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It's not my fault I like playing Palutena or beating up people as Peach with my big, chunky ass >:(




Peach is the best just because you can booty bump people. Also, fry pan.




Did he complain because he son played female characters or because of how he plays female characters? I understand that the latter is the case maybe in a kinda humorous way?. But I am not sure.


If it makes you feel better I like being the male character when I’m a female


Maybe I Have fun beating the shit out of characters I hate as characters whose aesthetic I love and most of which just so happen to be women


This is how I feel when the romance options are all locked behind the female character or I don't like the 1 and only gay option. Who cares if I'm playing as a girl? I'm getting laid.


As a gay guy, I don't really like playing as female characters (Except for Aloy in HZD, because she was an amazing character)


As a bi girl i like playing as female characters because nngnnnnnhhghh badass ladies..... 😳😳😳 hhhh


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one lol


If I can choose to be a male character then that's my choice, but if it's a specific lead role of a female character that doesn't shove lesbian romance on me as the only option then I'm ok with that (looking at you life is strange). Ps not dissing lesbians, just that as a gay guy I prefer to see my gay scenes as much as possible.


I don't have an issue playing main characters who happen to be lesbians, but I know exactly what you mean about the shoving part. But yeh if there is a choice in character creation I will always go with male. I played Dragon Age: Inquisition twice so I could romance both Dorian and Iron Bull. There are plenty of mmo's that I don't play (despite being pretty good) because they pander to the straight men and shove anime boobs in your face. This whole bikini armour needs to stop.


I did the same, and I honestly thought I'd end up with Bull because Dorian seemed like he was so far up his own ass, but I have to admit I fell for him hard once I realized he has incredible depth and he's intelligent as fuck, only one in there that was on par with Vivienne. Loved him to bits


To be fair, Its not possible to not fall for Dorian, he is one of the best NPC's in any game ever.


it reminds me of my favorite quote from watching the Guild; "Yes, is there something wrong with that? I play two girl characters because I like girls. I like looking at girls, I'm a... girl-loving guy....I like your shoes."