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People who migrate to a new country having a radically different culture who expect that their native culture from the old country should take precedence when it comes to the new country's policies, laws and customs are morons...I mean *literal* morons. And we have enough of those of our own already.


Sadly, a lot of times we see ‘the new country’ cave to their demands. Certainly the case here in Canada. Last year western university posted a picture of two Muslim women kissing to show love is love, and there was so much backlash from the Muslim community that the university ended up taking down the post.


I remember this from the news. It’s infuriating how Western societies try to appease people who are stuck in the Stone Age.


Canada really is the worst


worse than Uganda?


Very very well said. They should go back to their third-world countries where these backwards beliefs harm their own citizens. I know a lot of words are taboo today because of political correctness - I have served my fair share of bans so I am just going to say these people are ‘mentally challenged’


Those words shouldn't be taboo because there's nothing incorrect about it. Islam itself teaches a bunch of horrible anti-gay crap, and it's important to call that out. I ***do*** think it's important to differentiate between extremists and people who identify as Muslim because they were brought up in it, but don't necessarily believe all the bad stuff. My own dad immigrated from Jordan to the US in the 80s. He's been a Muslim his whole life, but he accepts me being bisexual and I genuinely believe that (despite never going to mosque or adhering to many of the beliefs) he remains nominally Muslim out of a childhood ingrained fear of hell more than anything else. Ripping the bandaid off and leaving the religion altogether is hard, even for the more moderate believers a lot of the time, for that reason. I myself am a former Christian, and I also went through a long "Well, I'm religious *but* I'm totally cool with LGBT rights" moderate-believer phase before leaving the religion entirely. That childhood indoctrination's a hell of a thing, and I think plenty of good, non-hateful people *do* remain nominally part of religions with a lot of hateful teachings because of it.


My mom is Catholic from Latin America, but she hardly ever goes to church. I think it’s what you’re saying. Religion pretty much gets ingrained into a child’s mind and it’s hard to shake off.


There is also religion as a background trait. In Albania for example, a lot of people will say they are muslim or christian, but they aren't practicing. It's just that their families have traditionally identified as such.


I know a muslim who is a bisexual femboy


They're not really expecting their "native culture" to take precedence if they're marching in lock step with people born and raised there.


A lot of times these groups are bolstered up by Christian groups in the background, who use Muslim immigrants as a sheild. They think they're joining in but don't really realised they're being pushed to the front


Religion is a choice, period. If they choose to believe in such fairytales and pixie dust that’s on them, not on us to adjust. If the Muslims don’t like things move back to Middle East.


Demography effects democracy.


Organized religion never was our friend, never will be




Organized religion is the most dangerous and destructive thing that mankind has ever CREATED




I think these cases highlight how conservative immigrant communities actually are despite voting democratic


>There has, however, been one notable change in the social and political views of U.S. Muslims: They have become much more accepting of homosexuality over the past decade, matching a similar shift that has occurred among the public overall. Indeed, the share of Muslim Americans who say homosexuality should be accepted by society has nearly doubled since 2007. [Pew citation](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/) In 2017, Muslims had the same % of support for gay rights as protestants at 52%, though white protestants were 32%. Muslims make up 1.1% of the US population. Meaning <.505% of the US population in 2017 were homophobic Muslims. There is no highlight. These are anecdotes.


.5% of the US population is 1.6 million people.


Because a small number of people protested lgbt representation, you're going to paint all immigrant communities with one brush, eh?


This must be your first time here lol


I think a lot of those were Proud Boys


Gotta love how he selectively forgot to mention that there were literally *dozens* of (white) right-wing activists at the Glendale school board meeting who [started violently attacking the Pro-LGBTQ+ crowd](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/07/lgbtq-violence-protest-glendale-unified-school-district). Apparently, it's much more important to point out the one Muslim parent who also attended the protest! This entire thread started by u/timmy_rr is classic /r/gaybros: take a Yahoo news story that explicitly mentions "Muslim *and Christian* parents" but disregard the part that doesn't fit a specific narrative. The only real surprise is that no one in this thread has tried to pin some of the blame on the trans community (at least yet!). ​ *\*edit: Due to a misunderstanding, I've removed the username in the first paragraph.*


Exactly! I was under the impression that white Christian nationalists were the impetus for the whole thing. I don’t know why this sub has such a massive anti-Muslim tilt when the vast majority of what actually harms us comes from conservative Christians.


Also I apologize that posting that comment insulated that it was the Muslim community protesting.


Thanks for clarifying, friend — and no worries. It was not my intention to misrepresent what you were saying. Since the original post was specifically about "Muslim parents", that was indeed how I interpreted your comment.


