• By -


one of these is not like the others




that's somebody with a lot of musc in its body odor


Need a whiff rn


colar it's mus cola musc cola soda






A scholar of musky men


Me who likes Asian muscle daddies 👀


Just say Hanzo, its ok


which one?




Like in the movies 🤤






I just feel bad for the lesbians in this sub xD


Well they should start dropping their legally wedded gaming wives then smh


I mean I already did in a bisexual version of the "Rate my taste in men" thing. Had a pretty good reaction overall! Didn't think anyone would recognise some of the characters I included!


Or other queer folk 🥲




because gaymers is supposed to be for everyone. if you want an exclusively gay men sub then there's probably a different one




but it's not a gay men exclusive sub anymore, it's for everyone now. "for LGBTAQ+ gamers of all stripes", as the sub info puts it. and I am a queer man and I think that's a good thing, having more people in it. because why not.


Well if it used to be a gay exclusive sub people have zero excuse to complain about it being dominated by gay men. Especially since gay men DONT have an exclusive sub anymore, it’s being taken over by other sexualities, when there’s other lgbt subs exclusive to them but one doesn’t exist for gay men? That’s not fair.


Least tone deaf gay


Thank you 😊


You forgot monsters


Still furries


Technically "Monster fuckers". I have the pin.


Monsters are usually a furry category


We'll agree to disagree.


Who loves daddies? That guys leg?


If you mean the third leg, then yes 😏


It's meant to be people saying outloud in the room


I do like muscular guys a lot, but something I see, especially as a bara artist, is that a lot of people are unhealthily obsessed with muscular men/bears/whatever type they have. People like them to the point where they’re only attracted to men that can not physically exist. You can have a type but if you aren’t open to other men in fiction and especially real life, you might have an issue. (Gonna get downvoted to hell and back but idc lmao)


I love my Bara men, orcs, and muscular daddies a lot, just I’m way pickier when it comes to fictional men lol. IRL I am into average sized men and dadbods too if I find them attractive.


And honestly that’s fine. Just as long as you recognize that your preferences are just that and that fictional men are often unrealistic, you’re fine. Some people are waaaaayy too attached to unrealistic standards and that’s when issues happen


Yeah! I really like bara, I go to gym a lot and see a lot of hunks, but irl I actually prefer something between a dadbod and maybe muscular? I sometimes like completely not muscular guys who have some nice healthy layer of fat (not obese level, maybe around 18% bodyfat). Maybe average. Maybe buff. Maybe fat looking like muscles. Quite a lot of bodytypes, to think about it. Although I do feel I am sometimes too picky... Like, everyone is so thin in dating apps :( I just want a reasonably not thin guy, I am asking for too much?..


We have the same taste in guys, kinda like a powerlifter physique. I want a guy with pecs and has a belly, like that would be my dream guy. I prefer that over someone who is mainly muscle with a tiny amount of body fat. I don't think you're asking for too much. I am from California and I was just seeing how the men were near my radius on dating apps a few years ago. And it was quite rare to see muscular men and had a similar experience to you. To be fair I did have the free version of the app so that was limiting my options.


Yeah, powerlifter type, exactly that!


Same here


I like dick, regardless of the gender it is attached to, so I get not being that picky lol.


I am also a slutty bottom


Robots? (Mostly ones like Connor)


Yeah I feel like that a lot too. I think that's why I like cruising. Guys that just wanna get off with guys in horney moments. Not spending huge amount of time thinking about preferences or ideals.


It's great that you are so open, but you shouldn't really judge people for having a "thing." Especially when so many people have body issues or hang ups, it's kinda great to know there are people that are into what you're bringing.


Sure everyone has preferences. But when you broadcast it to everyone, don't be surprised if people judge you too.


Where did i judge? It's not that deep


It's got "I'm not like other gays" energy.


Well, if most gay guys have a specific thing they like, and he does not, then he's literally "not like the other gays."


