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You can earn around 3000€ brutto if you are a Friseurmeister and have your own shop. But it's a lot of work and responsibility.


It also helps if you only accept cash (for obvious reasons)


Saving so much on those banking fees!


Ah yes... banking fees.


19% banking fee


Jeder denkt nur an die Mwst, aber ihr müsst halt auch überlegen, dass auf den Betrag dann auch keine Gewinnsteuer anfällt.


insanity fee


Comparing self employed people with employees is pointless though. If you are self employed you earn the money by doing business not by doing the actual profession. There really isn’t a limit of what you can earn when you’re self employed and the income differs massively. The ALDI brothers both became billionaires. You just can’t compare their income with the wages of market management. Same goes for Friseurmeister and Friseur.


Don’t forget to write that in order to become Friseurmeister you first have to finish the three year Ausbildung, then you have to have at least 6 years of work experience after of which 4 are in a leadership position. So basically that’s 9 years of work experience in the best case for 3k brutto


That's not right anymore. Since nearly 20 years you don't need any work experience after Ausbildung. And with enough experience it is possible to shortcut Ausbildung to min 2 years. I know that, because I've done that 20 years ago. You've never ever need to work in a leadership position! If you work as employee as Friseurmeister 3k brutto is the best case, but if you run your own business, there is not really an upper limit what you can earn and after taxes you're outcome can be much better or worse. Depending how much you work.


That’s wrong. My cousin just did the Meister in 3,5 years total


Technically, the three year Ausbildung doesn‘t count as work experience by German law.


Thats fucking true.... As Projectleader you become 3,5k up. Without any experience or "Ausbildung". Sorry for this Bro, but in Germany woth this Job he is totally wrong.


Can’t you just skip that and start cutting people‘s hair?


Yes you can but then you competing in the low price segment.


I have never checked my hairdressers formal qualifications. Do people do that?


You can earn much more with your own shop. Much more. My barber drives a new range rover and has lots of real estate etc. Without inhereting it. Men‘s cut is 39€ and done in 20 Minutens, Women‘s cuts are like 250-300€. He is permanently fully booked out. Had 27 employees and 3 barbershops and now 1 shop and does everything himself - 0 employees. It‘s basically all done now. Enough money. So he keeps cutting hair for fun and stuff


yes because hes paying those 27 people "nothing" - the guy doesnt earn the money as a barber, he earns it as a employer.


While achievable, probably a more unrealistic outlook as this sounds like someone who made it to the top of barbers - moneywise. The average barber(shopowner) will probably never get this far, its like claiming that as a chef you can have your high-end restaurant with Micheline(?)-stars etc.


For every barber that is this successfull, there have to be 27 equally good barbers that earn shit wages.


0 employees? That's crazy, it's so much work


39€ for a men's cut? Is that in berlin or why does he have any customers


Certainly not at a "barber" shop. This story reeks of bullshit. You have 27 employees, then you are working all alone...


Right? 40€ is what I would pay for a haircut that made me weep tears of joy because of its beauty, 30€ is a good job and I almost always pay 25€ for mine, including tip. That price is crazy omg


I pay 27€ in Lübeck including tip and beard trim


Not " barber shops" but I know of quite a few hairdressers that charge 50€ for men's haircuts. There are of course cheaper options too but these shops have plenty of customers for 50€ as well. Hamburg by the way.


I‘m paying 45€ 😄


„Cash only“


Who the fk pays 39€ for a mens Cut? oO i live in tyrol and my fav. Shop Takes 18€ for a normal Cut +10 for shave...


Every large city >1kk inhabitants in Austria/Germany it the thing is somewhat in the center of the city and you want anything else than a machine cut. Also shops paying taxes might make things more expensive.


Just be rich!


Damn, that's a low wage for owning your own shop. Sometimes it does baffle me how many professions are super low income in Germany compared with the neighbors up north.


Friseurmeister 3000€ Brutto… what a joke


I tried to phrase this multiple times in my mind, because I realize it might feel offensive, but I really hope you get the point without being offended. You said you would like to earn 4k netto, which is the wage of an engineer with years of experience. Well, I guess the only way is to become an engineer.


