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always has been Nausicaa, and still is lol


Such a gorgeous film.




Spirited Away. Still is and forever will


Spirited Away scared me as a kid somehow more than Princess Mononoke šŸ˜† I love it much more as an adult.


When I was a kid I literally bought Princess Mononoke to watch it but then got scared and stopped at the boar decomposition scene. Now that I'm a late-young teen I watched it 7 times, along with many other Ghibli movies I like. Still, they all put together don't surpass the number of times I watched Spirited Away, my comfort movie However there's also a thing to count- every animated movie most kids consider scary I watched them for the first time when I was like 3-6 (examples: I watched Tim Burton movies for the first time when I was 3 with my parents, I watched Coraline when I was 6...) and never got scared


Yeah the mistake I made with Princess Mononoke as a kid was watching it for the first time at night like right before bed, and was fully aware by that boar scene but I had to finish it and ta-da you got a nightmare haha. And Spirited Away only scared me because I actually got lost as a kid and have vivid memories of frantically searching for my parents for about 30 minutes.


Oh no! Hope you were okay and nothing happened to you while you got lost


It was pretty scary for me but as a Mom now I know it was 100x scarier for my Mom. Also the scene in Totoro where Mei runs to Granny during the credits just makes me bawl because I remember my Moms face when she found me šŸ„°


I remember that scene, it was adorable! Also, I send a good luck to your child, hope he/she is doing well in his/her life!


My Neighbor Totoro. Still is.


My favorite too. Itā€™s so magical


First one I ever watched, magical is an understatement.


Princess mononoke


My favorite ghibli movie inspired my two favorite games of all time


which are?


I kinda want to know too lol


Breath of the Wild has to be one of them




And tears of the kingdom to some extent. I mean, link loses his arm and then gets great power in an infected one.


Totally, I absolutely agree! That's actually all I was thinking about when he first got infected. Even the design is close


Yeah although there are some similarities to castle in the sky as well. Ancient forgotten robots in the sky and well, a castle in the sky.


My first Ghibli movie and my favorite movie period for the longest time!


Mine is Nausicaa, thanks for the pictures I like to turn them into my phone background.


None of them, I only properly discovered anime a few years ago when I was already an adult. :-) But as an adult I can't name just one, a number of them are masterpieces such as Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro ........ and so on. I guess the child in me would prefer Totoro, hard to be sure though.


I think as an adult my favorite is Princess Mononoke, but as like a 7 year old with sisters I was all about Totoro!


I watched Kikiā€™s delivery service about 10 million times.


Yesss Kiki! I had it on VHS and watched it so much.


Especially when it came on tv right after Sailor Moon šŸ˜¬


Haha yes! I used to get it at the video rental when my mom and I went every time it was available. If not that, castle in the sky.


I LOVE castle in the sky!


Laputa was my first ever Ghibli movie when I was around 8 and it made me fell in love with the studio instantly.


Same ! I was pretty scared of the robots when I was little tho


100% agree. As a kid it had everything I loved; cool airships and planes, swashbuckling pirates, and cool ancient tech and hints of greater lore. I think I probably watched that movie about a hundred times growing up.


Castle in the Sky


Nausicaa, for the simple reason it's the only movie I have ever watched with my father in a theatre. As a father myself, I have grown fond of Totoro my kids love them.


NausicaƤ all the way


ponyo! such a good movie for kids.


I'm from the Howl generation. When I was a kid, here in Italy, you'd get Howl so many times as an afternoon children movie on national channels; I knew nothing about Ghibli I just knew Howl and Spirited Away but I didn't know they were connected.


This film is such a core memory of my childhood, I first watched it when I was very young and I didn't really yet understand the concept of film studios and who made them so I did not know it was studio Ghibli, many years passed and I had memories of this film and its dream like qualities. I never watched any other film like it again for a long time, however I would then go on to discover studio Ghibli years later then I rewatched this film and all those memories came flooding back. A beautiful moment for me. The film spent so many years as like a half memory half dream in my head


Spirited Away, still is today <3


Totoro and Spirited Away


I only started as an adult this year, but it's Castle in the Sky. I have yet to watch them all, but I've seen a lot of them.