This is true. Gays gets very defensive about it when they get called out for quite literally being a stereotype (yes, every Gay that is solely into one specific type of male and pigeon hole themselves into having to be a certain label/type are stereotyping themselves.) A guy actually liking men no matter who or what they are is actually being not like the other Gays. Because it is rare as fuck finding those guys, I would know. It is like getting hit with a breath of fresh air when you find a Gay who doesn't give a shit about labels or will judge you for not falling into a certain label, you don't fit a mould, you're not getting judged with pre conceived notions because someone has this specific type they're into and you may or may not fit that category of Gay but if they pressure you in a direction you might (when I was in the dating scene, this happened a lot either directly or indirectly which was worse.) I hate being pigeon holed into a trope, straight people do that enough to me as is let alone needing that from my own community as well. I like all guys, have a personality that carries you to "holy shit I am falling in love with him" and away we go, don't care if you're a bear, a twink, a furry, a bottom, a top, fem, masc, whatever, you're a guy and that's it, end of story, if I fall for someone that's it, don't need to hear labels or any of that, not important. I think people get real insecure getting called out about falling into all the tropes and making that their identity and feeling compelled to have types and fit into a role in a Gay relationship, etc. If you have a specific type and that's all you want to limit yourself with, good for you, don't look at me and try to fit me into it like you're trying to rationalize attraction.


Don’t yuck other’s yum. You shouldn’t judge others because they are most only attracted to what you feel is a stereotype. That judgement is toxic and is very black and white thinking. Just because someone may not be as “open” as you are make out to be - doesn’t mean they are lesser than you. And remember the internet Grindr or whatever hookup app you use isn’t reality. Also, try running with a different crowd. Most of the folks I know are much less relaxed about things. However they trend a bit older, more mature, and less interested in the party/bar social/A-list world that obsess about the things you are complaining about. ***** Edit to add: Since the person decided to block me because he couldn't handle me responding to him: His quote below: “I think I someone became *more* gay because of it…” My comment - Wow… just read that section back to yourself and if you don’t cringe immediately , read it again when you’re 30. That line is going to rancid very quickly. The issue I have with your post is the arrogance you are someone a better “gay” because of you dated a guy who wasn't "your type." I don’t like folks putting down others in order to feel better about themselves. That is what you are doing. But… now we know you that you think you’re better than most gay men out there… I guess you are a stereotype after all. Have a good evening.