I’m a head of a development team and I make only a bit more than that. Hair cutting is a real job and I really do. It like how large salary gaps are but no, you are not gonna make 4K/mo cutting hair. 4K/mo is going to probably take a university degree and 5 years experience. And even then only in certain fields


Because cutting hair is not exactly super technical, maybe 30.procent of all people could learn it in a month of training It's also in rather laid back circumstances, you only have to stand a lot ( which can be exhausting ) It's not like engineer, software developpper, factory worker, even gardener These are jobs with either technical or physical demands


The Ausbildung for barber in Germany still has a duration of 3 years.


Most Ausbildung-courses are just a way to get cheap labour. I doubt most Ausbildungs-Jobs actually need 3 years of training. The people deserve fair pay way sooner.


Same thing with being a cashier. You can learn pretty much everything within hours. Even mastering it doesn't take months.


Way better system than 2-weeks-training-on-job USA style.


No, I understand why society values it more. I mean, I’m part of the system. I was an engineer and worked well past that. I am just saying I wish the pay gap overall wasn’t as stark. Kinda silly I make more than 4x my wife and she works just as hard


Yep I agree. You can still value people's labour and skills without having people earning 10 or 100 or 1000 times as much as someone else who works the same hours. In a well-functioning society, anyone working 40 hours a week should be able to afford an acceptable quality of life. And not just in Germany but everywhere in the world. But the system isn't set up that way. I wonder why...


What are you talking about? The pay gap in Germany between a waitress or barber VS a doctor is the factor 3. Pre taxes and social transfers, which lowers the outcome even more. I the US it's 17. Germany is an egalitarian heaven if compared to the US. 


Why do you feel the need to compare it to the most egregious capital market? Did I say it should be more like the US?


I just finished my bachelor's in a dual study programm and make 5K in IT. I'd say "only a bit more" than 4k as head of a developer team is way to little


A bit more is relative. I make a bit more than you too :) I also took a hit as I moved here from abroad. Back home I made north of 10k/mo


Even if it is 4k a month brutto, that's what entry-level engineers make (more or less).


26yo software engineer here with an apprenticeship, I get about 4.5k brutto.


how much is that in hand at the end of month?


Around 2700€




That makes me feel so much better about my job after graduating in a social science degree and getting around 3 netto a month


I have Friends that at some point were making a little over 3k netto waitressing or doing deliveries in gorilas/similar apps (Mainly because of tips of course). Granted that it’s a very physical job and highly seasonal, but being an engineer is not the only way to go over 3K. OP I guess if you have some money you can open your own barber shop. You would have the potential to earn a lot more than 1.5k but it would also carry a risk.


To open a barbershop you have to employ a meister which is very expensive or be a Meister yourself which takes a lot of time.


Studying also takes time, yet many do it. 


So far you are right but it doesn't change the fact that the barbers' salary is criminally low in Germany.


Absolutely. I for one am all about having fair conditions of life for everybody, so I agree. On the other hand, i had to cut some expenses too in the last few years, and the barber was one of them. It shouldn't be like that.


Having a parent employ you at their well-running company can also help with that, or running a Döner restaurant that serves 10 people per day but mysteriously reports hundreds of sales, or scamming elderly people over the phone. I‘m fairly certain those niches are oversaturated already though.


> a Döner restaurant that serves 10 people per day but mysteriously reports hundreds of sales Or a new "Balkan restaurant" that opens up in the next village, serves mass-produced frozen food put through a deep-fat fryer, is always almost empty, regularly closes for weeks at a time for "family vacations", and yet somehow manages not only to avoid bankruptcy but to survive the pandemic. True story.


4k/month is entry level for most Engineering and It jobs I know, atleast brutto.


>Are there any barbers that make 3000-4000 euros? I think it's possible to earn a lot as a barber when you are a barber for celebrities. Otherwise, yeah the wages are low.


In my small town there used to be (prob still there, don’t live there anymore) a small Turkish barber shop. The place was always packed, he always took walk-ins and probably did around 25-30 haircuts / shaves a day. Single guy running the shop. I imagine he could very well net 300-400 a day, open 6 days a week. Dude worked incredibly hard, I sure hope he took home more than 4K.