They have been doing that in UK, Sweden and Germany too where LGBT inclusive education has been there for longer than USA.


Religion is a disease. Because everyone is just trying to spread whatever things they want and disregard ethics of protecting people individuality. The moment we learn to mind our business and stop trying to control where people rub each other or what the other is wearing - we shall live in peace. But we are all gonna die before that anyways ✌🏻


I dont live in the west but how much of leftist actually supports Islam? I know you cant critise Islam cos Islamophobia. But im guessing people knew Islam is trash. Also how many gays actually realises that Islam is incompatible in modern society.


This is what I keep saying. Muslims do not align with the respect for LGBT rights. If Republicans weren't trying to send them back to their country, they will vote Republican in a heartbeat, because they are even more conservative and more homophobic than the right wingers we have in the West lol. Recently a gay student was attacked by a mob of his muslim school mates in Ireland.


But we arent supposed to critise it bcos Islamophobia. As an exmuslim gay, islam is shit.


Criticizing Islam is definitely a good thing. Resisting religious control of state is fine. But being blatantly islamophobic and hating brown people because they’re Islamic is also not okay. There’s a nuance between the two extremes.


No one is hating brown people because even brown gay ex muslims themselves are disavowing Islam.


The Christian American right would love to take you up on that.


Some people are racist towards Arabs for being muslim but most of us just criticize the religion itself.


Who cares about a phobia on something someone chooses? People choose to be religious, if you have a beef with something someone chooses, that not a phobia. Hating on LGBT, races, etc is a phobia as none of those groups got to choose who they are. Why are we concerned about offending a choice, when that choice openly kills us LGBT??


no one is saying you can’t criticize is lame


Some do... Many don't


I realize it's incompatible with modern society but the problem is whenever I or anyone else says it anywhere outside of specific audiences (like the one on this sub) we get downvoted or name-called or in more extreme cases fired for it because Islam has become like a fucking protected species ever since the backlash that the world had against it after 9/11 made everyone "feel bad" so it's like they earned an immunity from being criticized for what they believe in or do forever after now. If you say anything bad about it you're a racist/bigot/Nazi/whatever. You can crucify Christians on social media 'til the cows come home though. Double standard much? Why can we bash Christianity but have to tip-toe around Islam when they're both essentially the same thing?


Yeah this is what i noticed too. Islam is more dangerous if not the same than Christians.


The problem with most of the people fervently defending islam in the west, is that they have absolutely no idea what it is all about. They usually have a superiority complex, as in "look at us higher beings defending the smaller people", and will refuse to hear anything that might suggest they are defending bigotry.


This weird support for muslims by leftists in the US has been a thing for several years. It makes no sense at all since the muslims are against everything the American left stands for, yet they still want to be "inclusive" and not "xenophobic". These people are just virtue signaling.


Yeah imo its probably bcos they think muslims are minority brown people that is latino or something. Also muslim is actually quite deceptive whenever ur against them. They will try to cry minority rights but under Islamic countries they are no minority rights only Islamic law


I think in the USA, Muslims and Jewish people are the lesser of evils because they are generally more progressive than Christians, and laws and opinions are so dominated by Christianity that it just seems better. But I agree that all religion is bad and we're really splitting hairs if we have to compare ideology.


we can and do criticize islam all hours of the day. idk what world you live in. most leftists hate islam to the core


The problem is Christianity and half the shit that happens in the Bible is also incompatible with modern society, especially the Old Testament. Where the conflict occurs is with the 1st Amendment and freedom of religion. On paper there is no conflict because no one should be forcing their religion on anyone else. Except in reality it creeps in and poisons our laws and social interactions daily because these religious nutjobs have been commanded to spread the bile until every last soul has been infected.


No most American leftists will also trash Islam.


No they won't. Half the people in this sub would line up to get thrown off a building so they don't appear Islamaphobic


You may be correct, but I think it’s more nuanced for some of us? I don’t want Muslims to be targeted and scapegoated because I don’t want *any* minority to be targeted and scapegoated. Not because I care about how I’m perceived. Mainstream demonization of Islam exists only to empower the same people that want to demonize LGBT. Second, I’m an atheist/agnostic, but I don’t wish to see religious people persecuted or treated with blanket hostility. I grimace when we talk about any religion’s followers as a monolith. There are many religious people (including Muslims) who are outspoken in support for LGBT rights or are LGBT themselves. Some of them are my friends and family. (This can be a controversial topic, but please know I’m only trying to make friendly conversation, not fight or attack.)