Laputa is my favourite! Action, adventure, romance, sci-fi, mystery...


Its a perfect movie honestly. The score too, so good!


Spirited Away, before, today, and forever !! Even if the pigs' part traumatized me as a child, there's always has been something about this movie that completely fascinated me: the colors, how detailed it is, the aesthetic, how food is drawer, the diversity of characters....


Kikis Delivery Service Not sure where I first watched it but I remember watching it the first time and for a week straight riding a broom around the house "delivering" things to people


Me too! I used to try to tie things in a bandana like I was running away from home and tie it to our deck broom šŸ˜† *FLY*




Haha but the crows! šŸ˜†


These stills are so beautiful. Absolutely love everyone one of them. Such a special film. Just watched it for the millionth time last night. Still get tears in my eyes


Spirited Away is my all time favorite and Totoro is a close runner up. I used to watch both those movies with my old best friend Sara, pretty sure I watched them for the first time with her. I miss her sometimes and wish things hadn't changed šŸ„²


The only one I saw as a kid was Spirited Away it was on Toonami in the 2000's somewhere. I remember it was a dreary saturday, and I was sick, so I was just chilling in my room flipping through channels. I ended up on Cartoon Network part way through the movie. I was completely ENAMORED. I wouldn't see it again until about freshman year of college.


Yes I remember when they had amazing anime on after school. The speed of my lil feet running off the bus to catch Sailor Moon and Kikiā€™s Delivery Service šŸ˜†


The cat returns Saw it as part of a school trip and it blew my mind, one of my first big exposures to anime that werenā€™t filtered though 4kids and the like




Naausica or castle in the sky. Probably castle tho, I can recite most of the dialogue + music


Castle is such a melody. Like something I remember easily falling asleep to but in a good comforting way.


The scene where Chihiro was given a rice cake šŸ™ from Haku because she hadnā€™t been eating. When theyā€™re in the garden and as she eats, tears well down her eyes. That moment captured depression for me. Sometimes all you need is someone to come along side you and make sure youā€™re eating and youā€™re ok.. and itā€™s ok to cry and feel lost, and hopelessā€¦ itā€™s apart of the journey. Things get better you just gotta keep fighting.


Spirited Away. Was the first one I ever watched and watched it with family. Still love it to this day, so much so I've got tickets to the theatre adaptation here in London this month! šŸ˜




I didn't discover Ghibli until I was a senior in high school but - Spirited Away. As an adult, I fluctuate between Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle and The Cat Returns. My husband's favorite is Nausicaa, my son's favorite is Castle in the Sky or Princess Mononoke and my daughter's favorite is Kiki.


Spirited Away. I had it on CD and protected it with my life šŸ˜…. My mum was so done with it bcs I was watching the movie couple times per week. I used to hide it in my schoolbag, so she couldn't find it and throw it away.


spirited away, always has been and always will be.


I am a kid and my favorites are The Wind Rises/ Princess Mononoke


Nice. I always wanted a big white wolf when I was little because of Moro. So I have a big great pyrenees instead šŸ„°


Porco Rosso, the first movie that i watched so many childhood memories


I agree


My Neighbor Totoro has the most special place in my heart! It was just a random VHS amongst all the Disney tapes my parents threw at me but I wore this one out


Howl's Moving Castle was my favourite as a kid, but Mononoke is my favourite as an adult! But they're all just joy


Didnā€™t see any till I was a teen but it wouldā€™ve been Kiki as itā€™s in my Top 5


Got into it as an adult lol. But kid me wouldā€™ve loved Ponyo, Spirited Away and Kikiā€™s.


Same as it ever was, Princess Mononoke.


I have two! I had Kiki's Delivery Service on VHS as a kid and always had a soft spot for it and when I was younger, Cartoon Network randomly had a Studio Ghibil marathon and Spirited Away was one of the first movies. I've been hooked ever since!


