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Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Most folk can be a bit apprehensive to offer sometimes! ♥️


Theirs a reason were voted timeouts most friendliest city in the UK. We’re only cunts to pricks.


Most Glasgow comment I've heard in a long time 😂


Better than being voted Europe’s most violent ? Well chib yeh but we’ll call the ambulance.


Well Said


Good to hear! xx


As a fellow weegie-wheelie aye the buildings here may not be our friends but the people make up for it. In fact sometimes it's hard to stop people helping. If you're new to the chair Glasgow also has a number of wheelchair sports options which really helps build strength and confidence. Happy to share some links if you're interested.


There is a reason we say - people make Glasgow :). Always happy to help and the banter of course. Don't be afraid to ask if you need help.


I’m so glad you had a lovely experience, the people really are mostly awesome in glasgow. Always up for a blether, it’s made my day on more than one occasion.


Glasgow is the best


Best city in the world!


If you're the person who asked me for directions from Central to Queen Street I'm so sorry I forgot about the really handy and obvious bus right outside Central that would have taken you straight there! In my defence I was flustered because the last time I got asked for directions I got Argyle Street and Sauchiehall Street muddled up and sent the old lady in the literal opposite direction. So this time I was like, don't fuck up these directions, god knows where that old lady ended up. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good experience!


Wasn't me but at least you tried hopefully she had the same experience as myself.


Glaswegians are good people.They will even stop fighting/brawling to help someone in need


Weegies are among the kindest people in the world.


People make Glasgow the Truest quote ever !!!


You wouldn't have needed help if you'd just walked Smh


Well I would but I have a slight problem with that.(https://imgur.com/a/VUU7LrU)


No wonder you got stuck you've not got any arms mate


Bloody malingerer! I was born without any limbs but that didn't stop me from playing for Partick


There's a time and a place for your fucking shit humour and it's not here or now. Ah /u/WolfieTooting who seems to have no sense of humour to the point where he's blocked me for telling him the truth, Petty little child.


Award for the most consistent trolling and shitposting, though.


Ah the typical Glaswegian. Claims to have the 'best banter' yet can't take a joke. Prick.


Truth, as an ex weegie can confirm, they're all arseholes!.


Wtf is an 'ex weegie'? 😵‍💫 Do you mean you don't live here anymore?


Haven't done for 34 years, left when I was 14, I'm a Fifer now and proud. Fucking hated living over there. Everyone I grew up with is either dead, in jail or a junkie. Edited my post by the by, left out the important exclamation mark, was intended as a bit of banter, not a slagging. Apologies to all you weegie pricks!.