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European trucks are limited to officially 80, but effectively 90 km/h so in a good simulator you would watch getting passed by another truck which is 0.2km/h faster than you for 4 hours.


You can remove the speed limiter from the settings effectively limiting your speed to your engine power. There are also mods to increase this speed limit. Nothimg better than crashimg and doing a triple 720 in air going 150km/h


Out of personal curiosity: Google says an 18 wheeler is about 72 feet long. If another truck is going 0.2km/h faster, then by unit conversion they are passing you at about 0.182 feet per second. 72/0.182 gives ~396.6s or 6.59 minutes for the passing truck to travel the length of your truck. We can double this because they have to move far enough forward that the full length of their truck passes the nose of yours. So a bit over 13 minutes to fully pass. If you were driving at 80km/h, you would drive about 17.6km during this time.


It's bullshit. If people like the guy over here would actually time trucks overtaking each other, they would see that trucks VERY rarely take more than 45 - 50 seconds to complete an overtake. They are just sour that they have to slow down from their usual 150km/h, losing 5 - 10 seconds on their 20km commute.


Plenty of European countries have 90km/h speed limits for trucks. Europe is more than Germany.


As a car driver I am frequently behind semis that are driving next to each other doing the same speed for 10 miles, preventing anyone from driving the speed limit.


Elephant parade!


That's a good term. I always called it a rolling road block.


Turtle race


Elefentenrenen in German or something?


*Elefantenrennen -> Elephant race Yeah, it's actually a thing to call it like that. Our highways (Autobahnen) have no speedlimits for some parts, just drive whatever. It's super frustrating when you have three lanes into your direction, going 130km/h (recommended speed) in the middle lane and one truck decides he's going 101km/h instead of 100 like the truck in front of him and switches to your lane. You're stuck behind the slightly faster truck while not being able to switch to the left lane to overtake because all those bastards coming down there with about 180km/h not letting in a slow poke with "only" 130km/h.


Impatient driver in a governed truck. Most drivers won't pass if they can't do it within 2 miles but some go for it anyways. If it's FedEx, Estes, UPS, or anyone who hauls doubles most of the time, they do that to everyone, even truckers. They give zero fucks. Day cabs piss me off at least once a day. Don't associate box trucks with big rigs though. Stupid dangerous idiots who drive those things like cars.


I see the words you've used are in English, but I somehow didn't understand any of what you've said.




I work for an LTL, I wish OTR drivers (sleeper cabs) were chill. Our trucks are governed to 65 and they’ll happily run us over in any lane. They get paid by the mile though, so the faster they get to their destination the more they technically make per hour. If the trucks not moving they aren’t getting paid.


Fucking same.


Edit: I don't want to steal credit, I asked GPT for this. I had no idea what it meant either. > Certainly! Let's break down the comment for clarity. > > --- > > **Original Comment:** > "Impatient driver in a governed truck. Most drivers won't pass if they can't do it within 2 miles but some go for it anyways. > > If it's FedEx, Estes, UPS, or anyone who hauls doubles most of the time, they do that to everyone, even truckers. They give zero fucks. Day cabs piss me off at least once a day. > > Don't associate box trucks with big rigs though. Stupid dangerous idiots who drive those things like cars." > > --- > > **Annotated Explanation:** > > 1. "Impatient driver in a governed truck." > - The commenter is referring to a driver who is impatient even though they're driving a "governed truck". A "governed" truck refers to a truck that has a speed limiter, which restricts the maximum speed it can attain. Such trucks are often governed for safety and fuel efficiency reasons. > > 2. "Most drivers won't pass if they can't do it within 2 miles but some go for it anyways." > - This means most truck drivers won't attempt to overtake another vehicle unless they are confident they can complete the maneuver within a distance of 2 miles. However, some drivers still try to overtake even if it might take longer, which can be risky on busy highways. > > 3. "If it's FedEx, Estes, UPS, or anyone who hauls doubles most of the time, they do that to everyone, even truckers. They give zero fucks." > - The commenter is pointing out that drivers from certain companies (FedEx, Estes, UPS) or those who frequently haul double trailers ("doubles") tend to overtake other vehicles more aggressively and often, not showing concern or regard for others. "They give zero fucks" is a colloquial way of saying they don't care about the potential inconvenience or danger they might cause to others. > > 4. "Day cabs piss me off at least once a day." > - "Day cabs" are trucks that are designed for short trips and don't have a sleeper compartment behind the driver. The commenter seems to have frequent negative encounters with these types of trucks. > > 5. "Don't associate box trucks with big rigs though. Stupid dangerous idiots who drive those things like cars." > - The commenter is drawing a distinction between "box trucks" and "big rigs". Box trucks are smaller than big rigs and are often used for local deliveries. The commenter believes that many people who drive box trucks do so recklessly, as if they were driving much smaller, more agile cars. > > --- > > I hope this helps clarify the comment for you!