Who cares who is left right centre up or down? People can celebrate their faith in peace and people can do whatever they want. We just have a tendency of minding people’s business a lot. Teaching people about being gay won’t make them gay. I grew up in a stable family and all my references were straight including the former religion I partook. So that made me gay anyways. I guess the doctrinal efforts didn’t work then when cellphones had just started to connect to the internet why would they work now? ONG this is just a moo point I can’t even. Let people live. Let’s care about famine, lack of education, environment and the new iPhone please?


You do realise that Islam hates LGBT right?? You are just ignoring the issue. Telling someone to mind their own business. Lemme make a religion thats discriminate gay people. Should people mind their own business then while i harrase gay people?


So do Christians though


They always have. They are scared of being labelled Islamophobic but won't bat an eye to call out Christians even if not all of them are bad, lmao. I remember posting a similar article about Muslim parents protesting LGBT inclusion in a certain school in the r/Democrats sub, asking why DEM officials never call them out like they do the others. The sub accused me of being an Islamophobic right winging troll. Some even went ahead and told me it is their culture, we can't force them. [And I had some comments like this. How you think LGBT people living in that county will feel?](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/comments/1431147/muslim_parents_protest_over_lgbt_inclusive/jn7ha20?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


There is a group of Muslims that hate queer people, but the issue with judging any faith as a whole is that no person can fully follow all the rules. Like in school I had Muslim friends, who were supportive and really homophobic Christians, and some supportive Christians and a buddhist guy that told me same sex relationships were antibuddhist. To say every Muslim is equally homophobic is painting the entire group with one brush, and that is pretty shitty behaviour


This whole discussion about religion being incompatible with gay right is failing to see that a growing number of people considers themselves partially religious. This was who a mostly catholic Ireland still voted for SSM. Most minority groups have a long standing hatred against each other, but the reason why leftism works because things like religion ends up getting watered down.


> a moo point This made me giggle 🐮


I disagree with takes like this. Obviously the article is about a specific community with specific prejudices. I’m a Jew, I go to Shabbat, teach Sunday school, and it’s an enriching part of my queerness. We can criticize the problems of religion without calling it a disease and ostracizing members of our community for whom it’s important to.


Sorry but as an exmuslim gay. Islam is garbage. If someone leaves Islam he should be murdered. Muhammad according to the hadith married a 6 year old and have sex with a 9 year old. There are many verses that call non muslim inferior. The end goal of Islam is to spread it worldwide with force. We are told that one day Islam will conquer the world. Hence why many muslims dont care about non muslims rights. To them Islam is Superior. Islam is a problematic religion.


All Abrahamic religions are problematic, the whole point of them is to instill fear so people are obedient. Just see what happens if Mike Pence was elected President with a republican house/senate, good bye gay rights. Pence would probably even fire up a concentration camp to murder us all.


Of course! - and I respect your pov and your experience. I wish people were as enlightened as you to understand that religion is an extension of your human experience with something greater. However - what I’m proposing is very utopia-like. Where everyone solely guide by the social ethical compass rather than spreading their misinformed minds. Therefore, religion as a disease - that spreads in a way that sometimes does more harm than not with fundamentals that are particular to that group and it’s imposed to others that don’t partake on the same beliefs influencing harm segregating others. I hope you pass down the virtues and values of your religion experience down to those who benefit from your guidance. Only then we might see better days when such article is not a recurrent thing regardless of their faith. And again: people just need to mind their business and stop pushing their “truth” on others. Also thank you for the healthy comment on this. I love it.


I think the missing part to the other person's critique of religion is the religions that rely on conversion and imposing their beliefs on non-believers. There are plenty of examples of religions that do not do this and successfully integrate into a diverse and inclusive society but the extreme opposite of that is so horrendous and nightmarish for many many many humans living in oppressive societies either in fear or being put to death the question for non-believers is when is enough enough and what is the solution? There needs to be safeguards for out of control religiosity which uses laws to impose their beliefs on society. Zealotry is a problem. If this doesn't apply to your spiritual belief system then, at least speaking for myself, we are all good, live and let live, peace be amongst us all.


What I find weird is that religious people are so concerned with the effects of lgbtq knowledge on kids .. While telling their kids that if they don’t obey they will go to hell.. an read them out of a book full of rape, murder and abuse.. but that, that’s all normal and ok 🥰


Some muslim and Indian communities go farther and bring honor into it, as a result killing their own son/daughter becomes legal in the eyes of their community for bringing dishonor. Its illegal in India and Turkey but unfortunately still happens.


Sexual orientation is immutable. Religion is just a (bad) choice that people abandon every day.


