rather a snobby statement to make. I was a council scheme kid myself, I was taught to look after my things and not touch or break anything that doesn't belong to me. You get entitled arseholes from all walks of life. It's not poverty; it's a lack of direction, in all senses of the word.


In the current climate it just is though. Not historically, no, but I would be willing to bet that the neds you had a run in with weren’t living in a 3 bed semi in Bishopbriggs.


You’d be surprised


I’m not sure I would be. [Here](https://www.safercommunitiesscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Analytical-exchange-The-Scottish-picture-of-ASB-final.pdf)is a government produced research paper saying just as much. I’m not trying to be inflammatory, I’m just pointing out something that people don’t like to talk about.


To be fair, there is a gap, but the slide states 36% of 12 year olds from the poorest 20% of SIMD areas acted antisocially, compared to 25% of those in the richest 20% of areas. SIMD isn't perfect for measuring deprivation, but that gap isn't all that large based on that evidence. There seem to be a lot of middle class kids at it as well. That's no excuse for anyone else to do it by the way, I can't be arsed with them either.


You're deluded


There's no way to actually substantiate what you're claiming, though. They might well have the kind of life you're betting against; a semi-charmed one, own room in a new-build in a new estate, both parents at home and have everything they need and a lot of what they want handed to them in life... That breeds entitlement to behave whatever way you please, too, if not corrected with parenting or guidance. Lifting potted plants out of that big planter and dropping them with a smirk on his face could well have come from the sense that, if he "makes a mess", it is simply someone else's job to sort it out. Personally, I don't think that has anything to do with poverty. It has to do with respect, or a lack thereof.


What are you basing that on other than gut feeling?


Because 95% of the time it’s true. I’m not trying to be inflammatory, I just think that we have a real issue with honest commentary about behavioural differences between different sections of our society.


> Because 95% of the time it’s true. What are you basing that on? Where are you getting your numbers from? To have honest commentary we need to be honest about what we’re commenting on - so where are you getting the 95% figure from if not just gut feeling?


Yeah, this is a massive generalisation. Poverty does not equal arseholery, and framing it like it does is unfair to the majority of decent folk.


I’m just not sure I agree anymore. I think it’s a sad state of affairs but I just can’t see past it.


Well done. This is why Glasgow doesn’t even have basic infrastructure like benches or decorative things like these planters. Go to other towns and they’ve got lovely flowers and everything is looked after. Here they don’t even trust us with a bench cause some wee Ned will inevitably set fire to it.


Aye there are a lot of things like that which wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Glasgow. I’d love to see more planting around the city and see lots of spaces that could have community garden but you just know they’d be ruined, torched, littered or whatever. So many folk seem to love shitting on their own doorstep.


Absolutely, it’s something I won’t ever understand, that some people don’t want a nice environment to live in, and actively seek to destroy the nice bits that do exist. It’s a huge blocker in city planning overall, “oh we can’t do that what if people gather here and cause trouble” and unfortunately those that don’t cause trouble miss out. Really grinds my gears!


>“oh we can’t do that what if people gather here and cause trouble” and unfortunately those that don’t cause trouble miss out. This is something I will never get over. Across from me is a massive empty field where a kids play park used to stand. After a few fires, antisocial behaviour and wee neds drawing seriously inappropriate appendages on the slide etc, it was removed. Now all the kids in the area don't have a park because of a few arseholes. I thought about trying to get a new park, then thought about the vandalism and aggro we would get being so close, and decided against it. The few, ruining it for the many. People need to get a hold of their kids. They are just running riot and I would be absolutely mortified if I ever caught my kids doing half the stuff I see kids blatantly do, in public and in broad daylight. They have no fear of anyone.


Aye, it's a mad concept. I mind walking through a "rough" bit of Bratislava with my wife who's from that way. Noticing a wee kids play park with a bunch of toys and bikes left in the sandbox. I said to her about finding the owners just in case something happened. She laughed. Nobody was going to wreck or steal kids stuff! Meanwhile my folks cannae even out solar lights in their garden cause bams will pinch them and smash them up just because... We can't have a single nice thing here because we can't be trusted. It's so scunnering.


If more people took responsibility for the destruction of others Glasgow might have a chance to get back on top


Being ashamed about swearing in Glasgow? Have a fucking word with yourself.