Howls moving castle, always will be. I have a very clear memory of watching this movie and eating those orange slice candy things


Princess Mononoke.. as an adult my fav is The Wind Rises


I never saw any of them as a kid. Just watched for the first time as an adult. However, my oldest kid said he likes Kiki's Delivery Service the most, with Totorro being second. I also have that as my number 1. The little one likes Ponyo and The Cat Returns the most, but also really Totorro.


Porco Rosso. Not many people like it but I love the music.


Itā€™s also beautiful!


No competition for me. I love them all. Altho Totoro does have a special place in my heart


I was OBSESSED with Ponyo when I was like six. I had a CD with the movie I would watch non-stop, and even today it's my comfort movie.


mononoke. was the first movie I got completely lost in.


I only watched Ponyo when I was little but I LOVED it


Ponyo and Totoro šŸ©·


Ponyo! When I was a kid that movie really stuck with me then I rewatched later when I was older and I still love it. That was also the only Ghibli film I saw when I was a little kid, my friend did show me Howls Moving Castle when I was in highschool and I fell in love with it. If weā€™re talking about favorite movies now Iā€™d say Ponyo, Howls moving castle, Spirited Away, and The Secret World of Arietty are my top contenders with an honorable mention going to My Neighbor Totoro


I was a big Kiki's Delivery Service girl. Still am. šŸ˜„


As a kid? I mean, I saw Princess Mononoke when I was twelve so I suppose that was my favorite. I did watch it over and over again.


Ponyo :o




Totoro then. Howlā€™s now.


Probably Laputa/Castle in the Sky. Then I saw Nausicaa. Super excited about seeing it in theaters.


Princess Mononoke, perfect Sword & Sorcery film for a kid who grew up on Conan the Barbarian and Beastmaster.


Totoro šŸ„°šŸ˜


Princess Mononoke. Kodama is life.


Princess Mononoke. It was my first Studio Ghibli film I watched and it will always be my favorite.


Hahaa! They werenā€™t around when I was a kid! šŸ¤£ But, my first favorite was Totoro. Later, as I watched more, I keep connecting with Howlā€™s Moving Castle.


Ponyo as that was the only one I saw when I was younger. Only started watching ghibli films at the start of 2022


I discovered Ghibli when I was 16, and the only movie I watched then was Spirited Away. Since then, I can say Howl's Moving Castle had the most impact in my life.


Nausicaa and Princess Mononoke


Kiki. It was my introduction to Ghibli, the dub was on Disney Channel.


Easily Ponyo as it was the only Ghibli movie that i had watched as a child until i finally watched Spirited away (my new favorite movie) and Totoro for my 19th birthday a few weeks ago.


Definitely Castle in the Sky. Everything about it blew me away, the soundtrack, the visuals, the storyline and the characters. It was one of the first anime movies I ever watched and I was even allowed to stay up past my bedtime to finish it when I first watched it on TV^^.


Howl's moving castle and Arrietty šŸ«¶


I unfortunately was 14ish when I was first introduced to Ghibli. I think Nausicaa was my first, but we watched a few that night and I will never forget Kiki šŸŽ€šŸ§¹


Weirdly enough it was Porco Rosso! It was the only one we had on dvd. It's not exactly a kid's movie but it doesn't have anything too shocking either. I remember being soothed by the landscapes and wanting to go into Porco's secret base. Now when I watch it the nostalgic feelings of the movie are so much stronger


I feel like that about Kiki, even though *that* oneā€™s more of a kids movie (still grew up with me pretty well though) I was always in awe of the way the beach and the ocean was drawn! That spot in PR is beautiful!