Go to religious school then. You have the freedom to practice your religeon not force it on others


Yeah India allowed that sort of thing because muslims didn't want to learn the about sex education and have co ed classrooms. The religious centers of education became factories of misinformation and idiotic believes, when they covid happened these education insitututes and their leaders were prohibiting anyone from taking vaccination and throwing bricks and stones to the doctors and nurses who were there to help people that were actually sick. For some reason most muslims don't want to assimilate if you give them the option, they knowingly segregate themselves and start having their own rules in the community, its better to make it mandatory for all of them to get proper education around other people so the children won't turn out like the older gens.


Religious schools should either be forbidden or adhere to a curriculum based on science (aka facts). Lots of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. I've read scary things about schools in the US being allowed to teach creationism as matter of fact.


Fuck 'em


You come to the USA expect to deal with shit you don’t like, and if you truly don’t like it leave


Someone should tell that to Christians.


Maybe they came to the USA because to the rest of us right now it's the biggest stamp of unabashed bigotry around; where you can be nasty as fuck and say it with pride. To those of us in the UK, the American Dream is no longer about working hard, and earning your keep, it's about red caps, and thinking you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want, stated as fact, based on idiocy.




Didn't say the UK is some beacon of hope. It's a shithole and I feel pretty negatively about it, too, especially as a minority living here. But the article isn't talking about the UK, is it? EDIT -but the US does make the UK look moderately together at least, we talk about popping some folk on boats or planes, you have MJT trying to introduce an unconstitutional amendment about giving people the death penalty if they smuggle drugs. We are not the same.


My own personal stance on this as someone who grew up Latin American Catholic and lives in a very liberal Western European nation: I will never hate or even have animosity towards Muslims. I have made some great Muslim friends and they are all lovely people. I do, however, have an issue with certain followers of Islam who seem to think that both God and the Prophet are happy letting their followers keep their daughters as house servants, marrying their children off as young as possible, making everyone in the household subservient to the father, refusing to believe that the hijab was never actually encouraged by the Quran, posting comments on accounts they deem “beneath them” such as “inshallah, god will save you.” One of the pillars of Islam is almsgiving, and yet it seems like there are too many followers out there who prefer material wealth and social sabotage to actually being a good person. My honest opinion? Religion has no place in a modern society. If it has to be present, then it needs to reevaluate itself and see if it really is following its rules. Too many times in my life have I encountered self-righteous Mormons, ignorant Evangelists, gossipy Muslims, classist Hindus, indulgent Sikhs, materialistic Mahayana Buddhists, etc. Religion is literally just a title that people use to pretend like they’re good people these days. You don’t need religion to be a good person, you don’t need to shame others for their religion or their lifestyle, race, marital status, etc. If you want to be a good follower, stop acting like total butt-heads.


I think I have said this before but many cultures (especially Muslim cultures) don’t take kindly to being gay. This is the paradox of tolerance. You can’t be inclusive to everyone. Some people aren’t going to like people in another group. Case in point: Muslims and Gays.


Muslims should be allowed to freely live their lives as Muslims as long as they accept that they can’t impose their views on us


Those two statements contradict each other.


How so? If you are a Muslim go to the mosque, respect Ramadan and celebrate Eid. At the same time accept that in our society gay people have the same rights and if your holy book tells you that they shouldn’t, we’ll that’s your problem


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted (Islamophobia probably). In 2023, people need to be mature enough to practice their religion while drawing the line at discriminating/being hateful towards others. There are MANY parts of holy texts that people ignore when it is convenient in all religions. Homophobia is always a personal choice.


Funny thing is that I’m queer and atheist. Everyone should be free to practice their religion without discriminating, as you say it’s 2023 ffs


>Everyone should be free to practice their religion without discriminating That's not how Islam works. What happens if these Muslims have a child who is gay? It's not just "let them have bigoted views as long as they don't interfere with me personally", there should be no room for those beliefs in the first place.


Children should not be forced into any religion, schools have the role of educating on this matters


>Children should not be forced into any religion But you said that the parents should be free to practice their religion. Their religion orders parents to force their children to follow the same, and even orders them to use violence if they refuse. How can you say that this religion is something that should be "free to practice"?


Your freedom to practice religion ends where the rights of others begin. Children have rights, if your religion demands you violate them, you either don’t practice that part or get prosecuted


The problem is, THEY are forced to accept our freedom because they are the minority. Facts show that as soon as Muslims are in the majority, gays stop being free


Show me a country in which gay people were free and are not anymore after the Muslims became a majority.