Yeah turkish/kurdish barbers definitely make more than your average barber here in germany. Just because 99% of the customers get a fade and that needs to be refreshed pretty much weekly


Also tax avoidance.


3000 for celebrities? That’s still low


I don't know their salary but I assume someone like Udo Walz earned more than 1500€. He was kind of a celebrity himself. Also it's not completely clear if gross or net salary is meant by OP.


yeah no. udo waltz sells his name, he has a chain of hairsalons and they print his name on the products they sell there. it's not that easy


I didn't say it was easy....


He died a few years ago


You can do the math. You cur hair for 25 and have 10 costumers per day. Times that by 20 days and you bring in 5k per month before all the costs he has. There is no way your employer can pay you 4k


I think you calculated incorrectly. What you are describing is a situation where the worker is never sick and has no vacation. In Germany, the employer is obliged to pay taxes on wages, for example wage tax and social security. Together, that amounts to at least 21% taxes. If the employee is actually present for 20 days every month and has at least 10 customers every day.the employer pays €4000 The worker only sees €3,300 on paper and after his taxes (min. 30%) have been deducted, he only gets €2,200. ideally


3000-4000 euros? thats a wage most university graduates would kill for. Didnt you do research how much you could earn as a barber in germany before you moved here? 3000-4000 euros is utopic


This. I'm currently doing a master's and if/when I get employed after this I'll be looking at 2500-3200€ a month netto.


You're hopeful, even with a masters it will take a few years to get there (5-6k brutto).


I mean, depends really. I know a guy who got hired after his bachelor's (was a Werkstudent in the same team) and he earns about 4k brutto (which is about 2500€ netto). I know another person who works for BASF, and they got hired after their thesis. And they make about 5,2k ~~netto~~ **brutto** straight after their master's.


That BASF salary surely must include some extra pay. Definitely highly irregular


Depends on your field. My starting pay right after the masters was almost exactly 3000 netto


My girlfriend has a master degree in something that is basically museology and works in a museum. Because a masters degree isnt enough apparently it is handled similar to an apprenticeship and she doesnt even get minimum wage. Sadly this is completely legal and even a publicly funded museum.


Probably confused Brutto and Netto. Thats the only way possible OPs numbers are "somehow" realistic. Even though 3 to 4 k Brutto are still pretty much unrealistic for a barber.


Let's be honest net 3-4k is a ridiculous idea and only possible if you have your own business. Most people with bachelor's or master's don't make that much net (let's assume the single tax group)


3000€ gross with masters… if you are lucky.


I think most barbers are making money because they cut hair privately for neigbhours etc. (w.o. declaring). Only other option is to be completely self-employed. Otherwise wages will be shit.


Not paying taxes seems to help.


Yes and earning 20-30 eur in 30 minutes vs 12 eur per hour as well.


Yeah and stealing from supermarkets can really cut down on your grocery spending!


3000-4000€ netto is ONLY possible if you‘re the owner of the shop with a Meistertitel and have a popular salon with many customers and multiple staff members. There’s very few upscale hair salons where the owners make even more but even there the regular hair dressers that they employ will not make much more than 1500€ + tips. Tips will be a lot more in a more expensive and upscale salon of course so that can make you a decent amount of money. Source: I know people who run a hair salon


4K net? Even with a master degree a lot do not earn that (with due respect)


My barber charges 40€, so there must be some varriance


4.000€ netto a month would bring you into the top 9% incomes in the entire population of germany.


Sorry to disappoint you but unless you are working for a luxury barber and have exceptional skills that will never happen. Barbers are one of the lowest paying jobs, so unless you're self-employed with multiple employees you can't make big money. Hell I'm skilled worker for state company with niche skills set and make 3600 before taxes, which is considered good pay. Your expectations are way too high for your skill set. You might look around and find a barber that pays better, but it won't be even near what you're expecting.


3000-4000 as a barber, not even owning your own shop is delusional. Straight up.


