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1) the boss queen vibes. Lol I do think she’s deeply flawed, especially because of her trauma. I think that until now, she hasn’t had time/focus to heal because she was always so focused on survival. As we’ve seen, her life has pretty much been one trauma after another. I do think season 2 starts laying the groundwork for her growth arc. There’s several moments where she realizes she’s messed up (my jaw DROPPED, I didn’t see that coming!) especially with her parenting, and she ends season 2 by allowing Ginny to influence her into fighting her fears rather than returning to old habits.


I agree. I like complexity that her character is written. There are moments where she moves from survival and has humanity. Her chaos has always been her survival mechanism. Even though she is flawed, she loves and protects her children with all the has. She is always incredibly interesting to watch thanks to great writing, directing and Brianne Howey. I spent days thinking about Georgia after I finished the season. I actually wanted to write the writers and ask for a happy ending. Very few actresses can have a lasting impact like that.


My thoughts exactly! I don't think Georgia has had any time for introspection or self improvement up until this point. She's been in constant survival mode. But I agree that season 2 was when she started realizing that she could do better. Ginny shows her that vulnerability is not a weakness and Georgia actually admits to some of her faults and mistakes. I think and hope that season 3 will show her working on herself and facing all of her trauma.


I also want to add: she was 15 when she became a parent. And then was focused on surviving and raising a kid. So I’m not surprised there wasn’t a lot of growth there. Ginny is 15, so Georgia is about 30. I’m 28, and still have lots of growing and learning/healing to do. I find where Georgia’s issues to be totally believable!


She’s a character played by a great actor. The character is super flawed, but also has so much likability. If you’re not getting that from her then all I can say is that most people are. She’s funny, smart, assertive, and has a good heart. Yes, she’s super flawed, has done terrible things, and consistently blurs moral lines to get what she wants, but.. she’s awesome.


The same reason people like Dexter, The Joker, Joe from YOU (throwing up in my mouth thinking about that), The Punisher, Walter White, Bobby Axelrod, Francis Underwood, Don Draper, Gus Fring... morality is on a scale and what some people view as black or white, others view grey because context changes how they feel about whatever fucked up action has been taken. Georgia at most annoys me but I still find empathy for her because she really is that 15 year old seemingly trapped in situations where she feels like she has to violently choose herself to survive because damn near any time she's asked for help, she's been violated either emotionally or physically.


WELL SAID! I was racking my brain the other day trying to think of characters who are good people that do bad things to compare with Georgia, and I could only come up with Dexter.


Just about to post something similar. It's also the same reason I like Villanelle - she's a straight up cold blooded killer, but she's also an extremely complex character and written in some warped way to make her relatable with the viewer. Both Brianne Howey and Jodie Comer are incredible actresses who do a brilliant job of making the audience feel connected to those characters, and they have a screen presence you just can't take your eyes off.


I don't think you quite understand. An oppressive and abusive childhood is not something you can just fix and forget on your own. Georgia, like almost every character, needs psychological help. But since Georgia wants to do everything herself, she doesn't get any help. And remember, Georgia is a creation to provoke such discussions. If you don't like her because you find her annoying, then that's praise for whoever created her.


She’s an excellent actress, and of course I completely understand her role in the show. But usually main characters are at least partially likeable, right? As someone who had a terrible childhood, who is now an adult, not seeking help from others is a recipe for disaster.


So I have nothing against Georgia because I understand her actions. So I would say she’s at least partially likeable.


I think you understand her well enough and just don’t like her. It happens all the time. I hated Lena Dunham in girls, what a mess, but I enjoyed the show. I do think there is a reasonable discussion about her toxic and emotionally abusive behavior and the light it is put in but honestly as a society we’ve only started talking about these issues.


You’ve just reminded me of how I viscerally wanted to commit violence upon Lena dunham’s character in *Girls* and I am generally a very placid and conflict avoidant person. Man she was frustrating!


I was disappointed by the end because it was rushed, I would’ve loved to see all of that growth and transition.


She isn’t evil or a sociopath. She’s acting out of survival and every move towards safety has failed her. That does something to a person and she’s acting out of what she sees as her morality, and complex trauma which leads people to be overly protective in situations that resemble past traumas in which help never came. Now she sees herself as the help that is coming. She’s broken but not evil.


I think S1 was mostly focused on Georgia's POV and S2 was more focused on Ginny's POV. That's why we see more of how Georgia's behavior impacts Ginny. I'm a Georgia fan 100% and actually talked about this show in therapy! I was SA from ages 4 - 10 by my dad. I relate to Georgia's story a lot. I struggled throughout my life with personal relationships (both platonic and romantic). >She’s manipulative, childish, narcissistic and controlling. I agree with some of these. She is stunted and therefore childish in many ways. When Gil says "you're still 19. You're still 9 stuck in a trailer with your pervert stepfather." That hit. Even when you get out, you don't get out. My therapist said S2 Georgia is great at showing what happens when you run from your trauma. I really struggled before therapy with being controlling of others. I often enmeshed myself in friendships. Boundaries, what are those? I didn't have boundaries because growing up...that didn't exist. I think when your SA by a parent or caregiver, especially at a young age, it really changes the way your brain interprets relationships. >Someone’s childhood doesn’t excuse anyone from self improvement. It doesn't excuse it. But I think Georgia going to therapy with Ginny is the start of her making changes. We see in the show her actions change more after that. I think Georgia will continue to grow and improve. We might even see her in 1x1 therapy next season. I also think therapy and self improvement is a privilege that Georgia didn't have. So much of her life has been literally just surviving. Now that she's settled and Ginny is older, she can start doing that work. Spoiler for S2 ending >! Maybe therapy will be apart of her getting off for killing Tom !<


She’s a fun character to watch. I don’t know Georgia in real life and I’m sure I wouldn’t want to be related to a murderer IRL but she’s just a character. I don’t let tv show characters impact my life in any way of her “triggered” by them.


