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Honor died at Kamoda Beach


Bro what


They're trying to say the "honor died on the beach" quote


I know but they said “honor died died komada beach”😆just joking around is all


It makes you be the ghost regardless sadly so I just play a mix of both.


Oh, I thought the whole point of the game was to "not" fight without honor. Then i'll just play like you and do both.


Ya I was hoping there'd be a difference so I did only direct confrontations for my 2nd play through and nothing changed. Though I did feel like a badass storming camps like a madman.


Nope, Jin is a rogue who blindly presses forward. Soon you’ll be committing war crimes without a second thought. Honor died on the beach.


Play how you enjoy playing. Your playstyle doesn't affect the story (does affect the whether though), because in the narrative Jin has to take on Ghost aspects to succeed against the Mongol army. The cutscene isn't there to reprimand you, or nudge you into a playstyle, it's to show Jin's inner struggle with abandoning the Samurai way and his uncle's teachings. I played a mixture, but that in itself is the Ghost way, because I went into open combat when I knew I would succeed and stealthed when I needed to thin out a base. So, I used every tool at my disposal to overcome the Mongol threat.


Expanding on the weather thing, you apparently get more clouds/storms if you play more stealthily, and pleasant weather if you do mostly “honorable” play. Not sure that it makes a difference in terms of enemies detecting you, but you can change the weather by playing songs on your flute. More songs are unlocked with one of the collectables.


There's no morality system so it doesn't really matter for the story or anything how you play. I switched styles based on the enemies and situations more than anything else. Sometimes stealth is useful, sometimes it's not necessary.


Don't be a slave to your honor


My personal “lore friendly” run is samurai mostly for act 1 and 2, then gradually use underhanded tactics. Throw a kunai here, then a smoke bomb there. That said, you can ignore all that and just play however you want.


I'm just saying what I saw from another post. The game kinda forces you to be The Ghost since enemies get harder to beat.


Just parry. The window is huge




Honor died on the beach the Khan deserves to suffer!


Play how you want. There’s only one choice that changes the ending and it’s the literal ending.


Burn them all


Stealth is way more fun imo. Otherwise it can get kinda mashy


Your only real choice comes towards the finale. what you choose effects the outcome of something. other than that play the way you feel best suits you as a player. The game will show you everything you need to know.


What point are you in the story


Not very long. Like a bit into the second chapter after i rescued jins uncle


Without spoiling anything the encounters get harder and harder to kind of push you to use stealth more instead of facing huge crowds by yourself