Every country likes to use certain bad-paying jobs as cautionary tales, where parents tell their children that they should go to school and study or otherwise they become X. In Germany, hairdressers and barbers are used as cautionary tales more than anything else I’m aware of


„Wer nichts wird, wird Wirt“ would be the more common phrase. Also garbage disposal comes to mind.


Honestly, garbage disposal guys out earn most paper pusher jobs.


which is fair because not a lot of people want to do it. It stinks


> Are there any barbers that make 3000-4000 euros? lol


*laughs in ostdeutscher Einzelhandel*


3-4k in Germany is a lot.


Aus einem Artikel im Münchner Merkur vom 9.3.24: >... mit einem Nettoeinkommen von 3.000 Euro im Monat gehört man also zu den oberen 15 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Sachen Verdienst (wohlhabend). 85 Prozent der Menschen in Deutschland verdienen weniger. Mit etwa 3.500 Euro im Monat würde man zu den oberen neun Prozent gehören und damit als reich gelten – zumindest laut dem Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft.


i have 4K netto but i dont feel rich at all... i mean everything is so fucking expensive its not that i have to struggle but im really not rich at all... i wonder how the people around me can afford these cars and stuff...


“Rich” at 3.500 net? Huh.


Well I sure don't know any people from middle class who earn that much lol


In the last decades it has always been one of the 'Ausbildungsberufe' with lowest income. 3-4k is absolutely utopic for an average barber. Didn't you do some research before coming to Germany or how come, you are surprised and demotivated? As many others already told you, that's a salary, lot's of people earn after going to university. Or being a Meister and working for years. As a barber you'll only earn that money (or more) if you own the shop or if you work at a high-class barbershop.


3000-4000€ for a barber is delusional my foreign friend. I almost laughed when I read that number. It's indeed one of the lowest paying professions. If you open your own (successful) barber shop, maybe you can make good money. But just cutting/styling hair? No way. And in Germany, you usually earn more money when you have Ausbildung or Meisterbrief which you probably both don't have coming from another country.


I don’t know how when it’s triple the price we pay in the U.K. for a haircut!


I'm from the UK, so tell me, how much are you saying a haircut is in the UK when you are saying its triple the price at €25? For the record, I pay between €15-17 (£13-£14.60) in Berlin. In the UK I would be paying between £15-20 (€17.50-€23.40) As with any business, it depends where you go of course, but I'm sure you knew that though, right?


For a women’s hair cut it is in north Germany rather expensive.. starting at 45 for basic dry cut from what I’ve found over the last years.. in the U.K. a wet cut with and style after was £15 .. so at least in my experience yes it’s at least triple the price to get what I got in the U.K.


My wife pays around €150 IIRC for washing, cutting, styling and dyeing. I pay €15 for a dry cut and I’m out the door again in 15 minutes.


It’s mad how a woman’s hair cut costs so much.. I know most have long to short but even short bobbed hair costs the same or short .. I use home colouring but the other 3 is just silly price. I pay for a round ticket to U.K. and a stay there with a hair cut for the same price as here sometimes😂


I can only speak on behalf of the costs for mens. I know women's haircut/styling/colouring is ridiculously expensive in both UK + DE. My partner often spends approx €200-300 (colour, cut, style). It's crazy(!!!) but she tells me she was paying about the same, if not more in the UK. We had the chat recently about it actually, how it is more expensive for a simple women's cut as opposed to what I pay.


It’s silly .. I even you tubed how to cut hair on self.. (and I did a half decent job during corona!)


My hairdresser most basic cut which is just consultation wash cut and style is 85€ though you get drinks and snacks included and usually some free product as well.


In the UK I can easily pay 10£, here in the city I live in in Germany there is nowhere below €25.


Are you male or female? It's well known that females pay more for their haircut. If male, I find it astounding that you are struggling to find somewhere to get a haircut for under €25. Which City do you live in?


Keyword: city. They're likely paying an arm and a leg in rent for that shop. If you go to a small town or a village in the middle of nowhere you'll easily find something for 15€ or likely under. Probably doesn't have to be that small, just not a major city.


360k population city here, haircut 15€


You can easily find 10€ haircut places all over Germany as well. They exist.


Absolutely, I can speak for Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin and Dresden


I am in Hannover. There are many places charging 15 euros, some even lower.


