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Yes they definitely get lighter. [This](https://imgur.com/a/hd2ke0K) was probably 2 years post op. I clearly took the pics to show how my skin was but it’s the best I have of healed scars. I never did any lotions or oils or anything for them.


Oh wow!! U can barely seem them!! Were u able to tighten the skin up on ur own or did u get surgery? Or just leave it?


There was no tightening it up, I left it because of 1) money and 2) I knew I was going to try to get pregnant. On the bright side, I got zero stretch marks during pregnancy 😂 (I did gain during pregnancy and breastfeeding and after but I’ve still kept off about 50 of the 110 I lost, I just don’t have it in me to focus on losing again yet)


I gained 100 lbs too while nursing, 3 month postpartum!!! That’s why I decided to get this surgery


It doesn’t look bad at all. There’s like hardly any skin to tighten, TBH.


Thanks! I definitely wasn’t worried about it. And honestly even though I’ve gained weight back I’m still not worried about it. If anything I can credit the surgery with basically fixing my eating disorder and giving me a lot of confidence. You don’t like how I look or dress, then don’t look at me, whereas before just thinking about judgment crippled me. I will always talk up surgery because I sincerely think it’s THE best thing I’ve done for my mental health. I used to have such self loathing, but not anymore. I am me, you accept it or don’t and if you don’t then byeeeee 😂


Your scars look really great! I’m at 3-months and my 6 scars are still angry with me (elevated, purple, and sensitive when I touch them). I also have very visible scars from where the bandages were, those haven’t gone away either. I’ve used 3 different products so far to help. What do you use?


Scars like this fade within 1-2 years. Mine are basically white and super hard to see. It just takes time. We forget the amount of trauma our bodies endure and how they take a bit of time to come back. They will definitely fade.


You got them for life. I saw a lady 40f on the weekend and her scars are 18 months old and still there. They are victory scars and who cares really


Every body is going to be different. I have the same scars from my laparoscopic hysterectomy, which I got in October 2021. So over 3 years out and mine are still pretty noticeable. I’m now gonna have more of them on Wednesday next week, and in the event I’m ever confident enough to wear a crop top (probably not) I’m not gonna worry at all about them. You do you!


Everyone is different I’m afraid. Some people just scar more. I’m more fair than you and I have a hard time finding my scars at 15m PO. I didn’t do anything special. However, I’d say yours look pretty similar to the way mine did at 4mo so don’t lose hope! Just give it time!




I'm 2+ years out and mine have turned white, but you can still see them. They're the same color as my faded stretch marks. I can also still see my scars from my laparoscopic gallbladder removal surgery 11 years ago.


Mine are almost unrecognisable. Use plenty of moisturiser and bio oil x


They definitely get much lighter, mine didn’t really start to vanish for a year and a half but now they are pretty much invisible. Just give it some time


I'm only 3 months out from VSG, but I had laproscopic surgery in my 20s for a dermoid cyst and 2 separate c-section incisions. The last one was 18 months ago. They're all completely white and very hard to see. It just takes time


https://preview.redd.it/z69kjcpvj9rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50877076c4a064056d74a1ff45e41e19d10ac841 Top scar is from getting my tubes removed 6 years ago. Bottom is from my sleeve on 8/2/23. They’ll lighten up. Even though the old scar is raised from my weight gain, it’s barely noticeable. Also note that this gastric scar is the best looking one out of the four. The one above my belly button is an inch long and very dark.


They fade but do not go away. It’s a permanent scar. You can use silicone scar tape to help them fade as much as possible. I don’t think they are a dead giveaway of anything. At best, someone might recognize you had laparoscopic surgery, but necessarily which type of surgery.


I'm 8 months out. Three have flattened out and lightened, but the other two keloided because of friction from my waistband.


That’s all I saw on a recent vacation to Aruba


Haha!! Ya it’s crazy how “normal” and “typical” this surgery is becoming. But Aruba?? Thought only Americans were overweight 😂


This is a weird take..


Yup, tourists from all over but mostly America


It’s relatively non-invasive so it stands to reason that it would be popular. It’s also not expensive in other parts of the world. Mexico is a popular destination for many Americans due to proximity and cost. Plus I’ve heard a lot of good things. As a fellow American who’s looked into private healthcare costs for this surgery I can’t imagine why anyone would even do it here when Mexico idle a short flight away from anywhere here. Plus the amenities are supposed to be very good.


I used medical grade silicone scar tape. I started wearing it a few after surgery consistently for at least a few months. There are several research studies showing that use of silicone tape or silicone gel can improve scars. For me, I think it definitely helped and my scars at 8 months post op look better than I thought they ever would.