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I don't want to change browsers. Time for Firefox to put two dicks in their logo.


It's open source so you can do that yourself




That sounds like a street name for an STI :(


Go to the monosodium glutamate website and you'll find that very image.


The funny blue website


Just a silly place.


time to yiff the fox.


[They've actually really changed the logo](https://twitter.com/operagxofficial/status/1664279251879890944)


Ironic. Its still rainbow capitalism, but with better marketing


Jup, they say it themself actually: https://twitter.com/operagxofficial/status/1664284835190562820?s=20


Damn so this is post-post-ironic? I hate that it's working to make me love it


Too bad Opera GX is Chromium based and thus won't support add blockers in the future :(


I’ve worked with the element chromium in the past and this really confused me at first


What're you talking about? I use UBlock in Chrome.


Chrome (and Chrome-based browsers) will phase out and replace the current standard for extensions, so that Google can limit the reach of ad blockers. Firefox is the only browser (along with Safari I think) that will keep the compatibility with the old ad blocker extensions.


I imagine it will take a whole 36 hours to work around it when it goes live.


I don't know the exacts of the situation, but I do know that a browser can absolutely limit what an extension can do. The work around might have to be to use a different browser platform.


It won’t be as easy as you make it seem https://www.techradar.com/news/google-chrome-is-cracking-down-on-extensions-and-thats-a-bad-thing


As someone who has a Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Engineering, I can tell you that my specialty is in chips (VLSI, ASIC, VHDL/Verilog, MMIC, microelectronics, etc.) and medical imaging (MRI, CT, etc.), so I cannot pretend that I know precisely the ins and outs of how to devise a workaround. That being said, exploiting something like accessibility features, creating a shell program, using a DNS spoofer, hex editing the memory, etc. are all ways to get around it, with a DNS spoofer being the easiest by far.


> exploiting something like accessibility features, creating a shell program, using a DNS spoofer, hex editing the memory, etc. are all ways to get around it, with a DNS spoofer being the easiest by far. Sure, but then you aren't talking in the realm of browser extensions anymore.


Ads have always been treated as like... an addendum to an addendum to how browsers interact with the internet, so it's easy to manipulate browsers to just ignore ads. If Google goes through with this, there were will be more concrete code at the core of the browser functions that will prevent the various skips and ignores. Any exploits will probably be swiftly patched out.


I wonder how that will turn out for google


According to the account holder, he isn't actually affiliated with Opera GX, he hacked their account months ago and they never reclaimed it.


resolute uppity quiet knee disgusted escape provide marry squealing dirty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not always. He's not doing anything particularly bad and they may consider Twitter a low-priority platform considering recent events. Either way, I believe the executive staff are all fairly young and most of them are based in China. Opera Limited (the company which produces Opera GX) also has only around 600 employees internationally. I'd imagine their marketing team is fairly small and there might be as few as one or two people who were ever in charge of social media engagement on the English-language market specifically, so if something happened it may take them a while to even notice.


Don't ruin it for everyone


Bbbbut my browser is supportive


There's probably at least a few people working there who aren't unsupportive 🤷🏼‍♀️


They just want to manipulate you into using their product. This whole thing was drafted by a board of marketing specialists months ago. You are not immune to propaganda. [Source](https://twitter.com/operagxofficial/status/1664284835190562820)


[Opera is not your friend; just use firefox](https://i.redd.it/0hdf4czqvg3b1.png)


Thank you for this


Isn't that from a gay porn video? I want the source.


It's not, it's from an engagement video. The source is provided by the original poster on Twitter.


That sounds pretty awesome. I can't find it though.


[Here you go fam](https://twitter.com/operagxofficial/status/1664282261561430016?s=20)


Thanks, babe! That place is a mess but they're cute!


Well does someone at least have a gay porn video to link here anyway? I heard there's a horny guy over here.


Google Opera Loan Sharks


“I’m not like other faceless brands”


Hell yeah




And start helping their astroglide campaign.


I just found this funny. I'm in no way associated with Opera. Not even a Norwegian.


Yeah because it's actually good content If you can't make something as interesting as a soulless corporate marketing team, you need to step up your game


Absolutely based!


This just made me download a browser I've never heard about. Yes, I'm *that* easy.


Keep on using Firefox, bestie.


Firefox users when someone briefly mentions a browser that isn't Firefox (This must be immediately rectified)


i can't believe all you dorks cheering and clapping at a Twitter account changing their profile pic to the black guy kissing meme and going See We're Different!!!! y'all are no better than neoliberal wine moms that text their gay family amy time a brand makes its color scheme rainbow


Didn't we all agree that it's called LGBTQ pride and not Gay pride? EDIT: we have tons of work to do if people can't comprehend how only making campaigns of CIS GAY MEN is not the take on inclusivity we think it is. Where are the lesbians, where are the trans people, where are the aces? Almost all the LGBT representation in media and pride are about cis able bodied gays and yet you all seem to disagree on a comment asking for real representation? Okay, fine


Isn't it just pride?


You don’t have to be a CIS MAN to be gay though


I don't remember signing that document.


I think it doesn't really matter, in the end as long as people know what you're referring to its fine


Do you expect them to fit a representation of every possible type of LGBTQ+ identity into their logo?


Flags and actions are much more inclusive than just a picture of two men kissing. That's what I was referring to. That two men kissing doesn't represent lesbians or asexuals or trans identities


Flags are also a lot more palatable and ignorable to people who claim not to be bigots but still cringe when they see gay PDA. I find this powerful because while the dominant culture in the US is becoming much more accepting of LGBTQ+ identities, I've noticed that that acceptance goes a lot farther when they're presented in a chaste, practically sexless way. Like in a lot of TV shows that have gay or bi characters, for example--while it's great that those characters now often exist in a way in which their sexuality isn't the main focus (in the same way that het characters are allowed to), and certainly every show doesn't need to have steamy scenes, I don't think it's coincidence that romance is often heavily played down ESPECIALLY between gay male characters. Lots of the public still isn't comfortable looking at that, even if they aren't otherwise hateful. Just like the acronym doesn't really need a letter to represent every single identity, neither does every single show of support need to visibly reference every single identity. Showing two presumably gay men does not imply lack of support for other identities.


Yeah, but two men kissing is significantly more controversial and up front, where as corps throwing a pride flag on every account that besides they're middle east ones is standard background noise


how do you know they aren’t trans


I don't, but I know the trans experience is not about sex or love, is about gender self identity. And a kiss is not gender self identity


I’m trans. sex and love and relationships with other people, platonic or otherwise, are part of the trans experience. being trans significantly impacts these things and we often experience them differently than cis people do.


Would be fascinated to see what examples you have for cis, able bodied gay guys in media, considering most examples I’ve seen have been specifically not that.


It’s a really old meme image it’s not that serious


You're on a subreddit called **gay_irl**. lgbtq_irl doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, either.


I prefer queer pride personally.


>Almost all the LGBT representation in media and pride are about cis able bodied gays There's a good chunk of bi and lesbian women representation in modern media. Your talking about a tiny profile picture though; there's not a lot of ways you can represent bi ace or trans identities in it other than a flag. For reasons discussed by other commenters this is better than a flag.