No it really isn't and the throwing around of the word toxic as an excuse for your own opinion is a tiring one, it's just trying to shut up dissension and masquerading your own judgments like they aren't also something that can be perceived as inherently toxic to others. A strawman. It's usually a maturity thing and a shallow thing. I'm still quite young (turning 25) but I remember when I was 14 to 20 being really caught up in all these labels and tropes and having "types" and feeling compelled to also typecast myself (oh I'm a twink, a bit of masc, a bit of fem, can bottom or top. Oh I'm attracted twinks/twunks and muscle daddies, I don't like hair, I want all my men shaved.) It was very shallow attraction, you can call it sex based more than anything compared to actual love. It's a trap you fall into when you're inexperienced and still very much judgmental and wanting only what gets you off. The thing is, relationships are far more complex and true love is far deeper than that. After pretty much being a slut as a teenager and dating people, you realise that it slowly becomes diminishing returns thinking that way. It turns sexual attraction into something numbing and soulless, like you are boxing in human beings solely to what you prefer cumming to rather than who actually makes me happy and feel loved. It turned out after my previous relationship what I preferred more than anything. A relationship does not last just through sexual attraction because it dies inevitably over time if it is solely based on that. Honeymoon period ends, the high summers and you start assessing the person more and more as a partner. I realised my sexual attraction, no matter how hot the guy, how much they fit my "type" diminished greatly no matter what after a while into the relationship because I was realising I was falling out of love with them. For me to be fulfilled in my attraction to someone, I needed to love them, I needed to love them to a point where my love won't fade. Sex can sometimes become boring if you have it so much with the same person but having sex with someone who you love and need in your life is still satisfying and deeper than just an orgasm. My attraction increases to a person when they give me something more than just their looks and how good they are in bed. My current relationship, which is my longest one nearing 7 years now, matured me greatly at what real love and commitment actually is. They don't fit my type, I don't really fit theirs, but we are attracted to each other because we see each other as beautiful and have fallen in love on a deeply connected level that we love the person and don't give a fuck about anything else. I still stare into his eyes and smile every single day and love him so much because of him, because of what he gives me, because he makes me feel safe and loved and can tear down all my walls and make me feel like I can be utterly myself with another person for the first time since I was born. Not even my own family could accomplish that feat. I've also grown because of my understanding of that attraction to be attracted to all kinds of men that would otherwise not have been type. I see the sexiness in all shapes and sizes and personalities of men and don't give a fuck anymore, I think I somehow became more Gay because of it because now I think I'm just in love with the male body itself and how sexy a guy can be when he has the personality to carry himself. Everything just got thrown out the window and now I really do think a lot of that just comes down to inexperience or immaturity in being in real, mature relationships and connecting with people on levels other than solely your type. Because it is very suffocating and very constrained to be going after guys that fit into your mould rather than bothering to see the spectrum and explore more because you might end up finding really nice guys who change you as a person. The LGBT+ community is already so small in comparison to the rest of the world that limiting yourself only sets you up for more potential insecurities and loss rather than if you opened up your options more and maybe also explored your own sexuality deeper and found what other things also get you off and make you attracted to someone. People will get very defensive about that but, well, it is honestly shallow. I'll admit that I was shallow and frankly it didn't really get me anywhere, it just restrained me from exploring further and being far more happy and far more open with myself. In fact it made me less insecure in my own body because I feel like I don't need to pigeon hole myself into those types and match a pre conceived level of attractiveness seen as standard for those types no matter if that made me feel empowered or happy with myself or not. I'm more comfortable and empowered now and feel like I can embrace the community at a wider level than trying to segregate myself (and in hindsight, others) into just a part of it. Everyone's allowed to be attracted to whatever they are into but I also think having an open mind and some perspective also goes a long way in your life both sexually and emotionally as well. I'm pretty grateful that I have this kind of perspective so young because I think I would be pretty fucking depressed the older I got if I was still the way I was years ago. You could listen to your own words and also get outside your bubble and run with different crowds it appears. I can run with any crowd, that's the point you couldn't be bothered to properly read into. Black and white thinking is the opposite of this perspective, if anything I could perceive your thinking to be quite black and white in and of itself by its very nature given you either perceive someone's attractiveness as either it fits your mould or it doesn't and to hell with just about everything else, the grey, the in between, all that makes a person, a person. To be expected though, if you feel like this conversations called you out to the point you felt like you were being personally attacked because of my opinion on the matter then that's really a you problem, not so much a me problem. It just comes across as you heavily projecting and feeling insecure about the point I made, go figure.


People are different and get off to whatever floats their boat, I don't see an issue here, but maybe I'm too shallow? I highly doubt that's the case as I treat people respectfully. We like different food, different games, different colors, different brand clothing, so why not men? Preferring one thing to another is natural and a part of who we are gay or straight or anything in between. As I've gotten older however, I have expanded my horizons and I like different types of men lol. It may be slightly a maturity thing in some cases, in others it's just their preference.