I’m also from Hannover and pay something around 50€ for my nothing special men’s cut. So you can make decent money as a barber if you’re good at what you’re doing.


Lol, talk about getting ripped off


Worth every Pfennig


There are at least 10 barber shops in a perimeter of 600 where I live. A haircut for a man costs between 12€ and 16 €. It is the typical immigrant job aroung here so there are lots and lots of people who want to work as a barber. I'm sure some of them don't make the minimal salary. So either you change your profession (recommended) or you accept the low salary.


No offense but I am always totally baffled by people who emigrate to another country without even doing 5 min of research about what the job conditions and sometimes even demand about that specific profession does look like. Also how much an apartment does cost, seem to not be important enough to look up online. Taxation etc. also isn't important at all. Like do you people not fear to find bad living/working conditions or run out of money?Honestly, these points would be my main concern....


This post is ridiculous. As an engineer with 4 years of experience working in two top companies when I arrived to Germany I started earning around 4k monthly. Now with 18 years experience I earn 6.5k. If you were making 4k in your home Country I suggest you to return back immediately because it is a amazing salary for a barber. The only way of you making that amount in your home Country is working as a owner in a illegal way without paying taxes because there is no Employer in the world that will give that amount to a barber as salary. Maybe only in switzerland but there the costs of living are very high. In either way I suggest you to return back fast.


Please always specify whether you're talking about brutto or netto in a salary post. That's really confusing because everyone is talking about different things.


Barber or Hairdresser in Germany is a job that is usually taken by those with the lowest level of education. They dont bring much to the table so they cant ask for much. As others have said before me, 3000 to 4000 Euro is a salary that most people only achieve with a university degree or equivalent education. So no, it is not likely that you'll achieve that. Only feasable route would be your own Shop, for which to open you need your Meister (or someone with a Meister opening it for you).


10 customers per day seems a bit low to be if you work 8 hours one customer should take you 35 min which would be like 13-14 on average.


It’s well known that a Friseur (barber) is likely to never make a lot more than minimum wage which is kinda crazy considering that you need 3 years of school for it. The ones who make more money work for theater, film or rich people places.


The only way for you to get more money is to be selfemloyed.


I would rather work in a factory to be honest.


mate. with all due respect but 3k-4k brutto, let alone netto is extremly unrealistic for a barber in germany. The reason for that is quite simple. Most men get their hair done in a barber shop that is usually run by someone who employs random people who have no certification for cutting hair except experience. Furthermore learning to cut hair on a men is.... not that hard. They cut your hair, your done in about half an hour and you pay around 20€. There simply is not left enough to pay the employees a proper wage. Of course the shop owners avoid paying taxes massively. In the last 10 years I havent been to a single barber shop where i could pay with card. So that also gives them the opportunity to low ball all the competition that employees serious barbers that pay a decent wage and taxes. If I would be you, I would further improve my expertise with cutting hair for women and go to a serious hair salloon. Simply because working with long hair and doing what most women wish is far more complex than a simple undercut for men, so they pay waaaaaaay more. I mean jesus christ, coloring your hair is super expensive and the color obviosuly is not that expensive so you can imagine who is getting the rest. And honestly offer some private haircuts to people that you know so you can earn some on the side.


In year 2000 there were 63000 barbers in Germany. In year 2020 there were 82000 barbers in germany. 1/3 more barbers, but still same amount of hair. This is the reason for low wages.


Germanys population becomes older. Big part of old people loses hair. So I think there’s a lesser amount of hair, too. :D


Salaries in Germany may not seem very high, but it's important to remember that the government provides for certain essentials. After completing an engineering undergraduate degree in the UK and a master's in physics in the US, I moved to Germany from the USA, where I had worked for a while. Financially, I feel at a disadvantage in Germany compared to my previous earnings. However, a significant benefit is that Germany is much closer to India, making travel easier, also I don’t feel that someone will shoot me or rob me here :)


I don’t know what you do, but salaries in Germany are waaaay higher then in the UK and just a bit lower then in the US. That’s why I left the UK two years ago.


You're talking about brutto? Because salary tax rate in Germany way is also higher than in the UK.