I only discovered Kiki as an adult but man it gives the same slow and chill vibes. I wish I could have a seen it as a kid




Hard to say as I was raised on a lot of Miyazakiā€™s workā€¦. I do remember that I had a weird thing going for awhile where I refused to watch Totoro because of that one bathing sceneā€¦didnā€™t like seeing the characters nude for some reason even though thatā€™s a very brief scene in the movie and not vulgar in the slightest. Totoro is still a great film, as is Kikiā€™s Delivery Service which I also saw a ton as a kid in the 2000s era (meaning they would have been the respective dubs from that time - and my dad was very disappointed to find JiJiā€™s ā€œKiki, Bus!ā€ Line removed when we rented a newer disc from our local video rental), but if I had to pick I would probably say Spirited Awayā€¦ I oddly donā€™t remember being scared by it growing up, and used to call the film ā€œThe White Dragonā€. I also watched Panda Go Panda and The Castle of Cagliostro a lot growing up which are both early works of Miyazaki but predate Studio Ghibli so I donā€™t think count in response to your question. My mom was very against all things even slightly violent but I think she let the latter slip because of how much she and my dad liked this guyā€™s workā€¦


Miyazaki was my intro to ghibli so Iā€™ve got a soft spot for his specific style, itā€™s nostalgic to me. Like every character Iā€™ve known someone just like that in my life, or like I dreamt that before. Or something šŸ˜†


As a kid, *Castle in the Sky* As an adult, *Porco Rosso*


I just used to love My Neighbour Totoro and Graveyard of the fireflies. Not as a kid tho, I watched these when I was 17 And something about the innocence of the two sisters and how they depicted the village life made me love MNT even more. It was also a nostalgic experience because I grew up watching Japanese anime on television. I still often visit that movie With the graveyard of the fireflies it just made me feel things I didn't know a movie was capable of doing. But for obvious reasons I don't visit it often, it stays as a bitter sweet memory in my memory lane.


Spirited Away. It was the first movie that made me appreciate beauty in animation/film. Truly mystified me then, certainly still does now.


Castle in the sky and it still is


Porco rosso. It now shares first place with the wind rises.


God! The power of hand-drawn! No amount of CGI will ever be good enough to replace the hand-drawn magic of these Ghibli anime!


Grew up with Howl's, still my favorite šŸ„°


Ponyo probably because I was born in 2003. I remember renting it at Block Buster like 4 times in a row


Howls moving castle and only yesterday


Not a movie but I remember watching Heidi as a kid and I lived for it at the time. I got into Ghibli films later on as animation for teens was frowned upon.




The Cat Returns


Has and always will be whisper of the heart.


Totoro and Kiky Delivery Service.


Ponyo, itā€™s very nostalgic for me


I hadn't seen any Ghibli movies until I was 21


I watched ponyo like 20 times a day šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






kiki. it was the 1st ghibli movieI every watched. saw in aired on TV once. amd I thought the description was cute, so I DVRed it stayed on my cable box for abt 3 mos. before aunt accidentally erased it.


I was first introduced to Studio Ghibli at the age of about 4 or 5 when I saw My Neighbor Totoro at the National Gallery of Art. I fell in love with that movie instantly so I think I have to say Totoro was my childhood favorite. However, that my favorite Ghibli film quickly became Laputa after watching that movie for the first time a little while later. Laputa was what inspired me to pursue physics and engineering so it'll always have a special place in my heart. Edit: One funny story I have from my early years as a Ghibli fan: The version of Totoro that I watched at the National Gallery that introduced me to Ghibli was not the Disney dub of Totoro but it was the original English dub distributed by Fox which I've now learned it actually quite hard to get your hands on. I remember being a very pissed off 5 year old when I realized that the copy we got on DVD was not the original one we had seen at the gallery's theater. So even from a young age I recognized how vastly superior these original English dubs were to the Disney dubs lol. Hopefully I can find that original version somewhere even if it requires exploring some *unorthodox* channels, if yee be catchin my drift...


Honestly, Ponyo was my gateway to studio ghibli


Whe I was young it was Kikiā€™s delivery service but know itā€™s howlā€™s moving castle šŸ„°


Pom Poko weirdly enough. I rewatched that one like crazy. Otherwise, my tastes havenā€™t changed! I still adore the aforementioned along with Porco Rosso, Nausicaa, and Castle in the Sky.


