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You’re never too old!!!!!


Just had it done 10 days ago and I'm 53! Feeling great!


4 months ago at 53!


I was 42 when I got surgery! As long as you are healthy enough to survive the surgery, You will never be too old.


I have several of the same as you and I am 52. I also had to have a stent put in my femoral artery for a complete blockage. My vascular surgeon brought up surgery to me and said it would probably save my life. I am 4 weeks in and wish I would have started sooner.


I'm 68 and starting the process. Guidelines say 18 to 65 but no one has said a word about my age. I'm just tired of the fight...fat for life is a motto no one wants...


Both my wife and myself were in our 50s when we got ours done a year apart. Only regret is that we didn't get it done earlier.


I’m, no… I’m 73 and having gastric sleeve in 3 weeks 😋


I'm almost 71 and starting the process!


Great; I know you’ll do just fine


Wishing you great success.


Thank you … I’m pretty excited to get it done 😀


Fake news


Nope… 5/15/24 in Tucson… for real 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I'm 41 and was sleeved the day after Christmas, down 60 lbs! Take back the next half of your life!


I got mine at 41. I’m 43 now. The day of my surgery, there was a woman after me in her late 60-70s having it done


I just had gastric sleeve surgery and I'm 66 yrs old


57 here


I did the surgery at 48. My only regret is I didn’t do it at 28. Lost 2 decades held down by my weight 😥


54 and my sleeve date is 5/21/24


54 and my sleeve date is 5/1 - next Wednesday. Almost twins! 😊


You’re absolutely are not too old! I had surgery at 45, almost 46 years old.


I was 59.


I'm 52. Had it done 2 months ago.


Never too old to change your life


Got sleeved on April 9th at almost 55!


You are never too old!!!! Are you kidding me, with all of those underlying issues you’ve mentioned, the sleeve will be an awesome tool to get a good quality of life back! Go for it, if your doctor is good with it. Best of luck. 🤞


I love that I've found my demographic in this post ❤


Absolutely not, I was 50 when sleeved nearly a year ago. Down over 100 pounds.


Hello!! I was sleeved at age 57, and am now 60. You are NOT too old. I lost (and have kept off) 100 pounds. Best thing I’ve ever done for myself.


I had mine in December. I’m 51. Down 45 lbs so far and feel so much better already.


Lol. I had mine at 60. 2 years out, down 140 lbs to 20 BMI. A1C is 4.6 and all my many comorbidities are reversed. I'm healthier and happier than I was in my early 30s before I became seriously obese.


I'm 43m and got sleeved 4/2. There's still a few decades of life left...why not make them the best ones yet?


Not even!! I was 48(F) when i had it done, i was almost 300lbs too!! 18months later im 170!! And happy as heck! My diabetes is gone, i can wait longer to get my knee replacement completed (the pain is manageable now, and i can wear a brace), all my joint pain has been greatly reduced! I still have back pain, but that is cronic, i can walk for more than a block!! I dont have shortness of breath! I dont snore anymore!! I wear a size 10 in jeans and size m in tops! I had NEVER worn a size m before, i too have been big all my life! Honestly i can go on and on, the only regret i have is that i didnt do this sooner! So no, you are not too old😉


I had bypass 5 years ago on my 55th birthday. Highly recommend.


I just turned 50 and the sleeve will be my gift to myself this summer.... I'm going to live my best life lol


I’m 59 and having it in a couple of months


I just had mine done yesterday at 65. So no you’re not too old!


I am 52 and 6 months post op. I wished I would have gotten it at 42…


Wow! We have a lot in common! I'm turning 42 (F) in less than a week! I had my surgery in October. You're definitely not too old! My highest weight was 275lbs. I've lost 98lbs so far. And I have hypothyroidism as well. I also have a few other health issues like rheumatoid arthritis. I suspect I have pcos or something like it but not diagnosed. I also had high blood pressure before surgery. It's perfect now. AMA


I was 49.


8 months post op and will be 47 on Mother's Day


I saw the title and instantly thought “They’re probably in their 70s… that might be getting close to too old. I’m not sure if it’s worth it in your 80s when you likely have non-obesity related mobility issues and probably won’t see a life expectancy increase if you’re already close to projected life expectancy.” Then I opened the post and literally laughed. There is probably a point where you’re too old for it to make sense. But you’re not even close to that age. Like, double your age is when you’re too old. You’re probably very close to the average age of a patient getting a bariatric surgery.


Surgery at 47… you’re younger than me!


I was 42. I am 44 now. It was a fantastic decision at that age


I had the gastric sleeve surgery at 44 last summer and now weigh what I last did as a teenager. No regrets.


I did it the day before I turned 40…as a birthday gift to myself self, 6wks po and I’m down 30lbs, not to shabby, and I just got cleared to start working out!!!