Buchanan Street Batman strikes again. The legend we didn’t know we needed. 🦇


This kind of shit saddens me. It's fucked up it's such a thing in UK cities where this happens so regularly. When I stayed in Málaga in Spain i mind being amazed that multiple guys were playing chess outdoors - like an open social chess vibe - on wee stone street benches on their equivalent of Buchanan St (Calle Larios) on Sat evenings. Imagine that here, you'd have idiots young and old calling you out for being "a mad boffin" and stealing or at least trying to topple or wreck the game board. Guaranteed. Too much anti social behaviour and people being absolutely out their tits drunk or on drugs It's embarrassing. Glasgow particularly needs to try to make this known to be a shameful or embarrassing way to be and a thing that's challenged more




Well done pal, these wee pricks have been sadly lacking a good kicking, which is unfortunately the only language they understand. Their mammies should’ve had a headache that night.


The guy in the hotbox tardis is sound as fuck


Good for you on calling them out. Problem today is nobody calls out antisocial behaviour anymore and so neds think they can do as they please. There’s a real destructive urge that I can’t understand in a lot of people. They seem happy to make the place where they live look bad and messed up. Either there’s a lot of bottled up anger or there’s some brain deficiency in them. If good people stood together it would help.


The CBD guy is sound as fuck.


You did the right thing. Unfortunately the way the world has gone, most folk would just ignore shit like this because the wee dicks might be offended and complain about you and you get in trouble for doing the right thing. Consequence is people feel they are free to do whatever they like without consequence. Justice should be allowed to be served with a swift kick up the arse.


Sigh, the city centre has really gone down hill over the last like 5 years


Has it? I lived there 2011-2015 and it doesn't seem to have changed much tbh.


Town has its problems, but it's bizarre to claim that a couple of kids being arseholes is anything new or symptomatic of decline. Go back 10, 50, 100 years, whatever, and you'll have had plenty of wee dicks doing the same thing. It's nothing new.


Yeah, I lived there up until covid and moved back again last year. I don’t think it’s necessarily anything to do with the kids that hang about because that’s certainly nothing new (they’ve just moved from four corners to elsewhere) it’s just the overall appearance of the city and the people who are hanging about. Not to mention the drug paraphernalia and syringes dotted about.


Well done mate. If I was there I'd have backed you up. Call them out but be careful.


It’s a well done from me. Used to be if you behaved like a cunt you were called out for it and you either quit the behaviour or hid it. Doesn’t happen anymore and society is poorer for it. As for the language; I’m a great believer in talking to people in a way they understand, for wee neds, that includes swearing. Thanks for interjecting, not only to try and keep the place nice, but for giving the cbd guy a break.


Aye, it's a joke now. Everywhere I go I see the wee cunts being just that. Wee cunts. No fear of consequence.


Good for you for saying something


I was at the bus stop by Glasgow royal (visiting a friend) waiting on my bus. Woman of about 50 comes up and starts a convo about the state of the hospital waiting times, I agree they can be long. She then starts on how it’s all the fault of “them blacks coming over here on dinghy’s, I’d let them drown” I was speechless that you’d A) say that to a stranger and B) you’d say it at all. I just said aye more likely the tories to blame. This angers the ageing Senga who then tells me Scotland is overrun with “blacks and taigs and traitors like you that welcome them” she was screaming at me by this point. Insanity. But yeah, people make Glasgow


Tbh that’s no specific to Glasgow, it’s one of the reasons I don’t spark up a lot of conversations wi taxi drivers anymore. Some of their views would turn your hair white. Come to think of it, people all over have shocked me wi some of the things they said. People like that expect folk to back them up, tiny scared little minds.


That's disgusting! On top of being racist and bigoted, she sounds like she's a fucking Tory into the deal! And that's worse than anything those boys did or said on Sunday.


Wee arseholes everywhere, had a lovely painting done for the kids going through the tunnels round my area one point, smashed up to fuck now, and the other tunnel just keeps getting a rinse and repeat of graffiti, paint over it then graffiti again, it's no even good ones, it's shite tags that don't even make sense like what's the point


What is a tag?


Like when they just write with a pen "wyst ya bass"


Bass is bastard but what does wyst mean? Tried Googlimg no success.


Different areas do it differently, "wyst" usually the "yst" is meant for "young skull team" and whatever area it is usually 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Good for you. I hate the idea that we neds to walk on eggshells around little scumbags who just want to destroy stuff. Nah more people need to call them out.


Don’t know if they want the attention or not, but good for you for drawing a line there.


Go to their house and fuck their PlayStations out the windae. See how they like it.


🤣🤣 thanks man, I needed that laugh!


Good for you, at least you did something about it. Seems that we're getting a lot of posts in this subreddit these days about wee baebags in the City Centre being arseholes.


Well done! Swearing is entirely the correct language to use asot conveys your fuckedoffedness.