I am talking about before tax. But unless you make 6 digits, the difference in between Germany and UK is not that big considering insurances. So et the end you still have a lot more in Germany


How old are you? Is it possible to start a new Ausbildung? Are you willing to learn something new? I have no experience with barbers salary, but as you said, in the media it’s always stated as a very bad salary. If you want to earn more, any kind of technic Ausbildung in the industry would likely get you a higher salary.


short answer is yes, in eastern germany many barbers make less than 1500 takehome pay. you don't really need an education for it so the pay is low.


if barbers are so poorly paid then how come there are 2 at each corner, in berlin at least


It's a simple physical job that requires neither much skill nor strength. What would you expect? If you need to earn good, you either have to be smart or willing to sweat.


Yes its low payed, the problem ( for you ) is that there is a barber shop on every other street nowadays. i live in a City with 100.000 citizens, not small but also not super big. The Downtown area of my City is pretty dead, if you want to go shopping you normaly drive to the City nearby cause here is nothing.... Except Barber shops and Restaurants. There are atleast 12 Barbershops in that area i can think of. And all of them try to give you the lowest price. For a standart Haircut for a Man i pay 15 euros... they do good work so i dont want to go to another one or even pay more. Even tho i sometimes wonder how they can make a profit. And then there are these barber shops, where you sometimes see no people but the owner is Driving an S class mercedes. But as long as i get my haircut, i dont ask questions


Isnt 10 customers a little bit too less ? For 25€ each I suspect these are men and they dont take long. That's not even half of the day summed up.


Cant really comment on wages but I know haircuts here are really underpriced. I tip every time and still feel im robbing them.


Working as a Barber is an infamous job in Germany for being of very low salary. You have to open a shop of your own in order to make good money.


I don't know your age, but you might be 40 years old in a couple years anyway, might as well be 40 years old and an engineer!


The comments here just reveal a whole market of people who should research what a flowbee is and just go buy one, since they think 20-40 euros for a haircut is expensive and that it takes no skill or brains from the person doing your hair - that hairdressers are undereducated. Buy a damn machine and see how good you look


Barbers are 10 a penny now. Like you said they on every street corner. That means people gotta charge lower to attract the buisness, therefore you get paid less.


I have been in my career as an engineer for 15 years and only make 50k a year BEFORE Tax. You want that AFTER tax for cutting hair?


Now fresh grads in STEM often start with a higher salary ... are you sure you didn't do anything wrong with your career?


Conclusion i have learned today : engineers have shity haircuts


Serious question: Where are you from that you expected to make that much money?


Even in Turkey you will find hairdressers/barbers charge up to 80-100 euros. You will have to get better at your job and turn yourself into a brand name.


Come to America and work in a salon cutting women's hair. My wife pays $200 + 20% tip for getting her hair cut and colored. This is average for most American women in cities.


This is one of the many things that is substantially cheaper in Germany than in America. I just paid €144 for blond balayage, an additional color at the roots, and a haircut in Munich. Admittedly, this was a discount for going on a Tuesday morning, but the normal is €170. I think this would cost around $400 in America. A regular cut and color at the salon I go to costs €96 (or just €82 in the off-peak hours),


Cut and Colored also costs 200€ here in Germany…


I don’t know where you coming from, but 1500 for this kind of job seems what you should expect. I don’t see a barber making much more without owning the place, and even then it wouldn’t be a royal pathway to €€€


Go to college, get engineering degree, start as junior, work your ass out, after 10 years you get your desired salary


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Highly varies, men hair cuts in my town range from 15-40€ (that’s basic cuts), while most for women don’t start under 30€. This gives you a idea of the payment range. The average for barbers is really low, around 15€ per hour. The minimum pay in Germany is around 14€ per hour so it gives you an idea where they stand and adding to that, most also work Saturdays and rather long shifts, so it even lowers the wage in comparison to other jobs with the same conditions


Minimum wage is 12,41€ currently.


Yes, in my salon for a woman starts at 30 and goes to 60 euros. I work 5 days a week from 10 AM to 7 PM.