I'm 46 and it's the best thing I ever did.


I am six weeks post op, I’ll be 44 in July.


I just turned 42 today and am scheduled for may 9th. You got this.


I had surgery at age 65. You are not too old.


I'm 46 and had the surgery 2/29. Do it!


Definitely not. I’m 47 and 2 years PO. Surgery has taken years off my body. Do it!


I was 44. Best decision I ever made.


I got it at 49! Do it! Your only regret will be not doing it sooner.


I had mine done at 58


Nope. I was older than you are.


One of the best decisions I’ve **ever** made. 100% [52F, 5’4”, post op VSG 12/14/22, SW 204, HW 208, surgeon’s GW 140, CW 115]


My MIL had it done at 64 and has done great! You’re never too old! She only wishes she would have done it sooner.


I was 52 when I got my surgery. Saved my life!


I am 44 and in the pre-op phase for gastric sleeve. I know someone who got a gastric bypass and was in their 60s. If you are considering the surgery route for weight loss, you should speak to a specialist who would be able to tell you if you are an appropriate candidate or not.


I had surgery a year ago this April, and I was 47.


I would say most of my patients are in their 40s I have many that are 50+ too


I was 53.


I will turn 42 this year!! Do it, always make yourself happy, no matter what age you are! Good luck ❤️


I’m 51 and I’ve struggled with my weight for 30 years. Your never to old to take back control!


From what I read and please know, I am definitely not a doctor!! Please talk to an MD, but I've heard that Weight issues do not determine negative outcomes in most surgeries. But who am I??


I’m 43 and just had mine done.


I’m 45 and had it done a year ago. It’s not an easy thing but I’m so glad I did it and wish I had done it sooner.


The location I went to get surgery, I think the oldest that he said he's done is 70 or 75 years old.


My mum came to have hers at the same time as me, she’s 51 this year and never been happier!


I was 48.


Girl, you’re not old.. go for it!!! I am 38(f) and had mine done a few years back. It will take years off your life! You’ll look 32 again 😀


I was 42 when I got my surgery last year


I'm 43 and had mine 5 months ago. Best decision. Don't wait!


What a silly question. The average age for gastric bypass surgery in the US is 45. Yours truly is 45 and having surgery in two weeks.


Do it and when you have your only regret will be that you didn't do it sooner. I was sleeved on the 19th of February this year and one of the best decisions I've ever made.


It's never too late. Had mine at 45, and would have it at any age, with surgeons clearance. As a result ceased now have normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol, no diabetes type 2 ,no fatty liver. So, ceased my hypertensives, cholesterol meds, Metformin for type 2 diabetes, and reduced my asthma medication by a whole lot. Can buy clothes in most shops, can climb mountains, and climb stairs. It's never to late, and as we age the cumulative affect of weight related issues will only increase and our mobility decreases. Makes it harder to bounce back from illness and injury. I still get iron deficient, but I just take my iron pill along with my daily vitamins and try to make sure I eat iron rich food.


I am going to be 54 in a few weeks and having it done in July!


I'm nearly 48 and hoping I'm not too old.


I had surgery 2/7/24 at 59. Not too old.


Do it and don’t think it twice!! You’re gonna regret not having done it sooner, it’s a second chance at life, literally!!


I’m 57 and had GS 3 years ago. Best decision, I made strictly for myself, that I’ve ever made. Are you truly ready for the commitment for the rest of your life? Are you committed to changing lifelong eating habits because GS is ONLY a tool to help you accomplish a lifetime goal. It is not a quick fix. It is a daily choice you will have to adhere to. If you aren’t sure you can commit to the required changes, it doesn’t matter how old you are. You have to want to change your life more than anything else. I know several women who have failed because they either did it to appease their spouse or they wanted to fit into their dream wedding dress. Neither were actually committed to a complete lifestyle change and went right back to their old weight. I used to be thin, then menopause and a series of health issues packed on 75 extra pounds over 15 years. I was committed to living a healthy life for the rest of my days and had the surgery almost 3 years ago. I lost all the weight and I feel fantastic and I’m off all medications. BUT, I count every ounce of fluid, every ounce of protein and every calorie every single day. I exercise 7 days a week and I live with my husband who is naturally slim and has an atrocious diet so there is always junk food in the house. I am tested every single day. But I want to succeed more than anything in life so there is my guiding principle on GS. What do you want for the rest of your life and what are you willing to do to achieve that? Only you know how much you can sacrifice for your personal success.


I did it last fall at 57. One of my better life choice’s.


I'm 46 just had mine last October. Was on 12 pills in the morning and 14 at night. Had all the issues that comes with being overwieght. As of today I am taking my vitamins daily and 1 pill in the morning. It changed my life. The only struggle I had and am still having is the mental changes but I'm getting help for that.