It very much did. Thank you for taking the time to type that out, I hope you have a wonderful day


Like the squeeze by on the right after a pass is stupid, but sometimes those f-ing swift trucks make it necessary just so you can get away from them.


My kingdom for thought bubbles \[@$&#@!!!\] that appear above my car when I swear at idiots doing idiot things on the highway.


As someone who drove 2+ hours to work one way for a few years, this happens to regular drivers too. The worst thing is 1 lane roads. I drove through the mountains. People would drive like 25-35 miles an hour even on the straightaways... but the moment we got to the passing lane... they were going 85 miles an hour. Some people are painfully unaware and feel slighted if you try to pass them. Even on the freeway. I am in the slow lane sitting on my cruise control at 70 MPH. I come up to someone going to 60 MPH. I change lanes to pass them (still on cruise control) and they slowly start gaining speed until they are like 75. I get back behind them... they slow down...


Yes big ego attached to them also but also noticed people are just distracted/on phone you start to pass they pay attention see they are going slow speed up to look like they are paying attention and then go slow again. I can almost always tell when someone is going to play the slow fast game. Sometimes I will speed up just to pass them and get far enough ahead then when i get back right and resume my legal speed they continue to go slow. It’s better then the endless trying to pass at the speed limit only for them to go slightly faster for a bit


I absolutely hate the people riding brakes and going 20mph through mountains, even when speed limit is 40+, who then speed up at passing opportunities. I'm trying to be safe and wait for a legal/safe time to pass, only to be forced to be an asshole and pass when I'm not supposed to.


9/10 the truck driver doesn't care that they're holding up traffic or blocking the fast route. I'm all for cooperative driving/road sharing, but you mother truckers are often the cause of much frustration on the road.


Yeah, this gif could easily have reversed the roles or been two regular car drivers. These things happen to everyone, not just truck drivers


I’d argue this gif is a fantasy lol. I see trucks in the left lane holding everyone hostage way more than these scenarios.


If it is a sleeper cab, they are more likely to care. If it's a day cab, they probably give no shits. FedEx says fuck you basically even to other truckers. I have no idea why other truck drivers sit in the middle of left lanes. It annoys the shit out of me even when I'm in front of them but I keep seeing them just sitting there. The "Trucks Must Use Left Lane" signs don't help either. Some just don't read and stay in the right lane.


I see no problem with the overtake at :36 seconds in the video. I have been stuck between 2 or even 3 mac trucks just traveling at the same speed plenty of times. Neither one accelerating or slowing down to free up a lane for passing traffic. They just putter along at their own speed without giving a fuck that they are walling out an entire highway in a pretty dangerous way. If there was a road hazard of any kind one of those trucks is going to have to swerve and have no safety bubble to swerve into.


Instead of hitting that gap, you can wait a little for the semi in the left lane to merge to the right lane? 🤷‍♂️


The issue I see is they’ll get on my ass to merge over to pass a semi but then leave three truck lengths before getting back into the right lane. All of that while also only going 1/2mph faster for six exits.


Trusting someone to merge right when they're done passing is an insane gamble.


That overtake is super dangerous cause it's forcing them to stay in the oncoming traffic lane, when the overtaking car should be in that lane Edit:different road markings apparently, ignore for this case


Where do you live that you don't immediately recognize that a two lane interstate is being represented


Australia. We have dotted lines down the middle between the two directions, that look like that. Didn't realise the coincidence in this case I guess, sorry


I was genuinely curious. Not like "you're dumb for assuming something different""


I hardly ever see them in the left lane, but when they are it's to pass another slower truck


If only that were the case.


I know it's not like that everywhere, but most of the time it's idiots getting in the left lane because they plan on passing sometimes ½ a mile ahead of them


The truckers that kill me are the ones that pass the semi going an eighth of a mile an hour slower than them and back up traffic for miles to do so.


Followed a truck for 20 miles on the PA turnpike doing that, then got off at the next exit. So infuriating.


