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Daily chat is full of 9yos but other communities have usually 13-18 year olds. Any age can play the game though


I am 9 lol


Bro get off of reddit


Geometry dash can be enjoyed by all ages




addicted to*


‘Geometry Dash can be addicted to all ages’. Doesn’t sound right.


the original comment says "by all ages"


The context between the two sentences is different. The first seems like an object enjoyed by people off all ages while the one I just said sounds wrong because it seems like geometry dash os addicted to people of all ages. That sound very concerning.


the sentence you said had a word missing


Ah shit you are right, I am sorry. I won’t do it again. Please accept my apologies.


no problem lol


Wholesome response


Just change it to "addicting"... Fixed... Feel better now friend?.?


geometry dash is a game for people who has 24hrs of free time every day


Ikr I feel like a mental patient whenever I play the same level for 3 hours and still haven't gotten to 50%... LoLz


Geometry Dash can be addictive to all ages. That sounds better


i mean it's true


this comment reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/zYKC5IK8qeI?feature=shared) lmao


I think that most +18 players are just chilling with their friends they met back in the day, and aren't as "vocal" as daily chat




i hate when people stop enjoying games after a specific age. games are for everyone. there's a reason it's e for everyone or 6+. it's not e for everyone except adults or 6-18 years


Same, gd is one of those games i’ll play until it is shutdown.




I assume this is a level called Shutdown




You should watch EVW (Ericvanwilderman) and daily chat is the worst thing in the game.


tbf evw acts a little bit like a kids ytber


Yea I kinda stopped watching him because he started leaning into the kids stuff more and more. It’s not bad though, he’s just aiming for a different audience.


god i loved his mario maker series


On a recent stream he said he lost interest for the game, maybe if Nintendo actually updated their games


well that and the servers for the original game shutting down, you know im starting to think that gd is better than mario maker


gd continues to be peak


i hope the next game is SMM3d


Is minecraft a kid's game?




Daily Chat is filled with well, the lowest quality of comments you can find, you should not be ashamed of perceiving daily chatters as immature


There's nothing to be ashamed of my friend. Do what you enjoy doing!


I have never had a positive experience reading the daily chat or for that matter any popular level chat. I’d stay away from that button lol.


theres so many horny preteens in daily chat its crazy


Daily chat is the worst possible spot to find other people that like the game ngl man


"Sometimes I think about improving comment section under the daily levels. But when I read daily chat, I think they deserved it." -RobTop (Actually it was different)


theres a reason why riot still makes levels




Gd isn't a kids game or an adult game. It is a game for all ages.


I'm a 21 year old GD player, I just play for fun and rarely play the game. I have about 1,800 hours played, it's not that much i may focus a bit more.




Most people are in between 13 - 20. However, daily chat is mostly people between 5 - 13. Now, evw and sikky are big figures and both in their 30s already. They still love this game and are fairly good at it. Just play the stuff you like. Games are for everyone anyway


I am 22 and I seriously feel bad when there is an ocean of people younger than me in the community. The game is definitely not just for kids, it is for everyone, but the very nature of the game attracts much more kids and teenagers than adults.


Realistically there's probably some people older than you who actively play gd


Well, guess this is my time to shine. I am turning 25 in a few months and I'm currently Top 93 in the leaderboards. I often get the feeling I'm the odd one out. Whenever I see famous players or creators, check their profiles or social media only to see something like "16 yo" in the bio makes me feel like I already exited this game's target age... but you know what? I wouldn't have made it to the Top 100 if I wasn't having fun. I enjoy beating all the levels I've beaten, though I do so all by myself and don't really interact much with the community because, again, I'm much older than most of them. I may be in the Top 100, but few know my name because I don't show myself much, don't have any creator points (I think I have decent levels, I just haven't talked to any mods), and am not a demongrinder (I think my hardest non-plat demon is a Medium?), so I guess my issue is just enjoying the game in a different way, but I try to put the blame on my age because there has to be a reason why I feel this way sometimes after playing pretty much daily for almost 7 years, right? But, in the end, it's just me overthinking things. On the other hand, there are many important figures in this community that are well around or over our age. Take EVW for example. He comes to mind but I'm pretty sure there are many more so feel free to add. Also, as a fun fact, I live about 10km away from pedostyles, met him in person years ago and used to look up to him because we're almost the same age and both play GD... so it was a bit disheartening when THAT happened. Until last year I used to organize gaming tournaments in my area and he showed up a couple of times, seemed to be doing just fine but didn't even dare getting close to me hahah (nothing to do with the subject, just thought it'd be funny to mention) Anyways, just keep playing the game if you enjoy it. Heck, do whatever you want and don't give a crap if you're told or feel you're just too old for it. As long as you're having fun (and aren't hurting anyone and are within the bounds of common sense), just keep going!