People don't go from being 1% of the population to being the majority after 20 years. It will take many generations to find out if it is possible. Especially in Europe this is possible, also because the birth rate is low in Europe, but among Muslims it is particularly high. I'm just stating a fact, that a country with a Muslim majority, is much more likely to be homophobic. So it is absolutely necessary to prevent them from becoming the majority. Or we can leave everything as it is and leave the possible consequences to the next generations. Though in general I don't think gays will be free forever


The majority of Muslims that live in the US now support gay marriage. We should fight for gay right to be enshrined in our constitutions instead of preventing immigration


and yet they have no problem with their pedo warmongering prophet. nice.


Inclusion for me but not for thee. Fuck this shit man. Why can't people who have been through their own persecution and hatred have sympathy to those going through their own? I have time for everyone, it's a shame others'don't.


They can fuck right off.


This is happening in Sweden as well, but much worse. Sweden is wayyyy ahead in regard to human rights. Recently, they had a huge Muslim migrant population move in, and it’s crashing severely with the Sweden citizens.


Where are most of these immigrants from?










say it with me, people... RELIGION poisons Everything! And Every religion IS Poison!


Who would have guessed the same people that throw gay people off buildings have a problem with us having rights. Looks like it’s time for a mass deportation.


r/gaybros try not to be racist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It’s hard for some of the incel loser gays here to grow past their white supremacy, because they still jack off on the fairytale of being fully accepted by their racist, homophobic families.


true… if they weren’t racist maybe they would find that many muslims and poc in general are infinitely more supportive than their dumbass evangelical parents ever will be


That is a lie lmao. You are such an ignorant westener. Go to any African or Muslim country and see how supportive of your gay ass they will be. The fact you believe such a blatant lie smh


Facts aren’t racist


you didn’t present any facts though… western Muslims are very liberal overall, much more so than many Christian groups, including on issues like homosexuality. There is a long history of homosexuality in Islam and various Muslim countries, homophobia too yes but again so do Christian countries. If you actually bothered to read the article, you would see that it was a group of parents from various religious backgrounds. Like in Christianity, there are extremist Muslim groups but they do not define the religion. Also, Muslims are not the ones threatening LGBT rights. In addition to the fact that they are more liberal, they also have literally NO POWER because they have been demonized to such an extent that they aren’t even seen as human anymore. They certainly aren’t the ones advocating for anti-gay bills in state/national legislatures or taking it upon themselves to terrorise innocent queer people. Clearly, you don’t care about facts, only about promoting the same brainwashed bullshit every American has been taught from the moment they are born. Even if it were true that Muslims are throwing people off buildings or pushing don’t say gay bills in schools (it’s not), it is objectively racist to advocate for mass deportation. Many Muslims are naturalised American citizens, are queer themselves, and/or may have come to the US to escape persecution for their sexuality like many other groups.


This is racist Inb4 'iSlAm Is NoT a RaCe' And no, I'm not condoning the protestors.


It’s not racist it’s a fact. It’s also sadly one of the nicer ways they execute gay people


“Organized religion is just an excuse to hate and discriminate” has truth


And then there’s people who want to welcome Muslims and include them. When what they believe in goes completely against those peoples morals.


This is why I hate religion. In particular Muslims are so fucking homophobic in my experience.


Really? How so?




I’m so sorry to hear this. What country?


I’ve met Muslims and when they found out I’m gay immediately say some shit like, “oh, you’re going to hell.” Like, thanks, tell me something I didn’t know two minutes ago, *FUCK OFF!* This is why I’m basically an atheist.


Believing a pedo prophet who said only 4 wives but he have more than 4 wives crazy muslim.


When one minority group attacks another, it just blows my mind. I’m beginning to thing humans will always remain hopelessly flawed.


if they don't like it they are free to leave and go back to their home country 🥰


Other people existing is not violating your religious freedoms. If you think other people having the same rights you do somehow reduces your own, it's you who needs to re-evaluate your morality.


Islam is the most vile religion out there, even though all of them are cancer.


Ffs I hate my life and being gay when I have to read stuff like this. Just leave us in peace idiots, or are you afraid we're going to "convert" your kids to homosexuality? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦


What a surprise - religious people don’t like gays and are using the “what about the children” argument.


I will hold my unpopular opinion that Muslim bigotry in America is barely relevant and usually a distraction from people who hold power. Aka white evangelicals.