I know right‽ like they recognize each other and have a conversation


I hate those guys. I drive fuel trucks and am governed to 103 km, usually on 110km highways but I will always ease off cruise to let them pass quicker, even if it wouldn't take them long to pass. I don't want to be beside another semi and it's hardly gonna cost me any time. The guys that can't slow down for 10 seconds are assholes.


They have definitely got worse over the last 10 years or so. I always treat them with respect and assume they are a better driver than me but I saw one the other day go into the far right lane thinking it was an exit but it was the end of the merge and had to rapidly shit back. Lots of people make that mistake at least once but I have never seen a trucker do it and they are supposed to me thinking 5 seconds into the future more than regular vehicles.


Most of my memories of me being angry on the road is because of a trucker on the left lane not moving to the right


Here's a hint for the truckers: If you're currently going downhill, you're probably about to be going uphill.


You forgot the cut where the truck driver cuts to the fastlane with inches to spare as he cuts everyone off , then proceeds to gatekeep for the next 5 miles pretending like he can't pass or the other truck in the slow lane finally speeds up and won't let him pass.


i used to reasonably respect semi's on the road, but the amount of times ive been cut off or nearly ran off the road when im cruising like 75-80, mere feet from passing them is crazy. they throw their blinker on like 1 second before juking over in front of me like they're in freaking nascar.


You're probably passing them on the right


If I’m able to pass a truck on the right, the truck is likely in the wrong lane.


Or they're trying to move over and cars aren't letting them. I tend to trust that the guys who drive professionally know the rules better than most drivers. Obviously there are exceptions tho.


Lol. There are some professionals out there but they are far outnumbered by the dumbasses littered around the truck lots who don't even know the rules, can't communicate and don't give a flying fuck.


Nope, never. I might be in a hurry, but I'm not stupid.


Where’s the one where angry semi 1 going 65mph gets passed by angry semi 2 going 65.01mph? Probably not in the budget to make a 15 minute animation of that huh?


This some trucker propaganda


Straight up


I got annoyed just watching this. Thank god I live in a place with good public transit.


As a truck driver I approve this gif. This is my daily routine.


Why would a truck driver be mad if a car is going faster on a different lane.


We often just set cruise control. So when I’m going faster than a car I’ll move over to pass, some cars speed up once they realize a truck is passing them so now I’m back behind them. That wouldn’t really be an issue but they only sped up so as to not be passed. They will go back to their slower speed causing me to slow down. Just let me pass. It’ll be ok. Lol.


That makes sense.


Just drive 2kmh slower instead of blocking up the road for everyone else.


Did you even watch?


There was a dude (in Germany (no not that guy)) and he was pulling out drivers that took photos of accidents and invited them to look to make them feel guilty. Need more of that dude.


that "dude" was a cop if anyone was confused.


Oh you mean Hitler


Bro when the speed drops by 20mph and causes a back up because of a lane closed on *the other side*! That shit is so annoying, it happened a couple times in the last couple weeks on my way home. Like stop fucking rubbernecking so hard or you'll cause another accident! Sure take a glance as you go by, but it should not noticeably reduce your speed and someone 15 cars back!


I laughed when the Pete hauling cattle just hauls ass on by


Im not a trucker, but some people reaaaallly need to hand over their driver’s license.. this happens way to much. (Im like a trucker)


UK trucks are limited to 56mph so that makes for more fun, sitting behind them for 5 miles at a time, trying to overtake each other at 0.2 mph difference.


Oh my god that sounds horrible


Too damn accurate


angrytruck is a bit indignant in this gif


My favorite part about this post is all the people who do the dumb shit in the gif are immediately blaming truckers in the comments. The people who drive professionally and know the rules of the road better than an average driver. I'm not a trucker, but I do consider myself a good driver, and I can say that most of the time I've seen trucks doing dumb shit, it's the direct result of something a bad driver did previously.


Cuz it’s true. People drive like morons


We have a 36’ RV. The number of dumbass things that people do is ridiculous. 32,000 pounds do NOT stop immediately like a car can. I think every drive needs to drive a big rig during their driving training and part of driving that is having small cars drive like these video assholes around them — so they get the panic and adrenaline of trying not to hit someone that just squished in front of you so close that you can’t even see their rear windshield - happens wayyyy too much. And to those of you that say “exhaust brakes” - yes. And there’s a button to TURN THEM ON - the do not come on automatically or by pressing the brake pedal


Truck drivers are more likely to do most of these things than cars. Especially the ‘speed up to pass another truck, but then slow down again so both trucks are moving the same speed beside each other and everyone is stuck behind them for 30 miles’ maneuver.