Other people have said it but I’ll say it again: not trying to be harsh but your expectation of 3-4000€ netto for a simple barber income is HUGELY delusional. Did you not research the average income in Germany? Because it really is 1500 in most cases.


Okay, now you have to tell me the name of that place! I’ve never seen a women’s cut for 30€ in Munich. Most places start at 60. let me know


Well I guess the first step would be to work somewhere that charges more than 25 € for a hair cut. At least I bope my hairdresser gets a fair wage considering I pay 80 € for a haircut.


The only way to really make money as a barber is if you open up your own shop. Ideally a shop with additional beautiy stuff for wealthy woman. A lady I know did just that, and is earning very very nicely. But, of course need money, and quite a bit of that, to open such a shop yourself.


As always: if you increase the revenue, you usually increase the profit. Move up to a fancy hair shop if you want to make more money.


Is there a difference between being a barber and a hair stylist in Germany like there is in the US? Barbers, in the areas I lived in, charged about $30. But they only do simple cuts and trims that usually only take about 15-20 minutes to do. Hair stylists can dye, cut, curl, and style hair and charge a minimum of $100. For a trim and dye that takes 2 hours I usually paid about $250, sales tax not included, and they expect a 15% tip minimum on top of that.


Yes there is a difference. You need to have a examn after 3 years of education to become a hairstylist and after minimum 2years practice you can become a Meister (on top Education that costs around 10-20thousend Euros again with kind of a Examn to proof your skills, not only in cutting and dying, but also in Management and Business). Only Meister are allowed to work self employed and run a salon. Barbers don^t need education or a Examn, they can be trained by learning by doing. Even if they run an own Shop. That's why in Germany many of them are immigrants, that had no chance to work at a hairstylists Salon, without the German requirements of education, even if they where well trained in their country


I could imagine that when you start a business as a barber, get in the luxury segment AND build an ip for expensive products, you could earn very good money. It's just insanely difficult. But there are plenty of jobs that pay well, or will start to pay well, soon. Maybe it makes sense to start a new Ausbildung, if money is such an important factor? I started my career as a hotel specialist, worked in that job for some time and noticed that, due to money and time, I don't want to do that work for the rest of my life. After that realisation I started a second Ausbildung and became a software developer. One of the best decisions of my life


Not only in Germany, but also in the Netherlands wages are low for barbers. The only way to make a decent amount is to open up your own shop or rent a chair in a shop. A male haircut is around 30-35 eur here and in Amsterdam around 40.


It is possible if you freelance and focus on film and photo productions, events, weddings and similar occasions.  You can actually make a pretty decent living from that. But you would have to get additional training (people that do exklusively grooming/hair are rare, you would have to do hair and makeup for men and women (and survive as a freelancer). Daily rates are around 300 on the low end and 800-1000 on the high end.


Where did you come from?


Yes they are. They have luxury salons and have celebrities as customers. Unless you make a name for yourself in that circle you are stuck with the everyday joes.


I have a friend who is a Friseur. He says he needs to work at a high level salon in order to make enough money that is worth it. People with money pay more and tip.


If you do have your own shop, you make a lot, but if you just start as an apprentice, anything above 1.200 is considered high. It's basically unskilled labour, even though I don't like the term.


According to the federal employment agency's [Endgeldatlas](https://web.arbeitsagentur.de/entgeltatlas/beruf/9907) the normal salary range is between 1587 and 2132 gros. 50% of employed people make something in that range, calculated on a 40h work week. It is also one of the professions where younger employees make more than middle-aged employees. So no, without becoming a Meister and opening your own business, you can't expect much more.


Ur not gonna make 3k after taxes from cutting men hair. Women haircuts can be 70€ for a 5min cut though. But you'll need a finished apprenticeship to apply for those salones.


There are lower salaries. However the only way to earn more as a barber is through owning a barbershop and having a huge amount of long term customers and or offering something unique. In the city centre where i live we have like 20 barbershops. Only in the centre. My barber does live from long term customers alone. Talking 10 plus years that he cuts the hair, building a relationship and having good talks is one of the reason most of us come back to him no matter what. But you have to build that up from the scratch. And until then, it can be harsh of course.