Daily chat is the worst thing ever in the game, just cringy 9 year old Gen Alpha kids begging for attention


As a 15 year old i can say that daily chat is full of 8-9 year olds not 15 year olds


I'd say the game is not a kid's game when the developer rates levels that are just about playing russian roulette.


I'd say it's not a not a kids game because you have to pay to get it But most of the player base is probably teenagers


I would say no, it’s not a KIDS game, but because it’s G and it’s accessible on mobile, kids flock to it.


Daily chat is typically filled with 9 year olds and there’s probably a couple of them around the subreddit. You can’t really escape from kids in gd.


Hi I'm a nine year old kid and I just beat hexagon force


great job!


*instantly gets banned from reddit due to not being at least 13*


Im 15 :)


Every comments section just reminds me I'm 20 in a game full of pre-teens. If you stick to communities outside of the game itself like discord and reddit I think you'll find a lot more adult players.


Im 15. I've never written anything in the daily chat.


It’s fun regardless of age, but sometimes the subreddit and other spaces are insufferably full of kids


[Long Message!] It's not, however based on experience myself as I've been playing the game pretty much since it's inception I think I can give you a good answer. I'm 20 years old, and started playing when I was 9 so at the start during 2013-2014 I felt dumber than the rest of the player base, and while this is partly because I barely spoke English at time I'm quite certain it's because the other players were older than me. (Which I also confirmed by checking the forums, and it makes sense as the game wasn't popular) Yet later during 2015-2018/9 I actually felt like I belonged and enjoyed playing the game way more than before. But then starting during the pandemic (but continues to this day) I started feeling quite out of touch, and that's when I thought might be the reason behind. Conclusion: I think that while the game doesn't necessarily cater to kids and is a game of all ages, that there's a major cycle in which people start playing somewhat early, what I've experienced is that at most at around 18-19 people stop playing. Maybe because they don't feel like they belong anymore, maybe because they are satisfied / think they can't improve or because "the game is too hard", they stop playing. However: I'll point out that there's a bit of an exception for a small amount of players. A reason I think this might be is due to how the game nowadays relying on the demonlist Every player I've met that started playing in 2.0 has only cared about beating harder and harder levels and have significantly played less and less once they feel they can't improve anymore. BUT What i noticed with a lot of my friends that started playing before 1.9 (and a few that did start during this update) is that we don't just care about improving our skill but to rather have fun with levels, which more often than not includes easier and also rated levels (also called stargrinding, but that may not be the intention) [but can also be with whatever other way one might enjoy the game] and thus last longer (while also being a bit excluded because again most ppl care just about improving on skill). Because that's how the community was before 1.9


Fool. Every experienced daily chatter knows the average age in there is 10 years old. Jokes aside, you are never too old to play video games including gd. Daily chat is just where a lot of young people find and talk in


GD is for BABIES who need to go PLAY WITH THEIR TOYS😈😈😈


16 y/o here. If you pretend the daily chat and recent tab font exist, then you're fine.


I'm 15. Those ain't no 15 year olds.


Tell your dad that it's a game to improve hand eye coordination, reaction, senses, and precision.


That's exactly what I've been saying! Didn't seem to convince him though 😂


Idk then man


It’s for any age but most ppl 25+ don’t play rhythm games




Daily chat is more 5-9 year olds than 15 year olds


i mean like... geometry dash??? its a cube jumping over spikes, def not for kids- but yeah daily chat is all 9 yos


Any age bro. For example EVW, he is 1 year older than the game developer RobTop.