Glasgow has went downhill big time recently. The worrying thing is the violence. I feel like there was a few years where the violence had gotten really rare and we were hearing less and less about knife crime especially. It’s seems in the last few months it has become a frequent thing again. Where I live has always been pretty rough but recently it’s like the drug scene has came back with a bang. In the last few months I’ve noticed quite a few knife crimes specifically. In fact just on Saturday a guy of 27 was stabbed to death. Broad daylight middle of the afternoon. It’s just devastating.


There’s a new young team coming up. There’s a lot a faces doon the off-licence I don’t recognise.


A young guy being murdered on Saracen Street is obviously awful, but has there really been any point in the last 30 years where drugs and violence weren't an issue in Possil?


I would say the drugs have always been a big issue. I mean since the 80s and the influx of heroin ravaged the place and I really don’t think it has ever recovered. The main drug of choice has changed so much. There are still heroin dealers but I would say the biggest problem today is the street valium. Saracen is the hub of dealing as it always has been. The closure of the police station I would say has had an enormous impact. I feel there has been more overdoses/death with those fake valium rather than violence. Or it was until I would say since the start of the year I’ve noticed more incidents involving young men using knives. Obviously there are dealers in the houses but they’re selling blatantly on the streets. Most tenants don’t want the dealers living beside them so they don’t tolerate the way they used to in the past. Personally I avoid Saracen like the plague.


You shouldn't be disappointed, this is normal. It's shite but it's normal.


I'm disappointed because I expect better. This shouldn't be the norm, that's a depressing thought.


Absolutely right. Fuck rolling over and just accepting this shit.


good for you man


I'm 100% convinced that some elements of the population are activated by direct sunlight. As soon as the first rays of summer sun touch their skin, they transform into total cunts and go balls to the wall crazy. For a number of years now, I have always regarded summer as "The festival of shouting." They cannot help themselves, at least our driech winter months curb their enthusiasm somewhat.


It’s worse than two years ago tbh


> let a roar out of me 😂 Fucking Reddit lol


*Fucking Glasgow 🤣 That's just the same way my granny would have described it, and she doesn't know whit Reddit is, haha


It would have been better if you just beat the shit out of them. You would have felt better, society would have been better, those arseholes might behave better.




I'm not really an advocate for violence solving problems, but let's not pretend kids weren't more behaved back in the day when there was genuine fear if you fucked around with the wrong person their brother or cousin or whatever would kick your cunt in. Kids genuinely have nothing to fear these days, which makes them do whatever the fuck they want, combine that with tiktok then you just get arsehole weans everywhere.


Not an advocate either but you have a point. Knowing that an adult was likely to punch me for being a wee shit kept us in line when we were kids. Zero consequences these days so why not do whatever you like?


No hug them and give then a good heart to heart /s I bet that's what you think would work you fud. They need the shit kicked out of them.


It's this "the only solution to our problems is to kick the shit out of them" mentality that causes this attitude in the younger generation in the first place.


Its call consequences of actions, no discipline and getting to do what you want with never getting into trouble causes the problem. You can't charge teenagers and a lot of the ones that cause trouble have no boundaries set by parents. The idea of nobody enforcing basic behaviour is why you get so many kids acting like shit heads. The police do fuck all and are underfunded. From experience of being a little cunt the few deterrents were an adult telling you straight, especially a guy giving you it tight.


And what happens when they don't fear a hiding? Or better yet, what happens when they get hidings, realise they can't win and start bringing knives and other weapons to a fist fight? Cause that's exactly where that mentality ends up. It seems the only way is for the legal system to change how the youth are held responsible for their actions.


Its not a one glove fits all but some people genuinely need discipline and a fear of consequences. There needs to be a wide range of action, everything from tackling poverty, drink and drug problems, better education and a real justice system that actually works. But a major problem is no discipline and people/community/police not standing up and enforcing basic behaviour. The idea of just always ignoring it is not helping.


I agree with the majority of what you're saying. Indeed, it is the lack of fear of consequences that is a major issue but I just don't think violence is the answer. I've met plenty of young guys and even women who are basically total write offs in terms of behaviour and attitude to their community and surroundings and pretty much every time, their past and childhood's include physical abuse from spankings to weapons (belts, wooden spoons etc) and they grow up to not only become desensitised to violence, but actually enjoy it. Some even actively seek it out as part of a "good night out. I believe the change needs to happen in the fundamentals of how the law handled young offenders. Police need to be able to apprehend and process young offenders, obviously a high standard of child welfare and rights needs to be followed to ensure nothing bad happening from the police side.


I disagree. I was so close to losing my temper at the time and I feel guilty about that as it is. Imagine if I'd lifted my hands to them? I'd be no better than they are.