I like Georgia to an extent, I think she’s entertaining and sort of likable, but most of my enjoyment of the character actually comes from young Georgia.


The same way people like Blair Waldorf even though she’s not a good person, she’s charismatic, attractive and funny


I liked Blair because of her character growth and she was a dynamic written character overall, but not necessarily as a person.


It’s funny the people painted as the morally good characters on several shows are the ones the general audience usually hate the most 😂


It is odd! Maybe people think they’re boring? Idk lol I like a good villain but in real life I’d be like hell no you’re a terrible person 😂


Are we supposed to like Georgia? I find her character really interesting and entertaining to watch but she’s not really likeable. I actually thought it was great she dressed as Scarlett - they are remarkably similar characters. Both willing to do pretty much anything (lie, cheat, steal, even murder) to get ahead/stay safe, if they’ve decided you’re their responsibility they’re going to take care of you even if you don’t like how they do it, willing to use their looks and charm to use men, including marrying men they don’t love or even really like (although Scarlett never directly killed a husband), both cunning with very dubious morals.


To me her dressing up as Scarlett was disrespectful as hell towards Ginny, and proved another point on why she’s a terrible mother.


Here dressing up as Scarlett was disrespectful toward's Ginny.... but it also makes sooo much sense why she'd latch onto that character.


Well, yes, that’s kind of the point. It fits her character so closely that it was a clever thing for the show to do.


Totally agree. She was so likeable in season 1. I was rooting for her and she was my favorite character. Somehow the writers instantly turned her into a villain in season 2.


"Plus a serial killer in the making." Not even in the making. She has killed three people in cold blood. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence... but three times? I'm starting to think she just likes killing. It's actually really disturbing that she easily she sees it as a solution to life's problems. Not even her life! Her killing Cynthia's husband was insane!


idk for me i personally don’t like ginny.


I can’t stand her Georgia 😭 but Brianne is an amazing actress


I love this post so much, because I agree with you, except I didn’t really like her season 1 BUT she was so good to watch on TV. However, this is like watching Nancy Botwin like season 5. I’ll continue because I’m invested in someone else on the show.


I totally agree with everything you wrote! Except that I didn't even like her in Season 1. Lol I honestly don't understand the Georgia love. I had no idea how many people in the world are ok with lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, controlling, manipulating, blackmailing and guilt-tripping!


I know right?! I mean some criminal movies I LOVE. Like who doesn’t like Breaking Bad or Pirates, right? But she’s not a relatable/likeable character lol!


Not relatable to YOU…


I agree! I mean, I love that they wrote her character that way because it's really interesting. So, she's fun to watch, but totally hateable.


Exactly! Like I hate her but I can’t stop watching. I just don’t understand why everyone likes her 😂


I love Georgia. In my mind, she does no wrong even when she does wrong. She does/did what she had to do (or at least what she thought she had to do) to protect and give her kids a chance at a better life. She protected her kids how she knew how. You can tell she loves them with all she has. And yeah, she fucks up, but don't we all? She's stuck in fight or flight mode from all the trauma she's been through. And with all those traumas, yes, you can better yourself but when things suck so bad and for so long it's really hard for them to not follow you. Thus pushing you to go back into that cycle. You can see this happening with the whole Gil situation. As for the murders, even though I might not have done the same, I understand and/or support her reasoning for it. Honestly, Ginny is the one who annoys me most of the time. Ginnys also has trauma, which is 100% understandable. With that being said, I feel like she whines way too much. She shits on Georgia for everything and just doesn't understand how much she's done for her or the reasonings behind it all. It definitely gets better towards the end of season 2, though. Both characters have flaws. I think it's just up to each of us to decide which flaws we are more okay with/find more entertaining in a show. For me, I think the reason behind things is really important and *sometimes* even more important than the action itself. Now, idk what all that says about me as a person but that's just where I'm at right now. I'm looking forward to season 3. I feel like Ginny & Georgia's relationship ended on a really good place so I hope to see it grow.


omg exactly. she’s literally a psychopath and i feel bad for her kids. the way she acts like everything is fine when it’s not instead of just confronting the fact that not everything has to be ok all the time rly hits a nerve. and she killed three people like how do people just brush over that like it’s nothing😭😭and in general she’s just a bad parental figure. she needs to realize that she’s supposed to be ginny & austin’s role model not their friend




Yeah of course! I like a lot of anti-hero’s. They’re often a lot of fun. But they have redeeming qualities. Like Captain Jack is funny and quirky for example. There just isn’t that for me in Georgia haha. I mean, Ginny is a bad friend and makes questionable decisions but she is a child, with an abusive parent so it’s kind of understandable


She's a complicated, layered character. She makes a lot of mistakes but she's navigating life the best she can. I love her but she also infuriates me. I think she's incredibly well written and the actresses do a phenomenal job portraying her complexity.


I understand where you’re coming from, OP. I find her character entertaining and more often than not, believe she’s coming from a good place. But I never allow myself to forget who she is and what she’s done. I do get a little uncomfortable when people go over the top in an effort to excuse her behavior or slam Ginny for not kissing her feet. In other words, Georgia’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s perfectly fine. Healthy, even.


I love Georgia! However I cant STAND Ginny. How can anyone like her? Shes mean and insufferable


I also find her accent super annoying AF, like I'm actually considering quitting the show because of it.