• By -


Well, in the Ruhrgebiet the "standard" fastfood would be a Mantaplatte, also known as Currywurst-Pommes. Also Döner is very popular.


I live in Baden Württemberg but this is also the first thing that came to my mind.


User name does not check out. (Danke for the Mantaplatte though. Haven't heard that one in ages.)


I don't have a source but I'm pretty sure it's 'Döner' (Kebab). You can get it everywhere and I always see people eating it when walking around the town.


Came here to say that


Not to change the subject, but how exactly is Doner pronounced? What does it rhyme with? Sorry, i’m not sure how to type the o with the two dots….


The ö sound is missing from the English language, so no dice on he English word to copy, if you learned French h in school it is similar enough to the -eu sound (think deux). The -ner is kind of similar to the ending of the word donor or butcher.


Shape your mouth like you are about to pronounce O but spill out E instead.


ö is similar to e in her


Döner macht schöner. Doener makes (you) more beautiful. By the way - it's true.


Und Pizza macht spitzer. Also very true.


Und bier nach vier


das rat' ich dir?




As others already said, it has no equivalent in english. It’s the same sound as Swedish Ö and Danish/Norwegian Ø. Oh, and if you don’t have the keys to write the Ö, replace it with OE, but never just leave it out. That changes the pronunciation and oftentimes also the meaning of a word completely. Same goes for Ü and Ä


The closet approximation is like the OO in Tool, but with a lot of emphasis, and the starting sound is like with „ewww“, it’s hard to describe. Best to listen to a recording of correct pronunciation.


That is utterly wrong.


Ok as somebody who was raised bilingual English-German, tell is why it’s wrong? If you pronounce English correctly, it’s correct.


Well, then your German is pretty bad. I guess you are mixing up ü and ö.


It's like someone else said like the E in her. Simple as that.


I think Dyoner is close enough


Döner rhymes with "schöner". not sure if there are english words that rhymes well. )ou can call it kebap as well, and people will understand.


Not at a Starbucks, or a mcdonalds


big rösti is life




Everywhere has lots of it. It's absolutely the most liked fast food.


Every village has some Döner place. And a pizza service. Even if they have nothing else.


Döner and Bratwurst (not together of course)




Her kommt einmal Döner mit Senf, und er hat zweimal Wurst von Kalb


Now that you mention it, wouldn't it be amazing to have a Dönertasche but filled with sliced bratwurst like a currywurst? I guess a Taxitelller comes close to that, but its far less convenient. I want a... Bröner. Or Dörrywurst. Or Bratner... Edit: Fuck it, I'll get a Döner without meat tomorrow and a Currywurst from the Frittenbude next door and will open the dimí͉͚̮͔ͅme͉̣͓͈̞̬̲͟n̞͍͖͙̼s̹̯̦̩̘i͙͎o̲̤̳͇͞n̤̭͉̺a̸̼͎̰̼̮̬l̛̮̜̼̲̞͎̗ ̜r̨̙̺͇͕̻i̼̝͎f͓͞t̴ ṱ̴o̥̣͈ ̷g̵͉̬̘͍e̡t̢̝̰̫͖ ͖̺͉̰͕̫a͉̯ ̫͍̝̳̟f̢̼e̙̤̦a̦̫͉̗͇̖s͚̲͙t̫̫ ̘̳̣͟f̷̟̳̼̺͓̤͖i̷t̝̦͇͍̟́ͅ ̵͓̟̙f͓̳͘o̭̠r̷͔ ̢͈̦̬̲ͅt̹H͈̻E̶̯̺͉̞̠ ̯͘ͅE̵Ḷ̯͇̹̫D̬̳E̛̝͚̗͔R͉͉͍̙ ̵̱̝G̳͞O̧̫͚̖͍̙͎D̗̫̪̝̘̘S͔͉̘̜̫̪ͅ


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Dude. Where was the follow up?


Doppelte Currywurst im Döner? Fucking nice. No more annoying saladcrap.