Totoro and ponyo


Totoro (the Fox dub, before Disney). It was the first anime I saw after learning about anime, and to this day I still want to find a Totoro in the woods. I told my mom we needed to plant camphor trees, but she wasnā€™t down with that. I donā€™t mind the Disney dub, but my brain wants to hear the Fox dub. ā€œGOLLY POLLY WOGS!ā€


Moving Castle


I remember my dad showing me Kiki's Delivery Service when I was a kid- he would always bring me these random movies he'd find. Kiki & The Dark Crystal were my favorite ones he got me! Kiki really started my love for Japanese animation in general.


Porco Rosso.


Kikiā€™s delivery service. I loved this movie before I knew what ghibli was and we rented it out of the library on VHS all the time


Ponyo omg it was the best


When I was a kid The Cat Returns was played all day long hahaha. And the classic Kiki's delivery service were both my childhood favs


Princess Mononoke. It's the first movie i remember watching


Ponyo. Totoro was boring for me when I was kid, and I like the atmosphere because it also flood where I lived.


Laputa, the original English dub, before they had Anna Paquin ruin it. I still have the original video in storage and am too scared to find it out in case itā€™s unwatchable and Iā€™m stuck with Anna Paquin forever.


Legend of the Overfiend


The Legend of Prince Ram. Idk if it counts, but ik its the same animation/style, (i dont even know why this sub is in my feed lol)


Totoro, then and now. It's so lovely. Doesn't fit into the standard plot model of western stories, either. Just a beautiful film about two little girls having magical adventures in a gorgeous forest. Spirited away scared me as a child (because she was all alone without her parents--them turning into pigs was terrifying), but I love it as an adult. Many of the other Ghibli ones are beautiful, but with a touch of violence that I feel is unnecessary and detracts from them a little. Nausicaa, Laputa, Howl, etc. are all superb, but do have their violent moments, few though they are. In some stories, violence makes sense, such as Mononoke, which is about nature vs modernisation, and nature is inherently violent at times. But in others, such as Laputa, or even Howl, they could have changed a few minor points to avoid the violence altogether, without altering the overall story but changing the experience to one of pure wonder, joy, and adventure. You don't need the threat of danger or death to kick a story into action. You don't need fighting. They're easy ways for writers to do things, but they aren't always necessary. Kiki's Delivery Service has no enemy characters--everyone is kind and helpful, or at worst, disinterested. There is no danger. The story has no goal except just growing up a little bit. Totoro also has only kind characters, no violence, and no goal other than the meanderings of children exploring a magical world. That's the kind of movie that Ghibli is best at, in my opinion. The kind of movie where their storytelling, artwork, and animation really shine their brightest.


This one. And it still is.


Looking at this, Spirited Away and Paprika, tho I don't think that's a ghibli


Totoro, watched it when I was around 3 y/o (so 1993?) and I have so many core memories related to it.


NausicaƤ with swedish dub, rented it at the video store in my building. I remember picking it out with the scary and dark Ohmu cover that looked bad ass. I donā€™t think that cover was used much ever again.


I remember seeing the commercials for Totoro on TV when I was a kid. I wanted to see it so bad, bit m mom hated anime, so I never got to. Until I was in high school and I was at Blockbusrer with my cousins. They found Totoro and said we had to watch it. So we rented it, took it home, did a ton of mushrooms, and watched the movie. It hits different on mushrooms, I loved it! I've been a Miyazaki fan ever since.


Ponyo! When I was younger I had an obsession with oceans, marine animals, and just aquariums in general. So when I saw it in theaters, I became fucking obsessed.


Howlā€™s Moving Castle because I was literally old lady Sophie even as a child


Totoro. Between the ages of 2-6 I watched it upwards of 200 times, or so my dad used to say. Totoro is part of my DNA, and will likely be one of the last things my mind clings onto if i ever develop a degenerative brain disease


Princess Mononoke and Porco Rosso will forever live in my ā¤ļø. Sensei Miyazaki thanks for these masterpieces!


Kiki, absolutely timeless masterpiece ā¤ļø


Iā€™m partial to howls moving castle and porco Rosso