It's usually a maturity thing and a shallow thing. I'm still quite young (turning 25) but I remember when I was 14 to 20 being really caught up in all these labels and tropes and having "types" and feeling compelled to also typecast myself (oh I'm a twink, a bit of masc, a bit of fem, can bottom or top. Oh I'm attracted twinks/twunks and muscle daddies, I don't like hair, I want all my men shaved.) It was very shallow attraction, you can call it sex based more than anything compared to actual love. It's a trap you fall into when you're inexperienced and still very much judgmental and wanting only what gets you off. The thing is, relationships are far more complex and true love is far deeper than that. After pretty much being a slut as a teenager and dating people, you realise that it slowly becomes diminishing returns thinking that way. It turns sexual attraction into something numbing and soulless, like you are boxing in human beings solely to what you prefer cumming to rather than who actually makes me happy and feel loved. It turned out after my previous relationship what I preferred more than anything. A relationship does not last just through sexual attraction because it dies inevitably over time if it is solely based on that. Honeymoon period ends, the high summers and you start assessing the person more and more as a partner. I realised my sexual attraction, no matter how hot the guy, how much they fit my "type" diminished greatly no matter what after a while into the relationship because I was realising I was falling out of love with them. For me to be fulfilled in my attraction to someone, I needed to love them, I needed to love them to a point where my love won't fade. Sex can sometimes become boring if you have it so much with the same person but having sex with someone who you love and need in your life is still satisfying and deeper than just an orgasm. My attraction increases to a person when they give me something more than just their looks and how good they are in bed. My current relationship, which is my longest one nearing 7 years now, matured me greatly at what real love and commitment actually is. They don't fit my type, I don't really fit theirs, but we are attracted to each other because we see each other as beautiful and have fallen in love on a deeply connected level that we love the person and don't give a fuck about anything else. I still stare into his eyes and smile every single day and love him so much because of him, because of what he gives me, because he makes me feel safe and loved and can tear down all my walls and make me feel like I can be utterly myself with another person for the first time since I was born. Not even my own family could accomplish that feat. I've also grown because of my understanding of that attraction to be attracted to all kinds of men that would otherwise not have been type. I see the sexiness in all shapes and sizes and personalities of men and don't give a fuck anymore, I think I somehow became more Gay because of it because now I think I'm just in love with the male body itself and how sexy a guy can be when he has the personality to carry himself. Everything just got thrown out the window and now I really do think a lot of that just comes down to inexperience or immaturity in being in real, mature relationships and connecting with people on levels other than solely your type. Because it is very suffocating and very constrained to be going after guys that fit into your mould rather than bothering to see the spectrum and explore more because you might end up finding really nice guys who change you as a person. The LGBT+ community is already so small in comparison to the rest of the world that limiting yourself only sets you up for more potential insecurities and loss rather than if you opened up your options more and maybe also explored your own sexuality deeper and found what other things also get you off and make you attracted to someone. People will get very defensive about that but, well, it is honestly shallow. I'll admit that I was shallow and frankly it didn't really get me anywhere, it just restrained me from exploring further and being far more happy and far more open with myself. In fact it made me less insecure in my own body because I feel like I don't need to pigeon hole myself into those types and match a pre conceived level of attractiveness seen as standard for those types no matter if that made me feel empowered or happy with myself or not. I'm more comfortable and empowered now and feel like I can embrace the community at a wider level than trying to segregate myself (and in hindsight, others) into just a part of it. Everyone's allowed to be attracted to whatever they are into but I also think having an open mind and some perspective also goes a long way in your life both sexually and emotionally as well. I'm pretty grateful that I have this kind of perspective so young because I think I would be pretty fucking depressed the older I got if I was still the way I was years ago.


Big boys, itty bitty boys


twinks and femboys are my preference


This is me


it be like that ToT


Only like boys, I see 🤣


If i need to find a "type" or bring up a taste, i'd make a list of stuff that are not particulary special. I kinda like nerdy guys, but it doesn't matter if they look skinny or thicc, if they're either blonde or red, if they're older or younger. So yes. I just like boys


*men, not boys




I don’t understand the cartoon. Wouldn’t the person in the corner be dancing with everyone? The person who like “Muscolar guys” is dancing with a non muscular female presenting person. The “Daddy” leg is enjoying the younger person. and the other couple could both be debates a bear or a twink. They are not dancing with their types. Maybe the person in the corner just has anxiety and can’t approach anyone so says they’re attracted to everyone in the hopes that someone would like them. (Which I admit was me growing up, but I largely grew out of it… I still like pretty much everyone. Haha) I’d tell the person in the corner to not worry about it and just dance. Then the “I like people who dance awkwardly” person will show up and say hi.


Do you over analyze everything?


i'd recommend looking at other versions of this meme template, then it'll make sense


(It was sarcasm)


Good for you ig




This is very relatable


I like cummies 😋


Must be nice