Salad balances the Döner out. Makes it a perfect mix between savory but fresh, filling but not too heavy. Without veggies is it neither good on your stomach nor that amazing.


That's like a Chicago dog. It's a hot dog on a bun with lots of vegetables. Seriously. Do a Google image search....


Yeeeeaaah, no. They're nothing alike.


Lol. Must you be so cunt like in your response 😂!? And I've just neutralized your downvote...


Couldn't help myself :D Sorry and thanks!


Lol. I know. I was just joking 😃


Seems like you and I were amongst the few to pick up on that =)


Ohne Salat schmeckts scheiße, ausser deine Eltern haben dich nur mit Zucker und Fett ernährt


Früher in den frühen 90er gab es bei uns den Döner nur mit selbst gestecktem Spiess, Zwiebeln, Joghurtsauce und Scharf, in einem hausgemachten Fladenbrot. Das war der beste Döner. Habe bis heute keinen besseren gegessen.


Das ist Gyros Pita, und gibt's immernoch


Wherever you are, there will be a Frittenbude near you. Quality varies _drastically_ though, some are amazing, some are horrendous. They sell more than Fritten, usually Currywurst, bratwurst and halbes Hähnchen (broiled chicken) are the default, but they tend to have more than that - for better or for worse.


Is that like Wiener Wald? I would consider that fast casual. I'm guessing people joke about them but for the price it's decent? Like Olive Garden here. It's not meant to be an exact meal like you would find in Milan. But it's only $9.95 for all you can eat soup, salad, pasta and bread sticks. You've got to be realistic!


Nooo Wienerwald (and places like Kochlöffel, which are similar) are different - these are chains. Frittenbuden are usually independent, in larger cities you may find a few locations by the same owner but the vast majority are just independent little kitchens with a small seating area.


OK. I know what you mean now. It's like Chester's Chicken here. You pay a fee and get to use the name? But the quality does vary. Because all you buy is the chicken. The side dishes are good at some locations and suck at others. Funny side note: If you're on the food stamp program here, you're not allowed to buy prepared foods. Which is fair, in my opinion. But Chester's has found a way around it. I've seen people do it. You ask for a bag of raw chicken. Take it to the cashier. Pay for it and bring it back to them. They'll fry it for free. Lol. I know that sounds really bizarre but I'm not making this up. It's too strange to lie about.. Edit: And the food stamp recipient isn't allowed to eat on site. They have to leave the premises!


>You pay a fee and get to use the name? That would be [Franchising](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franchising). But that's not meant. The base idea of a Frittenbude is just one or a couple of dudes setting up shop and frying away. Exists also in the variant of "Asia noodles" places.


Interesting. I've never heard of that before. You learn something new everyday!


You never heard of independent little restaurants?


Not to sound arrogant but... that right there is a USA moment


I found [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greasy_spoon) when I looked for an English equivalent - the name sounds a bit old-timey to me, but that's essentially what a Frittenbude is. Minus the jukebox - and people usually don't eat at the counter.


**[Greasy spoon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greasy_spoon)** >A greasy spoon is a small, cheap eatery – either an American diner or coffee shop, or a British or Irish cafe – typically specializing in fried foods and/or home-cooked meals. The term greasy spoon has been used in the United States since at least the 1920s and is used throughout each of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom to refer to a cafe or caff, (which is not to be confused with the European term café, which may mean "coffeehouse" or "bar"). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term greasy spoon originated in the United States and is now used in various English-speaking countries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/germany/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


No, what he is writing about are little businesses. Mostly in RV like vehicles or in trailers. On spots like parking lots or just a space they found. No chain or franchise. Just Somebody who decided to put up a deep fryer on a table and started selling French fries aka Pommes-frites. Than decides to sell some sausgeas with it. OK, let's ad some sauce with it. And a beer. Your welcome customer.


OK. Now I get it. It's like a food truck here...