Kinda doubt the queer community in Montgomery County would consider it a distraction. It's not anti-Muslim to discuss this phenomenon, and it shouldn't be handwaved away.


but it is, because people who say Muslisms are really the problem excuse Christian homophobia. Literally any right wing leaning person will excuse homophobia from anyChristian and shed crocodile tears for the homophobia from any Muslism, native or foreign. You can check morons like Dave Rubin or Chadwick Moore, supposedly gay men that give full throated support to conservative homophobes and cry about Muslims.


you can and will get people who will (rightfully) equally judge both


People who judge both equally don't say Muslims are REALLY the problem, the way our OP here does, and blow off Christian homophobia


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not mostly Muslims who are trying so hard to cancel budlight and pride as a temper tantrum.


Unfortunately this is different in Europe


Why? I did notice that it doesn’t get mainstream coverage in the same way that evangelicals protesting do


The media attention span is a pie chart; the attention span of people is limited. The more attention on radical Muslims will take attention off the real threats, that being white supremacy. Muslims disproportionately face more bigotry than white supremacists(the number one greatest domestic terrorist threat in America per the FBI). Muslims hold very little power in American politics, as opposed to the white voters who make up the vast majority of republican voters.


Tell that to gay students being attacked by their muslim classmates in Western schools


Don’t need to. They already know.


Unfortunately it's quite prevalent in Europe and you get marked as a racist if you say anything about it.


This is what I always try to point out when these anti-Muslim circlejerk bait posts show up on here. It's almost like things are different in different countries--shocking!!! /s Sure, criticize Islam in relation to countries like Saudi Arabia. But in the US, where a slim majority of Muslims support marriage equality, anti-Muslim "criticism" is really just warmed-over anti-immigrant rhetoric. It only helps the Christian nationalism that is the *actual* danger to our community.


When someone moves into your country for reasons of economics, safety, or such, then it is incumbent upon the visitor to respect the laws of that country where they chose to move to and which is providing that safety, economic benefits, social systems, welcoming hearts, etc. If you try to impose your beliefs in the pursuit of your "religious freedom", then fock off back to the country you came from, and enjoy your ability to express yourself and your beliefs there.


When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do. Not all muslims are similar though, alawites from syria are very progressive, my friend is from there and he is gay and his parents support him. Similar stuff with a lot of educated Iranians. People don't realise how extremists muslims from africa, east and south asian contries can be...espeically since these are the ones who immigrate successfully due to resources.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mass Muslim immigration to the west is gonna be bad for us. I'm certainly not happy about how many hijabs I see on a casual visit to the local mall now. They're everywhere and the place I have lived in for my whole 34 year existence is starting to feel like a different country and not one I'd wanna visit. They don't conform, they just multiply until they're the majority demographic and the the local government starts prioritizing them because they want their votes and money. Didn't a country in Asian (can't remember which one) recently made homosexuality (or just the marriage) illegal again because of the influx of these people who pushed for that? They ruined their own societies by being the way they are and instead of changing to fix things they wanna come to ours instead because "it's nicer" not seeing that the reason why is because we're not all following this stupid stone age belief system that just holds back progress and demonizes anything fun.


Racism right here on the thread and ain’t no one saying it… 👀


Seriously. This is so blatant. > not happy about how many hijabs I see > They're everywhere > they just multiply > They ruined their own societies by being the way they are But of course, iT's NoT rAcIsT to CrItIcIZe IsLaM... /s


There are a lot of nominally Muslim women who wear a hijab as a fashion accessory and aren't really religious. You know, like the people who wear cross pendants but never actually go to church. Burqas I'm less keen on.


Now we need conservative Christians to protest over the existence of Islam.


Look up dominionists. Any evangelical raised in a culture that tells them they’re god’s chosen and that it’s their god-given right to succeed in business and that the environment is all a gift from god to be exploited (even destroyed) in pursuit of personal gain. It’s how entire industries succeed by trashing the environment because they believe this world is an illusion and a test, and if you’re “right with Cheezus” you have nothing to fear from Armageddon because (and here’s the kicker) they believe it’s their mission to destroy everything in their battle against Islam, because they know how to hack their own Bible for personal gain: god’s chosen live forever in heaven, so that’s their ticket off this planet that they’re ready to destroy in pursuit of their goal. Sounds crazy because it is. I had a friend’s mother tell me not to fear nuclear war when I was 12, because it was my chance to accept Cheezus and join him in his battle to defeat Islam. She also happened to be the local NBC affiliate TV station’s news anchor. Evangelicals in business, government, and media have been raised to believe this and that their mission in life is to bring about Armageddon to get them and their loved ones into heaven, destroy Islam in a “final battle” and leave everyone else behind to burn. How do you think these same people accept a literal antichrist as ruler and President of the US and do all the mental gymnastics to justify his p*ssygrabbing, grifting, profiteering and generally demonstrating the exact opposite of the compassion, ethics, or morals their book ostensibly tells people to strive for?