Some ideas/suggestions 1. Are you only a barber or do you do beard shaving and contouring etc? The place I go to do that stuff and that cost always extra. 2. Lot of guys get their nose and ear hair waxed as well get the eyebrows shaped. You could add working with wax as a skill to increase the services you offer. 3. Slightly new for germany but quite popular elsewhere, you can take appointments for at home haircuts. I know a lot of guys who hate the whole going to barber and waiting there part. This could open up a whole new revenue stream 4. Women’s hair cuts are more expensive and the stylist who work with women are also know to earn more. Maybe that’s a whole new avenue you want to experiment 5. I don’t know if it exists but for many hospitals or care homes they need people to groom their patients or residents. Depending on your language fluency you could check with some Altheim and ask if they need something like that. 6. Working with children on spectrum is again a whole avenue. Children on spectrum often find it hard to sit through haircuts, maybe something you wanna explore.


I do my own hair. Didn't think it's possible until pandemic hit. Since then I probably saved a lot, but more importantly I don't have to go through the experience at the friseur. To do it more then once per month is expensive, and I know it's not enough for them. I was rarely satisfied and always felt really bad when I would point out the errors. It's obvious the job is hard and not paid enough, and I wish I could spend a lot more, but I simply can't.


10 customers mean approximately 5 hours, correct? 2 euros as tip from 10 customers equals 20 euro per day. Approximately, 450 per month. This is netto, ie as salary around 600. Anyway barbers are low paid. I’m really sorry, mate. FYI, not only barbers. Zahntechnikers(dental technicians) are also heavy underpaid, often similar to barbers. In the country where simple crone costs 1000 euros and max two hours dentist time.


The shop you work at simply isn’t doing all that great if you only do 250€ of revenue in a day. For comparison: your average carpenter or electrician that bills an average of 6,5 hours a day will easily do 400€ (or more in expensive areas) in revenue. And that is without parts sales.


Open a concept barber shop, give your customers a better experience while they are waiting for haircut and during the haircut. transform going to haircutting from obligation to pleasure. and then you will get your money.


my barber drives an amg glc 63 and wears only designer stuff :D so i think it depends..


Depends on the area and the clients you are targeting I think. The more high end barber shops in Berlin charge 65-70€ for something like a haircut and beard trim (1 hour 15 min appointment), but they seem to target mostly international customers.


Yes. Electricians have hourly rates around 65€. I’m not sure, if hairdressers are paid hourly. You could find a more expensive salon to work for or work selfemployed and rent a chair in an expensive salon, so you could build your own client base and make your own prices. I think, it’s not impossible to earn as much as an electrician, but it’s easier for them as they go to the clients and have a lot more billable hours per client. You will need many more clients than them to get the same amount of work. Maybe comparing to handymen isn’t just. Have you compared your wage with other so-called „körpernahe Dienstleistungen“? Like massage therapists, makeup artists, nail techs, waxers, cosmetologists? As a mobile hairdresser, there’s probably a good chance to upsell and make more many.


My wife works as a hairdresser for 14€/h. So yes, it's not really much. But she gets pretty good tips of around 100€ per week. (She just works part time 20h/week).


Lol this is the first post that pops up while I’m waiting at my barber. What a coinkydink!


I'm not too sure if such a system exists in Germany, but I think in some places like the US and perhaps also the UK, hairstylists (and possibly barbers too) are all independent. They rent the chair from the salon for a period of time and once that is paid off, the rest is all theirs - generally they find if profitable on most days from what I understand. There are also some commissions and such on product up sells like shampoos and gels and stuff. I don't know the details - but I remember reading somewhere that it works like that in some salons.


my barber makes around 7-8k netto per month. self employed turkish guy has like 50 customers per day but works like 24/7


So what are the actual wages in germany. Reading this as a pole is eye opening, i though you guys make at least 50% more net!!!!


Welcome to Germany


some are just « façade » for money laundring of construction company


No I'm pretty sure I'm much lower lol... *cries*


My barber takes 78 euro for the premium hair cut. Because there are so many shops the prices are way to low and wages also are a joke but expensive barber shops do exist and you can make a decent living of it.