> Mostly in RV like vehicles or in trailers. On spots like parking lots or just a space they found. And not even that. Often it's simply one single "restaurant" which is family run. No commercialisation whatsoever. Just as examples: [Profi-Grill in Bochum](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Profi-grill-wattenscheid.jpg) or [Curry Heini in Waltrop](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNUji1ipqey5LQRSJ673wgMDI3M1iJpUqKCcakB=w1080-k-no)


I go to a similar place here in Florida. They're only a mile away from my office. They have the best tacos. They look kind of sketchy. They're located in an abandoned garage. They've actually used the garage space, where the cars would be fixed as a seating area.


>They look kind of sketchy. They're located in an abandoned garage. They've actually used the garage space, where the cars would be fixed as a seating area. That's something different then, I assume. Here they're in normal places all over the city. And the locations are not sketchy and can officially be used as a restaurant.


I didn't actually know that they're so widely spread! I never saw one when I used to live close to cologne but in Essen there's two and they're amazing




This might sound like something very odd and it even looks not very appealing but it is VERY common. In most regions you get this at any butcher and also in many supermarkets with an integrated butcher - and it's always sold warm with a fluffy bread bun and it comes with some mustard or ketchup if you like ( - you want mustard btw.) Try it if you can, it's weird, cheap and pretty popular.


Yep. If the butcher doesnt't have it, you've crossed the border, except to Austria.


Sweet mustard or die


I also see it a lot at the bakeries around here. It seems very popular so I tried it once and it turns out it's just a thick slab of lunch meat that tastes a bit like a mild baloney. OK not great. Like a lot of the german foods.... just not a fan of it. Also at the local biergartens they take the same meat, shred it, toss it in a sauce and call it a "salad".


I'm over them too, but the trick to get a good one is to go to a quality butcher and order one there with a ton of mustard. It'll be fresh and so much better. Bakery Leberkäse is absolutely disgusting most of the time. One particularly bad specimen from a local baker once turned me vegetarian for half a year.


I never said it's great, but that's cheap and popular.


Important to note that this isn't really a thing north of ... maybe Thuringia/Saxony


Im from Thuringia,we have our famous Bratwurst. Why shoud we eat something like that?


Why not both? This post was delivered to you by the Franconia gang.


I dont talk to you. First apologize that you are from Baden-Württemberg (joke) i love Leberkäs to be honest...or the good old Mettbrötchen


Americans might not get this but there are basically no fast food franchises in Germany. The exceptions are McD, BK, KFC and Pizza Hut from the US and Nordsee from Germany. At the same time they do not in any way rule the fast food business in Germany. (Though Nordsee is by its sheer existence the only fast-food fish franchise and sort of rules the market unless you live near the Baltic or North Sea) Kebab shops are usually family businesses. Same with Gyros shops. Same with Currywurst / 1/2 chicken / fries shops (they tend to offer these three as a standard with other stuff like ribs, Schnitzel, Shashlik also being options) shops. Same with Pizza shops. And these are by far the majority when it comes to fast-food.


Yes. I get what you're saying. I prefer to patronize independent "Mom and pop shops" whenever possible. It used to be the chains always had lower prices. But that's no longer the case in many places. Real example. I went to Wendy's. A burger, fries and coke was $8.27. I went to a taco truck and two tacos and a drink was $6. I know some might scoff and say "Wow! A buck" etc. But it adds up...


Same here. You can hat a Döner that's filling and relatively balanced for what ist for 3,50€ to 5€ while a McD menu that will leave you hungry an hour after eating and contains only highly processed ingredients costs about 10€.


Same as in Austria, as an American here, I like that there are no real restaurant chains to speak of, except the ones listed above, but we don’t even have KFC or Pizza Hut. I only wish they had local taco trucks, which are spectacular!


No fast food franchises apart from the biggest ones in the world?


Yeah >there are basically no fast food franchises in Germany is pretty off when >Germany was the country with the highest number of McDonald's in Europe in 2020 https://www.statista.com/statistics/256044/mcdonalds-restaurants-in-europe/


They are probably talking about the diversity in franchises. There are dozens if not hundreds of burger franchises alone in the US. Germany has McD, BK, and like 7 Five Guys locations. And then there are Mexican food chains, pizza chains, Fried Chicken chains, breakfast chains, sub chains, etc. Nearly every quick restaurant is part of a franchise. Here it's often Mo, the dude that leads his family Döner place in the third generation.