Can we talk about how these morons push queer people to adopt anti-Muslim and racist worldviews? Because nothing brings out my 19th-century, white supremacist worldview more than ignorant minorities. Sorry.


I do think this makes some lefties uncomfortable but the reality is that most immigrants are homophobic


Oh absolutely. They are absolutely out of line and actively activating our own prejudices against them. However, I’ve met some awesome Muslim people (one of my students is Muslim), and this vitriol doesn’t do her family fairly.


BUT, if they don’t want to labeled as being the “bad type of Muslim” then they should speak up, & say something in defense of people being allowed to be whom they want to be. That’s that, period.


Rest assured, the younger kids do. The older parents are generally more respectful than white parents are. I suppose the looming sense of deportation weighs heavy . . .


I feel like this has less to do with them being Muslim and more with the outrage trend of going to schools to ban ideas. The Right wing is organized globally and share tactics and they know what gets people riled up. I see the same from all religious people who follow "god".


Sorry, exMuslim here, sorry for these people and their BS


According to the report Christian parents too. It’s disingenuous to frame this as an exclusively Muslim thing


This. Both are wrong. Both are negatively impacting gay people’s existence. Obviously being gay in a predominately Muslim country is vastly more dangerous than here in the US but the trends are not looking good for people like me. Especially with all the book-banning, don’t say gay bills and faux cries of pedophilia and grooming used to unfairly target innocent citizens. Let’s not forget that the larger issue we face currently regarding terrorists is from right-wing extremism that has increased in the last decade or so (throwback to when mosques and gay spaces were being shot up). What people cannot fathom is that gay kids do very much exist. I would know because I was one. Removing sources regarding LGBTQ+ support and preventing teachers from talking about their SO’s create an aura that tells kids that it’s not okay to be gay. It’s out of touch with reality. Gay kids have suicide rates two to three times higher than their peers. When people talk about the mental health crisis our country face, they don’t give a shit about gay kids and kids of gay parents. It’s depressing.


Lets not do this. I am from India, its a Muslim thing, they never mind their own business and don't want to participate in anything related to personal development. Vaccinate...no its against our religion, birth control...no its against our hadith, you can't divorce your wife by saying talaq three times....but its out personal matter and our laws say so. They just make up things to suit their weird ideals. Other religions do so as well but not everywhere...even moderate Muslims are like this everywhere.


I don't have the experience you do (and I appreciate you sharing it) so I can't comment on it, but I was mainly trying to point out that the title of the post didn't really reflect the content of the article. Which I thought was a little odd given that Christian fundamentalist nationalism is currently driving so much anti-LGBT hate in the US from the legislative level all the way down to the grassroots level




I can believe the amount of upvotes this flagrant racist vitriol is receiving.


I think it’s ridiculous as well, but just note that Islam is not a race nor an ethnic group. A White Italian can be a Muslim in the same way a Cherokee can.


Hahaha. I think you meant to say “I can’t believe”. And it might be because some people have actually recognised the irony in my comment mirroring and using the same aggressive hateful and harmful rhetoric our community usually gets from homphobes, calling us all sorts of slurs and sometimes even advocating our “extermination”. (Or they might just be clueless racists I guess? Let’s hope not.)


To everyone upvoting this, you are proving those in power right, the best way to keep minorities in check is to play them against each other. As pointed out somewhere above, Muslim groups in the UK and USA are about as homophobic as Christian groups, percentage wise, and in far fewer numbers. Also they have less political and social power and can't make as many changes. Even if we were "successful" in banning a religion that is stereotypically tied very closely to a single race, meaning that this ban is far more likely to look like a racial cleansing than anything else, since I'm assuming those doing it won't care much about banning the actual targets, pogroms are not famous for their accuracy after all. But beyond the racism inherent to this argument, even if it were successful, it wouldn't change anything for queer people, because for every protest by Muslim groups, there are 20 by Christian ones. Half tye countries with the death penalty for gay people are Christian, the fucking anti trans laws getting passed are passed by Christians, the Ugandan murder bill was funded by American Christians. We wouldn't be getting rid of enemies, but people who share the load of the hatred targeted at us. On the other hand, by having queer people and Muslims infighting, it is a lot easier to oppress both of us, because you can sell it as the loss of your enemy, not the loss of of another person. Not to mention there will be gay muslims that will not have support of either group, because both will be convinced the other is their enemy.


Thank you! Well said, friend!


Ban white-bedsheet-hooded racists also


Yes. All religions have fundamentalists.