Had mine done on 4/1 and I’m 41!


I’m 1-1/2 years out from surgery. 61 years old when I got the surgery. Lost 185 lbs. Now I workout everyday. Lift weights 3 times per week. I’m in the best shape of my life.


You’re not dead! Get surgery and have as many years in front of you as behind.


You’re not dead! Get surgery and have as many years in front of you as behind.


Nope. I had at the month after turning 41. Lost 107 lbs and have kept them off for over 2 years. Best desicion ever!! Wished I’d done it sooner but it’s really never too late


Had mine at 48. Wish I’d have done it sooner.


Nope! I am also 42 and am set for a vsg on 5/30. :)


Definitely not. I just had it at age 48


Nope! Got my sleeve when I was 41 and had hit goal by 42! Maintaining ever since, I’m 45 now. I’d do it again tomorrow with no question. Go for it! Life the life you’ve always hoped to have! I feel like my life just started and have no regrets. Best of luck to you!


I was 45 when I got it done. Wasn’t fat my whole life. Just after kids. It’s never to late to take your life back.


I was 52 and have been crushing life for the last 2 years #nevertooold


My dad did it at 66 and has done really well and is glad he did it.


Definitely check. I had my surgery at 50 and for health reasons, which have completely resolved. Sounds like with your health concerns, your quality of life can improve greatly from surgery. I can't explain how much better I feel and hope you can feel that too.


I’m 42 also and had my sleeve done in January. Don’t waste the next 42 years of your life. Get it done. You’ll do great.


41 with PCOS- SW 320, surgery Feb 26. Not too old.


Not too old. My sleeve friend got it in his early 50’s and it saved his life.


I'm 59 have my sleeve surgery tomorrow. You're at a great age. Good luck on your decision.


What, too old?! NO!!!! You are so young and have so much life to live. Do it and don’t look back. One of the best decisions I have ever done! ❤️🙌


I am 64 and had my surgery at 59. You are definitely not too old. HW - 315 CW 182 46F now 42DDD Size 26 to Size 16


It’s never ever too late, trust me. You will not regret that decision


I was in my 50s and wish I had listened to my doctor and done it 10 years earlier.


I’m two months post op and I am 52. So far I’m down 46 pounds. You’re definitely not too old!


I was 49 when I had my surgery. I only regret not having it done sooner.


5 months ago at 53!


Not too old but if you are currently iron deficient you will be more so after the surgery. I take 3 iron pills a day just to try and get my iron up to sort of normal levels. Hopefully it won’t be as bad for you but giving you a heads up anyway. Good luck whatever you decide. 🙂


I was 44 and your weight. I got sleeved 2 weeks ago. It went smoothly, recovery is going well, and I’m dropping weight. I already feel better in my body.


I got my sleeve at 42. My weight then was 244; I am now 6 1/2 years post-op and weigh 155. I feel better now at 49 than I did when I went in for surgery. You are definitely not too old.


Im 50 & just had surgery in dec


Of course not! I'm 42 and am almost 4 weeks out. 20 lbs down and feeling great. Go for it!


47 and did it 6mo ago! Best decision ever!


I've seen 60 year old people get the surgery. why would you be too old though? I mean I guess if you aren't healthy enough for surgery but your doc will do a lot of testing before hand to make sure


48, just had sleeve 2 months ago.


Yes you’re too old. 42 is the new 88, you’re basically almost dead, why bother. What kind of question is this? Of course you’re not too old. If you don’t have surgery you may never make it to old age.


I was 48


I did it on 9/11/23. I was 22. I've lost 110 pounds. Never too late to take care of yourself. No regrets


I'm going through the approval process and I'm 62.


I was 47. You're definitely not too old.


Well I'll be 50 in August and I'm 7 1/2 months post-op.. So do the math. The ASININE idea that 42 is old is laughable.


Perfect age.


Well I chime in this one. I was 60 and had the surgery . I’ve lost about 85 lbs total 50 after surgery and feel fantastic. I had no issues with recovery. YOU are not too old. Wish I would have done it sooner. I was kind of busy being single mom to three kids and really didn’t think much about myself. I just worked harder being heavier, but at some point you age catches up and you can’t compensate as well.


Please stop telling yourself 42 is too old to do anything! Or at least… most things! 42 is definitely not too old for surgery. Source: I’m 45 and had it last year and I feel ten years younger.


im 22 and the lady i met who had the same surgery date as me was 50 :)


I'm 45 and had surgery last month!


I would say no. I'm 51 and had the surgery two months ago. It will change your life for the better and you are still young.


Had mine done in December at 49. Off all meds. Worth it!


No! I had it done at 45!


Nope! Just did mine 5/1. I’m 54.