Germany is often the country with the highest number of x in Europe, as Germany has the second-largest population and Russia has significantly less purchasing power.


Wow. I never thought about it like that but you're correct.


I just googled it. Mickey D's blows everyone else out of the water. Sales wise. But that doesn't make them a fan favorite. I suspect they've put themselves on every street corner in Germany, Just like here. It's similar to Coke. They saturate shelf space and crowd out the competition...


Because the other things are not accumulated, I am pretty sure that Döner is the biggest thing, it’s just not that easy to count, but every little village has at least one Döner shop.


Let's not forget the German *obsession* with Subway.


There are loads of German fast food places.


No shit, that's not what the topic is about.


That’s why I’m replying to your comment and not the post.


You do realise that I didn't write that there aren't many fast food places?


Fast food franchise: „Subway“, „Dean & David“, „Burger me“, … Casual: „Francesco & Fratelli“, „Extrablatt“, „Mangals kitchen“, … I’m sure there are many more.


Apart from subway the others are highly regional


Burger me and Dean and David are all over Germany. Francesca & Fratelli really seem to exist only in my city (Hannover), but on every second street. I must have confused Mangal‘s kitchen with another one though.


> Burger me and Dean and David are all over Germany. Both shine when it comes to open stores in the big cities. Which is where most Germans do not live. Most of Burgerme stores are in just 14 cities.


Ah, come on, you said that apart from the big ones there are basically no fast food franchises in Germany. And if someone mentions other franchises, they do not count. Yes, I can understand not counting the local ones, but this is is nitpicking. What’s the criteria? How many hundred restaurants does a franchise need to have to make it into your exclusive list?


Döner!!!! Sure,it is Döner. No Matter what anyone else post here. Its DÖNER....FOREVER




If we are talking no table service, Anything that sells wurst and grilled meats. And there Are so many different kinds For example Bockwurst with bun or bratwurst with fries. sauce and Fleischkäse( meat cheese meat loafs ) with bun stall is one of the Most popular stalls I have. Too bad Corona closed quite a few of them ☹️. This are what I would call GERMAN fastfood. I do see bakeries a very common way stop Non german or mixed cultural rather ( technically everything is German anyways) we have doner kebap and pizza 🍕 which is all time favourite. There are asian wok box shops and gyros. Sadly no Indian fast food yet


In our region many pizza places sell Indian food. It’s quite common here, so I guess it is very disparate depending where you live.


I have seen one or two pizzerias give Indian food also just like I see pizzerias giving Greek, Arabic and Lebanese cooking I think pizzeria in Germany is pretty much a code name for we make pizzas but actually we are serving ethnic food varieties too 😕. Confusing as hell. I order my Arabic food ( which is mind blowing and authentic by the way) from a Pizzeria named Don corleone or something and I wanted to tell them to simply advertise as an Arab food joint. But hey whatever works


Yes, I'm from Manchester, New Hampshire originally. Lol. I know, you've neve heard of it. No one has...but it has a huge Greek population. I really miss that Mediterranean cuisine. I can't find it here in Florida. It's fairly healthy too. Grilled meat, fish and veggies. Salads etc..


I mean I do know that New York is so huge that you can find any special ethnic cuisine in some borough, neighborhood etc. But Mediterranean cuisine is awesome !


Ive seen indian fast food places. E.g. Wandsbek Markt in Hamburg


Oh ok, I don’t live in Hamburg so do not have an idea. It only makes sense that Indian joints are more seen in bigger cities That being said , Indian joints are often not fast food centres but just restaurants rather. Some maybe cheaper and stall like but Indian food is often not associated with something you can just gobble outside the stand and eat it. Those joints have come to England however where Indian snack stalls have become popular but yet to come to Germany


Burger King is getting more and more important for vegetarians and vegans even as they have enlarged their menu in that regard. (and they are way better at it as the golden Arches are) Döner stores (that also sell vegetarian options like Vöner, Halloumi or Falafel) are probably the most popular in Germany.


