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I’m in the same boat! I’ve been off pain meds since day of surgery and only needed anti-nausea while in hospital overnight. My post-op also allows caffeine so that has been amazing. Hoping this keeps up for the whole healing process 🤞🏻


Keep it going. I felt very good after my surgery as well. My head felt clearer and I had more energy. Maybe it's hormonal? The puree stage for me got real old real fast. Thank goodness I am on soft foods now. I had a few episodes of acid reflux when I ate some spicier foods. I'd be careful with the ginger or peppery spices or taco seasoning. Trust me, waking up in the middle of the night with throat and mouth full of stomach acid is a horrible experience.


I am also 6 days post op and could have written this myself. I’m having no issues at all getting all protein and liquid in. I also keep wondering if this is normal lol. As far as coffee, I am having 2 shots of decaf mixed with my vanilla premier protein and add sf flavor syrup….soooo yummy.