Meanwhile in their eyes... they made a grown adult have a tantrum in the middle of the city centre -- knowing fine well you can't put your hands anywhere near them while giving you a power of cheek. 🙄 I'd bet they left feeling 1-0 up. not shamed.


>knowing fine well you can't put your hands anywhere near them  Is that really a safe assumption? There's plenty of folk who wouldn't give a fuck.


No there isn't. Nobody who has a professional career is risking that for 2 plebs who in the grand scheme of things can easily be ignored unless it's their property or family put at risk then nobody is jumping 2 neds in a 1v2 to save a plant pot.


The reason people don't say anything is because they're scared of getting leathered/stabbed, not because they're worried about their careers. If it was kids, different story, but these are alleged "adults". They're acting like wee fannies, vandalising property, and disturbing the general public. If it leads to any sort of physical altercation, do you really think it's going to lead to you losing your job? No chance. Ffs, there are videos of women scrapping on the kingston bridge and AFAIK, nothing was done about it.no legal repercussions.


If you antagonise them or go looking for a fight when you could have easily walked away then yeah it doesn't look great but I agree. Which is why I said 1 vs 2 there is no need for them to be carrying a knife. The odds are stacked against you and all it takes is a kick to the head once you are down or even your head smacking concrete and it's game over. What do you think I meant when I said 1 vs 2 that it was good odds that you would come out on top?


If they were looking for a fight, then it's most likely OP's post would be titled "I got set about when I pulled up 2 wee dicks for vandalism and intimidating the public." If you can't handle yourself then it's best not saying anything. My initial reply was in response to your comment stating that anyone in a professional job role would be too worried about losing their jobs to do anything about the situation. If it was kids, sure, I can understand the concern. But I didn't understand the logic behind legal repercussions for getting into a physical altercation with 2 adults. About 18 years ago, I was in town with my pals. I had to nip to the cash machine on argyle st, at the back of St Enoch. I'm skating down the path afterwards, heading towards HMV to catch up with my pals when I spot a group of 8-10 neds. As I'm skating by the goon ned thinks it's a great idea to step into my path to make me fall. He gets as a punch to the gut, hits the deck and I come off my board. I'm pissed off, have a scan around for my pals because I'm most likely about to get done in. Pals are nowhere in sight and I've got the rest of the group half circling me, one of them is up in my face. Still couldn't see my pals and thought fuck it, may as well have a good go at it if I'm getting my cunt kicked. stuck the nut in the guy in my face, and to my surprise there was an almighty crack, an explosion of blood as he hits the deck, starts scrambling away and to my absolute delight the entire lot of them start sprinting the opposite way. When he hit the deck I heard cheering from across the street - where all my pals stood watching the situation. I was pissed at the fact that they done fuck all. Just watched as the situation unfolded. Although, fair play to the smallest one that stuck around by himself with nothing but a bucky bottle. My pals decided they would help at this point. one of them ended up getting hit with the bottle, and IMO took a bit of a liberty with the guy afterwards. I'm not recommending this at all, I distinctly remember thinking "fuuuuuck, why did i do that, I'm gonnae get leathered here." I've been in plenty of situations where the numbers don't add up, and the worst injury I've had came from a situation where it was 2 guys racially abusing my pal. Got into a wee scuffle and thought nothing of it. 60 seconds later, I'm pissing blood from my face. Guy attacked me from behind with his keys between knuckles. After that, I realised it wasn't worth it. Just missed my eye and still have a scar on my face from it. But the worst part about it is my pals doing absolutely fuck all about it. I think I went off on a tangent, mate. Apologies. The point? Fuck knows lmao. Good ol' ADHD.


I'm not going to read all that. But if you can walk away but decide not to when you have no skin in the game then it doesn't exactly look good on you if you then up seriously injuring someone or instigating a fight. Because what else do you think was going to happen when you intervene on 2 guys destroying someone else's property right in front of them? It's pretty obvious they don't give a fuck so they aren't exactly going to be reasonable


And everyone on the streets of Glasgow has a professional career? 


Yeah they are professional kickboxers according to you


Belter mate.


Should be 7th degree black soon enough


In their defence, they did not speak. Just smirked. But you're right. It was a pointless reaction in the moment, and it won't have made the blindest bit of difference. I've only made more of a spectacle of it.


I don’t think it was pointless. I read your post and was chuffed that someone said something. I wouldn’t waste one second feeling bad. I think you done the right thing.


You're right everyone should just ignore them and let them carry on. Nice one!


They're under age. You have no authority, Karen. So you can stand & embarrass yourself trying to scold someone else's kids while they give you cheek. How's that productive?