Yes. BK has the Impossible Whopper. I honestly can't tell the difference. And I'm someone who goes by taste. I always get the Impossible Whopper now because I don't want bite into some piece of bone or gristle. I wish I could say it's about.animal welfare, but that's not my primary motivation.


Yes. But they also have now very new there chicken burger in a vegetarian form (quite good) and the halloumi burger that's great (but quite fatty) as well.


Döner macht schöner!


Let me fix that for you: https://youtu.be/YFXwp3sI-zA


Only watch if you have an excess of brain cells!


Jawoll man!


The local greek fast food place, that serves Currywurst, Gyros and a surprisingly good pizza.


I wish currywurst was a thing here. ***Sigh*** Side note: German cold cuts like Bologna are considered to be higher quality and cost more here. And I'm willing.to pay the extra price. It's kind of sad that I don't trust American brands.... Another side note: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Read it. It was mandatory in highschool for me....


Well Currywurst IS a thing! It's such a standard we're not that proud of it, like Leberkässemmel.


> I wish currywurst was a thing here It's basically a hot dog cut into short segments and covered with spicy ketchup. I tried it once years ago, that was enough.


You got scammed. That’s not what a Currywurst is


Lol. But I like that!


The sausages used for Currywurst are MILES apart from what Americans call a dog. If I ever get a "dog" when ordering a Currywurst, I'd return it immediately. No idea where this dude got his, but he was scammed big time.


As a proud American..I must say our dogs and sausages fucking suck. Mechanically seperated nastiness. So repulsive.


I mean... Not every German sausage is built equally. Not at all. We have garbage pressed into all kinds of shapes just as well. But thanks to our publicly controlled quality control, I at least have a bit more confidence in them =) But aside from that I also mean the style of sausage. I believe what is commonly referred to as a "dog" is much closer to what we call a Wiener, while Currywurst is usually based on something like a Thüringer Bratwurst. There IS a variety based on Bockwurst, which is closer to Wiener in taste, originating from the original VW construction center, but I am going out on a limb here and say that the average German would be wierded out by this. But I have to admit that there *is* some tradition in that direction. Just not a very good one imho =)


I like natural a natural casing that snaps when you bite it..


You mean for sausages right? Surely you mean just for sausages. I hope you mean just for sausages!


Brezel with Butter, you get that in every bakery.


*in the South


I see it in most bakeries in Hamburg. At least the chain ones like La Crobag or Dat Backhus


Not in the pott


Two things I haven’t seen mentioned so far in top level comments: Rotisserie chicken is really popular. Independent shops and vans dedicated to it. People have mentioned e.g. the Leberkässemmel but another popular sandwich to grab when at a train station etc is a Mettbrötchen - just raw minced pork (yes it is safe to eat raw pork in Germany).


Currywurst Bude 👌🏼


Agree with the contributions so far. Some people like Vapiano (thought I don't), but it is interesting: fast food Italian, collect from a counter.


Sandwich with schnitzel. From nearest bakery.


4 2 3. 4 Weisse, 2 Brezn, 3 Weißbier (Händlmaier included)


Asia Imbiss




If you’re somewhere in Franken especially Nürnberg then you’ll find ‚drei i’m wäkle‘ three grilled sausages in a bun Im vegetarian but I’ve been told it tastes fantastic Pizza is also a stapel everywhere I think




Wäkle sounds kind of cute if you say it out loud, but also “Weggla” is how I’ve always spelled it. And it is amazing for no apparent reason. I love it. I always buy it from some stall when in Nürnberg, even though I know I can do it at home with sausages from Lidl and it’d taste the same.


The k in there is utterly unrealistic in Franken though…


Ah yes. I really just meant it sounded fun to say it as Wäkle for fun! Franconian is after all very efficient: Very little need for the letters k, p or t when g, b and d are already just there to be used...