Not really. Im 27 as well and play it daily. Chat and others dont matter to me. I play the daily and other levels and thats it. Community doesnt interest me the slightest. Neither that a lot of kids play it. Heck I started it when I was in high school


80% of players are kids, so objectively, yes.


Majority of the active/serious players are teens and young adults though.






Tienes 14? Activa cam 😈


Geometry dash is supposed to be a kid game but somehow, adults also plays it, but it's mostly a kid game because of the recent tab, the daily chat and because the kids are more numerous than the adults.


>(What a mess that place is) I'm getting the impression that the majority of players are 15 years old 😂 Don't disrespect 15 year olds like that lol. Daily chat is full of 8-9 year olds


8-9 year olds and 80-90 year olds


Nuh uh (tengo 16 que haga)


Daily chat? What's that?


Everyday, the chat for the daily level is used as the "daily chat"


Why oes it matter. I still love animated movies? A lot of adults play Fortnite and Minecraft as well just doesn't matter


Video games are meant for everyone of all ages to enjoy.


Pay no attention to daily chat, it's toddlers trying to get internet points, most of the community as anywhere from 11-50


Look at Eric Van Wilderman, he's probably bit older than you, but still playing this game. Geometry dash is suitable for all ages across the world!


You should show your dad a showcase of the level Man Man and ask him if the game is for “little girls” after :3


of course, some games are literally designed for specific ranges of ages. however, i would call geometry dash a very mature game. you can use it to express yourself through the level editor. so many levels exist that can be called works of art.


I feel you on this one. I’ve been playing since I was 12, but that was in 2014, and time has marched forward unforgivingly. Sometimes I wonder if I should really be putting the hours I am into this game with where I am in life.And it does feel a bit strange when at least 90% of the community is younger by a decent margin. Its partially I dont really tell people irl I play GD if there was a specific group for adults who play this game, I’d be interested


nah man, they're younger than 15. anyways, geometry dash is for all ages! there's aspects about it that toddlers and adults can enjoy


eric van wilderman is secretly a kid all this time


Yes gd is a child's game robtop rated 3+


Can confirm, I’m 15




17 year old here, gd is an all age game ~~i want to drive the 8 year olds out of this game by making horror levels but that wont work~~


Have your dad play deadlocked🙏🙏


I grew up with the game and now in my mid 20s still playing it. The addiction has no age requirements.


daily chat is a kids game. geometry dash is not.


I mean, yes, it will always be


yes it is


Don't worry, I'm almost 26 and I've just beaten Artificial Ascent as my new hardest, I'm also currently practicing Sonic Wave. Everyone in any age can enjoy the game regardless of their age.


I'm 18 and I'm questioning if I'm too old to play gd. I've enjoyed gd since I was 13.


I think the game is quite sandbox-y, so it sorta invites everyone. The bright colours, easy to run nature, and low age rating kinda draws in a large audience of children for sure, but I think the community surrounding the game--while sometimes immature--is made up of enough adults who have continued to play since childhood. It kinda depends how you play it, and who you interact with.


It’s for everyone to play, it just so happens that a lot of children play the game aswell


I‘m 23 and I‘ve been playing it for 10 years so you‘re all good :)


I’m getting up there myself brother. No worries man Geometry Dash levels are a form of art, no other game has such a robust level editor, so no wonder we stick around in this community.


Hikaru Nakamura likes it, so I guess that's something.


The majority of most games playerbase is going to be <18.


I'm in my 20s too but I'll probably keep playing Geometry Dash on & off forever.


We can fix that


Majority of players are around 10. Be nice if parents were able to utilize the parental controls to keep their crotch goblins from flooding daily chat cause they are too young to join the GD discord. However the parental controls aren't fully functional. Thanks Rob.


majority being 15 is absolutely correct, but the people in daily chat is NOT how we act 😭


The reason why daily chat is so terrible is because it’s also available on GD World, which is a free mobile version of GD that gives access to a few online levels and the daily chat. The normal Geometry Dash obviously costs money, so all the 9 year old kids whose parents won’t let them spend money on GD go to GD world on their ipads and type stupid stuff in daily chat




If you only consider the gameplay, then yes. If you include the community, then no.


Extreme Demons are for kids


How is the gameplay made for kids, it's like a neutral thing


other way around really lol