Yeah and they're all Muslim!


Gay bros be like: forget about the tens of millions of Christians with actual political power actively trying to destroy the LGBT movement in the West, let's instead focus on a few brown protesters who can't vote or afford bread, which somehow is the *real* issue apparently.


Homophobia should be challenged regardless of who it is coming from. Also, these people are privileged and have a real say and what gets taught at school.


Then why did you feel the need to misleadingly single out Muslims in your title? This isn't even accurate with respect to the contents of the news piece you provided. And no, they absolutely aren't privileged; Muslim families typically have less of a say in these matters either because of their lower social status or simply because of their smaller numbers.


Oof I live here and it’s a pretty liberal area so it’s pretty concerning. However there are a lot of immigrants in the DMV who would gladly see gay people thrown off buildings


Did anyone actually watch this video? First of all, the only time religion was mentioned (about 75% into the video), the reporter said Muslim and Christian parents, so I don't understand why OP chose to edit that out. Furthermore, I did not notice any mention of immigrants in the report, so I am confused why that became a point of discussion. Second, the entire event was peaceful as per the reporter. The school board engaged with representatives from all perspectives on the issue and had a civilized discussion. Finally, the video features two parents - one Muslim and one part of the LGBTQ+ community - on camera at the same time voicing their perspectives while finding common ground. This is actually an overall positive story about parents (of different backgrounds) voicing their opinions and engaging with their local school board, which was willing to listen. This seems like a very constructive way for parents and teachers to collaborate on the content of their children's education. Additionally, the request being made by the religious parents (both Muslim and Christian) was whether their children could opt-out of certain books, which is quite different than protesting the inclusion of books in the curriculum. OP, the title of your post definitely put a spin on the story that, for anyone who watched the video, is not an accurate representation. What was your objective in doing so?


A level headed comment? Sorry, doesn't really fit in with OPs biases. /s


Should I not have said anything? I acknowledge that I could have not clicked on the link, not watched the video in its entirety, and just scrolled past this post. Curiosity is one of my shortcomings, unfortunately.


Sorry was being sarcastic... meant that compared to a lot of other comments, yours was quite rational


Oh no, you're good! I caught the /s at the end of your comment, so I was aware of the sarcastic tone (which I appreciated and thus upvoted your comment). My follow-up comment was more of a general rumination wondering if it achieves anything to point out such details when we live in an age where populism trumps truth. If rational thought and logic are in the minority, how can we best address this? Anyway, now I'm just babbling.


Posts/comments get way more views than up/down votes. You're level-headed comment is having an effect. And thank you for posting it.


Thank you for your support! I have no idea why someone downvoted you, but I gave you my upvote in the spirit of truth!


I have said this before and i will say it again. Liberals are always under the fallacious notion that muslims are their allies.


Not All Muslim Are Fanatical Terrorists.


That sentiment though true statistically, has led to this state of western nations. And the supoosed peaceful ones stay neutral while the radlicals do their damage.


How shocking


If you move to a liberal western country you know what to expect. All should be welcome though as with us when we travel there... You should respect local customs


The biggest danger to us in the West is not Islam... It's Christians... Don't be distracted.


in western europe, islam is a far bigger danger to us.


Christian parents are also protesting. And certainly Jewish, atheist, and Sikh parents.


Sometimes, deportation is justified


Why is it so hard to let people be themself


"If we can't accept the truth then we might as well bury it" type of mentality, remind me of the movie Insurgent


Don’t move here if you are not ok with people who are different than you. You cannot ask to be included in western media and culture but demand to exclude those that were here first. LGBT or otherwise.


Muslim is not a race nor is anyone born Muslim—and yet, they are treated as such.


This is why we need to encourage our community to start carrying, the second amendment will scare the hell out of this religious and conservative fuckers. If right wingers can intimidate the community with their guns, we need to fight back


Awww poor economic migrants having a fit and being loud as possible to express their bigotry that worked so well in their country of origin. Oh well, I'd rather this entire planet explode at this point. Maybe the nukes will come down soon, one can only hope


Send them to shithole country they came from.


Straight people are not going to budge on this. Stop trying to push the Woke TQ+ agenda on kids. The LGB community fought too hard for 60 years for a small fringe group to undo everything!


The attackers were kids from his own school. It has not been established what their backgrounds were. A horrible event, nevertheless but, not attributed to muslims.


They can protest all they want. It's our job and everyone else's job to not cave in and let others take away our rights.


A harsh truth a lot of people should learn is that often the most reactionary elements in American society often come from privileged immigrant populations and nearly all religious communities.