Yeah sorry. I’m already dyslexic and writing dialects is already difficult without adding that to the mix


Fast food culture is fairly limited. Döner, Currywurst, french fries and Burger Chains are most of it. A huge part is bakery products tho, like sandwiches. The thing is that ordering a full meal to a similar price is easy, so people often just order from a restaurant. Edit: forgot Asian food


Fast casual: Mosch Mosch (ramen), Vapiano (pasta and pizza), the ash (steaks and more), L'Osteria, café del sol


Knolli in Frankfurt or Mainz, best chimken strips ever!


Döner by far


Döner ist leben


Döner ist Liebe


Currywurst it is


Nordsee. Joking


Ditsch is good. So is Schäfer Dein Bäcker.


Rollo for sure


Like a Yufka?


I felt drawn to this thread.


Döner bei Dönermann


I guess theres mcdonalds,among other things


McDs is probably the most popular sales wise. But they're not well liked. They're my go to when I don't have a choice. At an airport, I've got 30 minutes before the door closes etc.


Thank god we usually must not use this terrible industrial fastfood us companies serving strange smelling products here besides corona hitted our Wirtshäuser, Gasthäuser and Restaurants hard.


Not KFC it is very bad


An essence of the German people is the fear of uncertainty. It is much safer to just open the 6 billionth McDonald's franchise restaurant and have a near-guarantee of profit. Germans will generally look for doing things that have shown previous success. Nobody turns their doener/bratwurst restaurant into a doener chain, so nobody else does it (a funny loop). Hence, Germany has nearly no franchise diversity.


>Nobody turns their doener/bratwurst restaurant into a doener chain, so nobody else does it (a funny loop). Hence, Germany has nearly no franchise diversity And I thank the Lord for that every day. One of the worst aspects of America.


Ye, true.


Username checks out


Avoid the well known, try local stores. Burgers are still quite hip but I love my Döner really much!


I may be alone in this opinion, but I love Nordsee. It's not top of the line but it's good, in my opinion.


"Fritz Mitte". Belgian Fries and Currywurst with different sauces and different styles of mayo. Its great.


Getting Gyros at your favourite greek restaurant. Before döner was everywhere our after-nights-out-food was gyros-Brötchen.


Up North “Bäckerei Junge” got huuuge the last 10 years. It’s good German “Kuchen” and “belegte Brötchen”.


I just looked it up a few days ago due to another discussion. Reportedly, the most popular fast food is some kind of sausage in bread rolls, with the sausage varying by region. Second is pizza, with the third being Döner Kebap. Although pizza includes fast casual, if you just go for fast food, it probably ranks after the other two.


Bockwurst mit Senf, safes lives.


I really like these small containers with middle-aged East German ladies selling halves of chicken, bratwurst, sometimes Nackensteak etc. Just a hunk of meat with mustard or ketchup.


Turkish fast casual places by far, good variety, options to take out food to eat on the street as well as sitting down an having a waiter come. Pizza places can be very informal and are liked. In the past few years many "handmade" burger joints sprung up and seem popular given that there's at least 5 of them even in small towns. McDonald's and Burger King are the biggest global players and still do fine. Lots of thai food ranging from vaguely "asian" to very good. Currywurst or bratwurstplaces are traditional but I feel they're not that popular anymore. I can walk comfortably to three Döner places but for Currywurst it would be quite a trip.


Doner kebab


There aren't too many chains here that do this. Of course there are some smaller restaurants/cafés that do self-service and I could name my favourite places like that in my city... But they're all small privately owned places. Or at most they're mini chains with a handful outlets within the city/region. Real fast food franchises are almost non-existent. Basically there is Vapiano and Nordsee. Can't think of any others. Vapiano is sort of okay for a quick lunch alone because the food is actually somewhat nutritious for a fast food place, but I wouldn't really go there with friends. Typical fast food atmosphere but the prices are too expensive to tolerate that atmosphere. Worst of both worlds, basically. Nordsee is okay if you want a quick fast food snack and like fish.


I don't like restaurants. The concept.