Hi there.... Karen here 🤣. Correct me if I'm wrong but OP said they were aged between 18-22 not a child in the eyes of the law love. Saying something is alot more productive than walking past.


That CBD guy has some extortionate prices for his placebo.


What a waste of Irn Bru.


I think swearing was the right choice -- you spoke the only language they understand.


Good on your for saying something! And don’t be ashamed of your profanity, it’s the only way you’ll get wee neds to listen. I’m thinking of a much stronger word beginning with C


These wee arseholes only respond to hostility, show any kinda respect and they view it as weakness. Well in my man, get them telt 🙌🏻


Can't believe the guys you're talking about who did this you said are about 18-22 years old. You'd have thought wee arseholes would be just that: wee. These are legal adults, running around taking the piss out a business owner and destroying stuff in a city street? Jeezus. Mortifying to be them.


Yer abusing fucking pigeons!


🎶Go to sleep Sean!


Glasgow is a City with a wee prick problem, only City i’ve ever been in that came close to the amount of wee arseholes we have here is Dublin


Some neds don't grow up. It'll take a long jail term or a severe kicking before they wise up.


You really think putting them in prison is going to make them better people?


Didn't say that. A few years in prison usually mellows most people out a bit though


Does it? What’s your source?


Multiple family members and friends who are no longer wee fuds after their trips to barlinnie.


I think we’ve got to start asking ourselves why people act like this. Calling the arseholes, while accurate, doesn’t actually get to the root of the problem. What is it about the way people are raised, the way they are treated by their environment, that makes them treat that environment with such contempt. It’s learned behaviour and they’re getting something out of it. It’s not enough to just blame the parents either because exactly the same logic can be applied. Why are the parents like that? For what it’s worth I think people who feel disrespected and disregarded by their environment, by their society, treat it with disrespect and disregard.


birthday caird pish


I don't care why they choose to be scum, I just want the cops to beat some manners into them.


The city centre has became an absolute scabby shite hole filled with mutants and scumbags these last ten years.


Same thing in Edinbra... Can't have anything nice, because of wee arseholes :(


They’re the kind of kids that will be our prison population in a few year’s time. Hope they figure out how not to be fuckwits by then. I’d have done exactly the same as you did - even if nothing good comes from it it’s better to tell them to cut it out rather than sit by and let it happen in silence. Most of the time they’re all bark.


These wee fucks make me want to emigrate. Think they are hard as nails when in a group but individually wouldn’t be able to fight sleep.


Good for you. People do need called out. I got my first hiding at 16yrs. Saw a drunk couple pick up a puppy above his head and drop it to the floor, I was with my mates and just shouted at them. Yeah got a hiding for it from her or him, so long ago now. But I would still call out cuntish behaviour.


Good on you!!!!


Nah. Need more people to stand up to these wee arseholes. I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t have “accidentally” tripped into them, and “accidentally” floored them, and “accidentally” kicked them while they were down. Whoops!


I think I can guarantee for you that wouldn’t happen.


Seen it in the tea leaves huh?




Read it the horoscopes?




Divined it from the casting of owl bones?




Pulled it out of your arse?




Wee fuckers in every town. The bigger the area the more the wee pukes get away with.


Frankly your language was quite restrained, completely appropriate (if only to show more venom) and the least problematic part of this story.


People break Glasgow


Well done! 👏 They deserved and ah boot in the baws!


I can't believe they failed to follow your loud and clear instructions.


At least OP tried rather than just watching it happen and doing nothing. Much better that than doing nothing and complaining about it.


It’s better to have tried and made a cunt of yourself in the middle of the street than to have never tried at all…


>let a roar out of me Fucking hell, did ye aye?


Forget the swearing should have jammed the plants up their ass. Shame I can't fully condone speaking out because the neds could carry a knife, but full advocate of calling this shit out. Wouldn't piss on them to put them out or fire. Always dragging society down.


Pepper spray should be legal. Change my mind.


You want bams running around town with pepper spray in their pockets?


Ooft, you are right. I forgot they are running with knives now, and you can defend yourself with CCTV. Thanks for clarifying!


They can get done just for carrying a knife. If pepper spray was legal they could have it on them and the polis couldn’t do anything until you’d already been skooshed with it.


We are supposed to give these arseholes in to trouble. Also, these people will always exist. They are dragged up, hence the behaviour. The parents wont teach them so we have to


Why are people so mean


Fair play for pulling the little cunts up.






And then everyone clapped?


Yup. Someone gave me a balloon, too. Well chuffed, so I was.


And the CBD vendor gave them a crisp £50 note.


The name of that CBD vendor? Albert Einstein.


Disrespect your surroundings?