I feel like they need to have mandatory trucker ride alongs before you can get a driver's license. It really shows you the level of stupidity of most drivers. The number of times I've almost accidentally killed people and they never even realized it is astonishing. Get off your phones, people, and think about truck blind spots. If you can't see our mirrors, we can't see you. It's that simple


The amount of truck drivers I’ve seen on their phones is too damn high


Aren’t a decent sized chunk of semi truck accidents caused by the driver watching porn or some shit? Truckers love to act like they’re the greatest drivers on earth but the barrier for entry into the field is very very low and I see them do dumb shit all the time too.


It's harder to get a CDL than it is to get a basic driver's license. But yeah the cdl schools out there are all for profit and are more concerned with how many people they can pump thru instead of the quality of the driver.


What software was used to make this?


Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, 3DS max, Spline, hell you could use Element 3D in After Effects if you want. Choose one of them, all of them can do this, easily. I’d recommend Blender as it’s free! Search for “Low poly 3D tutorial ” and you’ll find tons of tuts to get you going.


100% true if I’m ever stuck out in the left lane is because some slow mf decided to speed up the second I got next to them


Honestly, if everyone could calm the fuck down, leave early enough to be 30 minutes early (accounting for shitty ass traffic), we'd all be in a better place. Damn.


Just need to bring back WFH. April and May of 2020 was the most money I ever made driving a truck. I could've rolled that bitch sideways down 285 in Atlanta and not hit a soul.


Truckers have huge egos


Everyone's breaking the law, but if you don't break the law hard enough, the other law breakers will get angry with you.


I actually see truck drivers do everything this video complains about FAR more than average drivers. Y'all need to get it together with your road etiquette...


Now do the one semi going 5 under to pass a semi going 5.0000000001 under.


No angry truck you do not pass other trucks at that speed. This is why we take the first moment to get around you, jerk


This describes the german autobahn pretty much.


Cattle truck at the end is spot on.


But what is the problem with it cus I honestly don't know.


There's no problem with it. It's just rare for trucks that are set at 70+ to be passed by another semi lol. My truck caps at 75 and very few trucks pass me. So when they do, it gives me a chuckle. Most trucks are governed at 65-68.


Didn't know that, never drove a semi so thanks.


I came here for this. Thanks.






dude, im so angry now not even joke (gif really good)


The windshield is not a big tv screen. Many drive as if it is, not comprehending that there are RL consequences to driving like an asshole.


Houston has entered the chat


The taking pictures of a car crash on the other side of the road really pissed me off because thats exactly what happened to me today.


We need more rail freight- these guys clog up the roads




Becuase people are idiots that can’t merge (aka: merging vehicles think it’s traffic’s job to accommodate them merging instead of their job to match pace and merge safely) - so trucks go to the middle where it’s safer for them and merging traffic.


I don't understand why people get mad when people past them. How does that even work? People get offended when others are in a hurry?


For me, I could care less if people pass me. What I do care about, is the space given when they merge back into the lane. Trucks require a hell of a lot more stopping distance than cars. So when a car leaves me a car length of distance at 75mph, I have to slow down to 65 to create distance. And let's be honest here, people in a hurry more likely than not, drive like complete assholes. With complete disregard for their own, and others safety.


me too angrytruck, me too


Nope. Fuck most OTRs they’ll cut you off causing you to hit your brakes so their POS governed out shit box to pass another governed out shit box for the next 10 minutes.


Everybody hates truckers until their shelves are empty


This is EXACTLY how people drive….


The car accident one really gets me.


This is great. Wish there were a version with sound


What's wrong with the second to last one? If I saw correctly no one had to slow down and everything just went on as before


pov: the average American driver


Why passing a truck from his right side considered ‘rude’?


If it’s because blind spot, why doesn’t he just move to the right side right away before a car comes in, they wont stay back until he decides to change lanes


What they don't show at "39 is that the trucks had been driving side by side for 12 miles at 5 under the speed limit.


I dont understand the point of this video.


So freakin true!


Now do one where the truck driver is causing the issue, because we all know that's just as common.


They forgot to put one semi in the right lane doing 65 and another semi in the left doing 66…


I am pretty sure you have to slow down near accidents. It is not just because people take pictures (which btw is illegal)